The Infinite Realities: OOC Discussion and info
I've been thinking about this for a while. I've come up with an RP, where the action does not take place in the NS Reality. Yes, the thread is here on nationstates, but the action moves outside of that reality.
Let me explain, yes, this is primarily magickal in nature, but that doesn't mean scinece is useless and ineffective. to the contrary, science is just as effective as magick, provided you understand it.
Anyways, it starts off as a seemingly random exploration thread, but as you explore each Reality I present, there will be oppurtunities to do things. As you find and complete these task, a storyline will emerge, about Kajeenith, Ruler of the infinite nothing, being out to destroy all things. Best thing is, is that everything depends upon everyone elses actions, because actions that occur in one reality, dimly effect things that happen in another.
You'll even get your own Reality you make up and explore. It can be as odd an unrealistic as you like, just, there ARE rules.
Now, qualifications to participate, there are none. You can be anyone from any sort of a backround, and still have challenges. Even if you have no knowledge of science, and no experience, or power, of magick.
There are many diffrent realities to explore, with more being added daily (Read:made-up) There are at the moment 10 diffrent Realities to explore, besides the original NS reality, and the area between realities itself.
They are:
Frez, Reality of eternal ICE:
All travelers automaticly gain superior traction on all icy surfaces.
Fire is impossible without a high Degree of Magick
Immunity to cold does come, but not right away
Nova, Reality of eternal Fire
Crystalis, World of Air
Qus, World of water,
Gaia, a gigantinc world that's really quite small, based upoin perspective.
The Infinite Nothing,
All senses Sharpen
To join, I request a complete BIO of your character or characters, including each and every power they may or may not have, and every piece of equipment they may or may not have.
Arcadeos (
The Rules and their reasoning.
1) Reality, science, and magick as you know it do not apply here.
Each Reality is seperate and unique unto itself, with its own rules and conditions. As an example: Something a simple as lighting a match on fire is impossible in at least two of the realities. I do not make them so unrealistic as to be difficult, but I do make them from ours in various ways.
2) Kajeenith knows everything about every reality. When you make up your own, either post it here, and it will be regarded as secret, that only I know, or TG it to me.
The reason is, is the Nothing is everywhere Something isn't. I know this is vague, but Reality is seperated by the Infinite Nothing. Thus, he has had ample time to explore each and every one, and learn its secrets. I will not use this information to my advantage until the time comes for the Takeover and destruction of all things, and then, at a slow rate.
3) When a disagreement arises, my decision is final. If you disagree with me, TG me, or discuss it here, but do not clutter the IC thread.
The reason for this should be simple and obvious. Its irritating to read through pages of arguments to try and find good information.
4) Only one detailed post per day is necessary.
Kind of like a web comic, only a post per day is necessary. The reason is, is my work schedule is hectic, and I work while everyone else is on, so all I ask is five minuetes of your time each day, to think up and post a thoughtful reply.
5) Finally, Anyone may come in or add more characterts at anytime. I have more than enough mental power to keep track of it all.
That's the IC thread,
02-07-2006, 04:25
Do you want the profile posted on this thread or tg'd to you?
I'd prefer posted in this thread.
02-07-2006, 05:30
Brown/Black mixed hair
Left eye is gray, right one is green
Two facial scars: One alng his left jawline, the other on his right from temple to neck.
No special powers per say. He is an unarmed combat/martial arts expert and a MacGuyver-like ability to build things out of the most innocous of items. His favored weapon is the knife and he carries an undisclosed number in varying sizes on his person. We're talking former commando here. He wears cambat boots, camo pants with kneepads, a tucked in skintight white t-shirt, fingerless gloves, and an unzipped green vest whose interior layer is made of kevlar and outerlayer is made up of ceramic plates (like Ranger body armor).
OOC: How's that?
The entire thread is OOC: and that's great, it has everything I need. Just make sure you know where its at, so you can update it as necessary.
I will also link it in my first post.
02-07-2006, 21:12
I assume when I step through that the doorway won't be behind me, or will be sealed shut.
Yes and no. The door will be there, it will be shut, but you must have the power to open it.
The Zombie Alliance
02-07-2006, 21:30
NAME: Yuezz
AGE: 15
HIGHT: 5'4"
HAIR: Black
RACE: Zombein(NOT a zombie)
02-07-2006, 21:33
Is it nothing but ice or is there snow? If it's just ice, it'll take longer but I can hollow out a cave instead.
Is it nothing but ice or is there snow? If it's just ice, it'll take longer but I can hollow out a cave instead.
Snow IS ice, its just in little flakes. However, your next to a massive Frozen Ocean, that's partially burried beneath snow, which is why I didn't post about it, if you ventur off, you'll eventually find it, unless THEY find you first...
02-07-2006, 22:15
It's up to you if he hit. If you wanted to be really evil, the wolf could be standing on the other side of the hole and he just whiffed.:eek:
02-07-2006, 22:18
Could I join in on this? It looks interesting. Could i enter Warworld?
