NationStates Jolt Archive

The Trose Campaign (FT, Semi-Open, Background info, OOC interest/signup thread)

23-07-2006, 22:57
This thread is fully open, despite what the title says.

Playing with a big red rubber ball, little Jack was having the time of his life. It was cloudy out and might rain. He hiped it didn't rain because then he would have to come inside. Suddenly his mother came bursting out the front door, sprinting right at him while screaming his name. As he took a step toward her something flashed behind him, throwing his shadow almost knife-sharp on the ground before him. His mother stumbled, unable to see what was before her. A moment later they were floored as a shockwave hit.

Little Jack's mother would be spared what was to come as she bashed her head open on the curb. Little Jack himself didn't notice how still she was, nor her profuse bleeding. He rolled over and looked back at the column of smoke. just a few moments later he too was blinded as another shaft of destruction hit the surface. If he could still see, he would notice small shapes heading towards space: those trying to escape and those trying to fight. The civilians were headed away, trying to make it to the backside of the planet before leaving the atmosphere. At the same time various fighters were heading up and towards the source of that terrible energy.

Pillars of light fell from the sky faster and faster, leaving death in their wake. Within minutes, the largest city on the planet was a smoking ruin. As more death continued to sizzle down through the clouds, it was very methodically walked throughout the surrounding area. By the time it reached little Jack's neighborhood, he was already dead. The concusions had picked up his small body and wrapped him around a street sign.

Later, after nightfall, the clouds had cleared up. In the sky, red streaks could be seen. The attackers that were attempting to enter the atmosphere and the hulks of the would-be defenders as they burned up on reentry. This attack was carried out simultaniously with several others. In the space of a few short hours, the Dominion had lost an entire system.

When he heard the news, Ralpmet dropped his drink, the glass shattering as it hit the floor. The Trose system had been entirely taken from him. He turned to his advisors, "Can they know about the facility there?"

"Its presence may be why they attacked Trose. Our only saving grace in this case is that they don't seem to know which world it is on."

"That doesn't matter. We have to retake the system anyway, now we have to do it before they find it." He shook his head, he had thought they would be safe if only for awhile. But he was wrong. The Rhithin had once again attacked the Dominion.

Meanwhile, the fleet was getting ready to move out. In fact the entire military was preparing. This would not merely be fought in the vacuum but it would be fought on the surface of the planets as well.

So, what do you think? Anyone want to join? Basically, there will eventually be four or maybe five threads pertaining to this. One for each planet and maybe something a the end.

IC thread (
23-07-2006, 23:02
An Anla`shok ship can assist you, it would probably be one White Star frigate or something of similar size. If the fighting gets up to an absurd level, a Sharlin could assist but that would be the largest I could deploy.
23-07-2006, 23:14
Can you please give me some specifics? Size, shape and whatnot.
23-07-2006, 23:26

Ignore the 'monitor' designation, I'm going to redesignate it as a frigate soonish.
23-07-2006, 23:33
A hundred and thirteen weapons. That's a lot. Okay, You're cool. But what about when the fighting moves to the surface? Are you going to relegate yourself to being orbital artillery?
23-07-2006, 23:35
D'oh - I just caught my own mistake. That should be 10 not 100. But yeah, I'll do that.
23-07-2006, 23:38
I thought that was a little high. Now we just need a few more people to jump on board and I can start.
24-07-2006, 00:44
I needs teh RPerzors.
24-07-2006, 01:28
Come on! How much incentive do you need to blow stuff up?
24-07-2006, 02:02
none what so ever.

I've decided I'm in.

Though as the alliance or empire, I have yet to decide.
24-07-2006, 02:14
I'm in. I'm getting sick of constant fighting in space... I thirst for ground battles. I've been dying to deploy my toys since I started playing FT.

