The Cassiopeia Galaxy
06-07-2006, 22:57
Capital Ships
Sergei Ilyanov Class Command Ship (
Length: 1.5KM
Speed: 6.5 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: Class 15
Shield: 6,000 SBD
Hull: 2,400 RU
96x PD Cannons
184x Hypervelocity Nuclear Missile Launchers
8x Ion Cannons
2x Tractor Beam
3x Particle Beam Cannon
75 Fighters
10 Shuttles
Crew: 8,400
Passengers: 2,400 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 10,000 metric tons
Consumables: 4.5 years
The pride of the Cassiopeian Navy, there are only three of these beauties being used. The CNS Sergei Ilyanov, the CNS Aralonia, and the CNS Whyatica. Armed to the teeth, it is its own small fleet. It's also the largest ship in the Navy and requires a large crew. It is also armed with a rarity in the Navy, a particle beam cannon which in short is just a massive wanky laser beam of doom. Other then that, it is to be feared, granted there are bigger ships but gosh dang it is sexy.
Cassiopeia Class Battleship (
Length: 950m
Speed: 8 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: Class 15
Shield: 2,500 SBD
Hull: 1,100 RU
24x PD Cannons
36x Hypervelocity Nuclear Missile Launchers
4x Ion Cannons
1x Tractor Beam
28 Fighters
Two Shuttles
Crew: 6,500
Passengers: 1,100 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 5,000 metric tons
Consumables: 3.7 years
The flagship of most of the fleets in the Cassiopeian Navy, this eponymously named battleship is able to command and at the same time combat. It carries a small compliment of fighters, allowing it to operate by itself if need be. Smaller then the usual battleships, it relies on the fleet's large fighter escorts to do the hard work and protection. Also, I think it looks quite good don't you think so?
Liberty Class Cruiser (
Length: 700m
Speed: 13 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2
Backup: Class 12
15x PD Cannons
80x Hypervelocity Nuclear Missile Launchers
1x Tractor Beam
Shield: 781 SBD
Hull: 451 RU
1 Shuttle
Crew: 4,900
Passengers: 100 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 7,500 metric tons
Consumables: 1.5 years
This cruiser can patrol anything by itself. Even though it sports no large hanger like most cruisers, it offesets this with its speed. And I think it's faster then most cruisers. It follows the principle of small and light. It usually does some screening duties but it can fight other capital ships if need be, of course.
Hoplon Class Frigate (
Length: 250m
Speed: 17 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2
Backup: Class 15
20x PD Cannons
1x Tractor Beam
Shield: 576 SBD
Hull: 304 RU
Two Shuttles
Crew: 850
Passengers: 40 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 300 metric tons
Consumables: 3 weeks
The main frigate in the Cassiopeian Star Navy, its job is not to attack capital ships. Instead it is to screen out starfighters attempting to harm the larger ships. Usually ten of them are in each fleet, on the outside constantly scanning. It also carries two small shuttles so it can be used for diplomacy work, and it's fast. Of course the downside is that it only has three weeks of supplies, but, there are usually other transports or stations that would gladly supply the frigate.
Misdemeanor Class Gunship (
Length: 119m
Speed: 29 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2
Backup: Class 16
4x PD Cannons
8x Hypervelocity Nuclear Missile Launchers
Shield: 416 SBD
Hull: 176 RU
Complement: None
Crew: 91
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: 300 metric tons
Consumables: 8 months
The gunship of the Star Navy. It can take and give a beating to any capital ship it opposes. Its fast speed and small size helps too. Plus its crew is small so it's good on those that are on a small budget, i.e. the Cassiopeia Commonwealth. Plus it's so darned cute don't you think so? No? Well screw you.
Angelina Class Escort Carrier (
Length: 180m
Speed: 35 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: Class 12
4x PD Cannons
Shield: 90 SBD
Hull: 43 RU
20 Fighters
10 Bombers
5 Interceptors
Crew: 10
Passengers: 120 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 500 metric tons
Consumables: 1 month
A really small ship, it carries the fighters of the entire fleet. Five are usually assigned to each fleet, with a total of 175 starfighters (100 fighters, 50 bombers, 25 interceptors) assigned to protect the fleet. Its speed is amazing but it's offset by its easiness to blow up, which is why there are usually kept right close to the flagship deep within fleet.
Fleet Setup
There are a total of eighty (their official name being BattleFleets) which are used to patrol and in case of an invasion as a flexible defence force. They consist of the following.
