An RP idea...
Dhakaan Goblins
29-07-2006, 02:47
This was suggested by a friend, who planned to make this but has pretty much retired from RPing now...
Basically, the RP will be set in a world where, during the Middle Ages, Islamic forces successfully invaded and captured a large portion of Europe, resulting in all kinds if hilarity involving the size/positioning of nations.
The most noticable result would be a lack of major New World exploration, or even the discovery OF the New World until MUCH later, by about 1700 or so, I think.
THIS means that nations such as the Incans and Aztecs would still be around, and, by the time of the RP, be quite capable of standing up to anybody with imperialistic ideas.
Of course, America would develope a few more centralized nations during the alt-hist period, since its not much fun to play as a bunch of nomads that have little, if any, concept of a central authority.
The fine details can be worked out later, but for now, just send me a telegram if your interested, or AIM me. My AIM name is TheAIMwithnoName, although Im not really on regularly right now.
I'm quite interested. It would be interesting to see what the Asian nations-Japan, India, and China-would be like if western powers hadn't been such an influence.
Dhakaan Goblins
29-07-2006, 03:44
Aye, the effects on China would be particularly interesting, while they would not have been forced to agree to many of the 'unequal treaties', they most likely never would have gotten out of the 18th century either. The Muslims would most likely be content to leave them alone while they tried to subdue the last standing Christian strongholds in Europe (Spain, the UK, maybe Poland or Germany).
They would probobly leave Russia alone, IMO, since when they ARENT killing each other Russia and the various Muslim states got along fairly well, at least, when compared to other European states.
Im on AIM now, BTW, maybe for another hour or two.
Aztec National League
29-07-2006, 03:48
Very, very interested since I RP as a modern day Aztec nation!
EDIT: If I am in this, I may have to wait a while because of a family emergency, I'll be out of state from August 1 - August 12.
Dhakaan Goblins
29-07-2006, 03:51
I was thinking that the RP would be set just a bit before modern times, 1890-1940 or so, the ah, modern part of the 'Imperial Age'. Less politics, more smashing stuff ;)
Technology would be different though, and certainly less 'centralized' in Europe.
Of course, if a number of people want to do a modern RP, I wont object.
Valley of the Giant
29-07-2006, 04:51
I'll see what I can do to take part.
Whoops, wrong thread O_o
Actually, this might be interesting. I had an idea similar to it, but set earlier. I might look into this once its up, check your PM's.
29-07-2006, 06:02
This might be interesting. I'll think about joining this...
Dhakaan Goblins
29-07-2006, 06:57
Wow...Im kinda suprised, I wasnt expecting a turnout of people with 1000+ postcounts O_o
Ah well.
Does anybody have any suggestions or ideas to incorporate into the RP?
Ten Thousand Maggots
29-07-2006, 07:14
I'd be very interested in participating in this roleplay.
Dhakaan Goblins
29-07-2006, 18:10
Alright, Im working on the map and the forum now. You can expect a preview of the map shortly.
Dhakaan Goblins
29-07-2006, 18:16
Its not done yet, but there ya go :P
I am interested in playing as the Ottoman Empire, if that's alright with you.
we did something similiar as Past Tech which lasted a fair while. We used our NS nations for that although and divided the population by 10 to get a fair numbers.
that didn't stop Han China being the superpower of the region although :)
29-07-2006, 20:17
no way im taking the ottomans :)
Valley of the Giant
29-07-2006, 21:09
I'd taaake...The Iriquios (Sp)
Dhakaan Goblins
29-07-2006, 21:36
Heres the forum, its not done yet though, so yeah. You can register and post in the OOC bits, but hold off on the IC for now.
You can claim nations to, but be warned, the map is not finalized so you may have to change.
Dhakaan Goblins
29-07-2006, 22:43
Claims thread is up
29-07-2006, 22:57
I suppose I'm confused as to when this RP actually occurs. Is it during the middle ages when Christendom is losing to the Muslims, or 1700+?
Dhakaan Goblins
29-07-2006, 23:04
It will be set at some point between 1600-1940 or so. The date can be worked out once the forum has some membership :P
Of course, the earlier its set, the less history there is and we will have fewer technological issues (since the traditional birthplaces of many inventions dont exist or would be unlikely to come up with that sort of thing at this point.).
But as you go later, you can customise your nation more.
Its a matter of personal prefrence, really.
29-07-2006, 23:17
Well, then. Should I join, rather than playing as some territory-holding nation I would ask to play an organization. Namely, the Knights Templar. The order survived in Scotland until 1790ish, I think.
Dhakaan Goblins
29-07-2006, 23:22
Perhaps, but I would like to fill some of the states first.
Dhakaan Goblins
30-07-2006, 00:38
Well...more than two people expressed interestin this before >_>
I'll go for the Japanese.
Dhakaan Goblins
30-07-2006, 02:32
M'kay, four people signed up with nations.
Now, if you could please check the thread in announcements, maybe? We need to pick a time period for this :P
Dhakaan Goblins
30-07-2006, 03:25
*dives in to save the thread from the dreaded pit of the second page*
Dhakaan Goblins
30-07-2006, 05:17
30-07-2006, 05:30
You don't need to BUMP the thread three times in four hours. Once a day should be adiquite...
Dhakaan Goblins
30-07-2006, 05:36
Well, Im trying to reach the widest possible audience :P
Thanks for bumping it though ;)