Irvine & Me (Att. LifeWyze Opposers and Supporters)
All right Alex you're on. "Greetings, you all know me as Alex Throton, the man who brought you the film version of Yasashii Himura. Now this is my third documentry feature, and I think I've found a most intresting subject to talk about.
(Stock footage) "I think it's time we look into LifeWyze, it's very clear they are selling dangerous weapons."
"Ever since the LON decided to look into LifeWyze tech, things have been getting rough. IT seems LW can't go five minutes with out upsetting someone. Now as if there wasn't enough tension, LW tries a new stunt."
(Sotck) B. Tworus is something that will truley revolutionize the beef market. The old days are over, farming is no longer feesable in this day and age. It's time to adapt and evolve."
"Wait a second, did he say farming was obsolute? Well how could that be? There are many nation including my own that still practice farming, and have a heavy agriculturle market. So I looked into it futher. With the cost of farming so high, fast food resteraunts are looking to cheeper and more accessable meat. So LW one of the foremost industries in Genetic Technology decides to jump on it kfiguring they could make millions. So it isn't so much of improving world health, and food as it is making a few bucks. I decided to talk to farmers and most of them agreed this would likely ruin them. Even my wife thinks so too."
Eliza: "Well I was raised on a farm and it's tough. This isn't making things better."
"So my goal to get CEO James Irvine to come to Kanami and other farming nations, and find out just how they feel about this. So I would search high and low, my first stop, LW HQ in Maraque."
"And clear. You think you'll get in?"
"Well maybe maybe not But there are plenty of people we can interview along the way. I just hope this documentry will spark action when it hits theaters."
Tracey buzzed through into Sir James' office.
"Sir James, front desk informs me that there are a group of men here to see you with filming equipment. They say they're making a documentary."
The figurehead and primary shareholder of LifeWyze frowned. He was a man in his mid thirties, impeccably dressed in custom made black suit with a green shirt and tie. He was indeed handsome, primarily due to large amounts of plastic surgery. Well styled, short black hair framed his relatively pale skin. The green of the shirt and tie enhanced the awe-inspiring green of his eyes.
"Allow them up but have an armed escort with them at all times. There is to be no filming without my express permission."
"Yes, Sir James."
They entered the lobby still filming. They attempted to go up in the elavator. "Are we moving?" Securiyt pulled thme out. "Can we help you?"
"We're we're just going up to the 14th floor."
"No your not, not with out an appointment."
The desk attendent was a little confused, when she decided to buzz them in.
"Okay armed security will take you. They may ask you to stop filming."
"Can we still film untill they arrive?"
"I don't know, they will be here in moments."
"You guys here to see Irvine?"
"Yes we are."
"We'll need you to shut off your camera and follow us."
"Michale Moore had it harder than we are having."
As the lift doors opened, a large chamber was evident with two armed guards, each holding a Heckler und Koch MP5 sub machine gun, dressed in crisp black suits with green shirts and green ties. It would appear both of them were 6'5" and built like brick- well, houses.
Thick and luscious red carpet moved along the center of the room, past the marble walls that had bas-relief at head height, depicting ancient myths and legends. Two mahogany doors with brightly polished golden knobs stood intrusively in the marble wall, daring the crew to push them aside and go beyond.
When within fifteen feet of the doors, it was clear the chamber opened into a reception area. To the left stood an enormous, brown, leather sofa, enough space to sit twenty people comfortably at a time. It stretched in a U shape with an enormous coffee table, also of mahogany with golden inlay, in the middle.
On the right hand side sat Tracey, a stunning young blonde woman in her mid-twenties, dressed in a black suit and green blouse; a headset sat atop her, halo-like in appearance. As the crew approached, she gave a smile that would melt the men at their knees.
"Go right through, Sir James will see you right away." Her teeth sparkled white, her voice was girlish but had strength to it.
At their approach, the doors swung open automatically.
"Thank you. Remeber flatter he'll talk. I'm sure he want's to be called sir."
"Okay, but if you think I'm calling him Lord, you can forget it."
"Hello, you must be Sir James Irvine. I'm Alex Thoroton I'm making a documentry about LifeWyze's latest genetic experiment, and how it's affecting farmers around the world. May I role tape?"
Sir James smiled momentarily. A desk was before him, atop which sat a laptop computer, of polished pine with golden inlay. Leaning back slightly in his highback, brown leather chair, he studied this Alex Thoroton.
"Prior to your recording of this interview, I wish to see a list of the questions you have prepared. Upon deciding which questions that I shall be answering you may begin to record."
"let's see...Okay here."
1. Please State what the Genetic Project, background, and purpose.
2. Do you think it's really a benefite to the world?
3. How much does it cost for a nation to start up a program?
4. Can you gurantee it's safty?
5. What about the Farmers and Ranchers? Don't you think this will have a negative impact
6. How much is LifeWyze making off of this?
7. Do the people of Maraque agree with this?
8. Did you know many nations have decdided to embargo/sanction as a result?
9. If this project ran every farm and ranch into the ground, would it bother you at all?
10. Would you come to Kanami or other nations and talk to farmers?
11. Why not? (I'm asuming you're going to say no to #10)
12.Would any other employees be able to comment?
"And if I throw in anything else, well...We'll get to that."
Sir James nodded and handed back the paper. "I shall not be answering question numbers 7, 8 nor 12. Otherwise, you may begin this interview forthwith."
"Okay role tape."
"After a breif security check, and debriefing, I managed to meet Sir James Irvine, and ask him all about this project.
Okay Sir Irvine, why don't you tell us more about the project, and go down the list of questions, minuse the skipped ones."
Princess Tomoyo was placed infront of the camera to answer questions.
"Farming is perhaps one of the most vital assets to our economy. We import and export food and other agricultural products, and these so called bio-farms push the farming out further. There is nothing they can say to prove the old ways of farming are out. Nothing at all they can't remotley prove that, it's their own point of view."
Kurona has many farms scatterd right?
"That's right. Out west it's a real farm rich area. Other than our oil wells, it's our major source of economy. Virtually all of them are family ran, if every farm in Kurona went out that would mean nearly 2% of the population would be out of work. That would harm our economy more than help it. Bio farms, I mean, this is just plain evil technology. My military commanders try to make me feel otherwise, but I think it's time to come clean now."
Thank you very much Your Highness.
(OOC: feel free to interview civilans)
(Ditto thanks Kurona, I got to your sonner than I was planing, but that's cool)
"Yes of course." Sir James smiled and looked over at the camera.
"Our genetic modification programmes are food-based, currently surrounding cattle and crops. Whilst many people believe that 'GM' foods are harmful, I feel it must be said that this is a myth. Contrary to being harmful, the foodstuffs produced by LifeWyze and grown by BioFarm Projects are better than the originals. Not only do they improve upon various benefits to natural food, but they are easier and quicker to grow, allowing for vast amounts of it to be produced for a fraction of the cost.
