NationStates Jolt Archive

Territorial Waters Act

26-07-2006, 19:40
By Imperial Decree

Let it be known that, from this day forward, the territorial waters of the Dominion of Helfaer, under the jurisdiction of the sovereign and internationally recognised government of the Dominion of Helfaer, shall be extended to the distance of three hundred (300) kilometres from the previous distance of fifty (50) kilometres.

Furthermore, let it be known that any vessels entering the territorial waters of the Dominion of Helfaer are subject to the law of Helfaer. Civilian vessels of any kind will be impounded, and their crew liable to be imprisoned under the Unlicensed Immigration Act of 1702. Cargo may be seized as per the Shipping Act of 1934, with no obligation by Helfaer government authorities or private organisations or individuals to pay compensation to any affected parties. Military vessels will be treated as an invading force and dealt with as such.

Finally, as a reminder, Civilian Entry Permits may be bought by contacting the Helfaer Commerce Ministry. Vessels with entry permits will not be impounded, their cargo will not be seized, and their crews will not be imprisoned, except in the event of suspected criminal activity by individuals aboard the vessel or by the owners of the vessel. Military Entry Permits will be issued at the discretion of the government of Helfaer.

K. Almarxa, Foreign Secretary, Helfaer

ooc: Anyone got any trade routes there? Any international backlash?