01-08-2006, 23:42
Welcome to the BDI imperial guard storefront, please make youself at home, and have a crispy delicious treat. If you have Any Questions and/or comments, feel free to post them. We will do anything to make shopping here easier. (Please note: You must add up your own costs, Sorry)
1. Combat Shortsword
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/8311/1303fullqj8.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Length: 12 Inches
This is a basic hand to hand combat weapon, for best results, sharpen blade once a month.
Cost: 50 Dollars
1.5 Chainsword
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/2954/chainswordthumbcq2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
frequently carried by assault troops and low-ranking officers of the Imperial Guard and Space Marines (including the Traitor Legions); but it is sometimes seen amongst other races, notably the Striking Scorpions of the Craftworld Eldar. Another common variant is the chain axe, which is usually carried by Chaos Space Marines (normally of the World Eaters Legion) known as Berzerkers of Khorne. Such is the skill of these Berzerkers and the weight of their massive chain axes that the axes are nearly as powerful as the much-feared power weapon
Cost: 200 Dollars
2. Laspistol
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/3357/pislasmy2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
The laspistol is a pistol form of the lasgun, designed for fast wielding rather than firepower or range. It is often taken in conjunction with a close combat weapon by officers. To see how all laguns work, see Lasgun.
Cost: 350 Dollars
3. Plasma Pistol
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/962/thumb40793gl4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Plasma guns, Plasma pistols and Plasma Cannons use magnetic fields to accelerate balls of extremely hot gases (plasma) towards the target. Although the guns themselves are quite temperamental, and technology has been changed or lost (sometimes to the point of near obscurity), plasma weapons find regular use throughout the armies of the Imperium. They are difficult to maintain, but they are worth the risk on the field, as they have a long range and quite high strength. Their power is countered by poor cooling, and they can build up dangerous levels of heat with continuous operation. On these occasions, they will explosively vent the built up heat, killing the operator.
Cost: 1000 Dollars
[No Image]
Hellguns and hellpistols are a more advanced form of laser weapon, carried by the elite Storm Trooper or Kasrkin regiments. They pack a slightly harder punch than comparable laser weapons, to get through light infantry armour and to also deal greater damage. However, the higher power output requires either a backpack power source or multiple specialised power cells, and hell weapons often require a higher level of maintenance. Due to this need most Guard regiments aren't equipped with this demanding firearm and use the more reliable and less demanding lasgun
Cost: 500 Dollars
Bolt Pistol
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/1252/boltpistolthumbtm7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
The bolt pistol is more common than the boltgun, but is generally only available to officers, seasoned veterans, and Space Marines (especially their assault units). They are commonly used by commissars, both for battling and field executions, leading to pistols being nicknamed, "Bravery Bolters". A bolt pistol is better than the laspistol but is harder to produce, making its use somewhat rare. A standard bolt pistol is capable of housing between 6 and 10 rounds of ammunition, and has a barrel diameter of .75 calibre.
Cost: 650 Dollars
Auto Pistol
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/6664/autopistolfn1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Auto weapons are generally weapons which use solid-slug ammunition, and appear in pistol, rifle or cannon form. They are effectively identical to contemporary firearms. Autopistols and autoguns serve similar purposes to laspistols and lasguns. Some soldiers prefer solid ammunition to lasguns, as solid ammunition will ensure that the enemy will continue bleeding while lasfire immediately cauterizes wounds. In protracted firefights an autogun is more likely to run out of ammunition than a las-weapon, given the same space for spare ammo, as it lacks the recharging ability. Even so, auto weapons are still popular among soldiers of the Imperial Guard; it was the standard-issue weapon of war for them until the 32nd millennium.
Cost: 300 Dollars
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/7540/renderlasgunlargejpgec1b7f2c924b40f28c7206cdf60e6106lqk1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Lasguns are easy to make and maintain, hence their use throughout the Imperial Guard. Lasgun power cells can be recharged by leaving them in sunlight, or (if totally desperate) in a fire, although this decreases pack-life. Lasguns can also use the overpowered hotshot power cell. This drains and damages the cell and barrel quicker, but gives a more potent and powerful shot. Certain types of lasgun have specific uses, most notably the more powerful long-las which is the catch-all term for sniper variants because they bear longer barrels.
Cost: 600 Dollars
Hell Gun
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/5307/hellguniithumbku5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Hell Guns are a more advanced form of laser weapon, carried by the elite Storm Trooper or Kasrkin regiments. They pack a slightly harder punch than comparable laser weapons, to get through light infantry armour and to also deal greater damage. However, the higher power output requires either a backpack power source or multiple specialised power cells, and hell weapons often require a higher level of maintenance. Due to this need most Guard regiments aren't equipped with this demanding firearm and use the more reliable and less demanding lasgun.
