Debt Camps
HEADLINE: Seikel Government enacts Debt Camp regulations.
Today, the Government has enacted in legislature, debt camp regulations. As you read this article, the government has enacted a special police force to arrest anyone with any debt that they might owe to a government agency or private agency or even a neighbor.
Such camps, can be compared to concentration camps, as the living conditions are terrible and deaths are commonly. Such camps are monitored 24/7 and have armed guards that have orders to shoot to kill. Horrible times, horrible times, within the times of Seikel.
The estimated prisoner count is expected to be at least 17% of Seikel's population. If such debtors refuse to work, they will serve their time within the Military, in any war operations. If refusal, is still mentioned, they will be executed or lack of food will occur. No execptions will be issued.
Send a letter to the government with your refusal to accept these rules, but, remember. The government will find you, so send it from a private mailbox with no return address.
Fight the man, guys! FIGHT THE MAN!
Von Strangaild
25-07-2006, 23:15
THe High Council of Zackaroth find this totally and utterly disgusting. While those in debt must pay what they owe sending them to camps to live in horrible conditions does not help solve the problem. We ask the Seikel goverment to close down these camps at once or face sancations for inhumane conduct.
OOC I'm using this nation to post for my main nation of
THe High Council of Zackaroth find this totally and utterly disgusting. While those in debt must pay what they owe sending them to camps to live in horrible conditions does not help solve the problem. We ask the Seikel goverment to close down these camps at once or face sancations for inhumane conduct.
OOC I'm using this nation to post for my main nation of
The office of the General Debtor
Our nation finds your muttering within our borders to be quite disturbing. The nation of Seikel finds that these issues are best solved by manual labor. We do offer several medical considerations, mostly, if unable to do manual labor, they can opt for light work to still help pay their debt to the Government of Seikel. The Nation of Seikel refuses to close their camps as they have been successful so far, and are helping the economy.
Good day.
25-07-2006, 23:39
The Socialist Republic of Montegrande condemns this brutal practice of the Government of Seikel and if the camps aren´t inmediatly closed, the Socialist Republic will enforce sanctions against the Dictatorship of Seikel. Also, any and all refugees who are scaping from the tyrannical government are welcome.
The Socialist Republic of Montegrande condemns this brutal practice of the Government of Seikel and if the camps aren´t inmediatly closed, the Socialist Republic will enforce sanctions against the Dictatorship of Seikel. Also, any and all refugees who are scaping from the tyrannical government are welcome.
The Office of the General Debtor
The Government of Seikel, is not a Geneva Signing Nation, but does enforce these rights. The living status of those within the Debt Camps meets status with some of the most famous World Prisons. Any government that attempts to tamper with the inner border workings of Seikel will be met with extreme hostility. No 'refugees' as you put them, are within the borders of Seikel, and all borders have been sealed from any one containing debt and will be transferred to a local Camp.
Good day.
~Newsflash from Rebel Newspaper.~
Headline: Thousands die in Debt Camp work.
Today, mere minutes after our article was typed and distributed, something vicious hit our ears. No, not the Nation Police busting down our doors. No, no. We're still safe. We're referring to what has happened to thousands of Debt Camp workers that owe vast amounts to the Government. Maybe the Orgs just aren't worth it. That much?
Today, groups of Debt Camp workers were sent to 3 different places. About 33% of everyone within concentration went to these 3 locations. The three locations, that they arrived at were the following;
--The Great Uranium Lands in the East. (To move Uranium within a cart by hand, without protective gear.)
-- Seikel Oil Fields
-- Seikel Forests (To remove pesky bears and wolves by hand.)
Those that seem to have left for the Fields or the Uranium Lands, have not seemed to come back, judging by messages slipped from their cellmates. They seem to have died or are dying in the fields where the guards have left them. Most likely from Radiation Poisoning or the vast amount of wounds that they might've received from a bear or falling off a oil rig.
Our government does know of this evil, and they laugh in our face. The Government-controlled newspapers, the Government-controlled TV stations. Nothing escapes our Government. They want control of you, they want you to work for them. Go on, owe your neighbour a few cents or maybe three. You can feel the agony that these people see.
Von Strangaild
26-07-2006, 03:09
Zackaroth is now demanding Seikl close the camps. We have reports about thousands dieing in your operations. If people are dieing at these so called camps the nation of Zackaroth is willing to do everything to help out the poor people of the nation. If you keep going down this route your goverment will come to a sudden and painful end.
