The Irish/Toopoxican War
Liberated New Ireland
28-06-2006, 18:36
Limerick City
Capital City of the Armed Republic of Liberated New Ireland
June 28
Unrest stirred in the streets of Limerick as the sun beat down, and the wind carried dust from the wasteland outside into the streets. People staggered about under the oppressive heat, muttering about the failing economy and poor climate.
Today, the topic on nearly everyone's lips was the visit from Toopoxican Organisation CEO, Sergei Solov, and what they'd like to do to him. At 6:20 PM, he was going to make a big propaganda speech in front of the Toopoxican Irish Branch HQ. It would be the last time the fool would be seen in public.
Sergei made his way out onto the stage, a fair few people had made it out into the clear blue sky and Sergei took this as a good sign, he was always sure that the New Irish hated the Organisation but in this economy had no choice but to work for it, Sergei dabbed off sweat and pulled out cue-cards, he looked up expecting to see the crowd quiet from its abnormally loud roaring, instead he found himself staring down about 30,000 Irish thugs and he quickly cowered.
IIN Report:
"Today, the speech of Toopoxican CEO Sergei Solov was cut short by an outbreak of violence. Crowds of angered Irish citizens rushed the stage, and had to be pushed back by a battalion of local Kerns in riot gear. Several citizens were injured in the rush, but, thankfully, no one was killed. However, after the dust settled, the Toopoxican CEO was missing. Here's hoping he turns up OK."
News report, 3 days later
"Today, a disturbing internet video was released. It seems to feature three men in ski masks in front of an LNI flag. After shouting at what appears to be the recently kidnapped Sergei Solov for several minutes, one of the masked men raises a machete and decapitates the CEO. The government of ARLNI has refused to comment on or condemn the actions of the men."
Scene of the Murder
Nikolai stroked his chin, he looked at the dried blood on the floor, this was certainly the place, he looked up at the wall which had been adorned with the LNI flag and then turned to stare down at the man in a ski mask he had just shot, the door across the room swung open and Nikolai drew his pistol “FREEZE! TOOPOXIC-!” A bullet smashed into his neck and blood shot out violently, he collapse in agony before passing away.
Office of the Director of Secret Operations
When Captain Adam Kelly stepped into the office, the commisar's face was hidden in shadow as usual.
"What is it, Captain?"
"Well, I've been following orders, and investigating the Solov murder."
"Shocking," The Director snorted impatiently. "Is that all you came to say?"
"Uh, no." Kelly hesitated. "Well, I found the site of the murder, but I wasn't the only one."
"I found a Toopoxican spy. He tried to attack me, so I shot him."
"Bad move." The Director sounded amused as usual. "Thanks, Kelly, go back to work. I have work to do..."
Fighter Patrol in Irish Airspace, near Northern border.
Black Flight
Black One led his flight towards an abnormally large blip he'd picked up fifteen minutes ago. The blip was about the size of a fighter.
"Damn, whatever it is, it's movin' fast."
"Yeah, we're having trouble tracking it..."
They cruised for several more minutes, when it fell off the radar screen.
"Damn, I lost the fucker! How close was it?!"
Black Two replied "Less than a mile, I --" his radio cut off.
His blip on Black One's radio turned into a cloud of much smaller blips.
"Jesus Christ! We lost Two!"
Black One's target lock alarms blared. He launched ECMs, flipped his plane, and entered a steep dive. The missile missed him, exploded fifty meters above him.
"I'm getting 3 radar signals!" Three shouted, "IFF says they're Toopoxian!"
"Dammit!" One yelled, panting, "Black Flight, break and attack!"
Black One climbed and found Black Two's killer, hanging next to a cloud.
"You're mine, motherfucker..." He armed his AMRAAM and focused on the enemy fighter. His HUD highlighted the P2, and locked on quickly. Black One fired the Slammer, and watched the Poxican fighter blossom into a flower of fire.
Several minutes later, Black One and Four pursued the remaining P2, waiting to get within AMRAAM range.
"I've got lock." Black Four said.
"He's all yours, Four."
Black Four's AMRAAM missed the enemy fighter, detonating below and to it's left.
"Damn. Break off pursuit, we're low on fuel. Head to base."
The fighters peeled off.
News report, the next day:
"I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, we'll get back to your program after this breaking news update. We're receiving reports that the Armed Republic of Liberated New Ireland has declared war, on the nation of Toopoxia. Reports are still coming in, but it appears that several Toopoxian spies have been discovered in ARLNI territory, and have been killed by Irish counterspies. In addition, the so-called "fireworks display" in Limerick airspace was apparently an actual air battle, between several Irish and Toopoxian fighters. We have no details on the battle itself, but it seems that several aircraft were destroyed, more details later. Now, back to our program..."
The Aeson
28-06-2006, 18:49
"We don't have any connection with these people, let them sort out their own problems!" Shouted one of the councilmen.
"No! We can turn this to our advantage," said another. Keene nodded at that. Making New Aeson strong was a priority, especially with the ongoing war with Undershi.
"I say we deploy Shadowmen," he said quietly, as was his way. The others froze in the middle of the argument. Rarely were the elite killers referred to by name in these august halls. but Keene's suggestion had merit. The Shadowmen were to be deployed in Liberated New Ireland immediately, before their path was cut off.
The MXX-Stiletto cut through the water, in turn launching a small landing boat. About a mile from shore, the landing boat was abandoned, and the Shadowmen dove into the water, stroking silently and swiftly towards the shore. Upon arriving, they split up, and removed parts from their waterproof backpacks, assembling a variety of unique and deadly weaponry. The MXX Stiletto pulled back. The Shadowmen were on their own, with now way to be extracted.
That was, after all, how they best functioned.
Blackhelm Confederacy
28-06-2006, 18:50
OOC: Finally here, yay!
Claudius Griffincrest was sitting at his desk high above Paradise City when the report from the LNI news was handed to him by an aide. "Toopoxica is at war, eh. Well, tell them we will assist them, after all they supported us in Hydac." Quickly the aide ran to a phone and called Toopoxica telling them of their new ally.
In an hour, two newly purchased aircraft carriers, bought under the guise of being used as "piracy deterents and platforms for oil discovery", were sent out towards LNI, packing about 240 Gnats between the two of them. Behind them, was a small battle fleet, and transport ships, containing 250,000 mercenaries, 1200 Mercury's, and 700 T-55's. They would hopefully reach enemy territory soon. A few miles ahead of the fleet, coporate stealth ships cruisd towards Irish waters, ready to disable radar and zip away unseen.
Blackhelm Confederacy
28-06-2006, 18:54
OOC: Aeson, what becomes of the shadowmen stuck on Griffincrest Island? Should I assume they all ate cyanide?
28-06-2006, 18:56
The P2's returned to the Aircraft carriers positioned in International waters, the crew got out and rushed over to the Admiral, "Sir, one confirmed hit and the same for losses, I'd like to take 1st of 4th Wing back out as soon as we've refuelled." The Admiral saluted the Pilot he knew the enemy naval forces would soon be here to engage in battle and right now was critically important to causing as much damage as possible.
Indent"Refuel quickly and return 30 minutes after take off, I want the whole air force ready for when the enemy forces arrive." The Admiral checked some paperwork on his clip-board and then returned inside, he coughed up some tar and returned to his quarters to have a snifter of Scotch, he was interupted by the hatch into his office opening and a young Ensign walking in.
Indent"Sah! Transports have arrived at positions and are holding, the rest of the Navy will arrive in final positions in 35 minutes, Sah!" The Admiral waved the ensign out of the office as he finished the little trickle of scotch, the ensign walked out and the Admiral braced himself for his battle ready head, he would need some quick decision making in order to successfully make a beach-head.
The Aeson
28-06-2006, 18:57
OOC: Aeson, what becomes of the shadowmen stuck on Griffincrest Island? Should I assume they all ate cyanide?
OOC: Those that didn't die in a hail of bullets.
Blackhelm Confederacy
28-06-2006, 19:17
OOC: Excellent
The first of four stealth ships silently cut through the water alongside of the Toopoxican fleet. One sent a message to the flagship.
"This is Admiral Julius Firehorn. I am here under the orders of the Griffincrest corporation to support your operation here. If you can give us any intel you have gathered on Irish radar and SAM systems, we would be much obliged. The Griffincrest fleet is on its way as well. Rest assured, these are good men."
28-06-2006, 19:40
"Admiral Markus Granin to Admiral Julius Firehorn, We have found launchers about the site of a possible enemy fortification, co-ordinates enclosed, Gods speed and good hunting my friend!" The Admiral hooked up the ship comms, he looked out onto the deck, the P" wings were launching for the second wave, they planned on pulling away the enemy fighters into a fierce dogfight whilst the PLB squadron on the other Aircraft Carrier prepped for launch just shy of the P2 launch.