Name: Chris
Age: 18
Race: Human
Powers: None
Hair: Dark blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Height 5'10
Wanderjar, yes, on both accounts.
02-07-2006, 23:45
Wanderjar, yes, on both accounts.
Thank you
03-07-2006, 00:05
Yes, I would like to join, and I can choose the world my char enters into, and comes from?
Name: Stanley Hargrove
Age: 36
Race: Human
Powers: Latent psychic abilities
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6' 2"
Background: His reality is much like ours, only 80 years in the past. He is a hitman from a twenties era mafia, and is very good at his job. He is usually seen in a suit with a trenchcoat and a fedora. He always carries his .38 with him, and sometimes his Chicago Typewriter with ammo drum. Part of his success at his job comes from his uncanny ability to sense upcoming events, including ambushes and the like.
The only Reality off limits is The Real World, namely RL, ours, Our reality we are in now. I request that you not choose the Ten Realities I set out to explore, but there is your one Custome reality.
03-07-2006, 00:17
So, now other's can go to 20's World, or summat like that, and I can control what happens there?
03-07-2006, 00:30
Wow. Thirteen grenades. Wanderjar, you're about to be corpse launched Halo-style.:p
Effectivly, yes. Others can enter your unique world, and you control what happens. Just remember, Kajeenith is the 3rd most powerful Entity i have, and he already knows all the ins and outs of your world. If I use him, its a major threat to your entire Reality. But only after a certain point in the game.
03-07-2006, 00:53
I was thinking it would be appropriate for both Wander's char, and my char to pop out in relatively the same spot. Then, my char would save his chars' ass when the grenades flew in. Instant friendship, or is that not allowed...
Oh, you'll meet, eventually... For now, just go with the Flow.
Warworld is all about fighting, all about division, and choosing sides. There are many sides. First, I will Show you both one side, diffrent sides, then I'll go from there.
There is also no such thing as friendship on Warworld, you can only not harm.
03-07-2006, 00:59
If there are no friends, how can there be sides and factions. Wouldn't everyone distrust everyone else, thus making it a free-for-all?
03-07-2006, 01:03
If there are no friends, how can there be sides and factions. Wouldn't everyone distrust everyone else, thus making it a free-for-all?
I think he's implying that the factions trust only in their leader, and that the people are metaphorical pawns in the chess match.
Or I could be completely wrong, which is more likely ;)
LOL Arcadeos. I was thinking the same thing!
Each side trusts its own members only slightly. They trust their leaders only slightly more. More factions have risen and fallen then i can easily count using all the stars in the sky. Yet through it all, the only constants are Warmaster and Warfather.
04-07-2006, 18:34
Join them in matrimony? Or.........I could depopulate both planes of existence! Mwahahahahahahahahaha! Just kidding.:D So these fire people, are they solid? Or are they like small fire elementals?
Join them in matrimony? Or.........I could depopulate both planes of existence! Mwahahahahahahahahaha! Just kidding.:D So these fire people, are they solid? Or are they like small fire elementals?
Both, Actually. Go to nova and you'll find out.
05-07-2006, 03:17
I'm not sure I understand all the rules... So we post up a character who's exploring different realities but originally from the NS world reality? we then submit to you our own alternate reality, but the previous submissions seem to be more like alternate dimensions rather than realities, oki I guess I can have this answered by asking, is my character supposed to be from the NS world if not can he be anyway? And is our alternate thingy supposed to be an alternate reality or an alternate dimension?
Well, it can be from ns. It just cannot be someone from RL, but it can be from any Reality. The Canon Star Trek Universe is its own Reality, just as Star Wars is. The worlds of two diffrent Authors are diffrent Realities with diffrent rules.
Your character can be from your own private reality, which can be just as crazy as you want it to be. You want to have a reality where everything is Chemicle in nature, go for it. You want to have a world where Day is night, and night is day, where the creatures talk and walk and humans don't exist, you go for it. Its really up to you.
Also, they haven't shown their alieness yet, because their only in the beginning states. Plus, no one has entered Gaia.
05-07-2006, 03:29
Alright, I'll send a TG with my proposed reality and I'll now write up my character.
Name: Bozynj Keonovich
Rank: Sergeant
Age: 23
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 12 Stone
Equipment: Poxican Toxitrooper Armour (Air tight sealed armour with 20 hours worth of oxygen) P201 (Chain-gun) 3 Cyanogen Chloride Grenades (deadly gas which passes through gas masks) Poxican Uplink (remote link to HQ, sends and recieves data)
Home Reality: NS Earth
Alright, I'll send a TG with my proposed reality and I'll now write up my character.