1st BattleFleet of Cassiopeia
1 Cassiopeia Class Battleship
3 Liberty Class Cruisers
10 Hoplon Class Frigates
5 Angelina Class Escort Carriers
6 Misdemeanor Class Gunships
There are also three large fleets that function as the main fleets. One is for defence of the capital (which is Rosanica), one is for power projection (aka pwning), one is for reserve (in case s*** hits the fan). They consist of the following.
1st Fleet of Cassiopeia
1 Sergei Ilyanov Class Command Ship
4 Cassiopeia Class Battleships
10 Liberty Class Cruisers
25 Hoplon Class Frigates
10 Angelina Class Escort Carriers
10 Misdemeanor Class Gunships
CF-7 Starfighter (
Length: 12m
Speed: 100 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: None
2x Laser Cannons
2x Proton Torpedo Launchers
Shield: N/A
Hull: N/A
Complement: None
Crew: 1
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: 110kg
Consumables: 5 days
The main starfighter of the Cassiopeian Star Navy. It's fast, good looking, and small. It can do almost anythng and everything you wanted. A balance between an interceptor and a heavy fighter, it's maneuvrable and goshdernit did I mention it looks good? It can be compared to an X-Wing when it comes to its shield and hull strenght, minus that obnoxious R2 unit of course. I bet you hate him too. Oh and it holds six proton torperdoes.
CI-11 Interceptor (
Length: 8m
Speed: 135 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: None
1x Laser Cannon
1x Missile Launcher
Shield: N/A
Hull: N/A
Complement: None
Crew: 1
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: None
Consumables: 2 days
With the ability to go OMG WTF FAST this is the interceptor of the Cassiopeian Star Navy. Its hull and shields can be comparable of those of an A-Wing. It has only one laser cannon due to the fact to make space for an extra fast engine. Plus again, it looks good. I'm so vain I know.
CB-1 Starbomber (
Length: 15m
Speed: 82 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: None
2x Laser Cannon
4x Proton Torpedo Launchers
1x Bomb Bay
1x Ion Cannon
Shield: N/A
Hull: N/A
Complement: None
Crew: 3
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: None
Consumables: 9 days
The bomber of the Star Navy, it's quite fast and powerful. Armed with so much weaponry, it can destroy almost anything if need be. There are three crewmen. One to fly. He also handles the missile weaponry. One to bomb, obviously. And one solely dedicated to the ion cannon. Hey, it's useful. The ion cannon can disable any small ship or object making it useful. Its hull and shields can be compared of that of a Y-Wing, plus it's sexy. Duh.
Techi Class Shuttle (
Length: 20m (23m wide)
Speed: 1,400G
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: None
4x Laser Cannons
1x Concussion Missile Launcher
1x Tractor Beam
Shield: N/A
Hull: N/A
Complement: None
Crew: 1
Passengers: 20
Cargo Capacity: 67 metric tons
Consumables: Two months
This shuttle is usually found on frigates, cruisers, any ship with a hanger... or just a normal hanger. It's used to transport small squads, diplomats in between ships, and any other utilitarian job. A Kinsiburo design, it is as agile and armored and shielded as a CF-7 starfighter, but its speed can be compared to that of the old Lambda shuttles used by the Cassiopeian Navy. It's also quite wide, but it can be countered by stacking them on top of another, which is what is usually done. If a person is desperate, it can be used as a bomber also... which hasn't happened... yet.
Air Hippo Class Battlecruiser (
Length: 810 M
Speed: 15 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: Class 5
Shield: 910 SBD
Hull: 240 RU
35x PD Cannons
50x Hypervelocity Nuclear Missile Launchers
3x Ion Cannons
6x Tractor Beam
50 Fighters
6 Shuttles
10 Bombers
Crew: 5,300
Passengers: 500 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 255,000 metric tons
Consumables: N/A
The ultimate in Cassiopeian naval technology, sort of. Designed to be part of no fleet, it is a battlecruiser designed for exploration. As you can see it can still defend itself quite nicely, and it uses many sorts of technology such as replicators that make supplies and ammunition appear out of nowhere using a wanky principle of physics involving my pants. Its roles can include first contact, pwning, and exploration. There are only 12 of these ships, since you know, they're bloody expensive.
Pax Cassiopeia Class Corvette (
Length: 186m
Speed: 22 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 4
Backup: None
8x Turbolasers
Shield: 100 SBD
Hull: 50 RU
8 Escape Pods
2 Shuttles
Crew: 155
Passengers: 250 Marines
Cargo Capacity: Unknown
Consumables: 5 months
While never in the main fleets, they are the ones who patrol most of the system. They are also used for small escort duties and diplomatic transportation. Sometimes they're used in an offensive capability to put down a rebellion. Plus they look cool.
(If anything here is wrong, it's because I suck at designing things, atlot.)
