LBC International
Londim Broadcasting Corporation is now offering contracts to all nations to air shows/advertisements on the LBC network. The LBC network has been a long running corporation in Londim famed for shows such as Zero and Downtown. However we here at LBC feel it is time to spread into shows from the international community. So if you want to air an advert/show send us details to:
LBC International
243 High Gardens
Londim LR5 J24
Here is a form that needs filling in:
Country of Origin:
Genre: Soap Opera, Drama, Comedy, Documentary Other
Thank you
Jimmy Wasand
LBC Director General
LBC: TV With Variety
15-07-2006, 13:49
LBC International
243 High Gardens
Londim LR5 J24
While the Commonwealth of Northford does not have any advertisements at the present time fo rthe people of Londim, we hereby enquire how we could go about Airing the LBC Channels on Northfordian Television.
Would we need a licence?
June Bushall, Northford, Department for media
To:June Bushall, Northford, Department for media
You would need a licence. I will talk with our solicitors to draw up a contract that would need to be signed in order to air LBC. We thank you for your interest and will sned a contract as soon as it is drawn up.
Jimmy Wasand
LBC International
LBC: No.1 in Entertaiment
Contract Agreement
This contract is to outline the licensing agreement between LBC International and the nation of Northford. The following must be agreed upon to bring this contract into affect:
1. The nation of Northford must pay an equivalent of $2million USD per annum to cover licensing and broadcast fee.
2. The TV schedule can be changed if Northford wishes.
3. New show ideas for the LBC channel must first be proposed to LBC International so the company can review the idea and se if it is good for the company.
4. Programmes with a large amount of obcenities or adult content can only be shown after the 9pm watershed.
5. If any illegal copying is carried out the Media Department may be liable and may have to pay a large fine and the contract may be terminated.
Jimmy Wasand
LBC International
15-07-2006, 17:55
OOC: I'm assuming that you're running the channel? I'm jsut paying the 2 Mil to get it put on Northfordian TV screens right?
To:Jimmy Wasand, LBC International
After careful review with our legal team, the Commonwealth of Northford accepts your proposal, and hereby wires the funds. We wish yourselves the best in your endevours, and hope the programs you produce will be both profitable and entertaining.
June Bushall, Northford, Department for media
OOC: Yeah the 2 Mil is to get it on Northford television
TO:June Bushall, Northford, Department for media,
We here at LBC are delighted you have accepted the contract and broadcasting in Northford will begin immediatly. Your people will now experience great shows like Zero, an action drama about a soldier trapped in a mysterious land and Downtown a Soap Opera about the lives and relationships of people in a downtown estate. We hope you enjoy.
Jimmy Wasand
Director General
LBC International
LBC: You know you want it
15-07-2006, 18:07
Name: imperial navy recruitment ad
Country of Origin: sephrioth
Genre: Other
Extra: join the great navy of sephrioth
a simple add to sign up for the navy earn your citizenship service gaurntues citizen ship
TO: Sephiroth
This advert will cost 15000 USD. It wil be aired during the early evening between the LBC International News and Sport Central. We thank you for your interest/
Jimmy Wasand
Director General
LBC International
LBC: Viewers Choice Winner 2005
15-07-2006, 18:23
money wired from govt waste is it posible to do one for the army and the marines
You can indeed as long as costs are met. The same fee will apply.
Jimmy Wasand
Director General
LBC International
LBC: For The People
15-07-2006, 18:27
moonies wered from goverment waste
we also wish to broadcast the lbc chanels trough out the empire
The Aeson
15-07-2006, 18:29
The Holy Confederacy of The Aeson would like to air a documentary.
Name: Decimation: The Aeson; The Story of the Kraven Cleansing
Country of Origin: New Aeson
Genre: Documentary
Information: Geologists, historians and survivors recount the horror that was as Kraven nuclear missiles rained down on The Aeson.
