The Conventus Alliance
The Longinean Order
01-07-2006, 04:13
The Longinean Order, in accordance with the sovereign nations of The American Privateer and Niall Noiglach, Is pleased to announce the creation of the Conventus Alliance.
The following are to be taken as law by member nations of the Conventus.
Article 1: The Conventus Domus
Section 1: A Domus of Nations shall be created, consisting of a single house for negotiations between the Member States.
Section 2: The Domus shall have the ability to...
1. Declare War upon nations malignant to any member state of the Conventus Alliance
2. To Serve as a Formal Body of tribunal in cases of violation of Domus Laws
3. To Create and enforce treaties with other nations and groups of nations
4. To pass laws considered necessary and proper for the running of the Coventus Alliance
Article 2: Conventus Defense Forces
Section 1: Altus Praesidium
Paragraph 1: An Altus Praesidium (High-Guard) shall be created, consisting of volunteers from every sovereign nation. The Altus Praesidium shall be tasked with the role of Honor Guard within the Domus, and as a force of peacekeepers in case of Civil Unrest within a member nation, if the nation calls for assistance.
Paragraph 2: The Uniform of the Altus Praesidium shall consist of a dark green jacket with three red bands crossing the chest, and three small, red pipes lining the shoulder. Pants shall consist of a green pair of slacks with three red stripes running down the outside of the pants. The insignia of rank and medals of honor shall be decided upon the first meeting of the Domus
Paragraph 3: All soldiers of the Altus Praesidium shall bear the following weapons
1. 1 Vibro-Electric Sword
2. 1 Blastsword
3. 1 Blaster Carbine
4. 1 Longbow w/ thirty arrows coated in the Fire of Nathos
Section 2: Altus Pennipes
Paragraph 1: An Altus Pennipes (High Fleet) shall be created from ships chosen by each nation. These ships shall serve as an Honor Guard when representitives of the Coventus Domus embark upon diplomatic Missions.
Paragraph 2: The ships of the Altus Pennipes shall retain the primary coloration of the Sovereign Nation, with the secondary colors replaced with a Light Grey.
Article 3: Each Nation shall be considered to be an independent, sovereign nation.
Article 4: The insignia of the Coventus shall consist of the chinese symbols for Allied Force (, and shall be placed as follows. Upon Military Uniforms, they shall apear on the sleeve opposite the Nation's flag. Upon Naval Ships, they shall appear on the bow of the ship, beside the Insignia of the Ship's home nation's fleet.
Signed In Coventus
Grand Master Juan Diego de Guadelupe
The Order of Saint Longinus
Fleet Admiral Jack Ray
The American Privateer
Ard Ri Aidan O'Neill
The Celto-Japanese Daimyo of Niall Noiglach
Kaiser Leopold XI
Das Kaiserreich
Emperor Altaeus Bekha Rin III
Emperor Darth Matter
(Mationbuds has been removed to due to discovered attrocities comitted against other nations. Interaction with Mationbuds is to be restricted to hostile conflict on sight.)
Lord Priest N'ala R'hab
Warlord Markus Cryst
True Path of Alan
The Longinean Order
02-07-2006, 17:30
This is an Open FT alliance. If you wish to join with us, please sign up here or TG one of the three of us, and we will add you to the list. Also, If you believe the Conventus Constitution requires changes, you may suggest ammendments to the Domus, which shall be considered and voted on by the members of the Domus.
Das Kaiserreich
02-07-2006, 17:49
Das Kaiserreich is willing to join the Conventus Alliance. Our nation has been isolated in corner of galaxy; but now, under rule of Kaiser Leopold XI, we are willing to co-operate with other world.
- Vilhelm von Truder, Minister of Foreign Affairs
02-07-2006, 17:54
The Holy Empire of Bekhaera is interested in this idea, for we are short of major allies and need to strengthen our position within space and because of an ongoing civil war it is necessary for us to ally ourselves with anyone who wishes to befriend our sovereign nation
Our High Guard is weakened with traitors and now we seek to join an alliance that can strengthen us in our times of great peril
The Longinean Order
02-07-2006, 21:30
Das Kaiserreich is willing to join the Conventus Alliance. Our nation has been isolated in corner of galaxy; but now, under rule of Kaiser Leopold XI, we are willing to co-operate with other world.
