NationStates Jolt Archive

A Matter of Life and Death

21-07-2006, 15:04
OOC- If your interested in joining this thread see the Sign up thread entitled Zombie/Mutant/Monster Sign Up Thread. Here ( is the link.

IC- Oaksdale City. 6/6/06. It was a good place to live. But now, the city was in a state of chaos. Undead things began to crawl out of nowhere and attack. Giant monstrosities and hideous mutants attacked the populace, turning them into other undead things. Two agents from a government agency were in town. They had weapons. They fought the creatures. They had run into a building, bringing a few people with them, and barricaded it.

Rick Burton looked out one of the windows. There were a few zombies outside. A could kill them, but it would have been a waste of ammo. His partner, Emily Layne, was looking out another window, her semi-automatic rifle ready to fire just in case. Rick turned around. We should be safe in here for awhile. My name's Rick Burton"

"And I'm Emily Layne." Emily said, still starring out the window.

"Who are you guys?"
The World Soviet Party
21-07-2006, 15:08
-"Call me Ishmael"- said Alex, he stood seriosly looking at Rick for five minutes and then burst out laughing -"Nah, seriously now, my name's Alex, I have a PHD in kicking Zombie Ass, what about the rest of you?"- he turned to look at the othr SWAT Dudes, he didnt know them, so they must be from another central.
21-07-2006, 15:11
"Well, hopefully we won't have to use those skills of yours. There's more than zombies in this place now. I don't know whow we're going to get out of here."
21-07-2006, 17:22
Somewhere In the City...

The creature looked around. Nothing. There was nothing around. Only undead. It had no need for the undead. It began searching.

Threat Level: None

The beast began to work it's way throught he streets, smelling living flesh a few miles away.

Life Found. Exterminate.
Imperial isa
21-07-2006, 18:15
"man its like hell out there it just has came form no were " said jack with his axe he got from the school in his hands
" i hope mum ok"said jack looking out a winbow
21-07-2006, 18:17
the young oriental girl forced a smile and replied "I'm Alyssa and i worked part-time in the Brass Monkey until tonight"

she shuddered as she remembered getting out of the bar as it went up in flames with the walking dead inside.

the only comfort she had was the baseball bat that the boss kept behind the bar in case of trouble. it was just as well since she had never shot a gun before.

she had also rescued the bars first aid kit and that was in her backpack as well as a rack of salted peanuts (10 packets). that was all the food she had.

she felt cold since she hadn't got a chance to get her denim jacket but surviving was more important now.
The World Soviet Party
21-07-2006, 18:21
OOC: Can we get pictures of both girls?

Alex looked outside, the street was crawling with zombies.
-"Damn, this is worse than Pete thought It'd be, of course, Pete's out there, HEY PETE!"- Alex pointed at a zombie while yelling and waving.
Imperial isa
21-07-2006, 18:22
OOC good one with the date
IC "alyssa you look cold you can have my other jacket" said jack handing it out to her
21-07-2006, 18:22
Young kids and waitresses... hopefully we won't have to fight anything... "See anything Em?"

"No. Everything looks calm. Just a few zombies."
Imperial isa
21-07-2006, 18:37
" hey dont call me a kid iam bleedly well 18"said jack over hearing them
21-07-2006, 18:40
" hey dont call me a kid iam bleedly well 18"said jack over hearing them

ooc-if something is written in italics like this, it means that person is thinking that thing, not saying it outloud.
21-07-2006, 18:42
The creature had come to a house. It smelled the flesh in there. Yet, it was to risky to go in directly. He could smell a lot of flesh, to much. So the beast entered a house a bit far away from the target, and waited until the oppurtune moment.
Imperial isa
21-07-2006, 18:46
ooc-if something is written in italics like this, it means that person is thinking that thing, not saying it outloud.
OOC ok thanks for telling me
Liberated New Ireland
21-07-2006, 18:47
" hey dont call me a kid iam bleedly well 18"said jack over hearing them
OOC: I didn't know Jack could read minds ;)
"My name's Jack Chambers. I'm a member of the Oaksdale SWAT team." He looked up from the magazine he was reloading. "This is my first week in this damn city, and it goes to hell on me." He shook his head and turned back to his mags.
The World Soviet Party
21-07-2006, 18:51
OOC: I didn't know Jack could read minds ;)
"My name's Jack Chambers. I'm a member of the Oaksdale SWAT team." He looked up from the magazine he was reloading. "This is my first week in this damn city, and it goes to hell on me." He shook his head and turned back to his mags.

-"Dude, Im Alex, nice to meet you!"- Alex extends his hand
21-07-2006, 18:54
OOC: I didn't know Jack could read minds ;
OOC- He didn't understand what it meant.

IC- Emily kept her rifle ready, when she caught sight of something. She could really see it, but it was large. It was hiding in another building about a block away. It was to large to be human. She aimed at it with the rifle. In the scope she saw it clerly. It was hideous. She fired, hitting it in the head.

"What was that?" Rick asked.

" Something was in that house it was big... I think I got it."

OOC- The creature looks and acts like this:
Imperial isa
21-07-2006, 18:55
OOC who know we dont know what started all of this an what it can do
'name jack storm 18"said jack to all
21-07-2006, 19:19
The creature was hit in the side of the face with the rifle. This would typically kill anything else, but this creature was strong. It roared in anger, and punched through the wall in the building it was in. It then lept forward, grabbing onto the building that it's prey was in. It looked in one of the windows. It was met with a hail of fire at point blank range from Rick's TMP. The beast fell and hit the ground momentarily stunned. "Look out everyone, we've got company!"
Hurtful Thoughts
21-07-2006, 19:21
"Uh, just call me Barry. Just because you shoved a tire iron through thir head doesn't always mean they're dead or going to stay down long, keep that in mind."

He was a fair sized mess, o say the least, his clothes were splatterd with blood, telling in itself theat he had to fight his way to get here, even if one didn't see his car or see him drive up with a pack of zombies clinging on and trying to drag him out through the broken passenger window, the windscreen was also broken.

The bloodstained and bent tire iron told the rest.

The shotgun had a number of notches in the stock from wherever it previously came from, also telling another story. A flashlight taped to the front was something newly added by its present user.

Tucked in his back pants pocket was a 9 mm pistol.

"Dang am I hungry, wish picked up some food back at the Winchester. Anybody able to find some food here?"
(little joke involving "Shawn of the Dead")

(an improvised bondolier made from a table cloth further supported his story, it too was bloodstained)

IC- Emily kept her rifle ready, when she caught sight of something. She could really see it, but it was large. It was hiding in another building about a block away. It was to large to be human. She aimed at it with the rifle. In the scope she saw it clerly. It was hideous. She fired, hitting it in the head.

"What was that?" Rick asked.

" Something was in that house it was big... I think I got it."

"What do you mean you think you've got it?"

Just as he was asking someone by a window let loose with a TMP at point blank at something monstorously huge, Barry Rice pulled out his found shotgun and let lose a 12 ga shell into the creature's face.

"Looks alive and well to me..."
Imperial isa
21-07-2006, 19:31
"shit it just get better and better and all i got in food is some chips i got from a shop" said jack with axe in hand waiting to kiil something that get in the way of a way out
Hurtful Thoughts
21-07-2006, 19:35
"shit it just get better and better and all i got in food is some chips i got from a shop" said jack with axe in hand waiting to kiil something that get in the way of a way out

Noticing that "Jack" had an axe, he decided to put him to good use.

"Eh, jack, mind chopping off that thing's head before it comes to? I'm going to search this place for something to eat after we take care of this thing."

OOC: I just noticed that PROHT's HE-80 bio weapon is very similar to the T-virus, except that it doesn't mutate and kills the victim after a year anyways

(they start off as Crimson heads, then downgrade to strong but slow and stupid Zombies, then they slip into a coma and die, used only once on New Roanoke Island Proving Ground)
21-07-2006, 19:40
OOC: Sorry, im a late arrival....jolts been screwing me around for 3 doing up a post now..
Imperial isa
21-07-2006, 19:43
" ok here goes" said jack
the axe head goes up in the air then down on the neck of the thing
" fuck it was hard work i think its dead" said jack with a blood coved axe in hand
21-07-2006, 19:48
Officer Christopher James of the Oaksdale S.W.A.T team moved through a buliding he was forced into from the streets, it was dark but the mounted flashlight on his MP7 lit up his path, God damn zombies and shit...they were right when they said being on S.W.A.T is demanding he thought.

Chirs heard voices then the sound of somthing hitting, and then more voice..

Awh we go again.."

Chris turned the corner pointing his MP7 with laser sights directly at some ones head,

"Holy shit! finally some people! living people!"

Chris strolled in and sighed...