Cost: 750 Dollars
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/708/b1575pldb8.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Bolters, rarely used by normal soldiers of the Imperium, are more effective and more complex than the standard pattern lasgun. They are loaded with mass-reactive self-propelled ammunition that explodes a split second after impact. Bolters are mainly used by the genetically engineered Space Marines due to the logistical problem such an ammunition-craving weapon system would propose for the Imperial Guard.
Cost: 2000
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/9297/abautogunfu1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Autoguns serve similar purposes to laspistols and lasguns. Some soldiers prefer solid ammunition to lasguns, as solid ammunition will ensure that the enemy will continue bleeding while lasfire immediately cauterizes wounds. In protracted firefights an autogun is more likely to run out of ammunition than a las-weapon, given the same space for spare ammo, as it lacks the recharging ability. Even so, auto weapons are still popular among soldiers of the Imperial Guard.
Cost: 700
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/6412/flamertr2.gif (http://imageshack.us)
The Flamer is a flamethrower-type weapons that project an ignited stream of prometheum fuel over a wide area, meaning it can hit many enemies in one shot. Flamers are infantry support weapons, given usually by officers to their most courageous soldiers as a sort of honour, but most troopers carry these with disdain.
Cost: 1500 Dollars
Plasma Gun
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/4117/plasmagunlargebr4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Plasma guns, Plasma pistols and Plasma Cannons use magnetic fields to accelerate balls of extremely hot gases (plasma) towards the target. Although the guns themselves are quite temperamental, and technology has been changed or lost (sometimes to the point of near obscurity), plasma weapons find regular use throughout the armies of the Imperium. They are difficult to maintain, but they are worth the risk on the field, as they have a long range and quite high strength. Their power is countered by poor cooling, and they can build up dangerous levels of heat with continuous operation. On these occasions, they will explosively vent the built up heat, killing the operator.
Cost: 6000 Dollars
Rocket Launcher
[No Image Available]
These launchers fire two types of grenade/missile, Frag and Krak. Frag projectiles (short for fragmentation) are designed to spray an area with shrapnel, making them useful against lightly armored infantry. Krak projectiles are powerful anti-tank shots which are less useful against masses of infantry. Grenades, naturally, are less powerful than missiles, but are easier to fire on the move.
Cost: 20 000
Melta Gun
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/6388/meltagungy9.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
The meltagun and multimelta (also known as 'cookers' or 'vape guns'), as well as the grenade-like meltabomb, are formidable weapons. They have a short range but are very powerful; they are even more powerful the closer they are to their target. A meltagun works by forcing a pyrum petrol fuel mix into a sub-molecular state (a miniature fusion reaction), and then projecting it from the barrel as a blast of incredible heat. The grenade variant's fuel has already been hypercondensed and is no less devastating. These are highly useful against heavily armored units, as they melt the target from within. Multimeltas resemble two meltaguns fused together. They have a longer effective range than a normal melta.
Cost: 5000
[No Image Available]
The mortar has the ability to bombard enemy positions from behind cover. As such the vulnerability of Guardsmen is reduced and they survive longer. The rarer Griffon siege mortar has a rather larger explosive force than its man-portable variants, and is an excellent bunker-buster when equipped with specialist siege shells. It is usually mounted on chimera hulls to provide mobile support.
Cost: 19 000
[Image Not Available]
An old weapon, much the same as the heavy stubber, which fires solid slugs that burst into submunitions to spread out over a wider area. Most Guardsmen that use the shotgun prefer the double-barrelled version, and its reliability makes it the mainstay of the Elysian Drop Troopers, who prefer it over the lasgun when entering hostile drop zones. The Adeptus Arbites also use the shotgun for crowd control and urban conditions and have developed special 'Executioner' shells for them.
Shotguns are commonly used by criminal lowlifes in the lawless regions of most hive cities, where a large variety of specialist ammunition is used, including man-stopper rounds, modified bolt rounds and incendiary shells.
Imperial navy ships carry shotguns for the crew to use during rare boarding actions or, more frequently, against uprisings by crewmen aboard the ship. Space Marine Scout squads are also known to use shotguns in their missions.
Cost: 900 Dollars
Basilisk Artillery Tank
http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/5183/imperialguardcadianbasiliskmkiibp0.gif (http://imageshack.us)
Equipped with the longest-range weapon available to a standard Imperial Guard regiment, Basilisk artillery vehicles utilise the standard Chimera chassis, with all transport capacity and the turret weapon removed, leaving it with a single hull weapon and the Earthshaker cannon. It is capable of being adjusted for indirect firing, laying down fire for effect at coordinates provided by forward observation units. The near-deafening shriek of an incoming shell from the Earthshaker cannon has a strong psychological effect on just about any opponent who has heard it. Despite its extreme battlefield effectiveness - a well-placed Earthshaker round will utterly crush all but the heaviest units and fortifications - it is lightly armored, leaving it vulnerable to enemy anti-vehicle armaments and even heavier anti-infantry weapons (such as the Tau pulse weaponry).