Name: Bozynj Keonovich
Rank: Sergeant
Age: 23
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 12 Stone
Equipment: Poxican Toxitrooper Armour (Air tight sealed armour with 20 hours worth of oxygen) P201 (Chain-gun) 3 Cyanogen Chloride Grenades (deadly gas which passes through gas masks) Poxican Uplink (remote link to HQ, sends and recieves data)
Home Reality: NS Earth
As the others have, post your leaving the NS reality behind, making your way through the impossibly large room and entering the reality of your choice. Leave it at that though, so I can post what the section of the reality you enter looks like. You do not have to take a Reality that's already being explored. I have others waiting to go, each with their own set of problems.
Regenus, you and Wanderjar are in the same place fighting the same enemies. RESPOND!
06-07-2006, 04:32
He seems to be taking care of it/ not wanting my characters help...
Also, I hate vague riddles... thus I'm not inclined to post... I'll wait until someone directly attacks my char
Plus, these are expendable NPC's, why are you making them hard to kill? I don't have enough energy right now (I'm sick) to deal with 20 posts to kill a random baddie.
He seems to be taking care of it/ not wanting my characters help...
Also, I hate vague riddles... thus I'm not inclined to post... I'll wait until someone directly attacks my char
Plus, these are expendable NPC's, why are you making them hard to kill? I don't have enough energy right now (I'm sick) to deal with 20 posts to kill a random baddie.
1) one came right up to you and is hitting you with its whip.
2) These are basic enemies, and representative of one of the diffrences between Normal, and Warworld.
3) The Riddle was for him alone.
4) After he figures out how to use his boots to increase his speed and decrease theres, they'll be almost as easy as flies to kill.
5) You haven't tried anything yet, but their minds are completly unprotected. Psionics can hurt as much as help.
6) After you both dispatch the Slaver near you, The leader is going to tackle you both, and is more difficult than a Slaver, because he's a major Baddie you'll see more than once or twice.
7) I have been deliberatly waiting for you to post before going on.
8) He hasn't asked you for help because he can't. You have not ICly met each other yet.
9) i don't recall giving you permission to be sick, get over it:D . (J/K)
06-07-2006, 04:51
Ok, I posted.
Hey Wanderjar, still waiting on a post from you too.
Here's a hint, basic powers require only a thought.
08-07-2006, 04:29
Just so we're clear, that vest is a kevlar with ceramic plates. We're talking like fourty pounds minimum here, plus the force of my swinging it. Also, was my putting out the fire godmodding since it's overuling your evironment, but it didn't effect anyone but me?
Just so we're clear, that vest is a kevlar with ceramic plates. We're talking like fourty pounds minimum here, plus the force of my swinging it. Also, was my putting out the fire godmodding since it's overuling your evironment, but it didn't effect anyone but me?
Technicly yes, but I forgot to mention that second part, so it is as much my fault as it is yours. The fire was Pyra's spell, and your magick tried to effect mine, I would have let it go out anyways, but just remember that for future refrence.
08-07-2006, 04:55
Fair 'nough, boss-man.
08-07-2006, 05:27
Not fair! I've been up for like, eighteen hours. How am I supposed to build off that?:p
Not fair! I've been up for like, eighteen hours. How am I supposed to build off that?:p
hey, my best thinking comes when I'm ready to drop dead from lack of sleep.
08-07-2006, 05:54
oooh. shiney. this looks very much like my thing...
anyway, i have a charicter.. he's originaly from a fanfiction i wrote, and ..umm.. basicly world hopping is what he DOES. heh. not that he has a lot of control over it [yet] moves through what he calls "the Warp"... which could well be your gaps or nothing or whatever it is... or it could be that all the realitys in his world total to one in yours.
errr, he's actualy ment to be part of a trio, but never mind. different world, different rules.
hehe. whatever. however he gets there, here's his stats:
Name: Zachius [other names and titles unknowen]
status: Rogue Cardomancer. currently hunted by various cardomancy orginizations, specificly The Orginization. unaware of this fact.
origons: shrouded in mystery [oooh. mysterious. basicly, that means i never did come up with a satisfactory back story for him. heh.]
powers: can 'copy' events and items into cards, by drawing and image of their cardomantic energy through himself onto the cards. can then use those cards as a focus point to draw raw cardomantic energy into the world he is currently in, and use it to create that item or event.
the more the presence of that item or event conflicts with the laws of that reality, the more energy it takes. the more significant the effect or larger the item, the more energy it takes. the more he has to warp the actuall effect, as it occured originaly, to make it do what he's trying to do, the more energy it takes. useing too much at once can knock him out or kill him.
a card cannot be used in the world it was created in, as the object already exists. cards of sentiant beings don't actually create copys, so much as summoning links, so it's the original being who gets ripped through the realitys to where they are called. draws more energy than any other type of card.
skills: can use a leaver action rifle with reasonable skill and great speed. can use His leaver action rifle one handed, as it has been specially modified.