"Do you think it is really a benefit to the world?"
"How could I not? We are able to not only improve upon nature, but to produce food that is better for people for less than such goods would otherwise cost. Already we have begun to sell to African nations at the cost of production and transportation alone. So yes, it is a benefit to the world." Sir James offers another pleasant smile.
"How much does it cost for a nation to start up a program?"
"Entirely subject to how much food the country desires and whether or not it is in a time of financial crisis."
"Can you gurantee it's safty?
"As I mentioned before; claims that 'GM' foods are dangerous are false, spread by fearmongers. Our scientists, by far the foremost in the world, brought from over eight different nations, have determined the safety of this food."
"What about the Farmers and Ranchers? Don't you think this will have a negative impact"
"Yes, it will likely have a negative impact upon farmers across the world, however, we are offering farming jobs to thousands of people in the countries where we are able to establish BioFarm Projects facilities. LifeWyze Corporation gave an official statement saying that farming of the past is no longer economically viable and as such, in a free market, we shall compete with farms using primitive methods. If those farms are then forced to close due to pressure, it only reaffirms the statement that farming needs to be revolutionized.
"Food, after energy, is the single most precious commodity we have, as such we cannot allow ancient techniques and a sentimental attachment to the past stand in the way of progress, especially where food is concerned."
"How much is LifeWyze making off of this?"
'Whilst I have no official figures to quote, my understanding is that current deals are gaining revenue in excess of eight hundred billion universal standard dollars."
"If this project ran every farm and ranch into the ground, would it bother you at all?"
"As I said, in a world with a free market, we are all allowed to compete fairly. If competition forces old farms out of business, then it is only evident that old methods of farming are redundant. When dealing with something as important as food, redundant methods are unacceptable, surely only the best will do?"
"That did not answer the question."
"Yes it did; I am fully in support of acting as the free market allows for the betterment of humanity as a whole."
"Very well, would you come to Kanami or other nations and talk to farmers?"
"Unfortunately I would not do any such thing, for the nation of Kanami, like Kurona and Aqua Anu, are particularly hostile towards the LifeWyze Corporation and, if the countries leadership is anything to go by, it would be a dangerous place for an employee of the LifeWyze Corporation."
As he finished, Sir James sat with a pleasant smile on his face. He looked neither smug, nor elitest. Rather he had the look of a man one could genuinely trust. It was no wonder he had risen the position he had with such a poker face.
Alex and his crew went to a farm far out west. He knocked on the door. A woman stepped out "Hi." She said.
"Hey your Christina Vaugn."
"Am I that famous? All I was, was pulled from a flood."
"Sorry I didn't mean to make a big deal. We're making a documentry on LifeWyze's biofarm projects, have you heard of them?"
"Yes I have."
"Would you and your family like to comment?"
"My daughter and son are in school right now, I'm ready for comment."
"Do you think this is trouble for your farm?"
"Absolutley. My late husband built this place from scratch. And I'd hate to see it run to the ground."
"Do your children think the same?"
"Yes. We have neighbors all around, who feel the same. I'm betting some farms are already facing forecloser."
"Around here?"
"Elsewhere mostly. Closer to the coast, east, more west, anywhere. Just depends. These are family ran farms, not comercial industires. They need to stop making it hard for us. We have enough to worry about. We have the weather, fires, floods, if not that, we have civil tention."
"What kind?"
"Well this is largley a Catholic community, out west it's largley Catholic, but there are Prodestants as well, I have Mormon neighbors, and they aren't always shown warm greetings."
"Sounds like you do have plenty to worry about."
"Tell thoes fat-cat rich boys with their suites and ties, to pay a visit here, and find out just how much good they're really doing."
"Thanks. You have neighbors?"
"Yes that way, that way, and that way." She pointed in all directions.
I figured I might as well talk to many farmers as I could. I came to Christina's neigbor. She doesn't really farm, because she's a single mother with one daughter, but she feels the same way.
"I love it out here. I love my neighbors, they work hard, and work long. These people waltz and think they can take their years of work from them, they have another thing comming, and it won't be pleasent."
Christina did mention she had Mormon neighbors. I did find that family, and breifly asked them about persecution. They told me that's why they moved from their last home to Kurona.
Megan Howard: "We've worked a real long time to set up and get settled here. We have everything invested in this, and we can't lose it."
Alex: "Now I have Mormon freinds, I know about Tithing, did you dodge any tithing or fast offerings?"
Thomas: "No we didn't. We figured we could use all the blessing we could."
Megan: "We have 3 kids, all girls. All are in school. Our eldest is Brooke, she's 16, then we have Jessica she's our second oldest she's 12, and we have Marie, and she's 7. I know they would be upset if we had to leave."
Alex: "Just how much have you put into this?"
Thomas: "Nearly 5? 10?"
Megan: "Nearly 15,000 Kuromians."
Alex: "That's about $378 which does go a long way here."
Thomas: "It does."
Alex: Thank you very much. I moved on, to find more familiar faces. Molly and Paul Christopher, who we're pulled from the raging sea by a Stevid ship. Their two children Rosette and Joshua, also participated in the World Boat Race.
Molly: "If these men think they can come and push us around, they can forget it."
Paul: "We've worked to hard, and too long to just say die. They can forget it."
Alex: If your farm were to fall out, what would you do?
Paul: "Probably go back to fishing. That's what we did untill we settled down and started this farm. We came here in Fall, before our house was even finished. Stayed in a tiney rent-a-away shack."
Molly: "I have a few words I want to say to these men, but because I'm a Catholic, I can't, and I'm a lady."
Alex: Paul?
Paul: "Well I'm no lady, but I'm also a Catholic, so I won't say it either."
Alex: "What about your neighbors?"
Molly: I suppose they would go with their other relatives, otherwise I don't know. Christina is a good woman, she doesn't deserve to lose everything she and her husband Joseph worked to build."
Alex: "Thanks for talking to me today."
"You said, that in a free market, business has to compete and If competition forces old farms out of business, then it is only evident that old methods of farming are redundant. But isn't that what defines monoply?
OOC: I find it slightly ironic that they use being Catholic as an excuse. Catholics are some of the most foul-mouthed people I know.
Emerald Springs
31-07-2006, 23:17
(OOC: Well I'm Mormon and I know plenty of fowlemouths.
But that's a select few, just as I'm sure you only know a select few But it's apparent it's a manner of class and being decent I think it would depend on your moral upbrining. Reminds me of the Wizard of Oz, where Ant Em says something like that )
King Ludokai gave his own comments to the Kanami film crew.