Top Speed: 50 mph
Weapons: Earthshaker Cannon, Machine gun
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 1 Machine gunner, 2 Earthshaker Operators
Earthshaker Range: 5 KM
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Armour: Light
Cost: 5 Million Dollars
Chimera Transport Tank [APC]
http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/370/4707kd3.gif (http://imageshack.us)
The standard armoured personnel carrier of the Imperial Guard, the Chimera carries a variety of heavy weapons, such as the heavy bolter, autocannon, and heavy flamer, although the multilaser is most common. It also mounts a hull mounted heavy bolter or heavy flamer, as well as 6 hull mounted lasguns on the sides which can be fired by their passengers. It can carry up to 12 men, and has amphibious capability, and so can also take part in naval assaults. The Chimera chassis is very durable, and is the basis for many other IG tanks, including the Basilisk, Hellhound and Griffon.
Top Speed: 75 mph
Weapons: Multi Laser, Machine Gun
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 1 Machine gunner, 1 Multi Laser Operator
Multi Laser Range: 300 metres
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Armour: Light
Cost: 3 Million Dollars
Griffon Mortar Tank
http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/9349/imperialguardgriffonoz5.gif (http://imageshack.us)
Top Speed: 55 Mph
The Griffon is a heavy mortar carrier with the same armour as a Chimera, and is often used when Basilisk support is unavalible.
Weapons: Mortar, Heavy Bolter
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 1 Machine gunner, 2 Mortar Operators
Mortar Range: 2 KM
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Armour: Light
Cost: 4 Million Dollars
Hellhound Flamer Tank
http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/8788/4712nx0.gif (http://imageshack.us)
Based on the Chimera chassis design, the Hellhound is outfitted with a weapon known as the 'Inferno Cannon'. It is, essentially, a large, high-pressure flamethrower designed to project streams of ignited promethium at long range, coating targets in burning accelerant. By the sheer nature of the weapon, the Hellhound has sacrificed all of its troop carrying capacity to carry Promethium in two tremendous tanks that are exposed to enemy fire. The men that crew Hellhounds are often pyromaniacs, and in addition to being considered insane by their fellow Guardsmen for their willingness to operate such a dangerous vehicle, are often found modifying the components of their Inferno Cannons to produce even greater output.
Weapons: Inferno Cannon, Heavy Bolter
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 1 Machine gunner, 2 Inferno Cannon Operators
Inferno Cannon: 75 Yards
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Armour: Light
Cost: 4 Million Dollars
Salamander Scout Vehicle
http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/894/imperialguardcommandsalamanderxo0.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Also based on the Chimera Chassis, the Salamander is an open-topped, lightly armored scouting vehicle, and usually armed with a single autocannon.
Weapons: AutoCannon, Heavy Bolter
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 1 Machine gunner, 2 Autocannon Operators
Auto Cannon Range: 500 Yards
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Armour: Light
Cost: 3 Million
Leman Russ Battle Tank
http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/2797/imperialguardcadianlemanrussmkiiuf1.gif (http://imageshack.us)
The Leman Russ Battle Tank, named after Primarch Leman Russ of the Space Wolves, is the main line tank for the Imperial Guard. With its turret-mounted Battle Cannon and three Heavy Bolters, it is more than capable of mowing down troops, vehicles and buildings alike. It is the most common battle tank in the Imperial arsenal, and many variants have been built on the same general design. However, this mighty tank is also feared in the Imperium, as both The Lost and the Damned and the Orks have captured many of these fearsome war engines and modified them for their own purposes.
Weapons: Battle Cannon, 3 Heavy Bolters, Lascannon
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 3 Machine gunners, 2 Lascannon Operators, 2 Battlecannon Operators
Battle Cannon Range: 1/2 - 1 KM
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Lascannon Range: 500 Metres
Armour: Standard
Cost: 6.5 Million Dollars
Leman Russ Vanquisher
http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/3144/vnqshrll5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
A rare, more advanced variant of the standard Leman Russ, the longer-barreled Vanquisher Cannon is capable of firing powerful anti-tank shells. In addition, a storm bolter is mounted coaxially to the main cannon.
Weapons: Battle Cannon, 1 Heavy Bolter, Lascannon
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 1 Machine gunner, 2 Lascannon Operators, 2 Vanquisher Cannon Operators
Vanquisher Cannon Range: 1 KM - 1.5 KM
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Lascannon Range: 500 Metres
Armour: Heavy
Cost: 8 Million Dollars
Leman Russ Exterminator Tank
Exterminators are armed with a pair of autocannons to mow down enemy infantry. This makes them somewhat more mobile in use than most other variants. Because of this, Leman Russ Exterminators are often seen utilized by the Space Wolves in honour of their Primarch. The Exterminator can be seen as the IG's equivalent to the Space Marines' the Predator Destructor.
