Cruxium Revolution
News broadcasts show a grey suited man in his late forties with a white shirt and grey tie. The desk at which he sits was once finely polished beech, however is now blackened from fire damage. Behind him, the blue screen that would otherwise show an image of Cruxgrad, is blue, torn and ragged from fallen rubble that has long since been cleared away.
*Clears throat*
"Good evening. The Jagite war and embargo against Cruxium ended today after revolution in the capital of Cruxgrad.
"At approximately 2:15am, armed forces stormed the Imperial Palace, slaughtering the Imperial Family of Cruxium.
"Imperial National Defense Corps buildings were in flames across the city within hours of the killing of the Emperor.
"It is believed that more than 150,000 have been killed during the riots and revolutionary action since Jagite forces attempted to land at the southern dock of South-Under-Iron.
"Unconfirmed reports suggest that the revolutionary forces were from the Ducal city of Dunford, with support forces from the Ducal cities of Smythe and Putney.
"Further information will be given as soon as possible. Reports on the war indicate that..."
News broadcast shows an exquisitely dressed, black suited man in his mid to late thirties with well styled hair. Both the shirt and the tie are blue.
"Good evening.
"After two months of discussion amongst the Ducal families, it has been decided that the previous political system will be scrapped in favour of a more democratic system.
"Currently there is a tri-party system, with the three emerging parties being the Nationalist Conservative Party [NCP], the Liberal Conservative Party [LCP] and the Imperial Socialist Party [ISP].
"Each party has announced its' candidates and is busy putting together a manifesto. Current candidates consist of, Duke Philip Dunford of Dunford for the NCP; Duke Putney of Putney for the LCP; Duke Ireworth of South-Under-Iron for the ISP.
"Party politicals are expected to run throughout the next month in a bid to attract votes.
"During this difficult time, the Ducal Households have formed into a new Government.
"Weather reports indicate..."
Nationalist Conservative Party Manifesto
Tighter immigration
Formation of armed forces
Reformation of civil defense force
New markets and job opportunities
Ministerial government & monarchy
Lifting of the religious ban
Artistic & cultural grants
Tighter Immigration
During the reign of the Emperor of Cruxium, immigration laws became lax, with people of foreign ethnicities being allowed into Cruxium without first being taught English, Cruxian history and culture or being tested for levels of education.
This must be a thing of the past. Immigration is a good thing for a country. It offers a greater expanse to the gene pool and ensures that we do not become a group of imbred animals; however stringent controls are needed to ensure that those who wish to become citizens of our fair nation are completely fluent in English, are aware of our rich heritage and are education to a degree that will make them productive members of the society.
Solutions can be found in the form of reconstruction of docks and airports to include better safety checks and the creation of Social Intergration & Indoctrination Centers.
Formation of Armed Forces
After the Cruxian Jagite war it is clearly evident that despite our peaceful nature, the world is too full of fascist, glory-seeking warmongers to remain unarmed. Protection being of the utmost importance, we shall form the Cruxian Air Force, Cruxian Naval Force and Cruxian Mechanized Force, as well as the introduction of the Cruxian Counter-terrorism Force.
The creation of a military will result in there being hundreds of thousands of jobs available, from army privates, to admirals of the navy, to adminstrative staff.
Reformation of Civil Defence Forces
In the aftermath of the riots and revolutionary actions during the past several months, hundreds of members of the Civil Defense Corps have been killed or wounded beyond service. Recruitment drives and training initiatives will be organized to fill the gaps left by recent events.
LifeWyze Corporation has offered the opportunity for Cruxium to utilize newely developed breeds of attack dogs, sniffer dogs and so forth. Hundreds of people will have the chance to establish themselves as expert dog handlers in service to the Empire.
New Markets and Job Opportunities
Farming has long been an issue in Cruxium due to the nature of our land. It is nigh impossible to cultivate all but the most hardy of crops, with cattle being prone to illness and collapse during the winter months. Deals shall be made with LifeWyze Corporation to establish BioFarm Projects Facilities that will allow the Empire to cease importing meats and crops from other countries; allowing the Empire to become truly self-sufficient.