High Leader of Zackaroth, James " Aimless" Miranda.
26-07-2006, 03:16
The Corporate Dominion of JiangGuo is interested in providing debt relief for a portion of the debt prisoners.
According to NSEconomy Calculator
Your population is 184,000,000.
17% of your population is 31.28 million persons.
Assuming an average personal debt of 50,000 orgs (which is an outrageously generous overestimation). To free a million persons will be 50 billion orgs. We are willing to offer this amount in exchange to free a million of the prisoners. If so desired, these persons are offered refuge in The Dominion of JiangGuo with transport provided.
Do we have a deal?
Office of the General Debtor
There are no thousands dying within our camps. The 'report' that you have feigned to recieve must be fake, as our Debt Camp Prisoners are having remarkably good health and are doing moderate to hard work and then having 4 hour work breaks, when they can sleep and do any other items that they need to do.
We do not trust your Government and wish to remind any other government, This is our land, and we wish to do this to help our economy. You want to help these people? Pay their debts in gold then.
Timothy Grugger
Imperial Department of Foreign Affairs
Due to recent events which we have learned of in your nation, we have been forced to cut off our newly initiated trade with your nation. We are terribly sorry for this inconvenience, and hope that we can initiate this trade again when these circumstances have passed.
Louis McHenry
Louis McHenry
Director of Foreign Affairs
High in orbit over Seikel
The satellite network got to work, snapping hundreds of pictures of the various installations, particularly the camps which Cravan knew about. These photographs were then transferred to the IDI for processing...
The secret part of Imperial diplomacy had gone into action.
The Corporate Dominion of JiangGuo is interested in providing debt relief for a portion of the debt prisoners.
According to NSEconomy Calculator
Your population is 184,000,000.
17% of your population is 31.28 million persons.
Assuming an average personal debt of 50,000 orgs (which is an outrageously generous overestimation). To free a million persons will be 50 billion orgs. We are willing to offer this amount in exchange to free a million of the prisoners. If so desired, these persons are offered refuge in The Dominion of JiangGuo with transport provided.
Do we have a deal?
Office of the General Debtor
We accept this deal, but must state that for any citizen to leave the Nation of Seikel, they must be denouce their citizenship and be transferred to the North Docks to be departed from the lands of Seikel. Nor may any ship pick up the Citizens, within Seikel's shores. They must swim to any refugee ships.
Timothy Grugger.
26-07-2006, 03:35
Office of the General Debtor
We accept this deal, but must state that for any citizen to leave the Nation of Seikel, they must be denouce their citizenship and be transferred to the North Docks to be departed from the lands of Seikel. Nor may any ship pick up the Citizens, within Seikel's shores. They must swim to any refugee ships.
Timothy Grugger.
The deal is complete, the equivalent of 50 billion orgs has been deposited into a neutral account accessible to The Government of Dictatorship of Seikel.
Any attempt to harm those leaving under this deal will result in a most unpleasant occurance in your Capitol.
The JiangGuo 23rd transport flotilla, consisting of 200 unarmed freighters, is en-route to the location known as the North docks. Small inflatable boats will be used to ferry refugees onto the freighters.
Any attempts to interfer with these operations will bring about certain unmentionable wraths of JiangGuo.
As the refugees had been released, driven to the North Docks, were they would be required to swim 2.2 miles away from shore to even reach a safe zone. There were no Coast Guard boats out here, or anything that would resemble it.
The refugees, upon arriving at the shore, didn't want to go. But, they were forced to go. They're debt having been paid and they were being released into the waters. They all heard the stories of these waters, and even saw the landmine triggers bobbing in the water. If one was set off, the rest would go.
They began to swim, swim hard they did. A few of them drowning, But, something scary happened, some blood had been introduced into the water, most likely from one of the poor ex-prisoners and it had invited sharks, that began to hunt.
Taking one out of the group, the rest of the group flailed, causing them almost to hit a landmine trigger. Whew. That was close, but then it happened. The same man yanked down and he took the landmine trigger with him. Hitting it.
The balls of fury that were ever-so sensitive began to explode in rows. Taking out several refugees. Only 3.4 million surviving. The rest, were a big bloody mist that began to grace the shore. Quite sad but, they're replacements were already being dropshipped by some Slave Traders.
