New Commandia
08-07-2006, 14:20
A short run through the Commandian military.
The Commandian military is not large, it is 1%(120000/12 million) of the nations population.
This military is fresh, the Old Commandian military was decided to be not as effective as a new one would be.
The Standard soldier:
The standard soldiers hold the following equipment:
-Standard D-F66 15mm automatic rifle
-Jolt Semi Automatic 10mm pistol
- Fragmentation grenade
-Flash Bang Grenade
-Field Kit
The Elite Soldier
The Elite Soldiers hold the following equipment:
-D-F67 fully auomatic rifle w/ sniper attachment
-Jolt Non automatic 15mm pistol
-Fragmentation v2 Grenade
-Flash Bang Grenade
-Emergency Medical supplies
-Satchel charges
-Signalling Flare
-Field kit
The Mortar crew
Standard Mortar crews contain two people, one for aiming the mortar, the other for loading the ammunation.
-Commandian "nevermisser" Mortar
-Jolt Semi Automatic 10mm pistol
-Signalling Flare
-Field kit
The Sniper
The Standard sniper uses the following equipment:
-Cobalt v3 Sniper rifle
-Jolt Non automatic 15mm pistol
-Extra ammunition
-Field kit
The Heavy soldier
The standard heavy soldier uses the following equipment:
-Panzershreck v2 portable anti armour weapon
-Surplus of fragmentation grenades
-Jolt non automatic 15 mm pistol
-Field kit
Assault trooper
The standard assault trooper uses the following equipment:
-Becker class gattling gun
-Panzerfaust light portable anti-armour weapon
-Surplus of Stachel charges
-Surplus of fragmentation grenades
-Field kit
Sabotage trooper
-Cobalt class wide radius land mines
-Cobalt class laser trip wire
-Jolt semi automatic 10mm pistol
-Field kit
Panzer class Light tank
-Fires 60mm rounds.
-Also equipped with a MG42 machine gun.
-Has a medical kit inside.
Requires a crew of 5.
-Cannon operator
-MG Operator
Panzer IV class medium tank
-Fires 105mm rounds
-Equipped with a MG42 Machine gun
-Has medical kit and field supplies inside.
-Requires a crew of 5, but can carry two extra passengers
-Cannon operator
-MG Operator
Panzer VI Class heavy tank
-Fires 125mm cannon
-Equipped with two MG32 machine guns
-Has field kit, medical kit, satchel charges, and signalling flare inside.
-Requires a crew of siz, and can hold 3 passengers.
-Cannon Operator
-MG Operator
-MG Operator
Hobeln-Mörder class AA halftrack
-Equipped with an 30mm flak cannon on top.
-No anti-infantry weapons
-Requires a crew of three
-AA operator
Landen-Zerstörer class Anti-tank halftrack
-Equipped with an 88mm anti tank gun
-Can be used against infantry
-Requires a crew of three, and can carry two passengers
-Cannon operator
Personumsetzer class land transport
-Can carry 8 passengers
-Only a driver is required.
Kleiner small arms transport
-Equipped with a 50 cal machine gun
-can carry 4 passengers not including machinegunner
-Only requires a driver
Flak 88
The standard Commandian multipurpose artillery. This gun can shoot short-medium range, and can also be used for anti-air purposes. Requires 1 man to operate, but a spotter is recommended to confirm hit zone. Three shot reload.
Mortar: See infantry
Reichender class long range attack
Shoots long-very long range, used only in mountain batles or in wide open plains when the enemy outnumbers the Commandian army, fires 90mm rounds.
Single shot reload. Requires two members to operate (one loads ammo, other one fire) a spotter is recommended to confirm hit zone. Very heavy.
Kürzer class short range artillery
Shoots short to Medium range, shots are slower, but pack more punch then mortars. 5 shot reload, 70mm rounds. Not heavily armoured. Requires one man to operate.
Leuchtsignal flare mortar
Fire signal flares as either an SOS signal or to confirm a supply drop location or a bombing area.
Verbrennen class Napalm mortar
Possibly the most dangerous type of Commandian Mortar. This mortar launches regular mortar rounds with napalm added. On contact with anything, the round explodes into a ball of flame. A spotter is mandatory for the operation of this weapon.
Flak 88mm
See artillery.
Raketengeschoss AA missile launcher
This immobile missile launcher launches small missile which are either heat seeking of seek a target chosen on a radar. The standard anti air weapon, used for fighters- bombers
Lichtmissile light AA missile launcher
Again AA missile, but is intended for helicopters, cargo planes, and small fighters. Also immobile, and each missile is manually operated.
Schwerer class heavy AA missile
Immobile AA missile launcher, each missile is manually controlled, and is intended for fighter-bombers to heavy bombers. Missile fires really slow.
Flak 60mm
Four barrels loaded with lots of round which explode into black clouds after being launched in the air, and is deadly agaisnt planes. Immobile, and once is out of ammo must be abandoned. Plenty of ammo, high damage, high innacuracy.
