The Horde Of Doom
14-07-2006, 05:27
Newsthread (
2006: Croatia hit hard by bird flu. Medicine rare, and only the rich can be helped. 600,000 people die. National Bolshevist Party(NBP) founded.
2007: The Serbian general Vlade Savovic comes to power in Bosnia and begins the eradication of the Muslim population, as well as Croat resisters to his regime. Slovenia, fearing a fall of Croatia will lead to forced incorporation with Serbia, votes to join with Croatia. Croatia sends troops into Bosnia, only helping Croats. New Spanish Kingdom created under Falangist forces and Carlist rule provokes NBP attacks on Croatia
2008: Soldiers in the Croatian army begin to burn Croatian flags and disobey orders. Instead, they fly the colors of the NBP. Fighting now to bring the "National Bolshevist dream to Bosnia," more missions undergone to fight Serbs and defend ethnic Bosnians. Croatian government responds with widepsread executions
2009: War in Bosnia continues, with the Serbs on the run. The NBP begins crying for a revolution in Croatia. Economy begans to drop, as more funds pulled into the war. Air Force joins the Army in taking on the NBP creed, and begins bombing Serbia. The Navy soon follows, and the President declares a state of emergency. The country is now defenseless, but the military vows to fight if the country is in danger.
2010: The "Red Army" pushes the Serbians out of Bosnia, but instead of stopping, continues into Montenegro. Serbia calls for NATO help, but is refused. The "Red Air Corps" drops NBP pamphlets all over Albania and Macedonia. A rebellion takes place in Macedonia, and a National Bolshevist regime is installed before the year is out. Italy agrees to help Serbia.
2010: Vlade Savovic, the former "leader" of Bosnia, is sentenced to death by Red Army. Savovic is stripped naked, covered in honey, and buried up to his head in an ant pile. The video hits the internet, and becomes the worlds most downloaded video.
2011: Italy sends troops to help Serbia, causing a 4 battles to occur between the Red Navy and the Italian Navy. With extensive use of mines
and a threat to sink Venice, Italian forces give up after 4 weeks.
2011: Slovenia is in full revolt, the "Nazbols" erecting their flag over the capital. Croatian President Ivić Letica finally buckles to popular pressure, and steps down. He flees to Italy.
2011: Albania undergoes a revolution, as Nazbols overthrow the government in a week long coup.
2011: Croatia reorganizes herself as the Union of National Bolshevist States(UNBS) comprised of Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, and Macedonia. The "Yearlong Night" presses the UNBS to undertake a nuclear program. The program grows quickly, due to the immigration of several Pakistani nuclear scientists
2011-2012: No sunlight for the entire year in across the world.
2012: Ljubo Ćesić, or "Rojs" is declared Premier. Military spending increases by 10%.
2012: The Red Military creates a new force, "The Hacker Corps." The Corps becomes the worlds first military branch to be used specifically for electronic warfare.
2012: Serbia's state bank computer systems all crash on the same day. Serbia blames Croatia, Premier Rojs denies the accusations. The Serbian govenrment homepage is hacked later that day, becoming covered in images of dead Bosnians during Vlade Savovic's rule.
2013: Greece hit by a wave of NBP propaganda. All Greek cell phone users are texted "Join the revolution! Join the Greek NBP!" Wide scale riots occur, as the UNBS has become more productive then Greece.
2013: Greek Civil War begins, as Greek NBP forces attempt a coup.
2013: The first UNBS nuclear weapon is detonated in the middle of the atlantic ocean. The UN silently approves, even though the UNBS never told the UN they were developing weapons.
2014: The UNBS steps in the Greek Civil War, claiming "peace keeper" status
2014: New tanks and planes unleashed upon Greek forces, as the Red Army intervenes on behalf of the Greek NBP. Athens, the last stronghold hold of democratic forces, falls under a chemical attack. The UNBS declares an artillery shell hit a Democratic mustard gas supply, killing the democrats. Greece incorporated into the UNBS.
2014: Italy and Serbia sign a pact, promising to aid each other if invaded.
2014: The Italian NBP and the Serbian NBP formed.
2015: Begin game.
National Information
Official Title: The Union of National Bolshevist States(The Sjedinjenje od Narodni Boljševik Tipičan)
Conventional Short Form: The U.N.B.S.(S.N.B.T)
Governmental Form: National Bolshevism(Fascism/Communism Mix)
Population: 30,379,585
Currency: The Red Star
Flag (
Map(UNBS territory in red) (
Territories Encompassed: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Greece
Military: 2,224,206 (After highschool, all must serve in military for 4 years. Disabled may be put in administrative or other such non-combat positions, possibly Hacker Corps.)
-Red Army(Crven Vojska): 964,554
-Red Navy(Crven Mornarica): 643,036
-Red Airforce(Crven Airforce): 610,884
-Hacker Corps(Haker Korpus): 5,732
National Motto: "The cause of the people is the cause of the nation."
Current Leader: Premier Ljubo Ćesić, better known by his nickname "Premier Rjos" (
National Anthem, sung to "Hymn of the Soviet Union":
Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics
Our common ideal has wielded forever to stand!
Created in struggle by will of the Peoples,
United and Mighty our Nazbol Land!
Sing to our Fatherland, Free and Undying,
Bulwark of Peoples in Brotherhood Strong!
Flag of the Nazbols, Flag of the people,
From Victory to Victory lead us on!
Through tempests the shadows of freedom have cheered us,
Along the new path where great future did lead,
Be true to the people, as history has shown us,
Inspired us to labor and Valorus Deed.
Sing to our Fatherland, Free and Undying,
Bulwark of Peoples in Happiness Strong!
