Hamptonian Federal Election 2006 - News and results thread
25-07-2006, 04:00
Hamptonian Federal Election 2006
News and results thread
Final Results:
Royal Senate: 300 out of 300
Chamber of Representatives: 1400 out of 1400
Federal Chancellery
Hayek | Santiago | Arikan | Cipriani | De Vries | Other
53.21% | 26.44% | 13.53% | 4.13% | 1.85% | 0.84%
Popular vote (Legislative)
IP | NFU | LDR | LDA | SNP | Other
40.14% | 38.37% | 10.92% | 7.85% | 1.82% | 0.90%
Seats in the Royal Senate
IP | NFU | LDR | LDA | SNP | Other
126 | 105 | 29 | 24 | 3 | 13
Seats in the Chamber of Representatives
IP | NFU | LDR | SNP | Other
740 | 504 | 119 | 28 | 9
25-07-2006, 04:03
Latest News
Despite LDR gains in Harrkona, Party President Laura Cohen announces her resignation.
Wolfgang Hayek elected Chancellor with 53 percent of the vote.
IP retake the lead in Royal Senate seats from the NFU and holds a majority of seats in the CoR.
Polls closed in all remaining provinces. (12:30am HSCT)
The center/center-left IP have swept both Royal Senate seats in the historically conservative City-Province of Seaburg.
The NFU has overtaken the IP as the largest party in the Royal Senate.
In a stunning suprise a SNP candidate in the northwestern province of Lingonas has won a seat on the CoR.
Polls closed in Eastern and Central provinces of Hamptonshire Proper including the City-Provinces of Port Easton and Seaburg. (10:00pm HCST)
IP gains a majority of Regional Council seats in the Traehammer and Millefleuves Semi-Autonomous Regions. (9:17pm HCST)
Polls closed in the Eastern and Southern island provinces (9:00pm HCST)
NFU sweeps the Dominion of Nova Excelsior, winning all ten Royal Senate seats. (7:42pm HCST)
Cristiano Arikan wins his contested Royal Senate seat in the Dominion of McClellen. (7:15pm HCST)
Several LDR senatorial candidates have placed the blame for their failure on the refusal to name a successor for Cipriani. (7:15pm HCST)
Early returns show the Independent Progressives gaining nearly half of all Dominions-held Royal Senate seats. (6:56pm HCST)
Cristiano Arikan leads the popular vote for Chancellor in the ten Dominions. (6:42pm HCST)
Polls closed in all ten Dominions. (6:00pm HCST)
Grey - IP-related news
Blue - NFU-related news
Red - LDR-related news
Dark Green - LDA-related news
Orange - SNP-related news
Black - general news re: election
25-07-2006, 04:04
25-07-2006, 05:31
25-07-2006, 07:35
25-07-2006, 08:40
25-07-2006, 09:06
Victory thread (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=11434463)
25-07-2006, 16:14
Bump for the morning.