"Whew...heey! S.W.A.T whats up?" He said to another officer quickly walking over and patting him on the shoulder..
21-07-2006, 19:48
The creature roared in anger. It fell again. It stood up, and let out two tentacles from it's hands. They smashed through the windows and began whipping around. One grabbed Emily. She pulled a combat kife out of her pocket, and slahed at it. It didn't have much off an affect. "Hey, Jack! Help! Use your axe!" The other tentacle whipped around slamming the survivors around.
Hurtful Thoughts
21-07-2006, 19:54
"Well, food shouldn't be an issue, I'm just hungry; what matters is that we stay aliva and together for about the first 36 hours, after that your chances of being found and rescued drops off sharply (you'd be on your own after that [find your own way out of town, because the cavalry ain't comin]), water and ammo is going to be the two most important things right now, we already have a shelter, and chances are the police already took care of signaling for back-up by now, didn't you?"

Just then he was interupted when the creature came back to life again.

"I thought you chopped its head off! Don't just stand there, help her!"

Barry fired another 3 shells into the creature's head/neck and right arm.
Imperial isa
21-07-2006, 19:59
" fuck me " said jack who brings the axe down on the tentacle bring it down again he think to himself IF I LIVE I HOPE TO GET A GIRLFREIND OUT OF THIS
21-07-2006, 19:59
OOC good one with the date
IC "alyssa you look cold you can have my other jacket" said jack handing it out to her

"domo" Alyssa replies and puts on the borrowed jacket.

taking a peek outside she was far from confident. in fact she was scared silly and curled up into a ball.

when the window broke she found some courage and whacked hard at the tentacles with her bat...
21-07-2006, 19:59
Chris aimed his MP7 and opened fire with a short burst,

"Jesus christ!" he yelled then tripped over somthing falling to the floor..

He fired two more bursts....

"Go back to hell you son of a bitch!"
21-07-2006, 20:00
The creature felt bullets. It couldn't tell where they were coming from, so it continued to swipe around. Then, one of it's tentacle found something heavy. It grabbed it and hurled it, hoping to hit something.

Rick saw the creature throw a couch, aimed nowhere, but still throwing it. "Watch out!" He yelled as a dodged the couch, and fired more rounds into the beast from a far.
Imperial isa
21-07-2006, 20:02
" i fucking did " yell jack choping at a another tentacle
Hurtful Thoughts
21-07-2006, 20:04
"I think we blinded it, let's go in for the kill"

Having empied the shotgun after firing another shell, he pulled out the pistol from his back pocket and kept shooting the thing as he walked forward, keeping in mind the flailing tentacles, he heard something heavy crash behind him, and hoped nobody was hurt.

"So now we are fighting headless horsemen? Where is his pumpkin head, I see its vines..." he said to himself, mostly to prevent himself from panicking, he had been through a lot, and now something comes along that trumped everything else he survived.
21-07-2006, 20:07
Alyssa slipped on her backpack in case they needed to make a quick getaway.

in the short time since she learned that the dead could walk she had figured out that noise and activity brought them to you.

"we may need to get outta here. there'll be walking stiffs coming this way before we know it" she says nervously as she whacks at the tentacles again..
21-07-2006, 20:08
Chris crawled behind the couch that was thrown and heard some one say, "I think we blinded it, let's go in for the kill"

Chris got in a prone position and peered over the top of the couch at the creature,

Alright, lets do this...

He hopped up and climbed over the couch aiming but holding his fire, the red laser moved up and the the thing laying on the floor....
21-07-2006, 20:09
OOC- Just so everyone knows, Nemesis' head is still on. He is tough to kill, and won't die until the very end of the RP.

IC- The creature was enraged. His attack failed. He recoiled his tentacles, letting go of whoever it had grabbed before, and lept backwards. However, it had a little surprise for the group. It pulled out a rocket launcher fom it's trench coat. It aimed below the room they were in and fired.

Rick looked at the beast. "It's going back, I think we wo.... OH JESUS!!!!" He yelled as the rocket slammed into the house. The wall, windows, and part of the floor were destroyed in the explosion. When Rick regained sight, he could no longer see the monster. He helped Emily up. "You okay?"

"Yeah, thanks."

"Is evryone else okay?"
21-07-2006, 20:11
Alyssa was badly shaken up but managed to nod to indicate that she was fine.
21-07-2006, 20:12
Chris was laying face down on the floor sprawled out,God damn thing shot at us with a rocket..

He heard a loud ringing noise in his head and his vision was blurry......

He slowly rolled over to his back looking up at the roof, the room was full of dust and smoke....
Imperial isa
21-07-2006, 20:16
OOC it takes a railgun to kill it
IC "er no my cheek is cut" said jack getting out of pile of bricks an starts looking for the axe
21-07-2006, 20:17
"Relax everyone, it's gone! Let's regroup here for a bit. We're definitly going to have to leave this place now that there's a nice big hole for things to come in through. I don't live here. Does anyone know a good way to get out of here?"
Liberated New Ireland
21-07-2006, 20:17
OOC: Misread the last post...
Chambers slowly checked himself to make sure he wasn't hurt, then stood up.
"Is anyone hurt?!"

He moved to the smoking hole that used to be a wall, and looked for any hint of the monster.
21-07-2006, 20:19
Chris slowly sat up the ringing had not gone away nor could he see anything clearly yet,

"Im down...hey! some body!...OVER HERE"

Chris strugged with his Kevlar helmet pulling it off along with his face mask and goggles.....
Imperial isa
21-07-2006, 20:22
"ar here it is" said jack fining the axe
"shit to late run"yelled jack copping a head off
21-07-2006, 20:26
"ar here it is" said jack fining the axe
"shit to late run"yelled jack copping a head off

OOC:There is nothing to kill right now...
The World Soviet Party
21-07-2006, 20:27
Alex got up, a little shaken from the explosion, but still hugging his FN SCAR.
-"Holy shit! That was awesome!"- he laughed a bit, before turning to the street, full of zombies, which were looking at them.
-"Looks like our fella's over there are a little hungry"-
Liberated New Ireland
21-07-2006, 20:29
Chambers walked over and crouched beside Chris. "You alright, Chris? Where are you hurt?" He checked Chris over for visible damage...
Hurtful Thoughts
21-07-2006, 20:31
OOC- Just so everyone knows, Nemesis' head is still on. He is tough to kill, and won't die until the very end of the RP.

OOC: That is a low blow, I just had my guy waste X many shells and X many bullets and needlessly risked everybody's lives because I thought the thing could actually die at any moment in the RP.

The rochet launcher was something new and very unexpected, even less unexpected was that it could still shoot straight even when blind and headless.

The rocket passed him by, giving him flash burns from the rocket engine efflux along his left leg. The explosion behind him shot him into the air for some time. He landed with a sickening thu and load crack.

Crap, I'm down, hungry, seperated, and this thing just won't die... and I think my leg just broke...

He hobbled his way back to the house after he saw the thing leave.
21-07-2006, 20:32
Chris awoke to the sounds of screams. He thought for a moment that perhaps it was another flashback to all the horrible times in all the wars he been in. All the people he'd killed.

Slowly, he sat up, taking care not to waken the thin woman lying next to him.

"I don't remember her," He said to himself. "Oh well, she is attractive." He looked out the window, to a sight that shook him to the bone. Bodies lay sprawled out in the street. He saw someone, a older woman, he skin gray and bloated, eating the flesh of another. A child ran screaming down the road, pursued by multiple other people, who appeared....dead....yet were quite alive.

"Dear god," He whispered. He ran over and shook the girl. She didn't stir. He shook her more, and saw she had a large gash in her throat, as though something had torn it out. He began to gag.

He sprinted through his bedroom door, and headed immediatley to his safety box in the garage, where he kept his old service rifle. The hall way walls were covered in blood and gore.

"Fuck this!" He said, opening the garage door. In the center of the garage, in front of his 1983 Porche, a dog-like abomination stood. It turned its fleshless head towards him and growled.

"Try it," He whispered, and grabbed a crowbar lying on his work bench.
Imperial isa
21-07-2006, 20:33
" well fuck me it only a well now head less dummy" said jack to all in what left of the room
21-07-2006, 20:33
At first Chris only heard muffled sounds and a shape was knelt down beside him, then finally he snapped out of it...

"Ahh,, good..i couldn't see or hear..but i think im ok now.."

He picked up the helmet,Balclava and goggles, Chris slowly pulled the face mask back on then climbed to his feet...

"This is insane!" he wisped...
The World Soviet Party
21-07-2006, 20:35
Alex fired a 3 round burst at one of the zombirs, the abomination shook and fell to the ground.
The zombie got up again, slowly, but he was up nonetheless.
Liberated New Ireland
21-07-2006, 20:38
OOC: That is a low blow, I just had my guy waste X many shells and X many bullets and needlessly risked everybody's lives because I thought the thing could actually die at any moment in the RP.
OOC: Wow, never met anyone who didn't know who Nemesis was... Oh, and its not a lowblow, because he DID give you a link of information on the Nemmy

Also, the zombies are not around at the moment, so stop fighting them!