"Well Genetic Engineering, I'm not totaly opposed to it, I know it can do a lot of good things, like cure infectious diseases. I'm just opposed to selling it like it's a jug of milk. I think the LifeWyze members need a small lesson in humanity, and humility twoards nature."
Would you accept the Biofarm projects?
"No I wouldn't. It's all a lot of a hog-wash that it's better for you. I mean I don't know what is so nutrional about 1500 diffrent chemicals. Let me see that tin. This is completly Genetically Modofied? We have polytriathalin 80, Hydrochloride, Monoathyline 3, Trictaclorine, I mean what the hell is all this stuff? Take a look at a carton of E.S. Icecream and read it."
Milk, Sugar, Vanilla, Cream
"There you see, natural. Look at me, I'm in fine shape, I do work out everyday, I'm fine. I don't think all these chemicals are harmfull, but you know, give me natural. I don't have any desire to run farms into the ground, that is why I oppose it."
Red Tide2
01-08-2006, 00:03
After much difficulty with its highly paranoid goverment, including having to sign certain disclaimers, documents, be questioned, and all that stuff, the team from Kanami finally got into Red Tide. The headquarters of the Tech-Com Corporation was in the metropolis of Crig. As their taxi drove from Crig International, the man driving looked at them from his seat.
"You guys here to film a movie?" He said in reasonable English, his Russian accent noticable.
"That's right it's about LifeWyze and their Biofarm projects."
Red Tide2
01-08-2006, 01:15
The man nodded solemnly, "Guess thats why you want Tech-Com Headquarters, have to warn you though, you cant leave the country without the goverment confiscating any videos that look bad."
"Oh boy. Well I'm afraid it's all digital."
"You said, that in a free market, business has to compete and If competition forces old farms out of business, then it is only evident that old methods of farming are redundant. But isn't that what defines monoply?"
"Were it a fact that we would be the only farm left, yes. However I am positive that not only will other large corporations hop on this industrial bandwagon, but that pre-existing farms will update to more modernized ways of thinking which, in the long run, is far better."
"Yet I do belive many countries have Anti-Trust laws. You can't possibley expect a family farm to spend millions of dollars to upgrade to compete against a juggernaught. You have an ultimate near unlimited source of income, oridinary average people don't. When you monoploize the market, it kind of takes the spirit of business out, and almost proves social points of view the cooperations do more harm than good. With the example you are setting, business will join the flat path instead, the path you are on, instead of the inclined path."
Red Tide2
01-08-2006, 23:11
"Oh boy. Well I'm afraid it's all digital."
"In that case," The man went on, "They'll confiscate the camera, delete everything that looks bad, and force you to wait while they do it. What then? Send it via E-Mail? The goverment has control of the national media, you cant send a proper email out of here without it being tracked, intercepted, modified, and so-on... here we are."
The man said, as the taxi turned a corner to reveal a lavish skyscraper... surrounded by a barbed wire fence and patrolled by Tech-Com Corporation Security Branch Personnel(the private army of the Tech-Com Corporation) armed with M-100 Assualt Rifles. The man pulled infront of a gaurd house and said, "You'll have to head on here by foot. See you later."
As he drove away, leaving the residences behind, two Tech-Com Special Securty Personnel(Tech-Coms Special Forces), carrying CAR-4 Rifles and wearing night-vision goggles on their foreheads appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
"Do you have an appointment?" They asked in harsh voices. Just passed the gaurd post, sitting plainly in view, was a Light Battle Tank Model Forty-Four(LBT-44)
"Not exactly they gave us permission to come and film. But no one said we had an appointment."
Red Tide2
02-08-2006, 02:34
The mens face remained stonewall expresionless. One of them spoke inaudibly into a microphone hanging down around his mouth. There was a short pause, then he said, "Affirmitave. You have been authorized to interview the CEO. Take the express elevator to the top floor... And if you are caught filming without authorization, your camera will be confiscated."
They turned and waved to another Tech-Com Special Security Man manning the gate, it slid open and the camera crew was hustled inside, through a modest looking lobby, and into an elevator.
The elevator took them straight to the top floor, when it opened, they found themselves in a lavish looking lobby with a desk manned by a cute looking secretary who waved them in.
The CEO was talking on the phone, a bit angry, the team entered in the middle of a conversation.
"... dont care about THAT! You tell that thug that if he doesnt give back those munitions, I will GLADLY inform the Intellegince-Consortium of his location!"
The CEO slammed down the phone, and turned around to face the guests in a leather chair. His scowl transformed into a gleaming smile by the time he was fully facing them.
"You may begin filming and asking." He said in a all-too-friendly voice.
"Yet I do belive many countries have Anti-Trust laws. You can't possibley expect a family farm to spend millions of dollars to upgrade to compete against a juggernaught. You have an ultimate near unlimited source of income, oridinary average people don't. When you monoploize the market, it kind of takes the spirit of business out, and almost proves social points of view the cooperations do more harm than good. With the example you are setting, business will join the flat path instead, the path you are on, instead of the inclined path."
"A lack of funds on the part of the farmers is regretable, however, had they taken the opportunity to modify their farming over a long period of time rather than stagnating, then there would be the possibility of competing. As it stands, you suggest LifeWyze will hold a monopoly. I would remind you that people who own farms have held the monopoly for an immensely long time."
"I suppose you could see it that way. But then again, probably a farm wouldn't be a signafied competer, as the agriculture market, isn't really a competive ground. Farms either produce or they don't, there is rarley a contract contest. So isn't that contradictory to what you are saying about them competing? That almost sounds like you want them to be run into the ground, so their doesn't become a contract contest, even though you know they couldn't possibly out bid you on anything. Therefore you have the grip on the market, and you will keep that grip. Which also takes away the free market idea."
Magic Sorcery
03-08-2006, 00:40
"I'm Keikio Yoshida, I'm leader of the Farmers and Rancers Guild of Magic Sorcery. I'm currently passing around a petition, to sue LifeWyze for Monoplization."
You really think that will work?
"Absolutley. These corperat jackasses, I'm sorry is it okay if I curse?"
It's fine, say what you like. Express your self
"These Corperat Jackasses need to learn, just becuase they aren't under any government controll doesn't mean they won't answer to fair competiton, and the law of the world. The line has to be drawn someplace. They have to learn soveringty doesn't protect them, or apply to them. Because they declared they answer to no government, that means they are an indpendent contractor subject to the mass. They are only on sovering soil, that's all, and that doesn't give them a shield to stay away from us."
If you can get to court, it's likely it will be done on Maraque soil.
"That's fine. If they are biased, I can take it to International Courts. I'll fight them."
Good luck to you.
A man suddenly walks up the camera crew.
"Hey are you filming this? Yeah, yeah I want say something. If my sisters ranch goes under, you are all in trouble you hear me?"
