Blood in the Sand (MT, Open)
NO MORE NATIONS, PLEASE. We're contentedly full.
12:47pm. 5th July, 2006. Akkalan, Amartrand, the Ansurian Empire.
'<I haven't got a lighter, you little shit.>'
Corporal Adan Wran waved the urchin away with his right arm, catching the boy on the side of the head. The lad staggered, and almost lost his footing.
'<Go on,' he muttered, 'fuck off.>'
The boy shuffled back a few metres, before breaking into a loping run. He yelled a few choice insults at Wran in Amatrandi as he fled, his crippled leg forcing a limp. The Amatrandi were a dark-skinned race, living in their dusty land with the barest technology and supplies.
Amatrand was a flat, waterless waste. In 1329, it's armies had been defeated, it's kings excecuted and it's people conquered. For nearly seven hundred years, Amatrand had resented Ansurian rule. Recently, there had been talk among the deep desert tribes. A king was found, they said. A descendant of the last native lord of Amatrand, and the rightful king.
The Ansurian government brushed these claims aside with scepticism and with sarcasm. Some bugger comes out of the desert calling himself the king and you want to stick a crown on his head? You silly sandy sods, bugger off back to your goats and your stoned women and your dirt farms.
The town of Akkalan had been the focus of nineteen seperate revolts, and the Imperial Ansurian Army had kept a heavy presence in the city since the third. Every attempt had been a failure, the leaders beheaded and the followers hanged. Even now, Ansurian law in Amatrand was cruel and unforgiving. If a man steals, he is taken for a short drop and a sudden stop. If a man murders, then the closest suspect at the time dances the hemp fandango. If a man is believed a spy or a rebel, he is shot without trial. This in the year 2006.
There would be a reckoning.
OOC: Blah, blah, blah... Resistance movement. Blah, blah... Insurgents. Blah, blah... military crackdown with extreme prejudice coming right up. All you human rights guys get out your pens and papers. Spies and such are welcome, military intervention would be better delayed until the action. There will be no formal declaration of anything, as the matter is internal, though there will be news broadcasts. All nations welcome, but preferably only three participants including myself.
13:05pm. 5th July, 2006. Akkalan, Amartrand, the Ansurian Empire.
Dust swirled on the main street of Akkalan as the Ansurian enforcer patrol marched by. Each of the sixteen hard-eyed men was trained to physical perfection, armoured and armed with durable and valuable equipment, and could hit a target the size of a football at six hundred yards eight out of ten. They were men of the all-volunteer Imperial Ansurian Army, and they were the best trained infantry on the continent, yet they were only human.
From both sides of the street, armed men appeared. They fired from windows and street corners, from behind prepared positions and cover. They used Kalashnikovs, HK G3s and FN FALs, all of the weapons at least forty years old but still capable of tearing a hole in a man five inches wide. They fired hundreds of rounds into the Ansurians, recieving barely a shot in return. They fired until the sixteen marching men were no more than so much meat, and the order was yelled to cease fire.
Gunsmoke lay heavy in the air, still rolling from the forces which had expelled it from red-hot barrels. The wind picked up slightly, revealing the shattered bodies in the middle of the dusty road. The robed attackers sprinted from their hiding places, their rifles still trained on the twitching bodies. A flurry of shots greeted a man who attempted to stand, and he fell quietly to the floor to bleed slowly to death. The leaders of the gunmen shouted orders, and the group fell into a run away from the scene.
Corporal Aden Wran hugged his knees as he lay with his face in the sand. He let out a long, low groan, tapering into a gurgling scream. He had three bullets lodged in his body, had felt six pass through him, and felt the sting where he had been clipped by more. He spat scarlet blood, rolled onto his side, and wept beside the bodies of fifteen other men.
OOC: Next post will be the crackdown.
15:22pm. 5th July, 2006. MK-166, Amartrand, the Ansurian Empire.
General Avier Jadeonar sat at his desk in his office, unconciously pulling the hair on the back of his head. He had just sustained the greatest single loss of life under his command in his entire career.
'<Three hundred and nineteen dead,>' said the Officer of the Day, '<one wounded. Every patrol was hit, sir.>'
'<Only one?>' asked the General, raising his head slightly.
'<Yes, sir,>' replied the officer, '<and he was badly wounded. The surgeon tells me he's concious, though he lost a lot of blood.>'
'<Take me to him,>' ordered the General.
Corporal Aden Wran was sitting upright in his bed in the field hospital. Through a plastic window, he could see line upon line of coffins being loaded onto a squadron of C-130 Hercules cargo aircraft. It made a grim spectacle.
Five minutes ago, Wran had been told by the surgeon that General Jadeonar himself wanted to speak to him, and now an engine's snarling buzz told him that the old man was here. A few seconds passed, and the tall, grey-haired General entered the hospital. He glanced around, quickly spotting Wran and striding over. The General stared at him. At his wounds, bandages, and his eyes. When he spoke, his voice was barely a hiss.
'<Who did this to my men?>' he asked.
'<The Amartrandi,>' Wran replied. '<All of them.>'
Kandosii sa kyr'am ast,
07:01am. 7th July, 2006. MK-166, Amartrand, the Ansurian Empire.
Four thousand, seven hundred and sixty men of the Imperial Ansurian Army stood on the parade ground of MK-166, near the city of Akkalan. In the early morning sun, they stood as rigid as statues, as the sweat dripped down their faces and bared arms. General Jadeonar stood upon an unshaded platform at one end of the parade ground, dressed in full combat load and with his helmet, pack and rifle by his feet. In front of him was a single microphone, linked to a speaker system that spanned the entire ground.
'<As we march upon the enemy,>' said the General, '<I want you to think of the three hundred and nineteen men who died two days ago. I want you to think of the three hundred and nineteen fathers who lost a son, and of the three hundred and nineteen mothers who will grieve. I want you to think, of your fathers, who fought the Communists, and of your ancestors, who fought in this same land almost nine hundred years ago.
'<This cancer, which has claimed nearly ten thousand lives since it was first brought into our great Empire. I want you to hold these things in your mind, and I want you to kill every last man, woman and spawn of this curse of a nation...>'
Troan teroch jetiise a'den,
He fired again, catching the crippled boy high in the shoulder as he fled. The heavy 6.7mm slug shattered his shoulderblade, and the child fell squealing like a pig. He was the first to die, slowed by his limp, and his killer sang the soldier's mindless, keening song of death between his teeth as he thrust his bayonet.
Duraan vi at ara'nov.
The frame broke on the first kick, the dry wood splintering as the steel lock was forced through it. The Mandalorian fired three bursts with his rifle into the dark interior of the house, before charging through. A middle-aged woman and her daughter were huddled around the convulsing body of her husband, blood flowing from his mouth. Their cries of anguish and pain fell on deaf ears as the man scanned the rest of the room. Seeing no threat, the soldier aimed slowly, and shot once. Aimed again, and shot.
Vode an, ka'rta tor.
His skin was wrinkled, coloured a dark brown by his years. Three rounds hit the doctor in the chest, face, and lower abdomen. Screams echoed through the halls as nurses and patients fled from the Ansurian infantrymen. Shots and bursts cut them down, ripping into their backs and exposing their ribs to the dusty air. The bed-ridden were executed with mercy, a single shot to the head.
OOC: Thus, revenge. The chant is Ka'rta Tor (, (One Heart of Justice). Bear in mind that NSwiki is limited on it's bandwidth, so try again in ten minutes if the page doesn't load. There is an off-site link to an MP3 of the song at the bottom of that page.
The population of Akkalan was about 80,000, of which I expect the troops to kill maybe 30% at most. I am driving these people off my land, and will accept any refugee offers so long as I don't have to do anything or spend so much as a Credit.
The Xeno
07-07-2006, 21:59
Official Statement, New Felucan Government.
"We support the actions of the Ansurian Empire fully and view this as a private matter. Attempts by foreign powers to intervene on behalf of the rebels will be deeply frowned upon by our government."
Office of the Minister of State for International Relations
Foreign Office, Imperium, New Britain Province, United Kingdom of Oceania
Thousands of kilometers away from where blood mixed with tears amongst coarse grains of sand, the deaths of hundreds of human beings found themselves neatly composed, organised, and collated into a report spanning three simple pages. Double-sided so as not waste paper. These were the pages the young and smooth fingers of Howard Winchester held, the corners tinted red not from blood but the remnants of the sun-dried tomatoes that had accompanied his chicken sandwich consumed for lunch. I daresay, he muttered to his secretary who stood waiting with a pad of paper underneath the lintel of the doorway of his office, this is not good at all.
Winchester, the Minister of State for International Relations, had long been seen by many within the government and the popular press as the protégé of the Foreign Secretary, currently embattled with international pressure over the United Kingdom’s annexation of another foreign land, woefully impoverished and entirely too destitute for its own good. The catch, however, was the blood relationship between the UK and that island – the problem being it had been under the sovereign rule of a foreign power. Now, with so much concern being paid to one island in the Indian Ocean, Winchester had taken on more duties such as scanning the reports brought to him by the Royal Intelligence Service.
Ansuria, the secretary added quietly, I have never heard of them.
Nor I, but the fact remains the situation is becoming more untenable by the hour. At least so this report indicates. Winchester pushed aside a strand of his brown hair and looked up at his secretary. Would you please schedule me five minutes with Emily?
Office of the Foreign Secretary
Thin and unusually attractive for a foreign secretary, Emily Deveraux busied herself with the latest out of Woodstock, Sarzonia because with the United Kingdom set to send the first major politician and government official to an undeclared enemy, she was under strong pressure to provide as much intelligence as she could. With her head buried in an RIS report on the Sarzonian economy, she heard the familiar and distinctive double, pause, then triple knock of her secretary. Yes?
Mr. Winchester to see you.
Send him in, please.
Deveraux looked up to see her deputy walk in, holding a small stash of papers in his hands. Good afternoon, Howard, how are we?
Rather well, Madame Secretary, rather well indeed. My wife and I had lunch together out in New Collinsdale, a splendid little café serving an interesting mixture of Mediterranean and Oceanian cuisine.
The Foreign Secretary’s eyebrows raised slightly, that does sound interesting. However, the message my secretary sent me tells me that those papers are not the menus.
Winchester shook his head, No, I am afraid they are not. It seems, he continued, taking a seat, that a relatively small nation called Ansuria has been the victim of what appears to be a premeditated attempt by insurgents to establish an independent state. My concern after reading the pertinent information, Winchester paused to hand over the few scant documents in his possession, is that the Ansurian government could overreact – we have received unconfirmed reports of a massive retaliatory action against the people of this region. Bear in mind, however, that at this point it remains an unconfirmed report.
The smooth lips of the Foreign Secretary pursed together before being drawn into a tight smirk as she scanned the documents. I see, she said to nobody in particular. Perhaps some 100 thousand individuals at risk. If the Ansurian government is carrying out the actions you mentioned, well, that would not be very helpful.
No, Madame Secretary, it would not.
Well, I have a meeting later this evening with the Prime Minister, I will bring up the topic and see if I cannot get attention paid to the matter. Anything else, Howard?
I believe that takes care of the matter, Madame Secretary.
Splendid. Alright, well we still have our end of day briefing at 18:30 and I will give you an update then on whether or not the Prime Minister decides to take action.
'<... and as you've been hearing for the last few minutes, our breaking news story is that of a major military operation in the province of Amartrand. I'm told that three hundred and nineteen men of the Imperial Ansurian Army were ambushed in a coordinated attack on the troops stationed near Akkalan, though their names have not yet been released. We'll have further details as the situation progresses...>'
'<... report just in on the situation in Amartrand - around thirteen thousand men under the command of General Avier Jadeonar, a noted veteran commander of the Civil War, attacked the town of Akkalan at approximately seven o'clock this morning. I'm told that they have sustained some casualties, but that deaths among the civilian populace have spiralled into the tens of thousands...>'
'... southern road is clogged with vehicles and animals, though the IAA is making no move to attack the fleeing civilians. I don't know if you can hear it over the noise of the helicopter, but there are still shots being fired in the vicinity of Akkalan itself. This is Mannis Darmal above Akkalan, Amartrand, for ANBC News 24.>'
OOC: What a long post you have, grandma. I'm assuming your interests are in favour of the rebels/civs?
Saint Fedski
08-07-2006, 01:53
[ooc: Ansuria, peacekeepers/makers allowed to enter the fray?]
OOC: It's rather a warzone right now, and the attack will be extended in a little while. You can deploy whatever you want, but be damn sure that the IAA knows what side you're on.
Formal declaration followed by helis and that.
Saint Fedski
08-07-2006, 03:10
Copacabana Military Facility, Copacabana, Saint Fedski
"Hmmm" Chairwoman Katherine Schleicher thinks aloud. "What if we were to..." Her thought drifted off. "Maybe if...." She drifted off again.
Suddenly her phone rang its shrill, whine of a ring.
"JESUS" She screamed as her five foot, six inch body nearly fell off its chair. "Hello?"
"Good evening Katherine." The voice on the other end chipped cheerfully. "I have some promising news, the general staff would be thrilled."
"What is it Louis?" Katherine asked immediately recognizing the voice of the Minister of Defence.
"Well there seems to be some 'turbulence' in the small nation of Ansuria. Admiral Murphy brought the situation to my attention. He thinks our armed forces should capitalize on the situation and get some much needed foreign combat experience."
"What kind of fighting would we get involved in?"
"There are two sides to the conflict, the Government, which seems to be slaughtering the 'rebels' and then you have the 'rebels' which appear to be a rag tag group of the long oppressed Amartrandi people. What they lack in technology, they make up for in determination and courage. In the last couple years there have been at least 20 revolts and each time the government supresses it brutally. According to reports, this has been by far the worst suppression in the history of Ansuria."
Katherine sat there listening, thinking of what to do. "Okay Louis, call a meeting of the General Staff, we'll take a vote and decide whether to intervene."
"Sounds good. Talk to you in a bit"
Katherine heard the click as Louis hung up the phone. She then buzzed her secretary. "Muffy, alert the ministers of an upcoming meeting. And get Gary, Robynne and Ashley into my office immediately."