Weapons: 2 Autocannons, 3 Heavy Bolters,
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 3 Machine gunners, 2 Autocannon operators
Autocannon Range 500 Yards
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Armour: Standard
Cost: 5.5 Million Dollars
Leman Russ Demolisher
http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/8822/4711ib9.gif (http://imageshack.us)
The Leman Russ Demolisher is a variant tank built for heavy armor and short-range firepower. It replaces the Battle Cannon with a powerful, snub-nosed Demolisher Cannon, a siege weapon that can often smash through the thickest walls. The Demolisher Cannon is far stronger than the standard Battle Cannon, however, it's capped at 1/3 of the range. The sponsons can be mounted with Multi-Meltas or Plasma Cannons.
Weapons:1 Demolisher Cannon, 3 1 Lascannon,
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 2 Demolisher Cannon Operators, 2 Autocannon operators.
Demolisher Cannon Range: 1/2 KM
Lascannon Range: 500 Metres
Armour: Heavy
Cost: 6 Million Dollars
Leman Russ Conquerer
http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/3257/cnqrrbb5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
A variant that was produced exclusively at the Forge World of Gryphonne IV, the Conqueror's main cannon has a shorter barrel and smaller bore, making it less powerful than the standard tank, but the cannon can be fired easily on the move making the tank far more mobile.
Weapons:1 Conquerer Cannon,1 Lascannon, 3 Heavy Bolters
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 2 Conquerer Cannon Operators, 2 Lascannon operators, 3 Machine Gunners
Conquerer Cannon Range: 1/2 KM
Lascannon Range: 500 Metres
Heavy Bolter Range: 300 yards
Armour: Standard
Cost: 5.5 Million Dollars
Leman Russ Executioner
http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/7984/executionertr1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
A variant produced only on the Forge World of Ryza, the Executioner is armed with the Plasma Destructor, a temperamental, slightly more powerful version of the Plasma Cannon. This is exclusive to Ryza as this world is the only one that still remembers and practices the fine art of Plasma Weaponary.
Weapons:1 Executioner Cannons, 3 Heavy Bolters
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 2 Conquerer Cannon Operators, 2 Lascannon operators, 3 Machine Gunners
Conquerer Cannon Range: 1/2 KM
Lascannon Range: 500 Metres
Heavy Bolter Range: 300 yards
Armour: Standard
Cost: 10 Million Dollars
Baneblade Tank
http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/443/imperialguardbaneblademaximillianweisemannkm7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
The Baneblade is the primary super-heavy tank used by the Imperial Guard Armoured Companies, and is one of the largest and oldest tanks used by the Imperium. The Baneblade is created from one of the rare Standard Template Constructs, and is armed with an extremely heavy main Battle Cannon, a Demolisher Cannon, and numerous lascannons and heavy bolters. The tremendous fire power and survivability of the Baneblade are valuable assests, but more so is the increase in morale amongst smaller tanks and infantry when one of these rare behemoths is deployed.
The vast majority of Baneblades are produced on the forgeworld of Mars, with a select few others granted the honour of creating this war machine or one of its several variants. Every Baneblade is given its own identity number and name, and all records of the vehicle's service and actions are reverently recorded.
Weapons: 2 Battle Cannons 10 Heavy Bolters, 2 Lascannons
Crew Needed: 4 Battlecannon operators, 2 Drivers, 10 Machine Gunners 4 Lascannon Operators
Armour: VERY VERY Heavy Armour
Cost: 1 Billion Dollars
http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/9272/warlordtitanfn4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Titans are huge war machines, towering from 50-200 ft which stand high above the battlefield, able to decimate entire armies. Opposing Titans are usually the determinate of extremely large scale battles (excess of a million people) finishing it with cataclysmic duel. A single Titan can level a city and is nearly invulnerable to other forces. It's ledgendary Titan Cannons have been known to almost level city blocks in one shot. The only known way to destroy a Titan, is to capture it.
Weapons: 2 Titan Cannons, 4 Lascannons, 10 Heavy Bolters
Crew Needed: 4 Titan Cannon Operators, 4 Drivers, 8 Lascannon Operators, 10 Machine Gunners
Armour: Godlike Armour, Almost Invunerable.
Titan Cannon Range: 2-3 KM
Cost: 10 Billion Dollars
http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/4031/stlsentinelew7.gif (http://imageshack.us)
A lightweight walker, Sentinels are often fielded in squadrons as scouts or flank support. They can carry a variety of heavy weapons and bring high levels of power and maneuvrability together in one place. They are lightly armoured however, and are susceptible to small arms fire. Sentinel pilots are often loners and outcasts, and are often considered to be on the borderline of insolence by officers.
Weapons: Laser Cannon
Crew Needed: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner
Laser Cannon Range: 500 Yards
Armour: Standard
Cost: 1 Million
Coming Tommorow: AIR VEHICLES!!!