They'll probably laugh at that
"Let them laugh all they want, they won't once they find out what I can do."
I know you have free speach here, but are you sure you can say these things?
"Yes I can. Talk to the other farmers. They are just as angry, and want to do something. I hope the F.R.G.M.S. can win this. Their money can't save them, any more than it can save me."
More people crowded around. Including teens, adults, and children.
Ma'am what's your name
"Chiyo Minhama. I'm a farmer, and I'm betting you are the guys doing the documentry about LifeWyze."
That's right. What do you want to say?
"Learn ethics for God's sake. Learn empathy and sympathy. Stop being greedy cold hearted sons of bitches."
Pretty hars words
"They're harsh people. I encourage all people to boycot. We need to sanction these nations that support this. The Empress knows what she is doing, by imposing sanctions. She is a wise person."
"Hey I want to say something. Fuck LifeWyze, fuck them. Say hello to my finger, yeah my middle finger that is! Yeah."
(Stock footage the LifeWyze Proab, folliwng the Diplomat from M.S.' question) Lord Dwight: "You could never afford this suite anyway."
"why you little!"
"calm down."
(end footage)
I started to trail the local sheriff of a small town. Koji Minimoto was put in charge of evicting now bankrupt farms and ranches
"Well the econmy does use a lot of farms but they do have to collect tax. If they can't collect property tax, they have to take the land, to balance out the deficit. As much as Empress Kinimoto want's to see these people continue, it's not possible. It would bankrupt the whole enconmy. Thoes who have payed of their mortages, good for them. Everyday I have to put either RED, GREEN, Or YELLOW Notices. Red is eviction, Green is last warning, yellow is first warning. This well, you aren't going to like this. I have to actually see to it this family leaves."
"Look I told you, I need more time to find a place."
"Ma'am I'm sorry, but the land is going to be taken by the Government."
"Well I've had enough of this shit. You want me out, fine, I'll go live on the street will that make you happy?!"
"If it we're up to me I would give you more time, but it isn't."
"Well that's why I didn't vote for you as sheriff. I have five kids to get packed up, everything is a mess."
"Start packing."
"Fine I'll start fuckin' packing. Hurry up will you, just get your stuff together. God damn it, how many times do I have to tell you pick up your stuff, and you would be able to find it. I should have torched this sucker when I had the chance, just fucking tourch it."
"It's not pretty, and it's not the best job. But it's got to get done. I hope this won't have a bad effect."
[i]"I'll certianlly get an R rating[i]"
"Well you'll proably get MA-13 here. If not MA-17. Look it's best you film more later. If you want you can keep following me."
Red Tide2
03-08-2006, 01:03
OOC: Waiting for you to begin questioning my guy.
"What are your opinons on LifeWyze's bio projects?"
OOC: A trial on Maraque soil I wouldn't object to.. anyone want to question someone inside Maraque, eh?
"I suppose you could see it that way. But then again, probably a farm wouldn't be a signafied competer, as the agriculture market, isn't really a competive ground. Farms either produce or they don't, there is rarley a contract contest. So isn't that contradictory to what you are saying about them competing? That almost sounds like you want them to be run into the ground, so their doesn't become a contract contest, even though you know they couldn't possibly out bid you on anything. Therefore you have the grip on the market, and you will keep that grip. Which also takes away the free market idea."
"Well you see, if such a thing as bankruptcy of all non-corporate farms were to happen, it would likely be a case of 'what comes around goes around'. Afterall, farmers have long used out-dated methods as an excuse to charge extortionate prices. The prices prevent exportation of food-stuffs in many instances, such as in Britain, thus leading to subsidies to cover the farmers for not growing food, simply because they refuse to upgrade equipment and methods.
"The Empress or Queen, or whoever their national leader is, of Kanami, or was it Qua Anu? Well, regardless, a leader in the hate campaign against LifeWyze claimed we could do so much good in the world, growing crops where previous it would be impossible to do so. Well now we have developed the crops that will grow in harsh lands, the cattle that is healthier when harvested. Perhaps you should be careful what you wish for."
Sir James offered a bright grin.
(Maraque: I would like to interveiw random people in your nation)
"Well you are right, that Princess Subaru Akoowa of Aqua Anu, Prime Minister Elenore Romney of my home country, Kanami as well as Princess Tomoyo Mikanu, of Kurona, even King Ludokai XVI of Emerald Springs, are all very opposed to LifeWyze. Subaru has been your strongest critic on your Bio and Chem Weapons. Romney, and Mikanu however are more concerned about you monoplizing the market with this awsome tool. So much so she asked IFTA to take action. And yes, genetic power, the power you have is a very awsome and powerful tool. You could grow crops in the middle of the desert. Farms deep within Africa, are flourishing because of Bio-Technology. Because of this engineering. Now I'm not a harsh critic of GMOs, but what I am, a critic of, is people like you making millions, off of your own research that you didn't even obtain your self, and using something like Genetic Engineering for prophet. I mean I'm betting you are opposed to human trafficikng, I'm betting you are opposed to people making money off of making women sex toys. It doesn't bother you at all, you are making money off of something you should approach with great humility, by giving Biofars, to not only 3rd world nations, but 1st world too. You are making millions, while the farmers struggle to make a dollar with this juggernaught hanging over them. So you are making millions off of not only killing people, your are making millions, at the expense of others. And that doesn't remotley bother you? On another note, what is it you mean farmers use out dated methods? I mean we have technology from the industrial revolution. We have thrashers, harversters, sprayers, all things impossible to do in say 1860, but are done today. You see my wife, grew up on a farm her self. Some of her sibblings, my in-laws still farm today. And she is blown back by how much has changed since her child hood years."
OOC: OK. You can interview a random passerby in Super City, then some farmers in a small town in the province of Hythoria. A lot of different perspectives...
I decided to stoll the streets of Maraque's Super City. To find out what people though about LifeWyze, especially LifeWyze's bio project
"Excuse me, would you mind commenting on my film, it's about LifeWyze, and the biofarm controversy."
"Sure I'd be happy to," said the young lady.
"So what are your opinions on LifeWyze's biofarm projects?"