Capital Ships
Sergei Ilyanov Class Command Ship (
Length: 1.5KM
Speed: 6.5 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: Class 15
Shield: 6,000 SBD
Hull: 2,400 RU
96x PD Cannons
184x Hypervelocity Nuclear Missile Launchers
8x Ion Cannons
2x Tractor Beam
3x Particle Beam Cannon
75 Fighters
10 Shuttles
Crew: 8,400
Passengers: 2,400 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 10,000 metric tons
Consumables: 4.5 years
The pride of the Cassiopeian Navy, there are only three of these beauties being used. The CNS Sergei Ilyanov, the CNS Aralonia, and the CNS Whyatica. Armed to the teeth, it is its own small fleet. It's also the largest ship in the Navy and requires a large crew. It is also armed with a rarity in the Navy, a particle beam cannon which in short is just a massive wanky laser beam of doom. Other then that, it is to be feared, granted there are bigger ships but gosh dang it is sexy.
Cassiopeia Class Battleship (
Length: 950m
Speed: 8 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: Class 15
Shield: 2,500 SBD
Hull: 1,100 RU
24x PD Cannons
36x Hypervelocity Nuclear Missile Launchers
4x Ion Cannons
1x Tractor Beam
28 Fighters
Two Shuttles
Crew: 6,500
Passengers: 1,100 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 5,000 metric tons
Consumables: 3.7 years
The flagship of most of the fleets in the Cassiopeian Navy, this eponymously named battleship is able to command and at the same time combat. It carries a small compliment of fighters, allowing it to operate by itself if need be. Smaller then the usual battleships, it relies on the fleet's large fighter escorts to do the hard work and protection. Also, I think it looks quite good don't you think so?
Liberty Class Cruiser (
Length: 700m
Speed: 13 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2
Backup: Class 12
15x PD Cannons
80x Hypervelocity Nuclear Missile Launchers
1x Tractor Beam
Shield: 781 SBD
Hull: 451 RU
1 Shuttle
Crew: 4,900
Passengers: 100 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 7,500 metric tons
Consumables: 1.5 years
This cruiser can patrol anything by itself. Even though it sports no large hanger like most cruisers, it offesets this with its speed. And I think it's faster then most cruisers. It follows the principle of small and light. It usually does some screening duties but it can fight other capital ships if need be, of course.
Hoplon Class Frigate (
Length: 250m
Speed: 17 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2
Backup: Class 15
20x PD Cannons
1x Tractor Beam
Shield: 576 SBD
Hull: 304 RU
Two Shuttles
Crew: 850
Passengers: 40 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 300 metric tons
Consumables: 3 weeks
The main frigate in the Cassiopeian Star Navy, its job is not to attack capital ships. Instead it is to screen out starfighters attempting to harm the larger ships. Usually ten of them are in each fleet, on the outside constantly scanning. It also carries two small shuttles so it can be used for diplomacy work, and it's fast. Of course the downside is that it only has three weeks of supplies, but, there are usually other transports or stations that would gladly supply the frigate.
Misdemeanor Class Gunship (
Length: 119m
Speed: 29 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2
Backup: Class 16
4x PD Cannons
8x Hypervelocity Nuclear Missile Launchers
Shield: 416 SBD
Hull: 176 RU
Complement: None
Crew: 91
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: 300 metric tons
Consumables: 8 months
The gunship of the Star Navy. It can take and give a beating to any capital ship it opposes. Its fast speed and small size helps too. Plus its crew is small so it's good on those that are on a small budget, i.e. the Cassiopeia Commonwealth. Plus it's so darned cute don't you think so? No? Well screw you.
Angelina Class Escort Carrier (
Length: 180m
Speed: 35 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: Class 12
4x PD Cannons
Shield: 90 SBD
Hull: 43 RU
20 Fighters
10 Bombers
5 Interceptors
Crew: 10
Passengers: 120 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 500 metric tons
Consumables: 1 month
A really small ship, it carries the fighters of the entire fleet. Five are usually assigned to each fleet, with a total of 175 starfighters (100 fighters, 50 bombers, 25 interceptors) assigned to protect the fleet. Its speed is amazing but it's offset by its easiness to blow up, which is why there are usually kept right close to the flagship deep within fleet.
Fleet Setup
There are a total of eighty (their official name being BattleFleets) which are used to patrol and in case of an invasion as a flexible defence force. They consist of the following.
1st BattleFleet of Cassiopeia
1 Cassiopeia Class Battleship
3 Liberty Class Cruisers
10 Hoplon Class Frigates
5 Angelina Class Escort Carriers
6 Misdemeanor Class Gunships
There are also three large fleets that function as the main fleets. One is for defence of the capital (which is Rosanica), one is for power projection (aka pwning), one is for reserve (in case s*** hits the fan). They consist of the following.