Katherine was calling an impromptu meeting of her foreign affairs council.
Hardcore Iron
08-07-2006, 09:36
OOC: I will be using italics to denote a character thinking to him/herself
IRoHI=Imperial Republic of Hardcore Iron
II=Imperial Intelligence
Kane Kilcullen once again mentally reviewed his mission objectives.
1. Observe everything possible
2. Determine if a humanitarian intervention is necessary
3. Determine if peacekeeping forces are necessary
He sighed once again, and huffed inspite of himself. Why did I have to be such a genetic freak? For a nation that tests its competition level athletes to *make sure* they use steroids, my tendancy to reject them makes me look unlike everyone else in my own nation. Everyone back home thinks I'm a foreigner. And this is why Imperial Intelligence recruited me.
At 5'6" and a lean 170 lbs, Kane was still muscular, unless you were from the Imperial Republic of Hardcore Iron, where the average male weight was in the range of a muscular 200-260 lbs build and usually took lots of steroids. The women while typically far less muscular than Hardcore Iron men, made up for it by almost uniformly having an "athletic" look to them. Unfortunately for the IRoHI, this meant the average citizen, if one knew what to look for, stuck out like a sore thumb.
At least II realizes it's critical weakness in sending physical spies into other nations. Thank God for our allies, if it weren't for them, II would be going blind.
Kane was up on a hill, covered in heavy camouflage looking through a pair of electronical binoculars. At Ansurian troop and refugee movement. I haven't been spotted yet by Ansurian troops or counter intelligence, but I still have to be careful. At that moment, he saw some helicopters go by quite low to the ground, and it looked odd. Kane decided to pursue as best as he could. This could be interesting.
Before he did so, he typed in a quick email on his palm pilot that sent an encrypted email to a IRoHI spy satellite. The message said: "Prepare for at the very least, humanitarian intervention in Ansuria... If not a sizeable peacekeeping force."
Red Tide2
08-07-2006, 19:01
OOC: Hope you dont mind a Terrorist/Illegal Military Organisation joining in.
IC:Unknown Location...
The continious sound of footsteps echoed throughout the hallway as a man in a black jumpsuit walked down the hallway. He paused every so often to observe a painting hanging on the wall before continuing on. Reaching the end of the hallway, he walked through a door and found himself inside a room which was pitchblack except for the light being emitted from a large computer screen on the other end of the room. The man saluted towards a chair which was turned away from him.
"Sir, Ghost reporting in." The man said.
The chair swung around to reveal a figure, in the darkness one could not make out exactly who or what was in the chair.
"Report." The figure said, in a voice scarily robotic.
"Production continues, but qouta's are still falling way short. We need more 'recruits' in order to meet our qoutas." The man went on.
The Figure sat there for a moment or two, then turned to the screen, on it was a map of the world.
"You have permission to set up operations in countries for active 'recruiting'." The figure said, "We will start..." a gloved hand pointed at a small country, "here, Ansuria. It will be a good source of manpower."
"Yes sir." The man in black said, "Anything else?"
"No, dismissed." The figure said.
The man in black saluted and left, left to transfer the orders and arrange the shipments. Going over what they would need in order to establish a base of operations.
Office of the Prime Minister
The Citadel, Imperium, New Britain Province
A bloody fiasco is what they will likely have on their hands, a tall and wire-thin man said. The KBC had picked up the video and audio files of the ANBC and were now rebroadcasting them across the United Kingdom, and the television in the Prime Minister’s office was turned to the KBC News channel – and then swiftly turned off.
Indeed, Lord Salisbury replied to his personal aide. I already have Emily coming over to discuss the situation and possible UK intervention, but whether or not the idea will be sellable to the party and Parliament as a whole is an entirely different matter. The brown-haired, bespectacled man reclined in his leather executive chair with his short stature hidden by the elevated height of the chair.
The Marquess of Salisbury waved his aide out of the room and picked up the telephone that linked his office with of the Ministry of Defence, and in particular the Defence Secretary. There was a brief pause before the Defence Secretary picked up, Yes, Your Lordship?
Good afternoon, Sean, how are things at the Ministry?
Well enough I suppose, apparently Royal Ordnance is falling behind on the production of the new mobile artillery piece and that will set us back a few pounds in the budget, but that I suppose is rather ordinary.
Secretary of State for Defence happened to be one of the least secure positions in the Cabinet, within three years Lord Salisbury had found it necessary to appoint three different men, his first choice losing his seat in an election, then the second disappeared during a failed coup attempt and was now presumed dead. Sean O’Donnell was the third. Sean, I need to ask you a question about our preparedness.
Very well, Your Lordship.
A situation appears to be developing abroad, a situation that could require the deployment of UK troops and I need to know if we have any units capable of undertaking deployment within the next say 48 hours.
The ready divisions remain a possibility, O’Donnell replied after a moment’s pause. Lightly armoured airborne units that would drop in via parachute – probably securing an airfield that would become the centre for all UK operations until a seaport is taken. Outside of that, he paused again while he rapidly scanned a mental inventory. If I am not mistaken, we have a Royal Marine battalion tasked for emergency deployment and they could be deployed within 48 hours. They would deploy onboard amphibious assault ships that would be escorted by the Royal Navy. But, if that is to happen I would like to request forward deployment of several nuclear submarines to test the waters and secure the sea lanes of communication.
Salisbury scratched his chin quietly. Repositioning submarines would cost very little, and would show up as little more than unforeseen expenditures in consumable goods by the Royal Navy; however, agreeing to deploy a division of troops would be instantly seized upon by the press and could possibly tip the UK’s proverbial hand. Dispatch the submarines, he finally responded. Additionally, make whatever quiet preparations are necessary or possible for the deployment of the Royal Marines and the airborne troops. Please keep in mind, Sean, that at the moment action is not yet set in stone but I want options.
Very well, Lord Prime Minister. Anything else?
No, for now I believe that will suffice. Much thanks, Sean.
Anytime, Your Lordship.
HMS Excellence
Bloody hell, muttered Lyle Anderson, communications officer onboard a Royal Navy long-range nuclear submarine armed with anti-ship cruise missiles and torpedoes, designed for first strike operations against enemy surface action groups. He pushed the intercom switch that connected him to the combat centre and found that he quickly had the captain’s attention. Within three minutes, the Excellence had changed course; she now headed quietly but determinedly towards the seas off the Ansurian coast.
Hardcore Iron
09-07-2006, 11:25
Kane Kilcullen swore when he saw a small smoking village in his electronic binoculars. Goddamn am I glad that I have all this @#$%ing state of the art stealth gear! Christ on a cross! I've never seen this kind of brutality before!!
Through his sights, Kane wasn't cursing about some smoking houses. No. It was not just the chopped up and shot people laying all over the village. He'd seen worse. It was the fact that in ethnic Amatrandi, some group of soldiers actually had the gall to write out "All Amatrandi should fuckin' die!" With the bodies and various parts of the villagers. Kane figured there must still be some Amatrandi hiding out like him, who else would read it?
And I got to have lectures, LECTURES, from my entire family on why working for Imperial Intelligence is so bad... How it would turn me into a panzy ass wimp! How Great Grandpa Karl Kilcullen, the big hotshot Grand Field Marshal, would be turning in his grave! Kane imagined his father yelling at him one more time, "IN HIS GRAVE SON!" If he knew his great grandson would be turning into and effing spook! None of them has ever seen shit like this before!!
OOC: See for reference. Btw, I hope Ansuria you don't me taking a big creative license with the atrocities here...
Kane looked through his sights for about the 10th time, and realized he was finally calm enough to think straight. Ok. Who would know ethnic Amatrandi? Ansurian spooks of course. It means they're in on this kind of savagry. Screw it.
Imperial Intelligence Central Command recieving a transmission of one of the most interesting type. The Analyst looked over the information of the transmission very carefully. Only the latest and most sensitive of spy satellites would have been able to pick up such a weak transmission, meaning the spy almost didn't want to send the message. And consequently, very dangerous contents. Even more, the spy didn't want anyone else intercepting the transmission.
3 hours later, when the Analyst had the crypt-analysts crack their own codes, the Analyst had trouble believeing what she was looking at. Between the images, the meticulous translation work and the message that was very straight to the point. It also broke several protocols on acceptable language use.
"Screw humanitarian assitance! Fuck the international peacekeeping conventions! And most of all,fuck those goddamn sissy Opposition Progressives who have their heads shoved up their isolationist assholes! WE NEED A FUCKING MILITARY INTERVENTION in Ansuria!!!!!"
The Analyst realized that such language probably would through off any normal assumptions of the type of language used in spy transmissions. At least from the Imperial Republic of course.
The Parliament of the Imperial Republic of Hardcore Iron, The Cabinet Office:
The Prime Minister stood before the heads of the highest levels of all concerned ministries, the President, the Vice President, the Grand Field Marshall, along with her 4 juniors, the heads of the Army, Navy, Sky Force, and Specail Operations and the Secretary of Imperial Intelligence.
She spoke in a very grave tone. "I can understand a certain level of hesitancy with a direct military intervention. However, with this level of evidence, Indicates the correct course of action. The Kilcullan flair for language emphasizes the matter."
The whole room burst into laughter. The former Grand Field Marshall Karl Kilcullen's reaction to Paul Green's request, was famous. Apparently, once Paul left the room, the cursing was so blistering that, according to legend, the walls had to be repainted afterwards.
"All evidence so far collected will be forwarded to our allies immediately. If they wish to intervene, it is up to them, though I expect them to play a supporting role with logistics for us." The Prime Minister continued. "We will also share this information with any nation that questions our motives for sending in a large peacekeeping force."
The Octogon:
Bowel level 4:
Grand Field Marshal Keith Martin sat and looked at his four junior officers. He looked at each officer in turn.
Naomi Klinksavich, head of the army. She wore her 5 Gold stars on each forest green uniform covered shoulder, and looked slightly pleased.
Keith Heywood, head of the Navy. He wore his 5 Silver stars on dark blue, looking none too pleased with the situation.
Krista Theistman, head of the Sky Force. Her 5 Copper stars on white almost matched the same contrast of her hair to her skin. Her professional demeanor gave away far more of her personality than anyone else there. There was nothing but pure mischif behind her eyes, and the others there always regarded her warily.
Even moreso than Dan Mori, head of Specail Operations. His White stars on his black uniform were an interesting relation to his white skin and black hair. Even he, more than any of the others, was wary of Krista. While Dan knew he gave the rest of them the creeps, everyone feared Krista. Except maybe the Marshal. Even he must be nervous about her connections.
The field Marshal spoke levely,"Here's your dossiers of what to prepare."
There was nothing but silence in the room, and they all looked incrediously at Grand Field Marshal Keith Martin with total shock.
The dossier began:
"The military may not be peacekeeping in Ansuria for long. Such barbarism cannot be tolerated. We will begin with a large peacekeeping force. If things continue to get out of hand, The Emperor himself has condoned invasion of Ansuria."
House of Commons, Imperium, United Kingdom
At one time, the House of Commons had consisted of a small room overcrowded with over half a thousand MPs. Yet, now with an even thousand MPs expected by the end of the year, the meetings had been moved to a larger room while renovations enlarged all of the meeting chambers of Parliament.
The past week has seen the regrettable deaths of thousands of individuals. From one of the many seats in the back of the House, a well-dressed man in a dark blue suit addressed the chamber as a part of Question Time. These deaths have not, however, come from a natural disaster but through the concerted efforts of a brutal regime intending on crushing a people into submission. Does the Deputy Prime Minister agree with me that the current situation is abhorrent and that it must be ended forthwith?
Alexander Chance nodded before rising to the podium. He had been selected as Deputy Prime Minister because the Prime Minister had been created a peer and no longer sat in the House of Commons; though the opposition still demanded the right to question the government, most of which sat in the Commons. I think everyone would agree with the hon. Gentleman that many lives are being tragically cut short for no purpose other than to let the blood of an oppressed people. Resolving the situation must be a priority therefore of not just this government but also the larger international community as well. Chance rubbed his hands together, feeling the heat build up in his palms. He had not yet had a chance to discuss the situation with the Prime Minister. As for the Government’s reaction, we are still gathering the necessary data and opinions from experts on the subject before finalizing a plan of action. Chance sat down and looked out across the aisle at the opposition backbenches, knowing full well that whatever was happening in Ansuria paled in comparison to the political storm that was brewing.
15:14pm. 9th July, 2006. Akkalan, Amartrand, the Ansurian Empire.
'<MI reports several states that have taken an interest in the operation,>' said the Lieutenant. '<There's even been talk of military intervention.>'
General Jadeonar sighed as he sat in his command vehicle. The report was not encouraging.
'<Thank you, Lieutenant,>' he said. '<You may return to your unit.>'
The young officer saluted, and left the vehicle. Jadeonar stood from his seat, and took a handset from it's wall-mount.
'<I need to speak to the Prime Minister.>'
OOC: Thanks for joining, guys. We'll have no more nations joining the thread from this point, other than allies of those already involved. I reckon five (?) is a suitable number of players. Here's a big long list of stuff I have in Amartrand.
Current Deployments in Amartrand Province:
V Brigade - 4,320 Combat Infantrymen, 1,440 Mechanised Infantrymen, 144 FV432 APCs. Encamped at MK-165
- 2/22nd Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 1/30th Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 1/45th Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 2/45th Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 2/54th Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 5/66th Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 1/80th Mechanised (720 Mechanised Infantrymen, 72 FV432 APCs)
- 3/80th Mechanised (720 Mechanised Infantrymen, 72 FV432 APCs)
VI Brigade - 4,320 Combat Infantrymen, 1,440 Mechanised Infantrymen, 144 FV432 APCs. Engaging hostile targets nr Akkalan, minimal casualties.