"Well you are right, that Princess Subaru Akoowa of Aqua Anu, Prime Minister Elenore Romney of my home country, Kanami as well as Princess Tomoyo Mikanu, of Kurona, even King Ludokai XVI of Emerald Springs, are all very opposed to LifeWyze. Subaru has been your strongest critic on your Bio and Chem Weapons. Romney, and Mikanu however are more concerned about you monoplizing the market with this awsome tool. So much so she asked IFTA to take action. And yes, genetic power, the power you have is a very awsome and powerful tool. You could grow crops in the middle of the desert. Farms deep within Africa, are flourishing because of Bio-Technology. Because of this engineering. Now I'm not a harsh critic of GMOs, but what I am, a critic of, is people like you making millions, off of your own research that you didn't even obtain your self, and using something like Genetic Engineering for prophet. I mean I'm betting you are opposed to human trafficikng, I'm betting you are opposed to people making money off of making women sex toys. It doesn't bother you at all, you are making money off of something you should approach with great humility, by giving Biofars, to not only 3rd world nations, but 1st world too. You are making millions, while the farmers struggle to make a dollar with this juggernaught hanging over them. So you are making millions off of not only killing people, your are making millions, at the expense of others. And that doesn't remotley bother you? On another note, what is it you mean farmers use out dated methods? I mean we have technology from the industrial revolution. We have thrashers, harversters, sprayers, all things impossible to do in say 1860, but are done today. You see my wife, grew up on a farm her self. Some of her sibblings, my in-laws still farm today. And she is blown back by how much has changed since her child hood years."
Sir James offered a light chuckle. "I am afraid that humility is an excercise in procrastination, nothing more. Part of the reason LifeWyze Corporatin has become one of the largest businesses in the world in the past three years is that we have approached new discoveries with a clear and decisive manner.
"When I say farmers use out-dated methods, I mean to say that if they had begun to cultive new, more resourceful crops, then they would be able to compete.
"I must say however, that I myself eat our 'GM' foodstuffs. I trust our genetically modified produce over the rubbish farmers produce. Afterall, do farmers not use chemicals to prevent spoilage and deter insects? Consider also, then, the damage to the environment. No BioFarm crops require chemicals to prevent spoilage, nor do they need insect repellent thanks to the nature of our BioFarms. Furthermore, all our BioFarms use electronic equipment over petrol-based alternatives, as part of LifeWyze's green policies.
"Now while some farmers may be going out of business, let me put to you the following;
Farmers are greedy by nature, having long held a position akin to an oligopoly, charge outrageous prices to earn government subsidies.
Methods utilized by farmers to grow and harvest crops are highly damaging to the environment and also pose a potential health risk.
BioFarm Projects are not only improvements on the originals, but totally free of chemicals and pesticides.
Currently, over seven thousand people are employed by BioFarm Projects in Maraque alone.
"With such arguements, I fail to see how anyone other than the aforementioned farmers, who make a living through huge government subsidies for not doing their job, paid for by the people I might add, could consider BioFarm Projects a bad thing.
"In regards to your comment about making millions from killing people, currently not a single person has died from a LifeWyze Corporation virus or chemical based weapon. You can quote me on that."
Sir James smiled lightly, his features hard and penetrating as he looks into the camera.
"Now I really resent that statment, about farmers being greedy. The ones I've talked to, aren't the cynical by nature. I mean can you even prove to me they are greedy people? I can call you a racist right here right now, and I would have no real hard evidence to back that up. You can't back up your claims that farmers are greedy markateers. I mean comparing my brother and sister-in-law, to you, I find you are the greedy one sir. Don't throw your bull shit on me, because my family isn't making money off of proliferating violence, and monoplizing. I mean I wonder what would happen to you back in the 19th century, the 18th, or 17th if you think farms are the root to evil.
Are you familiar iwth crop rotation? Every farmer I know, and have met practices crop rotation, which is very benifical to the soil. Where I'm from, yes crops are sprayed with pest and herbicides, but these are very concentrated amounts, that they do very little harm. Not to mention they are throughly washed off when they hit the market. You say you like GMO's good for you, but I was looking through a carton of icecream my self, processed. I mean look at this stuff polytriathalin 80, Hydrochloride, Monoathyline 3, Trictaclorine, what is all this stuff? 17 chemicals engineerd in some lab some where? Personally, I'll take natural any day. I mean you are sitting here trying to convinc me that your stuff is better than natural things, with the chemicals used, but really how can you truley convinc me, or the genral public, these are truly safe for consumption. Can you prove to me, that Polytriathalin 80, is truley better than natural milk?"
"So what are your opinions on LifeWyze's biofarm projects?"
"In general I don't think it's too much of a bad thing. I mean here in Maraque there aren't that many farmers anymore anyway, so it doesn't impact them as much, because the only farmers in the entire country are in Hythoria, and LifeWyze doesn't operate in that region of the empire anyhow.
The rest of the world as a whole however, I don't think it's quite right. I mean they are destroying whole families lives by doing this, running generations and generations of farms into the ground. It's immoral and I don't agree with it.
LifeWyze as a whole isn't too bad I guess. Yes they sell potentially harmful materials to almost anyone who wants them, and yes they are ruining entire families, but at the same time they're leading the way in medicine and other things beneficial to the public. Evil and nice at the same time, that isn't right."
"Yeah they are a bit of a double edge sword, aren't they? Do you think that's a bit wishy washy?"
"Yeah they are a bit of a double edge sword, aren't they? Do you think that's a bit wishy washy?""They are scumbags and saints all in one. It's a horrible thing. Something needs to be done, but with our emperor highly approving of LifeWyze and their way of doing things, I doubt we'll be seeing less of them in Maraque in the future. They've already taken over everything in Super City. Just look down the street here, how many LifeWyze related things do you see? A lot, that's for sure."
"Sounds like they have quit the grip. You know some groups might want to bring civil or criminal suite against LifeWyze. You think that will suceed?"
"Now I really resent that statment, about farmers being greedy. The ones I've talked to, aren't the cynical by nature. I mean can you even prove to me they are greedy people? I can call you a racist right here right now, and I would have no real hard evidence to back that up. You can't back up your claims that farmers are greedy markateers. I mean comparing my brother and sister-in-law, to you, I find you are the greedy one sir. Don't throw your bull shit on me, because my family isn't making money off of proliferating violence, and monoplizing. I mean I wonder what would happen to you back in the 19th century, the 18th, or 17th if you think farms are the root to evil.
"Are you familiar iwth crop rotation? Every farmer I know, and have met practices crop rotation, which is very benifical to the soil. Where I'm from, yes crops are sprayed with pest and herbicides, but these are very concentrated amounts, that they do very little harm. Not to mention they are throughly washed off when they hit the market. You say you like GMO's good for you, but I was looking through a carton of icecream my self, processed. I mean look at this stuff polytriathalin 80, Hydrochloride, Monoathyline 3, Trictaclorine, what is all this stuff? 17 chemicals engineerd in some lab some where? Personally, I'll take natural any day. I mean you are sitting here trying to convinc me that your stuff is better than natural things, with the chemicals used, but really how can you truley convinc me, or the genral public, these are truly safe for consumption. Can you prove to me, that Polytriathalin 80, is truley better than natural milk?"
Sir James smiled. "Well, quite unbiased are we not? Also, kindly do not swear in my office.