skilled at useing a halbard almost as tall as himself for melee purpeses
appearance: almost 6 feet tall. long, dark hair hair that he normaly keeps tied back. missing his left eye. wears black wrap around sunglasses. wears a black cowboy hat with the right side cliped up and the left tilted down untill it meets the upturned coler of his trench coat. coat is also black and worn open, as a rule, and has many pockets both inside and out. his belt buckle is an interesting interlocking fern pattern, and there are actually two belts comeing from it, aranged in such a way as to hold a quick release hip holster for the rifle.
his shirt is white and he wears, oddly enough, black cargo pants. wears solid, all purpose boots.
equipment: 20 blank cards, "saviour's bond" halbard [capable of aquireing interesting status causeing effects, when facilitys are found to apply them]
modified leaver action rifle, adjusted with one handed reload and quick fireing in mind. magazine holds 20 rounds, and are made of plastic. 50 magazines, most of which contain standard shot, but 5 of which are dedicated to more interesting rounds. specificly, at this point, 3 have murcury tips, and 2 fragment not far out of the gun barrel.
also has a small satchel which currently contains 3 large, newsprint, writing pads and an assortment of pens, pencils, erasers, brushes, and other such writing materials.
weight: he's actually pretty scrawny, but he does have the strength, training, and agility to use the halbard and so on. so, he's light considering his hight and what he does. i don't have a specific number.
is that enough? or do you want More detail? :P
assumeing you even want me at all, which strikes me as.. less unlikely than it could be.
i can create a world or three for you if you want as well. it's sort of one of the things i do. let me know if you want them.
08-07-2006, 06:03
errr, i should also mention that he can't swim. can't really take a hit very well either. very good at dodging and blocking with his weapons though.
Well, get to posting. I should mention that the infinite Nothing is the hardest and easiest of all Realities. Hardest because of the sheer volume of creatures waiting to rip you to shreds, easy because the only task you have is simple: Survive.
I sort of want to join, but it is already 8 pages in...
08-07-2006, 16:31
better than 80, no? hehe. besides, there's not actually a lot IN those 8 pages, if you look carefully. unless you're one of the players in them :)
and yet, there is such a lot there too. hehe.
better than 80, no? hehe. besides, there's not actually a lot IN those 8 pages, if you look carefully. unless you're one of the players in them :)
and yet, there is such a lot there too. hehe.
Yeah... I might read them. Then again, after reading the IC thread, I probably don't have to.
Image (
Name: Loki (
Gender: Male
Race: Black Mage
Age: 5
Hair: Unknown
Eyes: Large Yellow
Height: 3'3" (1 meter)
Weight: 50 lbs.
Weapons: Staff of Merlin (
Abilities: Black Magic and Summoning
Skills: Digests knowledge quickly and well
Personality: Shy and reserved (much like his appearance)
Pets: Formerly Nilrem (, but currently Fuzzy (
Loki is a young mage who has great potential for magic. He was born to a half black mage, half Elvin mother and a wizard father. However shortly after his birth both his parents were killed in a mysteriously – it was later revealed to him that Morgan d'Isel that half brother of Merlin ( murdered them in her attempt to gain ultimate power. The defenseless and small Loki was taken in by a great white wizard who Loki began to call Grandpa, though he didn’t have any relationship to him other than an adoptive protector.
"Grandpa" taught and raised Loki from the age of just three months. He taught him the usual education of history and such, but also taught him in the ways of magic and how to harness his potential. Mysteriously, however, "Grandpa" disappeared and shortly after Loki went on a long adventure to the previously uncharted island of the Dragonlords. After his adventure to the island, he returned to his home, a cave located on the peek of one of the three mountains making up the triangle of peeks in the northern highlands. When he arrived he re-met up with Sir Bane and his new traveling companions. They then went on a quest in search of an important figure, and in the end Loki learned that Nilrem (
(his life long friend and companion who was an Eborall) was a manifestation of Merlin, who Loki then helped free. They then returned to the castle of King Alfred of the House of Steward where Loki was made an honorary nobleman of the court. Also, Merlin revealed that he was Loki's uncle and from then on Loki contacted him often.
After returning to his home in the mountains with his newly found uncle, Merlin, Loki again departed on a long and mysterious adventure. This time he traveled to a Wasteland of confusing and unknown qualities. While he was there he met the horrifying and unknown figure known as Sephiroth, though more commonly referred to as the Angel of Death. However, Loki eventually managed his way out and upon returning to the normal world, he set off to find the White Tower for instruction and learning. He found it after a long journey and met many people that would give him a lot of new experiences. He had a few different teachers while he was there, but a lot of what he learned came from the countless books he read; amongst them was one he kept named Magic…
Loki wears clothes that are much too big for him including a mage’s hat that often gets in the way. He also wears a ring known as the Ring of Protego ( and a pendant called the Pendant of Luminance ( The Ring of Protego is a charmed ring that protects Loki from spells that are not of the major category while the Pendant of Luminance is an eternal light to guide Loki (although it is believed to also have other mysterious properties). Loki carries a wand with him but rarely uses it. Likewise he carries a staff with him known as the "Staff of Merlin". The staff belonged to the Merlin (Loki's uncle), although Loki knew nothing of its power until he finished his adventure at the Triangle of Peeks. Loki is quite clumsy and not very deft with his movements. He often trips and falls over random objects and even himself, in part because of his oversized clothes, but also due to his natural clumsiness.
