Scandinvan Visit to Marque.
The Scandinvans
24-07-2006, 04:43
Prince Olaf seeking a chance to go Marque got it when with the completion of the altering the suites bought by the Emperor that had been turned into a massive palace like complex at the top of a building recently bought in Marque. Flying in on a small private plane he arrived at the air port where he was met by a number of bodyguards who bought him to an armored limo. When he was luggage was loaded into the limo they went off to the Super City…
News of the arrival of Prince Olaf of Scandinvan was sent to the Imperial Marque government in the form of a message on a secure line due to reasons involving the Crown Prince’s Olaf safety.
Emperor Jovan sat at his desk in his massive office in the Imperial Palace in Super City, which was just five blocks away from Super City Tower as his assistant walked in.
"Your Highness," he began, "Prince Olaf from Scandinvan has just arrived and is on his way to Super City as we speak."
"Oh excellent, excellent. Please prepare the Bentley and make sure that security around the travel routes and inside Super City Tower are prepared for him."
"Yes your Highness."
- 10 minutes later -
The Emperor who quit often drove himself around the city exited his office and descended down the massive spiral stairway leading to the entrance hall. There he was met by a dozen Imperial Guardsmen who escorted him outside and into his Bentley.
There, he drove into the crowded streets of Super City followed by two armored Mercedes-Benz GL450 SUVs with scores of security detail inside.
This was the first time the Empire had an official from another nation visiting, aside from the Empress of Imperial Lesbos who had ties to the Empire by marriage.
As he drove off to Super City Tower he wondered what he might accomplish with the meeting of the Prince, maybe an ally in this world of war mongering and big corporate giants with evil intent. Whatever the case, the Emperor would try his best.
The Emperor reached Super City Tower and caught the parking attendant at the underground parking garage by surprise. No matter how many times the Emperor wondered off into the streets, he always caught a loving citizen by surprise.
"Hello. I'm here on official business," he said to the man.
"H-h-h-hello, your Highness. It's such a pleasure to be in your presence."
"Hehe, thank you. How much will parking cost today?"
"$25 your Highness."
"Okay. Here you go... and keep the change," the Emperor said, handing him a $1,000 bill, that being the only currency he had at the moment.
"Whoa... thank you your Highness."
"No need to thank me. It's my duty to serve you."
And with that, the Emperor parked his vehicle and walked inside the giant lobby that was crowded with business people from all across the globe. "I've never been in here before, looks incredible," he muttered to himself.
He made his way to the private elevator to the top most floor, #221 to meet the Prince...
The Scandinvans
24-07-2006, 05:51
The elevator stopping at the room that had been designed to act as the grand entrance of the area and when the doors opened the elevator was flooded with light from the many adjustments that the Scandinvan artists had made to the area that they had brought. Inside the of it everything was now covered with brilliant white polished marble. Furthermore the entrance room was now covered with grand mosaics, fabulous paintings, and beautiful sculptures of ancient Valgardian heroes and Emperors.
Descending the polished marble staircase in between the gold encased railings came the Prince dressed in fine silver Valgardian plate mail flanked by two tall guards dressed in the similar armor wielding spears and rectangle shields. Then Prince Olaf finished descending the stairs, bowed, and then said,” Welcome, Emperor Jovan of Marque to the new adobe of the empire. How may me and my staff serve you this fine day?”
OOC: This'll be a bit short, my modem just died and I'll have to use my mothers computer until I can get a replacement tomorrow.
"Ah, Prince Olaf. What a pleasure to meet you," said the Emperor. "I'm a bit late, I know, but I had a little business to attend to."
"First of all, I must say that this place is absolutely spectacular."
"Now... Perhaps we could talk politics for a moment? I'd like to know more about your nation, it's culture, it's stance on the world today, those such things."
"Maraque is very isolated in the world today, so I thought it'd be important to finally break loose of this tradition and seek diplomatic relations with other nations, starting with yours."
"Perhaps you'd like to speak over lunch? There is a fine restaurant just below the residency floors."