"Now then, those 17 chemicals are added by a non-LifeWyze firm. Our foods contain no chemicals at sale, our milk for example, is pure B. Tworus Milk, no additives or preservatives. As for the soil, it is hardly a contribution to the environment, unlike the very harmful greenhouse gases caused by threshers, tractors and pesticides, which contribute considerably to the deterioration of the o-zone.
"I do not however, believe farms are the root of evil, rather the media." James smiles lightly at the insult.
"My point remains, however, that farming of the past is no longer economically viable. And since LifeWyze does not control 25% of the farming market share in any country except Maraque, we cannot be considered a monopoly. Furthermore, any farms wishing to sell out to LifeWyze are welcome to do so."
Another bright smile lit up his face.
"One thing that is good for you, very good for you, from LifeWyze, is our new probiotic drink: BioWyze. Care for a cup?"
"Sounds like they have quit the grip. You know some groups might want to bring civil or criminal suite against LifeWyze. You think that will suceed?""I'd really like to say yes, but with all honesty I doubt these groups will succeed. Corporations like LifeWyze, Griffincrest, et cetera will be around for years to come."
"You may be right. Well thank you very much you have a nice day."
I honestly wasn't expecting some one who felt the same way, it was a suprise. Maded me wonder how many more just like her there were. I decided to do a little hunting. She was right there wern't a lot of farms around any more. But I did find one, that was shockingly still runing.
Alex knocks on the door. "Anyone home?" He said to his crew.
An old man that looked about nearly the age of 80 came to the door, a cane to help him.
"you 'dem city folk? what y'all want?"
"We're making a documentry film about LifeWyze."
"We're making a documentry film about LifeWyze."
"'dem scumbags. I tell yeh, I'm jus' thankful to God they ain't did nuttin' down hurr yet. business ain't been down but i fear dat it jus' a matter of time before 'dem scum make their devil little selves down hurr and destroy mine and everyone elses life!
i'hm 78 yurs old for Gods sake! I can barely do enough as it is, my sons gon' 'n' left for dat therr city life long 'go and i haven't had no help in ages."
"So your all alone here?"
Raven corps
04-08-2006, 22:21
Colderon sat back in his plush Leather chair as he watched the trailer for the new documentary, while drinking a small glass of fine brandy.
" Well, well, well, I see the people have begun to turn away from the Lifewyze Corporation already.... A shame really. They where loking so bright these days. I guess thier brightness however was nothing more then the ignition of the match-just before it goes out..." SAid COlderon as he finished a mouthful of the brandy...
" Amanda!-screamed Colderon-I would like for you to sechedule a meeting between me and the Lifewyze chairmen and Primary Share holder..."
" Ye-s-s sir Colderon Sir. I will schedule the meeting now!' said amanda was she ran out the door..
( On the phone in her office)
"411....... Hello directory assistance. How may I help you today?"answered the Operator
" I need to be connected with the Lifewyse Corporation Information desk please....." said Amanda
" Ok ..... Dial tone........."
"So your all alone here?""yez sir, I been alone hurr for yars and ain't nobody come ta visit meh. my wife died twelve yars 'go in one 'dem big hospitals in ta city and i was never able ta see 'er. my neighbors help meh out most days." The man said, pointing to a far away house near the edge of the property by the corn fields.
"Thank you for your comments sir, you have a nice day."
He walked over to the neighbors farm, knocking on the door.
"Shaddup now! Someones at the doh!" Yelled a woman from inside.
"Hello there, how can I help you folks?"
"We're making a documentry about LifeWyze and their biofarm projects."
"Ahhh, LifeWyze. I've heard a lot about them. They've done a great deal of good for us in regards for their medical facilities and such. Out here in the country you can't get much of that.
But their biofarm projects are just wrong, flat out wrong. I'm glad the emperor hasn't allowed them to ruin our way of life out here. But what they are doing in other countries across the globe is just wrong to me. Destroying a whole families life just for greed and profit? That's horribly immoral. These corporate giants are getting on my nerve, hearing 'bout them in the news all the time and all. LifeWyze especially."
"Do you think something needs to be done about it?"
"Absolutely. Someone needs to stand up for us, because we're virtually unable to. I tell you, this isn't right and something must be done about it. I can't even begin to imagine what other families are going through right now, and I fear that it's just a matter of time before my own family is next."
"Thank you very much. You have a nice day."
Leaving the country and heading back into the city, I though about the Emperor of this country. I wonder what he thought, and why he was so supportive of LifeWyze. Strangley enough, while pondering it, I passed the now empty Kanami embassy. I didn't know if I could actually talk to the head of the country, but I figured why not try."
OOC: He can call the Emperors Office directly and speak to a secretary there and see if he can get an interview with the Emperor.
He dialed the pay phone
"Hi, my name is Alex Throton, I'm making a documentry film about LifeWyze, and was wondering if the Head of State might comment? Yes I'm filmming right now in fact."
Automated message:
Hello you've reached the office of the emperor of the Secular Empire of Maraque, Jovan Norris. If you'd like to speak to a secretary press 1.
real person:
"Hello, Oluwaseyi speaking. How may I help you today? Oh, I am not quite sure, but please hold I may be able to do something for you." The woman on the other side said.
5 minutes later:
"Hello, Mr. Throton? The Emperor has time in his schedule for a one-on-one interview right now in fact and is willing to see you. When you arrive at the front gates of the Imperial Palace just tell the guards you have an appointment and someone will come outside to escort you to the Emperor. Thank you."
He hung up "Amazing."
I made it to the palace, and got through, after a routine security check.
"Hi I have an appointment to interview the Emperor."
"Ok, right this way," the man escorting them said.
They made their way through a passage that led to a hallway lined with marble and gold, the walls filled with paintings and other things related to the Empire. They turned the corner and a large double door was in the distance, scores of bodyguards lined the way, all speaking some odd language into earpieces.
"Oh right through this door," the man said as he began to open it slowly, revealing a most lavish and expensive looking room, a dark wooden desk in the center, a giant chandellier hanging above, and a most humble young man barely in his 20s sitting at the desk.
"Hello, you must be... Mr. Throton? I'm Jovan Norris. It's a pleasure to meet you. Please sit." He said, motioning towards the leather chair in front of the desk.
"I understand you'd like to interview me about LifeWyze correct? I presume you have a set of questions handy with you, no?"
"Techinacally no, I like my documentires natural, free comment. I suppose I could ask the same questions I asked Sir Irvine from LifeWyze. But first what are your opinons on this project of LifeWyze. Don't you think it has a rather negative effect on the farmers both domestically and internationally?"
"It may come to a shock to you, but I don't agree with their Biofarm projects at all. I don't agree with it one bit, this is why I have made sure to keep them away from our farms so that they are able to operate and make a living. I grew up in a farm in upstate New York, USA, before I became Emperor of Maraque. I know how it is first hand."