Now Get Fragging
:mp5: :sniper: :mp5: :sniper: :mp5:
1. Combat Shortsword
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/8311/1303fullqj8.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Length: 12 Inches
This is a basic hand to hand combat weapon, for best results, sharpen blade once a month.
Cost: 50 Dollars
1.5 Chainsword
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/2954/chainswordthumbcq2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
frequently carried by assault troops and low-ranking officers of the Imperial Guard and Space Marines (including the Traitor Legions); but it is sometimes seen amongst other races, notably the Striking Scorpions of the Craftworld Eldar. Another common variant is the chain axe, which is usually carried by Chaos Space Marines (normally of the World Eaters Legion) known as Berzerkers of Khorne. Such is the skill of these Berzerkers and the weight of their massive chain axes that the axes are nearly as powerful as the much-feared power weapon
Cost: 200 Dollars
2. Laspistol
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/3357/pislasmy2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
The laspistol is a pistol form of the lasgun, designed for fast wielding rather than firepower or range. It is often taken in conjunction with a close combat weapon by officers. To see how all laguns work, see Lasgun.
Cost: 350 Dollars
3. Plasma Pistol
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/962/thumb40793gl4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Plasma guns, Plasma pistols and Plasma Cannons use magnetic fields to accelerate balls of extremely hot gases (plasma) towards the target. Although the guns themselves are quite temperamental, and technology has been changed or lost (sometimes to the point of near obscurity), plasma weapons find regular use throughout the armies of the Imperium. They are difficult to maintain, but they are worth the risk on the field, as they have a long range and quite high strength. Their power is countered by poor cooling, and they can build up dangerous levels of heat with continuous operation. On these occasions, they will explosively vent the built up heat, killing the operator.
Cost: 1000 Dollars
[No Image]
Hellguns and hellpistols are a more advanced form of laser weapon, carried by the elite Storm Trooper or Kasrkin regiments. They pack a slightly harder punch than comparable laser weapons, to get through light infantry armour and to also deal greater damage. However, the higher power output requires either a backpack power source or multiple specialised power cells, and hell weapons often require a higher level of maintenance. Due to this need most Guard regiments aren't equipped with this demanding firearm and use the more reliable and less demanding lasgun
Cost: 500 Dollars
Bolt Pistol
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/1252/boltpistolthumbtm7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
The bolt pistol is more common than the boltgun, but is generally only available to officers, seasoned veterans, and Space Marines (especially their assault units). They are commonly used by commissars, both for battling and field executions, leading to pistols being nicknamed, "Bravery Bolters". A bolt pistol is better than the laspistol but is harder to produce, making its use somewhat rare. A standard bolt pistol is capable of housing between 6 and 10 rounds of ammunition, and has a barrel diameter of .75 calibre.
Cost: 650 Dollars
Auto Pistol
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/6664/autopistolfn1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Auto weapons are generally weapons which use solid-slug ammunition, and appear in pistol, rifle or cannon form. They are effectively identical to contemporary firearms. Autopistols and autoguns serve similar purposes to laspistols and lasguns. Some soldiers prefer solid ammunition to lasguns, as solid ammunition will ensure that the enemy will continue bleeding while lasfire immediately cauterizes wounds. In protracted firefights an autogun is more likely to run out of ammunition than a las-weapon, given the same space for spare ammo, as it lacks the recharging ability. Even so, auto weapons are still popular among soldiers of the Imperial Guard; it was the standard-issue weapon of war for them until the 32nd millennium.
Cost: 300 Dollars
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/7540/renderlasgunlargejpgec1b7f2c924b40f28c7206cdf60e6106lqk1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Lasguns are easy to make and maintain, hence their use throughout the Imperial Guard. Lasgun power cells can be recharged by leaving them in sunlight, or (if totally desperate) in a fire, although this decreases pack-life. Lasguns can also use the overpowered hotshot power cell. This drains and damages the cell and barrel quicker, but gives a more potent and powerful shot. Certain types of lasgun have specific uses, most notably the more powerful long-las which is the catch-all term for sniper variants because they bear longer barrels.
Cost: 600 Dollars
Hell Gun
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/5307/hellguniithumbku5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Hell Guns are a more advanced form of laser weapon, carried by the elite Storm Trooper or Kasrkin regiments. They pack a slightly harder punch than comparable laser weapons, to get through light infantry armour and to also deal greater damage. However, the higher power output requires either a backpack power source or multiple specialised power cells, and hell weapons often require a higher level of maintenance. Due to this need most Guard regiments aren't equipped with this demanding firearm and use the more reliable and less demanding lasgun.
Cost: 750 Dollars
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/708/b1575pldb8.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Bolters, rarely used by normal soldiers of the Imperium, are more effective and more complex than the standard pattern lasgun. They are loaded with mass-reactive self-propelled ammunition that explodes a split second after impact. Bolters are mainly used by the genetically engineered Space Marines due to the logistical problem such an ammunition-craving weapon system would propose for the Imperial Guard.