- Vilhelm von Truder, Minister of Foreign Affairs
We thank you, please send a representitive to the Domus, when it is built, we shall alert you on here when it is done. Your king's name shall be added to the list.
The Longinean Order
02-07-2006, 21:33
The Holy Empire of Bekhaera is interested in this idea, for we are short of major allies and need to strengthen our position within space and because of an ongoing civil war it is necessary for us to ally ourselves with anyone who wishes to befriend our sovereign nation
Our High Guard is weakened with traitors and now we seek to join an alliance that can strengthen us in our times of great peril
If you would send us the name of your Emporer, we would be willing to add his name to the list of rulers in the alliance.
To all parties, we shall be establishing the Domus very soon. Look for the thread The Conventus Domus to be established soon.
02-07-2006, 22:00
Our emperor's name is Emperor Rin III or to give his full title, His Exhalted Holiness of the Realm And Divine Holy Empre of Bekhaera, Emperor Altaeus Bekha Rin III
The Longinean Order
03-07-2006, 01:44
Our emperor's name is Emperor Rin III or to give his full title, His Exhalted Holiness of the Realm And Divine Holy Empre of Bekhaera, Emperor Altaeus Bekha Rin III
It has been added. I shall be calling to order the first Conventus Domus to order soon. If you know of any nations you feel should be invited to join this alliance, please post their names here. Myslef or TAP shall send out a Telegram to them, asking us to join with us. Please decide on your representitives and prepare a unit of Altus Praesidium and Altus Pennipes to escort your people to the Domus Hall.
03-07-2006, 13:31
Our representative shall be Maester Trius of the Cloister of Bechtae, he shall preside over our affairs
03-07-2006, 15:42
The Galactic Empire of Mationbuds wishes to join this alliance . However my Imperial Troopers will carry the weapons you listed under their "Additional Equipment" section . However they are already carrying Viroblades .
We await your response .
The American Privateer
03-07-2006, 22:04
The Galactic Empire of Mationbuds wishes to join this alliance . However my Imperial Troopers will carry the weapons you listed under their "Additional Equipment" section . However they are already carrying Viroblades .
We await your response .
We welcome you to this alliance. If you would please send the name of your leader, we will add him to the list of those signed "In Conventus." We will alert all members when the first session of the Domus is to be called.
04-07-2006, 07:36
We welcome you to this alliance. If you would please send the name of your leader, we will add him to the list of those signed "In Conventus." We will alert all members when the first session of the Domus is to be called.
Well our nation's leader is Emperor Darth Matter , however his full title would be : Emperor Darth Matter , High Lord of the Sith , Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces , Chairman of the Combined Councils and Grand Admiral of the Mation National Fleet .
Our second in charge is Regent Darth Bane , however his full title would be : Regent Darth Bane , Senior Sith Lord , Vice-Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces , Vice-Chairman of the Combined Councils and Grand Admiral of the Empire Protectorate Starfleet .
The True Path of Alan
04-07-2006, 09:16
The Holy Empire of the True Path of Alan would request to be inducted into this alliance.
Lord Priest N'ala R'hab
Warlord Markus Cryst
OOC: Site here-> SITE (
The Longinean Order
05-07-2006, 22:04
The Holy Empire of the True Path of Alan would request to be inducted into this alliance.
Lord Priest N'ala R'hab
Warlord Markus Cryst
OOC: Site here-> SITE (
Welcome to the Alliance.
05-07-2006, 22:53
Shall we begin?
The Longinean Order
06-07-2006, 05:18
Shall we begin?
Soon, I am waiting for some bodies to respond to some TG's The First Domus shall definetly be called to order by Friday RL time.
06-07-2006, 11:08
The Galactic Empire of Mationbuds warmly welcomes all new Conventus Alliance members and wish the First Domus to be a sucessful meeting . We will do whatever it takes to ensure that it runs smoothly . We will also send our nation's dekegation , headed by Marshal Canvadel .
The Longinean Order
07-07-2006, 00:34
The First Conventus Domus (, just TRP you members walking up to it, with their Altus Praesidium escorting them in.