The Scandinvans
24-07-2006, 06:28
OOC: Man, I know how computers could be I had to run a full system check by hand once and it took me God knows how long.
IC: Prince Olaf replied,” Emperor Jovan, it would be a fine idea for us to discuss this over a meal and while sitting. Yet, perhaps we should eat here as I have some of the finest cooks of the Empire at my disposal here.
As well, they have already prepared fresh salmon, fermented trout, king crab, corn beef, dolmas, blini soup, sushi, fresh fruit, and salad have all been recently prepared.”
"Ah, but of course. How foolish of me to assume different." Said the Emperor. "That'd be delightful."
Once seated, the Emperor asked, "Is your empire a part of any international organizations?"
The Scandinvans
24-07-2006, 06:49
Prince Olaf replied,” I thank you for choosing to eat here, but the reason why I made the suggestion over yours is because of my people’s tradition of hospitality and edict.
Yet to answer your question, the Scandinvan Empire is allied to three other nations at this point through our own smaller alliances we made with smaller nations for their protection against forces such as Griffencrest who will come and take over their nation if they were not correctly protected. As well, a major company called the Scandinvan Oil Consortium is part of an alliance called the Alliance of Oil Exporting Nations, the AOEN for short.’
"Ah yes, I've heard of Griffincrest... not a very friendly corporation I've noticed. Although the Empire is friendly with the Blackhelm Confederacy, whose chancellor owns a very big stake in the creation of this very city, as well as the President of Titawon.
Royal Oil Co. which is owned by my father (former Emperor Stephen Norris), is a member of the AOEN as well." The Emperor said, before taking a bite of sushi.
"Tell me a little bit more about your nation, I'm always interested in different cultures."
The Scandinvans
26-07-2006, 03:37
Prince Olaf responded to the question by saying,” Well, my own nation is one filled with pride of our heritage and is a very traditional nation. Also, though my people are diverse there is a very small ruling group of the Valgardians which my line is a pure blood of and the rest of the people are divided by their lines.
My nation also has a history spanning many thousands of recorded years into the past and has maintained many of the relicts of our past. To mention here there is a decent museum filled of relicts of my nation’s past if you would like to view later?”
"Very fascinating," said the Emperor, with a deep expression of interest. "I'd enjoy seeing them, certainly." He replied.
"If my memory serves me correctly Scandinvan doesn't have an embassy within Maraque... does it?"
The Scandinvans
26-07-2006, 04:03
Olaf responded,” Alright, then please follow me to museum then.” A servant pulled his chair out for him and then he began to walk off to the area slowly.
Olaf then said,” You are correct, that the my Empire in Marque.”
Jovan followed the Prince, looking at the beautiful surroundings on the way to the museum.
"Perhaps an embassy exchange wouldn't hurt then?" Emperor Jovan said. "It would make travel much easier for our citizens." The Emperor said, still admiring the place.
"I also meant to ask if there is anything specifically you want to ask me?" Emperor Jovan said once they reached the museum.
The Scandinvans
26-07-2006, 04:51
The Prince replied while still walking,” That would be a good idea for our nations to look into.”
At the museum the Prince responded,” There is nothing that I wished to specifically currently.”
Finishing that statement the Prince then turned his head slightly to look at a large Valgardian painting that was eight hundred years old.
"Good. I'll have my government contact yours to arrange an embassy exchange." Said Emperor Jovan.
"I must say this museum is very impressive. I thank you for showing me around... that painting is amazing. I've never seen anything like it."
The Scandinvans
26-07-2006, 05:41
In response Prince Olaf said,” Alright, my government shall comply with your government.
The painting itself is an ancient Valgardian work of art that was made by a great artist that depicted the scene of the glory of the Emperor of Valgard leading the last charge of the defense of Valgard and victory of the Empire over our ancient foes.”
"Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful," said Emperor Jovan. "Very fascinating history behind this painting."
OOC: I don't know where to take it from here, any suggestions?
