Satellites sought
31-07-2006, 13:32
Military Satellite Systems Required
The Xandabian Ministry of Defence has a number of contracts it wishes to put out to tender to suppliers of satellite systems.
Secure Communications
XMOD wishes to upgrade its secure communications network to a satellite –based system. The winning system will;
• Provide Secure encryption
• Have a long service life (20 years)
• Be hardened against EMP & other potential forms of jamming
• Provide Global coverage with redundancy/overlap of coverage
XMOD wishes to acquire the capability for space-based observation and intelligence-gathering. The winning system will;
• Provide detailed high-resolution imaging
• Have a long service life (20 years)
• Be hardened against EMP & other potential forms of jamming
• Provide Global coverage with redundancy/overlap of coverage
Please submit your tenders to ;
General Maxwell Seagrave,
Advanced Systems Procurement
Ministry of Defence (Xandabia)
XN34 2HF
OOC: Tenders may also be submitted on this forum providing either full details of the proposed solution or links.
31-07-2006, 14:33
To: The Xandabian Ministry of Defence
Transmission Origin: Kore Technologies
Sales Division
1958 Emekire Parkway
Essembra, Kormanthor
Offer Withdrawn
Transmission Completed
31-07-2006, 15:24
Please review the amazing (and original) satellites of GAFE...
OOC: Check signature below... for GAFE and scroll down to satellites, then click them to read full writeups. I have a military satellite in there that is fantastic at all tasks.
31-07-2006, 16:40
OOC: Geneticon your signature doesn't seem to be working
31-07-2006, 17:30
General Seagrave took a break from threat simulation session to address the first respondents to the satellite tender notice.
"Thank you for your offerings gentlemen. The panel will consider them in due course. I can't comment on your proposals at this timebut I will be in touch once we have received offerings from a number of other parties. The next stage in slection will be in about 6 months(OOC: 6 RL days) time when we move to evaluation and negotiation of contracts"
31-07-2006, 17:50
Well... I can offer you the NIRTFS Sattelites (
31-07-2006, 18:00
From: General Seagrave
To: Procurement Evaluation Panel
CC: Department for Foreign Affairs
Re:NIRTFFS Satellite proposal
Gentleman I do not propose to add this to the evaluation list as it clealry does not meet the stated requirement for service life but I am recommending the diplomatic corp to send a suitably polite letter of "thanks but no thanks" together with a gift of Xandabian heather honey.
31-07-2006, 18:14
OOC: WHoopsie... didn't see the service life part... just ignore it now...
31-07-2006, 18:28
OOC: Geneticon your signature doesn't seem to be working
OOC: You can access it and all sigs by going into your profile and enabling signatures.
Also... here's the link for GAFE... Link (
31-07-2006, 18:43
OCC: ahhh thank you for that tip. I'll go and have alook at your store right away.
A young orderly entered General Seagrave's office carrying a large file.
"Sir these documents have been submitted by Genetecon in relation to the Satellite contract"
"Thank you Simpson put them over there on that desk" replied the General "Bring me a fresh cup of coffee and send in my secretary. Thank you"
The General sat down and began to read through the Genetecon proposal.
United Earthlings
31-07-2006, 18:59
Military Satellite Systems Required
The Xandabian Ministry of Defence has a number of contracts it wishes to put out to tender to suppliers of satellite systems.
Secure Communications
XMOD wishes to upgrade its secure communications network to a satellite –based system. The winning system will;
• Provide Secure encryption
• Have a long service life (20 years)
• Be hardened against EMP & other potential forms of jamming
• Provide Global coverage with redundancy/overlap of coverage
XMOD wishes to acquire the capability for space-based observation and intelligence-gathering. The winning system will;
• Provide detailed high-resolution imaging
• Have a long service life (20 years)
• Be hardened against EMP & other potential forms of jamming
• Provide Global coverage with redundancy/overlap of coverage
Please submit your tenders to ;
General Maxwell Seagrave,
Advanced Systems Procurement
Ministry of Defence (Xandabia)
XN34 2HF
OOC: Tenders may also be submitted on this forum providing either full details of the proposed solution or links.
TO: The Ministry of Defence of the nation of Xandabia
FROM: UEMS (United Earthlings Military Systems)
We offer a wide range of military and civilian satellites, we offer two types of Communication Satellites and two types of Observation/Reconnaissance.
They meet if not exceed all of your needs.
To see the specifactions on them, you can check out our website here at UEMS ( If they meet your needs, we look forward to doing business with you in the future.
31-07-2006, 19:00
The General sipped at his coffee thoughfully as he read through the details of the Genetecon satellite system.
"hmmm" he sighed as he noted the operaional life of only 7 years. He aslo noted that expensive modification would be required to launch the vehicle with anything other than a Genetecon ICBM. "Still other than that it meets the other requirements and has some interesting additional capabilities that go well beyond the specification" he mused. "I'll recommend this proposal for a more detailed study by the panel".
31-07-2006, 19:16
"Sir, this package just arrived for you"
The General flipped through the overview pages of the UEMS proposal and was delighted with what he read.
"Simpson I want a meeting of the panel tomorrow morning at 9am sharp. Get copies of this document made and circulated to all panel members and the technical advisers"
This was going to be expensive but the General loved spending money which was why he'd spent his career working towards his current job.
"Oh Simpson get the Foreign office boys to prepare a background presentation on United Earthlings"
07-08-2006, 16:51
From: General Seagrave, Advanced Systems Procurement Dept.
To: The Rt. Hon Sir James Douglas, Secretary of State for Defence
CC: The Rt. Hon Sir Hector Macdonald, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,
Subject: Findings of the Procurement Evaluation Panel re Satellite Systems
The panel have reviewed a number of different options to meet the requirements set out in the Strategic Review. These include proposals from a number of different nations. It is the recommendation of this committee that the proposal that best meets the needs of Xandabia is that submitted by United Earthling Military Systems(UEMS).
We recommend the commencement of negotiations to purchase the following;
20 Early Warning Satellites
24 Global Positioning System Satellites
5 Milstar Communications Satellites
5 KH-12 Advanced Keyhole / Improved Crystal Spy Satellites
60 Delta II Launch vehicles
The projected cost of this will be 38 Billion Ingotti.
Hurtful Thoughts
07-08-2006, 19:48
the People's Republic Of Hutrful Thoughts has a satalite similar to the NIRTFSSats, except in one massive area: Endurance.
The Satalite was designed to be able to be launched from (reletively) high performance aircraft and high altitude balloons.
These satalites were built to last awhile without any maintnance simply because of two reasons:
We didn't want to have to launch one every other weekend
We have no way of repairing them at this time
The satalites carry a simple and inexpensive yet fairly effective set of countermeasures, sensors and weapons.
These satalites are generally set into Polar orbit in order to get the most coverage with the least hardware, this also makes intercepting enemy satalites less costly.
These little satalites have already racked up a considerable amount of combat experiance over Chitzeland.
Minimum expected lifespan is 5 years, and 25 years lifespans are not uncommon. Comes with a 3 year warranty (though you could get it extended to 5).
$10 million each + launch costs