Cost: 2000
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/9297/abautogunfu1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Autoguns serve similar purposes to laspistols and lasguns. Some soldiers prefer solid ammunition to lasguns, as solid ammunition will ensure that the enemy will continue bleeding while lasfire immediately cauterizes wounds. In protracted firefights an autogun is more likely to run out of ammunition than a las-weapon, given the same space for spare ammo, as it lacks the recharging ability. Even so, auto weapons are still popular among soldiers of the Imperial Guard.
Cost: 700
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/6412/flamertr2.gif (http://imageshack.us)
The Flamer is a flamethrower-type weapons that project an ignited stream of prometheum fuel over a wide area, meaning it can hit many enemies in one shot. Flamers are infantry support weapons, given usually by officers to their most courageous soldiers as a sort of honour, but most troopers carry these with disdain.
Cost: 1500 Dollars
Plasma Gun
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/4117/plasmagunlargebr4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Plasma guns, Plasma pistols and Plasma Cannons use magnetic fields to accelerate balls of extremely hot gases (plasma) towards the target. Although the guns themselves are quite temperamental, and technology has been changed or lost (sometimes to the point of near obscurity), plasma weapons find regular use throughout the armies of the Imperium. They are difficult to maintain, but they are worth the risk on the field, as they have a long range and quite high strength. Their power is countered by poor cooling, and they can build up dangerous levels of heat with continuous operation. On these occasions, they will explosively vent the built up heat, killing the operator.
Cost: 6000 Dollars
Rocket Launcher
[No Image Available]
These launchers fire two types of grenade/missile, Frag and Krak. Frag projectiles (short for fragmentation) are designed to spray an area with shrapnel, making them useful against lightly armored infantry. Krak projectiles are powerful anti-tank shots which are less useful against masses of infantry. Grenades, naturally, are less powerful than missiles, but are easier to fire on the move.
Cost: 20 000
Melta Gun
http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/6388/meltagungy9.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
The meltagun and multimelta (also known as 'cookers' or 'vape guns'), as well as the grenade-like meltabomb, are formidable weapons. They have a short range but are very powerful; they are even more powerful the closer they are to their target. A meltagun works by forcing a pyrum petrol fuel mix into a sub-molecular state (a miniature fusion reaction), and then projecting it from the barrel as a blast of incredible heat. The grenade variant's fuel has already been hypercondensed and is no less devastating. These are highly useful against heavily armored units, as they melt the target from within. Multimeltas resemble two meltaguns fused together. They have a longer effective range than a normal melta.
Cost: 5000
[No Image Available]
The mortar has the ability to bombard enemy positions from behind cover. As such the vulnerability of Guardsmen is reduced and they survive longer. The rarer Griffon siege mortar has a rather larger explosive force than its man-portable variants, and is an excellent bunker-buster when equipped with specialist siege shells. It is usually mounted on chimera hulls to provide mobile support.
Cost: 19 000
[Image Not Available]
An old weapon, much the same as the heavy stubber, which fires solid slugs that burst into submunitions to spread out over a wider area. Most Guardsmen that use the shotgun prefer the double-barrelled version, and its reliability makes it the mainstay of the Elysian Drop Troopers, who prefer it over the lasgun when entering hostile drop zones. The Adeptus Arbites also use the shotgun for crowd control and urban conditions and have developed special 'Executioner' shells for them.
Shotguns are commonly used by criminal lowlifes in the lawless regions of most hive cities, where a large variety of specialist ammunition is used, including man-stopper rounds, modified bolt rounds and incendiary shells.
Imperial navy ships carry shotguns for the crew to use during rare boarding actions or, more frequently, against uprisings by crewmen aboard the ship. Space Marine Scout squads are also known to use shotguns in their missions.
Cost: 900 Dollars
Basilisk Artillery Tank
http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/5183/imperialguardcadianbasiliskmkiibp0.gif (http://imageshack.us)
Equipped with the longest-range weapon available to a standard Imperial Guard regiment, Basilisk artillery vehicles utilise the standard Chimera chassis, with all transport capacity and the turret weapon removed, leaving it with a single hull weapon and the Earthshaker cannon. It is capable of being adjusted for indirect firing, laying down fire for effect at coordinates provided by forward observation units. The near-deafening shriek of an incoming shell from the Earthshaker cannon has a strong psychological effect on just about any opponent who has heard it. Despite its extreme battlefield effectiveness - a well-placed Earthshaker round will utterly crush all but the heaviest units and fortifications - it is lightly armored, leaving it vulnerable to enemy anti-vehicle armaments and even heavier anti-infantry weapons (such as the Tau pulse weaponry).