For the first few years, Loki traveled with a fuzzy blue ball, which was known to him as a rare and mysterious species called Eboralls. The Eborall, Nilrem, had been with Loki every since he can remember and is his best friend. Nilrem does not have a language of any kind but rarely make a *Crrrrr* noise to signify something important. Nilrem loved trying to get to the highest point that he can by jumping or bouncing to the top of people’s heads. However, when Loki helped free Merlin, he learned that Nilrem was merely a manifestation and disappeared as Merlin re-emerged. However, Loki did find a new friend – a baby polar bear who he named Fuzzy (
(His magic is wide ranging but is mostly elemental)
[The world he is from is sort of like King Arthur's time. There are knights and castles, villages and peasants. Magic is an extreme rarity; only a couple of people can do it. The land itself is divided into different parts: the south is grasslands and where the King and his court are; then there is a very dense forest across the entire island; after the forest is a very short area of plains followed by the highlands (hills and small mountains); and finally the north is unexplored massive mountains that are freezing and snow filled.]
Get to posting, I think he might do best in Gaia, but as always, the choice is not mine.
09-07-2006, 03:40
Okay, granted I was trying to go all batshit crazy on her, isn't a fullblown ship kinda...well, noticable? Also, you're gonna have to post again. I'm rather immobile while unconcious and I don't know where you want me to wake up at.
09-07-2006, 04:00
Thank you, sir! I've already made my next post.
Get to posting, I think he might do best in Gaia, but as always, the choice is not mine.
Where do I begin?
Where do I begin?
Post him leaving his original reality, through the door, and then finding his way to the doors, and entering the door of your choice. I suggest entering Gaia, based upon observation of you at the tower, and if this is the same Loki, then definatly, he'll meet an old friend there, eventually.
Same Loki.
I have to remember that wizard's name now. It was something with an x or z. Head of the wizards or something like that.
09-07-2006, 11:06
yes... the Infinite nothing can wait a bit, i think. the Warp, which Zachius is used to, is decidedly peacful and calm. relaxed. well, when there's not something going horribly wrong wiht it [that's happend before]... the infinite nothing door, i suspect, would give off pretty much the exact oposite vibe, yes?
perhaps he and Loki might come accross each other? pairs seem to be the way of things here. or perhaps not. i don't control any more than Zachius himself, after all :)
Shadow SeaQuest
11-07-2006, 21:18
Got room for one more?
We've already discussed this. My monsters are sharpening their claws even while they wait for you.
Shadow SeaQuest
11-07-2006, 23:37
We've already discussed this. My monsters are sharpening their claws even while they wait for you.
Lol. Just wanted to make sure the others knew I was coming and had approval and wasn't just jumping in.
I'll get the info on the character I intend to use up for approval when I get back to my home comp at around 2200 hours (that's 10pm for those of you who use 12 hour clocks).
Lol. Just wanted to make sure the others knew I was coming and had approval and wasn't just jumping in.
I am not actually reading anyone else's section (just mine: Gaia) as I have a lot to do.
Shadow SeaQuest
12-07-2006, 06:21
Here's my character, what I've got so far at least.
Name: Emma Grace Frost
Alias: "The White Queen"
Species: Dark Paradine
1.) Ice
2.) Darkness
Gender: Female
Notable powers:
1.) Telepathy
2.) Able to turn to diamond while retaining mobility
13-07-2006, 00:34
Tag, you're it, Ri-an. You kinda wrote me into a corner there.
Here's my character, what I've got so far at least.
Name: Emma Grace Frost
Alias: "The White Queen"
Species: Alteran
Type: Seed
Element: Ice
Gender: Female
Notable powers:
1.) Telepathy
2.) Able to turn to diamond while retaining mobility
Get to posting
Shadow SeaQuest
14-07-2006, 05:56
Get to posting
A'right. I'll make an IC post as soon as I can.
Go-go-goodness! 500,000 miles is huge for a planet... (and who knows if that is the longest distance possible to move in Gaia)!!!
15-07-2006, 23:32
I'm still not sure how you want this magick-thing to work, so I'm just kinda stumbling from one method to the next.
Go-go-goodness! 500,000 miles is huge for a planet... (and who knows if that is the longest distance possible to move in Gaia)!!!
Gaia Measures approximatly the entire diameter of the Asteroid Belt seperating Mars from Jupiter. Possibly more. That is Gaia though. You'll understand after you meet Gaia herself.
Go-go-goodness! 500,000 miles is huge for a planet... (and who knows if that is the longest distance possible to move in Gaia)!!!