- 1/22nd Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 3/25th Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 1/32nd Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 1/54th Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 4/55th Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 2/66th Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 1/81st Mechanised (720 Mechanised Infantrymen, 72 FV432 APCs)
- 2/81st Mechanised (720 Mechanised Infantrymen, 72 FV432 APCs)
VII Brigade - 4,320 Combat Infantrymen, 1,440 Mechanised Infantrymen, 144 FV432 APCs. Encamped at MK-167
- 2/5th Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 2/12nd Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 1/29th Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 1/40th Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 3/110th Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 1/119th Infantry (720 Combat Infantrymen)
- 2/82nd Mechanised (720 Mechanised Infantrymen, 72 FV432 APCs)
- 4/82nd Mechanised (720 Mechanised Infantrymen, 72 FV432 APCs)
VIII Brigade - 4,320 Airborne Infantrymen, 1,440 Airborne Artillerymen, 96 M95 125mm Field Guns, 48 CH-47 Chinook Helicopters, 96 FV107 Scimitar ARVs. Encamped at MK-168
- 1/77th Parachute (720 Airborne Infantrymen)
- 2/77th Parachute (720 Airborne Infantrymen)
- 3/77th Parachute (720 Airborne Infantrymen)
- 4/77th Parachute (720 Airborne Infantrymen)
- 5/77th Parachute (720 Airborne Infantrymen)
- 6/77th Parachute (720 Airborne Infantrymen)
- 1/78th Parachute Artillery (720 Airborne Artillerymen, 48 M95 125mm Field Guns, 24 CH-47 Chinook Helicopters, 48 FV107 Scimitar ARVs)
- 2/78th Parachute Artillery (720 Airborne Artillerymen, 48 M95 125mm Field Guns, 24 CH-47 Chinook Helicopters, 48 FV107 Scimitar ARVs)
12,960 Combat Infantrymen
4,320 Mechanised Infantrymen
432 FV432 Armoured Personnel Carriers
4,320 Airborne Infantrymen
1,440 Airborne Artillerymen
96 M95 125mm Field Guns
96 FV107 Scimitar Armoured Recon Vehicles
48 CH-47 Chinook Helicopters
RAF Georgetown, Imperium, New Britain Province, United Kingdom
While traffic bustled outside the main offices of the Royal Air Force, aides and staffers walked briskly in the old corridors of an antiquated building, fashioned from marble and limestone and continuously upgraded to the point where most walls and columns were now but hollow structures containing fiber optic cables and electrical wiring that linked the RAF to its air fields scattered throughout the Home Islands.
At the top of all the officers was Sir Daniel Cameron, Air Chief Marshal of the Royal Air Force, and one of the few individuals privy to the quiet development of the situation regarding Ansuria. Earlier in the day, the Defence Secretary had called to inform him that the Royal Navy was readying itself for possible operations against a foe in Ansuria and that the RAF was also to prepare itself. And so now he sat behind his desk reviewing possible deployments of RAF fighters and attack aircraft and most importantly refueling aircraft. There were many thousands of kilometers between the Home Islands and the nearest landmass under a foreign flag, and as such the first leg of any operations always required massive attention to the logistical operations. But, in the three hours since the phone call, Cameron finally had the draft plan before him. Taking an old quill pen, he dipped it into a bottle of ink and signed his name at the bottom.
HMS Renown, At Sea
Commodore, a stiff and formal Oceanian accent echoed in the corridors of the Royal Navy battlecruiser, new orders from the Admiralty. Commodore Neville Harrington turned away from his senior aide and found a member of the ship’s company, the communication officer, a loud-mouthed lieutenant commander from Portsmouth, holding a folded piece of paper.
Very good, thank you, Commander. Harrington, whose officer’s cap hid his salt and pepper hair, wrinkled his nose as he read through the short orders. Passing them over to the aide, he turned back to the communications officer. Captain Richards is on the bridge, no?
Indeed he is, sir.
Very good.
After reaching the bridge and having a secret discussion with the Renown’s commanding officer, the bridge watched their ship turn about and head off on a new course. Nobody but the navigation officer, the captain, the XO and of course the Commodore realizing that this new course put them to arrive on station near Ansuria within 48 hours. The Renown functioned as a rapid-deployment force, using her speed to reach crisis areas ahead of the slower capital ships of the Royal Navy; though since the last conflict watched the previous incarnation of the Renown sunk by a submarine, she sailed with another battlecruiser and a few fast escorts for safety’s sake.
RAF Prostejov, Novikov, United Kingdom
At long last, the full force of the propeller engines kicked in as the brakes were released – pushing Pilot Officer William Matthews off the surface of the earth. Matthews piloted an older RAF aircraft, a propeller-driven plane nicknamed the ‘Mantis’ and that now performed electronic surveillance. An hour ago, a flight of mid-air refuelers had departed from the same runway en route to a point mid-way between Ansuria and the United Kingdom, where Matthews would rendezvous and top off his own aircraft’s tank so as to be able to loiter just outside the borders of Ansuria and simply observe. Watch the skies and listen to electronic transmissions. Very, very slowly, the military might of the United Kingdom seemed to be rising from a restless slumber.
Saint Fedski
10-07-2006, 02:36
ooc: Always terrorists..terrorists this, terrorists that.
Copacabana Military Facility
"Every here?" Minister of Defence Louis Riel asks. "Let's begin. Admiral Murphy, take it away."
"Thank you Mister Riel." The 6 foot tall Admiral takes to the podium among an awkward silence. "It has come to my attention that the long oppressed Amartrandi citizens of Ansuria are once again the victim of an over reaction. I propose we enter Ansuria to help broker a cease-fire and arrange for the end of oppression . It will give some of our newer recruits much needed battle experience and our new equipment a better test than local wargames can provide."
Standing just over five feet high and weighing in at just over one hundred fifty pounds, the retired general was an imposing figure, lurking beneath everyone's gaze. "I would like to add to Admiral Murphy's comments." Obliqus said. "You all know my opinion on oppression and genocide. When we get involved in Ansuria, I will come out of retirement to lead the mission myself, If you will have me back. I feel we cannot let these atrocities go on any longer. We have our policies, under our rules of engagement we are allowed to intervene in situations concerning genocide and under the rules of humanity and morality, we have an obligation to intervene and put a stop to it., hopefully for good."
"Thank you General." Katherine spoke softly as she stood up. "Gary, I believe you have something to say?"
"Yes I do Madam."
The former chairman and current Vice Chairman had always been known for his remarkably accurate intuition. He had somehow always managed to steer clear of military situations that eventually got bogged down, cancelled completely or became a huge disaster.
"I must say I have my doubts. These Ansurian troops seem to be pretty dedicated to their assigned task and the Amartrandi seem equally dedicated, though a little helpless in their struggle for equality. This centuries old conflict has already proved to be a long and costly one and if history is any example, it will continue to be a long and costly one. If we jumped in, in the middle, we'd be obligated to stay for the duration. If we were to pull out, we'd be seen as scared, uncertain and undedicated. Our values and ideals would prove to be incorrectly stated and our leadership, both militarily and politically would be called into question. if we do enter this conflict, I know we will be there for months, maybe years, maybe even decades. I know that if we enter, one or more of our actions will been taken as biased and we will become targets. Our troops will be targets, and our citizens will be targets. We must be careful to avoid making the mistake many nations prior to this have made. We must not enter militarily. We should instead offer the nation of Ansuria the use of Saint Fedski to facilitate a cease-fire and eventually a permanent solution for the Ansurian-Amartrandi crisis. That's all I have to say about this."
"Thank you Gary. I know the members will make the appropriate decision. Everyone has had enough time to think about each of our speaker's comments and has more than enough time to read the report compiled by the Intelligence Bureau. We will now take a vote on whether we should actively intervene in the Ansurian-Amartrandi crisis. You know the process. Go to it."
It was at this point that the members of the Security Council could discuss amongst their respective branches which way to vote. Each of the seven branches is given one vote. Each vote is considered equal. In order for the motion to pass, there must be five votes for.
Half an hour passed before all seven groups signaled they were ready.
"Navy, how do you vote?" The chairwoman asked.
"We vote 'for.'" Vice Admiral Tim Landry announced.
"Air Force, how do you vote?"
Air Chief Marshall Jaime Brideau rose to her feet. "The Air Force supports the mission to Ansuria."
"Army, what is your vote?"
There was a moment or so of silence before Superior General Kevin Pentz stood up.
"My collegues and I support the motion."
"All right then. Human Rights Advisory Committee?"
Maximus Obliqus stood up once again. "The HRAC votes against intervening at this point. We feel not enough credible evidence has been provided to rule this as anything more than a minor internal conflict."
"Thank you Max."
"Mr. Girardi, how do the politicians vote?"
"We vote for intervention."
"Thank you. Intelligence Bureau?"
Raymond Franks took to his shaky legs to address the council. "We overwhelmingly vote for intervention."
"And finally, the Armed Reserve?"
"We abstain from voting." Sean Keane, chief of the Armed Reserve annouced. There was a few small gasps. "We would rather continune to monitor the situation before deciding."
Katherine took a deep breath before she stood up. "Well there we have it. Five votes to one in favour with one abstination. We are intervening in Ansuria. Defence staff, to the situation room, everyone else, you will be informed of events as they unfold. This meeting is over."
The members of the council took to their feet and left the room in silence.
Would Gary Girardi's feelings prove to be false? Or like the other 85% of the time would they prove to be correct? Only time will tell.
Saint Fedski
10-07-2006, 03:25
Situation Room, Copacabana Military Facility
"Admiral Murphy!" Spoken in a tone only she can speak, Katherine walked into the room with a fire in her eyes. "What have we done?"
"I've had the branch heads select a number of units to deploy. I have requested that three regular divisions and two reserve be notified of deployments. I have also ordered two air groups into action and a group of air reserves be called up."
"What about naval deployments?"
"I have personally selected the First Fleet and thirty Loch Ness subs to be deployed. They were already on en route and have now been given the order to initiate intervention."
"General Pentz?"
"Madam, we have ordered the 17th Commonwealth division to deploy immediately and they are now en route. The Eighth is boarding and the Eleventh is on standby. I have the 99th Sarnia Reserves are also en route to the area with the 1st Copacabana being called up at the moment."
"Excellent General. What about the Air Force, Marshall Brideau?"
"Number one group is en route and number three is awaiting orders. Once proper facilities have been secured or constructed, they will be deployed. Mr. Keane and I have decided to place the 98th Sarnia Reserves on standby, with orders to be ready to deploy on short notice."
"The 98th Reserve?"
"Yes ma'am. Sarnia's only Air Reserve unit."
"Ok I understand now. We are now on a war footing. Place restrictions on leave, lock down Copacabana base and prepare for the long haul. Minister Riel and Minister Bergeron will be returning in a couple of hours. Keep them informed and they will in turn keep me informed. Good luck."
"Thank you ma'am." The senior officers spoke in unition as the Chairwoman strolled out of the room.
"We don't need luck." General Pentz muttered under his breath.
Navy: First Fleet
8 Quickbreaker Class aircraft carriers
----448 CF-17s (light fighters)
----80 Lu-45 Hawks (heavy fighters)
----32 C-2 Greyhounds (light transports)
----16 C-9 Nightingales (light medical transports)
----16 E-2 Hawkeyes (electronic systems aircraft)
----32 CH-46 Sea Knights (transport helicopters)
----32 SH-60 Sea Hawks (multi-task helicopters)
40 Flanker Class destroyers
----8 SH-60 Sea Hawks
40 Johnston Class destroyers
----12 SH-60 Sea Hawks
20 Thunder Class cruisers
----2 CH-60 Sea Hawks
2 Pasteur Class hospital ships
----4 SH-60 Sea Hawks
4 Curie Class light medical ships
----2 SH-60 Sea Hawks
90 support vessels
----15 SH-60 Sea Hawks
30 Dolphin Class submarines
30 Loch Ness Class submarines
50 Endeavour Class transport ships
----12 CH-46 Sea Knights
----10 SH-60 Sea Hawks
Army deployments and unit status can be found here. This also include the Airborne divisions, which are part of the Air Force.
Air Force: I Group
400 CF-17 light fighters
20 Lu-45 Hawk heavy fighters
60 CF-17G ground attack aircraft
8 C-141 Starlifters (transport planes)
30 C-131J Hercules (transport planes)
200 CH-47 Chinooks
200 AH-1 Apaches
1500 trucks
Air Force: III Group
450 CF-17s
60 CF-17Gs
8 C-5 Galaxies (transport planes)
15 C-131J Hercules
200 CH-47 Chinooks
1000 trucks
Reserves: 99th Sarnia Reserves
3,000 soldiers
150 Leopard 1 MBTs
400 trucks
10 CH-47 Chinooks
Reserves: 1st Copacabana Reserve
3,000 soldiers
150 Leopard 1s
400 trucks
10 CH-47 Chinooks
Reserves: 98th Sarnia Reserves
600 F-5 Tiger III fighters
200 F-16+ fighters
500 trucks
**20 B-1b Lancer long range bombers are on standby in Saint Fedski**
**If more units are called up they will be added here. I will also make a post saying they have been called up.**
Red Tide2
10-07-2006, 22:14
OOC: Ansuria, if you see any errors, point them out to me.
IC: It began quietly... the men came in through seperate Ansurian Airports, all with legitimate looking fake ID, luggage, and legitimate sounding reasons for visiting. A few 'accidently' dropped their luggage, in order to ensure a random taxi... then they all went to the rented out safehouse. That is, until there were 10 of them.
'They' were the 'Puppetmakers', they were the Heart of Armaggeddons 'Recruiters'. They didnt handout pamphlets, they didnt post one websites, what they DID do is forcibly kidnap fit, young men and drag them to the safehouse to be 'processed'. In other words, once kidnapped, the Puppetakers have a machine surgically implact a injector directly into the subjects brain, pumping Hallucigenic Control Gas right into the brain. This would turn the person into a 'MeatPuppet', the basic 'terrorist' of the HOA. Then the person was purchased a ticket and flown out of the country by himself to a foreign HOA Base where he would be issued further instructions and/or equipment.
For now, the Puppetmakers simply sat in their rooms, watching the news, waiting for their machinery to arrive from the docks. Said Machinery was labelled 'Dental Equipment' and, when dissassembled, certainly LOOKED like a dental chair. All of them had the paperwork done... of course.