The Scandinvans
26-07-2006, 05:58
Prince Olaf said,” True, my ancestor led that battle many thousands of years ago against the enemy that had overcame all of Valgard’s armies until he led the last sally from the forts before they would be able to pour into the undefended homelands of my people. Yet, sadly he died in the final moments of the battle he received an arrow in the eye.”
OOC: Think something like the Invasion of the Goths except mixed in with a little of emphasis on the Emperor and the enemy fleeing before the charge,
OOC: I'm not familier with that. What do you want to happen exactly?
The Scandinvans
27-07-2006, 01:54
OOC: Nothing really, except to point out that my nation has ‘always’ been ruled by strong and brave kings, and that my people are proud of that fact. Here is a link to the painting Invasion of the Goths:
"Ah. Your nation has been ruled by a lot of strong and brave kings. Your people must be proud." Emperor Jovan said. "Thank you for the great tour of this museum."
OOC: I'm not feeling very creative, bah. I can't think of anything interesting to write.
The Scandinvans
27-07-2006, 04:44
Prince Olaf replied,” Thank you, my people have been ruled by many a king of honor and of great skill during our long history, in fact my own father died in battle for the glory of our Empire. Yet, now if I may would you mind discussing about your own nation’s culture and people?”
OOC: It is cool, I now had hard it is to be creative when you have had a long day, especially if you work a ten hour SHIFT!?!!?!
OOC: Ten hours, damn. My minds all over the place because of some things, plus I had a knife pulled on me and I was robbed today so... yeah, lol.
"Maraque is a very socially progressive nation. The people aren't afraid to stray away from traditional ideals and create new ones, and are very open to new ideas, except in cases such as preserving the historical value of the nation.
In 2006 the Imperial Congress passed a measure to ban the practice of renovating any building in the empire that was built in the time period of 1800-1901 to preserve what many people called "the historical presence" of the empire.
As for ethnic groups... 81% are ethnic Maraquean with the rest being mostly western European, middle east asian, and North American.
Overall the population isn't that big on religion, with only 4% of the population practicing any religion, most practice Christianity with smaller groups practicing Judaism and Islam.
Maraqueans also pride themselves in their trilingualism. Almost the entire population speaks Maraquean as well as English and German fluently, after the Imperial Congress passed a bill making all three the official languages of the empire after studies showed them to be the most widely spoken languages, and now every child is required to learn all three." The Emperor said.
The Scandinvans
27-07-2006, 05:34
OOC: Man that sucks that is why I usually try to rely on intimidation on people who pick fights with me.
IC: Prince Olaf thought for a minute and then said,” Your nation’s people are much more different then my own people’s then because my people work to preserve the glory of old and maintain the old ideals, while at the same time trying to advance our society, but unlike other very traditional nations the Scandinvan Empire is very advanced due to the fact that new technologies are encouraged and our scientists are allowed to use any means necessary to advance them though they are not allowed to experiment on higher animals and they cannot test unrefined products on humans.
As well, most of my people are ethically Scandinvan in nature, of who they are most closely to Scandinavian peoples. Though the Valgardian population developed from a different breed then the Scandinvan people.
My own people are 97.6% religious and they are divided between Odinists and Catholics. The rest of them are divided in between a vast group of other religions.
Speak wise the people of my own nation are mostly bilingual either being able to speak English, Latin, Scandinvan, Low Valgardian, or French.”
"Yes indeed our nations people's are vastly different it would seem.
Another interesting bit of information is the lack of agriculture in Maraque... partly because the land and temperatures aren't suitable, and because Maraqueans seem to strive more for professional careers in medicine and business.
We're a vastly capitalistic society, but business is highly regulated in what it can do and there are several laws in place to make sure all corporate giants aren't paying sub-standard wages. This has a lot to do with the high incomes of our citizens, and yes inflation could be lower, but there are measures put in place to keep this minimal as well."