Btw, excellent post there.
24-07-2006, 02:34
Thank you. There will of course still be space battles as you will most likely have to beat your way through to the surface.
24-07-2006, 02:53
Oh, no doubt. As long as I can get my dudes on the ground, though, I'll be perfectly content. :D
24-07-2006, 02:59
That was one of the reasons for doing this. I went through all the trouble of putting together my entire military and never use half of it. OH, just so's I know, what tech are you using?
24-07-2006, 03:07
Mostly my own, or modified stuff from various sources. For space I have a combo of Battlestar Galactica and Star Wars. (Makes for very interesting RPs to say the least. Rail guns and turbolasers on the same ship are not a common sight.) On the ground most of my stuff is from BF 2142 for the simple reason I like the feel of real bullets and slugs over blasters, lasers, and whatnot. The only energy weapon I use on the ground are light particle cannons on my mechs and disruptor rifles for my Elites. I also have Sentries, which are essentially my Marine. They're just Battlestar Galactica's (new series, btw) Centurion since I think it looks kickass. I rarely use them in ground assaults since they're so powerful. They're just used for garrisons on ships and sometimes boarding parties. If the situation gets bad I will deploy them on the ground.

So, that's me in a nutshell.

EDIT- Last link in my sig = FT factbook.
25-07-2006, 02:41
It'd be nice to get a few more people on board.
26-07-2006, 00:38
Come on! FT space encounters are more numerous than the stars themselves, but I'm giving you all the chance to unleash your FT ground and air forces!
26-07-2006, 00:46
I could bring a troopship with me, if nobody else joins.
26-07-2006, 01:05
With close to a hundred views and only three people jumping on, you might have to.

Now, more info: The Trose system is home to four planets. The fourth planet is essentially an iceball. The third planet is largely thick jungle, while the second planet is an open agro-world. The first planet is a barren desert world.
26-07-2006, 02:13
Okay, will someone tell me why this is so unappealing to everyone else?
26-07-2006, 02:54
Why won't anyone else join? C'mon people, join.
27-07-2006, 04:58
This will be the final night for bumpage. After tonight, I will be starting the actual thread.
28-07-2006, 00:05
Okay, I lied. The new thread will be up by Friday at the latest. Until would be nice if more would join.
28-07-2006, 01:00
There's only so much time left to sign up. So you'd better hurry and join! Please?
28-07-2006, 02:35
Yeah, I got tired of waiting. So, I went ahead and started the IC thread. If you decide to join now, post here first and we'll work something out.
29-07-2006, 23:56
Okay, I'm starting to lose patience, here. First nobody wanted to join. Now those who did join can't be bothered to post on the IC thread. I'm becoming frustrated. You don't want to see me frustrated. (
30-07-2006, 00:13
Hey, at least I tagged it. Hopefully I'll find the time to respond tonight.
30-07-2006, 00:17
I saw your TAG. But I've seen Whyatica on several times over the past few days and I haven't seen or heard from Huntaer for a little longer.
30-07-2006, 01:03
I'd like to join if possible. I would like to use my Thrashian "First and Only" Mobile Suit Corp. Its commanded by Admiral-General Yuri Kilani, and consists of three divisions, each commanded by a colonel or brigadier general.

I want mostly just a ground war, so can you designate me to a planet where there wont be much 'in-space' action?

If you want to know what types of mobile suits that I'll be using, check either my factbook or frontstore for specs and capabilities.
30-07-2006, 01:08
Almost all of the action will be ground-based. The only space actions should be taking out the ships in orbit around the planets. The IC thread is right here ( feel free to start posting. Mobile suits, huh? What model? I have a few "prototype" Leos in my war chest.

In a totally unrelated note, I applied to join the GE a long time ago and was never given a yes or no answer.
30-07-2006, 01:19
Almost all of the action will be ground-based. The only space actions should be taking out the ships in orbit around the planets. The IC thread is right here ( feel free to start posting. Mobile suits, huh? What model? I have a few "prototype" Leos in my war chest.

Good, ground action is good. Will we have detailed maps for organizing attacks, defenses, offensives, etc?

Well I use a mix of suits from all of the series, mostly the 8th MS Team, Gundam Wing, and thats about it. None of the others appealed to me.

In a totally unrelated note, I applied to join the GE a long time ago and was never given a yes or no answer.

Consider yourself a surogate member, if you wish it. I will speaking with Unified Sith and see about setting you up on our forums. How does that sound?
30-07-2006, 01:28
Thank you.