Flag of the Nazbols, Flag of the people,
From Victory to Victory lead us on!
Our army grew up in the heat of grim battle,
Barbarian invaders we'll swiftly strike down.
In combat the fate of the future we'll settle,
Our country we'll lead to eternal renown!
Sing to our Fatherland, Free and Undying,
Bulwark of Peoples in Bravery Strong!
Flag of the Nazbols, Flag of the people,
From Victory to Victory lead us on!
Notes on government:
The Government Breakdown moves into two ruling sectors, the Administrative and the Legislative. The Administrative is headed by the Council, the Legislative by the Senate. Their power is to be explained in detail later. The two parties of the Nazbol Nation are the Corporate Party and the Workers Party, both of which are to be explained later. The five sects of the Nazbol Society are comprised of the Military, Judicial, Senatorial, Corporate and Labor (Worker). These five sects play a key role on the internal function of the society, including elections and the balance of power. The Government is a basic Capitalist System, its finer details determined by the people in power.
Unlike the failing systems of Communism, Fascism and Nazism, the National Bolshevist Society does not require unwavering loyalty and support to the party in power. In fact, a Nazbol entity at its peak has very little support for the party, thus forcing it to preform at maximum capacity. While the Fascist and Communist Systems crumble when their people turn on the Government, the National Bolshevist Idealogy strengthens and grows in power as new powers attempt to take control. Freedom of Speech cannot be banned if the system is to work, as if it is, the struggle which National Bolshevism is based around is silenced, thus the problems which slowly drift through the grates of the State, clog up, and eventually smash the system of government, as seen in any totalitarian regime.
Democracy as seen in 20th Century America has been critisized for its inability to keep the ruling parties working at its maximum level. The President can only be removed if he violates a given law. If the man in power simply decides to do nothing for his four year term, he cannot lawfully be removed, thus, the country will fail.
Government Breakdown - The Council
The Council is comprised of five elected officials;
The Commissar of the Monetorial- The Commissar of the Monetorial is in charge of all economic affairs, distribution of money to internal agencies, the signing of contracts issued to coporations, the setting of tax rates and collection of revenue. Requirements include 5 years at a school of economics. Immidiet Subordanates Include- Secretary of Economic Settings and the Secretary of Tax. The Secretary of Econimics deals directly with business and the state economy. The Secretary of Tax determines what tax settings are needed most, and the best ways to collect such revenue.
The Commissar of Justice- The Commissar of Justice serves as the Supreme Justice on the Supreme Court, which will be discussed later. The Consul of Justice oversees all issues regarding the law. He decides on the validity of major warrants, court cases, interpretations of the law, appoints district attorneys, and prosecutors to major cases. Requirements include 12 years of school, including law and finishing law. 5 years as a lawyer, and 5 as a district attorney.
The Commissar of War- The Overall Commander of Nazbol Forces. He is the only one (besides the Premier) that can summon a decleration of war. He is to be of the Military Sect, and qualified for the job. (30 Years of Military Service, 5 Years as a General, 6 years at a military acadamey). Immidiet Subordinates include the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Airforce, and the Secretary of Special Forces.
The Commissar of Social Affairs- The Commissar of Social Affairs deals with all issues regarding welfare, minium wages, labor laws, enviromental issues, foster care, and other such internal affairs. Immidiet Subordanates include the Secretary of the Enviroment and the Secretary of the People.
The Commissar of Foriegn Affairs- The Commissar of Foriegn Affairs is directly responsible for establishing foriegn agreements, alliances and political pacts. The Commissar of Foriegn Affairs appoints Ambassadors, diplomats, and established embassy exchange programs with foriegn nations. He/she is in direct contact with embassys in the nation, and attends all political summits.
The Premier- The Premier is chosen by a vote of the five consuls. No Commissar may vote for himself, and a vote of 3 is needed to select the Premier. If the Commissars do not select a Premier within one week of their first meeting, all five Commissars are to be re-elected. The Premier may call for a veto of any move made by any Commissar, in which the move is temorarily suspended. The five consuls then vote again, a vote of 3 is needed to over ride the Premier's Veto.
Commissars are elected by a vote of the five sects. Five seperate votes are taken, one for each Commissar. The sects hold internal votes, 3/5 sects vote is needed for the election of a Commissar. This will be discussed in depth later, in the Sect Category. Commisar positions last 10 years with an unlimited number of possible terms.
Governmental Breakdown - The Senate
The Senate is comprised of 100 Members, this is the law making body, directly elected by a popular vote of all the people. (Contrary to the Election Via the 5 sects) 65/100 Senators are needed to pass a law, change an existing one, or scrap one altogether. The Senate confirms all Commissar Nominations, and hold the power to begin the impeachment process of any Commissar. This can only be fulfilled with 85% of the Senate in support, as well as the support of 2/5 Commissars. The Impeachment Process may begin if the previously stated entities confirm any given Commissar is not preforming to the maximum of his ability, or the ability required by the position. The Trial which removes the given Commisar from power is held by the Supreme Court. If the Impeachment Trial fails, the tried Commissar holds the power to launch the impeachment process against each Senator and Commissar which sought his removal from office. Senatorial terms last 2 years with a unlimited number of possible terms.
Government Breakdown- The Supreme Court
The Supreme Court is the highest seat of Judiciary Power in the land, holding the final say over any case it chooses to hear. The Court holds the ability to deny any case, unless that case has been appointed by the Consulship, or it involves the impeachment of a Commissar/Senator. Eleven Supreme Court Honor's are elected for a term of four years. Every year a new Supreme Court Chief Honor is elected from the eleven Honor's. If the Court Fails to elect a member, they are all to be removed from office.