Blackhelm Confederacy
28-06-2006, 19:43
Admiral Firehorn reviewed thew coordinates of both the base, and the SAM sites. He ordered two ships on each site. Soon afterwards, six tomahawk missiles screamed towards the airbase, while another six were fired at the SAM's.
Hyden, Hydac
First Minister Paul Stone sat in the Cabinet Room and surveyed his collected ministers. Tyler Hutchins, the newly confirmed Defense Minister, stood and walked to the briefing chart at the end of the room.
"Gentlemen, at 0600 Hyden Standard Time this morning Toopoxian aircraft clashed with arcraft from Liberated New Ireland in Irish waters. Apparently LNI security forces have already captured or killed several Toopoxian spies as well. Shortly after the aerial skirmish, LNI officially declared war on Toopoxia."
Stone spoke up, "Minister Yassim, your thoughts?"
Shaheed Yassim, Hydac's Foreign Minister, spoke next. "First Minister, it's my opinion that can't not react to this situation. We should at the very least publically voice our support with LNI."
"Minister Assad, your assesment?"
Ibraham Assad, Minister of Internal Security, took the floor. "For now Topoxia and LNI appear to be sizing each other up, with neither side taking major offensive action, however a fleet of Griffincrest Oil naval vessels and transports carrying ground troops have been deployed to aid Toopoxia. I doubt their motives are strictly out of friendship but to serve some purpose."
Stone thought for a moment and then began to outline his plan. "Shaheed issue a statement declaring our support for LNI and denoncing imperialistic war-mongering and all that. Gen. Adid, step up our patrols along the Toopoxian DMZ and heighten our alert status. Ibraham, I want you to find out everything you can about what's going on in Toopoxia."
With that the various minister's left the meeting to began preparing.
***Commonwealth of Hydac Public Statement***
The Commonwealth of Hydac strongly denounces the armed incursion and terrorist activities of Toopoxian against the peaceful nation of Liberated New Ireland.
We ourselves were only recently the victims of a failed imperialistic adventure of Toopoxian and thier allies in the Griffincrest Oil Company. While we weill not commit military forces at this time, we offer New Ireland any and all asistance we can offer short of war.
Toopoxian-Hydacan DMZ
In addition to the larger guard detachments in the bunkers and towers along the DMZ, there dozens of Border Ranger vehicles including the new Lynx scout cars transferred from the Hydacan Army.
In addition several light aircraft were up and patrolling the border.
Fort Assan, Falid, Hydac
The newly formed 1st Armoured Regiment and the veteran 2nd Mechanized Infanry Brigade were put on alert for deployment. Already both brigades had sent advance teams to perpare their forward basing areas closer to the border.
Aleed Air Base, Taron, Hydac
Two squadrons of F-15SGs and one of A-10s were put on immediate standby to deploy to the border, or beyond, if needed.
Liberated New Ireland
28-06-2006, 20:11
Black Flight rushed back to Foynes Air Base to refuel and make their report. "This is Black One! We discovered and engaged a flight of Toopoxican fighters in our airspace!"
"What?!" Commander Sullivan sat upright as he heard Black One speak. "You engaged?! What the hell were you thinking, relations between us are tenative as it is!"
"Sir, they fired first. They fired an AMRAAM and hit Black Two from cloud cover. We engaged, I took down one fighter, Black Three scratched another, before he was taken out. We pursued the surviving fighter, but had to turn back because of our fuel condition."
"Very well, get your bird down, right now." He switched off the radio, and turned to one of his officers. "Get Green Flight and an E-3 up, yesterday. Prep the rest of the squadron."
At the Commander's orders, the base swarmed with activity. Raptors were prepped, pilots were briefed, and everyone waited anxiously for a 'go'.
Meanwhile, four F-22s and an E-3 Sentry were launched, heading towards the coast.
Foynes Coastal Patrol 7, led by Sergeant Ciaran Grays proved to be as boring as usual. The twenty soldiers stumped boredly on the bank, looking towards the sea when they felt like it...
"Hang on... What's that?!" one of the privates shouted. He pointed at a grey shape in the water.
"Hold it!" The sergeant put his hand up, and the entire column paused. He looked at the shape... "Jesus Christ, it's a ship! Toopoxican markings... It's no cargo barge, though, that's a warship." Sarge squinted, and pulled out his radio. "Foynes Command, this is CP 7. We spotted some Toopoxican warships. A couple carriers, and what looks like a troopship."
Commander Sullivan sighed. "When it rains, it pours. Alright, mobilize Gallowglass Army, get the local Kern legions activated."
The first thing that the E-3 picked up was a salvo of twelve cruise missiles. "Shit! Pilots, break off and pursue the missiles, they're heading towards Foynes Air Base and SAM site N2!"
One of the F-22s broke left, and armed its Sidewinders, ready to take down as many of the Tomahawks aimed at the air base as possible, while the other three broke right and slammed towards the 109s headed for the SAM site.
"Foynes base, scramble fighters! We've got six BGM-109s headed towards you!"
Sergeant Grays through the barbed wire fence surrounding the Foynes Air Base just in time to see six F-22s take off at high speed. He looked to the nearest soldier. "What the hell is going on?!"
"We're at war with Toopoxia! Some asshole fired Tomahawks at us! LOOK!" The man pointed into the air. Seven dots started to become bigger as they rushed towards the base. Ciaran froze as he realised they were the Tomahawks. The interceptors launched missiles... and five of them blossomed into giant balls of fire. A sixth hurtled towards the earth, and detonated on the edge of the base, annihilating a hardpoint.
The Sentry crew watched as the six dots representing the Tomahawks launched at the SAM site faded over the site. "Green flight, what's your status?" the Captain asked. "Come in, Green flight."
Green One reported, "We didn't get there fast enough. The site was destroyed, no one made it out."
The Sentry captain switched off the radio. "Dammit."
START- Transmission
The Emperor has deigned to notice this petty engagement, and has dispatched battle groups to aid Toopoxia for reasons undisclosed. Toopoxia, do not question your good fortune, and have no illusions: The Emperor cares nothing for you; only for the good of the glorious Eternal Imperium of Ftagn. To the people of the Republic of Liberated New Ireland: Your time has come, and nothing you do will slow the coming storm. Resign yourselves to the void, or fight back; it matters not.
END-Official Imperial Communique from the Ministry of Foreign Relations/War-END
A message to the PRLNI government:
Greetings! Looks like you have yourselves a bit of a situation there, what with the impending invasions and all, and I believe I can help with that. I represent the Phoenix Mercenaries, one of the largest mercenary groups in the world, and currently in possession of an entire army group's worth of assets. We can have our troops there in a jiffy, if you only pay us the nominal fee of 5 million for our troubles. So hows about it, eh?
Commander Lucas Kerensky, leader of the Phoenix Mercenaries
[OOC: The phoenix mercenary company is a cover for a section of the Imperial army, which is used to get involved in wars where open intervention would be a bad choice. Anyone searching for records of the company would find nothing interesting, but that it has been involved in several counter-rebellion actions in some insignificant countries.]
28-06-2006, 20:40
Toopoxican-Hydac DMZ
"General, we've gotten increased chatter from across the border, they're planning somthing!" The General looked up out of the tent and at the face of the bright eyed Sergeant.
Indent"Sergeant, call up the Internal Divisions and increase patrols, bring up as many recon vehicles and IFV's as are possible and scramble the P2's and PLB's, it won't be long until we and Hydacs bullets meet again." The General snarled, the Sergeant saluted and Ivanovic saluted back.
International Waters, just outside LNI Waters
3rd Fleet moved behind 1st Fleet with 2nd Fleet moving to protect the Transports out to the rear just out of bomber range, Admiral Granin had moved from the PNS Du'Font Aircraft Carrier to the PNS Volitaia, the flagship which had just arrived at the front lines.
Indent"Make sure the first thing the enemy see is the Volitaia, maybe we can scare them away with a show of stregth, call Admiral Firehorn, tell him politely to get his fleet back here to help defend our Naval assests ready for a possible LNI counter attack." There was much saluting as the orders were sharpishly carried out, the Comms got on the wire to Firehorn telling him the Admirals orders, the fleet redirected so that the Volitaia stuck out sharply on the horizon.
IndentThe last Jets returned from the mission, few were injured and others never returned, it was true now, war was once more upon Toopoxia and now it had a chance to flex its powerful Silinidj muscles.
Premier Minister Joseph Whells smiled, tapping his hands on his mahogany desk. He wore robes of deep black, his battle armor used in public affairs was on a manican beside his desk. In front of him sat General James Whells, his brother and friend, and Minister of the Media, Louis Gollon.
James. I want an invasion force sent to LNI.
How many strong, Mr. Minister?
I want 600,000 combatants ready to go by sundown.