The Longinean Order
07-07-2006, 00:47
Delegates So Far
The Longinean Order
The Archbishop, Marshall Damen de Helkins
The American Privateer
Rear Admiral Jason Argo
Niall Noiglach
The Lady Erin O'Knight
Mashal Canvadel
Maester Trius of the Cloister of Bechtae
07-07-2006, 05:52
Our delegation will promptly reply .
The Longinean Order
09-07-2006, 17:56
OOC: Bump
The True Path of Alan
13-07-2006, 03:38
Lord Priest N'ala R'hab will attend...
OOC: Soz, I missed it, but where do we go?
The American Privateer
13-07-2006, 04:08
Lord Priest N'ala R'hab will attend...
OOC: Soz, I missed it, but where do we go?
The First Conventus Domus, have fun
The American Privateer
04-09-2006, 21:32
The nation of Mationbuds is no longer a member of this alliance, all those who are members are to look upon them as enemies.
06-09-2006, 16:32
The nation of Mationbuds is no longer a member of this alliance, all those who are members are to look upon them as enemies.
The Galactic Empire of Mationbuds warns this small alliance in this big world . All Mationbuds allies in this alliance are strongly advised to leave this wretched alliance which is targeted for destruction and anhiliation soon . The American Privateer forces are now regarded as traitors and have conferred with enemy forces behind our backs and are cowards and loosers . Anyone friendly to them will be regarded as threats to Imperial Sovereignity and will also be likewise utterly destroyed .
The Longinean Order
06-09-2006, 22:52
The Galactic Empire of Mationbuds warns this small alliance in this big world . All Mationbuds allies in this alliance are strongly advised to leave this wretched alliance which is targeted for destruction and anhiliation soon . The American Privateer forces are now regarded as traitors and have conferred with enemy forces behind our backs and are cowards and loosers . Anyone friendly to them will be regarded as threats to Imperial Sovereignity and will also be likewise utterly destroyed .
The Longinean Order wishes to warn that should the nation of Mationbuds attack the Holy Order of St. Loningus, we shall fight back as hard as we can as we go into exodus with The American Privateer. Our people are ready should we be forced into Exodus. You will not find TAP, and you would not find us either.
07-09-2006, 06:08
The Longinean Order wishes to warn that should the nation of Mationbuds attack the Holy Order of St. Loningus, we shall fight back as hard as we can as we go into exodus with The American Privateer. Our people are ready should we be forced into Exodus. You will not find TAP, and you would not find us either.
It woulf not be advisable to go against an Imperial Ordered massacare . There will be no justice shown to anyone . Everything in our path will be ruthlessly obliterated , Imperial Forces will slice through TAP and TLO forces like knife through butter . Millions of Imperial Stormtroopers and hundreds of Imperial Warships will rain down upon you .
OOC : By the way I know you are a puppet of TAP . Anyways this alliance has been long abandoned and is only mantained by you and TAP .
07-09-2006, 06:47
Me join?
The American Privateer
07-09-2006, 12:07
It woulf not be advisable to go against an Imperial Ordered massacare . There will be no justice shown to anyone . Everything in our path will be ruthlessly obliterated , Imperial Forces will slice through TAP and TLO forces like knife through butter . Millions of Imperial Stormtroopers and hundreds of Imperial Warships will rain down upon you .
OOC : By the way I know you are a puppet of TAP . Anyways this alliance has been long abandoned and is only mantained by you and TAP .
OOC: no, I am his brother, as is NN
If you wish to destroy TAP, then by all means try. But should you go against him, it will long a long, drawn out battle, with many losses on both sides.
26-09-2006, 18:49
ooc: got your TG ~ ICCD still isn't quite FT.. it has technology ranging from present day to late post modern tech. I still havn't fully figured out a Dian Version for FTL, so far I have a sort of slip stream dimension ship that relies on a powerful computer to dematerialize everything to a tachyon like field (essentially it speeds the ship up by decomposing the mater into a small blackhole, the "the tachyon feild then starts to realign itself" to a "denser" point of space where gravity is stronger by creating tachyon strings in one section of space and the other, with the energy slipping or draining into the other location via a "wormhole" or null space tunnel. The process is feuled and leaves behind transient 0 point energy. The whole process is set to dematerialize toward the destination, use transient 0point energies while shapping a transfer condiut, then rematerialize when the temporal or time phase of the tachyon feild recomposes into photonic (electromagnetic) fields and other qaurkal and quintesential units. Finally the various energy phases rematerialize, including the occupant.