Government Parties
The Parties Produce all Commissar and Senate nominees besides the Commissar of War. They are the only people that may vote in popular elections.
The Corporate Party (Sect 1)- The Corporate Party Consists of all free market, capitalist types. To belong to this party you must apply and be approved by the Board of Corporate Affairs, requirements vary, usually peoples holding mangement positions, stock holders, CEO's or business operator's and owners are members of this party. This is the smaller of the two parties.
The Workers Party (Sect 2)- The Workers party consists of all peoples that favor high minimum wage, and benefits for the working man and other non-capitalist policies. In order to join this party, one must be confirmed by the Union Board. Requirements are base, working men/women as well as socially tainted lawyers and politicians. This is the larger of the two parties.
Non-Party- Non-Party Members vote in only popular elections, however, cannot vote in sect votes unless they are in one of the other three sects.
Though it would seem the Workers Party is superior do to numbers, social issues divide them, as as it does the Coporate Party. Social issues make up a large portion of the voters decisions, thus not making it an equal split on an economic basis. Niether party has, or may have, any official social stance.
The Five Sects
The five sects are key in electing the Commissars. Each sect holds an internal vote, the vote of 51% gives that sect to a designated nominee. All five sects vote, the nominee with 3/5 sects wins the position as Commissars.
Sect One. The Coporate Party. See The Coporate Party Description
Sect Two. The Workers Party. See The Workers Party Description
Sect Three. The Senate. See the Senate in Government Breakdown Section. The 100 Senators hold a vote, 51% of which gives the Senatorial Vote. IF the case occurs that a 50/50 split is happened, the Premier will pitch his vote as one.
Sect Four. The Judiciary. The Judiciary consists of all judges, lawyers and law related professions (Save Law Enforcement). These peoples may belong to either of the two parties, however, they belong to the exclusive Judiciary Sect in regards to Commissar Elections. Judges are appointed for a term of 14 years. The highest court being the Superem Court, headed by the Commissar of Justice, whose term is only 4 years.
Sect Five. The Military. The Military and all Military persons, including soldiers, reserves, police officers and all Security peoples belonging to Government. They all may belong to one of the two parties.
The National Bolshevist System is set up to keep all sects, parties and members vigilant, constantly fighting an endless war against many different issues that will never cease to arise. Through constant struggle, there is no rest, there is no failure.
Copy of original National Bolshevist Party Platform, pre-revolution:
Platform of the National Bolshevik Party
On the Purpose of this Platform
This document sets forth the ideological foundations for the National Bolshevik Party. It also lays out the Party’s vision for the country, and what specific political, economic, and social policies it supports and will actively struggle for. Modifications are to be made with the passage of time to certain sections of this platform so as to ensure the relevance of the Party in the future, though the Platform as a whole is meant to provide a solid foundation for those who will join the National Bolshevik cause.
Section One: The Ideology of the NBP
National Bolshevism is both a rational and spiritual opposition to the global system of capitalism. Its very name brings together two ideas which are often seen as contradictory, but which are in actuality both neccesary for the creation of a stable and just society. Nationalism and socialism are each collectivist ideologies which are in fact, very easily connected. Nationalism places pride in one’s nation and loyalty to a state that adequately represents it as being of primary importance, while socialism is a system primarily defined by the collective ownership of the means of production.
-National Bolshevism derives its reason for existence upon resistance to the current “system”, its economical institutions, its political structures, and its leaders. However, in recognizing that the current system is unworthy of representing the people forced to live under it, National Bolshevism \ puts forth positive ideals which stand in contrast to it. National Bolshevism promotes a society of honor and freedom. This Ideal stands in direct opposition to the system of capitalism that currently exists in the country and which dominates the world’s economic system through its exploitation of other countries’ resources and people.
-We wish to see a country that is largely self sufficient and which takes pride in its unique culture.
-We stress the struggle for the creation of a government whose main function is to act as a catalyst for the improvement of people’s lives, while symbolically representing the culture of the Nation. This national culture has been primarily shaped by European culture and traditions, and National Bolshevism wishes to preserve and encourage the progressive elements of this culture within the context of the struggle for social justice.
-Worldwide capitalism is creating a single world culture through its lowering of the barriers between countries. The borders of a country are sacred in that they provide a reference point for the Ideal which the people are to unite around. While nationalism is often defined as loyalty to one’s race or ethnicity, National Bolshevism places more importance on geopolitics and the respecting of sovereign states’ rights. We wish to see a world of many cultures, and will also respect the many cultures which exist within the UNBS itself, promoting the tolerant elements of our heritage.
-In calling for socialism, National Bolshevism does not advocate Marxism. Our ideology is fundamentally different in that it does not see the rise of the proletariat as the inevitable result of capitalism, and does not hold the view that “the working man has no country”. Within our borders we wish to socialize the commanding heights of the economy and create an economic system that provides for its people, rather than allowing the business elites to control the country’s economic and political life. Our socialism stems from our nationalist outlook, in that an economic system based on equality and the distribution of wealth to those who helped to create it is the best possible economic system for the people as a whole. That is, the Nation is best served through a socialist economic system.
-While we hold that the USSR and its Eastern European allies were both nationalist and socialist, we stress that each country has unique conditions and that the totalitarian nature of these regimes was neither a positive aspect of them nor one that has any place in the UNBS political system.