Chambers nodded. "I know, man. I have no clue what the fuck is going on, but the whole city is in some serious trouble..." He held out a hand to help Chris up.
Hurtful Thoughts
21-07-2006, 20:39
Barry finally made it back to the house under his own power, using a large branch which broke his fall as a crutch.

"As I was saying earlier, it would be best to stay in one place for the first 36 hours if anybody knows we are alive and aruond here, after that it doesn't matter and we'd be as good as dead because of the injured."

OOC: Wow, never met anyone who didn't know who Nemesis was... Oh, and its not a lowblow, because he DID give you a link of information on the Nemmy
I read the article before I even attacked it. It said made in france. One still at large.

The "only dies at end of RP" concept I decided to ignore, and I thought it a little over the top to send something that big and bad in the begining.
21-07-2006, 20:40
(OOC: I'm just going to RP my battle with the demon dog ok?)

The dog reared back and lurched at Chris, opening its jaws and revealing more teeth than he could have thought possible. He swung the crow bar and sent it flying across the garage. As it shook off the shock, he opened the safe and flipped off the saftey.

"See you in hell." He fired two rounds straight into the dogs head, which instantly exploded.

"Bugger," He said. "You got blood on my damn car!" He turned and went inside. Walking down his hall way, he grabbed his old Marine Corps. Digies (Marine corps Battle Dress Uniform, jungle variant) and put them on. He started to see if the girl was possibly still breathing, a fact he'd neglected before, but saw that she....wasn't there.

"What the fuck?" He asked himself. He didn't wait to find out. He sprinted to his car, and drove off, hoping to find some survivors.
21-07-2006, 20:43
Chris took the hand getting on his feet,

"Thanks man, this shit got my nerves shot, my team and i went into a building with reports of multiple shots fired..they are gone..all gone.."

He stared off in space then slowly put his kevlar helmet back on...

"I don't know where they went...just dissapeared..damn good all happened too fast..i looked behind and..gone.."

Chris moved his MP7 back around to his front on it's strap....
21-07-2006, 20:45
Chris saw the building where the other survivors were, and saw their battle with the large humanoid. He took care to not be seen as he exited his car, which he parked close to the building, lest he be thought one of....them. His CAR-15 close, he sprinted over to the building, and went inside.

"Hello? Is anyone alive in here?" He shouted. "This is Marine Corps. Captain Chris Baker."
21-07-2006, 20:49
Officer Christopher James turned around to see a marine standing in the hole,

"Hey! soldier! over here..." he yelled...

"Sergent Christopher James,Oaksdale City PD, S.W.A.T...good to see you boys are moving in on this many men you bring?"
21-07-2006, 20:52
Reallydrunk']Officer Christopher James turned around to see a marine standing in the hole,

"Hey! soldier! over here..." he yelled...

"Sergent Christopher James, Oakwood PD, S.W.A.T...good to see you boys are moving in on this many men you bring?"

"None man. I'm alone. I've been out of the Corps. for a few months now, and was on Inactive Reserve. I imagine with this shit happening, that would be changed now. Sorry. I got ammo though I my backpack," He took his back pack off his shoulders to reveal fifteen CAR-15 magazines, and thirty shotgun shells. "It ain't alot, but it's what I've got."
The World Soviet Party
21-07-2006, 20:57
Alex fired another round, this time hitting the zombie's head, blood covered the street as the zombie died on the ground.
-"Like we gamers say, you were PWNED!"- Alex turned his back on the street and looked for a safe place to hide.
Imperial isa
21-07-2006, 20:59
" what one fucking Marine an not a full one at that"said jack to himself under his beath
out loud he ask " you got food"
21-07-2006, 21:00
Chris sighed,

"Shit..all my weapons are 9mm, i got half a mag in this, four mags for my side arm and six for my MP7...oh yeah, three flashbangs too.."

He looked around at the others..

"We need to get to the station...they got a whole arsenal there, everyone should be armed..these bats and axes an't gonna cut it.."
21-07-2006, 21:05
"I got few MREs in my bags." He pulled out a couple and handed them out.

"Yeah, getting to a Police Station would be a damn good idea. Should we all go, or should it be a small team?"
Liberated New Ireland
21-07-2006, 21:05
Chambers nodded. "Right, that's a good idea. Get to OPD, they'll have backup and supplies there. Agreed?"

EDIT: "I say we should stick together, it'll be safer for the civilians that way."
Imperial isa
21-07-2006, 21:09
" thank man " said jack taking the mre
"yur let go to cop shop i would like a gun" said jack
21-07-2006, 21:10
Chris shrugged,

"Im not sure...if the people with weapons go alone the others will have no defence, everyone should S.W.A.T guys along Capt. Baker can watch our flanks and rear, one of us can take point while all the civilians stick to the middle.."

"If we make it to the OPD we can arm everyone..the station where i was posted is not far from here..."
21-07-2006, 21:13
"Alright then. I'll take point. But we'll need to find a bus or something to transport everyone with." He moved out, keeping his CAR-15 ready.
Liberated New Ireland
21-07-2006, 21:13
OOC: Well, Breitenburg and Kirisubo are gone, so there's not really much we can do...
21-07-2006, 21:14
OOC: Well, Breitenburg and Kirisubo are gone, so there's not really much we can do...

Imperial isa
21-07-2006, 21:17
OOC iam going as it 4:22 in th moring a i need sleep
21-07-2006, 21:21
Chris spoke to Capt.Baker,

"Uhh Baker..a bus is loud, we will attract alot of attention to ourselves..but it is safer.."

He paused looking at the civilians...A bus does sound like a better idea than walking.. he thought..

"Ok, im in..we find a bus and bring it back here, then we get to the station..there are vending machines there too..we can stock up on food and drinks while we are at it"

He removed the mag from his MP7 then slipped a new one in, he placed the half full one in the empty pouch and cocked his weapon..

"Hand signals from here on out..."

"Speaking of communication..might as well grab some 2 ways while we are there too.."
21-07-2006, 21:24
Alyssa still couldn't take in what was happening but she was sensible enough to know they couldn't stick round the ruined house.

"the police department should have medical supplies as well" she comments so they know she's part of the decision making process.

"i do know first aid but i've only got a small kit at the moment"

she readies her bat knowing its all she has at the moment and couldn't shoot a gun even if she had one..
21-07-2006, 21:31
Chris looked at Alyssa,

"Your right, ..soo .. two ways, weapons, food, medical supplys, drinks and flashlights..."

He looked at the others,

"Is there anything we are forgetting?, as for shooting..those of you who don't know how to fire a's easy...aim and shoot"

He smiled briefly at his comment then reality took over once more causing his facial expression to return grim...

"Err..yeah..not the right time for stupid comments.."
21-07-2006, 21:36
"I'll take your word for it that shooting is that easy" Alyssa replies "its also going to be more defensible than a little house is"
Liberated New Ireland
21-07-2006, 21:44
"I'll take your word for it that shooting is that easy" Alyssa replies "its also going to be more defensible than a little house is"
"Shooting gets easy with a little practice, and I'm guessing you'll have plenty before this is over." Chambers said grimly.
"Are we going to get movin' or what?" He stood up and adjusted his various straps and belts. "The longer we stay here, the less chance we'll have of getting to the station."
21-07-2006, 21:49
"i've lived here for a few years" Alyssa replied "and theres a school not to far from here. they should have a working bus.

its two blocks north of here"
Liberated New Ireland
21-07-2006, 21:56
"Alright, sounds like a plan. Who gets point?"
Chambers checked his weapon, making sure it was clear of debris...
21-07-2006, 22:04
Chris nodded,

"Im ready when all of you are..."

Chris thought..Schools..jesus christ, the kids..
21-07-2006, 22:05
"if you can cover me i can guide you to the school" Alyssa suggests despite her fear.
21-07-2006, 22:07
"Alright, sounds like a plan. Who gets point?"
Chambers checked his weapon, making sure it was clear of debris...

Realizing noone was following him, Baker turned.

"I have point, move out!" The others, nearly 100 meters behind him, would need to move their asses.
Liberated New Ireland
21-07-2006, 22:08
"if you can cover me i can guide you to the school" Alyssa suggests despite her fear.
OOC: Wanderjar, I'm totally ignoring you.
"Tell you what, Alyssa. We'll both take point. Just tell me where to go, and I'll go there first, and spring any traps that're waiting for us. Alright?"
21-07-2006, 22:09
OOC: Wanderjar, I'm totally ignoring you.
"Tell you what, Alyssa. We'll both take point. Just tell me where to go, and I'll go there first, and spring any traps that're waiting for us. Alright?"
(OOC: What the hell??? Why would a civillian with a baseball bat take point? Wouldn't it make more sense to have a friggin' Marine do it?)
Liberated New Ireland
21-07-2006, 22:12
(OOC: What the hell???)
OOC: Not ignore as in "You don't exist", more as in "I didn't read that last post when I wrote mine, and I think my is better. So I win" :)
Oh, and she takes point because she knows the way. And we don't. Okie-dokey?
21-07-2006, 22:12
the girl nods and replies "i'm as ready as i'll ever be"
21-07-2006, 22:14
OOC: Not ignore as in "You don't exist", more as in "I didn't read that last post when I wrote mine, and I think my is better. So I win" :)
Oh, and she takes point because she knows the way. And we don't. Okie-dokey?