Top Speed: 50 mph
Weapons: Earthshaker Cannon, Machine gun
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 1 Machine gunner, 2 Earthshaker Operators
Earthshaker Range: 5 KM
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Armour: Light
Cost: 5 Million Dollars
Chimera Transport Tank [APC]
http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/370/4707kd3.gif (http://imageshack.us)
The standard armoured personnel carrier of the Imperial Guard, the Chimera carries a variety of heavy weapons, such as the heavy bolter, autocannon, and heavy flamer, although the multilaser is most common. It also mounts a hull mounted heavy bolter or heavy flamer, as well as 6 hull mounted lasguns on the sides which can be fired by their passengers. It can carry up to 12 men, and has amphibious capability, and so can also take part in naval assaults. The Chimera chassis is very durable, and is the basis for many other IG tanks, including the Basilisk, Hellhound and Griffon.
Top Speed: 75 mph
Weapons: Multi Laser, Machine Gun
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 1 Machine gunner, 1 Multi Laser Operator
Multi Laser Range: 300 metres
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Armour: Light
Cost: 3 Million Dollars
Griffon Mortar Tank
http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/9349/imperialguardgriffonoz5.gif (http://imageshack.us)
Top Speed: 55 Mph
The Griffon is a heavy mortar carrier with the same armour as a Chimera, and is often used when Basilisk support is unavalible.
Weapons: Mortar, Heavy Bolter
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 1 Machine gunner, 2 Mortar Operators
Mortar Range: 2 KM
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Armour: Light
Cost: 4 Million Dollars
Hellhound Flamer Tank
http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/8788/4712nx0.gif (http://imageshack.us)
Based on the Chimera chassis design, the Hellhound is outfitted with a weapon known as the 'Inferno Cannon'. It is, essentially, a large, high-pressure flamethrower designed to project streams of ignited promethium at long range, coating targets in burning accelerant. By the sheer nature of the weapon, the Hellhound has sacrificed all of its troop carrying capacity to carry Promethium in two tremendous tanks that are exposed to enemy fire. The men that crew Hellhounds are often pyromaniacs, and in addition to being considered insane by their fellow Guardsmen for their willingness to operate such a dangerous vehicle, are often found modifying the components of their Inferno Cannons to produce even greater output.
Weapons: Inferno Cannon, Heavy Bolter
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 1 Machine gunner, 2 Inferno Cannon Operators
Inferno Cannon: 75 Yards
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Armour: Light
Cost: 4 Million Dollars
Salamander Scout Vehicle
http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/894/imperialguardcommandsalamanderxo0.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Also based on the Chimera Chassis, the Salamander is an open-topped, lightly armored scouting vehicle, and usually armed with a single autocannon.
Weapons: AutoCannon, Heavy Bolter
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 1 Machine gunner, 2 Autocannon Operators
Auto Cannon Range: 500 Yards
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Armour: Light
Cost: 3 Million
Leman Russ Battle Tank
http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/2797/imperialguardcadianlemanrussmkiiuf1.gif (http://imageshack.us)
The Leman Russ Battle Tank, named after Primarch Leman Russ of the Space Wolves, is the main line tank for the Imperial Guard. With its turret-mounted Battle Cannon and three Heavy Bolters, it is more than capable of mowing down troops, vehicles and buildings alike. It is the most common battle tank in the Imperial arsenal, and many variants have been built on the same general design. However, this mighty tank is also feared in the Imperium, as both The Lost and the Damned and the Orks have captured many of these fearsome war engines and modified them for their own purposes.
Weapons: Battle Cannon, 3 Heavy Bolters, Lascannon
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 3 Machine gunners, 2 Lascannon Operators, 2 Battlecannon Operators
Battle Cannon Range: 1/2 - 1 KM
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Lascannon Range: 500 Metres
Armour: Standard
Cost: 6.5 Million Dollars
Leman Russ Vanquisher
http://img473.imageshack.us/img473/3144/vnqshrll5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
A rare, more advanced variant of the standard Leman Russ, the longer-barreled Vanquisher Cannon is capable of firing powerful anti-tank shells. In addition, a storm bolter is mounted coaxially to the main cannon.
Weapons: Battle Cannon, 1 Heavy Bolter, Lascannon
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 1 Machine gunner, 2 Lascannon Operators, 2 Vanquisher Cannon Operators
Vanquisher Cannon Range: 1 KM - 1.5 KM
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Lascannon Range: 500 Metres
Armour: Heavy
Cost: 8 Million Dollars
Leman Russ Exterminator Tank
Exterminators are armed with a pair of autocannons to mow down enemy infantry. This makes them somewhat more mobile in use than most other variants. Because of this, Leman Russ Exterminators are often seen utilized by the Space Wolves in honour of their Primarch. The Exterminator can be seen as the IG's equivalent to the Space Marines' the Predator Destructor.