SOON TO BE ADDED: AA, Air, Naval, and other
The Commandian military is not large, it is 1%(120000/12 million) of the nations population.
This military is fresh, the Old Commandian military was decided to be not as effective as a new one would be.
The Standard soldier:
The standard soldiers hold the following equipment:
-Standard D-F66 15mm automatic rifle
-Jolt Semi Automatic 10mm pistol
- Fragmentation grenade
-Flash Bang Grenade
-Field Kit
The Elite Soldier
The Elite Soldiers hold the following equipment:
-D-F67 fully auomatic rifle w/ sniper attachment
-Jolt Non automatic 15mm pistol
-Fragmentation v2 Grenade
-Flash Bang Grenade
-Emergency Medical supplies
-Satchel charges
-Signalling Flare
-Field kit
The Mortar crew
Standard Mortar crews contain two people, one for aiming the mortar, the other for loading the ammunation.
-Commandian "nevermisser" Mortar
-Jolt Semi Automatic 10mm pistol
-Signalling Flare
-Field kit
The Sniper
The Standard sniper uses the following equipment:
-Cobalt v3 Sniper rifle
-Jolt Non automatic 15mm pistol
-Extra ammunition
-Field kit
The Heavy soldier
The standard heavy soldier uses the following equipment:
-Panzershreck v2 portable anti armour weapon
-Surplus of fragmentation grenades
-Jolt non automatic 15 mm pistol
-Field kit
Assault trooper
The standard assault trooper uses the following equipment:
-Becker class gattling gun
-Panzerfaust light portable anti-armour weapon
-Surplus of Stachel charges
-Surplus of fragmentation grenades
-Field kit
Sabotage trooper
-Cobalt class wide radius land mines
-Cobalt class laser trip wire
-Jolt semi automatic 10mm pistol
-Field kit
Panzer class Light tank
-Fires 60mm rounds.
-Also equipped with a MG42 machine gun.
-Has a medical kit inside.
Requires a crew of 5.
-Cannon operator
-MG Operator
Panzer IV class medium tank
-Fires 105mm rounds
-Equipped with a MG42 Machine gun
-Has medical kit and field supplies inside.
-Requires a crew of 5, but can carry two extra passengers
-Cannon operator
-MG Operator
Panzer VI Class heavy tank
-Fires 125mm cannon
-Equipped with two MG32 machine guns
-Has field kit, medical kit, satchel charges, and signalling flare inside.
-Requires a crew of siz, and can hold 3 passengers.
-Cannon Operator
-MG Operator
-MG Operator
Hobeln-Mörder class AA halftrack
-Equipped with an 30mm flak cannon on top.
-No anti-infantry weapons
-Requires a crew of three
-AA operator
Landen-Zerstörer class Anti-tank halftrack
-Equipped with an 88mm anti tank gun
-Can be used against infantry
-Requires a crew of three, and can carry two passengers
-Cannon operator
Personumsetzer class land transport
-Can carry 8 passengers
-Only a driver is required.
Kleiner small arms transport
-Equipped with a 50 cal machine gun
-can carry 4 passengers not including machinegunner
-Only requires a driver
Flak 88
The standard Commandian multipurpose artillery. This gun can shoot short-medium range, and can also be used for anti-air purposes. Requires 1 man to operate, but a spotter is recommended to confirm hit zone. Three shot reload.
Mortar: See infantry
Reichender class long range attack
Shoots long-very long range, used only in mountain batles or in wide open plains when the enemy outnumbers the Commandian army, fires 90mm rounds.
Single shot reload. Requires two members to operate (one loads ammo, other one fire) a spotter is recommended to confirm hit zone. Very heavy.
Kürzer class short range artillery
Shoots short to Medium range, shots are slower, but pack more punch then mortars. 5 shot reload, 70mm rounds. Not heavily armoured. Requires one man to operate.
Leuchtsignal flare mortar
Fire signal flares as either an SOS signal or to confirm a supply drop location or a bombing area.
Verbrennen class Napalm mortar
Possibly the most dangerous type of Commandian Mortar. This mortar launches regular mortar rounds with napalm added. On contact with anything, the round explodes into a ball of flame. A spotter is mandatory for the operation of this weapon.
Flak 88mm
See artillery.
Raketengeschoss AA missile launcher
This immobile missile launcher launches small missile which are either heat seeking of seek a target chosen on a radar. The standard anti air weapon, used for fighters- bombers
Lichtmissile light AA missile launcher
Again AA missile, but is intended for helicopters, cargo planes, and small fighters. Also immobile, and each missile is manually operated.
Schwerer class heavy AA missile
Immobile AA missile launcher, each missile is manually controlled, and is intended for fighter-bombers to heavy bombers. Missile fires really slow.
Flak 60mm
Four barrels loaded with lots of round which explode into black clouds after being launched in the air, and is deadly agaisnt planes. Immobile, and once is out of ammo must be abandoned. Plenty of ammo, high damage, high innacuracy.
SOON TO BE ADDED: AA, Air, Naval, and other