6-600,000, sir?
Yes. Is there a problem, general?
N-no sir. It will be done.
He pointed to Louis.
You. I want broudcast all over RFF denouncing LNI as agressive sub-humans. Make it sound good.
Yes, Mr. Minister.
And another thing... Contact Sergei. I want any RFF citizen who so much as thinks about denouncing this action arrested for.... treason.
He smiled. Things were working perfectly.
Joseph changed quickly into his battle armor, and prepared for the broudcast to Toopoxia.
You have five, four, three, two, one.
The camera man gave the sign that they were live, and Joseph smiled broudly.
Honored Toopoxia. We are deeply saddened by the turn of events that has plunged you into war with these... Irish barbarians. We are here to announce our total support of you. An invasion force is being prepared, and will ship out in a few hours. I will not give details now, but I beleive you will be... pleased.
The red light on the camera died, and so did Joseph's smile.
Send it to them now.
Fort Assan, Falid, Hydac
Colonel Owen Banks stepped of the transport plane and onto the tarmac at Fort Assan's adjacent Anderson Army Airfield. Banks had just been recalled from his post as head of the Hydacan Military Assistance Mission to Latyaq and was now assuming command of the newly formed 1st Armoured Brigade. 1st Armoured was nothing like his old unit, the 2nd Mech. In place of the ancient M60s and outclassed Rangers he had lethal new Merkava IVs. The old Centaur APCs had been replaced with Desert Warrior IFVs and now he had Crusader self propelled howitzers instead of the old towed gus he'd had in the Desert War. If Toopoxia came across the border again, he'd stain the sand red with their blood.
28-06-2006, 21:00
"Excellent!" David muttered, "Excellent, things could not be going better, we're about to crush LNI and soon we'll be able to make a move on Hydac, tell me Dr, how is Project Solov doing?" David had stopped watching the video message pledging support from RFF and looked at his cheif science advisor.
Indent"Well sir..." Dr Christobel moved forwards to emphazise his position, "I have had some problems in translating the last update into readable data but once that is sorted out I will have him back." David poured out 5 glasses of Scotch and handed them out.
Indent"Gentlemen, a Toast, for all that is well today and for the continuation of our great luck!" David tossed back the liquid and looked around the room, "I have some more good news, I have been elected CEO of the Toopoxican Organisation, so Dr Christobel, I want you to relocate your research to Toopoxican Organisation HQ!" David smiled as he saw the content face of Christobel drop.
IndentChristobel almost looked as though he would drop to the floor any minute and David began to laugh, he loved watching the misery others felt, "Sir, please! That place is still infected, I could die!!!" He pleaded but was booted away by David.
Indent"The average life span has been estimated at 5 months, so you'd better work hard!"
Liberated New Ireland
28-06-2006, 21:05
"Sir!" The AWACS commander reported back to Commander Sullivan. "We've recieved signals of a large Poxican fleet near the coast! Sending coordinates now!"
Commander Sullivan sighed as he recieved the readings. "Dammit. Send a sortie out against them. Send out the Foynes Strike Squadron, and I want back-up from the 3rd Strike Squadron. Escort them with the Foynes Fighter Squadron, 2nd Raptor Squadron, and 4th Raptors."
Five minutes later a force of thirty Tupolev TU-160 Blackjack Bombers, 60 F-105 fighter-bombers, loaded with torpedoes, and 72 F-22 Raptors screamed into the night, hurtling towards the enemy fleet.
Transmission To Phoenix Orgainzation:
Deal. Your pay will be transferred to an account of your choice.
28-06-2006, 21:35
"Nidji's arriving Due East, 1st of 4th wing P2's launching to engage!" The P2's followed the wing commander as they flew out into the dusk sun, they had been there since morning, when this whole thing had began and now the first dogfight began.
IndentThe Vessels of the various fleets prepared AA countermeasures, making sure that they would be the hardest to spot, preparing the AA guns and launching Attack helicopters to shoot down as many of the enemy as possible before the inevitable.
IndentOnly the first wing had left, the second wing would stay behind and defend the fleet, it was hoped that soon the BC Navy would return to a strategic point in order to defend the fleet.
Liberated New Ireland
28-06-2006, 21:48
OOC: Toops, what does "1st of 4th wing" mean?
The Wing Commander saw the approaching fighters. "4th Raptors, engage the threat. 2nd, keep an eye on 'em, but don't engage unless you're needed. Rest of the wing, continue towards the ships."
24 of the F-22s broke formation and dove towards the P2 squadron. They locked on the enemy with AMRAAMs and fired a salvo.
Half of the remaining F-22s remained in position, while the other half took up a 6 O'clock-high guard position.
-International waters, near LNI-
The Imperial battle fleet was an impressive sight. A huge mass of grey and black steel, adorned with the blood red banners of the Empire, the fleet stretched on for miles in radius. The largest concentration of mass was due to the presence of several Imperial Legions, numbering 1.5 million elite Legionnaries in total, but even the massive transports were armed and defended by CIWS systems and AA missiles. Soon the enemy would know fear...
Racing far ahead of the fleet was the Phoenix Mercenaries, in a much smaller and faster fleet, apparently desperately trying to stay out of range of the Imperial fleet...
The Phoenix Mercenary Company is already on it's way, and glad to be doing business with you. Send funds to this account... [Insert account number here]
28-06-2006, 22:00
(OOC: glad you asked, it means the 1st Regiments 4th Wing, the full title being 1-1-4 (1st Division, 1st Regiment, 4th Wing) then inside of that there's 1-1-4-1 (1st Division, 1st Regiment, 4th Wing, 1st Pilot) of course with the usual military tag of P, so if I wanted the winger commander of 1st of 4th I'd ask for P-1-1-4-1, saves the confusion of remembering all those crappy call tags, like "Buzz" and "Mr Orange")
2 Fighters went down and others began to chase off the missiles before firing off their own into the enemy fighters, they just needed to hold them off whilst the AA weapons on the Navy could deal with a weakened force, the Wing Commander looked out and prayed to his aethiestic emptyness that the BC forces would arrive soon.
Shareed Proving Range, Western Hydac
Captain Paul Groves watched as the new M159 "Sledgehammer" moved into it's firing slot. The M159 was a self propelled 203mm howitzer and the most powerful artillery piece in Hydac. The guns had recently rolled off the HMI production line in Faisel (OOC: Hydac Military Industries, possible future storefront) and were undergoing final testing before full rate production began. The first battery of six guns were on the line and preparing to fire.
OOC: This will factor in to my later plans, so it's not spam.
Liberated New Ireland
28-06-2006, 22:21
The F-22s followed the diving P2s, switching to guns and engaging the fighters at close range. An F-22 was struck by a missile and fell to the earth.
Meanwhile, the rest of the wing got within visual range of the enemy ships.
28-06-2006, 22:23
Emperor Baker was concerned upon hearing of the problems in New Ireland.
"General Guiderian," he called for one of the many Generals who made up his advisory staff. "Give me the phone." Upon recieving his telephone, which led directly into the offices of his allies, he called for LNI.
"I hear you are engaged in a war of some form. Would you care for Wanderjarian assistance?"
Liberated New Ireland
28-06-2006, 22:31
Emperor Baker was concerned upon hearing of the problems in New Ireland.
"General Guiderian," he called for one of the many Generals who made up his advisory staff. "Give me the phone." Upon recieving his telephone, which led directly into the offices of his allies, he called for LNI.
"I hear you are engaged in a war of some form. Would you care for Wanderjarian assistance?"
OOC: ...You called my entire country? :D
"Yes, Emperor Baker," replied General Sean O'Connor, "We are in need of some military assistance. And fast, please."
The Aeson
28-06-2006, 22:48
Thimba stepped out of the shadows as soon as the APC passed by him. Joggin slightly to catch up, he rapped quietly on the door. This was the most dangerous part. If the gunner didn't panic and shoot him now, he would probably get his audience with the General.
If he did, well, the General would be deprived of the not inconsiderable help that the Shadowmen could offer him.
28-06-2006, 22:51
Following suite the P2's switched to gatling fire, the golden beams of bullets arc round and cracked out of the wings like a flaming whip, it licked across the enemy fighters, the sun dissapeared at last and now the jets fought at night.
(OOC: hope ye don't mind me dictating the weather conditions)
Liberated New Ireland
28-06-2006, 23:15
OOC: No, that's how I imagined the scene was anyway.
The General saw the Shadowman, and paused for a second.
"Aw, hell, come on in."
O'Connor opened the door and gestured inside.
While the 4th Raptors dogfighted with the enemy P2s, the strike squadron finally got within torpedo range of the enemy ships.
"All fighters, move in ahead, and focus on those thwackers and threshers. Torpedo bombers, Strike bombers, hammer their carriers and battleships. Break and attack!"