OOC: LOL! Ok, I just thought you had an asshole moment or something.
Liberated New Ireland
21-07-2006, 22:15
OOC: Uh, should we be doing this when Breitenburg isn't here?

"Alright, let's go." Chambers cocked his shotgun, and exited the hole in the side of the house, eyes warily searching for monsters.

I don't freakin believe this... he thought as he walked slowly into the street. I volunteered for this town 'cause I thought it'd be quiet...
Liberated New Ireland
21-07-2006, 22:16
OOC: LOL! Ok, I just thought you had an asshole moment or something.
OOC: Me? Being an asshole? NEVER!
21-07-2006, 22:24
OOC: I think we should wait for Breitenburg...

Chris yelled out to Baker,

"Hey man! we should wait for a little bit..what if that thing is lurking out there...common just hold up here for a bit longer"

He looked at Chambers and Alyssa,

"Im in guys but hold up.."
Hurtful Thoughts
22-07-2006, 00:04
Barry Rice went out to retrieve his shotgun, pistol, and bondolier which had been scattered when he was thrown from the building.

Afterwards Barry managed to set and splint his burned and broken leg with suplies at hand.(strips of his table cloth "bondolier", wood planks, duct tape)

He then managed to form a decent walking stick and a shoulder strap for the shotgun with similar materials.

He then loaded up the shotgun and prepared himself for the trek to the police station.

"I'm coming with, a walking shotgun would be very handy out here. We should bring as many as we can, those who can't make the trek are best off trying to hide some place, and therefore won't need much firepower, take whatever you need from them before we go."

(he knew that the chances of surviving in the ruined house would be slim, but he wanted to keep the immobolized from panicking)

"What do we have for medical supplies?"
22-07-2006, 00:10
"i've got a small kit in my backpack which I got from the Brass Monkey but it won't last long and its pretty basic" Alyssa replies
Hurtful Thoughts
22-07-2006, 00:11
"i've got a small kit in my backpack which I got from the Brass Monkey but it won't last long and its pretty basic" Alyssa replies

"Does it have any triangle bandages?"

As he is asking this he pulls two 8 foot(ish) metal pipes from the wreckage and a blanket, and from it makes a stretcher.

"How many badly wounded do we have? I've got a car with some fuel not far from here but it would become a deathtrap if they manage to swarm it again"
Liberated New Ireland
22-07-2006, 00:16
"Does it have any triangle bandages?"

As he is asking this he pulls two 8 foot(ish) metal pipes from the wreckage and a blanket, and from it makes a stretcher.

"How many badly wounded do we have?"
OOC: No one who can't walk, I don't think.
Hurtful Thoughts
22-07-2006, 00:18
OOC: No one who can't walk, I don't think.

Better to be prepared to have someone lose a leg anyways if it happens we'll have a stretcher and won't leave them behind (or to move the immobile to cover)
The World Soviet Party
22-07-2006, 00:18
Alex took out his Colt and quickly put two rounds in a zombie's chest, the strenght of the bullt thrw the zombie to the floor.
-"Good night!"- Alex pressed the trigger and shot the Zombie's head once
22-07-2006, 00:31
"Does it have any triangle bandages?"

As he is asking this he pulls two 8 foot(ish) metal pipes from the wreckage and a blanket, and from it makes a stretcher.

"How many badly wounded do we have? I've got a car with some fuel not far from here but it would become a deathtrap if they manage to swarm it again"

"I don't think we've any seriously wounded" Alyssa replies "and I don't have triangle bandages yet. just the standard rolls of bandages, hypos and replacement needles and a bottle of pain killer"
22-07-2006, 03:11
Rick and Emily listened to the plan. These people seemed to know what they were doing. "We'll follow with you guys. Hopefully we won't encounter musch resistance along the way. And hopefully the big dude as stayed down, or at least gone away for a bit."

OOC- I repeat, Nemesis still has his head, it's not easy to chop it off, almost impossible.
Hurtful Thoughts
22-07-2006, 03:31
OOC- I repeat, Nemesis still has his head, it's not easy to chop it off, almost impossible.

My character was told he was headless, and he didn't really get a good look at the thing, therefore, he thinks it is headless. But he also knows it is still a big threat and still is alive.

"Alright, that'll have to do"

Barry broke down the two 8' poles into four 4' poles and then rolled up the blanket and draped it over his shoulders. He then went about ripping triangular pieces of cloth from the curtains.

(A triangle bandage is just a triangular piece of cloth, very useful and can be used for almost any injury)

He tied one such piece around his forehead, arms and legs, and 'issued' everyone else in the party 5 pieces each. He also gave everyone a pole from the stretcher to carry.

"For treating injuries and identification."
Was his only response to any questioning looks.
Imperial isa
22-07-2006, 04:46
" can someone look at my face"said jack who was blooding from a cut to the cheek
Hurtful Thoughts
22-07-2006, 04:59
He heard a complaint:
"can someone look at my face"said jack who was blooding from a cut to the cheek"

His response was:
"Do I look like a medic? Don't even bother answering that, I'm no medic, but from the looks of it I'm the closest thing to one out here. You've got a cut cheek, nothing really bad, give me a knife and a roll of duct tape and you'll be able to gargle again in no time."

(I love butterfly bandages in this case)
Liberated New Ireland
22-07-2006, 05:04
He heard a complaint:
"can someone look at my face"said jack who was blooding from a cut to the cheek"

His response was:
"Do I look like a medic? Don't even bother answering that, I'm no medic, but from the looks of it I'm the closest thing to one out here. You've got a cut cheek, nothing really bad, give me a knife and a roll of duct tape and you'll be able to gargle again in no time."

(I love butterfly bandages in this case)
OOC: Are you a paramedic IRL?
Chambers snorted at the kid's complaint, and leaned against the wall, waiting for the others to get ready...
Imperial isa
22-07-2006, 05:09
"thank man i have some in my backpack" said jack
jack open his bag " so that where i put my i pod i all long think i lost it" jack was saying as he pull out the ipod and duct tape
"here you go" said jack handing over the duct tape
22-07-2006, 05:09
"What should I do?" Captain Baker asked, readying his CAR-15, and zeroing his ACOG 4x scope.
Hurtful Thoughts
22-07-2006, 05:10
OOC: Are you a paramedic IRL?
Chambers snorted at the kid's complaint, and leaned against the wall, waiting for the others to get ready...

No, eagle scout, took Emergency prep, Wilderness Survival, and First aid (among 23 other merit badges), was offered to go and provide relief to the Katrina effort, at least until they started asking for additional fees to sit in a place deemed unsuitable to live in and fix it for them.

Those badges get pretty thurough, and yes, you have to:
make a working solar still,
light a fire with a car battery, rifle scope, fire bow, and flint and steel
Survive outdoors w/o a tent or sleeping bag in a snow cave you made yourself overnght
Conduct SAR (actually did this when a scout was lost, I was the first to 'find' him [he didn't even know he was lost])

And treat:

Poisioning (plant and animal)
Severe Artirial bleeding
Cuts ('clean' deep cut), lacerations (deep jagged cut), and puncture wounds (bullet in chest)
Broken bones (except spine)
Eye injuries
Burns (1st degree is a sunburn, 2nd is where you get blisters 3rd is when blisters pop and flesh starts falling off)
Crowd control (yes, there is a section on crowd control)
List just goes on and on...

Triangle bangage used for:

Broken Jaw
Tornequet on any appendage except neck
Crushed foot and broken ankle
Broken Arm (sling)
Broken hand/finger
Liberated New Ireland
22-07-2006, 05:14
No, eagle scout, took Emergency prep, Wilderness Survival, and First aid (among 23 other merit badges), was offered to go and provide relief to the Katrina effort, at least until they started asking for additional fees to sit in a place deemed unsuitable to live in and fix it for them.
OOC: Oh. The Scouts: The Army with adult supervision.:)
Too bad, I always liked EMTs and CMTs...
Jack checked his gun for the umpteenth time...
"I don't know, Baker... just keep an eye out for zombies, we'll wait 'till the rest are ready..."
22-07-2006, 05:20
OOC: Oh. The Scouts: The Army with adult supervision.:)
Too bad, I always liked EMTs and CMTs...
Jack checked his gun for the umpteenth time...
"I don't know, Baker... just keep an eye out for zombies, we'll wait 'till the rest are ready..."

