NationStates Jolt Archive

Reborn Imperial Alliance - Reborn!

23-07-2006, 19:13
Reborn Imperial Alliance

His Majesty King George the Fifth would like to announce to the international community with complete and profound excitement; that the banner of the noble Reborn Imperial Alliance is once more raised above the standards of indecency.

The British Empire has elected itself to lead this noble crusade, our noble nation has acknowledged our part in establishing international peace, purpose and civilisation. As such, the Empire will no longer tolerate so called democracies to run rampant, unchallenged in their futile attempts of secretive Imperialism. Instead, the Empire will now defend those sharing our ideals, we will work to further peace and security, we will strive to bring around a new dawn for all the peoples of our Earth.

But we are only one state, one amongst many. A small trickle against the never ending tide of barbarians; each one endlessly smashing against our golden gates.

That is why the Empire calls upon you. We seek all our noble friends and allies to insure the rebirth, solidification and ratification of histories most beloved of organisations. Let us not continue in a dark age of destruction, let us instead work together to find a new way forward. To rebuild our golden age!