Section Two: The Struggle Against Globalization
The NBP is defined by its opposition to globalization, for it is through this social, economic, and political process that the people of all nations are losing their rights and the power to control their own lives. The domination of the world’s economic and political structures by a small group of people and organizations is restricting the freedom of individuals of every nation and territory, and we see this as a violation of their human rights. Our opposition to globalization is a primary factor in our foreign and immigration policies.
The NBP calls for:
-the withdrawal of UNBS troops from all foreign countries, and an end to UNBS involvement in military alliances such as NATO.
-the withdrawal of all military aide to corrupt regimes
-the withdrawal of UNBS support for trade agreements or organizations that seek to exploit less developed countries and which benefit only a small number of economic elites. The UNBS then, would no longer support the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, or the World Trade Organization.
-a withdrawal from the United Nations pending the creation of a different multi-state body that meant primarily to allow for communication between different countries. The current UN is too often used to give legitimacy to the immoral actions of powerful countries, and it is only through facilitating communication that an international organization can create a more peaceful world.
-fair and limited trade with other countries, with sectors of the economy neccesary for our defense or the standard of living of our people being developed as much as possible within our own borders. This is to prevent foreign events from having a devastating impact on our economy.
-a expansionist foreign policy based on respecting the sovereignty of other states’ borders and rights, but allowing the spread of National Bolshevism. Restoring our ties with Russia will also be a priority.
-severe limits on immigration, with the understanding that it is in the interest of business elites to have a poor immigrant class who they can exploit for inexpensive labor. Mass immigration leads to cultural conflict and does nothing to stop the economic ruin many Third World countries are in. Aid to these countries and mutually beneficial trade agreements will help end the cycle of poverty, and will allow for the people of these countries to posses a decent standard of living without having to leave their homelands and cut themselves off from their way of life.
- maintaining the limited sovereignty of special provinces like the Republic Sprska, and nationalizing foreign owned businesses within the UNBS. Our ideology calls for respect and the preservation of heritage, not the Darwinian racism of National Socialism, so we will not seek to economically exploit or dominate Africa.
-In protecting our borders, the soldiers we will recall from foreign countries who are not demobilized will be used to help patrol them.
Section Three: Democracy
National Bolshevism holds those who control the current system of government to be its enemy, but it also sees the structures of the system itself as problematic. In addition to our struggle against the system and for our own policies, we also seek to reorganize the UNBS’s political structures to assist in making them more responsive to the desires of the population.
-Though we do not call for the current system of states to be replaced immediately, regional governments created without regard for state boundaries will eventually come into being. These regions will be created with efficiency in mind, as they will have more economic resources under their authority, and so will be able to further decentralize economic power by taking over some of the functions of the central government.
-At the central and regional level, a National Control Commission will be created to observe how resources are being spent by the government. This group is not elected, and will publish monthly and yearly reports on the performance of the central government, while local and largely independent branches of the NCC will do the same for the level of government that they are attached to. These groups primary purpose will be to provide the Nazbol people with information, but they will also posses the ability to bring those who abuse positions of power to court.
Section Four: The Economy, Labor, and Meeting the Needs of the Population
National Bolshevism has as one of its values the idea of social justice. This requires that the state take steps to ensure that the economy is run in the interests of the public good, and that it provide for its people. Rather than allowing massive amounts of wealth to accumulate in the hands of a few elite capitalists, National Bolshevism calls for a democratic and fair economic system that allows for enough flexibility to ensure growth and prevent stagnation, while also preventing the spread of poverty for the working class. Our economic beliefs are based on our spiritual foundation in that we promote a system that promotes social justice because it is in the best interests of the UNBS Nation.
-The nationalization by the central government of the “commanding heights” of the economy is an action that must be taken to ensure all Nazbol's a decent standard of living. Energy, transport, and other essential industries will be owned by the state, while light industry and smaller industries will either be controlled by state government or by private individuals, depending on their size.
- Those industries nationalized will elect representatives from their factories or firms, who will in turn elect regional representatives who will assist in running these industries on a national level. Those elected at each level will assist in the overseeing of their individual factories or firms, and will also choose those who will hold similar powers at the next level. In allowing workers to directly participate in those industries that are nationalized, we increase the level of popular input into our economy
- Jobs creation programs are neccesary to lower the UNBS’s unemployment rate and give useful work to those who want it. A massive effort to improve the infrastructure of the UNBS will be one of the primary tasks of these programs. Both the national and regional governments will take part in projects to repair schools, bridges, roads, hospitals, and other vital structures which have been allowed to fall into disrepair under our current system. These programs will not only provide people with a means to support themselves, but will also directly help those who depend on these structures.
Section Five: Social Policies
In looking at the UNBS we see a diverse country with many different national groups coexisting within it. National Bolshevism can best be described as a nationalistic set of ideas, with the “nation” being defined as a group of people who live in the same geopolitical area, are willing to protect their country, and who believe that they share a common destiny. The social policies of a National Bolshevik government would reflect this nationalistic outlook, while recognizing that freedom is a vital part of any nation. Under National Bolshevism then, both individuals and nations have rights, and each must be allowed to flourish as freely as possible, without a cumbersome bureaucracy or a corrupt corporate run government to restrict them.
-Racist Affirmative Action policies must end, as must all programs that attempt to force diversity on Nazbols at the expense of fairness and unity. These types of policies encourage racism, they do not prevent it.
-Croatian will be the only official language of the UNBS, but other languages will not be persecuted.
- Culture must be allowed to grow freely, so the limitations on freedom of expression enforced by the current government must be ended.
-In general, the social policies of the UNBS must allow for the greatest amount of freedom possible while also encouraging the growth of a powerful Nation. A combination of freedom and strength define our ideal Union, one that is both proud of its unique elements and tolerant towards the many trends that exist within it.