HMS Excellence
Drone away, sir. Captain Terrell Dickson nodded, acknowledging that his orders had been carried out. Outside of the double-hull submarine a small canister floated to the surface, waiting until it broke through the surface before a small unmanned aerial drone, with assistance from an attached rocket motor, raced high above the ocean off the Ansurian coast. The drone, a small stealithly designed machine, used a push propeller and an automated flight programme to keep it aloft for up to 48 hours after launch. Unfortunately for Dickson, his submarine had now only three of the drone left out of the six he had put to sea with – one used to monitor a foreign surface fleet from afar and the other to report on suspected pirate activity. Nevertheless, as Dickson let his large, but still athletic frame fall into his command seat, he hoped that those 48 hours of surveillance would allow him a nice view of maritime activity into and out of the main Ansurian port.
Office of the Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister
The Citadel, Imperium, New Britain Province, United Kingdom
Howard Robertson, the Chief of Staff, ran his hands over his bald head and then back down to his sore neck, a persistent problem supposedly arising from a chronic back problem he cared not to understand or do much about. Finally he looked up at the man who still had a head full of brown hair. So what exactly is it you want me to do, Mr. Secretary? he sighed.
O’Donnell rubbed his nose and took a long sip from the glass of bottled water that he had poured over ice in order to lower its temperature. What the Ministry of Defence is looking for, he finally said, speaking slowly and deliberately, is a firm commitment by the Prime Minister as to whether or not we shall be intervening in Ansuria.
Robertson drummed his fingertips on the edge of his paper-cluttered desk. I am terribly afraid, Mr. Secretary, that for the time being the Prime Minister has no official position on the situation.
No official position? O’Donnell asked with a smirk upon his face. You can do a bit better than that, Howard.
Perhaps, but suffice to say for the moment the Prime Minister would continue to monitor the situation. The situation in New Albion remains tense to say the least, and as such he would prefer to keep a significant amount of UK forces ready for immediate deployment to either there or perhaps even to Terra Recedentia in case trouble should arise there too. The Chief of Staff stopped the rhythmic movement of his fingers, turning them parallel to the desktop and using them to push his aching back further into his comfortable leather chair.
The problem, Howard, is that at the moment we have one nuclear submarine on station and a further three expected within the coming day. The Renown group should arrive within the next two days. RAF electronic intelligence aircraft are already skirting Ansurian borders, gathering as much data as possible on the communication patterns, encryptions, and technical details of the Ansurian command and control system. If there is no coherent policy as to how to use all the data with the force we are going to be able to apply in coming days the strength of our argument will weaken considerably.
Through years of experience and learned skill, Robertson avoided the temptation to narrow his eyes and glower at the presumptuous man across the table. I am perfectly aware of the delicacy of the situation, Mr. Secretary, however, the Prime Minister has instructed me to keep monitoring the situation. There may very well be foreign powers seeking to intervene, and if we have to enter country I believe it would be in the United Kingdom’s best interest to let those powers take the brunt of the casualties – as they would be far from politically acceptable. Robertson emphasized the last point for O’Donnell’s benefit, for as a Member of Parliament he could well lose his seat if the UK were to suffer heavy casualties in Ansuria.
Well, O’Donnell practically huffed in indigence, would the Prime Minister be so kind as to allow me to move the 2nd Airborne Division to RAF Bedric in preparation for operations in Ansuria?
Perhaps, Robertson smiled. I shall bring it up with him later today.
The road was barely a beaten track in the cracked earth of Amartrand, which shook with the rumbling weight of hundreds of tank carriers and transport trucks. The Empire took no threat lightly, and the entire strength of the Imperial Heavy Dragoons, with a number of supporting regiments, had decamped from their stations in Dothmir province, and were taking up positions ready to defend the north and east shores of the Empire.
'< response to, we're told, "A number of international sources". The regiment left MK-105 outside Dothmir in the late afternoon to avoid as much traffic as possible, though many drivers were still forced to park their vehicles beside the motorway as the regiment passed by. They are being accompanied by battalions of the 57th, 58th, 59th and 60th Armoured Infantry regiments, and the 1st battalion of the 141st Armoured, an anti-air regiment. The force is expected to reach is deployment area at around six o'clock tonight. In other news...>'
OOC: Your designated approaches are from the East (Azazia), and from the North (Saint Fedski).
The blank areas are national boundaries, though we have not decided on names for these. They can be filled, of course, by players who wish to join our regional rp group. Mine is the big yellow area, and the green is Al-bama, an RL friend and NS ally founded on the same day as me.
The 6th Imperial Heavy Dragoons, 7th Imperial Dragoon Guards and the Imperial Armoured Regiment armoured regiments each encompass three battalions of Challenger 2 Main Battle Tanks, and eleven of M4 Century Medium Battle Tanks. Do not take the century lightly because of the 'Medium' title. It's a heavily modernised British Centurion MBT, with a brand spanking 105mm Rheinmetall in place of the old L7 gun. Numbers are as follows.
IX Brigade
6th Imperial Heavy Dragoons
- 1H/1 Battalion (135 Challenger 2 MBTs, 45 FV107 Scimitar ARVs, , 2 FV105 Sultan CCVs)
- 2H/1 Battalion (135 Challenger 2 MBTs, 45 FV107 Scimitar ARVs, , 2 FV105 Sultan CCVs)
- 3H/1 Battalion(135 Challenger 2 MBTs, 45 FV107 Scimitar ARVs, , 2 FV105 Sultan CCVs)
- 1L/1 Battalion (135 M4 Century MBTs, 45 FV107 Scimitar ARVs, , 2 FV105 Sultan CCVs)
- 2L/1 Battalion (135 M4 Century MBTs, 45 FV107 Scimitar ARVs, , 2 FV105 Sultan CCVs)
- 3L/1 Battalion (135 M4 Century MBTs, 45 FV107 Scimitar ARVs, , 2 FV105 Sultan CCVs)
- 4L/1 Battalion (135 M4 Century MBTs, 45 FV107 Scimitar ARVs, , 2 FV105 Sultan CCVs)
- 5L/1 Battalion (135 M4 Century MBTs, 45 FV107 Scimitar ARVs, , 2 FV105 Sultan CCVs)
- 6L/1 Battalion (135 M4 Century MBTs, 45 FV107 Scimitar ARVs, , 2 FV105 Sultan CCVs)
- 7L/1 Battalion (135 M4 Century MBTs, 45 FV107 Scimitar ARVs, , 2 FV105 Sultan CCVs)
- 8L/1 Battalion (135 M4 Century MBTs, 45 FV107 Scimitar ARVs, , 2 FV105 Sultan CCVs)
- 9L/1 Battalion (135 M4 Century MBTs, 45 FV107 Scimitar ARVs, , 2 FV105 Sultan CCVs)
- 10L/1 Battalion (135 M4 Century MBTs, 45 FV107 Scimitar ARVs, , 2 FV105 Sultan CCVs)
- 11L/1 Battalion (135 M4 Century MBTs, 45 FV107 Scimitar ARVs, , 2 FV105 Sultan CCVs)
- 57th Armoured Infantry (720 Armoured Infantry [Javelin AA], 72 FV432 APCs, 24 FV107 Scimitar ARVs)
- 58th Armoured Infantry (720 Armoured Infantry [Javelin AA], 72 FV432 APCs, 24 FV107 Scimitar ARVs)
- 59th Armoured Infantry (720 Armoured Infantry [Javelin AA], 72 FV432 APCs, 24 FV107 Scimitar ARVs)
- 60th Armoured Infantry (720 Armoured Infantry [Javelin AA], 72 FV432 APCs, 24 FV107 Scimitar ARVs)
405 Challenger 2 Main Battle Tanks
1,485 M4 Century Medium Battle Tanks
724 FV107 Scimitar Armoured Recon Vehicles
28 FV105 Sultan Command and Control Vehicles
2,880 Armoured Infantry
- 288 Javelin Ground-to-Air Missile Launchers
288 FV432 APCs
Saint Fedski
11-07-2006, 22:31
A flight of Lu-45 Hawks could be heard thundering over the ocean as it approached the northern shores of Ansuria.
"Papa Bird this is Rover One. We have land in sight. Beginning recon flight. Over."
"Roger Rover One, Papa Bird out."
The six smokey gray Hawks, somewhat hidden amongst the cloudy sky broke into a loose formation as they crossed the coastline. As they approached a village they could distinctly see armoured vehicles, both tank and personnel carriers attempting to surround the village.
"Papa Bird we have hostiles circling a small village south of point Alpha. Dogs Two and Three will continue to monitor the situation."
"Roger Rover One. Dog Two keep an sharp eye."
"Understood Papa Bird. Dog Two out."
The two aircraft quickly broke formation as they ascended to the clouds before dropping back down. Dog Three stayed relatively close to the clouds as Dog Two dove to tree top level buzzing the encroaching armoured vehicles and the village. By then however people had already heard the aircraft flying overhead and had been outside watching.
"Rover One, we have a potential massacre. I'm counting sixteen tanks and a fewer personnel carriers surrounding the village. Dog Three reports artillery positions four clicks to the east. Please advise. Over."
"Do not engage. Continue to monitor Dog Two. Repeat: Do not engage. Over."
The two fighters continued to circle while the other four faded into the distance approaching the city of Akkalan.
Just Outside Ansurian Airspace
To the east of the Saint Fedski flight, the RAF reconnaissance flight continued its racetrack pattern, skirting the border of Ansuria absorbing radio transmissions from now both the parties from Saint Fedski as well as Ansuria. At long last, the flight crew’s EM detection system detected an IFF burst that indicated their replacement had arrived, which would take over where the current flight had left off – soaking in as much information as possible on the military capabilities of the unknown Ansuria.
Through the clouds the first Mantis broke its pattern and veered westward back towards the refueling point several hundred kilometers from the Ansurian coastline, beyond the reach of any surface-launched anti-air missiles and well guarded by an airborne command and control platform accompanying the tankers. The second Mantis gracefully slid into its position, resuming the RAF radio silence not alerting anyone to its presence more than was necessary.
HMS Excellence
Conn, Sonar, multiple contacts bearing three-four-two several kilometers distant.
Dickson glanced up at the communications gear now quietly bleating the sound of his sonar officer. Taking off his cap he ran his hands across an itchy, dry scalp. Very good, Lieutenant, please designate the contacts the respective zulu numbers if you please. He took a quick step over to the giant LCD display table and watched the screen update in real time the contacts, growing rapidly in number – obviously the vanguard of some large naval force. The question remained whose ships they were. Dickson pulled up his sleeve and glanced at his watch, he would receive a burst transmission from his drone in half an hour, and hopefully it would at the very least snap a picture or two that included an image of the naval ensign flying from one of the vessels.
Turning towards the navigation officer, Dickson looked up at the blue-eyed man. Lieutenant, he said quietly, his Oceanian accent distinctly pronouncing it ‘lef-tenant’. Please change our course, new heading one-one-zero degrees. Dickson pursed his lips, wondering how sensitive the sonar on the approaching vessels would be, after a moment’s pause he eased his stance. Make revolutions for seven knots. At seven knots the Excellence would still be well under the threshold for detection for most sonar systems.
The Admiralty, Breningrad, Oceania Province, United Kingdom
Thusly, with the operations landing to the south we would face no significant resistance and could, theoretically mass our forces unmolested. Lord Richard Atkinson listened intently as he leaned back into his chair, his right hand feeling the polished gold sphere atop his cane. As First Sea Lord, Atkinson headed the Royal Navy, the senior service of the Royal Armed Services and the branch that oversaw operations by the Royal Marines, who were now presenting an ambitious plan for landing forces to avoid what they saw as severe Ansurian resistance.
Opposition forces? he asked coolly, not bothering to sit up.
The Royal Marine general standing at the head of the table nodded deferentially. Your Lordship, the current political situation leads us to believe that resistance would be minimal – perhaps some local guerilla combat but nothing as substantial as what Ansurian ground forces would provide. The general adjusted a device in his palm and on the wall behind him emerged a screen, on it images of Challenger tanks. These are the main combatants for Ansurian armour units, Challenger 2s - while not as advanced as our own main battle tanks, the Challengers are still formidable and lethal, especially so in the hands of a professional force such as Ansuria. I do not doubt victory as we could theoretically, if given appropriate time, deploy a much larger and better equipped ground force, but victory may not come bloodlessly.
Atkinson frowned. As much as anyone in the room he was well aware of the political cost of casualties in a democracy. I think for the time being your plan is the correct one, General Akers. The Oceanian Expeditionary Force should consist only of a few divisions with RAF support and Royal Navy protection; we need not force a rabid dog into a corner and the deployment of millions of troops, airpersons, and sailors will only stiffen Ansurian resistance to UK diplomatic pressure. With a quick scratch of his brow, Atkinson leaned in once more and withdrew from a finely engraved wooden box a platinum-coated pen. In several quick strokes and flurries of his pen he signed his name at the bottom. Gentlemen and ladies, with your leave I shall take the draft for Operation Fulcrum to the Prime Minister and the Defence Secretary. He waited quietly for the polite murmurs of ascent before slowly rising from the table and walking out of the room with his cane at his side.
RAF Whiteland, Islandia Province, United Kingdom
Load it up boys. Captain William O’Neill hoisted himself up gathering his satchels and duffel bags while slinging his rifle across his chest, fidgeting to push his dark sunglasses up further onto his nose, blocking the bright subtropical sun roasting the tarmac. O’Neill headed a small team of special forces soldiers from the Royal Marines that had been unofficially ordered to land to the south of the Ansurian border and secure a perimeter into which Oceanian soldiers could arrive without fear of having to establish a perimeter. Additionally, if the opportunity permitted, they were to surreptitiously infiltrate Amartrand and link up with rebels or insurgents to gain human intelligence about the ground situation. Within 24 hours they would arrive over their target and usher in a new level of yet unannounced military presence in the region.
12-07-2006, 05:34
NO MORE NATIONS, PLEASE. We're contentedly full.
[OOC: Really? Because I have a few interests in a few parties here, in particular with the Saint Fedskian Commonwealth and the United Kingdom of Oceania.]
