NationStates Jolt Archive

A New Election, A New Beginning

29-06-2006, 19:46
It had been a week since Cairn Soon and his party had won the recent election into office. Some said they won due to their stance on taxes, others said that they had taken part in some 'shady deals', but most agreed, a major factor was their position on the nations activities on the world stage.

Carusun had withdrawn into a completely isolated nation little over a century ago, and had had little to no official contact with the outside world since.

However, Cairn and his parties recent election would change that.

To whom it may concern,
As you may be aware, the nation of Carusun has recently emerged from it's previously isolated state.
As we stand, once more in the gaze of the world, we extend our invitations to any and all nations who wish to send people, official or otherwise, to visit our fair island nation.
We hope that this will be the start of a new age of peace, understanding, and advancement for all our peoples.

Leiter Prowse, Head of Foreign Relations.

((OOC: Apologies for any and all mistakes/errors/plain-badness that may permeate this post. I tend to suck at doing RPs, until I get the character down fully in my head, which I normally don't until I've done a few posts with them. I hope that you can bear with me, as this may take even longer as it's a completely different style of RPing then I'm used to.))