The Foynes Fighter Squadron concentrated their assault on the "thwackers" (assault helicopters), AA missiles overmatching the choppers in speed and maneuverability. The 2nd Raptors engaged the "threshers" (SA weapons), strafing their decks and launching AShMs into their hulls. The Tupolev bombers and F-105 Thunderchief strike bombers dropped their payloads on the capital ships of the fleet.
The Aeson
28-06-2006, 23:18
"Thank you, General," replied Thimba in, of all languages, perfectly accented Spanish. "I represent a nation which, at this time, is to remain anonymous. You seem to have a small problem here. The Shadowmen can help. All I require from you is an order directing your troops to assist us in any way that becomes necessary, and we'll do what we can to turn the tide."
Liberated New Ireland
28-06-2006, 23:21
"Well," the General returned in Gaeilge, "I would take up your offer, but what reason do we have to trust you? And what do you have to gain from this?"
28-06-2006, 23:22
(OOC: huh, oki so maybe I didn't mention the fact that my Transports are like 500 Km away from the main fleet protected by the 2nd Fleet, 2 Aircraft Carriers & 2 Destroyers, so your torpedoe bombers are firing mostly at the poor Volitaia... And also (I know I mentioned this) that I planned on launching P2's before your arrival from the second carrier in order to hold off the attack on the Transports, that way you'd have Fighters trapped at the front, fighters trapped at the rear and a false sense that you might win this war =P anywho, you might wanna Edit your post, maybe...)
The Aeson
28-06-2006, 23:25
"Well," the General returned in Gaeilge, "I would take up your offer, but what reason do we have to trust you? And what do you have to gain from this?"
"Trust me, General? Well, let me put it this way. If I wished you or your country harm, you would already be dead," replied Thimba, switching to Gaelige easily, although his accent was considerably less refined than it had been when he was speaking Spanish.
"As for what we have to gain from this? I admit, our motives are far from entirely altruistic. To begin with, there may well come a time when my nation requires international assistance. Your goodwill will be important then. For another, we are given to understand that the Toopixian troops utilize shall we say, interesting technology. You can expect a not insubstantial amount of that to go home with us."
Liberated New Ireland
28-06-2006, 23:30
OOC: You win, Toops? Very funny. I edited the post.
"Very well, Shadowman, we'll accept your offer. We owe you one." The General saluted him.
The Aeson
28-06-2006, 23:32
The Shadowman grinned. If it weren't for the helmet hiding his face, the good general would have been confronted with a somewhat unsettling set of teeth. Thimba had come from a tribe in the southeast of New Aeson, who had a somewhat unique practice of sharpening their teeth to points. Just for the effect.
"The order then please, General."
28-06-2006, 23:37
The Concentration of fire from the Volitaia which lit up the black clouds hung overhead aimed for the enemy fighters, hoping to take down the protection of the bombers, the rest of the Fleet moved to protect the Volitaia, taking hits and occasionally firing off into the sky to destroy enemy bombers.
Bay of Blood, Southern RFF, June 26th 19:00
Inside of the Bay of Blood, the last man was loaded onto the last ship.
The Enlightned Empires Navy was a wonder to behold. The black, crimson and gold paint sent shivers down the spine of the sailors who worked on the great vessels. The banners of the Empire flew high, waving in the winds, a symbol of the pride and power of the Empire.
At the head of the fleet was Admiral Rollins, his black and gold officer-issue battle armor shining in the sun. He looked out to the seas, to what may well be a graveyard for his men, and smiled. For the glory of the Empire. For the glory of the Premier.
International Waters, 50 miles from the coast of LNI, June 28th 18:00
The Admiral awoke from his nap at the knocking on the door of his cabin. He rose, putting on a woolen robe that hung from a coatrack. Turning the gilded doorknob, he opened the door, and smiled at the site of Commander Levey.
Admiral, we have arrived.
Excelent. Leave me, I must dress.
Yes sir.
Admiral Rollins continued grinning as he shut the door, and donned his battle armor.
Limerick City, Liberated New Ireland
The sleek Leer jet touched down at the city's international airport. The sales delegation from Hydac Military Industries (HMI) exited and got into their rented Range Rovers and drove to their hotel. Once their the head of the sales team, Ben Carson, pulled out his secure sat phone and dialed a number at the LNI Ministry of Defense. When they answered he quickly introduced himself and requested a meeting.
[OOC: The mercenaries are landing at the first coastal city with a military base that they can find.]
The mercenary battle group landed first, broadcasting distress signals, and nearly beaching their landing vessals in their haste to get on shore. Troops and equipment were unloaded in a flurry of activity, while the escort ships maneuvered into a defensive position, fully expecting to be destroyed by the onslaught of the incoming enemy fleets.
Further down the water way, the Imperial fleet came to sudden life, launching cruise missiles and fighter bombers, intent on eliminating all threats within the landing zone, the city of Foynes. Anyone paying too much attention would notice that none of the haphazardly fired missiles landed anywhere near the mercenary force then landing on shore... but observers would have no time to speculate on that, as the fleet's cannons began bombarding the shore as it went, the powerful ETC artillery sending plumes of dirt and fire hundreds of feet into the air.
29-06-2006, 00:21
The Wanderjarian 2nd Flotilla, armed with over 100,000 Marines and their equipment, launched to assist the New Irish forces.
General Reinhardt, commander of the First Infantry, deployed his One Million troops to Limerick Airport. The Second Armor, under the command of Field Marshal Hans von Leeb, also sent his force of nearly 1000 Leopard 2 tanks, supported by 1,500 BMPs. The Wanderjarian Government, having learned from mistakes in the Chitzeland conflict, had set up an entire corps of Logistics personel (5,000,000 men) to set up, and arrange for departure and purchasing of various needs for deployment. Therefore, the Logistics Corps immediately began sending supplies to Limerick, so that they would arrive as the troops did.
Once the troops landed 14 hours later, they immediately began moving out to the various fronts, to take back what had been lost.
Admiral Siegfred, at the Command bridge of his Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier, reported to Baker, "It will be about Fifteen hours before the 2nd Flotilla of First Fleet arrives. Tell those Army boys to hold on!"
Air Marshal Göring sent 500 F/A-18s to escort the Troop planes, and the many supply planes that flew with them. Upon their landing, they refueled, began targeting convoys, and Armor divisions moving about the nation.
Goring asked the New Irish Command HQ where to focus his Air power.
"LNI," Baker thought to himself from his Command room at the Imperial Palace, "Salvation has arrived."
Liberated New Ireland
29-06-2006, 00:38
Dawn, immediately after the Air Battle
The bombers and strike fighters had expended their payloads on the Toopoxican vessels, and so they retreated back to Foynes Air Base.
Black One's chest heaved as he killed a P2 and turned away from the battle. He quickly returned to his place in the low guard formation, and watched his radar, hoping that the remaining P2's weren't numerous enough to sortie against the formation. He pulled off his O2 mask, and reported in to his squadron leader.
Overall, the wing had lost 16 F-22s, 3 Tu-160s, and 23 F-105s.
The secretary was impatient with the Hydacan representative, but agreed to set up a meeting and told him to come down to the capitol building.
Foynes Coast
"Goddamnit!" Ciaran flinched as another shell from the Ftagnese ship exploded near enough to shake him.
Him and his section, in addition to a full Light Infantry regiment of the Gallowglass Army, and some ten thousand Kerns, crouched and waited in a variety of earthworks, bunkers, and buildings. They occasionally moved out of their holes to build defenses, and set up gun emplacements, but mostly they hid, waited for the barrage to lift, and watched the shore for enemy landing craft.
Meanwhile, three 200mm coastal batteries, along with several camoflauged AGM-84 Harpoon batteries, returned fire at the Ftagn fleet.
29-06-2006, 00:51
(OOC: Hey Ftagn, you're ahead of me, I guess Foyne is where you'll be landing, I'ma go for that little Eastern Town.)
The Fleet moved in to bombardment range of the small town(OOCname forgotten), the serverly damaged Volitaia had gone back to base for repairs and so it was up to the remaining naval forces to fire upon the now waking Irish, the morning sky lit up as the Navy began its bombardment.
IndentThe 2 Aircraft Carriers had made a stop-over suring the night to pick up PAAT's loaded with the nessacary Armour divisions to move into Ireland, more would be sent along soon but for now they a#only had to take a town which was being pounded by Naval Cannons.
Blackhelm Confederacy
29-06-2006, 00:58
Hyden, Hydac
Ibraham Assad, Minister of Internal Security, took the floor. "For now Topoxia and LNI appear to be sizing each other up, with neither side taking major offensive action, however a fleet of Griffincrest Oil naval vessels and transports carrying ground troops have been deployed to aid Toopoxia. I doubt their motives are strictly out of friendship but to serve some purpose."