*sigh* I miss 08th MS team. It was just too short and didn't get the replay afforded to Wing. I liked Wing as well, you didn't like SEED. On that note, Doesn't Kira look supiciously like Heero? (Aside from the eye color and actually having...emotions)

Anywho, yeah, post in the IC thread if you would. I'm waiting for people to show up there so I can give more info/briefings.

I'm working on the map issue as we speak...type...or whatever.
The Cassiopeia Galaxy
30-07-2006, 21:05
(Arcadeos, get on MSN. I need to ask you something.)
30-07-2006, 21:14
31-07-2006, 00:47
31-07-2006, 00:54
For whatever reason, JOLT doesn't allow me to add attachments. If you shoot me your email, I can send you copies. Are you waiting on the maps before you make a final decision? Also it would be nice if Whyatica would post on the IC thread since I know he's on right now!
31-07-2006, 01:17
For whatever reason, JOLT doesn't allow me to add attachments. If you shoot me your email, I can send you copies. Are you waiting on the maps before you make a final decision? Also it would be nice if Whyatica would post on the IC thread since I know he's on right now!

You don't have to add it as an attchement. Just take the url of the picture and put it either as a link, or as (img)(/img) "[" instead of ")", and put it between there.

However, here is my e-mail:
31-07-2006, 01:24
Maps are sent. These are of the fourth world, the farthest from the system's sun.
31-07-2006, 01:43
Is it possible that you could put some cities on there? Just giving me a topographical map isn't really too...I dunno, useful. And yea, I guess thats where my forces will be arriving.
31-07-2006, 01:47
I'll get on that right away. You need to post in the IC thread, please. Once people get there I can give out more information and ICly work out a battleplan. As it stated on the other thread, my ground forces have never actually seen combat before.
31-07-2006, 02:26
Alrighty, my 1st Mobile Army is on its way.
31-07-2006, 02:29
I saw that. They've neglected to tell my government about they're involvement, as well. You've sent them to the Trose system while the rest of the forming taskforce is around ACES station. Sending you another e-mail, by the way.
31-07-2006, 02:43
I saw that. They've neglected to tell my government about they're involvement, as well. You've sent them to the Trose system while the rest of the forming taskforce is around ACES station.

I know, isn't it exciting!? Besides, joining up with others isn't really Admiral Yuri Kilani's style; if you catch my drift. *chuckles* Besides, it adds flavor. :D
31-07-2006, 02:56
Exciting...yeah. You've managed to alert the Rhithin to our intentions. Last time they invaded the Dominion they sent a couple hundred warships.
01-08-2006, 02:16
Exciting...yeah. You've managed to alert the Rhithin to our intentions. Last time they invaded the Dominion they sent a couple hundred warships.

Don't worry, my Space Mobile Suit force is comprised of 300 of the best pilots within the known galaxy. My best platoon commanded by Lieutenant Char Anzable (I know, sad stealing of names) took out forty Imperial Star Destroyers (with only 10 mobile suits, zaku IIs to be exact). So its not like I can't handle it, not to mention that my ships are strong...
01-08-2006, 02:26
WTF?! Fourty with ten mobile suits? Can you link that thread to me? I wanna see how you pulled that off. Oh, yeah. It's your turn to post in the IC thread.
01-08-2006, 02:38
WTF?! Fourty with ten mobile suits? Can you link that thread to me? I wanna see how you pulled that off. Oh, yeah. It's your turn to post in the IC thread.

Done, and...well, will you give me some time to find it? I've got a hella load of threads I've been in and this was a looong time ago; I've switched between mobile suit tech, star wars, and vice versa for a long time, and only now have I begun incorporating both of them. so, yea, I'll get the thread up for you. Mind you it was just between me and a friend and it was pre-planned for me to win (he wanted to lose so he could have a resurgent thing or something).
01-08-2006, 02:45
Also, check out the GE forums. Read my reply.Thanks.
Shadow SeaQuest
01-08-2006, 02:47
Sounds interesting. If this is still open, I'll consider jumping in.

One question though, would it be permissible to side with the invaders or remain as either a neutral third side that joins the side against the one that shoots at them first or as a mysterious third party that helps and hinders where they want?
01-08-2006, 02:49
Sounds good to me.

Also, did you just send me an email asking about cities on the maps?
01-08-2006, 02:52
Sounds interesting. If this is still open, I'll consider jumping in.