2006: Croatia hit hard by bird flu. Medicine rare, and only the rich can be helped. 600,000 people die. National Bolshevist Party(NBP) founded.
2007: The Serbian general Vlade Savovic comes to power in Bosnia and begins the eradication of the Muslim population, as well as Croat resisters to his regime. Slovenia, fearing a fall of Croatia will lead to forced incorporation with Serbia, votes to join with Croatia. Croatia sends troops into Bosnia, only helping Croats. New Spanish Kingdom created under Falangist forces and Carlist rule provokes NBP attacks on Croatia
2008: Soldiers in the Croatian army begin to burn Croatian flags and disobey orders. Instead, they fly the colors of the NBP. Fighting now to bring the "National Bolshevist dream to Bosnia," more missions undergone to fight Serbs and defend ethnic Bosnians. Croatian government responds with widepsread executions
2009: War in Bosnia continues, with the Serbs on the run. The NBP begins crying for a revolution in Croatia. Economy begans to drop, as more funds pulled into the war. Air Force joins the Army in taking on the NBP creed, and begins bombing Serbia. The Navy soon follows, and the President declares a state of emergency. The country is now defenseless, but the military vows to fight if the country is in danger.
2010: The "Red Army" pushes the Serbians out of Bosnia, but instead of stopping, continues into Montenegro. Serbia calls for NATO help, but is refused. The "Red Air Corps" drops NBP pamphlets all over Albania and Macedonia. A rebellion takes place in Macedonia, and a National Bolshevist regime is installed before the year is out. Italy agrees to help Serbia.
2010: Vlade Savovic, the former "leader" of Bosnia, is sentenced to death by Red Army. Savovic is stripped naked, covered in honey, and buried up to his head in an ant pile. The video hits the internet, and becomes the worlds most downloaded video.
2011: Italy sends troops to help Serbia, causing a 4 battles to occur between the Red Navy and the Italian Navy. With extensive use of mines
and a threat to sink Venice, Italian forces give up after 4 weeks.
2011: Slovenia is in full revolt, the "Nazbols" erecting their flag over the capital. Croatian President Ivić Letica finally buckles to popular pressure, and steps down. He flees to Italy.
2011: Albania undergoes a revolution, as Nazbols overthrow the government in a week long coup.
2011: Croatia reorganizes herself as the Union of National Bolshevist States(UNBS) comprised of Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, and Macedonia. The "Yearlong Night" presses the UNBS to undertake a nuclear program. The program grows quickly, due to the immigration of several Pakistani nuclear scientists
2011-2012: No sunlight for the entire year in across the world.
2012: Ljubo Ćesić, or "Rojs" is declared Premier. Military spending increases by 10%.
2012: The Red Military creates a new force, "The Hacker Corps." The Corps becomes the worlds first military branch to be used specifically for electronic warfare.
2012: Serbia's state bank computer systems all crash on the same day. Serbia blames Croatia, Premier Rojs denies the accusations. The Serbian govenrment homepage is hacked later that day, becoming covered in images of dead Bosnians during Vlade Savovic's rule.
2013: Greece hit by a wave of NBP propaganda. All Greek cell phone users are texted "Join the revolution! Join the Greek NBP!" Wide scale riots occur, as the UNBS has become more productive then Greece.
2013: Greek Civil War begins, as Greek NBP forces attempt a coup.
2013: The first UNBS nuclear weapon is detonated in the middle of the atlantic ocean. The UN silently approves, even though the UNBS never told the UN they were developing weapons.
2014: The UNBS steps in the Greek Civil War, claiming "peace keeper" status
2014: New tanks and planes unleashed upon Greek forces, as the Red Army intervenes on behalf of the Greek NBP. Athens, the last stronghold hold of democratic forces, falls under a chemical attack. The UNBS declares an artillery shell hit a Democratic mustard gas supply, killing the democrats. Greece incorporated into the UNBS.
2014: Italy and Serbia sign a pact, promising to aid each other if invaded.
2014: The Italian NBP and the Serbian NBP formed.
2015: Begin game.
National Information
Official Title: The Union of National Bolshevist States(The Sjedinjenje od Narodni Boljševik Tipičan)
Conventional Short Form: The U.N.B.S.(S.N.B.T)
Governmental Form: National Bolshevism(Fascism/Communism Mix)
Population: 30,379,585
Currency: The Red Star
Flag (
Map(UNBS territory in red) (
Territories Encompassed: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Greece
Military: 2,224,206 (After highschool, all must serve in military for 4 years. Disabled may be put in administrative or other such non-combat positions, possibly Hacker Corps.)
-Red Army(Crven Vojska): 964,554
-Red Navy(Crven Mornarica): 643,036
-Red Airforce(Crven Airforce): 610,884
-Hacker Corps(Haker Korpus): 5,732
National Motto: "The cause of the people is the cause of the nation."
Current Leader: Premier Ljubo Ćesić, better known by his nickname "Premier Rjos" (
National Anthem, sung to "Hymn of the Soviet Union":
Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics
Our common ideal has wielded forever to stand!
Created in struggle by will of the Peoples,
United and Mighty our Nazbol Land!
Sing to our Fatherland, Free and Undying,
Bulwark of Peoples in Brotherhood Strong!
Flag of the Nazbols, Flag of the people,
From Victory to Victory lead us on!
Through tempests the shadows of freedom have cheered us,
Along the new path where great future did lead,
Be true to the people, as history has shown us,
Inspired us to labor and Valorus Deed.
Sing to our Fatherland, Free and Undying,
Bulwark of Peoples in Happiness Strong!