The Scandinvans
27-07-2006, 07:08
“In the Scandinvan Empire we have much farm land in our lands due to the fact that we have much fertile soil and a mild enough climate in most places to grow foods. As well, we even grow many tropical foods in the southern part of the Empire due to it being very suited for it down there.
Yet, we do have a very powerful market as many people are employed in manufacturing of arms and automobiles, business, and a large amount of different fields. Though, the average income of our the average citizens is about $30,000 a year the wealthy people of our nation are extremely wealthy of which most of them are nobles and the rest are industrialists.”
"Perhaps we could make a trade agreement? My nation doesn't have much fruits and vegetables, is there anything your nation might make a benefit out of that Maraque can offer?
Maraque has a very large automobile manufacturing sector... the largest automotive company, Maraque Motors produces more than 800 million vehicles a year worldwide, and the car market here is very good. Most Maraqueans lease their vehicles for a three year period, and most cars on the road today are mid-range BMW or Mercedes, with Toyota and Nissan close second. The traditionally expensive makes are cheaper here than in places like America.
That, coupled with the average Maraquean salary at 46,400 Maras, the car market is doing rather good at the moment.
The Scandinvans
28-07-2006, 03:22
“It would be appropriate for my nation to trade our food stuffs for money in return because my nation already has enough car producers in our nation for our trade, but it would be welcome for you to trade your luxury cares in my nation.”
The Scandinvans
29-07-2006, 05:35
OOC: I will be gone into next Saturday due to personal reasons.
OOC: Oops, nearly forgot about this thread. That's fine. I'll make a post soon or tomorrow, probably.
The Scandinvans
29-07-2006, 06:14
OOC: Alright then.
“It would be appropriate for my nation to trade our food stuffs for money in return because my nation already has enough car producers in our nation for our trade, but it would be welcome for you to trade your luxury cares in my nation.”"How much would you be able to export, and at what kind of price? I'm sure we could strike up an agreement to import some of our luxury automobiles to Scandinvan."
The Scandinvans
06-08-2006, 03:39
“Well, anything that will sell for over 35,000 Darvians ($55,293) in the Empire will be welcome as currently only the Nobles and Elite buy luxury cars and those ones are specially made to their designs as of yet there are to few luxury cars available to the middle class. What my people desire are high performance, well shaped, ‘slick’, superior, durable, fashionable, and/or comfortable cares mostly yet any luxury car will most likely sell. Do you think you can supply at least eighteen million luxury cars a year?”
"When it comes to automobiles, make no mistake, Maraque builds some of the worlds best." The Emperor said.
"Our largest automaker- which just happens to be owned by my father - Maraque Motors would be able to easily provide 18 million vehicles per year. The vehicle in question is the 950LE, made under the brand Bongani. It has a 9.5L V12 with 645hp and 515 lb-ft of torque.
It's a sedan, so it's heavy at 4,800lbs, but it has a 0-60 time of 4.3 seconds and tops out at 200mph. It's available in 88 different exterior colors and 128 leather interior colors, as well as 85 different wood trims. It retails for $25,000 Maras ($50,145), so I think it'd be right up your ally.
Also it was designed by Italian automaker Maserati so its very attractive and eye-catching. A car like this from a similiar brand would cost upwards of $180,000 USD, so this car is a bargain, and it's certainly nice."
The Scandinvans
06-08-2006, 04:07
“Good the 950LE will serve as a good luxury car in my home nation and it sales will surely be good and the price will most likely attract the upper middle class of my nation as it is a good target product for them.
As for the Maserati will be a good target product for the lesser millionaires and lower upper class.”
The Scandinvans
08-08-2006, 00:23
The Scandinvans
09-08-2006, 01:07
bump for response
"It's a deal then," Emperor Jovan said.
OOC; yeah, real short reply but I'm about to go out in less than five minutes and trying to get ready at the same time.
The Scandinvans
09-08-2006, 01:50
“That is good and my nation shall eagerly consume the cars that you supply,” Olaf replied.
"Indeed. If there is nothing else to discuss here, may I leave you to attend to any matters you have?"