Gaia Measures approximatly the entire diameter of the Asteroid Belt seperating Mars from Jupiter. Possibly more. That is Gaia though. You'll understand after you meet Gaia herself.
Arcadeos, the slow rate is actually IC: Tonight, Pyra's going to get serious. Theory at night, hands on practice against fire monsters in the day. If you do well, you'll face it...
16-07-2006, 04:04
16-07-2006, 05:11
BTW, I was on vacation for the past week. Did I miss anything?
Is Wanderjar still in?
ooc: Seems like it... I mean Stan's a mortal man who can see a short distance ino the future in times of high stress... how the hell is he supposed to counter target seeking lightning bolts?
16-07-2006, 17:06
As in have him covered in magically appearing rubber? Where does this rubber come from DMG, as he's certainly not wearing any... (Leather soled loafers for shoes).
16-07-2006, 17:06
ok, how about Zachius's mid-air phaser dodging and throwing of stuff while getting blasted by an explosion?
seriously, i have no idea how he's going to survive the landing, at this rate :p
ok, to be honest, i have no idea how he's even manageing not to lose his gun...
survival here seems to just be one improbiblity after anohter :)
As in have him covered in magically appearing rubber? Where does this rubber come from DMG, as he's certainly not wearing any... (Leather soled loafers for shoes).
You have never heard of magically appearing rubber?!?! It is everywhere. It often falls out of the sky just in time to stop lightning.
16-07-2006, 17:18
or a shell spell.
spontainiously learn some protective magic... it's in keeping with the enviroment, in a way.
rock shields, spontaniously appearing lightning rods, shell type spells, reflect time abilitys [be carful of that one. elemental stuff sometimes heals rather than hurthing] pure force...
OH! enough heat will create an air lance. electricity can't move through those...
perfectly pure water doesn't conduct either [though if it has any contaminants in it, like rain always does, it will]
Actually, the bolt is a weak one. Wanderjar's supposed to be helping you.
The bolt will only stun you for a few minuetes, while Man with the big sword comes over a beats the Crap out of you.
Or, there is the pendant of Psionics I gave you. You could use your mind power to create a small elemental shield, and then do something horrible to Man with the big sword.
He'll go away in either 6 small attacks, 2 really good attacks, or one hideously strong attack.
As for Zachus and the phasers, what's to say half miss and the other half hit less than vital areas? Sorcero can heal you a little bit.
16-07-2006, 18:50
I don't think Wanderjar's playing anymore.
I don't think Wanderjar's playing anymore.
That's what I figure. Mialee's accompanying you now. I'll fix it ICly.
By the way, good job so far keeping everybody's RP in mind.
By the way, good job so far keeping everybody's RP in mind.
What can I say, i have waaaaaaaaaay to much free time on my hands, AND I;m COMPLETLY INSANE! its such a wonderful combo.
16-07-2006, 20:13
There, is that crazy enough for you? :p
She cast a massive fire spell, igniting even herself. Then she vreated a massive spear, and lunged at Loki in an all or nothing attack.
Is it an energy spear or a matter spear?
Is it an energy spear or a matter spear?
its core is steel, but the rest is energy that looks exactly like steel.
its core is steel, but the rest is energy that looks exactly like steel.
So both... eh...
17-07-2006, 01:19
"Unless you and your equipment weigh more than 700 pounds combined, I doubt you'll break me." pyra said.
OOC: Its the type of exercises she does, REAL exercises that actually exist.
Him and his gear could weigh close to 300 pounds. I'm just saying that's a lot of weight exerting force perpendicular to the direction they're design to take such strain.
Him and his gear could weigh close to 300 pounds. I'm just saying that's a lot of weight exerting force perpendicular to the direction they're design to take such strain.
Your not actually going to be on her, she'll slid backward a bit, and wrap her legs and arms around him, and show him, by using hers.
17-07-2006, 01:23
Your not actually going to be on her, she'll slid backward a bit, and wrap her legs and arms around him, and show him, by using hers.
Ah. Your post said to sit on her, so I kinda interpreted it as sitting in her lap.
"!" The weak woman managed. Then she collapsed on the floor. Loki had all of ten seconds to heal her.
Well that certainly is a bind...
17-07-2006, 01:58
... gotta love the dubious laws of physics in some of these worlds. hehehe.
Zachius's current gear setup is useless in really close quaters, btw. if you're going to make him fight in a corridor or other confined space, please let his opponant besomething he can actually beat with his bare hands, because after the initial gunshot or two, if it's a long corridor, that's all he's going to have.
SeaQuest DSV
19-07-2006, 03:44
Sorry about the delay. I've been busy with my other accounts. So, instead of me using logging in and out non-stop, I'm just to make my posts using whatever account I'm logged in with at the moment. A'right?
Sorry about the delay. I've been busy with my other accounts. So, instead of me using logging in and out non-stop, I'm just to make my posts using whatever account I'm logged in with at the moment. A'right?