Flag of the Nazbols, Flag of the people,
From Victory to Victory lead us on!
Our army grew up in the heat of grim battle,
Barbarian invaders we'll swiftly strike down.
In combat the fate of the future we'll settle,
Our country we'll lead to eternal renown!
Sing to our Fatherland, Free and Undying,
Bulwark of Peoples in Bravery Strong!
Flag of the Nazbols, Flag of the people,
From Victory to Victory lead us on!
Notes on government:
The Government Breakdown moves into two ruling sectors, the Administrative and the Legislative. The Administrative is headed by the Council, the Legislative by the Senate. Their power is to be explained in detail later. The two parties of the Nazbol Nation are the Corporate Party and the Workers Party, both of which are to be explained later. The five sects of the Nazbol Society are comprised of the Military, Judicial, Senatorial, Corporate and Labor (Worker). These five sects play a key role on the internal function of the society, including elections and the balance of power. The Government is a basic Capitalist System, its finer details determined by the people in power.
Unlike the failing systems of Communism, Fascism and Nazism, the National Bolshevist Society does not require unwavering loyalty and support to the party in power. In fact, a Nazbol entity at its peak has very little support for the party, thus forcing it to preform at maximum capacity. While the Fascist and Communist Systems crumble when their people turn on the Government, the National Bolshevist Idealogy strengthens and grows in power as new powers attempt to take control. Freedom of Speech cannot be banned if the system is to work, as if it is, the struggle which National Bolshevism is based around is silenced, thus the problems which slowly drift through the grates of the State, clog up, and eventually smash the system of government, as seen in any totalitarian regime.
Democracy as seen in 20th Century America has been critisized for its inability to keep the ruling parties working at its maximum level. The President can only be removed if he violates a given law. If the man in power simply decides to do nothing for his four year term, he cannot lawfully be removed, thus, the country will fail.
Government Breakdown - The Council
The Council is comprised of five elected officials;
The Commissar of the Monetorial- The Commissar of the Monetorial is in charge of all economic affairs, distribution of money to internal agencies, the signing of contracts issued to coporations, the setting of tax rates and collection of revenue. Requirements include 5 years at a school of economics. Immidiet Subordanates Include- Secretary of Economic Settings and the Secretary of Tax. The Secretary of Econimics deals directly with business and the state economy. The Secretary of Tax determines what tax settings are needed most, and the best ways to collect such revenue.
The Commissar of Justice- The Commissar of Justice serves as the Supreme Justice on the Supreme Court, which will be discussed later. The Consul of Justice oversees all issues regarding the law. He decides on the validity of major warrants, court cases, interpretations of the law, appoints district attorneys, and prosecutors to major cases. Requirements include 12 years of school, including law and finishing law. 5 years as a lawyer, and 5 as a district attorney.
The Commissar of War- The Overall Commander of Nazbol Forces. He is the only one (besides the Premier) that can summon a decleration of war. He is to be of the Military Sect, and qualified for the job. (30 Years of Military Service, 5 Years as a General, 6 years at a military acadamey). Immidiet Subordinates include the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Airforce, and the Secretary of Special Forces.
The Commissar of Social Affairs- The Commissar of Social Affairs deals with all issues regarding welfare, minium wages, labor laws, enviromental issues, foster care, and other such internal affairs. Immidiet Subordanates include the Secretary of the Enviroment and the Secretary of the People.
The Commissar of Foriegn Affairs- The Commissar of Foriegn Affairs is directly responsible for establishing foriegn agreements, alliances and political pacts. The Commissar of Foriegn Affairs appoints Ambassadors, diplomats, and established embassy exchange programs with foriegn nations. He/she is in direct contact with embassys in the nation, and attends all political summits.
The Premier- The Premier is chosen by a vote of the five consuls. No Commissar may vote for himself, and a vote of 3 is needed to select the Premier. If the Commissars do not select a Premier within one week of their first meeting, all five Commissars are to be re-elected. The Premier may call for a veto of any move made by any Commissar, in which the move is temorarily suspended. The five consuls then vote again, a vote of 3 is needed to over ride the Premier's Veto.
Commissars are elected by a vote of the five sects. Five seperate votes are taken, one for each Commissar. The sects hold internal votes, 3/5 sects vote is needed for the election of a Commissar. This will be discussed in depth later, in the Sect Category. Commisar positions last 10 years with an unlimited number of possible terms.
Governmental Breakdown - The Senate
The Senate is comprised of 100 Members, this is the law making body, directly elected by a popular vote of all the people. (Contrary to the Election Via the 5 sects) 65/100 Senators are needed to pass a law, change an existing one, or scrap one altogether. The Senate confirms all Commissar Nominations, and hold the power to begin the impeachment process of any Commissar. This can only be fulfilled with 85% of the Senate in support, as well as the support of 2/5 Commissars. The Impeachment Process may begin if the previously stated entities confirm any given Commissar is not preforming to the maximum of his ability, or the ability required by the position. The Trial which removes the given Commisar from power is held by the Supreme Court. If the Impeachment Trial fails, the tried Commissar holds the power to launch the impeachment process against each Senator and Commissar which sought his removal from office. Senatorial terms last 2 years with a unlimited number of possible terms.
Government Breakdown- The Supreme Court
The Supreme Court is the highest seat of Judiciary Power in the land, holding the final say over any case it chooses to hear. The Court holds the ability to deny any case, unless that case has been appointed by the Consulship, or it involves the impeachment of a Commissar/Senator. Eleven Supreme Court Honor's are elected for a term of four years. Every year a new Supreme Court Chief Honor is elected from the eleven Honor's. If the Court Fails to elect a member, they are all to be removed from office.