The Scandinvans
09-08-2006, 04:12
“I was considering myself to buying a local yacht and going out sailing and you are invited to go, but there is nothing of anything politically important for us to talk about.”
"Sailing is one of my many hobbies. Me and my girlfriend go sailing every week."
The Scandinvans
09-08-2006, 05:17
“If you wish would you mind going sailing with me as it is type of tradition to my own people hold with pride being able to sail skillfully. Feel free to bring your girlfriend if you desire?”
OOC: In my own country there has yet to be an Emperor to have not been married due to the fact the Emperors have a life span beyond that of normal men. So that is why he is a little surprised.
"That sounds fantastic. When do you have in mind? I'm sure my girlfriend would enjoy it."
OOC: Well they're technically engaged. He's only 24 and was around 19 when he was elected to serve for life, so he couldn't get married right away.
The Scandinvans
09-08-2006, 05:38
“Alright, if you have the mind right now we may go as I have nothing important to do currently.”
OOC: Well, good point, but Olaf is already married at age 87 (between 23 and 24 physically) to a women of 82 (23 physcially) that is due to those of pure Valgardian blood aging at about a rate 3.5 time slower then other peoples due to a gene that they evolved.
"Neither do I. I'll contact my fiancee and see if she'd like to come."
Emperor Jovan steps aside, takes out his cellular and dials.
"Hi Malaika, I'm about to go sailing with the Prince and wanted to know if you'd like to come along? Okay sure, see you soon hun. Bye."
The Emperor comes back. "My Fiancee will be coming along, I'll just have to drive by our residence and pick her up if you don't mind a slight wait."
The Scandinvans
09-08-2006, 21:43
“I have plenty of time to wait as it will only take a short amount of time and I would enjoy to read a few pages from one of my museum’s books.”
"All right." The Emperor said, then proceeded to exit the penthouse.
- 30 minutes later -
The Emperor and his fiancee, Malaika arrived at the penthouse a short time later. Malaika, a thin, fair skinned woman of South African/German descent stood at 5'7", weighed 128lbs, and was wearing a close fitting casual black dress, wearing pearls around her neck and a rather large diamond ring on her finger.
"Prince Olaf, this is my fiancee Malaika," said Emperor Jovan, stepping aside for Malaika to greet the Prince.
The Scandinvans
10-08-2006, 05:51
Putting down his book full of strange ancient unusual runes, got up, and bowed to her then Prince Olaf said,” Greeting eipoit meot prfim. Which translated roughly means Lady of Great Grace.”
After saying that he stopped bowing and stepped forward and extended his hand to shake her hand.
The Scandinvans
12-08-2006, 06:54
Malaika blushed. "Nice to meet you," Malaika said while shaking his hand. "It's stunning what you've done to this place."
"Shall we be off?" the Emperor said politely.
The Scandinvans
12-08-2006, 07:22
The Prince replied,” Thank you for the complainant. As well, I do think that now would be a perfect time to go off if everything Is prepared.”
OOC: Whose yacht is it? Just so I know.
The Scandinvans
12-08-2006, 07:33
OOC: Does not really matter to me, even though it would make more logical sense for it be yours as he has yet to have everything arranged on his yacht yet due to him not being in Marque that long.
OOC: Gotcha. I assumed it was mine, just had to make sure.
"All right, well lets go then." the Emperor said. "This way."
Once they reached the bottom floor they were met by several Imperial Guardsmen who escorted them through a secret passageway somewhere near the main lobby.
"This is a secret passage for government officials and VIPs for safety measures and such." the Emperor said.
After some time they made it to what looked like the rear of the building, with a waiting Mercedes-Benz S600 limousine by the curb.
"The pier is downtown, we'll be followed by a convey for your safety."
They entered the vehicle, and it drove off followed by scores of security detail including a helicopter and snipers along the route to the pier.
-15 minutes later-
The convey finally arrived at the pier, and after the initial OK they were allowed to exit and proceeded to Emperor Jovans yacht that was in a separate section from the rest. The Emperor let Prince Olaf on first, then helped Malaika on before boarding himself.