A quick comminuque was then passed out to the nation that was suppose to be rescuing the refugees.
It was quick and forward to the point, transported over a meager computer system to them.
"Refugees harmed by natural defenses due to sharks. Coast Guard shall survey area to find Survivors and turn them over to your nation. Not our fault. Natural disaster."
The Secular Empire of Maraque is willing to pay Seikel the equivelent of 1.64 trillion Orgs to secure the release of the remaining 30.28 million prisoners.
OOC: Psst, all of the refugees exited, but a accident occured. Sharks and Landmines.
26-07-2006, 04:00
As the refugees had been released, driven to the North Docks, were they would be required to swim 2.2 miles away from shore to even reach a safe zone. There were no Coast Guard boats out here, or anything that would resemble it.
The refugees, upon arriving at the shore, didn't want to go. But, they were forced to go. They're debt having been paid and they were being released into the waters. They all heard the stories of these waters, and even saw the landmine triggers bobbing in the water. If one was set off, the rest would go.
They began to swim, swim hard they did. A few of them drowning, But, something scary happened, some blood had been introduced into the water, most likely from one of the poor ex-prisoners and it had invited sharks, that began to hunt.
Taking one out of the group, the rest of the group flailed, causing them almost to hit a landmine trigger. Whew. That was close, but then it happened. The same man yanked down and he took the landmine trigger with him. Hitting it.
The balls of fury that were ever-so sensitive began to explode in rows. Taking out several refugees. Only 3.4 million surviving. The rest, were a big bloody mist that began to grace the shore. Quite sad but, they're replacements were already being dropshipped by some Slave Traders.
A quick comminuque was then passed out to the nation that was suppose to be rescuing the refugees.
It was quick and forward to the point, transported over a meager computer system to them.
"Refugees harmed by natural defenses due to sharks. Coast Guard shall survey area to find Survivors and turn them over to your nation. Not our fault. Natural disaster."
The theatre commander of the transport fleet has reported circumstances similar to that described.
The Corporate Dominion of JiangGuo, Chairman and citizens alike, mourns the loss of these was-to-be citizen-shareholders.
After the explosions had settled, several ships came out. They're sides marking them as Seikel Military. Large Destroyers and a few smaller crafts. They began to lay out Landmines again, throwing them into the water, where they activated.
Then they glanced towards any survivors. Hopping onto the VHF band and talking in English. "There are no survivors. Over." They continued to lay them down and when finished, returned to the port. Careful to not set any off. Knowing that they did, they would face the same consquence.
Several soldiers on the shore, unleashed a Water Cannon, as they began to rinse off the bloody mist that had graced the shore and any surrounding areas and then finishing up and wrapping up and beginning to leave back towards the nearest Military Installation.
Imperial Department of Intelligence
Cravna, Cravan
"We can't let them do this..."
"And we can't blatantly violate their sovereignty over this! A diplomatic nightmare!"
"Well... We can do one thing."
The men around the table looked at each other in silence, occasionally glancing at the photos spread around the table. Finally, the Director of Intelligence removed a cell phone from his suit jacket.
"Jim? Get me the Emperor."
((OOC: Sorry for craptastically short post, but I've little to do for now until I begin my covert ops on you, Seikel.))
"Hmmmm, this is serious", Said the Prime Minister (whos name I kind of forgot). "Debt camps? Feh, this is taking advantage of the poor."
"Yes, sir", said the messenger. really, he was not listening. Behind the prime minister was a window, outside a woman was bending over to grab something.
"We cannot let this go untreated", continued the Prime minster. "However, we would be foolhardy to start war". He reclined his chair back and stared at the ceiling, deep in thought. The messenger continued to look out the window. suddenly, she looked up to reveal the most hideous of faces. The messenger quickly turned his attention to the Prime Minister. "I've got it", the Prime Minister exclaimed, standing up suddenly, the Messenger put a candly light bulb over his head. "We'll tell the media!"
"But, why the media", he messenger asked, clearly befuddled.
"Why, if we offer them the story of a lifetime, not only will they investigate but they'll twist it to our liking and we don't even pay a cent", the Prime Minister said. "You there", he pointed to the messenger. "Alert every newspapers, radio stations, and tv stations of the debt camps!"