Weapons: 2 Autocannons, 3 Heavy Bolters,
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 3 Machine gunners, 2 Autocannon operators
Autocannon Range 500 Yards
Machine Gun Range: 300 Metres
Armour: Standard
Cost: 5.5 Million Dollars
Leman Russ Demolisher
http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/8822/4711ib9.gif (http://imageshack.us)
The Leman Russ Demolisher is a variant tank built for heavy armor and short-range firepower. It replaces the Battle Cannon with a powerful, snub-nosed Demolisher Cannon, a siege weapon that can often smash through the thickest walls. The Demolisher Cannon is far stronger than the standard Battle Cannon, however, it's capped at 1/3 of the range. The sponsons can be mounted with Multi-Meltas or Plasma Cannons.
Weapons:1 Demolisher Cannon, 3 1 Lascannon,
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 2 Demolisher Cannon Operators, 2 Autocannon operators.
Demolisher Cannon Range: 1/2 KM
Lascannon Range: 500 Metres
Armour: Heavy
Cost: 6 Million Dollars
Leman Russ Conquerer
http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/3257/cnqrrbb5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
A variant that was produced exclusively at the Forge World of Gryphonne IV, the Conqueror's main cannon has a shorter barrel and smaller bore, making it less powerful than the standard tank, but the cannon can be fired easily on the move making the tank far more mobile.
Weapons:1 Conquerer Cannon,1 Lascannon, 3 Heavy Bolters
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 2 Conquerer Cannon Operators, 2 Lascannon operators, 3 Machine Gunners
Conquerer Cannon Range: 1/2 KM
Lascannon Range: 500 Metres
Heavy Bolter Range: 300 yards
Armour: Standard
Cost: 5.5 Million Dollars
Leman Russ Executioner
http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/7984/executionertr1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
A variant produced only on the Forge World of Ryza, the Executioner is armed with the Plasma Destructor, a temperamental, slightly more powerful version of the Plasma Cannon. This is exclusive to Ryza as this world is the only one that still remembers and practices the fine art of Plasma Weaponary.
Weapons:1 Executioner Cannons, 3 Heavy Bolters
Crew Needed: 2 Drivers, 2 Conquerer Cannon Operators, 2 Lascannon operators, 3 Machine Gunners
Conquerer Cannon Range: 1/2 KM
Lascannon Range: 500 Metres
Heavy Bolter Range: 300 yards
Armour: Standard
Cost: 10 Million Dollars
Baneblade Tank
http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/443/imperialguardbaneblademaximillianweisemannkm7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
The Baneblade is the primary super-heavy tank used by the Imperial Guard Armoured Companies, and is one of the largest and oldest tanks used by the Imperium. The Baneblade is created from one of the rare Standard Template Constructs, and is armed with an extremely heavy main Battle Cannon, a Demolisher Cannon, and numerous lascannons and heavy bolters. The tremendous fire power and survivability of the Baneblade are valuable assests, but more so is the increase in morale amongst smaller tanks and infantry when one of these rare behemoths is deployed.
The vast majority of Baneblades are produced on the forgeworld of Mars, with a select few others granted the honour of creating this war machine or one of its several variants. Every Baneblade is given its own identity number and name, and all records of the vehicle's service and actions are reverently recorded.
Weapons: 2 Battle Cannons 10 Heavy Bolters, 2 Lascannons
Crew Needed: 4 Battlecannon operators, 2 Drivers, 10 Machine Gunners 4 Lascannon Operators
Armour: VERY VERY Heavy Armour
Cost: 1 Billion Dollars
http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/9272/warlordtitanfn4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Titans are huge war machines, towering from 50-200 ft which stand high above the battlefield, able to decimate entire armies. Opposing Titans are usually the determinate of extremely large scale battles (excess of a million people) finishing it with cataclysmic duel. A single Titan can level a city and is nearly invulnerable to other forces. It's ledgendary Titan Cannons have been known to almost level city blocks in one shot. The only known way to destroy a Titan, is to capture it.
Weapons: 2 Titan Cannons, 4 Lascannons, 10 Heavy Bolters
Crew Needed: 4 Titan Cannon Operators, 4 Drivers, 8 Lascannon Operators, 10 Machine Gunners
Armour: Godlike Armour, Almost Invunerable.
Titan Cannon Range: 2-3 KM
Cost: 10 Billion Dollars
http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/4031/stlsentinelew7.gif (http://imageshack.us)
A lightweight walker, Sentinels are often fielded in squadrons as scouts or flank support. They can carry a variety of heavy weapons and bring high levels of power and maneuvrability together in one place. They are lightly armoured however, and are susceptible to small arms fire. Sentinel pilots are often loners and outcasts, and are often considered to be on the borderline of insolence by officers.
Weapons: Laser Cannon
Crew Needed: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner
Laser Cannon Range: 500 Yards
Armour: Standard
Cost: 1 Million
Coming Tommorow: AIR VEHICLES!!!
Now Get Fragging
:mp5: :sniper: :mp5: :sniper: :mp5: