NationStates Jolt Archive

Foreign Ministry Terminates Maraque Embassy

24-07-2006, 00:57
AP-With the building tensions against LifeWyze, Foreign Affairs Minister Karou Kamiah and Prime Minister Elenore Romney, called for a full termination of the Embassy Contract in both nation.

Reasons behind the termination is the same reason CuteBunnyCorp was terminated, it's assosiation to LifeWyze. Although the diffrences are Maraque is the host nation to the company deemed an abomination of business. With Kanami's nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons non-proliferation policey, as well as it's heavy business ethics and social welfare dedication, the merefact Maraque is associated with a company that is proliferation, and plans to replace all stadard farms with bio-farms is bad enough, the fact it hosts it, is even worst.

Not to mention Maraque and Kanami are on very opposite sides of the politcal specturm. Kanami is a very conservative nation, and Maraque is a very liberal one. Although this gave Romeny and Kamiah a reason to continue relations with Maraque prior to the LON probe, it isn't enough.

"If I have to chose between learning from the opposite, and the welfare and care of the world, I chose welfare and care." Romney said in a confrense.

Plus Kanami is planning on sanctions against Maraque, Crixium, and Allena, despite the lack of cooperation or help from IFTA.

Romney has given a marshall evac order for the Kanami embassy in Maraque, as well as the embassy in Kanami. Some others in opposing parties belive it is more than a "guilt by assosiation" reason. Kanami also has to be concerned for it's embassy, and the possibility of attack. It isn't known if it would be a truley perminate cancellation, though Kamiah says it is.

"The only way we would reopen an Embassy is if Maraque is if they terminate funding and support for LifeWyze. But I doubt Maraque would give up there mulit-million LW grant for us."