There are still some kinks to work out such as a way to generate the energy, and a way to make a tachyon computer capable of forward reading, and recognition of when the destination is reached by "level of energy conversion".
I'll get back to you when I fully understand how this is to be done, and exactly how much energy is needed to "Warp" the object and to construct the wormhole tunnel.
A number of other technologies have been tested however, they havn't quite yet allowed ftl "space travel" per sey. Dian scientists beleive they "may have" broken the light speed barrier, but have not yet been able to apply this to "space travel" for Dians.
The American Privateer
28-09-2006, 02:18
ICCD-Intracircumcordei;11735251']ooc: got your TG ~ ICCD still isn't quite FT.. it has technology ranging from present day to late post modern tech. I still havn't fully figured out a Dian Version for FTL, so far I have a sort of slip stream dimension ship that relies on a powerful computer to dematerialize everything to a tachyon like field (essentially it speeds the ship up by decomposing the mater into a small blackhole, the "the tachyon feild then starts to realign itself" to a "denser" point of space where gravity is stronger by creating tachyon strings in one section of space and the other, with the energy slipping or draining into the other location via a "wormhole" or null space tunnel. The process is feuled and leaves behind transient 0 point energy. The whole process is set to dematerialize toward the destination, use transient 0point energies while shapping a transfer condiut, then rematerialize when the temporal or time phase of the tachyon feild recomposes into photonic (electromagnetic) fields and other qaurkal and quintesential units. Finally the various energy phases rematerialize, including the occupant.
There are still some kinks to work out such as a way to generate the energy, and a way to make a tachyon computer capable of forward reading, and recognition of when the destination is reached by "level of energy conversion".
I'll get back to you when I fully understand how this is to be done, and exactly how much energy is needed to "Warp" the object and to construct the wormhole tunnel.
A number of other technologies have been tested however, they havn't quite yet allowed ftl "space travel" per sey. Dian scientists beleive they "may have" broken the light speed barrier, but have not yet been able to apply this to "space travel" for Dians.
I can do for you what I did for NN. I will provide you with Tesseract Drives, a small group of spaceships, Asteroid miners, and a small group of planets that we have discovered but re-frained from colonising due to our current population and situation. It is a fertile world with a massive web of rivers that provide loam for the fields. The Ecosystem is relatively alien, but our scans have shown that the native plant and animal life is edible. We have a new set of ships we have discovered the plans to, and we can sell the DPR's to you for relatively cheap. Please, let us know on the new Coventus Alliance boards.
28-09-2006, 07:21
ICCD-Intracircumcordei;11735251']ooc: got your TG ~ ICCD still isn't quite FT.. it has technology ranging from present day to late post modern tech. I still havn't fully figured out a Dian Version for FTL, so far I have a sort of slip stream dimension ship that relies on a powerful computer to dematerialize everything to a tachyon like field (essentially it speeds the ship up by decomposing the mater into a small blackhole, the "the tachyon feild then starts to realign itself" to a "denser" point of space where gravity is stronger by creating tachyon strings in one section of space and the other, with the energy slipping or draining into the other location via a "wormhole" or null space tunnel. The process is feuled and leaves behind transient 0 point energy. The whole process is set to dematerialize toward the destination, use transient 0point energies while shapping a transfer condiut, then rematerialize when the temporal or time phase of the tachyon feild recomposes into photonic (electromagnetic) fields and other qaurkal and quintesential units. Finally the various energy phases rematerialize, including the occupant.
There are still some kinks to work out such as a way to generate the energy, and a way to make a tachyon computer capable of forward reading, and recognition of when the destination is reached by "level of energy conversion".
I'll get back to you when I fully understand how this is to be done, and exactly how much energy is needed to "Warp" the object and to construct the wormhole tunnel.
A number of other technologies have been tested however, they havn't quite yet allowed ftl "space travel" per sey. Dian scientists beleive they "may have" broken the light speed barrier, but have not yet been able to apply this to "space travel" for Dians.
The Empire warns you against joining this puny alliance which will soon be completely and totally obliterated . We warn any others who are thinking of joining to drop that idea , lest be in the path of destruction .