"So why does your nation support a company that is not only a proliferator of highly dangerous weapons, but is also making money off of the expense of others, by running farms into the ground?"
"Because they are more than just that. They are also responsible for good things such as state-of-the-art medical facilities that help people. Because of them millions upon millions of people can now get proper and great medical care. PharmaCare facilities have opened up in areas of the country that weren't able to get sufficient medicines and the like. They help create jobs..."
"Well to me that doesn't really justify them either. You've herad that expression, two wrongs don't make a right? I mean that's like supporting a terrorist just because he is a doctor."
"To date no sale of these biological agents have been used in a harmful manner, and comparing LifeWyze to a terrorist? Terrorists are the lowest forms of life on this Earth. Their only goal is to kill and murder innocent people for no reason but their own little warped view. LifeWyze saves millions of lives each year, they don't murder them."
"Okay okay. I see the fact you do like them because they are saving lives. What happens when they start taking lives?"
"Okay okay. I see the fact you do like them because they are saving lives. What happens when they start taking lives?""That's a big assumption. Are you saying that LifeWyze will soon start to murder innocent people? That's one of the most prepostrous ideas I've ever heard, but I'll play along:
I wouldn't tolerate it. I'd order the mass close down of every single LifeWyze facility and everything affiliated with it immediately and ban them from ever operating in this country again. Period."
"No what I was stating was, what happens when their weapons are finally used. I mean you don't just buy these weapons and then not intend to use them. They will be used as soon as someone goes to war. I mean to me LifeWyze is a lot like Grifficrest Oil, sure Grifficrest gives oil for gas powerd cars, but at the expense of a thousand others? Doesn't sound like a noble clause. I mean if LifeWyze was truly intrested in helping people, why sell weapons? What's the point? Weapons kill, all weapons kill. They want to preserve life, why sell things that take away? LifeWyze could do so well in the medical industry alone, so why not just do it?"
"That I do not know the answer to. I do not know why they sell these, but as they've told you, they do use a screening process to help identify the good vs. the bad.
I will also readily admit here and now that I have authorized the purchase of hundreds of billions of dollars worth of chemical and biological agents from LifeWyze. I also would like to note that I do not intend on ever using them against anyone, as I believe that would be inhumane. The government has however used the purchased products for our own research purposes that I can not disclose at this time..."
"I was exploring around the city and it's a little firghtning how much LifeWyze is invloved in the domestic markets here. I was also told that by a citizen."
"This city is less than 60 years old. It was just a patch of grasslands and dirt before this sprawling 45,000 square mile city was founded. The founder, my father and former emperor, wanted the city to hit the ground and took advantage of LifeWyze and their offers. To me it is beneficial to the city. This city is larger than some countries, and in that regard LifeWyze isn't involved that much, it's just mainly here on Imperial Street."
"LifeWyze has commonly stated they answer to no government. Does that have you a little worried that they aren't at least a little subsidized. Now I'm not saying your nation has to go totaly pro-socialism, or put so many rules that LW decides to hop up and leave, but it sounds like non at all. Are they bound by Maraque law?"
"I'm Callie Dylans, this is my partner, my lover, Antonia. And we're farmers."
"I moved here about 6 months ago, and fell in love with Callie and her farm. It's a cozy place, I'd hate to see it get lost."
"We've been through everything together, since we we're seald as companions. Everything from prejudice to natural disasters. I have an 11th Grade education, I don't know about Antonia here, but if this farm goes under, we are in for it. Their are no other career opportunties, and I love the country I love it. Farming is hard yes but here, we have privacy. Antonia loves it, and I want her to be happy."
"It's the only place in the middle of summer where we can take all our clothes off, and not worry about it. Not even have to draw the blinds."
Both girls laugh.
"It's true, what Antonia says is true, you've seen it your self you caught us in the middle of sunbathing, and now we are interviewing you. Oh rain. Let's hit the veranda shall we?"
"See this rain, its so pretty, isn't it Callie?"
"Yes it is. We have both bueatiful and scary storms here. I'm used to it though."
If you do lose the farm what do you think will happen?
Callie: "Hard to say. I mean living in the city, doesn't have much appeal to us. I don't care if I have to build a shack, I can't live in a society that looks down upon lesbians. But I dont think we will. Come on we'll show you around, unless your movie will be to long?"
No no it's fine
Antonia: "Well it's nothing fancy but its home. It would be a shame to lose this. It's had the same feel to it since I moved here."
Callie: "I've been living here all my life. My late husband bought this land, and built this house. We've done a far better job at maintaing the house than he did."
Antonia: "I mean this more than just a house, it's a place of memories. We've survived twisters, fires, floods, sickness, everything that can be thrown at us."
Callie: "Once the storm has cleard you can move on. But come back any time, we thank you."
Antonia: "Let us be heard Mr. Thorton."
"Of course they are. They are no different than every other corporation in Maraque and they must abide by all the laws every other does."
"What would happen if LifeWyze was brought to trial here?"
"If LifeWyze was brought to trial here nothing would happen, I'd let it happen because even though I support LifeWyze there is certainly reasons as to why a trial wouldn't be unreasonable and out of the question. The conclusion of the trial is when things would, or wouldn't, change."
"So basically, if LifeWyze was ruled against, you wouldn't allow any action to be taken?"
"So basically, if LifeWyze was ruled against, you wouldn't allow any action to be taken?""The Constitution prohibits me from doing anything."
"Who does have authority?"
"The House of Imperialists, also known as the High Court."
"So you think they would be biased and support LifeWyze?"
"The House of Imperialists is highly against LifeWyze, if anything they'd be against them. They generally go along with public opinion because it is the public that keeps them in that high position. They go through an election each February 1st, and any decision they make almost directly dictates whether or not they'll stay."
"Okay, thank you your highness"
Oh no need to be so formal. Thank you."
Aqua Anu
12-08-2006, 18:53
"My name is Seara that's Seara, and I'm a Aqua Anu fisher. I must admit I can really sympahtize with farmers, because fishing is a lot like it, you are constantly at the mercy of the weather, you have to work often in hard conditions. It's always hot down here in Aqua Anu, so natraully I fish in my swiming suite here. I think LifeWyze is really out of controll, to many sympathize with it just because it does some medical research big deal, if some Cancer Lab was caught dumping toxic waste into the water, everyone would be angry and fliping out, and demanding it would be shut down. No one would say Oh it did this bad thing, but it does so much good. The would say these greedy business men who we're to cheap to dispose of their waste like they should, are destryoing the enviroment, that's what they say. Most would probably agree with me, but you can see for your self. "
Two girls walk in the rain together under one umbrella.
"My name is May."
