NationStates Jolt Archive

Shattered Pasts [Medieval RP. With a twist!]

16-07-2006, 17:39
In the Year of Our Lord 1121.
Gdansk, The Kingdom of Poland
The Diary of a Traveller

It was horrible. The smell of flesh, sulphur, and the howling of wolves. Today was a day of tragedy for the citizens of Gdansk, and we all hope that tragedy of such power does not strike ever again. It came early in the day, without notice. There were powerful sounds, like ringing waterfalls smashing through the air. There were rumbles and horrid smells. The city walls were downed in almost rapid succession, as if they were merely paper! But that is not even the worse part. The people behind these fiendish weapons, dark and slant-eyed, with scars and speaking in a language that babbled on. It was quite scary. And then, they brought up one of their weapons. An odd device, much like a cross-bow, aside that it shot out iron, and with such ferocity!

These barbarian men talked for some time, screaming while the civilians remained still. And then..they let these devilish contrpations fire once more. With no remourse, they set Gdansk aflame, leaving everyone within it. I thankfully escaped. But..most of the population was not as fortunate. Trade in the Baltic will be wreaked for centuries, all due to these mysterious men. I have feeling we will see them again, and with them, will come even more destruction.


The date has been set; 1121. The place has been set; the fringes of the Holy Roman Empire's eastern borders. But what are these mysterious men? Asiatic invaders; but with one different change. They are armed with Napoleonic weaponry. It is time for you to step into Shattered Pasts, and take your role as either a Christian Feudal Lord and Aristocrat, to rule your domains and raise Militias to defend your freedom against both King and invader. Or shall you be a haute bourgeoisie within the cities, using your influence to curry favor in the various governments? Or will you shed both to be a warlord of the steppe, to bleed Europe dry. Will Christian Europe be able to turn back these men, armed only with pikes and bows? Or will Europa be doomed to destruction by these, what many have dubbed, the "New Huns?"


Yes, there are rules.

Basic Rules:
1. No Spamming.
2. No Flamming
3. No God-modding.
4. Try to be realistic. This is a MEDIEVAL ROLEPLAY.
5. No ignoring. If there are IC problems, I'll personally deal with it.

Game Rules:

The Setting--1121. The lands are generally on the fringe of the HRE, meaning you'll be seeing action in the Kingdoms of Poland, Hungary, and the Romanian principalities. You'll probally see some action in the eastern most German lands as well, namely Modern Brandenburg, Bohemia..ect.

Domains--As a landowner, or indeed Warlord, you have domains. For a Landowner, these represents your estate(s). Generally you'll start with one estate. You can purchase more, by buying from the Magical Store, invade Estates of other players, or buy lands from other players. If you own land, you are generally entitled to well, own a title. You may request from your liege a title if you wish, although it doesn't come cheap. Keep in mind if you lose all your estates, you become a freedman, and lose your rank. You'll have to start over, and believe me, it'll be tough. For a Warlord, these represents the land your tribal band occupies. It's alot like an estate, except you can't purchase them. You have to actually invade them. Oh, and Warlords can't become Landowners. Ever. You are considered outsiders and no sane Christian king would grant you titles, especially as you've been burning down cities and murdering people. For you landowners, you can own land in foreign countries (that is, kingdoms you aren't vassalized too), but it takes alot of desmene. (see below)

Serfdom--Naturally, you need people to work your estates. Each new estate comes with 30,000 serfs, who work the land. I want to keep things simple, but I'd rather not have exploits. So the less men you have working your estate, the less money you get:

30,000+ Men: 5 EC
29,000-15,000 Men: 4 EC
14,999-10,000 Men: 3 EC
9,999-5,000 Men: 2 IC
4,999-2,500 Men: 1 EC
2,500 and Below: No EC.

Your serfs aren't just workers. You need them for your armies. You get 1,000 new serfs per month (see timing), to represent you gaining new peasants, and ect. You can also purchase them, in increments of 5,000 from the Store. These same rules apply to the Asiatic Warlords, except that your serfs are tribal men, and you do NOT get 1,000 new ones per month.

NPCS--The story line will be driven by me. i'll be playing the major Kings/Emperors in the game, although I'll have my own character. I promise to be fair, so no worries of god-play from me or anything.

