NationStates Jolt Archive

The Game Is A-Foot (ATTN Mettalinauts)[ESUS War]

03-07-2006, 18:44
Yuuzhan'tar - Military High Command

"So, Yun-Yammka has payed a visit to the GFFA in the form of the "ESUS"... It seems war follows us wherever we go! Ha!" Lord Kunra stood in a darkened command chamber within the Military High Command building, addressing his commanders and other government heads. "It's no matter, the Yuuzhan Vong live for war. But this one has caught me by surprise. How are we to act?"

The question was addressed at the entire chamber, a somewhat desperate plea for answers. The Commanders and others looked at each other, wishing for someone else to venture an answer. After a few moments Warmaster Kraal ventured an answer. "Perhaps a large scale fleet strike against their infrastructure? We could disable their ability to wage war."

Kunra listened then turned an annoyed gaze on the Warmaster. "And how, exactly, would our fleet disable the ENTIRE ESUS infrastructure, HM?"

"I... well..."

"Quiet! When you have a plan worth mentioning, do so. Otherwise just be quiet..."

Silence filled the chamber as the others hesitated to suggest any plans, until Intelligence Chief Anor spoke up. "I believe Intelligence may have the perfect answer for a surprise first strike against an ESUS member..."

"Curious. Elaborate."

"The plan was formed during our stay with the GE in the event of a GE-GFFA war. It is called Operation Yo'gand's Legacy. The plan is..."

Harvyne II - Mettalinauts Space

A tiny, battered freighter drifted into the binary system towards it's only life-giving planet. It's transponder code identified it as the "Sunshine Surprise", a private freighter used for commerce. According to the forged documents in possession of the crew they were transporting software for sale on Harvyine II.

In the cockpit, three Yuuzhan Vong warriors sat watching the planet approach the viewport slowly. The ship was on autopilot and would remain that way until they landed. The mission's commander looked back at the other two. "Time for the ooglith masquers."

The other two just nodded and reached for a pouch on their belts. With a simple touch a tiny gellatenous creature oozed out of the pouch and settled on the floor at their feet. A second later in began to crawl up their legs, eventually covering their entire body, armour, weapons and all. Once the masquers had finished donning themselves the three mighty Yuuzhan Vong warriors looked like nothing more than a trio of lanky human males. The disguise would hold up against most visual inspections and cursory security scanners found at most open starports.

"Remember, we are here to sell software. Don't forget your tizowyrms, I don't want to do all the talking!" The other two shook their heads and tapped their earlobes. Two tiny worm-like creatures crawled out of their ears to display themselves to the commander. With a smile, the two put their worms back in.

The tizowyrm was a living, personal universal translator invented millenia ago by Yuuzhan Vong shapers. It allowed Yuuzhan Vong infiltrators to speak nearly any language in the known galaxy. With everything in place, the three warriors sat back and waited to land.

Harvyne II Spaceport

Having landed their ship in an open berth, the three infiltrators reported to customs for inspection. The customs officer on duty was a sleepy-looking man of late-40s to mid-50s. Not the most diligent man in the universe. He extended a hand to the commander. "Papers?"

The commander produced a small datapad with all the requisite information on it and handed it over. The customs officer looked it over casually and looked up at the commander. "Software, eh? Good luck with that..."

He glanced around the commander at the other two. "Darn, you guys are huge. Must grow 'em big on -" he glanced at the datapad again "- Teyr. Don't see many your size round here."

The commander smiled. "Lower gravity I guess..."

"Heh, I suppose so. Well, you guys are clear to unload. Have a pleasant stay."

On the way back to the ship the three infiltrators glanced at each other, surprised at how easy that was. "Fool. I wonder if he'll ever know what he just did... hehehehe!"

Outskirts of Spaceport, That Night

The three infiltrators raced off into the night in a stolen speeder, their true cargo in back. A large dovin basal, nearly three meters in diameter trailed the speeder on a repulsor lift trailer. The three of them were silent as they sped toward their final destination, a piece of wilderness 100km from civilization. It was a little under an our before they arrived.

Without a word the three of them discarded their masquers and began unloading the dovin basal. With some effort it was taken off the trailer and placed in a small gully. With a little more effort the gravity-warping creature was coaxed to life and made to work it's magic on Harvyne's moon. It would take several days to accomplish it's goal, but it would succeed.

With each successive pass over the location of the dovin basal, the moon's orbit would slow. It would be pulled a little closer to Harvyne. Within a few days the damage would be done and become irreversible. The moon of Harvyne would plummet from the sky and rain death on the tiny world of 20 million. The three infiltrators would stay behind and defend the dovin basal from any passersby or those who might figure out what happened. Operation Yo'gand's Legacy was now fully underway....