One question though, would it be permissible to side with the invaders or remain as either a neutral third side that joins the side against the one that shoots at them first or as a mysterious third party that helps and hinders where they want?

*blink* Some of us are somewhat braindead after work. I'm not sure I understand. I suppose you could join the invaders. They already outnumber my forces, but it is plausable. The rest of it confuses me except for the last part. Maybe. Would you be acting like the 8492 from AC5?
01-08-2006, 02:53
Sounds good to me.

Also, did you just send me an email asking about cities on the maps?
Yes, I'd like some. Those maps of land masses on the ice-ball world? Yea, I'd like to have something to retake other than a great big-ole' snow cone. Some greatgul citizens would be nice and a city with a good bagel shop.
Shadow SeaQuest
01-08-2006, 03:08
*blink* Some of us are somewhat braindead after work. I'm not sure I understand. I suppose you could join the invaders. They already outnumber my forces, but it is plausable. The rest of it confuses me except for the last part. Maybe. Would you be acting like the 8492 from AC5?
The what from the what?

If you mean Species 8472 from the Star Trek universe, then no.

What I meant was something along the lines of being on neither side and 'profiting' from the result as a possibility. Or I could be a third-side invader.

I'm thinking of doing the second option I mentioned above but wind up fighting against the original invaders, if you IC provide evidence of their prior failed attacks that is. It would mean that they would be consider the weak (due to your prooven ability to defeat them) and thus not worthy of surviving. Its a 'the strong survive and the weak perish' type thing.
01-08-2006, 03:23
I was referring to the 8492 squadron from Ace Combat 5 for the PS2. As for the rest of it, I once agani apologize for being braindead but I'm still not quite grasping what you're saying. Also, the last instance: An Exercise in Futility (
Shadow SeaQuest
01-08-2006, 03:30
I was referring to the 8492 squadron from Ace Combat 5 for the PS2. As for the rest of it, I once agani apologize for being braindead but I'm still not quite grasping what you're saying. Also, the last instance: An Exercise in Futility (

Sorry, never played that game.

Though, I do recall reading that thread. You'll have to provide that evidence to SSQ IC'ly if you want it to do any good though.

As for the plan, I'll lay it out in IC list form.

1.) Pick up your message;
2.) Think you are weak for not being able to do it yourself;
3.) Send some ships to the contested system as an invasion force to try to test some new items and gain some territory and another to your station;
4.) Have the ship at your station get proof that you've already defeated the enemy attacking the system;
5.) Ships in system get info and open fire on the enemy;
6.) Fade away while keeping a mystique about SSQ and its purpose.

Of course, who I end up shooting at is dependent on your actions concerning my ship that approaches your station.

Let me know if I'm approved to join, and I can just play it by ear as usual.
01-08-2006, 03:34
By all means, jump in. I honestly don't know how any of this will turn out since Thrashia kinda bull-in-a-china-shop'ed my storyline. So I'm more or less playing it by ear as well.
Shadow SeaQuest
01-08-2006, 06:18
By all means, jump in. I honestly don't know how any of this will turn out since Thrashia kinda bull-in-a-china-shop'ed my storyline. So I'm more or less playing it by ear as well.
That's something you generally have to expect if you don't mention that fact up front. Usually, if you say you have a general story line you want to keep the RP to first thing, people generally respect that, usually.

Of course, having back-up plans doesn't hurt either.

I'll make an IC post as soon as I am able.
The Empyrean Heights
01-08-2006, 07:34
Hey, I'd be more than thrilled to join. And no, I'm not really some n00b nation, just returning after a haitus. The Empryian Nation is ready to help (if it's possible to get me in).
01-08-2006, 23:43
It's possible to get you in. While Thrashia is blundering around in the Trose system, Almost all of my deploying forces and Craven are near ACES. Just jump in and start talking.
01-08-2006, 23:53
Hey, Thrashia? Exactly how did you know to go to the Trose system? I never mentioned what system it was in the broadcast.
02-08-2006, 01:57
Hey, Thrashia? Exactly how did you know to go to the Trose system? I never mentioned what system it was in the broadcast.