Economic Points (EC)--To keep it simple, you need EC to purchase things. Estates and lands provide a base income of Five EC per month, (see timing rules down below), but that's hardly enough to live upon. With EC you can do more than buy titles and more land--you can expand your estates with Economic add-ons, like Manufactories, Chapels, Manors, ect..and all these provide more EC, or other bonuses.

Armies--In this day and age, armies aren't trained. Landowners basically force their serfs into battle, while the Warlords tribe is basically an army on the move. The Kings and Emperors conscript in a similar way to Landlords. In order to keep these simple, you do have to purchase your soldiers, perse. You are really just equipping them. Your Estates DO have a population though, so keep in mind that if you have no serfs working your land, you get no income.

Militia: 1 EC Gets you 2,500 Men. (Militia are defenders. If you send them too far from your estate, they WILL desert.)
Infantry: 1 EC gets you 1,000 Men. (Infantry being your standard foot soldier, with spears, swords, ect)
Cavalry: 1 EC gets you 500 Men. (That is, Infantry on horse back. Not Knights)
Knights: 1 EC gets you 250 Men.
Siege Equipment: 1 EC gets you 2 Pieces of Siege Equipment. (Of your choice of course, trebuchets, catapaults, ect)

War--War is going to be kept simple. You and a foe go off to war? Good! I'll simply take into account how many troops you both have, and roll a die to determine an outcome. You don't need to send orders or anything. Yes, like this it's sort of random, but it's best if it's kept so. If it were "tactical", the Barbarians would always win, due to the sheer advantages over the Christians. After I roll a die, I'll generally write a "battle post" describing the battle and casualities you both took. You can only have one battle per month. Travel is slow, and battles will be horribly bloody. You'll need to refill ranks and such as well..

Desmene--Desmene is a land limit, perse anyways. It's sort of like prestige. If you do good deeds, you get more desmene. The more desmene, the more land you can own. Generally, you need 5 Desmene per estate you own. If you own two estates and don't have 10 Desmene, one estate get's "confiscated" by the state, usually to pay for war or for taxes. You can also pay the church EC for desmene, although it's best to actually GAIN it yourself. For each foreign estate, you'll need 10 desmene. So if I have 3 estates, and one is in a foreign country, that is, a land which I am not a vassal to that region's king, I need 20 desmene.

Excommunication--Even if the Pope isn't in the region, he still exsists. If you do bad things, the Pope will excommunicate you. Excommunication is BAD. B-A-D. Your total EC income is cut inhalf per month, and the desmene needed per estate is also doubled (that is, 10 for a normal estate, 20 for foreign). You should try to avoid it. Of course, if you do get excommunicated, you can also buy forgiveness...

Time--Generally, 1 day equals a month. So 12 days is a year. Generally is takes 2-3 months to travel to one country to another, so keep that in mind. Generally, the game includes the HRE (nominally, you can't really interact with the west, aside from perhaps visiting the Emperor in Aachen), Poland, Hungary, and some of the Balkans, Baltics, and parts of modern Russia.

Trade--If you aren't a landlord or Warlord, you are generally a Bourgeoisie. You gain 2 EC per month to represent your various trades. You can't really do much, but it's intended as such; the middle class had little power in the Middle Ages, and land was much more important than wealth.

Asiatic Weaponry--All in all, the Christians are doomed. It is up to them to raid, but not destory the barbarians. You're going to need these new-fangled weapons from the devil to defeat them in the end, or atleast inflict major causalities.


The "Shattered Past" Store--

Army Purchases:
Militia: 1 EC Gets you 2,500 Men. (Militia are defenders. If you send them too far from your estate, they WILL desert.)
Infantry: 1 EC gets you 1,000 Men. (Infantry being your standard foot soldier, with spears, swords, ect)
Cavalry: 1 EC gets you 500 Men. (That is, Infantry on horse back. Not Knights)
Knights: 1 EC gets you 250 Men.
Siege Equipment: 1 EC gets you 2 Pieces of Siege Equipment. (Of your choice of course, trebuchets, catapaults, ect)
Asiatic Warriors: 1 EC gets you 2,500 men. (Warriors with odd weapons. Warlords only.)
Asiatic Cavalry: 1 EC grants you 1,000 men. (Warriors on Horseback with odd weapons. Warlords only.)
Asiatic Siege Equipment: 1 EC Grants you 5 Pieces of Siege Equipment. (Cannons, ect. Warlords only.)