"Very nice weather, perfect for a day out on the water." the Emperor said, before departing.
The Scandinvans
12-08-2006, 08:11
The Prince began to feel the sea calling of his kindred born awake once more into him and he looked with his piercing eyes out into the water observing it as if he was reading it like a book. Turning to the Emperor he said,” The sea as it reads to me will remain calm today and be a perfect day for a sail as there is a good wind began to blow out onto the sea and it will probably shift later so that it will blow us back to the port well enough.”
"That's incredible" the soon-to-be Empress could be heard saying under her breath, as she went to change into something... more comfortible.
"That's good to hear" The Emperor said, trying not to look too strange by the oddity of the moment.
The boat left the pier, slowly moving through the crystal clear water of an amazing looking light blue mixed with a pink tint, exotic birds flying above, the sky clear as ever. The most perfect of days to sail.
The Scandinvans
13-08-2006, 04:12
The Prince Olaf could see that they were at least a little surprised by what he just due to being good at judging body language and read the slightest expression of emotion. Yet, he just had a small chuckle and then said,” Let us set off as the day has yet to reach its zenith and the sea will be certainly glorious then.”
OOC: I forgot to say in advance that I'm going to Munich from Saturday to Monday 28th. I'm on the plane right now and only have an hour left on my time before I have to pay another $9.95 for an additional hour.
I'll post now, but I probably won't post much until I return.
"How are you liking Maraque this far, Prince Olaf?" The Emperor said, trying to strike conversation.
The Scandinvans
16-08-2006, 00:15
Upon a moment of thinking Olaf responded,” I am enjoying the visit to your beautiful nation so far.”
"I'm glad, and to think this is only but a small portion. I suggest going to the ancient city of Corona. A lot of our nations history is centered around it." Emperor Jovan said, while his fiancee came back in a striking pink bikini.
OOC: 2:37am, can't sleep. Munich is awesome though.
The Scandinvans
16-08-2006, 01:41
Prince Olaf replied,” Hmmm… that is an interesting proposal so I believe that we should because of what you described. It might remind of Valdra the port city of Valgard which is 4800 years old.”
OOC: Munich from what I heard is great and from what I remember of other parts of Europe would at least be just as good. I do not remember half of Italy for some reason.:D
"Corona is only 535 years old, but it holds so much history. It's the location of the devestating civil war that killed nearly 49 million people. The President that was elected after they gained independence refused to give up office when his term expired and it went into civil war between his loyalists and freedom fighters.
The loyalists won but the country went into complete anarchy and that's when I decided to intervene and it became a part of Maraque once again, and that's only in the past 25 years."
OOC: Munich is much better than I expected. I love it so much.
The Scandinvans
17-08-2006, 19:57
“Corona seems to a is very important city to your people as is Valdra to mine as much of my people’s own history was there as it was where our first fleet was created and were the trade of our ancient empire was based,” Prince Olaf replied.
OOC: Munich sounds pretty cool and I may have to visit it myself.
The Scandinvans
18-08-2006, 05:19
OOC: Just to ask do your people have a long tradition of sea faring?
OOC: Yeah. Thinking up a reply... hmmm
The Scandinvans
21-08-2006, 03:18
OOC: By the way do you have a fact book?
OOC: lol, I keep on forgetting this. Yeah, but I haven't posted it yet, I'm still writing out some details.
"Your country sounds fanstastic, I'd love to vacation there some time." Malaika said.
"Likewise." said the Emperor as a waiter brought out a platter full of various bite size h'dourves.
The Scandinvans
21-08-2006, 04:11
The Prince replied,” The vacation can be arranged for both of you in the future if you desire to.’
Olaf picked up some of the h'dourves and ate a few of them.
"Thank you Prince." Malaika said.
"You wouldn't mind coming to dinner at the Imperial Palace, would you Prince Olaf?" said the Emperor. "Perhaps a tour around the city as well?"