"Eh, works for me." He replied, putting back on his boonie hat.
Hurtful Thoughts
22-07-2006, 05:33
OOC: Oh. The Scouts: The Army with adult supervision.:)

Huh, the scouting program technically isn't allowed to take part in any para-military operations.
(Mostly to keep us from looking a lot like the Hitler youth)

(That hasn't stopped individual boys from trying though on their own inititive and w/o supervision, and there are records of boy scouts as young as 12 participating in the Battle of Normandy, French boy scouts though, and a number of times saved a paratrooper's life)

Barry to Chris Baker:
"Mind giving me some of those shotshells, I'm down to my last 10 shells.."

"I suggest we take my car to the police station, load up, and then rush the school bus"

(The car is within block of the building)
Liberated New Ireland
22-07-2006, 05:34
Huh, the scouting program technically isn't allowed to take part in any para-military operations.

(That hasn't stopped individual boys from trying though on their own inititive and w/o supervision, and there are records of boy scouts as young as 12 participating in the Battle of Normandy, French boy scouts though, and a number of times saved a paratrooper's life)
OOC: It's just a joke. See, the Army is jokingly referred to "The Boy Scouts, without Adult Supervision".
22-07-2006, 05:35
Huh, the scouting program technically isn't allowed to take part in any para-military operations.
(Mostly to keep us from looking a lot like the Hitler youth)

(That hasn't stopped individual boys from trying though on their own inititive and w/o supervision, and there are records of boy scouts as young as 12 participating in the Battle of Normandy, French boy scouts though, and a number of times saved a paratrooper's life)

(OOC: I think he was kidding, though it does have a military esk theme to it)
Hurtful Thoughts
22-07-2006, 05:53
(OOC: I think he was kidding, though it does have a military [esque] theme to it)

You're thinking of Baden Powell's boys, those kids were actually part of the british military.

There was a branch group of the boy scout called the "Lone Scouts" for those who couldn't contact enogh people to make a troop, this was essentially a boy and a counciler (normally the father) who would go down the requirements and award rank, upon reaching 18 they would be tested to see that they had honestly learned what they claimed by the district commitee (this is true also for eagle scouts), to fail the test is of great dishonour.

Lone scouts, the real Boy scouts w/o parental supervision

Barry to Chris Baker:
"Mind giving me some of those shotshells, I'm down to my last 10 shells.."

"I suggest we take my car to the police station, load up, and then rush the school bus"

(The car is within block of the building)
22-07-2006, 06:01
You're thinking of Baden Powell's boys, those kids were actually part of the british military.

There was a branch group of the boy scout called the "Lone Scouts" for those who couldn't contact enogh people to make a troop, this was essentially a boy and a counciler (normally the father) who would go down the requirements and award rank, upon reaching 18 they would be tested to see that they had honestly learned what they claimed by the district commitee (this is true also for eagle scouts), to fail the test is of great dishonour.

Lone scouts, the real Boy scouts w/o parental supervision

Reaching in his bag, Baker took out his shell case.

"Here man, take 'em." He said, giving him the case. "And as far as your car goes, I'm up for anything."
Imperial isa
22-07-2006, 08:41
" man or man we got to get out of here and what the fuck was that thing that attack us" said jack
OOC was not nemesis hunting stars members
22-07-2006, 15:00
OOC- I'm an Eagle Scout as well. Keep the OOC in the sign up thread.

IC- "Weell, whereever we're going, let's get moving. Maybe we'll find some things we can use along the way. Also, if you can avoid the zombies, do so. on't waste ammo if you can just run."
22-07-2006, 19:18
Chris looked back out the hole in the wall,

"Look, im ready when ever you guys are...we need a solid plan"

He looked the the Marine Captian,then the other S.W.A.T guys..
Liberated New Ireland
22-07-2006, 19:19
OOC: We can't RP going to the school unless Breitenburg is on. Since he's never on, I'm assuming this RP is just going to die without us going anywhere...
22-07-2006, 19:23
OOC: Damn....yeah i guess so..
22-07-2006, 19:28
Reallydrunk']OOC: Damn....yeah i guess so..

Sad Wanderjar......:(
22-07-2006, 19:30
OOC: Now...back to being bored..trying to find a good charactor rp.. :(
Imperial isa
23-07-2006, 07:03
"came on let get out of here the places is not safe" said jack
"shit" said jack droping the axe on his foot
23-07-2006, 14:06
ooc- sorry I'm not here often, I had some family things to take care of.

IC- Rick and Emily had no idea how to get to the school, so they had to follow. Alright, let's get moving then." They were okay with thaking orders, as long as it got them somewhere. Whatever the way, it wouldn't be easy. Zombies were in every street. Then, there was a sudden rumble. Rick looked around. Then, the street erupted. Something was under there, and he didn't want to find out. There was a van. It could hold all of the people. "Into that van!" He yelled. He jumped in. The key were still in it, and so was the driver, a zombie. Rick blew it's brain's out and kicked it out of the driver's seet. He started the van. "Where is the school?"
23-07-2006, 14:15
Alyssa jumped in the front seat and replied "two blocks away. take main street, turn left at the junction of 15th and 18th and then take the junction of 13th and 12th going right. you can't miss it"
Imperial isa
23-07-2006, 14:16
"its on oak street"said jack in the back of the van
Imperial isa
23-07-2006, 14:17
" go the way like she said" said jack
23-07-2006, 18:02
Rick floored t once everyone was in the van. He was swerving to avoid debris or zombies that might get on the car. He could still here the rumbling. He was almost there, when, at the junction of 13th and 12th, something happened. The street erupted again, and this time, a massive worm shoot out. It loomed over the car, almost fifty feet high. Rick braked, and spun around. "We'll have to take a detour." he said. "Anyway else we can getnthere?" Emily sat it the back and opened a window. She aimed her rifle at the worm, who had opened it's mouth to reveal several blade like mandibles. "Anyone with a gun, fire!"
23-07-2006, 18:05
Alyssa just looked at the worm frozen in terror.

Zombies she was begiining to deal with but this really terrified her...
Imperial isa
23-07-2006, 18:07
"holy shit thats big you need something biger then a gun like a rpg to kill it i think that do the job or a nuke"said jack looking out of a winbow
ooc sorry
Hurtful Thoughts
23-07-2006, 18:33
Barry was almost petrified at the sight of the massive wormlike creature.


He looked around the inside of the van for something flamable and big.

Then he saw his car...

"Let me out, I'll hold that thing off and draw it away, you just worry about getting out of here, oh, and gimmie a few of them flashbangs..."
23-07-2006, 18:39
Barry was almost petrified at the sight of the massive wormlike creature.


He looked around the inside of the van for something flamable and big.

Then he saw his car...

"Let me out, I'll hold that thing off and draw it away, you just worry about getting out of here, oh, and gimmie a few of them flashbangs..."

"Are you sure? That thing will kill you! But if you know what you're doing, then I guess you can. Be careful out there. If you get the chance, meet back with us at the school. You know where it is." Rick continued to avoid the worm as it slammed it's jaws continually into the ground in an attempt to devour the van. Emily opened the door on the side to let him out. "Be careful." she said, taking another shot at the worm.
Imperial isa
23-07-2006, 18:41
"man are you nuts"said jack
23-07-2006, 19:29
The worm was irratated by the shots. It opend it's mouth and shot out a gulp of acid that narrowly missed the van. Rick yelled out. "Good luck man. Your going to need it."
23-07-2006, 19:37
slowly Alyssa came out of her shock and said "back the van up and you can cut round the other junction to reach the school"

she was still shaking although some of the trauma remaining.
Imperial isa
23-07-2006, 19:37
" yup he going to need it" said jack to himself
" hey i know were they keep the keys to the buses"said jack to the man diving the van
Hurtful Thoughts
23-07-2006, 19:46
Barry saw the thing spit acid from his periphial.

Just great, now it spits too

He rushed over to the beaten up car, driver door ripped off just as he had left it, and still running, he got in, took two flashbangs, he armed one as he drove to avoid the creature yet get his attention with some 9 mm bullets. After he was sure he was the creature's center of attention, he drove straight for the worm, he then jammed the other grenade on the accelerator and threw the armed one in the bacxkseat next to the fuel tank, then he jumped out and rolled like a ragdoll.

Come on, eat it, I know you want to, and I want you to, so pick it up and swallow

To make sure it exploded in the creature's mouth he would unload a clip of 9 mm ammunition into his car as soon as it bit the bait.

He then made a hasty withdrawl in order to find another vehicle, walking out on these streets alone was bad enough without zombies...
Imperial isa
23-07-2006, 20:05
jack starts to sing to himself " were do gangster go when they die the dont go the heaven where the angels fly" he sing
24-07-2006, 02:48
The worm saw the car drive forward. He snapped forward and grabbed the car in it's jaws, and began crushing it. It was to big to swallow it whole. Rick saw what was going on. He followed the woman's directions, and made it to the school. "Everyone, get out, but don't attract that worm."
Imperial isa
24-07-2006, 03:39
" i go get the keys"said jack
Hurtful Thoughts
24-07-2006, 03:48
Seeing as the worm took the bait, he silently counted to 5, waiting for the flashbangs to detonate the old car's fuel tank.