Government Parties
The Parties Produce all Commissar and Senate nominees besides the Commissar of War. They are the only people that may vote in popular elections.
The Corporate Party (Sect 1)- The Corporate Party Consists of all free market, capitalist types. To belong to this party you must apply and be approved by the Board of Corporate Affairs, requirements vary, usually peoples holding mangement positions, stock holders, CEO's or business operator's and owners are members of this party. This is the smaller of the two parties.
The Workers Party (Sect 2)- The Workers party consists of all peoples that favor high minimum wage, and benefits for the working man and other non-capitalist policies. In order to join this party, one must be confirmed by the Union Board. Requirements are base, working men/women as well as socially tainted lawyers and politicians. This is the larger of the two parties.
Non-Party- Non-Party Members vote in only popular elections, however, cannot vote in sect votes unless they are in one of the other three sects.
Though it would seem the Workers Party is superior do to numbers, social issues divide them, as as it does the Coporate Party. Social issues make up a large portion of the voters decisions, thus not making it an equal split on an economic basis. Niether party has, or may have, any official social stance.
The Five Sects
The five sects are key in electing the Commissars. Each sect holds an internal vote, the vote of 51% gives that sect to a designated nominee. All five sects vote, the nominee with 3/5 sects wins the position as Commissars.
Sect One. The Coporate Party. See The Coporate Party Description
Sect Two. The Workers Party. See The Workers Party Description
Sect Three. The Senate. See the Senate in Government Breakdown Section. The 100 Senators hold a vote, 51% of which gives the Senatorial Vote. IF the case occurs that a 50/50 split is happened, the Premier will pitch his vote as one.
Sect Four. The Judiciary. The Judiciary consists of all judges, lawyers and law related professions (Save Law Enforcement). These peoples may belong to either of the two parties, however, they belong to the exclusive Judiciary Sect in regards to Commissar Elections. Judges are appointed for a term of 14 years. The highest court being the Superem Court, headed by the Commissar of Justice, whose term is only 4 years.
Sect Five. The Military. The Military and all Military persons, including soldiers, reserves, police officers and all Security peoples belonging to Government. They all may belong to one of the two parties.
The National Bolshevist System is set up to keep all sects, parties and members vigilant, constantly fighting an endless war against many different issues that will never cease to arise. Through constant struggle, there is no rest, there is no failure.
Copy of original National Bolshevist Party Platform, pre-revolution:
Platform of the National Bolshevik Party
On the Purpose of this Platform
This document sets forth the ideological foundations for the National Bolshevik Party. It also lays out the Party’s vision for the country, and what specific political, economic, and social policies it supports and will actively struggle for. Modifications are to be made with the passage of time to certain sections of this platform so as to ensure the relevance of the Party in the future, though the Platform as a whole is meant to provide a solid foundation for those who will join the National Bolshevik cause.
Section One: The Ideology of the NBP
National Bolshevism is both a rational and spiritual opposition to the global system of capitalism. Its very name brings together two ideas which are often seen as contradictory, but which are in actuality both neccesary for the creation of a stable and just society. Nationalism and socialism are each collectivist ideologies which are in fact, very easily connected. Nationalism places pride in one’s nation and loyalty to a state that adequately represents it as being of primary importance, while socialism is a system primarily defined by the collective ownership of the means of production.
-National Bolshevism derives its reason for existence upon resistance to the current “system”, its economical institutions, its political structures, and its leaders. However, in recognizing that the current system is unworthy of representing the people forced to live under it, National Bolshevism \ puts forth positive ideals which stand in contrast to it. National Bolshevism promotes a society of honor and freedom. This Ideal stands in direct opposition to the system of capitalism that currently exists in the country and which dominates the world’s economic system through its exploitation of other countries’ resources and people.
-We wish to see a country that is largely self sufficient and which takes pride in its unique culture.
-We stress the struggle for the creation of a government whose main function is to act as a catalyst for the improvement of people’s lives, while symbolically representing the culture of the Nation. This national culture has been primarily shaped by European culture and traditions, and National Bolshevism wishes to preserve and encourage the progressive elements of this culture within the context of the struggle for social justice.
-Worldwide capitalism is creating a single world culture through its lowering of the barriers between countries. The borders of a country are sacred in that they provide a reference point for the Ideal which the people are to unite around. While nationalism is often defined as loyalty to one’s race or ethnicity, National Bolshevism places more importance on geopolitics and the respecting of sovereign states’ rights. We wish to see a world of many cultures, and will also respect the many cultures which exist within the UNBS itself, promoting the tolerant elements of our heritage.
-In calling for socialism, National Bolshevism does not advocate Marxism. Our ideology is fundamentally different in that it does not see the rise of the proletariat as the inevitable result of capitalism, and does not hold the view that “the working man has no country”. Within our borders we wish to socialize the commanding heights of the economy and create an economic system that provides for its people, rather than allowing the business elites to control the country’s economic and political life. Our socialism stems from our nationalist outlook, in that an economic system based on equality and the distribution of wealth to those who helped to create it is the best possible economic system for the people as a whole. That is, the Nation is best served through a socialist economic system.
-While we hold that the USSR and its Eastern European allies were both nationalist and socialist, we stress that each country has unique conditions and that the totalitarian nature of these regimes was neither a positive aspect of them nor one that has any place in the UNBS political system.
Section Two: The Struggle Against Globalization
The NBP is defined by its opposition to globalization, for it is through this social, economic, and political process that the people of all nations are losing their rights and the power to control their own lives. The domination of the world’s economic and political structures by a small group of people and organizations is restricting the freedom of individuals of every nation and territory, and we see this as a violation of their human rights. Our opposition to globalization is a primary factor in our foreign and immigration policies.