Saint Fedski
12-07-2006, 14:59
The First Fleet was now less than two hundred kilometers off the coast of Ansuria, a safe, yet relatively close position. It's from here that the bulk of the Commonwealth Forces will operate from.
Task Force HQ, SFS Sarnia, North of Ansuria
"Welcome back Maximus." Admiral Mike Bradley, Commander of the First Fleet, bellowed as General Maximus Obliqus returned from retirement and boarded the Saint Fedskian Ship Sarnia.
"It has been a long time my friend, a long time." Maximus grasped Bradley's outstretched hand. "We'll have to put catching up off for a little while, Murph (he was refering to Admiral Ken Murphy, the Chief of the Defence Staff, overall head of the military) wants me to report on the situation as soon as I can. I see he still likes to keep updated."
"Actually he's been getting worse. I don't know whether its pressure from above or just him trying to get back into combat command, but he likes his daily reports fairly detailed. Like all the action document and you know Murph, always one to make 'suggestions'." Bradley chuckled.
"Anyways, what has happened so far?"
"Our first flight reports Ansurian armour and artillery around a small village near the coast. Two aircraft are currently patrolling the area keeping an eye on developments and waiting for further orders, the other four have continued on to Akkalan. Rules of engagement remain the same; engage only if there is a direct threat to the safety and well being of Commonwealth Forces."
"Send up another flight and drop leaflets asking the Ansurians to disengage and withdraw from the village. If they do not withdraw, we will be forced to fire. Our job is to protect the civilian people and prevent a full fledged genocide. Also, get some soldiers on the ground we need a base of operations set up as soon as possible."
"Yes Sir." Snapped the Admiral as he headed back to his bridge.
"Lieutenant Christopher"
"Yes sir?"
"Have Rover Two hit the skies. Prepare leaflet type two to be dropped once on target. Also, alert squadrons one through five to be ready to take off at a moments notice."
"Yes sir."
"Captain Drundy, prepare your troops. All greyhounds will be taking off as soon as we get a report from Rover One. And before I get off the subject, Marshall Hooper, what is the status of your troops?"
"About an hour sir. All two thousand of them should be landing in Ansuria within the hour. The armoured support vehicles will be landing half an hour after the soldiers. So in about two hours, the entire first division should be landed with the second coming about this time tomorrow."
"Excellent. Gentlemen, go to it."
On the deck of the SFS Sarnia another fifteen Lu-45 Hawks, armed with leaflets and air-to-ground weaponry were taking off for Akkalan. On five of the other seven carriers, five squadrons (120 aircraft) of CF-17s were beginning to take off with another five on standby and the rest ready to scramble if need be.
[OOC: Really? Because I have a few interests in a few parties here, in particular with the Saint Fedskian Commonwealth and the United Kingdom of Oceania.]
OOC: I've been thinking about that. Allies of the two main participants - Azazia and Saint Fedski are allowed, though within reasonable limit. This also applies to my own allies.
Join only at the request of Fed or Az.
'<...neglected in recent years. The Ministry of Defence issued a statement today, dismissing completely the proposal of launching what has been criticised as the 'Imperial Coastguard'. The navy has recieved a mere fraction of the defence budget since the Civil War, with the IAA and IAF encompassing more than 90% of spending. In other news, reports of missing persons increased last night by a factor of...>'
'<No, Prime Minister.>' said General Jadeonar, '<No sir, the leaflets have had no effect on morale. The operation is still running smoothly, though the troops are apprehensive about the recent intelligence reports.>'
He paused as the Minister spoke.
'<We can't feasibly engage them until they land, sir, and I would be loathe to attack first. As far as we're concerned, they can splash about in the water as much as they like. Yes, sir. Yes, the majority are fleeing towards the border, but we are encountering steadily more determined resistance. I would ask, Prime Minister, if you would propose the idea that we had been speaking about earlier to the House. Thankyou, sir. That should allow the IAA to operate with far greater ease...>'
South of the Ansurian Border
O’Neill cut the straps attaching him to his parachute, having just jumped out of an aircraft into the barren desert that stretched for kilometers on end. Quickly readying his battle rifle for combat, he hustled to set his helmet-mounted visor for thermal imaging – but in the empty expanse before him there lay nothing but the occasional spike of some warm-blooded rodent scurrying about the sands and dust.
Damn cold, came a quiet voice from behind O’Neill.
It’s a bloody desert, Niko, O’Neill responded, almost instinctually to the sound of one of his smart-ass privates.
But I thought deserts were hot…
Not at night, Niko. Not at night. The veteran soldier smiled smugly, wondering what things boys like Niko were being taught in schools back home. So stay sharp, he added, using the question as an opening with which to address his troops. Use your thermals, should Ansurians appear south of their border we’ll get plenty of notice – bodies and diesel engines light up rather nicely.
The captain inspected the flat landscape once more, several kilometers to the north lay an unmarked border. It is cold, he muttered to himself, turning to find his men scurry about unloading crates and bags and establishing a field headquarters that would by morning coordinate the landings of the vanguard of the 2nd Airborne Division. It’s cold and very still… nearly too still.
HMS Renown
From a darkened bridge, Commodore Harrington looked to starboard where his flagship’s sister, the HMS Revenge, sliced through the dark ocean, her clipper bow tearing into crests and exposing her hull in the troughs. In the past few hours, the Admiralty had instructed him to change course as the battlecruiser squadron would now be expected to take position off the Amartrand coast so as to put the Ansurian ground units operating near Akkalan within the range of the Royal Navy’s guns. If nothing else, Harrington would have at his disposal the ability to raze the city to the ground and killed thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people.
But as the squadron sailed onwards at maximum speed, Harrington hoped that a diplomatic solution could be found before hell was brought to bear upon Amartrand, the Ansurian military, and the Ansurian nation.
OOC: Azazia, some numbers, if you please. I'll need to know before I can accurately post a reply.
ooc: Currently deployed, a massive and whopping 12 special forces personnel, mostly small arms with limited anti-tank and anti-air heavy weapons... south of the border in that unorganised white blank space... then at sea, three SSNs: HMS Excellence, Endurance, and Tireless all quietly patrolling off the three largest Ansurian ports/naval bases... just monitoring the Ansurian navy for now, nothing offensive... and then several hundred kilometers away still are two battlecruisers: HMS Renown and Revenge with their four destroyers and four frigates as escorts. Further out, you have several electronic surveillance aircraft, though like everything else technically outside Ansurian borders, while several hundred kilometers distant a refueling point with RAF tanker aircraft, airborne command and control and six air-superiority fighters. Hope that helps.
Two Ansurian F-22 Raptors tore through the skies above southern Amartrand. The land was one huge dustbowl, with the occasional pillar of wind-sculpted rock.
'<Lead, this is Bravo-Two. No sign of any ground units.>'
'<Copy that, Bravo-Two, this is Bravo-One. Negative on visuals, return to base.>'
'<Copy that, Lead, returning to base.>'
The aircraft span away from each other, each excecuting a 180° turn before lining themselves up for the journey back to their designated field airstrip.
OOC: Ground patrol being sent out. Six FV107 Scimitar Armoured Recon Vehicles from 2/78th, VIII Brigade, MK-168. Crew of 3, armoured vs. small arms, 30mm RARDEN main gun and MG.
South of the Ansurian Border
Night was quiet, only the wind blowing about dust and stone particles hinted at any activity. The sands of Amartrand teemed with wildlife, insects that could not survive the heat of the sun fought their wars for survival in the cooler temperatures, their senses aided by the bright, moonlit night. From a hastily dug hole, O’Neill watched a scorpion sting a small rodent – the desert brought out the basest instincts in all creatures.
Small thuds in the ground caused the captain to look to the south, from which he saw his sergeant approaching. Captain?
Yes, Harry?
Thought you should know that the rest of the men have finished their holes and that Billy is ready to launch the first drone. The older sergeant waved his hand towards the south, where a private had assembled one of the team’s reconnaissance aerial drones that would then synch with the team’s communication gear and relay real-time information about the battlefield beyond the desert they could see. O’Neill nodded and turned his head back to the north, wondering what lay just kilometers from his position. Across the border.
He knew from his briefing that Ansuria had become aware of a growing international pressure to cease the actions of its Imperial Army in Amartrand. Pressure that had come to no avail as of yet. He knew not whether the Ansurians knew of the presence of his twelve-person team nor did he know whether or not they would be so brazen as to cross the border if O’Neill and his men were somehow discovered. But he knew that just beyond the horizon the Ansurians were out there. He knew because if it were reversed he would be out there readying his home from the storm that continued to build strength, that continued to linger offshore.
Launch the drone, O’Neill finally ordered, not pivoting to look back at the sergeant. He concentrated his gaze northwards.
Office of Royal Navy Intelligence, Breningrad, United Kingdom
The latest photos, sir. Commander Alexandra Huckins thanked the young lieutenant as he handed over a folder stamped ‘classified’, inside of which were the latest images of Amartrand obtained by UK satellites now tasked to 24/7 observation of Ansuria. Ordinarily, the ORNI collected photos of naval bases and installations – and it still did so – but with the planned landing of Royal Marines just south of the Ansurian border the Admiralty had taken a keen interest in knowing the disposition of the Imperial Army of Ansuria.
Now they had exact coordinates of airfields, marshalling points, fuel and ammunition depots as well as critical roads, highways, and other integral parts of the Amartrand region’s command and control network. As Huckins sat behind her desk, peeling over each photo, she used her free right hand to double click her way through the computer’s graphical user interface until she found the electronic files of the photographs. The photos themselves were redundant as the ORNI digitised all the data for easy distribution and dissemination to those commanders who needed to know. Huckins opened the local network server and quickly dispatched the files and a hasty note to her superiors. Within the hour, the necessary targeting data was at the hands of the captains and crews of the Royal Navy’s three submarines off the Ansurian coast as well as the Renown force.
South of the Ansurian Border
Private Billy Timlin twitched his wrist. Thousands of meters above him, the remotely piloted reconnaissance drone banked right, making its way northwards towards the border. His screen, designed to reduce ambient light to almost nothing, showed Timlin, O’Neill, and the sergeant the empty expanse of the Amartrand desert. Timlin looked up at his captain, and they’re killing each other for this wasteland?
O’Neill simply nodded. Not entirely satisfied with the response, having hoped for a witty repartee with his commander, Timlin returned to flying his drone, one of three packed for the trip. After several minutes of flying, having now quietly crossed the border, Timlin instinctively moved closer to the high-resolution screen.
What is it Billy? O’Neill asked in a whisper, as if the desert were straining to listen in on their conversation.
That, sir. Timlin pointed with his free hand to a cluster of dots.
Switch to thermal, if you please.
Aye, sir. With a quick series of commands on the keypad, Timlin toggled to a different view. An infinitely more helpful view as it turned out.
Heat blooms, Captain, the sergeant muttered. Probably an engine plant on some sort of vehicle. Four of them so closely grouped, not likely civvies.
I count six, Sergeant. Timlin piped in. Give me one second. Nudging the joystick in one direction while depressing another button at the base of the column, Timlin nudged the aircraft higher, but closer towards the objects. Several kilometers away, the nearly silent and small UAV soared upwards while its cameras zoomed in on the desert below.
Bloody hell, Timlin muttered. Tanks. Six bloody tanks.
And they’re moving this way, the sergeant added matter-of-factly. He and O’Neill shared a quick look.
O’Neill let a hand fall upon Timlin’s right shoulder. Good work, Billy. Pull it out, but keep a close eye on those vehicles. Sergeant, you’re with me. The two men quickly pulled themselves out of the hole and started walking towards the cluster of supplies and men unpacking them. Think they’ll cross the border, Harry?
I would, sir.
An international border?
I don’t see any signs. The sergeant continued to look northwards, no visible sign of concern about any of his comments and their implications. O’Neill fingered the trigger guard of his rifle. If they come, Captain, we’ll give them hell.
I know, Harry.
The two approached the largest grouping of men in the team and saw them sitting around a crate playing cards. Seeing the look on their captain’s face, the men dropped their cards – only one cracking a smile sensing imminent victory in the round. Gentlemen, O’Neill said calmly. Break out the heat-reflecting blankets and cover yourselves and these crates in the foxholes. Six armoured vehicles are on their way from Ansuria; and while they have yet to cross the border I see no reason why they would stop at some arbitrary line in the sand. Rodriguez and Tripper, split up the Pikes and get yourselves to the outside of our line. Lawler and Jones, take the SAMs and take up positions to the south of Rodriguez and Tripper. If we need to, I want the SAMs to act as improvised anti-tank missiles. Hit the engine in the rear if you can – or else aim for the tracks and/or commander. Everyone else, if they should cross the border I want centre units to enact Plan Mu in coordination with our heavy weapons teams. O’Neill looked out upon his men. In a moment he would go inform the sentries of their duties, but in short order the pieces would be put into play.
The defensive line stretched almost as if a bracket, the closed end facing the Ansurian recce unit. Over the holes, the men pulled heat reflective blankets that would mask much of the heat signature from the warm-blooded bodies of men ready to strike like scorpions. In the very rear of the entire formation Timlin and O’Neill sat in their own blanket-covered hole, watching the armoured vehicles push ever closer to the border.
Saint Fedski
14-07-2006, 02:35
The thick billowing smoke coming from Akkalan could be seen for kilometers. It stretched into the sky like a giant tornado before disappearing into the clouds.
"Papa Bird there's a lot of smoke rising from the city. Permission for a low fly over?"
"Permission granted Rover One. Rover Two will be joining you shortly."
"Roger that. Rover One out."
The four remaining Hawks fly towards the smoke, two rising to cloud level while the other two hit the deck to fly in at tree top level. Within minutes they were right above the city and flying beside the smoke. Bodies were strewn among the streets, vehicles and buildings burned out of control while bursts from various weapons could be seen through the smoke. As they reached the other side of the town, they could see people, probably Amartrandi, running for the lives in every direction. They could see some falling to the ground as they got hit by bullets from the Ansurian army.
"Papa Bird this is Rover One. Akkalan is being sacked. Government forces have entered the city and appear to be making decent progress. There are people, assumed villagers, fleeing to the west. Wait a minute."