The aforementioned new job opportunities will include farming as a part of the LifeWyze Corporation, places within the Cruxium military and jobs in the Civil Defense Corps and recruitment for new airport and dock staff. Furthermore, construction jobs will be made available during the implimentation of these projects. It is estimated that between four and seven million permenant and part time jobs will become available, as well as atleast three million construction jobs.
Ministerial Government & Monarchy
Throughout history the greatest nations were those with a monarchy. Should the Nationalist Conservative Party be elected, a monarch will be produced by tracing the bloodlines of the Cruxium Imperial Family.
Formation of a parliament is imperative. Parliament would consist of 466 seats, of which 12 would be hereditary Ducal seats, with a further 12 being available to Lords of the Realm. These two groups would form the House of Lords, with the remaining 442 seats comprising the House of Commons, each of whom would be elected by a constituency of the borough in which they stand.
The ruling party will be decided by a national election, with the party figurehead being established as Primary Minister and their potential replacement being the Secondary Minister. Two shadow parties will exist that will hold a number of seats dependant upon how many are won during local electrions, and are able to suggest new laws and policies, move against suggested laws and policies and raise any issues with existing laws and policies.
Government positions will be held solely by the reigning political party at a national level, however public sector jobs at a regional and local level will not be subject to change of political party. Local elections will be held every three years with national elections being every sixth year.
The House of Lords will have the power to reject any new laws, policies or amendments with a 3:2 vote, however contribute only standard votes to the creation of new laws, policies and amendments. In the event of a declaration of war, the House of Lords will be able to block the motion with a vote of 1:1.
The reigning monarch will preside over parliament, except in cases where they are unfit to do so. In such a scenario the regeant shall take their place.
Lifting the Religious Ban
Due to internation scorn at the banning of religion, freedom of religion shall now be added into Imperial Law. However, a ban on religious iconography in public and a ban on all churches and religious gatherings shall remain. For all intents and purposes, the national religion of Cruxium shall henceforth be secular humanism.
Artistic & Cultural Grants
All forms of Imperial-approved art & culture shall be entitled to apply for a grant from the Government to allow further development of skill. These can be said to include;
Painting: Oil paints and water colours
Fictional Literature
Sculpting: Stone, bas-relief
Drawing: Charcoal, pencil sketches and water pastels
Musical Composition
Musicianship: All electronic, brass, string and wind instruments.
All grants are subject to government approval.
News broadcast shows an exquisitely dressed, black suited man in his mid to late thirties with well styled hair. Both the shirt and the tie are blue.
"Good evening.
"The first Cruxian general election saw a landslide victory for the Nationalist Conservative Party today with 68% of the vote. Duke Philip Dunford of Dunford has since been named Primary Minister.
"Liberal Conservative Party candidate Duke Herbert Putney of Putney, gained 19% of the vote, whilst the Imperial Socialist Party candidate, Duke Benjamin Ireworth of South-Under-Iron, recieved 13% of the vote.
"Primary Minister Dunford offered the following statement in Cruxgrad's Eternity Square today."
"Citizens of the Empire, this is a monumentous day in the history of our nation! Today has seen the first election and, with it, a new sense of freedom.
"As Primary Minister of the Empire, I vow that all that which I promised shall come to pass! Cruxium shall soon come to prosper more than ever under the regime of the Emperor."
"Citizens can only wait to see if the promises are kept. Here's wishing the best of luck to the new Primary Minister. Now to sport."
News broadcast shows an exquisitely dressed, black suited man in his mid to late thirties with well styled hair. Both the shirt and the tie are blue.
"Good evening.
"After weeks of searching the Cruxium geneology, the Cruxian Government today announced that it had determined the successor of the deceased Imperial Family: Duke Philip Dunford.
"The coronation is to take place in two months time, however debate has now arisen as to the new Secondary Minister.
"Former Secondary Minister, Oliver Kaufman, has taken on the role of Primary Minister. Current candidates are Oswald Manners and Issac Oxenham.
"Stay tuned for reports that the Cruxian flag is to be replaced by..."