Category 5: The Removal of a King
Hurricane Bay
11-07-2006, 18:15
Hurricane Bay City
The King's Palace
King Dupont had ruled Hurricane Bay since the young country came into existence some 15 years ago. At first, regarded as a hero, and now despised. The corruption of power that was happening in Hurricane Bay was anything but silent.
Oil was the cheif export that Hurricane Bay had to offer. They had been blessed with numerous oil deposits just off its shores and also on land. The very livelyhood of its citizens depended on it.
Dupont, however, instead of using the oil profits for the betterment of the country simply increased the luxury in his life, buying, gambling, traveling, paying for close friends and relatives, etc. So while Dupont and his close friends and relatives enjoyed immense riches, children were starving on the streets. And this reality, sickened the citizens of Hurricane Bay to a level never reached before.
Blackhelm Confederacy
11-07-2006, 18:32
OOC: Is this guy a puppet? This is just too easy
IC: Message to Hurricane Bay rebels
The Griffincrest Corporation sympathizes with your plight, and are sending soldiers to your shores to help overthrow the government.
Claudius Griffincrest
As this letter was being written, a large number of mercenaries set sail for Hurricane Bay. Two stealth ships began moving into position off the coast, and prepared to fire their Tomahawks.
Hurricane Bay
11-07-2006, 22:06
OOC: Sorry I should have stated this earlier but this is more like a history than anything, no help is necessary.
Hurricane Bay
11-07-2006, 22:13
Unfortanutely for the citizens of Hurricane Bay, the military was exceptionally loyal to the king because their payment came directly from him. But therin was the weakness.
An underground orginization called the Anti-Elitist Forces (AEF), led by Marcus Ball, had been started just over 3 years ago and have waged guerilla warfare against the King with limited success. It soon became apparent that the hit and run strategy was not going to work, the King's assets were way too large and the impact they were making was just too small and too slow. Something drastic had to be done to push the resistance over the top.
Marcus knew that alls the citizens of Hurricane Bay needed was someone to get the ball rolling, and he was embracing that role...
Hurricane Bay
12-07-2006, 19:24
... For several years the AEF had been smuggling barrells of Oil out of the country in exchange for money. That money had been stored in accounts all over the world making it hard for the king to ever track down. Finally, after several years and at the cost of some 76 lives, enough money was acquired to purchase a Chamberlain-class SSGN.
It was decided that a submarine was the best course of action to take since Hurricane Bay's ASW capabilities were non-existant. Now all that had to be decided was the targets to be hit.
Somehow they had to win over the armed forces and destroy the King in one swift blow...
Hurricane Bay
13-07-2006, 05:09
July 15th
Just Outside of Hurricane Bay City
The plan was finally put together. HBS Revolution (name given to the SSGN) would reach its launch point at exactly 0400 hrs local time. At 0415 three sets of 4 cruise missles would be launched at 8 different targets.
Two off shore oil platforms would be hit along with two pump stations where tankers would come every day to fill up to bring back oil to their native countries. The thinking behind this was that if the AEF could cripple the oil industry of Hurricane Bay the citizens and more importantly, the kings army would revolt since they had no way of recieving their salary due to the immediate stoppage of export income. Normally they would but the King and the elite of the country had spent nearly all the reserves.
At approximately 0830 hrs, Marcus Ball and a group of AEF fighters would take over a TV station and transmit a message of hope to the citizens of Hurricane Bay and a call to overthrow King Dupont.
After nearly 2 decades of putting up with the evil aristocratic government, the AEF would finally free the citizens from its grasp.
Hurricane Bay
14-07-2006, 15:47
On board the HBS Revolution
Speed 5 Knts, Depth 100 Feet
Conn, Sonar, No new contacts. We appear to be alone. Will check back in at the next designated time.
Sonar, Conn, Thank you.
Captain McDaniel looked at his watch. 0345 hrs Hurricane Bay City time. A nervous anxiety spread throughout the crew, and it was noticeable, especially in the faces of the younger crew members. McDaniel wiped the sweat that was about to drip off of his nose.
XO, Make my depth four-zero feet, all stop.
Aye sir, make my depth four-zero feet, all stop
The HBS Revolution was now in position, although it was early. Calculations were being made and re-checked. Everything was in order. It was the day that Captain McDaniel had been waiting his entire life for.
Weapons, Conn, ready the Vertical Launch Tubes 1-16. Prepare to launch.
Conn, Weapons, Ready the Vertical Launch Tubes 1-16. Making preparations to launch, Aye sir!...
Hurricane Bay
15-07-2006, 16:46
Conn, Sonar, final sonar check reveals no contacts. All clear.
Sonar, Conn, Thank you very much. Keep your ears open.
Weapons, Conn, Satus on the Vertical Launch tubes?
Conn, Weapons, All designated launch tubes are ready in all respects sir. Ready to launch at your indication.
Weapons, Conn, Thank you. I'll get back to you shortly.
Captain McDaniel looked at his watch. 0413 Hrs. 2 more minutes that would feel like days. This is what he was born to do. This was his purpose. To restore freedom to the people of Hurricane Bay. He glanced down at his watch one more time. 0414 hrs 41 seconds.
Weapons, Conn, Fire Vertical Launch tubes 1-16 at the pre-designated targets. Fire Fire Fire!
Conn, Weapons, Fire Vertical Launch tubes 1-16, Aye sir
The HBS Revolution shuddered as the cruise missles rocketed out of their tubes. In roughly 5 minutes they would slam into their targets causing fires straight from hell. One last time the SSGN shook and all the missles were away.
XO, Make my depth 250 Feet, 6 Knts.
Aye sir, 250 Feet, 6 knts.
10 degree downbubble, make turns for 6 knts!
And with that the Revolution was underway.
OOC: Anything outside states can do to get involved?
Hurricane Bay
15-07-2006, 18:55
OOC: Support the AEF just after the Television broadcast by Marcus Ball. That would be fantastic.
Hurricane Bay
16-07-2006, 00:11
Shranford Oil Refinery
0419 Hours
A group of sentries that had just finished their shift some 20 minutes earlier now sat in the breakroom at the refinery. Another hot uneventful night on duty. They always would sit and hang out for an hour or so and chat to unwind from the night's work. Comraderie was something that was not taken lightly by the Shranford Oil Refinery faculty. It was determined that it was best for everyone that employees would get a long with each other. Unfortanutely, the Shranford Refinery did not invest in a cruise missle shield.
Two cruise missles slammed into their targets causing explosions that would have made Satan himself proud. A chain reaction was set into motion and the storage tanks began to blow. The sentries in the breakroom didnt have the slightest clue as to what happened to them, they were instantly turned to ash.
In the midst of the explosion a pipe that connected to one of the pumps was blown off and the oil lit up creating a huge blowtorch from hell.
This portion of the mission could not have gone any better for the AEF.