16-07-2006, 14:44
The Nelchizedeke Cluster
The Nelchizedeke Cluster is my personal “ universe “ , if you will. Which is located on the Southeastern edge of the Andromeda Universe. This universe is a work that I started about twenty years ago or more. There are many interesting races, planets, solar systems with dimensional doorways, time travel gateways, and much, much more that can be found there. The main mortal planet in the Cluster is called Narth. It is the Home of a being called Lightwalker, and of the Triadian Federation.
The Triadian Federation is a group that not only possesses an extremely high level of technology, but also a racial ability for numerous types of powers, magic usage being one of those powers. They are the ruling power within the Cluster, but they are not without enemies that would like to change that fact.
During the early years of Kormanthor’s space travel two extraordinary things were discovered by our Starships. One was the discovery of a stable wormhole that lead to a Huge City in Space Four Thousand Five Hundred Light Years from the Milky Way Galaxy, the second was the discovery of a starship graveyard. The inhabitants of the Star City were found to be extremely hostile, and remain an enemy of Kormanthor to this day. The graveyard however is where we found evidence of the Triadian Federation, and of locations of giant gateways that could take us there. Because of the fact that we and the Triadian Federation had a common enemy in the Star Cities inhabitants we decided to become allies against this threat to the Universe.
This is the link for the Star City story if you are interested. I am looking for people who would like to find out what all can be found in the Cluster, I will RP the Triad & the Outcasts. I will soon add a list of all people’s found there.
The Nelchizedeke Cluster is my personal “ universe “ , if you will. Which is located on the Southeastern edge of the Andromeda Universe. This universe is a work that I started about twenty years ago or more. There are many interesting races, planets, solar systems with dimensional doorways, time travel gateways, and much, much more that can be found there. The main mortal planet in the Cluster is called Narth. It is the Home of a being called Lightwalker, and of the Triadian Federation.
The Triadian Federation is a group that not only possesses an extremely high level of technology, but also a racial ability for numerous types of powers, magic usage being one of those powers. They are the ruling power within the Cluster, but they are not without enemies that would like to change that fact.
During the early years of Kormanthor’s space travel two extraordinary things were discovered by our Starships. One was the discovery of a stable wormhole that lead to a Huge City in Space Four Thousand Five Hundred Light Years from the Milky Way Galaxy, the second was the discovery of a starship graveyard. The inhabitants of the Star City were found to be extremely hostile, and remain an enemy of Kormanthor to this day. The graveyard however is where we found evidence of the Triadian Federation, and of locations of giant gateways that could take us there. Because of the fact that we and the Triadian Federation had a common enemy in the Star Cities inhabitants we decided to become allies against this threat to the Universe.
This is the link for the Star City story if you are interested. I am looking for people who would like to find out what all can be found in the Cluster, I will RP the Triad & the Outcasts. I will soon add a list of all people’s found there.