Rover one abruptly ended communication as he spotted something.
"Dog Four, tell me what you see."
"I see a possible ambush. Those look like Challengers and the new Centuries."
"I concur." Rover One replied with more than a hint of concern in his voice. "Papa Bird, we have an Ansurian ambush. Many heavy armour. Over."
"Standby Rover One." Admiral Bradley pressed a button. "Rover Two, head to Akkalan immediately. Standby to engage after dropping leaflets. Over."
"Rover Two copy. Out." The fifteen Hawks which had taken off only a few minutes ago quickly accelerated to top speed and flew to Akkalan.
"Rover One, We have Rover Two inbound. Continue making low passes."
"Roger Papa Bird. Rover One out."
The four Hawks of Rover One continued to buzz around Akkalan like birds protecting their nest. Every now and then a bullet whizzed by and bursts from the ground could be seen firing into the cloudy sky as if to threaten the large fighters.
The five squadrons of CF-17 fighters which had been taking off from the carriers were now in Ansurian air space, over Amartrand province ready to pounce once the order was given.
The first wave of troop carriers were just fifty kilometers off the coast. In a short period of time the first Commonwealth troops would be on the ground.
To: Government of Ansuria
From: Katherine Schleicher, Chairwoman, Commonwealth of Saint Fedski
Re: Amartrand
It has come to our attention that a small rebellion has begun again in Amartrand Province and this time it is being brutally repressed. Civilians, as well as rebels are both being killed at alarming rates. Sources tell us that you have not been taking prisoners and the ones that you do capture are either tortured or shot. The Commonwealth of Saint Fedski condems these actions and is offering the Ansurian Government and the Amartrandi forces a neutral site to sit down and discuss terms of a possible truce. But before this can begin, we ask that the Ansurian Goverment, end its massacring of civilians, its torturing and murdering of prisoners and greatly scale back its military operations into Amartrand.
The Commonwealth has sent over a small fleet with numerous soldiers that are ready, and willing to intervene and provide a security force for the duration of the talks. However, if the government forces continue to massacre civilians, torture and kill prisoners, the Commonwealth will be left with no choice other than to forcefully intervene and force a ceasefire.
We hope you make the correct choices.
Katherine Schleicher
Commonwealth of Saint Fedski
'<I tell you,>' yelled the driver, '<this border is here for a reason.>'
The Scimitars rumbled forward over the border, officially entering foreign territory.
'<What they don't know, private,>' said Sergeant Tomax Valara, '<won't hurt. Now shut the fuck up, and keep your eyes peeled. I'm going topside.>'
The driver grunted an acknowledgement, and Valara opened the commanders' hatch of his Scimitar. The night was clear, the stars bright, and the Amartrandi desert shone a dull grey. He put a pair of issue-binoculars to his eyes, and stared at his squad's surroundings. On his left, three Scimitars, another two to his right. Valara was ready to end the search, when a steely glint caught his eye.
The sergeant grabbed his microbead, stil staring in the direction he had seen the shining surface. '<This is Sergeant Valara, all stop>'
The six vehicles rumbled to a halt, and the other commanders began to open their command hatches.
'<You see something?>' crackled the voice of Sergeant Kale Thul, a grizzled man in his mid-forties.
'<I want to be prepared,>' replied Valara. '<Scan the area with thermal, see if you catch anything. And be ready to fire.>'
'<Copy that, Valara,>' cracled Thul's reply.
The turrets of the Scimitars traversed from side to side, their scopes and thermal imagers picking up nothing beyond night creatures. Five minutes passed in the half-light, and Valara finally called a halt. He ducked back into his vehicle, reemerging with a single-shot flare gun.
'<All vehicles, prepare for night flare,>' ordered Valara.
He fired.
To: Katherine Schleicher, Chairwoman, Commonwealth of Saint Fedski
From: Iirich Tovildan, Prime Minister, Empire of Ansuria
Re: Airspace Violation
The civilian population of Akkalan, and of the surrounding townships in Amartrand province, are being driven from land belonging to the Ansurian Empire and her people. The Amartrandi were previously citizens of our Empire, but forfeited that position and it's priveliges with merciless attacks upon Ansurian native civilians and military personnel. Any civilians fleeing to the south and east are being allowed to leave unmolested. Any who leave the area in either a westerly, or in a northerly direction are fired upon.
The Ansurian Empire does not tolerate the torture of sentient beings either by it's own military personnel or employees, or within it's borders. Any and all cases of torture by Imperial military personnel are dealt with immediate dishonourable discharge and by a sentence of rehabilitation.
The Ansurian Empire is quite capable of managing it's own internal affairs to achieve an acceptable outcome, and will not negotiate with terrorists.
Also, it has come to my attention that a number of Fedskian military aircraft have entered Amartrand province airspace within the last few hours without consultation or permission from Ansurian authorities. I must politely request that these aircraft be withdrawn within the next six hours, or they will be fired upon as befits an aggressive act by a foreign nation.
Iirich Tovildan
Prime Minister
Empire of Ansuria
South of the Ansurian Border
God Damnit, man, they’re fuckin’ shootin’ at us!
Private Kevin Porter closed his eyes, Niko, you dumbass, it was probably an illumination shell. Stay cool and it will all be alright. Porter quietly blessed himself while Nikolai Ivanov checked and checked again his L62 battle rifle, designed to spew out 8.5mm rounds that would tear through flesh and heavy body armour – the United Kingdom’s response to the heavy battlefield armour suits worn by many nations. Unlike many armies equipped with shorter range rifles, the L62 had a theoretical range of up to 1000 meters, though in practice the marksmanship training for all Oceanian infantrypersons maxed out at hitting a precise target at about 800 meters. The special forces hidden from the Ansurian recce were, of course, better than the standard rifleperson in the Royal Army.
Two hundred meters behind the defensive line, O’Neill rubbed his chin, feeling the stubble scratch his calluses and thick palms. The UAV clearly showed the six light tanks before him and his eleven other men. But if they moved any further in to foreign territory his men would be underneath the tracks, quite literally. Still deciding his course of action he watched the hatches slowly open – the Ansurians had pressed this far and there was no indication they were stopping for any other reason than to clear the land ahead of them. The screen went bright white, Timlin hitting a key and switching to actual camera and revealed the flash of an illumination round. O’Neill pushed the small microphone next to his throat, Foxtrot go, he whispered.
From seemingly out of nowhere, amid the dazzling lights of the illumination, young men from the United Kingdom emerged from underneath their blankets, taking quick aim in their scopes at the men in the hatches. With the exception of one man, they pulled their triggers once, letting loose the fire from their rifles taking aim at the vehicle commanders. The sixth man pulled his trigger longer, letting loose a stream of rounds from the squad machine gun at the centre of the line. Rapidly bringing the L62s back to bear, the riflemen fired off two more quick rounds before scurrying up and over their holes sprinting further south. The man behind the machine gun watched as two riflemen tossed smoke grenades between the now-evacuated positions and the recce unit. He pulled his trigger again, releasing a stream of bullets hoping to temporarily at least pin down the armoured vehicle crews. Finally, having given the men the precious seconds needed to reach the smaller and shallower holes a hundred meters behind, the machine gunner too scurried out of his foxhole and prayed to all the gods that when the Scorpions moved across the emptied foxholes they would be stopped by the remote detonated anti-tank mines that would, it was hoped, at least wreck the tracks if not kill the crews inside the light tanks.
O’Neill simply watched the tracer fire and smoke be deployed, his men dashing for a second line of cover, after which there would be little else but natural dunes and berms. He turned to Timlin, whose eyes betrayed his eagerness to be out in the thick of it. Send a burst transmission to HQ and tell them we have been engaged by Ansurian forces south of the border. Timlin typed the message quickly and sent if off via an encrypted packet directly to a Royal Navy satellite orbiting high, high above the small battlefield.
Bullets cracked past his head as Sergeant Valara flinched back into his vehicle. He'd seen the muzzle flashes, and had operated on instinct from then on.
Only Valara and Thul, the two commanders to have seen action during the Civil War, had survived the pinpoint fire. Four Corporals dead in as many seconds. The Scimitars opened up with their RARDEN main guns, loosing off their powerful 30mm HE rounds into the gathering dark. The green flare still burned as it fell from the night sky, and the huddled shapes of enemy infantry could be seen, along with a number of artificial smoke clouds.
It would be stupid to advance, under-strength and blinded by the smoke, and Valara ordered his remaining men to shift their vehicles into reverse, and make the best use they could of their superior firepower. Valara braced himself against his chair as his gunner fired again, and hoped he was hurting the bastards.
Saint Fedski
14-07-2006, 03:43
To: Iirich Tovildan, Prime Minister, Empire of Ansuria
From: Katherine Schleicher, Chairwoman, Commonwealth of Saint Fedski
Re: Airspace violation
The Commonwealth of Saint Fedski has every right to protect the Amartrandi civilians from the massacre that awaits them should the Ansurian Forces continue their operations. As long as the Ansurian Forces continue to attack, pillage and kill the Amartrandi peoples, peace cannot, and will not come to Ansuria. The Commonwealth shall intervene if the Government of Ansuria continues this operation
Katherine Schleicher
Commonwealth of Saint Fedski
"Admiral Murphy please." The Chairwoman requested as the Admiral's secretary picked up the phone.
"One minute madam."
"Admiral Murphy"
"Ken, Girardi and I have given the order to commence intervention. You are now free to engage. Wish General Obliqus the best of luck. Keep us informed as usual."
"Yes ma'am." The Admiral hung up the phone and buzzed his secretary. "Jessica, put me through to the SFS Sarnia."
"One moment sir."
Minutes later...
"Admiral Bradley"
"Mike it's Ken, is General Obliqus there with you?"
"Yes sir."
"Here's the deal. The Defence Council has granted permission to engage Ansurian forces that pose a threat to Amartrandi civilian safety. You may now begin combat operations. Good luck men."
"Yes sir." They both hung up.
"Papa Bird to all dogs. Papa Bird to all dogs. We are a go. Follow engagement code two. Repeat, follow engagement code two. Papa Bird out."
The Hawks racing over Akkalan suddenly picked up speed as they twisted and turned out of formation making run after run at the Ansurian armour.
"Rover One engaging." The four of them began flushing out the Challengers and Centuries they had seen moments before. Missiles, rockets and the odd bomb left massive dust clouds hanging over the battlefield. Casings from their cannons fell to the ground as they shot up trucks and scattered troop concentrations. After twenty minutes of strafing, bombing and buzzing the Ansurian forces, the four aircraft turned north, towards the carriers to prepare for their next run.
"Dog two engaging enemy armour over the village." The two Hawks that were left over the small village fired all sixteen of their combined air-to-surface weaponry at sixteen different tanks. Next they turned their cannons on lightly armoured targets such as personnel carriers, trucks and soldiers. Within minutes their ammo was exhausted and they headed back to the carriers to rearm and refuel.
The five squadrons of CF-17s burst up, out of the clouds, keeping an eye on their radar and the sky for enemy aircraft. Five more squadrons began taking off from the carriers with another five being prepared for air-to-ground roles.
The Greyhounds carrying the first troops began arriving over the coastline in a tight formation, however they were still minutes from the dropzone, a small, seemingly deserted village that dominated a small river valley and the bridge crossing.
ooc: Ansuria, we could really use a bit more detail of the Empire. Cities, maybe rivers or mountains and what not would really help the RP.
14-07-2006, 03:50
OOC: I've been thinking about that. Allies of the two main participants - Azazia and Saint Fedski are allowed, though within reasonable limit. This also applies to my own allies.
Join only at the request of Fed or Az.
[OOC: Okay, roger that. Mind if I drop in guys?]
From inside a shallow hole dug into the earth, Porter and Ivanov listened to the monstrous, near deafening noise of the chain gun, ripping the ground ahead of them to shreds throwing dirt and sand and stone onto the blankets haphazardly covering them and the unit’s food and ammunition. In an almost absurd fashion, the two privates rested their backs against the stalwart, packed earth and looked at each other. What a bloody mess this is, Porter sighed, cradling his rifle in his lap. He could have peered over the edge and tried to take aim at steel and composite armour but it would do no good. Best to simply hunker down and wait it out.
You think they’re going to move forward, Ivanov asked, stopping his hand from fishing for a cigarette.
A sudden crack snapped the two back into the reality, as a round slammed into the ground nearby. Porter glanced over at his buddy and smiled. Perhaps, and if they do, we just give them more of the same.
O’Neill meanwhile simply shook his head. He had watched what looked like five men go down, though he could not tell for sure – what he could guess was that the brief burst of fire had caused some casualties, the extent would likely never be known. If he survived, he would write five because the four bodies of his team that now lay almost still on the ground deserved it. Slowly, he pushed the microphone next to his throat, Delta and Echo, hold fire. Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie, hold fire.
Out in the night, four heat signatures remained on the field, visible to those looking from the Scorpions, three deadly still while the fourth showed sudden spasms of movement. The fourth had lost his legs and was losing blood rapidly as the machine gunner he had been quite unlucky to survive the initial return fire. His three comrades in arms had died instantly, their bodies quickly exchanging their heat to the cool desert night.
Saint Fedski
14-07-2006, 14:11
SFS Sarnia, Theatre HQ, First Fleet, North of Ansuria
"General, when do you want our heavy armour to hit the ground?" General Jared Fedora asked General Maximus Obliqus.
"We'll allow our airborne units to secure vital installations prior to making an major commitment. For all we know, our airborne could secure something extremely vital or provide such a vicious fight that Ansurian moral would break and cause them to lose momentum. Until we get a definite idea of how this is going, the AF and NAA will continue to pound any enemy armoured units we see while helicopters will destroy everything else. I plan on using plenty of helicopter assaults to flank, out flank and surround them."
"With all do respect sir, I believe we should land the ground forces now while there is little to no resistance, then solidify our positions instead of allowing them to better prepare for the landing. If we get enough of our force on the ground, we'd force them to commit to a large scale ground battle which would drag out the bulk of their forces allowing our aircraft to exploit the situation and eliminate them."