OOC: Seph, I don't think you can spend the government waste. It's, you know, wasted.
money wired from govt waste is it posible to do one for the army and the marines
Contract Agreement
This contract is to outline the licensing agreement between LBC International and the Empire of Sephiroth. The following must be agreed upon to bring this contract into affect:
1. The Empire of Sephiroth must pay an equivalent of $2million USD per annum to cover licensing and broadcast fee.
2. The TV schedule can be changed if Northford wishes.
3. New show ideas for the LBC channel must first be proposed to LBC International so the company can review the idea and se if it is good for the company.
4. Programmes with a large amount of obcenities or adult content can only be shown after the 9pm watershed.
5. If any illegal copying is carried out Sephiroth may be liable and may have to pay a large fine and the contract may be terminated.
Jimmy Wasand
LBC International
To:The Holy Confederacy of The Aeson
This documentary has been accepted by the LBC Board. A cost of 50000 USD will need to be paid and the documentary will be aired on Sunday at 9pm. Thank you for your interest.
Jimmy Wasand
Director General
LBC International
LBC:Because We Care
The Aeson
15-07-2006, 18:49
To:The Holy Confederacy of The Aeson
This documentary has been accepted by the LBC Board. A cost of 50000 USD will need to be paid and the documentary will be aired on Sunday at 9pm. Thank you for your interest.
Jimmy Wasand
Director General
LBC International
LBC:Because We Care
OOC: I've got to be missing something... I'm paying you to air my show?
OOC:Yes. All networks charge fees for programs to be shown. If they didn't they would lose money fast.
The Aeson
15-07-2006, 18:57
OOC:Yes. All networks charge fees for programs to be shown. If they didn't they would lose money fast.
OOC: Now hold on a moment. How the hell do the programs make money then?
Well I suppose I could pay you something and take away the charge from that. Will that be better? Also many many programs are commisioned by the broadcasting company that wants that program
The Aeson
15-07-2006, 19:13
Well I suppose I could pay you something and take away the charge from that. Will that be better? Also many many programs are commisioned by the broadcasting company that wants that program
OOC: Nah, I'll pay, because I'm a government, not a company. The whole theory just seems a little off.
IC: Confirmed. Money wired,
LBC International
LBC today announces many new features for the LBC channels broadcasting. LBc has now become digital. Pushing the green button on your remote control now allows all to watch TV and look for all information for free.
Also LBC is now aired in 13 different languages so don't miss out on purchasing some airtime for all your media needs.
Jimmy Wasand
Director General
LBC International
LBC: You Matter
16-07-2006, 14:05
Londim Broadcasting Corporation is now offering contracts to all nations to air shows/advertisements on the LBC network. The LBC network has been a long running corporation in Londim famed for shows such as Zero and Downtown. However we here at LBC feel it is time to spread into shows from the international community. So if you want to air an advert/show send us details to:
LBC International
243 High Gardens
Londim LR5 J24
Here is a form that needs filling in:
Country of Origin:
Genre: Soap Opera, Drama, Comedy, Documentary Other
Thank you
Jimmy Wasand
LBC Director General
LBC: TV With Variety
The Leader is permitting Skgorrian Central Broadcasting to release some of their programs abroad....
Name: Operation Wolfenstein
Genre: Historical Drama
Extra: Program is made in Skgorrian, though forgein subtitles can be added
Information: Operation Wolfenstein is a ten-part series that follows the lives of several Skgorrians as they aid our fraternal German allies during the International Crusade against Bolshevism and Zionism. The series opens with the toppling of the foul King Yuslev and the instigation of the Iron Rule, then moves on to show the Skgorrian military fighting alongside the Axis forces. One episode is entirely dedicated to a young man who joins the Waffen SS as a volunteer. The series finishes with the Soviet annexation of Skgorria, and the promise that through fields of blood and pain, Skogrria marches on! The program contains many scenes of violence and bad language
The Leader is willing to discuss terms of payment for showing this program. How much do you want?
To air this series LBC International would like a sum of 100000 USD. We thank you for your interest and the show will be broadcast every Wednesday at 10pm.
Jimmy Wasand
Director General
LBC International
LBC: Quality Programs for quality People
17-07-2006, 12:03
Currency is being wired to you now - Skgorrian Central Broadcasting would be happy to produce any shows for you that are needed. Simply name the genre
18-07-2006, 10:46
agreeved take funds from gov 't waste