Your signal got picked up by my Section 3 Intelligence agency. They're sort of a black-ops and KGB organization and have spys and networks galaxy-wide (a few) and its not that hard to trace a non-coded transmission to its source. Especially since it would be logged into Imperial Records by the Galactic Empire and its own intelligence organizations and through them my own gets the info.

So...thats how. XD
Shadow SeaQuest
02-08-2006, 08:53
Hey, Thrashia? Exactly how did you know to go to the Trose system? I never mentioned what system it was in the broadcast.

Here's how I'm explaining how my ships found the place (minus the courier ship headed for ACES).

Big battle means lots of energy shooting back and forth. Their was the first primary battle between you and the enemey, and then Thras showed up and created an even bigger energy beacon. As my guys are Dark Paradine, that 'beacon' is blinding, metaphorically speaking of course (couldn't recall the spelling of the other word that means the opposite of 'litterally').
02-08-2006, 15:50
Your signal got picked up by my Section 3 Intelligence agency. They're sort of a black-ops and KGB organization and have spys and networks galaxy-wide (a few) and its not that hard to trace a non-coded transmission to its source. Especially since it would be logged into Imperial Records by the Galactic Empire and its own intelligence organizations and through them my own gets the info.

So...thats how. XD

Heh, yeah. Problem is, although I could always be wrong, he sent his transmission from the staging point where my fleet is meeting with his fleet. XD
03-08-2006, 00:56
Heh, yeah. Problem is, although I could always be wrong, he sent his transmission from the staging point where my fleet is meeting with his fleet. XD

When I say source, I mean like the planetary system he's transmitting from, not his exact location down to a T. That would be silly, unless communication had been established between our governments before hand, then it would have meant me coming into his gathering zone. However I decided to take another approach. :D
Shadow SeaQuest
03-08-2006, 01:03
Meh, I think my idea is the more plausible one.
03-08-2006, 01:21
Meh, I think my idea is the more plausible one.

not really when you consider that the energy output of the nearby star would cover anything else if you were using scanners on a galactic level. To pick up energy from beam weaponry in a battle would require you to be pretty damned close.
Shadow SeaQuest
03-08-2006, 01:27
not really when you consider that the energy output of the nearby star would cover anything else if you were using scanners on a galactic level. To pick up energy from beam weaponry in a battle would require you to be pretty damned close.

Meh, I was kinda hoping not having to go into the technobabble that explains why my Dark Paradine, who are of the darkness, let alone my Abyss character could sense it.

In as simple terms as I can put it, the Abyss is the personification of all darkness that has ever existed in every reality brought to life and merged with the leader of Shadow SeaQuest (my way of limiting the GM possibilities apparent with such a character). Thus, the energy released by the battles would cause the Dark Paradine (also of darkness, but not as much as the Abyss), to be attracted like moths to a flame. Of course, the stuff about a national philosphy that's basically "the strong survive and the weak perish" would be the reason they go to the area to find the strong (ie, winners) and the weak (ie, losers) instead of just ignoring it all together.

TBH, I've seen stranger things in my time on NS that make this concept seem simple by comparison.
03-08-2006, 01:46
When I say source, I mean like the planetary system he's transmitting from, not his exact location down to a T. That would be silly, unless communication had been established between our governments before hand, then it would have meant me coming into his gathering zone. However I decided to take another approach. :D

Yeah...I was transmitting from a different system. Remember that map I sent you? There should be a little red square labeled ACES. That's where the transmission came from.
03-08-2006, 01:48
Yeah...I was transmitting from a different system. Remember that map I sent you? There should be a little red square labeled ACES. That's where the transmission came from.

just shut-up and deal with it! ARGH!
Shadow SeaQuest
03-08-2006, 01:49
Yeah...I was transmitting from a different system. Remember that map I sent you? There should be a little red square labeled ACES. That's where the transmission came from.

Speaking of the map, could you post it in this thread?

If you need a photo uploader thing, try to upload any images you want from your HDD.
03-08-2006, 01:58
just shut-up and deal with it! ARGH!

03-08-2006, 02:01
Here is the big map. Heh. Just kidding. I'll get it up in minute for ya.
03-08-2006, 02:03
Thank you. I'm having issues with photobucket. (My not remembering my password and them not being able to send it to me because Yahoo thinks thay aren't safe.)
03-08-2006, 02:05
Here is the map. And also, Arc man, just e-mail me all the pics and I'll post them up.