"I see where you are coming from. Admiral, what do you feel is the best course of action?"
"If this was my theatre sir, I'd commit all of our airborne units right away to secure vital bridges and high ground while also securing a spot or two along the coast to land. Once those positions have been secured from the ground, I'd begin landing the soldiers under heavy air cover of course. My immediate goals would be to get a strong position and to eliminate any enemy activity in that area. Once completely secure, we could then reach out to wherever we may need to project our power."
"Another interesting position. Captain Vokes, what's your take?"
"I agree with everything thats been said so far. Ansuria is a smaller nation, much smaller than Saint Fedski and Torontia. I'd continue to project our power and air power throughout the concerned area. However, I would secure a landing zone using the airborne units and a helicopter assault. Once a small position has been secured I would land a small, armoured force to hold the position while the airborne units were landed once again further inland."
"Excuse me for interupting, but why would you call them back only to drop them back in a few miles away?" General Obliqus interupted.
"Recalling them to the carriers would free them up from heavy, infantry style fighting, free up space in the landing zone and allow them to be utilized if needed elsewhere. Airborne units are elite troops meant to quickly capture a position and hold until relieved by well equipped, well prepared and supported infantry. They aren't meant for maintaining complete control of a battlefield for an extended period of time. Anyways, they would land further in to capture other positions or to attack the Ansurian rear. When they land, more units from the army would be rushed ashore to expand and break out of the landing zone and relieve the airborne, hopefully capturing the enemy in a bit of a pinch from all three sides."
"All three sides?"
"Yes, front, rear and above. The we'd have complete control over the area."
"I must say that is probably the most imaginative plan I've heard of lately. I kind of like it." Obliqus admitted sheepishly. Obliqus is not normally one to change his mind or his plans, but when he's wrong he is not afraid to admit it. That kind of attitude gave him much credibility and support during his active duty life.
"Yes, yes that could work..." General Fedora trailed off in thought. "Maybe with a couple tweaks here and there it could be improved quite a bit. But for an on the spot plan, that's not bad, not bad at all, not bad at all by any standard. I'd like to support Captain Vokes' plan."
"I as well." Admiral Bradley chipped in.
"Well there we have it, we have a new plan. Admiral, please have the drop changed immediately. We don't have much time."
"Yes sir." The Admiral spun around and quickly walked back to his bridge. "Captain Drundy, change of plans. A new drop zone has been assigned. Please correct the drop zone to here..." He pointed at a small village on the outskirts of a larger city with a well developed harbour."
"Yes sir." The Captain snapped as he picked up the radio and began chatting to his pilots.
The dropmaster had just flicked on the red light, warning the troops that the drop was two minutes away when the aircraft suddenly began turning steeply, so steeply that the soldiers were falling across the aisles onto their comrades.
"Men we have a change of plans. We will be dropping near the coast. We will be on our own for the night, possibly much of the day. We will have constant air cover though thank to Major Simons, the liasion officer from the navy. I do not know what we can expect to face, but whatever it is, it will be a determined force. The element of surprise is our's, let's not waste it. These Ansurians will not take long to recover. Ready?"
"READY" They shouted in unison.
The green light flicked on.
They soldiers ran out of the door, disappearing into the grey sky one by one before pulling their chutes and floating through the low hanging clouds.
Twelve CF-17's screamed along the ground as 448 soldiers fell gracefully from their airplanes towards the small village marked only by a dot on their map. Not an armoured unit was in sight, perhaps they had been chased away by the presence of the Commonwealth aircraft? Either way another 448 soldiers were expected by nightfall and another thousand the following day.
To: Katherine Schleicher, Chairwoman, Commonwealth of Saint Fedski
From: Iirich Tovildan, Prime Minister, Empire of Ansuria
Re: Airspace violation
I will accept no apology, nor play along in any further political manouvering. I was just informed that the Fedskian aircraft previously mentioned performed an unprovoked, cowardly attack upon an Imperial armoured unit, killing and wounding a number of men of the 6th Imperial Heavy Dragoons and destroying several tanks.
The operation against the Amartrandi rebels has been suspended, and our entire military might will instead focus upon defending the Empire from the grasping hands of the Commonwealth of Saint Fedski.
I hereby declare, that a state of total war exists between the Empire of Ansuria, and the Commonwealth of Saint Fedski. May peace be swift, and the enemies of the Empire humbled.
Iirich Tovildan
Prime Minister
Empire of Ansuria
Valara's gunner fired a round into the halved body of the enemy infantryman, ending the man's suffering. He peered into his thermal sighting unit, trying to pick out more targets, but all he could see were the tiny, shrinking signatures of rapidly cooling bodies. He fired another round into the freezing desert night.
'<No targets, Sergeant Valara,>' he said.
'<Copy that, Virai,>' replied the Sergeant, '<Lacer! Get me a comm link to MK-168!>'
'<Aye, sarge,>' acknowledged Valara's driver, tapping the codes into his vehicle's new comm unit. '<Ready for transmitting, sarge. Set your microbead to channel three.>'
Valara switched his microbead down from squad-level, through two and onto channel three.
'<Calling MK-168, this is Sergeant Tomax Valara, callsign Foxtrot Victor Six-Oh-Niner, requesting immediate infantry reinforcement at my position, transmitting coordinates now, landing zone is hot, repeat, hot!>'
OOC: Going out, will reply to other posts in a couple of hours.
ooc: this is all I have time to post for the moment, but in case you wanted to continue moving the story along I figured I'd post the next moves. Even if it will take some time for them to affect the skirmish./ooc
New Kent Green, Imperium, United Kingdom
Far from the deserts of Amartrand, the shrill laughter of children delighting in fountains and young lovers laughing under the shade of palms and deciduous trees emanated from the soft and supple grass of the capital’s newest park. As the brainchild of a Democratic Socialist MP Campbell Downing, the Prime Minister had decided to open the park in an official ceremony, standing beside one of his party’s brighter stars. Together they occupied the centre of the stage, fully surrounded in the warmth of not just the subtropics but the leisurely atmosphere of those attending the opening.
Watching the young man speak, the short and slender Lord Salisbury smiled broadly and quietly. He turned to the rear of the stand only upon feeling a slight tugging of his trousers, finding a senior aide holding a piece of paper folded in his other hand. The Prime Minister stooped low enough to retrieve the message, all in view of the cameras recording the event live – though admittedly very few were broadcasting the event on their networks owing to the fact that the Prime Minister was only opening a park. After quickly digesting the short message he turned once more to his aide, nodding his head and mouthing Proceed, before turning back to the palms and greenery of the United Kingdom.
HMS Tireless
Captain, we have a Go from the Admiralty.
The commanding officer, a veteran of the UK’s previous war that had witnessed massive naval conflict, simply nodded. He looked down at the small LCD map in the control room of an efficient, but older UK submarine equipped with eighteen land-attack cruise missiles. Proceed, he ordered.
From beneath the surface, four hatches forward of the sail popped open, releasing sealed containers that witnessed the fiery launch of their cruise missile packages when they finally reached the surface. It would take twenty minutes until they reached the battlefield south of Ansuria, the targets the armoured vehicles pinning down what remained of the UK special forces unit and as the Admiralty and even the captain hoped, the leading elements of the infantry reinforcements that now appeared to be headed to the same location.
Lieutenant Dol Feskin held grimly on to the handrails inside the truck as it bumped along the cracked surface of the desert. Nine men of the IAA rode in the back of his vehicle, while two other vehicles followed, carrying another twenty men of his platoon. Flashes lit the night, followed by dull booms as the scout tanks fired their main guns.
He turned to face his men, '<THIRTY SECONDS!>'
'<...reported by Cassir Jansen, a resident of Jorim. I repeat, Fedskian paratroopers are reported to have made a drop outside the town of Jorim. The Imperial Ansurian Army is moving to engage the enemy, and urges civilians to stay in their homes until the all-clear can be given...>'
OOC: Sorry for lack of depth, your landing was reported by a citizen of the village who saw the drop, and phoned the police. The police phoned the army, and the army phoned the VIII Brigade, who are approaching from the south.
Current stuff:
V Brigade, Encamped at MK-165, Combat-Ready.
VI Brigade, Disengaging from civilian targets, preparing for combat.
VII Brigade, Encamped at MK-167, Combat-Ready
VIII Brigade, Moving to engage Fedskian Paratroops near Jorim, Close Air Support from A-10s and F-22s.
IX Brigade, Occupying defensive positions, Combat-Ready.
Saint Fedski
15-07-2006, 18:28
Screaming above the village now known as Jorim, the two flights of CF-17s spotted dust rising in the distance.
"Papa Bird, Rover Six is moving to check out possible enemy movement south of Jorim."
"Roger that Six."
Six, or one flight, of the CF-17s accelerated and buzzed over the top of the advancing Ansurian armoured personnel carriers.
"Papa Bird we have armour. We have a confirmed sighting of armour. Need back up. I repeat, we need back up over."
"Roger that Six. Radar reports enemy aircraft inbound. Engage the aircraft, but keep an eye on the ground."
"Roger. Six out."
The aircraft quickly pulled up rejoining their comrades just below the clouds before finally pulling up sharply and breaking through the low ceiling.
A flight of Lu-42 Hawks was being pulled from Akkalan to tackle the threat
The first soldiers landed in a small field around Jorim. They quickly cut away their parachutes before racing to the cover of the village. A couple villagers took pop shots with shot guns and pistols, wounding two Saint Fedskian soldiers.
"GET DOWN GET DOWN" A sergeant screamed as he burst into a small building. "EVERYBODY GET DOWN"
He fired some shots into the air.
"Johnson, get your team to the roof. Keep an eye out."
"Right away." The four-man team rushed to the stairs and booted it up all four flights to the roof.
The building was right on the western edge of the city and had an unobstructed view of most approaches from the west, southwest and a limited view of the southern approaches.
The 448 soldiers were only lightly armed. As they were the first group to arrive, their job was to quickly secure strategic positions before the bulk of the equipment arrived.
"Karndi, you and Dunham get out there and set up your ambushes." The colonel ordered his two sniper teams. "Keep me informed and only target the officers."
"Yes sir" they replied as they sprinted off.
They were extremely skilled at hiding and evading the enemy, especially when the enemy wasn't expecting them. The three men of each teamquickly found two different places to hide and ambush the Ansurians from among the bush.
It was now 05:19. A couple neighbourhoods had been secured and patrols sent out into the surrounding area. The next drop, containing another 448 soldiers and some heavy equipment, was expected in forty minutes.
Saint Fedski
15-07-2006, 18:32
CSF Casualties
As of 06:00 on Day 2.
Air Force
Two wounded soldiers (Jorim)
Two lightly damaged aircraft (bullet holes)
One moderately damaged aircraft (bullet holes, shrapnel, clipped a tree)
'<Golfer One, this is Golfer Niner. Enemy aircraft spotted at three o'clock, permission to engage.>'
'<Golfer Niner, this is Golfer One, keep formation. Squadron will engage.>'
The sixteen F-22 fighters of G-Squadron were formed into four wedges. Together, they banked right, and angled themselves into the attack.
'<Flight Golfer Green, preparing to fire...>'
'<Golfer Red Flight, readying missiles...>'
'<Golfer Blue, missiles away.>'
OOC: As previously stated, VIII Brigade is accompanied by air support. Prepare to recieve A2A missiles. The Brigade itself is preparing to attack, and is currently in temporary defensive positions 19km to your south.
South of the Ansurian Border
O’Neill grimaced as he watched one of the armoured vehicles end the life of one of his men, though in truth he knew he would have done the same to end a torturous and wretched existence that would result in only a painful death. He had watched the quick skirmish unfold, his men facing a far stronger and more numerous enemy forces, and despite the horrific losses, he felt proud of those men laying at rest on the desert sands. They had carried out their duty despite seemingly insurmountable odds.
With what he could only presume to be the first phase of the battle complete, he had called for some heavy firepower to support him until the airborne troops began landing in a few hours. Fortunately the Royal Navy had done its part and loosed a salvo of cruise missiles that would hopefully inflict damage on the Ansurian forces and force them to return to their side of the border. The catch was that it would still take some twenty minutes before those missiles rained their death and destruction upon the barren sands.
The Foreign Office, Imperium, United Kingdom
What is this, Winchester mockingly moaned, his secretary handing him a small note.
From the Foreign Secretary, she replied, rolling her eyes to the annoying antics of her boss.
Winchester unfolded the note and recognised the script of his superior, a script that outlined much of the recent activities in Ansuria as had been reported to the Prime Minister and then to the Foreign Secretary. Her directive was simple in intent if not in procedure: contact the Ansurian government and inform them of the United Kingdom’s yet undeclared position.
The problem lay in the fact that neither state had any official representatives in the other, and given the rapidly deteriorating situation Winchester held it unlikely that Ansuria would permit a diplomatic delegation to discuss the crisis. Scrunching his nose and distorting his face, a habitual trait of when in thought, he pulled his laptop closer to him and opened it, switching it back on from its hibernation state. He quickly accessed the internet and after sometime found an e-mail address to the Foreign Minister. It was perhaps the best chance the two governments would have of communication, even if the ministerial contacts were askew.
Secure E-mail
To: Silus Tatham, Foreign Minister, Empire of Ansuria
From: Howard Winchester, Minister of State for International Relations, Foreign Office, United Kingdom of Oceania
Subj: Amartrand
It is with deep regret, Mr. Minister, that I find myself addressing you this evening. For some time, His Majesty’s Government has followed the worsening situation in Amartrand noting the disproportionate level of force deployed by your government to an impoverished and already embittered populace. As it stands, the current state of affairs in Amartrand may develop into a greater regional instability if not a flagrant disaster in the sphere of human rights and the general well-being of the local population.
With such concern, His Majesty’s Government has undertaken the drastic, but entirely necessary steps to being the deployment of ground forces to the southern border of Ansuria, such forces wholly not violating Ansurian sovereignty. Currently, His Majesty’s Government has a small preparatory team on the ground readying the way for the arrival of a much larger contingent of troops that will secure the porous border and provide aid and assistance to those refugees that may cross said border.