As he was seeing the worm try and chew the car he could see gasoline leaking down the worm, them a massive fireball (at least compared to anything else he could have done) exploded in the worm's mouth, it made an odd noise.

Barry didn't want to wait and see what it would do next, so he dove into a nearby station wagon, clubbed a dead baby to death with his tire iron, and threw it out the driver window. He then had to hotwire the car's ignition.

He turned around to see what the worm was doing in the meantime...
24-07-2006, 07:24
Alyssa got out cradling her baseball bat. she may not have been in a state to fight but she knew she could watch for danger.
24-07-2006, 14:06
The worm had finally gotten the car small enough to swallow. It slid it down it's throat. Then the car exploded. The worm's throat erupted in fire and blood. It let out a piercing screech. The wrom fell to the ground before being dragged back into it's hole by it's own body weight.

Rick entered the school. He looked around. Everything seemed okay. He looked to Alyssa. "Are you okay? Don't worry, everything should be okay in here. Where do you suggest we go?"
Hurtful Thoughts
24-07-2006, 14:18
The worm had finally gotten the car small enough to swallow. It slid it down it's throat. Then the car exploded. The worm's throat erupted in fire and blood. It let out a piercing screech. The wrom fell to the ground before being dragged back into it's hole by it's own body weight.

Barry managed to see the worm slide back in a limp form, he was pretty sure it was dead, or at least wounded.

He finished hotwireing the station wagon and drove for the nearby school baed mostly on what he heard Alyssa tell them.

"Hmm, its on oak street, right turn on junction between 12 and 13... Yeah, I think I can make it"
Imperial isa
24-07-2006, 14:25
jack goes off to get the keys from the front office
he opens the front door look around not a thing he moves in down the hall he cames to the door of the head office he turns the door knob
"fuck lock looks like i have to pick it"said jack to himself
Imperial isa
24-07-2006, 14:44
as jack lock picks the door he hears something behind him
jack slowly puts his hand on the axe that he place next to him then
he slowly gets up then he turns around fast
thud as the head hits the floor
"dam she was hot before she came a zombie"jack said to himself
he open the door an goes in he came out 2mins late with the keys
he see a dog
" bloodly hell what" the dog start to came at him
"shit" said jack then runs for it
Hurtful Thoughts
24-07-2006, 15:20
OOC: Why not just shoot the door down? Its not like a school office door is anything other than plate glass and wood anyways [unless dealing with the fire-doors in the boiler room] School Offices also tend to have very big and fragile picture windows.

Also, school buses are not stored at a school (even on school days), they aer generally stored in a central parking garage (like a Taxi staion), you'd have better luck bagging a metro bus at the city station.

The keys, likewise, would not be in the head office.

Barry drove up into the parking lot of the school, almost everybody had gone inside.

"Where is Jack" Barry said as he hopped out of the Station wagon, still idling.

He goes into the school looking in search of the group, heading for the main office, shotgun at ready.
Imperial isa
24-07-2006, 15:20
jack runs down the hall there is now 8 dog after him
he runs into a room and close the door and blocks it but it what last long as the zombies dog are having go at the door
jack look around the room it is a science room
"good i fix those dog i set a trap"said jack
jack set the trap with him as bait
he moves next to a winbow just in time as the door is smash in by the dogs
" came get me you mother fuckers"jack yelled
the dogs ran in
jack jumps out the winbow as the room explode killing all 8 dogs
he hits the ground "shit"said jack
he then looks his arm it was cut open
"dam well i stell got the keys best get back to the group"said jack to himself
Imperial isa
24-07-2006, 15:25
ooc no gun and say that it a rich school an have they own bus
Hurtful Thoughts
24-07-2006, 15:30
jack runs down the hall there is now 8 dog after him
he runs into a room and close the door and blocks it but it what last long as the zombies dog are having go at the door
jack look around the room it is a science room
"good i fix those dog i set a trap"said jack
jack set the trap with him as bait
he moves next to a winbow just in time as the door is smash in by the dogs
" came get me you mother fuckers"jack yelled
the dogs ran in
jack jumps out the winbow as the room explode killing all 8 dogs
he hits the ground "shit"said jack
he then looks his arm it was cut open
"dam well i stell got the keys best get back to the group"said jack to himself

(Gas line explosion? )

Barry Rice heard a very loud explosion, [I]looks like someone just got the award for biggest improvised bang in Oak City, he decided to get out before the weakened school structure caves in.

Outside he saw Jack with a cut arm.

"I'll just assume you had something to do with that explosion, where is everybody else?"

ooc no gun and say that it a rich school an have they own bus
I guess, but you could still chop down a school door pretty quick with that axe.
Imperial isa
24-07-2006, 15:43
OOC cool post and at time i whan jack go in with litte noise but that want out the window whan the dog showed up
IC "yup i was and i dont know were they all gone"said jack
"hey i got the keys to the bus shed an the bus"said jack
"what your name' ask jack not knowing
24-07-2006, 15:53
Rick found the other two and called to them. "Over here, with the rest of us!"

"Okay, where do you think we should go? Is there food anywhere, because I'm starving." Emily said.

"Hopefully there's no more dogs or zombies around here."

Far away, across town....

The creature had found a place to rest after the battle. It squezed the bullets out of itself just by moving it's muscles. It retracted it's tentacles. It looked around. There were several weapons in the room it was in. All for him. He put the rocket launcher away, and grabbed a gatling gun. The next time he saw the prey, they would die.

In an unknown building....

A man looked at a computer screen. He smiled. The city was covered with his projects. There were very few people living. And even if they were, the zombies or one of his many B.OW.s or S.B.O.W.s would kill them. The most likely to do that would be Nemesis. He smiled again, even larger than before.
Imperial isa
24-07-2006, 16:20
" canteen is this way"said jack
" i know the way as my mum work here as the head" said jack sadly
" it all so why i know were the spare keys are to all of the school and the bus"said jack sadly again
Hurtful Thoughts
24-07-2006, 17:00
"Yup, I was; and I dont know were they all went... Hey I got the keys to the bus shed and the bus... what's your name" said jack not knowing

Barry - "The name is Barry Rice. So what do I do with the station wagon, never know when another worm'll show up again, I think I killed the last one."

Rick found the other two and called to them. "Over here, with the rest of us!"

"Okay, where do you think we should go? Is there food anywhere, because I'm starving." Emily said.

"Hopefully there's no more dogs or zombies around here."
" canteen is this way"said jack
" i know the way as my mun work here as the head" said jack sadly
" it all so why i know were the spare keys are to all of the school and the bus"said jack sadly again

Barry Rice [trying to lighten the mood and then getting serious again]- "Looks like the school has seen better days then. Food shouldn't be a major concern, but sure, quick in and out, nothing we can't eat without preparation."
Imperial isa
24-07-2006, 17:35
OOC had black out so sorry for late post

IC"mm"said jack "oh mum would have fit like last week whan i blowed up the science room at college what turned out it was not my fort and the thanks"
said jack
24-07-2006, 18:59
Alyssa stuck with the main group and packed up things like crisps, chocolate and sealed cooked meats into a bin bag. she also included quite a few sealed cartons of milk.

hefting it over her shoulder she said "this should last a fair while"
24-07-2006, 19:19
Alyssa stuck with the main group and packed up things like crisps, chocolate and sealed cooked meats into a bin bag. she also included quite a few sealed cartons of milk.

hefting it over her shoulder she said "this should last a fair while"

"Thats good to kno-" Rick stopped talking as soon as he turned the corner. They had entere into what must have been the cafeteria or gym. He couldn't tell, because all he could see were zombies. There was at least a few dozen of them, possibly a hundred. He looked at Emily and motioned for her to out her rifle away. They both pulled out their 9mm. A shot to the head should be enough to kill them. They slowly backed up, but turned around to see the worm. Or what was left of it. Part of it had smashed through the corridor as they entered the other room. "Everyone, we're going to have to move thbrough the zombie room. Stay close, and fight them back. Don't waste all your ammo, just kill the ones in front of you or attacking you, and look out for the others who may need help. Ready? Here we go!"