OOC: Damn Hydac, you know me too well, and man did I miss alot here
The carrier fleet had now caught up with the rest of the fleet, and sent half its Gnats up, to join in the battle in the skies. The stealth ships zipped out of the area, before the enemy can find them.
Liberated New Ireland
29-06-2006, 01:01
OOC: Damn Hydac, you know me too well, and man did I miss alot here
The carrier fleet had now caught up with the rest of the fleet, and sent half its Gnats up, to join in the battle in the skies. The stealth ships zipped out of the area, before the enemy can find them.
OOC: The battle in the skies concluded...
Transmition to Toopoxian Capital Ship
My forces are ready to attack, and are moving in on your posistion outside of Glin to aide you in your drive toward the beach.
Waters Outside of Glin
The fleet moved in at a slow pace, their banners hanging with no wind. The Admiral smiled as he looked out apon the sight of the Toopoxian fleet. He looked to Commander Levey.
"We are here. Prepare for assault. I want Tomahawks ready to be launched at my command."
"It will be done, Admiral."
Rising his hand to the tip of his hat, he saluted the Admiral.
"For the glory of the Empire."
"For the glory of the Premier."
29-06-2006, 01:20
A small fleet of Jaredcohenian submarines (20 of them) moved towards LNI. The goal was unclear...perhaps a bribe could influence the Jaredcohenians. For now, however...the submarines stayed low, prepped with nuclear torpedos.
Limerick City
The rented Range Rovers entered the garage and the HMI delegation got out and followed their escort to the elevator. With them were several briefcases contaning the various offreings that HMI had prepared for LNI.
OOC: I should be on later to RP the meeting.
29-06-2006, 01:55
Lieutenant Colonel Johan flew his F/A-18 Squadron of 16 in the direction of Foynes.
"Men, target the Destroyers, I'd rather not see those cities levelled." He brought up his missle reticule, and selected a target. From beyond visual range, he launched a salvo of 5 Air-to-Sea missles at a Toopaxian or RFF Battleships. As he did, his men each launched their salvos.
29-06-2006, 02:11
Calculated Losses Chart P-Day +26 Hours
Toxitrooper National Service
1 Serviceman, Food poisoning
Toxitrooper Foreign Assault
(No Casualties)
Toxitrooper Armoured Divisions
(No Casualties)
Toxitrooper Sky Assault
26\40 P2's, shot down
3\4 PAH's, shot down
Toxitrooper Naval Forces
12 P101 Frigates, Bombed or Harpooned
4 P201 Destroyers, Harpooned
1 P302 Cruiser, Harpooned
Toxitrooper Special Service
(No Casualties)
Of the five Air-to-Surface missiles, only one managed to make it through the defences of the RFFian fleet. It flew through the air, aiming to destroy one of the cruisers in the fleet. It struck, exploding in flame. Of the three hundred men aboard the ill-fated vessle, thirty-eight where killed in the impact. The cruiser remained afloat, but just barely.
To: Admiral [Whatever] of the Toopoxian Navy
From: Admiral Rollins of the RFFian Navy
My fleet is at your command. What would you have us do?
Blackhelm Confederacy
29-06-2006, 05:01
OOC: The battle in the skies concluded...
OOC: Like I said, I missed alot, and sorry for such a short post, I was in a rush
The Gnats zipped around over the fleet, providing cover should the enemy attack. The transports were moving ever closer to Irish land, defended by two Kirov missile cruisers, and two Sovremenney destroyers. As they got closer, Admiral Firehorn ordered the Kirovs to fire at anything that looked like it could pose a threat to the landing. They each deployed a Predator UAV, which surveilled the area from a distance. Both Kirovs soon opened up, firing four SS-N-12 Sandbox missiles each at anything resembling a defensive structure on the coast.
The stealth ships were out in international waters, coordinating the attack from sea via the shoddy information the Predators were relaying. The distance of the Predators from shore did not really give the clearest image, but it was something. Firehorn did not particularly like this job of invading LNI, but the pay was incredible, and he was safe on the stealth ship, at least for the time being.
Liberated New Ireland
29-06-2006, 21:01
After a deafening explosion rocked the mounts of the last remaining coastal battery, the last remaining cannons fell with a shriek of metal collapsing.
Ciaran watched the battery fall, and turned to his troops. They were huddled in the basement of a building near the coastline, along with the rest of their company. The regiment was spread out in a line across the shore, waiting for the first Toopoxican landers. The rest of the KFL was waiting througout the city, ready to ambush the first Skytroops to land.
The Aeson
29-06-2006, 21:07
Thimba remained in the shadows. He was practically invisible there, which wouldn't help him if a shell fell on him, or on any of the buildings casting those shadows. But the shelling had stopped. Which meant...
Which had to mean that the Toopixicans were going to make a landing soon. Thimba grinned, looking towards the shore. There would be blood a plenty mingling with the salt sprey soon. Thimba examined his weaponry, making sure it was all in perfect order.
29-06-2006, 21:13
Rubble collapsed into the blackened water as the smoke cleared, it was early afternoon and the Transports had pulled in to a closer position, the dark blue uniforms of the Toxitroopers visible on deck, regimented and ready for the battle, slowly squads were being airlifted from the Transports to a designated landing spot near the coast, the soldiers dropped off and immediatly began to construct the rudimentary structures of a HQ.
IndentThe power of this war passed so suddenly from Admiral Granin to General Virovich, his boots landed on Irish soil displacing the dust of the rubble and causing him wipe the base of his feet, "Sergeant! Have you secured the Town yet?" Virovich asked in his overly gruff voice, the Sergeant looked around and then stood upright and saluted, "I didn't ask for a gesture of your obedience I trust you enough already, I asked whether the City was clear yet?"
Indent"Sir, We're waiting for the Logistics drop to arrive, Sir!" Virovich sighed.
Indent"The Logistical Divisions were getting ready as I left, they'll be here when you'll get back! Now form up a Brigade and go out into the City, search buildings which are still intact and avoid narrow avenues!" The sergeant saluted and then ran off to get his Brigade ready.
Explosions blossomed amongst the fleet's destroyer screen, filling the air with the screams of the dying. Ignoring the casualties (that's what the destroyers are there for, anyways), the dreadnoughts' heavy guns boomed once more, softening the coastal defenses for the coming storm.
Fleet Admiral Vasquez looked on, savoring the screams of the wounded as a portent of horrors to come. He addressed a nearby subordinate,
"We can't wait any longer, or the shock will wear off. Give the word. Deploy the 24th Legion (500,000 infantry with APCs) and the 2nd armored. I don't want anything left alive on that beach!"
"Yes, admiral! I'll get right on it!"
[OOC: I'll think up numbers for the armored division sometime today... but right now, I have no time for a longer post.]
Liberated New Ireland
29-06-2006, 21:32
A soldier came down from his spotter position on one of the second floor windows of the building.
"Sir! They're airlifting troops into the city square, and setting up an HQ there!"
"Damn. Get Stingers to the rooftops, try to hit some of their choppers. Hurry it up!" Soldiers scurried about, hurrying to the roof with MANPADS and rockets.
Over the next hour, soldiers moved through the sewers of Gilin, coordinating a strike on the city square with the cut-off company commanders.
OOC- Toopoxia, could you respond to the transmition I gave to you last night?
Admiral Rollins looked out to the carnage a night of battery had inflicted upon the coast. It seemed resistance had cleared out for now, but first impressions were the downfall of many men. He looked to the sun, and smiled. Rising the radio on his shirt sleeve to his lips he gave the command.
"Begin the landing."
He turned, and began a leisurly stroll towards his cabin. General Robert L. Thompson was in charge now, and he wouldn't be needed for awhile.
The landing craft were loaded with an utter silence. For many of the men, this was their first confilct, and it showed. They gripped their weapons tightly, with white knuckles and scared looks on their faces. They would adjust soon enough. When their survival instincts kicked in, they would forget their fear.
General Thompson stepped off of his transport and onto the sandy beaches of Liberated New Ireland. He wore on his face a look of distaste. He hated wearing this new battle armor shit. Regulation was regulation, and he had his place.
Looking around, he saw a man with battle-armor marking him as a Sergeant. He approached him, a stern look on his face.
"And you are?"
Upon seeing the general approach him, he quickly stood up straight and raised his hand in salute.
"Sergeant Carl Winsley, sir!"
"All right Sergeant, I want to know who is in charge here on the Toopoxian side. Figure it out, and get me a meeting."
"Yes sir."
29-06-2006, 22:10
Sergeant Oktonius was pushing forward in the dark of an empty building, it was just next to the Town Square and had excellent opportunities to snipe if he felt like turning on the Toopoxicans, he didn't right now but was sure that the Irish did.
