NationStates Jolt Archive

Star Wars Alternate History (OOC, recruitment)

19-07-2006, 00:37
A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away...

A fragile peace. The Old
Republic has fallen, replaced by
the Galactic Empire, and the once
Emperor Palpatine is dead. His
apprentice and slayer, Darth Vader,

Four years have passed since the
end of the Clone Wars, and the
Empire must prove itself strong
enough to control the Galaxy.

Darth Vader and the New Sith Order
must recover their strength, hunt
the remaining Jedi, and break the
wills of the last few worlds which
resist them...

FROM THE BEGINNING, most of this rp will be involving the Empire, and only covert Rebels, if any. The story goes thus - Darth Vader killed Obi-Wan on Mustafar, then killed Palpatine when he met him at a landing site, and returned with Luke and Leia to Coruscant as Emperor. Padmé died in childbirth during the voyage.
A YEAR LATER, Vader founded the Sith Academy on the site of the old Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Vader began to train a new generation of Sith, discarding the Rule of Two.
NOW, Vader has taken a secondary role in the Academy to train his son and daughter in the ways of the Force. The few remaining Jedi are hunted by Imperial operatives and Sith adepts, and the Republic's clone armies now fight under Vader's banner.

This is the galaxy in which we live. Join.

The SWAlt forums are located HERE (

You are welcome to use a character of any race or creed, whether canonical or of your own design, though Darth Vader, Yoda, Luke and Leia are all unuseable.

Currently, several characters have been requested and suggested;

Boba Fett
A'Sharad Hett
Bail Organa
Quinlan Vos

Please post in this thread before posting on, or joining the forums.
19-07-2006, 02:59
Bump! Come on, people. Join up with us and start some roleplays. Rebels would be a very welcome addition.
19-07-2006, 03:01
(Basing this off of the template on your off-site forum)

Name: Vorhad Argonth
Rank: Capt. (Ret.)
Age: 35BBY
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Height: 1.88 meters
Gender: Male
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Laser green
Appearance: Tall and lanky, yet muscled. Hair is ragged and somewhat long for a guy. Wears heavy duty boots with long pants displaying Bloodstripes. Has a long-sleeved faded green shirt and gray jacket. Also possesses a tan trenchcoat-like article of clothing.
Languages: Basic, Smuggler's cant, understands most wookie, bits and pieces of others.
Lightsaber: N/A
History: Fairly unimpressive early life. In fact nothing of note happened until he joined the fighter corps. Quickly rising through the ranks of fighter pilots, he established a reputation for being able to outhink and guess his opponent's moves like reading them from a datapad. Scouted by the Jedi, it was determined that he was not force-sensitive but just had a great aptitude for piloting. What he did was not force-influenced, but intuitive. By the time he left service, he had earned Bloodstripes and the nickname of "the laughing wolf" for his skill and continual good cheer. Afterwards, he turned to Corellia's largest, most lucrative, and most famous business sector: namely, smuggling. Aided by his formiddable piloting skills (he once boasted to be able to fly anything so long as it had at least one working engine), he earned enough to purchase his own ship, a YT 2000. Not quite leaving the world of smuggling, he went semi-legit as a freelancer and mercenary. Willing to listen to all offers, he can and wiil do anything from bodyguard to participating in the occasional fleet action.
19-07-2006, 19:03
BUMPAGE for recruitment. I find your lack of faith in my rp... disturbing.
19-07-2006, 21:49
20-07-2006, 15:13
20-07-2006, 18:11
Bump? Perhaps this should be in the NationStates forum?
26-07-2006, 08:44
What, you want less people to look at it?

I saw your edit, Arcadeos. Nice going. Join and post that up as soon as you like, but expand him a bit, later. Say what he did during the clone wars, and such.
26-07-2006, 09:10
Name: Republic Commando 1088-"Omon"

Rank: Commando Squad Leader

Date of Birth: 26 BBY

Homeworld: Kamino

Species: Human (Clone)

Height: 1.83 meters

Gender: Male

Hair Colour: Brown

Eye Colour:

Appearance: Without his armor on, Omon looks just like every other clone. That is, exactly like Jango Fett. He has several differences however, namely a jagged scar that runs down on side of his chest and other small scars and dings. He wears personalized white Katarn-class Armor, painted with stripes and other designs in a shade of dark blue. His equipment is standard commando fare: DC-17m blaster rifle with sniper and anti-armor attatchements

Language(s): Common, Huttese

History: RC-1088 was created on Kamino, along with all other clones involved in the Clone Wars. However, he was selected to become a Commando. Therefore, he was allowed more independence and was more highly trained then the standard clone.

[OOC: Tired. Really late tonight I'll finish up the history tomorrow. Posted to your site.]
26-07-2006, 10:05
RC, a good idea. Look forward to seeing your squad in action.
26-07-2006, 14:09
26-07-2006, 16:41
26-07-2006, 20:09
28-07-2006, 19:53
Peragus II
29-07-2006, 18:43
Uba IV
19-08-2006, 17:06
Bump! Come on, join up and post!