However, as the attached images will document in unquestionable fashion, your government has unilaterally taken it upon themselves to put our two states on a path towards an armed conflict, a conflict that would not likely end well for the Ansurian Empire. As I write this, Ansurian ground units have engaged, to the south of the internationally recognised and established border, the Royal Armed Services of His Majesty and the United Kingdom.
As a show of good faith that will hopefully start a peaceful discourse intended to find an acceptable long-term solution, His Majesty’s Government strongly requests that the Imperial Ansurian Government remove their forces from the battlefield and return them to the Ansurian side of the border, without the loss of any more lives of His Majesty’s soldiers. In turn, the United Kingdom will not launch a retaliatory incursion into the Ansurian Empire, as current events render entirely warranted.
It is my hope and the hope of His Majesty’s Government that our two states may yet find a peaceful resolution to the crisis of Amartrand; however, any such resolution must, by default, include the removal of Ansurian troops from south of the Ansurian border in a withdrawal that does not further injure, kill, main, or take captive personnel of the armed forces of the United Kingdom.
Sincerely and with the utmost urgency,
Howard Winchester
Minister of State for International Relations
The Foreign Office, United Kingdom of Oceania
Saint Fedski
17-07-2006, 03:06
The two flights of CF-17s, flying above the clouds had been tracking the 16 F-22s since they took off.
"Rover Six is engaging"
"Roger Six"
A couple (around six or so) missiles were fired as the twelve CF-17 engaged their enemy. As precisely the same time, missiles were fired from the F-22s.
"Missiles in bound!" Rover Six screamed into his radio. "Split Split!"
The formation disintegrated as the missiles approached, knocking two aircraft from the sky and damaging a third.
"Rover Five, report, report"
"Rover Five, ETA, three minutes"
"Roger Five"
The F-22s and the CF-17s flew through each other's formation as they crossed paths for the first time. The flight of Hawks were only three minutes out and could save the day if they arrived in time.
The second flight of greyhounds carrying another 448 soldiers arrived over Jorim and dropped the paratroops, who landed minutes later in the half secured city.
"Lieutenant, where's the Cap?"
"Right over that way" He pointed to a small farm house. "Go around back and down the stairs, he's in the cellar."
"Thank you." The soldier rushed toward the house.
"Captain Wallace?" The soldiers asked once he arrived in the cellar.
"Over here." A voice beckoned from around the corner. "May I help you?"
"Yes sir. I have a message from General Obliqus." He handed the Captain a scrap of paper.
Wallace, the third flight will arriving two hours after the second, and the fourth will be arriving two hours after the third.
"Thank you son" The Captain replied before the soldier rushed off to rejoin his unit.
Meanwhile, back on board the HES Sarnia...
"We need to strike deep into Ansuria soon. What have we got that can do the trick?" General Obliqus asked Admiral Bradley.
"Well, we have, you, have command over 20 B-1b Lancers that you can call in at anytime. You also have the full weight of the First Naval Air Arm. Look at this." Bradley opened a page in his Fleet Log and showed it to Obliqus.
Total Available Combat Aircraft:
CF-17 - 1418 aircraft
Lu-45 Hawk - 100 aircraft
AH-64 Apache - 100 aircraft
B-1B Lancer - 20 aircraft
Hardcore Iron
17-07-2006, 05:45
The Prime Minister's Office of the Imperial Republic of Hardcore Iron:
Prime Minister Allison Nevill was not pleased. Grand Field Marshal Keith Martin was already looking pretty abashed when the PM asked in a politely irritated tone,"Keith, please explain to me why the military has not acted yet in Ansuria?"
Keith replied, "Well... Considering the size of the political mandate given to the military, the logistics have taken longer to assemble than we previously estimated."
The PM smiled, and incidated with her hand for him to continue.
"Prime Minister, this is embarrasing for us to admit, but I think our soldiers are overfed." Keith said looking completely pained.
"Excuse me?" The Prime Minister replied.
The Grand Field Marshal answered slowly,"You see... Our soldiers eat 7 meals per day, about 5 thousand calories per day. The amount of food required to send half a million personal to another nation on that kind of diet frankly, is far bigger than previously estimated. The Logistics Core never planned for a mission of that scope so far away. Frankly, our supply train would be so enormous the financial drain on the nation would be immense."
He paused, and pulled out a report and put it on the PM's desk.
"To make matters worse" he said, as the PM glanced through the report and looked wide eyed at the picture in front of her, "the United Kingdom of Oceania and the The Commonwealth of Saint Fedski have already began to intervene. The Ansurian Empire has declared war on the Commonwealth... So I believe we'd be best to keep our soldiers home, and engage into a conflict where we can really make a difference."
The Prime Minister absorbed what she'd read and been told for a few moments and said, "Very well then. The Emperor will not be pleased."
They both sighed.
OOC: I'm out of this one guys. I don't have the time to make as many posts as I'd like right now.
17-07-2006, 08:06
Office of His Right Honorable Prime-Executive Leadership
Emerald Executive Recluse
United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia
"Mr. Prime Minister," said Joshua Lin Cheuk Kitt, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Sovereign Nations of Southeast Asia, in a calm and polite and formal manner, "I have some good news for you. I have received word from our diplomatic representation in Saint Fedski that the Commonwealth has at long last returned to the international scene."
Saint Fedski. That nation name was interpreted positively by the Neo Administration, as could be seen with the young and determined Prime Minister Yao Yang Nelson Neo. A grin had formed on the man's face. One could say that it was appropriate that Lin gave the news, as they were good friends for a very long time. Lin was an able diplomat, and that he indeed was a worthy political asset as he was a loyal friend. He knew how to be blunt-to-the-point when it was appropriate and how to be a gentleman and charm his way into people's hearts, a useful asset when meeting with foreign dignitiaries and establishing relations with foreign countries.
"What have they been up to, Mr. Lin?" asked Neo warmly.
"That was what I was going to get onto," Lin responded, "The Commonwealth has deployed peacekeeping units to a nation by the name of Ansuria. And there's more news to that - the deployed units they have in the said nation are very near toward peacekeeping forces of another nation that we have friendly ties with. The United Kingdom of Oceania is that nation, they have also deployed peacekeeping forces to Ansuria, and at the way things are going, the two nations crossing paths is inevitable."
Oceania. Neo thought, A nation that has a lot of say on what goes on this giant spaceship of a planet we all share, and one that we in Southeast Asia hold a great respect for....especially that leader of theirs, Lord Salisbury....I've got a good idea where good ol' Lin's heading to....
"Now, let us recall the State of Amestria and their stint in Torontia."
Lin said, knowing that Neo (like the rest of the cabinet) held a neutral opinion of the Amestrian State, however, due to the actions taken on Saint Fedski and Southeast Asia voicing disapproval and the fact that several Amestrian actions in Torontia were questionable, they did have suspicisions and didn't quite trust them. One could describe the relationship between Southeast Asia and Amestria as cold-neutral. "Initially, the Saint Fedskian Commonwealth and the Amestrian State got along, but the relationship fell into high degrees of negativity due to disagreements in the schedule to reconstruct Torontia and due to suspicisions of one another. Because of that, the two nations nearly had a civil war in the then-already wartorn nation and almost dragged Torontia even deeper into the gutter."
Lin took a quick breath, then he continued, Neo listening attentively. "However, the good thing is, after that dilemma, hopefully everyone learned something for the better. The Commonwealth of Saint Fedski's peacekeeping capabilites have certainly improved. However, the tensions between Saint Fedski and Amestria remain. This hasn't affected us too much, as we have no reason to formalize relations with Amestria and they also brought their bad reputation on themselves."
"But if this were situation with Amestria were to occur again with Oceania, this puts us in a bad situation. We would be forced to pick between friends. And we would have to mediate. And if we fail to mediate diplomatically, our ability as able diplomats would undoubtedly not go unquestioned."
"The best thing to do is to prevent the entire possibility is from the first place - make sure that the first encounter between Oceania and Saint Fedski is positive - I take it that you'll agree with me, old friend?" Neo asked.
"Yes," was the response of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, "should I contact the said parties or should you do the honors?"
"I'll do it."
[OOC: Consider this an IC TAG and a prelude of what's to come.]
To: Howard Winchester, Minister of State for International Relations, Foreign Office, United Kingdom of Oceania
From: Silus Tatham, Foreign Minister, Empire of Ansuria
Subj: RE: Amartrand
Though I may not personally agree with the methods undertaken by the Prime Minister and the IAA, the actions of the Amartrandi have been inexcuseable. Their myriad factions and tribes can never be fully at peace, much less a functioning part of the Empire, and I accept that they must be somehow removed.
I am concerned that the Oceanian Government has seen it fit to make preparations for a large military operation, but am not surprised. The footage I have seen of recent politics in the United Kingdom had already prepared me for any eventual action. I am aware of the disturbance across the southern border, and have been informed that it was your troops who instigated the fight by firing upon a patrol searching for an unidentified aircraft (Presumably belonging to Oceanian forces).
Trusting that, within a short period of time, it can be proven that the Oceanian deployment is of a peacekeeping nature, I will attempt to request a cease-fire and a retraction of troops from the south. If open conflict with Oceania can be avoided, then I have been instructed to follow such a course.
I regret that there can be no peaceful solution to the current crisis, save the quiet peace that follows any period of fighting.
Silus Tathan
Foreign Minister
Empire of Ansuria
OOC: Hungry, tired, lethargic. Will post again later.
ooc: currently, the deployment of UK troops south of Ansuria is not public knowledge. At most, HM Government has acknowledged in Parliament that they are ‘monitoring’ the situation; but for the time being they have not reacted either positively or negatively to what is going on in Amartrand nor have they stated any intention to deploy peacekeepers or forces for any other effect./ooc
To: Silus Tatham, Foreign Minister, Empire of Ansuria
From: Emily Deveraux, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, United Kingdom of Oceania
Subj: Amartrand Situation and Possible Solutions
Minister Tatham,
Having been fully apprised of the situation by the International Relations Minister, and upon consultation with the Prime Minister and the chiefs of staff of the Royal Armed Services, I write to you in order to provide your government with several possible alternatives that His Majesty’s Government would consider acceptable as long-term solutions for the territory of Amartrand.
Like your esteemed nation, the United Kingdom too maintains an empire, consisting of overseas territories of which a few maintain minority populations seeking to achieve independence through violence. His Majesty’s Government has not yet made an official stand on the situation in Amartrand and with good cause; for should the Ansurian government proceed with due diligence and care, especially for human rights and dignity, the United Kingdom will not oppose the assertion of Ansurian sovereignty over Amartrand. However, any such backing of Ansurian sovereignty cannot and shall not come as a result of what now appears to be an act of genocide.
The first possible solution is also the least likely, though it would be in contradiction to the expressed aims of the Imperial Ansurian government: independence for Amartrand. A politically sovereign state, it should be noted, imply an immediate cessation of dependence on the Ansurian Empire for Amartrand realistically has very few prospects for economic development save perhaps the creation of transportation and shipment nodes that would serve as ports of entry and departure from eastern Ansuria. Any such development, however, would most likely come from businesses and companies based within the Ansurian Empire and it is highly conceivable that while political sovereignty may be established by Amartrand, they shall never likely have economic sovereignty – a far more important level of independence than political.
Another possible solution revolves around the concept of shared governance. If the Ansurian government were to share the responsibilities of administering Amartrand with native Amartrandis, preferably non-rebels, Amartrandis will be forced to recognise the further destruction of their territory, accomplished after further rebel assaults and ambushes, would be in part of their own creation and would serve as an internal pressure for the Amartrandi people to clean their own house, so to speak. Most ideally, such a shared governance would be created through the sharing of sovereignty at a national level: the head of state of the Empire would be removed from the head of government of Ansuria. Then, Amartrand would create its own government that would report to the head of state in a fashion similar to how the Ansurian head of government would report.
Thirdly, I present the far simpler, and in the opinion of His Majesty’s Government preferable, route of achieving a peaceful solution to the crisis: political devolution. Sovereignty remains in the hands of Ansuria, however, in exchange for peace and regional stability most domestic affairs are left to the hands of a democratically elected government based in Akkalan while the critical fields of defence, finance, and foreign affairs remain dealt with in Corrusanta. The United Kingdom would prefer this approach as it provides a small measure of dignity to the local population without giving them too much, which would in effect be rewarding them for their terrorist activities. Additionally, the United Kingdom bases its empire upon the consent and willingness of those it governs; and such a system of government would allow the United Kingdom to more easily negotiate with the Ansurian Empire, which would be providing direct evidence of its commitment to liberal democracy.
As per the legitimate but unfounded concerns over Oceanian deployments south of the Ansurian border, the arrival of forces in a few hours time will entail the arrival of the perimeter guard for what will become an airbase and eventually a refugee compound. Should the Ansurian government, however, request the deployment of the Oceanian troops in Amartrand as peacekeepers His Majesty’s Government would be willing to seriously consider such a request.
I hope that this communiqué provides further evidence that the United Kingdom seeks not to unnecessarily entangle itself in the sovereign affairs of the Ansurian government. However, when human rights and dignity are being trampled, such sovereignty is in the mind of HM Government willingly rejected and it becomes an affair of the United Kingdom. We seek not to enter into armed conflict with such a great nation, nor do we seek to punish the Ansurian government or its citizens. We simply aim to provide a political resolution to the crisis that will guarantee safety and stability to Amartrand.
Emily Deveraux
Foreign Secretary
United Kingdom
22-09-2006, 08:02
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]ooc: currently, the deployment of UK troops south of Ansuria is not public knowledge. At most, HM Government has acknowledged in Parliament that they are ‘monitoring’ the situation; but for the time being they have not reacted either positively or negatively to what is going on in Amartrand nor have they stated any intention to deploy peacekeepers or forces for any other effect./ooc
[OOC: Sorry to bump up an old-thread, but just for the record Oceania, there's something called 'satellite surveillance'. I think that there may have been some news leaks (not the important details at least) of Saint Fedskian involvement, so we could simply just use our spy-sats to check it out....]