IndentThere were a lot of intact buildings around the square and all were being investigated, a Helicopter zoomed overhead, no doubt Logistics, it hung over the Town Square and Oktonius looked at it with hunger, he needed somthing to eat.
IndentThe glass suddenly shattered and Oktonius' men were smashed against the walls, They struggled to their feet and looked out at the burning Helicopter now ploughing into the Square, the men below screamed as Oktonius got the smell of burning petrol mixing with flesh.
IndentHe saw the teams over the Square shooting up at the top of his building, he looked up at the opposite building with his scopes, an enemy MANPADS, He took aim and watched as his team began doing the same out the empty windows, they fired out trying to take the enemy down before the next PAAT was downed.
"This is Admiral Granin, you have permission to land, ask for General Virovich."
Liberated New Ireland
29-06-2006, 22:19
The MANPADS crews took losses and dove for cover. The soldiers inside the buildings realised their cover was blown, and started shooting any Toopoxicans in sight from the windows.
Sergeant Grays and his squad fired from a window to the rooftop of a neighboring building, where a Toopoxican sniper was firing upon the Stinger team above them.
Meanwhile, at the shores of Gilin, a battalion of light infantry made their way towards the beach, where RFF forces were landing.
29-06-2006, 22:45
Sergeant Oktonius Took his men by the cuffs and led them up into the building, it would be far easier to take down the enemies in person rather than by range, he switched his radio on, "This Oktonius, clear your own buildings and try to avoid windows, radio back when you think you've cleared your building."
IndentIt was so sudden, the noise of the battle cleared and the soldiers began to move up through their respective buildings looking for enemy snipers.
As the guns fell silent, the landing craft that had been unloaded from the hulking transport ships at the center of the fleet sped towards land. True to Imperial military doctrine, even the small expendable landing craft were mounted with as many gun mounts as possible without impacting the safety of the occupants.
Spitting fire, the first wave of boats began a mad dash to shore...
[OOC: If you're wondering, it's one .50 cal and a port for a man-portable rocket launcher to fire out of. On each transport. Once the first wave has established a beach head, the second wave will begin landing in amphibious APCs to begin the real attack.]
Liberated New Ireland
29-06-2006, 22:56
Soldiers up and down the Gilin defense line collapsed as they were struck by .50 cal rounds. Still more were forced to keep their heads down, but a large portion of the shoreline regiment held the line and returned rocket fire at the approaching boats.
OOC: My soldiers are equipped with LAWs rockets, standard rifle, and a large number of RPG-7s.
29-06-2006, 23:43
The Wanderjarian Imperial Army's 1st Infantry Division arrived at the New Irish lines and began to fortify. Colonel Schaeffer, of 1st Battalion, ordered his companies to immediatley open fire with anti-tank missles as soon as the transports became visible.
The 2nd Armor arrived at the same time, supported by their AA Gepard tanks, moved up to the city of Gilin. As the thousand Leopard 2 tanks, and 1,500 BMP3s situated themselves throughout the city, and on the beaches, they waited. The BMP3s, which have an ATGM (Anti-Tank Guided Missle), fired at the ships at sea, and the tanks began targeting enemy landing craft.
If anyone wanted Foynes, they'd have to get through them first.
Forward Operating Base Whiskey, 62 km NE of DMZ
FOB Whiskey was a rather unimpressive facility to look at. Little more than a few hundred metal trailers and concrete bunkers surronded by a wall of sandbags and cinder blocks, it was still quite important. It served as the forward basing point for the 1st Armoured Brigade and sat near the main road leading to the DMZ outposts. Dozens of tanks, armored vehicles, trucks, and humvees sat parked throughout the bases motorpools and many more were on patrols and exercises.
Staging Point Tango 6, 9 km W of FOB Whiskey
Col. Banks watched as the last of the 18 M159s was unloaded from the massive transport trucks that carried them from the factory in Faisel to the staging point. Each howitzer could fire a 200 lb shell 24 kilometers and put it within 30 feet of it's intended target with ease. If the need arose it was the M159s that would shatter the Toopoxian border forts and open the road to their interior.
Seeing that the enemy defenses were being reinforced, the Admiral began to worry. "Resume the bombardment! Target farther up the beach, give the men some support!"
The whole fleet opened up; dreadnoughts, battleships, and cruisers all began firing missiles and cannons at the defenses, hoping to severely weaken the enemy's will to fight, and destroy their unit coherence.
The first transports began to land on the beaches, disgorging platoons of black-clad legionaries, and accompanying APCs. The APCs fired off smoke grenades, and the soldiers charged up the beach, aiming to find cover from which to fight...
Liberated New Ireland
30-06-2006, 00:40
The fire from the enemy cannons shook the beach, and several forward positions went up in smoke. Soldiers had to reposition quickly to seal up the weakened positions.
Unfortunately for the Ftagnese soldiers, the last night's shelling had flattened the beach, putting cover at a premium. Kern machinegunners poured fire down onto the beach, while riflemen took cover and waited for the enemy to get within range.
Meanwhile, outside the city, the elite 3rd Proffesional Army, the Reapers, advanced towards Gilin. The treads of the armour made the wasteland tremble as they crossed the hellish desert.
30-06-2006, 00:41
Wanderjarian troops opened up with all ordinance as soon as the troops landed upon the beaches. Tanks began shelling the hostile soldiers charging up the beach along with Crusader artillery systems.
Captain Mike shouted over the radio, "Platoon Alpha and Bravo target the beach, Charlie company fire at the ships!" Naval battaries had restarted bombarding Gilin. Nearly one hundred Wanderjarian troops were killed, and about the same wounded. But they continued fighting.
F/A-18s continued to launch ordinance against the ships, trying to sink as many as possible. Newly arrived B-2 bombers also began firing at them, in addition to the Eurocopter Tigers strafeing ships and troops with miniguns, 20 mm rockets, and ATS missles.
Liberated New Ireland
30-06-2006, 00:47
Wanderjarian troops opened up with all ordinance as soon as the troops landed upon the beaches. Tanks began shelling the hostile soldiers charging up the beach along with Crusader artillery systems.
Captain Mike shouted over the radio, "Platoon Alpha and Bravo target the beach, Charlie company fire at the ships!" Naval battaries had restarted bombarding Foynes. Nearly one hundred Wanderjarian troops were killed, and about the same wounded. But they continued fighting.
F/A-18s continued to launch ordinance against the ships, trying to sink as many as possible. Newly arrived B-2 bombers also began firing at them, in addition to the Eurocopter Tigers strafeing ships and troops with miniguns, 20 mm rockets, and ATS missles.
OOC: Edit your post to say Gilin, where we're at.
30-06-2006, 00:49
(OOC: need update on events within Gilin)
Liberated New Ireland
30-06-2006, 00:57
(OOC: need update on events within Gilin)
ON the shores of Gilin, a regiment of the local Kern Fighting Legion (KFL), along with Wanderjaran forces, hold of an assault from a unit of Ftagnese soldiers.
In the city square, a battle has broken out between a KFL battalion and the Toopoxican Sky Assault Troopers that have already landed. Sporadic rocket fire makes it impossible to land reinforcements.
And on the outskirts of the city, the first soldiers of the Third Army are arriving.
OOC: I don't know what's going on at sea...
Liberated New Ireland
30-06-2006, 01:08
OOC: Sorry, I missed your post.
Sergeant Gray heard one of his soldiers shout "Toops in the building! Toops in the building!" before his voice was cut off by a gunshot.
"Shit! Fireteam Alpha, let's go downstairs and clear 'em out. Corporal, keep and eye on the stairwell. The rest of you guys, keep shooting!"
Ciaran and four others crept down the stairway and moved through the building.
They saw a small group of Toopoxicans standing over a dead Irish soldier. They opened fire on the enemy.
Blackhelm Confederacy
30-06-2006, 01:13
The Sovremenney destroyers began opening up on the Irish defenders on shore with their 30mm and 130mm guns. As the destroyers fired, the first of the transports hit shore, spewing out dozens of Mercury's, which charged ahead and formed a perimeter on the coast. More Mercury's were pouring of off their ships, followed by hundreds of T-55's and thousands of Griffincrest mercenaries. The Gnats came in close to shore, strafing the ground with their cannons before turning back to their carriers. The Kirov's joined in the bombardment of Irish soldiers with their own dual barreled 130mm AK-130's. Soon, the Griffincrest landing force would be able to push into the heart of the country.
[ooc: Ftagnese... hah! Somehow, I hadn't thought of that. Craters make nice cover, too, y'know, and so do smoke grenades. The grenades also serve as irritants if the soldiers aren't wearing masks...]
Seeing the new aerial threat, the Imperial accipiter-class fighters broke out of their holding pattern above the aircraft carriers and raced to cover the landing forces, forcing the bombardment to be ceased. CIWS turrets and SAM emplacements opened up at the aircraft attacking the fleet, filling the air so thick with lead that some of the SAM missiles were detonated by friendly fire. More landing craft frantically escaped from burning transports, and yet more were destroyed.