The Map (

For some reason, jolt doesn't like pictures.
Shadow SeaQuest
03-08-2006, 02:15
@Thrashia: Thanks.

@Arcadeos: My Yahoo e-mail account works fine with my Photobucket account. Of course, a smart thing to do would be to write it down using paper-and-pencil. A good, old-fashioned hard-copy of the password.

Or you could just try Imageshack.
03-08-2006, 02:36
@Thrashia: Thanks.

@Arcadeos: My Yahoo e-mail account works fine with my Photobucket account. Of course, a smart thing to do would be to write it down using paper-and-pencil. A good, old-fashioned hard-copy of the password.

Or you could just try Imageshack.

I got it covered. Anyway, thats it for me tonight; gotta go. Seeya later.
Shadow SeaQuest
04-08-2006, 02:34
@Arcadeos: Inquiry. Would the enemy debris be up for grabs at the end?
04-08-2006, 03:01
Sure. Oh, Thrashia? I'll try to get those city-fied maps to you. My schedule is kinda full of paperwork. (My ass is finally getting out of the military).
Shadow SeaQuest
04-08-2006, 07:02
@Thrashia: Save some bad guys for the rest of us.

@Arcadeos: Cool. I know just what I'll do with the debris I grab prior to leaving mysteriously.
05-08-2006, 01:06
@Thrashia: Save some bad guys for the rest of us.

@Arcadeos: Cool. I know just what I'll do with the debris I grab prior to leaving mysteriously.

Hey *shrugs* I got to grab that ice ball for a base of operations. Get it fast and hard, and dig my claws deep. then the Rhithin can't have an easy time of pushing back after such a surprise.
Shadow SeaQuest
05-08-2006, 05:44
Hey *shrugs* I got to grab that ice ball for a base of operations. Get it fast and hard, and dig my claws deep. then the Rhithin can't have an easy time of pushing back after such a surprise.
Meh, just one canon XMC has the firepower to decimate a planet. Its also canon that I've got enough firepower in my fleet near the Oort Cloud to make a planet go boom. A canon XMC can also fire 3,600 missiles in a 15 second period. And that's without the SSQ upgrades from the original canon.

Note, that's not a threat, just an FYI on info I felt you should be aware of.
05-08-2006, 20:06
Don't mind me and my not posting. I'm just waiting for a spot where it would be appropriate for me to jump back in.
06-08-2006, 17:53
Some more information on the Rhithin would be nice...
07-08-2006, 09:51
I know its after the RP started, but I'm not planning on intervening on behalf of either side. I was wondering if my largest armaments corporation, Scütwerks, could send an observation vessel to monitor the joint military operation against the Rhithin for intelligence purposes, and maybe make a couple of sales pitches afterwards, once the crew analyzes their findings.
08-08-2006, 17:58
Go for it. My posting will be rather sporadic and random as I'm busy with paperwor and they keep moving me from shift to shift. I was days, then mids, and now I'm moving to swings.
08-08-2006, 21:44
Go for it. My posting will be rather sporadic and random as I'm busy with paperwor and they keep moving me from shift to shift. I was days, then mids, and now I'm moving to swings.

np, just get on with what you can, when you can.
12-08-2006, 16:54
14-08-2006, 00:21
Hey! I'm a civilian again and visiting home for a short while. Erratic internet access for now.
15-08-2006, 02:37
Hey! I'm a civilian again and visiting home for a short while. Erratic internet access for now.

then post as soon as possible.
20-08-2006, 01:21
Posted. Sorry about the delay, my life is rather chaotic right now.
20-08-2006, 08:04
OOC: Yeah, everyone thinks Kilani is insane, Thrashia. And Vernii, can you please post in the OOC thread as to what your intentions are?

From my post earlier:

I was wondering if my largest armaments corporation, Scütwerks, could send an observation vessel to monitor the joint military operation against the Rhithin for intelligence purposes, and maybe make a couple of sales pitches afterwards, once the crew analyzes their findings.
20-08-2006, 18:23
Oops! My bad, you may proceed, Vernii. I'll have to figure out something, but you're good to go.