Probably would help if you posted their names here unless they are all Sea Quest names... then again it probably doesn't matter either way.
OOC: Well fine then, be that way. I thought that the name they used on FF8 was the real one.
Nah... (though I guess you were right to use that name though as it was describing the FF8 GF). Quetzalcoatl was a plumed serpant god of the mesoamerica.
OOC: The Fairy:
How big is the fairy?
Nah... (though I guess you were right to use that name though as it was describing the FF8 GF). Quetzalcoatl was a plumed serpant god of the mesoamerica.
How big is the fairy?
Probably a bit bigger than Loki, but not by much. She's a whole four feet tall, which is average for her race of Fae.
22-07-2006, 05:28
Blarg! You accelerated the time. Saacon was making the iceball that went up bigger. It was going to comeback down the size of a volkeswagon.
Well, who says it has to come down this evening? Actually, it could come in very handy tomorrow.
23-07-2006, 00:41
going to reply to the IC portion of my post from a couple of pages back?
ugh... all my longwinded oocness should really have been in this thread, i realise. sorry about that :S
23-07-2006, 09:05
that Should be the one.
I thought I had, oh welll
24-07-2006, 02:44
Hey, Ri-an. Didn't I do a FT RP with you once?
Hey, Ri-an. Didn't I do a FT RP with you once?
Unless it was under tha name of Warhaven or Kajeenith, No. no u have not.
24-07-2006, 03:12
Yes I did. The thread was titled An Exercise In Futility. Near the end unleashed a space dragon upon the enemy and then spent the rest of the time arguing with Tannenmille. Hang on *digs for link*
24-07-2006, 08:36
I thought I had, oh welll
not as of when i original asked. but it seems you did sometime in the course of events :)
Where did everyone else go (not that it really matters as our plots are not intertwined... but I am curious)?
Weren't there a lot of people signed up... and now like three participating.
25-07-2006, 02:37
Yeah...what happened to the red clothes protecting from extreme temperatures? That was kind of central to my strategy.
Yeah...what happened to the red clothes protecting from extreme temperatures? That was kind of central to my strategy.
You have to remember some things you know. You should've posted a note ICly about it. It still takes effect regardless, but you should've posted a note. The breath attacks would have manifested diffrently, the dragon would have taken a diffrent course of action.
SeaQuest DSV
26-07-2006, 08:46
Probably would help if you posted their names here unless they are all Sea Quest names... then again it probably doesn't matter either way.
A'right. I'll list them (plus they are all in my sig).
Shadow SeaQuest
SeaQuest DSV
SeaQuest 2032
Macronesian Alliance
26-07-2006, 09:28
A'right. I'll list them (plus they are all in my sig).
Shadow SeaQuest
SeaQuest DSV
SeaQuest 2032
Macronesian Alliance
The signature of this account, that is.
29-07-2006, 02:02
Do I still have the sword? And if so is it still cursed?
Do I still have the sword? And if so is it still cursed?
Yes, and yes.
Shadow SeaQuest
29-07-2006, 09:04
Uh, Ri-an, I'm waiting for your next IC post regarding my character.
Temporary internet trouble. And appearently I was unable to will my posts to simply appear.
Temporary internet trouble. And appearently I was unable to will my posts to simply appear.
lol. No problem.
How tall is Autumn? Would she have to bend down to hit Loki's heart?
She is as tall as an average, human woman.
She is as tall as an average, human woman.
Alright, so she will have to bend down to reach his heart.
Hey, just a question SeaQuest: How/where were you planning on having your character and Loki meet in order to give him the gift?
SeaQuest 2032
08-09-2006, 07:28
Hey, just a question SeaQuest: How/where were you planning on having your character and Loki meet in order to give him the gift?
As I understood it, everyone was heading for the Infinite Nothing. Now, I'll probably have Phobos show up on Warhaven's ship. Perhaps, if we can get Ri-an to agree, we can do a little side-filler RPing in the IC thread that keeps the thread alive, but doesn't harm the main storyline.
@Ri-an: TBH, IMHO, it seems like Kajeenith, to say nothing of the Nameless One, has become a bit mentally unstable.
Sounds good to me...
Have him arrive on Phobos. Ri-an can have Sepherena transport Loki and herself to a grassy plane where Phobos meets them... the rest ensues...
SeaQuest 2032
08-09-2006, 07:43
Sounds good to me...
Have him arrive on Phobos. Ri-an can have Sepherena transport Loki and herself to a grassy plane where Phobos meets them... the rest ensues...
A'right, will have to wait for Ri-an's permission first as its his RP though.
A'right, will have to wait for Ri-an's permission first as its his RP though.
Obviously... :p I don't see it being a problem so long as your character could have been legitimately sent to whatever plain they are on before Kajeenth/TNO shut down travel or whatever. After that, we just need Ri-an to have Sepherena transport Loki (and herself) somewhere where they could meet up with Phobos. Should that be fine, he doesn't have to do anything or he can join in the chatter.