Estate Purchases:
Serfs: 4 EC for 5,000. (You will need to state which estate to send them to, if you have more than one.)
Church: 10 EC. (Add a Church to an Estate. Raises EC gained per month by 1. Makes the Serfs more happy.)
Barracks: 2 EC. (Adds a Barracks to an Estate. Raises the Training of your Armed Forces.)
Manor: 15 EC. (Adds a Manor to an Estate. Raises EC gained per month by 2.)
Agricultural Bonuses: 10 EC. (Increases the Agricultural Power of an Estate. Raises EC gained per month by 2.)
Buerocratic Chamber: 15 EC. (Adds a Buerocratic Overseer to your Estate. Raises EC gained per month by 3.)
Mint: 15 EC. (Adds a Mint to your Estates. Raises EC gained per month by 4. There is a Chance of Losing EC due to "inflation" however.)

Other Purchases:
Title Request: 10 EC. (Request a Title from your Liege.)
Absolution: 3 EC. (Be cleansed of your sins; gets rid of Excommunication.)
Estate: 25 EC. (Buy another Estate, provided your Desmene allows.)
Crusader Deeds: 10 EC. (Bribe the Papacy to speak of your great courage. Grants 5 Desmene.)


You'll need to fill out stats, as this is primarily a character RP. As a Feudal Landlord or Asiatic Warlord, you will be able to Roleplay your troops into battle and such, so in some ways this is kind of a nation RP too, but on a small scale. If you are a "haute bourgeoisie" you are basically a Landlord, but without land. Not much to do except rack up money.

Name: Your character's name. (Keep it medievalish, and make it fit the area your character is in.)
Age: Your character's age. (Characters probally won't be too young, maybe 24 or 25 at the youngest.)
Liege: Who are you vassal too? The Holy Roman Emperor, Polish King, Hungarian King, or Wallachian/Moldavian Prince? (Does not apply for Warlords/Bourgeoisie.)
Rank: Landlord, Warlord, or Bourgeoisie? (Titles will be added here when gained.)
Desmene: 5 (For now.)
Estate/Tribal Lands: Where are your intial lands located? (General area, IE Poland, Prussia. As you gain estates, they are listed here, along with Estate improvements like churches.)
EC Gained Per Turn: 5 EC. (This will be edited to reflect improvements, estates.)
Strength: 30,000. (This is how many serfs/tribal men you have. This will be edited as you buy/gain more.)
Army: 5,000 Militia for Landlords, 2,500 Asiatic Warriors and 2,500 Asiatic Cavalry for Warlords. (This will be your starting army, and will be edited as you buy/create troops. Doesn't apply to the Bourgeoisie.)

NPC Stats to follow, in due time..for now, let's get started, so start making characters!


Current Stats:

Name: Johan Michael Befreier
Age: 37
Liege: The Holy Roman Emperor
Rank: Christian Landlord [No Titles]
Desmene: 5
Estate/Tribal Lands: 1 Estate in Brandeburg [No Add-ons]
EC Gained Per Turn: 5 EC.
Strength: 30,000 Serfs.
Army: 5,000 Militia

Name: Eduard Ekkehardt von Hohenstauffen
Age: 38
Liege: The Holy Roman Emperor
Rank: Christian Landlord [No Titles]
Desmene: 5
Estate/Tribal Lands: 1 Estate in Bohemia [No Add-ons]
EC Gained Per Turn: 5 EC
Strength: 30,000
Army: 5,000 Militia

Name: Johan Guiderian
age: 29
Liege: The Holy Roman Emperor
Rank: Christian Landlord [No titles]
Desmene: 5
Estate/Tribal Lands: 1 Estate in Prussia [No Add-Ons]
EC Gained Per Turn: 5 EC.
Strength: 30,000 Serfs.
Army: 5,000 Militia

Liberated New Ireland
Name: Ivan Petrovich
Age: 25
Liege: The King of Poland
Rank: Christian Landlord [No titles]
Desmene: 5
Estate Lands: 1 Estate in Poland [No Add-Ons]
EC Per Turn: 5
Strength: 30,000 Serfs.
Army: 5000 Miltia
16-07-2006, 17:58
Name: Johan Michael Befreier
Age: 37
Liege: Holy Roman Emperor
Rank: Landlord
Desmene: 5
Estate/Tribal Lands: Brandenburg Area
EC Gained Per Turn: 5 EC.
Strength: 30,000.
Army: 5,000 Militia


Going to work soon.