"I'm Maddy. We're both 17."
"Your pretty brave to film with your cameras in Aqua Anu. We have such high humidty."
"I have heard about LifeWyze, and I've heard what the Princess says about them. You know they really are just making the world a more dangerous place to live.
"What they are doing to farmers is wrong, it just wrong. I grew up in the country before I move to Aqua Anu, and I would hate to see it go. There is no country here I tell you."
Red Tide2
12-08-2006, 19:29
"What are your opinons on LifeWyze's bio projects?"
OOC: Sorry for taking so long...
IC: "Its fantastic and will revolutionize the ranching industry. Here in Red Tide, 40% of farms are owned by individual families, while the rest are owned by our Corporation. The farms that are owned by individual families are mostly switching over to crops now that we are mass producing LifeWyzes Tworus B. product. But their profit margins havent dropped in the least, thats because crops, even though they take longer to grow, come in more bulk and, in some cases, are more profitable then meat." The CEO said.
"Aren't you at all concerned about thoes family ran ranches and farms?"
Red Tide2
13-08-2006, 23:48
"Well, farms, no... they can switch to crops in order to make money. There may be a problem with ranches, but if their ranches, and they were successful, it probably means their in good farming land too. So it isnt THAT big an issue."
"What happens if the Ranchers and Farmers can't switch over? What will heappen to them? I mean no farm or ranch means unable to pay bills, which means unable to pay taxes. Some nations are very strict on taxes."
Red Tide2
13-08-2006, 23:58
"Well, if they cant switch to crops, then that means they were not very successful ranches or farms in the first place."
"Sometimes they can't chose how nature works and plays."
Red Tide2
14-08-2006, 00:08
"Location, location, location, its their own fault they picked a area with such sparse grass, which means it isnt fertile to farm either. If they couldnt afford that many cows when they started out, they shouldnt have been ranching in the first place."
"Now my wife, she grew up on a farm, she told me, how soil that was once rich and go poor in an instant. With out warning."
Red Tide2
14-08-2006, 00:29
"Overfarming... you need to switch around crops every year, and sometimes not plant crops at all, using one crop too many times will inevitably degrade soil quality."
"That's right, crop rotation is a common practice where I am from. But she's also told me there is no gurantee. Of course her farm was fine, but she's seen her neighbors. You belive LifeWyze is a really honerable company, semi- what are you full opinons on them?"
Red Tide2
14-08-2006, 00:42
"Buisness wise? We're competitors, as are all big and small buisnesses, thats what Market economy is about after all, competition. But just because we're competitors doesnt mean we cant get makes deals with each other, and so far, LifeWyze, seems to be an honourable corporation." The CEO didnt say, of course, that the Tech-Com Corporation did things that would be considered completely dishonourable. But nobody knew about them and all of those acts took place in Red Tide anyways. "Personally, I have no opinion, I dont know any of the people there, because LifeWyze doesnt operate here and I have not seen firsthand how they act."
"So even though they proliferate WMD you have no problem with them?"
Red Tide2
14-08-2006, 00:51
The CEO actually lauged, "Do you realise that they contribute a TINY, maybe even MINISCIULE portion of the WMD proliferating corporations and countries out there? And their only chemical and biological ones! When detonated, these weapons can easily be defended against with proper measures. There are corporations out there who sell NUCLEAR weapons, we have not had much buisness with them, but their there, and nukes, once detonated, cannot be countered."
"That's foolishly naive don't you think?"
Red Tide2
14-08-2006, 01:03
"What? The fact that you couldnt stop LifeWyze from LEGALLY selling chemical and biological weapons? And, even if you could, their buyers would go somewhere such as... Pale Rider Arms, the Red Tide Mafia, or the nation of Jenrak? Are you going to be able to stop them? Pale Rider Arms would just laugh you off, the Mafia and Jenrak would do much worse. It doesnt sound like I am the one being hopelessely optimistic."
"So you are saying nations would easily deal with shady back-street weapons dealers, than a so-called legit company? You do know only a small fraction of bio/chem weapons can actually be countered. And that's assuming the nation doesn't soup it up.
Don't you think LifeWyze is exploting Genetic Research for their own financial gang?"
Red Tide2
14-08-2006, 23:09
"Pale Rider Arms and the nation of Jenrak's sales are completely legal... the Red Tide Mafia, no, not likely, but anyways.
And OF COURSE LifeWyze is exploiting genetic research for its own gain. Thats what any corporation, company, or small buisness half its salt would do if given the opportunity!"
"So ethics, humility and humanity don't matter, it's all about the money with you people?"
Red Tide2
16-08-2006, 19:39
"No comment."
OOC: Mentioned by name. I feel so loved. :D
"No comment? So I struck a nerve didn't I? It really is all about the money with you people isn't it?"
Red Tide2
17-08-2006, 19:32
"I will not comment on that." The CEO said, really calmly, his face not showing a whit of expression. He needed to be good for his commercials, "However, if you would like to skew things to your favor, go ahead. I wont stop you. The Intellegince-Consortium might."
"Why not, why not just admit it? Save you a lot of tabloid trouble, silence speaks louder than words."
There we're a lot of words I could have said to him about that. Such as this is percisley why the world is such a mess, is because of Greedy pricks like him and Irvine. However I figured I'd better not at the risk of losing my camera. Thank God for Post-Production narration, otherwise, I doubt you would be seeing more of this. After leaving Red Tied 2, I headed back home, to wrap up with my final comments.
Lilla McKenzi: "Well I can say this, they aint gonna push me around. I think Irvine is an idiot for saying things like it's outdated, or it's more harmfull then three million processed chemicals in a lab. I can gurantee him, his ma'ma fed him natural stuff when he was a boy, chances are it could have come from anyone of our nations in the world or his. Tell him that, that he's been fed natural foods for most of his life and he's just as healthy."
Passer by on the Street: "Tell him to go f*** him self, he doesn't know what he's talking about."
Passer by Woman: "You survived Red Tide 2 huh? Your lucky, I was born there it's a hell hole. At least Maraque is decent, I don't know why you went there Mr. Thorton."
Farmer: "If Killwyze, execuse me, LifeWyze thinks they can force me out of my farm they are crazy. I am woman hear me roar. Don't use that take."
The opinon was very much strongly mixed in the world. I kept pondering on that comment by that Aqu Anu woman, about if a cancer lab was caught doing unethical things, people would demand it's shut down. Naturally LifeWyze was truly unethical, but most people justfied them with medical research. I faild to bring Irvine to Kanami,so I decided to reserve a special screning of my documentry just for him. He never returned my phone calls so I don't know if he'll come or not. Well as the month rolled out, the rich we're richer, the poor poorer, and the world was a whole lot better of a place. Thanks to modern marvle of genetic technology.