The Scandinvans
21-08-2006, 04:41
Replying the Prince said,” Yes, that would indeed to be nice to see your Imperial Palace and a tour of the city would be quite interesting for me.”
"All right. After we're done here we'll head towards the city. I promise you it will be very fascinating."
The Scandinvans
21-08-2006, 04:56
Remaining stern in face he then said,” Then let us begin the activities in the city then.”
"Ok, I suppose we'll head back now as it'll be dark in a few hours, just enough time to see everything before dinner."
The Scandinvans
21-08-2006, 05:47
"That seems to be a good idea as the city most likely has much to offer."
The boat made it's way back to port and they entered the limousine once more heading towards the city.
They decided to take Highway II towards Schlansia, a city just outside of the capital Super City. iding through the small cobble stoned street the Emperor began to talk about its history.
"This town was founded by the explorers that discovered Maraque over half a millienium ago. As you can tell the town still has that charm of old, as opposed to much of the rest of the surrounding areas. Maraqueans are very historically oriented people and do not like destroying the natural and rustic look of things.
This house right here." the Emperor said, pointing "was the home of King Tuan Lekan, the man behind Maraque. He was murdered during the civil war of 1463 when a racial divide separated the country. Maraque is a black majority, and King Lekan was white, and many of the blacks of that time felt like they were being treated like second-class citizens and he ended up being burned on a stake." the Emperor said, driving past the small abandoned brick house on the corner.
The Scandinvans
21-08-2006, 06:15
Prince Olaf responded,” My own people’s history was originally divided due to the fact the ruling Valgardian and Scandinvan class controlled the Empire. Yet, there erupted a civil war against the Valgardian and Scandinvan peoples that was made up of peoples from the southern Germanic peoples and the Arab/Berber tribes of the farthest south. But, the alliance of the Valgardians and Scandinvans won and ended up in the killing of many Germanic people and the near extinction of the Arab and Berber tribes.”
Malaika listened closely to what Prince Olaf was saying, very interested in its history.
The Emperor started speaking again "Schlansia is an entirely Muslim community. 100% of the population identifies as Muslim according to last years census. I find this incredible because Maraque is a very secular nation and many riots and such have erupted over the years in areas such as Hythoria from secularists and people of faith. In fact, if you take a look to your right you'll see the remains of an ancient temple that was burned down by the original German settlers. They've since moved on, and we'll drive through their part of town temporarily."
The Scandinvans
21-08-2006, 06:44
Thinking on it he replied,” Rather interesting as it is important to show that religious wars have occurred for a long period of time. Yet, to say to that in my peoples past well over a thousand year ago the Empire used to have a policy to exterminate or enslave all the natives in a newly conquered area.”
"Your history goes back so many years Prince Olaf, it's quite incredible." Malaika said, talking to the Prince while the Emperor spoke more about the history.
They rode around Schlansia a bit more, the Emperor pointing out more historical points of interest, and they crossed over into Lower Super City, also known as Vorencia.
"This is Vorencia. This was originally the capital city before it merged with Northern Maraque (Super City). The Germans moved here after the riots in Schlansia.
See all these red doors? Back then the red doors meant that Arabs and other Southeast Asians weren't welcome inside their shops, this was long before that was deemed unconstitutional. Now a days though there isn't much separation and you'll commonly see Germans shopping in Schlansia and Arabs shopping in Vorencia.
Ah, and here is the old abandoned Imperial Palace. This was the very first Imperial Palace, constructed in 1459. It was home to King Lekan among other royals, including myself before the new Imperial Palace was built in Super City."
The Scandinvans
22-08-2006, 03:13
The Prince replied,” The building of new palaces is practiced in my nation, but we never abandon a palace as we either upgrade them or continue to use them. Yet, to say a different thing it seems your own nations has suffered much conflict between your nations’s many people.”
OOC: I'll post at a later time, in the meantime I have a factbook up now. It's in my signature.
The Scandinvans
05-09-2006, 05:41
OOC: Alright, I can wait as I am patient.:)