Very interesting system you got, :-). Hope I got this right.
16-07-2006, 18:04
Name: Eduard Ekkehardt von Hohenstauffen

Age: 38

Liege: The Holy Roman Emperor

Rank: Landlord

Desmene: 5

Estate/Tribal Lands: Bohemia

EC Gained Per Turn: 5 EC

Strength: 30,000

Army: 5,000 Militia
16-07-2006, 18:06
Name: Christopher Blair
Age: 28
Liege: King of Scotland
Desmene: 5
Estate/Tribal Lands: Scotland
EC Gained Per Turn: 4 EC.
Strength: 20,000.
Army: 5,000 Highland Warriors
16-07-2006, 18:16
Wanderjar, you'll need to move further east, as the game is situated in Eastern Europe, on the fringes of the HRE. It'd be pretty boring in Scotland, as the Asiatic barbarians wouldn't even reach you. :)
16-07-2006, 18:20
Wanderjar, you'll need to move further east, as the game is situated in Eastern Europe, on the fringes of the HRE. It'd be pretty boring in Scotland, as the Asiatic barbarians wouldn't even reach you. :)

Ok, then how about this:

Name: Johan Guiderian
age: 29
Liege: Holy Roman Emperor
Desmene: 5
Estate/Tribal Lands: Prussia (province, not the Empire which doesn't exist yet ;))
EC Gained Per Turn: 5 EC.
Strength: 40,000.
Army: 5,000 Highland Warriors
16-07-2006, 18:22
Perfect. But your Highlanders would be Militia, of course.
16-07-2006, 18:51
...and you only get 30,000 serfs to start....
Liberated New Ireland
16-07-2006, 19:01
Wanderjar, was that a Wing Commander reference?

Name: Ivan Petrovich
Age: 25
Liege: Polish King
Rank: Landlord
Desmene: 5
Estate Lands: Poland, bordering HRE
EC Per Turn: 5
Strength: 30,000
Army: 5000 Polish Militia

16-07-2006, 19:03
OOC: How and when do you upgrade your Militia to cavelry/Infantry soldiers with armor and better weapons?

I may join this..
16-07-2006, 19:03

You basically convert your militia to whatever you need them to be for 1 eco point. :)
16-07-2006, 19:06
Wanderjar, was that a Wing Commander reference?

Name: Ivan Petrovich
Age: 25
Liege: Polish King
Rank: Landlord
Desmene: 5
Estate Lands: Poland, bordering HRE
EC Per Turn: 5
Strength: 30,000
Army: 5000 Polish Militia


Nope, afraid I've never Played Wing Commander. I don't deserve the points :(
Liberated New Ireland
16-07-2006, 19:12
Nope, afraid I've never Played Wing Commander. I don't deserve the points :(
OOC: Damn. Then you just came up with Christopher Blair by yourself? (He was the main character of nearly all of Wing Commander)
16-07-2006, 19:14
OOC: Damn. Then you just came up with Christopher Blair by yourself? (He was the main character of nearly all of Wing Commander)

Christopher is my name. Blair is my grandma's maiden name, and was during the Middle Ages, the Royal Clan (Or so my grandfather's research on the subject claims). They were dethroned in 1700 by the English according to my History Professor, and thats how my Grandmas side of the family winded up in America. As Exiles.
17-07-2006, 02:55
Mega Bump!
17-07-2006, 16:42

I'd like to get a move on please ><

Well, I'm sure we are waiting for more people to join, so consider this a bump.
17-07-2006, 18:00
Bump. We need a few more players. Some landlords in the south maybe, and we need atleast 1 (preferably 2-3) Warlords.