OOC- At this point, you can RP as zombies attacking you. Just don't godmod, have some difficulty fighting them.
Imperial isa
24-07-2006, 19:39
"hell the gym is full of them"said jack
" i know the air ducts if we get to one of the openings"said jack
24-07-2006, 19:47
"There are no airducts. We'll just have to go." Rick and Emily Slowly walked in, looking at the zombies. They took shots at the ones in front of them, and attempt to fight off the ones that attacked them. It was hard, but they were managing. The looked back to see how the others were doing.
Imperial isa
24-07-2006, 19:55
" dam i forgot they had taken them out i still dont know why shit miss me you ass hole" said jack cutting a head off
Imperial isa
24-07-2006, 20:19
jack hits the floor after triping over a ball
"fuck this is not good "said jack
"get the fuck off me" said jack using the handle of the axe to hold the zombie back
" well there goes hope of live and getting a girlfriend"jack said to himself
24-07-2006, 20:25
"The zombie was about to bite into Jack's neck when it's head was blown off. Emily had shot it. She grabbed Jack and hauled him up. "Are, you okay?" she asked. Rick was styill shooting zombies, when he pulled out his TMP and began mowing them down, making a path. "Let's go! There's an opening!" Emily saw this. "Come on Jack, Alyssa, Barry, we can make it if we run!"
Imperial isa
24-07-2006, 20:33
"yup i think thanks er to the bus shed i have the keys"said jack
24-07-2006, 20:53
the fleet footed Alyssa made the gap at speed and kept running even with the heavy load of food she was carrying..
Imperial isa
24-07-2006, 21:01
" dam she can move " said jack to himself looking at Alyssa move at speed
Imperial isa
24-07-2006, 21:15
jack starts to sing to himself again " were do gangster go when they die the dont go the heaven where the angels fly" he sing as he kill one more zombie
" dam the cut bleeding got to fix it up whan we are safe"jack said to himself
"man got to get a gun for myself" to himself said jack

OOC he is talking to himself to keep form going mad
Hurtful Thoughts
25-07-2006, 00:00
Barry managed to keep up almost at the front, at least until he finished empying out his shotgun, upon which he fell a little behind and started using a tire iron-pistol combonation to beat and shoot his way through.

One of the Zombnies was particularly tough, and managed to jump upon him from behind (another crimsion head). The zombies then started to gather around to finish the kill.

Meanwhile Barry was then fighting for his life with a tire iron against something which was somewhat stronger than he was and unless he could reload his shotgun before he gets nibbled on the batter. He felled a few closing zombies with his pistol, he knew he was almost done with that clip, and even withuot these other zombies, this one on top of him seemed more than capable of doing the job.

He then remmbered he had the third and final flashbang grenade. He pulled the pin and then lodged it into the zombie's gaping maw. Then used every once of strength to roll the creature off of him as he picked up the shotgun and ran as he reloaded.

Only to be cut short, the crimson head managed to grab his ankle with one hand as the other tried to remove the grnade from its throat.

So he reloaded a fresh mag into his 9 mm and as he kept delaying the zombie with his other foot, managing to kick it in the jaw.

He finally reloaded a single shel into the gun, kicke the grebade out of the zombie's mouth, and fired. After which he made as good an escape he could using the 9 mm as he tried reloading his shotgun. He then heard the grenade go off, which would giv him a few seconds to reload without worrying about an attack from behind. He then finished his charge towards the door without any further incident, except he somehow maanaged to use up all but the one partial clip he had of 9 mm and the 30 shotshells he was given.

The tire iron was now bent in 3 places.

Ask for the pistol, you might be able to find some ammo at a hardware store.
Heck, I'll trade you the pistol, ammo and tire iron just for the axe.
But be warned, the tire iron is about to break by metal fatigue (can't smash heads forever with it can I now?)
25-07-2006, 00:50
Once everyone had gotten out, Rick slammed the door shut and locked it. He breathed heavily. "Alright, where do we go now?"
Imperial isa
25-07-2006, 08:29
OOC what hardware store sell ammo they dont here
if we stop by one cant you pick up axe
Hurtful Thoughts
25-07-2006, 16:31
OOC what hardware store sell ammo, they dont here, also: if we stop by one cant you pick up your own axe?

Only in America... (Also pick up hunting and fishing permits there, so why not sporting goods? [Or is my neck of the woods just odd that way?])

Something in the constitution makes it almost required that guns and ammunition remain within easy reach in time of crisis, good for keeping politicans in line, bad for schools... (Sort of why in every DeMero movie they find a gun, even in an abandoned warehouse, for almost no explained reason. I guess I take that little bit for granted that a gun in america is almost as easy as finding a gun in an FPS [American do have a safegaurd keeping people from taking guns, usually in the form of an armed gaurd or clerk [or simply too many witnesses] literally ran over a hanful of 12 ga Kent shotshells when driving in the woods, still live, luckilly the primers didn't go and blow the wheels off)

That or you can go to the mall, chances are they have ammo sold there too.
Imperial isa
25-07-2006, 16:41
jack ran over to the bus shed and opens the padlock and opens the sliding door
"i have open the shed"yelled jack

OOC thanks for that Hurtful Thoughts
25-07-2006, 18:26
Alyssa jumps into the bus taking the food with her.

she had her bat handy in case they had company but she couldn't see it so far..
Imperial isa
25-07-2006, 18:46
jack starts up the bus
"who diving the bus it not going to be me i cant dive stick" said jack
26-07-2006, 11:54
Emily walked over to him. "I'll dirve." he started to drive, and everything seemed okay. Rick sat down. "So, where is the nearest exit from this place?"
Imperial isa
26-07-2006, 12:16
Emily walked over to him. "I'll dirve." he started to drive, and everything seemed okay. Rick sat down. "So, where is the nearest exit from this place?"
"just dive long the the dive it leads back to oak "said jack standing behind the diver sit
OOC can you rp jack get cut off as i like him the show up back with the group in a cop car if that ok if not that ok with me
26-07-2006, 14:33
Emily nodded to acknowledge his directions. They continued onward.

Meanwhile, Nemesis heard something. A noise. It was the sound of a motor. He pinpointed the noise and began to rush towards it.

OOC- Maybe when Nemesis attacks again.
Imperial isa
26-07-2006, 16:29
OOC- Maybe when Nemesis attacks again.
OOC cool let me know by tg so i can post seeing him if that ok

IC jack still standing looks round the bus an seeing Alyssa he thinks to himself were have i seen her before

OOC have no idea yet were jack have seen her i think of one
26-07-2006, 17:34
ooc- aight
Imperial isa
26-07-2006, 18:44
ooc- aight

OOC your cool

IC jack sits down and still think of were he has seen her
"dam were have i seen her it got me stump" said jack to himself under his breath
26-07-2006, 19:48
in the confines of the bus Alyssa can't help notice the attention that she's getting.

she goes up to Jack and says softly "whats up?"
Imperial isa
26-07-2006, 19:52
" i have seen you some were before but were i cant think of" said jack back to
26-07-2006, 19:59
"maybe you seen me near the university" Alyssa replies "I was doing an Oriental studies degree there until hell came here.

I've also been working in the Brass Monkey as well for a fair while"
Imperial isa
26-07-2006, 20:15
"were you there when the science room explode" ask jack

OOC here you can drink at 18 if age 18 is the age in oakdale City it may be the bar
26-07-2006, 20:16
Alyssa shakes her head and says "i heard about it but i was on field trip when it happened"
Imperial isa
26-07-2006, 20:23
" yup they had the cops on me for that one and turn out was not me ha now i got it it was the Brass Monkey i drink there when not work part time at the fireing range and doing school work" said jack to Alyssa
26-07-2006, 20:58
Emily continued to drive the bus as she heard the two talk. Suddenly, a hail of bullets shot through the windows behind them. "Get down!" She screamed. As the bullets wizzed by, she looked out. Nemesis stood in the street, firing a gatling gun. "I can't avoid it!" The bus slammed into Nemesis. Then, it stopped. Nemesis' hand burst through the floor. Rick shot at it with his pistol. "Everyone, get out!"
26-07-2006, 21:07
Alyssa grabbed the bag of food and got of the bus quickly looking for danger ahead.
Imperial isa
26-07-2006, 21:10
"fucking hell frist a rocket now it has a mingun"yelled jack having a hard time geting out of the bus
26-07-2006, 23:15
Rick and Emily ran of the train. Nemesis was still clawing through the bus. "Where do we go from here?" Emily aked paincinglly.
Hurtful Thoughts
27-07-2006, 04:20
Barry saw the creature, still alive, and still with a head, so much for that idea.

When the bus hit the creature he thought for a brief moment it might be dead, he was proven bery wrong when a hand shot out from the floor and almost caught him by the foot.

He insinctively jumped out the bus's escape window, and sprinted down the street and around a corner. Where he met Jack, again.

"We'll need better guns, I've got a pistol on its last clip and a shotgun with about 20 shells, not much at the time being, and I'm not too confident that my "whacking stick" will last much more of this"

He pulls out two of the 4 foot pipe segments he originally planned to use as a stretcher pole, and screwed them together:

"I guess this'll have to do for now."

OOC: Remember, you are in Oaksdale IL USA. Drinking alchohol is illegal until you are 21. But you can smoke vote and join the army at 18.
Imperial isa
27-07-2006, 07:34
OOC: Remember, you are in Oaksdale IL USA. Drinking alchohol is illegal until you are 21. But you can smoke vote and join the army at 18. man that is one shit law you can kill some one for you nation age 18 but you came home an cant have a drink i like my nation we can do that oh an jack must have use a face id then
IC" ok i wish i had time to make a pipe bomb' said jack think of one from the net
Hurtful Thoughts
27-07-2006, 09:45
OOC: Remember, you are in Oaksdale IL USA. Drinking alchohol is illegal until you are 21. But you can smoke vote and join the army at 18. man that is one shit law you can kill some one for you nation age 18 but you came home an cant have a drink i like my nation we can do that oh an jack must have use a face id then
IC" ok i wish i had time to make a pipe bomb' said jack think of one from the net

They compensate by letting you drive a truck at age 15 1/2.