The infantry died, as their carapace armor failed to protect them from the heavy ordinance raining down on them, but more charged forward, in front of elements of the newly landed 2nd armored Legion.
The landers were taking heavy damage, filling the water with debris. More landers began diverting to farther down the beach, away from the heaviest concentration of enemies.
The Aeson
30-06-2006, 01:20
Thimba raised his sniper rifle, carefully taking aim at one of the Toopixican soldiers. The ceramic sniper rifle was top of the line. In an interesting contrast, the bullet he had just thrown in the direction of a soldier's neck was not made from some outlandish new material, but rather fashioned from diamond. Once the sniper rifle was disassembled and stowed, it could pass through a metal detector with no one the wiser.
More important here was the silencer and suppressor, which hid both the sound and the flash that would have given away Thimba's position. He was confident he could have handled the patrol of Toopixan soldier's, but why take unnecessary risks? This way, he was almost certain to get off several more shots before they had any idea where he was. He raised the rifle again.
Liberated New Ireland
30-06-2006, 01:22
OOC: Carapace armor? Can I have a Carnifex? BTW, I never DID say that I was actually gonna hit you with F-22s, but, hey, I've got 8,000 of 'em...
Anyway, it's SOP for my soldiers to wear masks, and they're trained to shoot with 'em. So, HAHA!!! Oh, and it's not hard hit someone inside a crater when you have height advantage, and most of the beach is being saturated by fire from both sides.
IC: The F-105 fighter-bombers flew N.O.E., right until they launched a huge salvo of rockets upon the landed soldiers, and the landing craft still inbound.
Meanwhile, the F-22s climbed and engaged the enemy fighters, unfazed by the enemy SAMs.
Meanwhile, the soldiers on the shingle fought on, pouring fire on the newly landed enemies.
30-06-2006, 01:26
One F/A-18 burst into flames, and smashed into a burning ship, as more flew by. They dropped their ordinance, and left, after losing several more. In total, this run had lost a total of 8 Aircraft and 6 Pilots. The two lucky ones managed to crashland in Wanderjarian lines, and were rescued.
Two of the Eurocopters exploded, but more surged forward, firing all ATS rockets at ships, while firing their miniguns at the enemy troops.
(The miniguns fire HE rounds, so no matter your armor, they'll blow your men apart on impact.)
30-06-2006, 01:28
The 2nd Flotilla Admiral reported that he was inrange now to begin using Tomahawk missles. After recieving the word, missles were immediatley fired at enemy ships in the New Irish Gulf.
"We'll arrive within one day, hold on."
OOC:The armor is nothing special, just called that because it's a self contained shell of ceramic plating and such. No super armor here, obviously not very effective against anything larger than small arms. LNI, Wanderjar is strafing me. I probably should've picked some place that was undefended...]
30-06-2006, 01:31
maerD fo tuo yllufReehc hcram srEgnevA detneMed fo evaw nopu evaw
The Squad fell back a little and took cover, they opened fire with the AK's not really having enough time to aim before being pinned by the enemy, "Reinforcements!" The captain called down the radio befare taking a face full of lead.
Blackhelm Confederacy
30-06-2006, 01:31
Brig. Gen. Phillip Duchovney stepped off of his transport ship, and lit a ciggarette. He was a mercenary, and was going to be paid likely 30 million dollars if he won this war. He looked around at the perimeter the Mercury's set up and at all of the men and equipment constantly spilling out of ships onto the beach. Behind him, the four warships were pounding away at Irish positions. He ordered a group of 60 Mercury's and 10 T-55's to advance ahead, and see what they could do.
30-06-2006, 01:34
OOC:The armor is nothing special, just called that because it's a self contained shell of ceramic plating and such. No super armor here, obviously not very effective against anything larger than small arms. LNI, Wanderjar is strafing me. I probably should've picked some place that was undefended...]
I'm with LNI.....
30-06-2006, 01:37
Brig. Gen. Phillip Duchovney stepped off of his transport ship, and lit a ciggarette. He was a mercenary, and was going to be paid likely 30 million dollars if he won this war. He looked around at the perimeter the Mercury's set up and at all of the men and equipment constantly spilling out of ships onto the beach. Behind him, the four warships were pounding away at Irish positions. He ordered a group of 60 Mercury's and 10 T-55's to advance ahead, and see what they could do.
OOC: 10 T-55s? Goodbye Blackhelm, my 1,000 Leopard 2s are going to own you. ;)
The infantry detected a large group of armored units moving towards the city, and reporte this to the 2nd Armor. They in turn, rerouted 200 Leopard 2 tanks to engage the upcoming armor threat. Immediatley, Eurocopters, also informed of the Armored presence, moved one squadron of 12 choppers to engage.
The Aeson
30-06-2006, 01:41
maerD fo tuo yllufReehc hcram srEgnevA detneMed fo evaw nopu evaw
The Squad fell back a little and took cover, they opened fire with the AK's not really having enough time to aim before being pinned by the enemy, "Reinforcements!" The captain called down the radio befare taking a face full of lead.
OOC: Wait, was that directed at me?
Ooh eeh ooh ah ah ting tang wallah wallah bing bang.
Liberated New Ireland
30-06-2006, 01:42
OOC: I know, Ftagn, I was just joking about the 'Nids.
Blackhelm, where the hell are you at?
"Press 'em out!" Ciaran and his squad rushed the enemy troops, quickly moving up and firing into their positions, hoping to clear the doorway within a few seconds.
General Thompson smiled, delighted at the carnage around him. He cheered at every death, even those of his own soldiers.
Bullets flew through the air, just missing his head many times, but he did not care. He roared, and his forces pressed on.
Nearly 6,000 infantry men, and 1,500 Tiger MBTs aided him in this battle. His troops took what cover they had, mostly craters from the massive bombing done the night before, and his tanks pressed foreward, firing relentlesly on the enemy lines.
The sight of battle was truly a wonder to behold.
30-06-2006, 02:36
(OOC: it was to LNI)
The enemy made a fatal mistake, diving out of cover the soldiers now poked out their heads and sprayyed bullets at the advancing enemy soldiers, of course the Toxitroopers wern't fully protected themselves and 4 of the soldiers kicked the dust off the floor as they fell back in agony.
Liberated New Ireland
30-06-2006, 02:39
(OOC: it was to LNI)
The enemy made a fatal mistake, diving out of cover the soldiers now poked out their heads and sprayyed bullets at the advancing enemy soldiers, of course the Toxitroopers wern't fully protected themselves and 4 of the soldiers kicked the dust off the floor as they fell back in agony.
The enemy soldiers had apparently lost all discipline. Their spray and pray made the Kerns put their heads down, but only one of the soldiers was shot. The four remaining effectives suppressed the enemy positions. Ciaran primed a grenade, and threw it into the enemy group.
30-06-2006, 03:50
(OOC: oh c'mon, my troops are behind cover and you killed 4 of them, they're also not spraying and praying they just aren't taking time to aim well, when you've got an AK that's not really an issue, and your guys are out of cover standing to fire, i'll let this one slide but c'mon really now)
"David are you there!?" "Sorry, I was reading a good book!"
"GRENADE!!!!" One of the soldiers cried out before scooping the pinapple shaped object off from the floor and jumping up to throw it, his had exploded and his limp body was thrown across the room, the soldier standing next to him looked horrified and grabbed his own grenade, prepped it and let it fly.
Blackhelm Confederacy
30-06-2006, 04:05
OOC: I am right in the middle of Glin and Foynes, if thats ok. If not I could relocate somewhere better. And don't underestimate the Mercury.
The Mercury LBT's and T-55's had intended on catching a small town and razing it, overrunning the defenders with ease. Then they realized that this was a real war, and not some half-assed pack of arabs with to much oil for their own good. Reports from a scout that had been deployed far ahead of the advance came in with the Leopards moving in. The T-55's made a line in the centre, as the Mercury's moved up on the flanks and in behind them. They all pointed their numerous machine guns skyward, in case a low flying chopper came by, and waited the attack.
Back at the beach, Gen. Duchovney began organizing the rest of the mercenary army. The would begin by attacking west towards Glin, and link up with any allies there. After that, it was Toopoxia's call. 100,000 men, and the rest of the armor, began rolling towards Glin. The other 150,000 held their position on the beach.
Liberated New Ireland
30-06-2006, 04:17
(OOC: oh c'mon, my troops are behind cover and you killed 4 of them, they're also not spraying and praying they just aren't taking time to aim well, when you've got an AK that's not really an issue, and your guys are out of cover standing to fire, i'll let this one slide but c'mon really now)
"David are you there!?" "Sorry, I was reading a good book!"