The NBP calls for:
-the withdrawal of UNBS troops from all foreign countries, and an end to UNBS involvement in military alliances such as NATO.
-the withdrawal of all military aide to corrupt regimes
-the withdrawal of UNBS support for trade agreements or organizations that seek to exploit less developed countries and which benefit only a small number of economic elites. The UNBS then, would no longer support the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, or the World Trade Organization.
-a withdrawal from the United Nations pending the creation of a different multi-state body that meant primarily to allow for communication between different countries. The current UN is too often used to give legitimacy to the immoral actions of powerful countries, and it is only through facilitating communication that an international organization can create a more peaceful world.
-fair and limited trade with other countries, with sectors of the economy neccesary for our defense or the standard of living of our people being developed as much as possible within our own borders. This is to prevent foreign events from having a devastating impact on our economy.
-a expansionist foreign policy based on respecting the sovereignty of other states’ borders and rights, but allowing the spread of National Bolshevism. Restoring our ties with Russia will also be a priority.
-severe limits on immigration, with the understanding that it is in the interest of business elites to have a poor immigrant class who they can exploit for inexpensive labor. Mass immigration leads to cultural conflict and does nothing to stop the economic ruin many Third World countries are in. Aid to these countries and mutually beneficial trade agreements will help end the cycle of poverty, and will allow for the people of these countries to posses a decent standard of living without having to leave their homelands and cut themselves off from their way of life.
- maintaining the limited sovereignty of special provinces like the Republic Sprska, and nationalizing foreign owned businesses within the UNBS. Our ideology calls for respect and the preservation of heritage, not the Darwinian racism of National Socialism, so we will not seek to economically exploit or dominate Africa.
-In protecting our borders, the soldiers we will recall from foreign countries who are not demobilized will be used to help patrol them.
Section Three: Democracy
National Bolshevism holds those who control the current system of government to be its enemy, but it also sees the structures of the system itself as problematic. In addition to our struggle against the system and for our own policies, we also seek to reorganize the UNBS’s political structures to assist in making them more responsive to the desires of the population.
-Though we do not call for the current system of states to be replaced immediately, regional governments created without regard for state boundaries will eventually come into being. These regions will be created with efficiency in mind, as they will have more economic resources under their authority, and so will be able to further decentralize economic power by taking over some of the functions of the central government.
-At the central and regional level, a National Control Commission will be created to observe how resources are being spent by the government. This group is not elected, and will publish monthly and yearly reports on the performance of the central government, while local and largely independent branches of the NCC will do the same for the level of government that they are attached to. These groups primary purpose will be to provide the Nazbol people with information, but they will also posses the ability to bring those who abuse positions of power to court.
Section Four: The Economy, Labor, and Meeting the Needs of the Population
National Bolshevism has as one of its values the idea of social justice. This requires that the state take steps to ensure that the economy is run in the interests of the public good, and that it provide for its people. Rather than allowing massive amounts of wealth to accumulate in the hands of a few elite capitalists, National Bolshevism calls for a democratic and fair economic system that allows for enough flexibility to ensure growth and prevent stagnation, while also preventing the spread of poverty for the working class. Our economic beliefs are based on our spiritual foundation in that we promote a system that promotes social justice because it is in the best interests of the UNBS Nation.
-The nationalization by the central government of the “commanding heights” of the economy is an action that must be taken to ensure all Nazbol's a decent standard of living. Energy, transport, and other essential industries will be owned by the state, while light industry and smaller industries will either be controlled by state government or by private individuals, depending on their size.
- Those industries nationalized will elect representatives from their factories or firms, who will in turn elect regional representatives who will assist in running these industries on a national level. Those elected at each level will assist in the overseeing of their individual factories or firms, and will also choose those who will hold similar powers at the next level. In allowing workers to directly participate in those industries that are nationalized, we increase the level of popular input into our economy
- Jobs creation programs are neccesary to lower the UNBS’s unemployment rate and give useful work to those who want it. A massive effort to improve the infrastructure of the UNBS will be one of the primary tasks of these programs. Both the national and regional governments will take part in projects to repair schools, bridges, roads, hospitals, and other vital structures which have been allowed to fall into disrepair under our current system. These programs will not only provide people with a means to support themselves, but will also directly help those who depend on these structures.
Section Five: Social Policies
In looking at the UNBS we see a diverse country with many different national groups coexisting within it. National Bolshevism can best be described as a nationalistic set of ideas, with the “nation” being defined as a group of people who live in the same geopolitical area, are willing to protect their country, and who believe that they share a common destiny. The social policies of a National Bolshevik government would reflect this nationalistic outlook, while recognizing that freedom is a vital part of any nation. Under National Bolshevism then, both individuals and nations have rights, and each must be allowed to flourish as freely as possible, without a cumbersome bureaucracy or a corrupt corporate run government to restrict them.
-Racist Affirmative Action policies must end, as must all programs that attempt to force diversity on Nazbols at the expense of fairness and unity. These types of policies encourage racism, they do not prevent it.
-Croatian will be the only official language of the UNBS, but other languages will not be persecuted.
- Culture must be allowed to grow freely, so the limitations on freedom of expression enforced by the current government must be ended.
-In general, the social policies of the UNBS must allow for the greatest amount of freedom possible while also encouraging the growth of a powerful Nation. A combination of freedom and strength define our ideal Union, one that is both proud of its unique elements and tolerant towards the many trends that exist within it.