1st Fleet of Cassiopeia
1 Sergei Ilyanov Class Command Ship
4 Cassiopeia Class Battleships
10 Liberty Class Cruisers
25 Hoplon Class Frigates
10 Angelina Class Escort Carriers
10 Misdemeanor Class Gunships
CF-7 Starfighter (
Length: 12m
Speed: 100 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: None
2x Laser Cannons
2x Proton Torpedo Launchers
Shield: N/A
Hull: N/A
Complement: None
Crew: 1
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: 110kg
Consumables: 5 days
The main starfighter of the Cassiopeian Star Navy. It's fast, good looking, and small. It can do almost anythng and everything you wanted. A balance between an interceptor and a heavy fighter, it's maneuvrable and goshdernit did I mention it looks good? It can be compared to an X-Wing when it comes to its shield and hull strenght, minus that obnoxious R2 unit of course. I bet you hate him too. Oh and it holds six proton torperdoes.
CI-11 Interceptor (
Length: 8m
Speed: 135 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: None
1x Laser Cannon
1x Missile Launcher
Shield: N/A
Hull: N/A
Complement: None
Crew: 1
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: None
Consumables: 2 days
With the ability to go OMG WTF FAST this is the interceptor of the Cassiopeian Star Navy. Its hull and shields can be comparable of those of an A-Wing. It has only one laser cannon due to the fact to make space for an extra fast engine. Plus again, it looks good. I'm so vain I know.
CB-1 Starbomber (
Length: 15m
Speed: 82 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: None
2x Laser Cannon
4x Proton Torpedo Launchers
1x Bomb Bay
1x Ion Cannon
Shield: N/A
Hull: N/A
Complement: None
Crew: 3
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: None
Consumables: 9 days
The bomber of the Star Navy, it's quite fast and powerful. Armed with so much weaponry, it can destroy almost anything if need be. There are three crewmen. One to fly. He also handles the missile weaponry. One to bomb, obviously. And one solely dedicated to the ion cannon. Hey, it's useful. The ion cannon can disable any small ship or object making it useful. Its hull and shields can be compared of that of a Y-Wing, plus it's sexy. Duh.
Techi Class Shuttle (
Length: 20m (23m wide)
Speed: 1,400G
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: None
4x Laser Cannons
1x Concussion Missile Launcher
1x Tractor Beam
Shield: N/A
Hull: N/A
Complement: None
Crew: 1
Passengers: 20
Cargo Capacity: 67 metric tons
Consumables: Two months
This shuttle is usually found on frigates, cruisers, any ship with a hanger... or just a normal hanger. It's used to transport small squads, diplomats in between ships, and any other utilitarian job. A Kinsiburo design, it is as agile and armored and shielded as a CF-7 starfighter, but its speed can be compared to that of the old Lambda shuttles used by the Cassiopeian Navy. It's also quite wide, but it can be countered by stacking them on top of another, which is what is usually done. If a person is desperate, it can be used as a bomber also... which hasn't happened... yet.
Air Hippo Class Battlecruiser (
Length: 810 M
Speed: 15 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup: Class 5
Shield: 910 SBD
Hull: 240 RU
35x PD Cannons
50x Hypervelocity Nuclear Missile Launchers
3x Ion Cannons
6x Tractor Beam
50 Fighters
6 Shuttles
10 Bombers
Crew: 5,300
Passengers: 500 Marines
Cargo Capacity: 255,000 metric tons
Consumables: N/A
The ultimate in Cassiopeian naval technology, sort of. Designed to be part of no fleet, it is a battlecruiser designed for exploration. As you can see it can still defend itself quite nicely, and it uses many sorts of technology such as replicators that make supplies and ammunition appear out of nowhere using a wanky principle of physics involving my pants. Its roles can include first contact, pwning, and exploration. There are only 12 of these ships, since you know, they're bloody expensive.
Pax Cassiopeia Class Corvette (
Length: 186m
Speed: 22 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 4
Backup: None
8x Turbolasers
Shield: 100 SBD
Hull: 50 RU
8 Escape Pods
2 Shuttles
Crew: 155
Passengers: 250 Marines
Cargo Capacity: Unknown
Consumables: 5 months
While never in the main fleets, they are the ones who patrol most of the system. They are also used for small escort duties and diplomatic transportation. Sometimes they're used in an offensive capability to put down a rebellion. Plus they look cool.
(If anything here is wrong, it's because I suck at designing things, atlot.)