Phobos can come to The Black Mage Village. But realise, Warfare, Arianna, and their combined Warana, are far more than just Over Dieties of one Reality. Warfare always has been, and always will be, Keeper of the Balance, one of the highest, if not the highest authority conerning all aspects of the Balance. Arianna, while not actually of such authority, shares the responsibility, as is her right and duty by way of Marriage. Just so you know.
Alrigh, sounds good (don't know what you added the second part, but w/e). When you are ready Seaquest... Loki is waiting.
SeaQuest 2032
08-09-2006, 22:46
A'right, I'll post in the IC thread as soon as I can.
09-09-2006, 13:18
*Snore* I'm like Rip Van Winkle over here. What in God's name are you two doing? :p
*Snore* I'm like Rip Van Winkle over here. What in God's name are you two doing? :p
Seaquest wanted his character to give mine something.
And then after that, Its ttime for the obligitory final battle.
Aha! Have you gotten your mojo back?
Aha! Have you gotten your mojo back?
No, I'm using my emergency Mojo. My regular mojo went on vacation to Japan.:D
No, I'm using my emergency Mojo. My regular mojo went on vacation to Japan.:D
Lol! I need to save up for an emergency Mojo!
"They can disappear like *snaps* that, you know."
Lol! I need to save up for an emergency Mojo!
"They can disappear like *snaps* that, you know."
Normally yes. But I have mine fenced in and chained to my cranium. its not going to Japan.
Normally yes. But I have mine fenced in and chained to my cranium. its not going to Japan.
Ouch. I think you gotta let your Mojo be loose... ;)
Ouch. I think you gotta let your Mojo be loose... ;)
I will not, last time I did that it went back in time and inspired the Wheel.
Odd... mine just went to a strip club.
Besides, what's wrong with the wheel!
Odd... mine just went to a strip club.
Besides, what's wrong with the wheel!
First its the wheel, then its an engine, then next thing you know, some damn M1A1 is crashing through my front door.
P.S. don't forget the IC thread like you've already done.
First its the wheel, then its an engine, then next thing you know, some damn M1A1 is crashing through my front door.
P.S. don't forget the IC thread like you've already done.
I haven't...
17-09-2006, 23:30
Aside from creating doomy weapons, can Saacon's "gift" manifest itself with protective items as well?
Aside from creating doomy weapons, can Saacon's "gift" manifest itself with protective items as well?
I said ask me questions in this thread since all minions are dead. As to your question, its now irrelevant. Omni changed things.
I said ask me questions in this thread since all minions are dead. As to your question, its now irrelevant. Omni changed things.
Oh... it seems I missed that bit while at school.
Well respond. Read my big huge mega post on the last page. I WILL NOT respond until you and Arcadeos do.
19-09-2006, 17:22
Query: Since Omni went all heal/buff-tastic on us, did my attempt to conjure up an Abrahms work or did I just take the hit from the safe? While plot-wise it might not matter, it would give me a different set of character choices.
Query: Since Omni went all heal/buff-tastic on us, did my attempt to conjure up an Abrahms work or did I just take the hit from the safe? While plot-wise it might not matter, it would give me a different set of character choices.
Your in an abrahms tank, yes. Now imagine that Tank has been souped up by the best Military minds from 400 years in the future.
That's what your in. and yes, you got the effects from inside the tank.
Sorry about my inconsistent posting (school bites).
Sorry about my inconsistent posting (school bites).
School is a wonderful oppurtunity. Don't waste it on my account.
School is a wonderful oppurtunity. Don't waste it on my account.
lol, I am not saying that it isn't a wonderful opportunity (especially because I go to a prestigious private school), but that doesn't change the fact that I have about an hour a night to myself.
Hey, DMG, where'd the Ceiling come from? Their in the infinite nothing, whichb is currently manifesting as a broad flat plain at night. There is no ceiling of any kind, unless you count the insubstantial clouds, or The Warhaven itself. The Warhaven is probably the most likely explaination, so we'll go with that. I'll take that into account with my next IC post, as should you, no need to edit.
I didn't think so, but I could've sword you said 'room' somewhere in there.
Just imagine I meant upside down high above.
Loki, still brimming with energy, whirled his staff around and in one fluid movement cast a spell to slow the very fabric of time down.
If successful, time would be twice as slow causing one second to become the time of two.
SeaQuest DSV
30-09-2006, 22:39
Ri-an, check your TGs please.
It appears, that all of Seaquest has been deleted. Therefore, Loki, with your permission, I shall skip, straight to the ending.
It appears, that all of Seaquest has been deleted. Therefore, Loki, with your permission, I shall skip, straight to the ending.
"Go ahead," Loki said.
"Go ahead," Loki said.
I just realised I said Loki instead of DMG. :p :eek:
Anyways, on to the fantabulous ending...