Barry looks at the thin 4 foot/1 meter long pipes, not much use as a bomb...
"Looks like a trip to the hardware store... Wanna get an M-89 (a 1 lb explosive firework comically depicted in the Simpsons "What better way to show your love for your country than blowing a piece of it up!")?"

(sells lawn and garden supplies too, pretty sure everyone has enough idea to know what goes into a pipe bomb, just that they aren't crazy enough to want to, since you legally can't do anything with them anymore, used to be able to fish /w/ dynamite a long time ago... coincedentally, you could get dynamite from the same place, the hardware store, now the closest thing they sell are fireworks, and the date the RP is set is 06/06/2006, less than a month before July 4th... yeah, they stock up early round here...)
Imperial isa
27-07-2006, 09:50
"ok barry let go then'said jack to barry
OOC is all cop cars fords?
Hurtful Thoughts
28-07-2006, 05:27
"ok barry let go then'said jack to barry
OOC Are all cop cars fords?
They used to be all Ford Crown Victorias, the last front engine-RWD sedan in production.

Since that class has finally been dropped by Ford, and with rising gas prices police are now using hybrids or Chevy Cavaliers.

They still hang on to the Fords in the north though (where ice is a major problem in the winter [roads are litterally torn up by the ice every winter, President Bush (from texas, where roads last decades) was astounded at the reletively poor condition of northern roads (which last 10 years at best, normally only 2 years before they must be completely replaced)]).

Barry looks at a manhole...
"You think any zombies are down there?"
Then he remembers the worm...
"Silly question, that route is out of the question, how about the roofs, chances are not many zombies are going to be nimble enough to leap roof to roof, and the ones that can we just knock down to the pavement..."

Barry then starts climbing a fire escape on one of the tenements.

OOC: Endnote: American police cruisers either have an AR-15 or 12 ga shotgun (maybe both) and a ballistic vest in the trunk.

I'll be gone for a week or so.
Find another "expert" on american culture in the meantime.

It always takes a foriegner to point out how strange your own country is.
(An example being the reletively mild penalty on men/women for rape [1 or 2 years, community service, and a fine; even if they commit it outside of America... No wonder the Arabs hate us when we 'come to visit' (they usually had a summary death penalty; then there is our loose marriage laws and high divorce rates, then add the fact that Americans shoot themselves in the foot a lot.)])
Imperial isa
28-07-2006, 10:40
OOC thanks but for thread i change the car to a bmw m5 later on
here if i dive a ford my mum and sister will kill me
here there is ford, holden thing mum and sister are holden fans so i must dive a holden but they say i can have a new jeep as i like them thanks to ww2 and i all so like holden

IC barry is a the top as jack gets on the fire escape when he is pulled off by a dog that came from not were like 8 other that are now showing themselfs "shit"said jack " barry just go save yourself i see you later"yelled jack to barry as he starts to fight for his life
" bring it on you son of bitchs"yelled jack at them
Hurtful Thoughts
28-07-2006, 14:30
OOC thanks but for thread i change the car to a bmw m5 later on
Here, if i dive a ford my mum and sister would kill me, holden thing.
Here there is ford, mum and sister are holden fans so i must dive a holden - but they say I can have a new jeep as i like them thanks to ww2 and all; so I like holden.

IC Barry is at the top as jack gets on the fire escape when he is pulled off by a dog that came from not were like 8 other that are now showing themselfs "shit"said jack " barry just go save yourself i see you later"yelled jack to barry as he starts to fight for his life
" bring it on you son of bitchs"yelled jack at them

Sorry, but the police generally stay within Ford or Chevrolet (frnech name for an American car [French/German heritage of Wisconsin at its finest]) lines, never heard of a BMW patrol car in America, a very few police units have Hondas or Toyotas.

Barrry drops Jack the 9 mm (most likely has only 4 rounds left), and gets up to the 1st balcony of the fire escape, unslings his shotgun, and disobeys Jack by shooting some of the dogs that where a safe distance away. Jack would still have to fight the one already at his leg.

"What are those things?"

OOC: (my last post for the week, leaving him in the care of Imperial isa for the now.)
I have no idea what a Holden is...
Imperial isa
28-07-2006, 14:59
OOC you call them GM for short in usa
"barry thanks for the gun but go there some were i fell that i need to go to"yelled jack still figthing the dog
28-07-2006, 15:37
Emily hit one of the dogs with her rifle. "Jack, are you okay? You have to run! I'll cover you. Nemesis should be here soon!"
Imperial isa
28-07-2006, 15:57
Emily hit one of the dogs with her rifle. "Jack, are you okay? You have to run! I'll cover you. Nemesis should be here soon!"
OOC having blackouts again

IC"yes thank you i have got to some were barry is on the roof tops" said jack who than runs of by himself
Imperial isa
29-07-2006, 03:34
for now barry is safe on top of the buildings
jack is now two block way
: i hope jack and the other are ok:barry think to himself
Imperial isa
30-07-2006, 12:19
30-07-2006, 12:25
Alyssa was spooked out by the dogs but she dealt with one who got too near to her all the same.

dropping off the food she bashed it's head in until it stayed down.

Seeing the coast was clear she picked up the food and joined the others she could see.
Imperial isa
30-07-2006, 12:42
jack found a army surplus store and goes in
"lets see what i can find"he says to himself
Imperial isa
31-07-2006, 21:10
jack starts to look around the shop to see what he can find and use
Imperial isa
01-08-2006, 18:19
as jack clothing is rip he look for new ones that fit him
"ar this fits and all so this one to" said jack to himself
01-08-2006, 18:27
OOC: This is NS Reallydrunk, for some reason i cannot log on on to the fourms with my main....i apoligize for not being able to post.

Translation for Imperial Isa:

As Jacks clothing ripped he started to look for new ones that fit him,

"Ah! this fits and this does aswell!" Jack said to himself...
Imperial isa
01-08-2006, 19:23
jack came out of the shop wearing new urban bdu,black boots,watch and backpack
inside the backpack jack had a samll axe,rope.small saw , fristaid kit and 10 flares
Hurtful Thoughts
05-08-2006, 19:09
Barry Rice, now only with a 2 meter long section of pipe and a shotgun slung on his back, made his way with a slight frantic pace from rooftop to rooftop; if only just to clear each jump without landing on the awaiting zombies below.

At last he came to an asphalt clearing, the parking lot to the store, nd it was, undoubtedly, filled with lesser zombies. Most of them where former shoppers, a few simply wandered into the area, and otghers simply tried following Barry from street level.

Behind him he could see a few zombies clambering to the rooftops behind him, and then upon finding him, generally fail to make any of the jumps over to his roof. It wouldn't be long until more find their way from the street to the roof he was currently on rather than ones he formerly was on.

He unscrewed a section of pipe, and jammed it into the rooftop service door, leaving him now with 1 meter of pipe and a shotgun.

He still had to think quickly...
Imperial isa
05-08-2006, 19:34
jack was now in a cop car diving down a road he had find it at a bloody sigh of a last stand by cops and swat he all so found at the stand body armor,tactical vest, hipholster, helment,a glock 17 31 round mag in it ,six spare mag for the glock,a m16 with three mag left for it , a spas-12 with full stock and led light, two boxs of 12ga and a torch
Hurtful Thoughts
05-08-2006, 19:38
jack was now in a cop car diving down a road he had find it at a bloody sight of a stand he all so found at the stand body armor,tactical vest, hipholster, helment,a glock 17 31 round mag in it ,six spare mag for the glock,a m16 with three mag left for it , a spas-12 with full stock and led light, two boxs of 12ga
and a torch

*(T not pronounced)

Also, the only way you'll find a hip holster and Glock is from a dead cop, and cops don't use those nice big 31 round magazines much (at least I don't see them with it, they seem to preffer the flush with handle type of magazine).

Oaksdale (I'll assume) is also a small town, so you most likely won't find a SPAS-12, more likely a simple pump gun (Remington 870 Wingmaster), and maybe an M-16, which for the most part are used by Special Weapons And Tactics teams in larger cities (those military bullets tend to go through stuff, such as concrete, hence why they don't like giving them to all police units)

Helmets and other "heavy" armor are generally left to Riot control and/or SWAT teams.

The ammo used by the police are almost always intentionally non-lethal (hence why Barry had to make "dum-dums" from police issue FMJ), and are currently starting to replace their Glocks with Tazers...
05-08-2006, 20:05
Alyssa followed the others hefting the bag of food while she looked out for danger.

Leading them in the direction of the police department building was hard with the zombies that she seen in the distance and sooner or later they would have to fight...