"GRENADE!!!!" One of the soldiers cried out before scooping the pinapple shaped object off from the floor and jumping up to throw it, his had exploded and his limp body was thrown across the room, the soldier standing next to him looked horrified and grabbed his own grenade, prepped it and let it fly.
OOC: Not aiming and spray and pray are the same thing. They way you talked, your troops were off-kilter, and I thought we'd just be shooting them at point-blank range. I didn't know we were fighting in a freakin' warehouse, thought we were in a house or something.
"Damn, grenade, throw it out!" A soldier threw it out of the line, but the blast radius was larger than the room. The soldier who threw it took fragments up and down the front of his body. "Jesus, clear 'em out!"
30-06-2006, 04:21
(Sorry mate, I'm not sure what a Mercury is, care to provide a picture if its real...though i've never heard of it) (Also, helicopters never get close enough for a tank to take a shot at them ;)...goes against their training. They fire ATG rounds from long range, generally 1-5 miles away )
Colonel Howtzer, at the tip of the spear in his tank Battalion, was informed by his gunner that the targets were inrange.
"Good. Fire HEATs! Order all units to engage!" 1st Company would move to their right flank, firing all the way, and 2nd company would do the same. Meanwhile, 3rd Company would move right up the middle, supported by the Eurocopters, as they deployed ordinance from long range.
Artillery still pounded the beach, as Toopaxian and Ftagan troops surged forward. MG-3 Machineguns still chopped up the troops aswell.
Private Hamilton was afraid. This was his first action, as he had never been deployed during the Chitzeland Conflict. The aiming reticule on his IWS HUD picked targets for him, though he could have fired anywhere and not missed. He began opening fire with his XM8 assault rifle, killing anyone he pointed his gun at. He hoped he would live to see the sun set.
Captain Ruma ordered his squadron to open fire with ATG missles at the T-55s and Mercury's. The Eurocopters were almost three miles away from the tanks, and began deploying missles and HE minigun rounds, hoping to thin the numbers of all the tanks to make Howtzers job easier.
30-06-2006, 04:27
(OOC: wasn't sure what sort of buildings would be around the Town center, whatever it would be would be bombed to crap producing rubble for cover, and also a House still has cover, and lastly, it aint easy to fire an RPG from the top of a house.)
One unlucky sod ran out of the cover of his rubble pile and took it, the others were wise enough to stay behind cover and were now firing in long contnuous bursts hoping to keep the enemy pinned for long enough or kill them in the process.
30-06-2006, 04:33
The Wanderjarian Tank units left in the city moved throughout the streets, hunting any enemy forces they saw. When Toopaxian or Ftagen troops managed to get up the beach and into the city, they made sure that they would be cut down mercilessly.
Liberated New Ireland
30-06-2006, 04:39
(OOC: wasn't sure what sort of buildings would be around the Town center, whatever it would be would be bombed to crap producing rubble for cover, and also a House still has cover, and lastly, it aint easy to fire an RPG from the top of a house.)
One unlucky sod ran out of the cover of his rubble pile and took it, the others were wise enough to stay behind cover and were now firing in long contnuous bursts hoping to keep the enemy pinned for long enough or kill them in the process.
OOC: I wasn't talking about cover, I was talking about size. If this was a house, we'd basically be shooting each other point-blank. And grenades would be out of the question. The blast radius of an average grenade is bigger than my house, and we're talking about one room here. And as for firing an RPG: it is if you brace yourself by straddling the peak, bracing against an attic window, or if the roof is flat.
"Corporal O'Donnel!" Ciaran got the attention of the corporal he left in charge up top.
"What is it?!"
"Hit these guys from the second floor! There's a hole in the ceiling!"
A pair of riflemen ran over to the hole on the second floor, under which the Toopoxicans cowered. The took aim, and started shooting down at them.
Blackhelm Confederacy
30-06-2006, 04:46
OOC: Mercury -
The mercenaries were born and bred scumbags. As soon as the fighting broke out, the rear line of 30 Mercury's pulled out, without telling the front line, and returned to the beach, with news saying that there was an ambush and the rest of the tanks didn't make it.
At the battle, 7 T-55's were blown away, as were 4 Mercury's. Quickly, the Mercury's began pumping out the AP shells at a rather high speed, while the T-55 opened up with their 105mm gun at the oncoming tanks. One of the machine gunners turned to see the rear line driving away as if nothing ever happened. "THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS LEFT US!" he tellled into the tank. "FUCK EM, WE ARE ALL GUNNA DIE SOME DAY" the commander yelled in response. The vehicles that were left all prepared to die, knowing that at least their families would be making a nice little fortune of of it.
30-06-2006, 04:54
One Leopard of 1st Company exploded as the T-55 and Mercury shells ripped through its armor, but the others managed to only be dented by the ordinance. But they other 199 Leopards moved on, and continued firing HEAT rounds into the enemy forces, as they closed in....
The Eurocopters fired one last volley of missles, then were forced to retreat, due to need of fuel and ammo. However, three F/A-18s soared past and fired a series of ATG missles at the enemy ships.
"Tomahawks are onroute!" Weapons Officer Garviel shouted to the Admiral. "All one hundred should be making contact within ten minutes."
(OOC: Brave post bud! I'm surprised you had those Mercs retreat like that. :)
live to fight another day eh?)
Blackhelm Confederacy
30-06-2006, 04:59
The remaining tanks were quickly destroyed by the mssive amount of ordnance thrown at them. No one in the front line survived. Each of the mens families was going to be recieving 500,000$, a large sum, considering many were living in dirt shacks in some third world country.
The mercenary army was quickly approaching Glin, and a small fleet of Predator UAV's had been launched from the stealth ships at sea. The hellfires onboard each of them was going to be the main use, rather than for scouting. The Predators flew over Glin, hoping to catch the positions of vital Irish structures.
30-06-2006, 05:05
(Sorry Blackhelm, this is going to sound like such a god-mod, but I did announce the unit and its location)
The Gepard operators had "seen" the UAVs coming before they even neared the city. Every one of them turned to their direction, and began firing.
(I have 150 of them there)
Blackhelm Confederacy
30-06-2006, 05:13
OOC: They came over the water, but w/e
The Predators all began to pour out their Hellfires. 100 Predators, four missiles each, it was going down. Most of the Predators were torn apart after firing their weapons, but the few that survived staggered back to the stealth ships. The position of the Gepards were then relayed over to the Kirovs, who opened fire with 2 SS-N-12 Sandbox missiles, meant to destroy the survivors.
30-06-2006, 05:16
Many of the Gepards were ripped apart. The few who survived after the naval bombardment repositioned themselves as to cover the maximum area without leaving much of the city or surrounding area un-protected.
Survivors: 20
30-06-2006, 14:29
"UP THERE!" Another three down as the squad swung thier rifles up to stare up at the enemy, 6 pointing at the upstars floor and 4 trying to hold off the enemy attack, a soldier grabbed his grenade, held it for three seconds and tossed it to the floor above, he then pegged it back down the corridor for the floor would most certainly collapse.
Blackhelm Confederacy
30-06-2006, 17:11
The merenaries sent out thirty Mercury's to destroy yhr remaining Gepards, eliminating the Wanderjarian anti-air in the area, and allowing corporate Gnats to make their presence felt on the battlefield. With the Gepards spread out over a large area, it was going to be all tha much more easier to mop them up. Along with the Mercury's, 150 infantry men armed with G36E's and Stingers, and about 10 men with Javelins were sent as well, to porvide cover to the vehicles.
Blood stained the Irish sand, but still they pressed on. More and more soldiers continued to move onto the beach, their boats mounted MGs filling the air with tracers and bullets.
The armored divisions rolled towards the enemy lines, artillary shells flying into enemy ranks and the Tiger MBTs made their best attempt to light up the dusk sky, firing mortars into enemy defenses.
The Irish and their allies fought back fiercly, defending their homeland. Men hit the sand nearly every second, but still, RFFian soldiers pressed on, filling the night air with their guttural battle cries.
30-06-2006, 18:16
The merenaries sent out thirty Mercury's to destroy yhr remaining Gepards, eliminating the Wanderjarian anti-air in the area, and allowing corporate Gnats to make their presence felt on the battlefield. With the Gepards spread out over a large area, it was going to be all tha much more easier to mop them up. Along with the Mercury's, 150 infantry men armed with G36E's and Stingers, and about 10 men with Javelins were sent as well, to porvide cover to the vehicles.
The Leopard 2s defending the city, and the Gepards, detected the enemy tanks and infantry, and platoon by platoon, they attacked the Blackhelm mercenaries.
(Platoon = 4 tanks)
Blackhelm Confederacy
30-06-2006, 19:00
As the Wanderjarian tanks advanced, Gnats were scrambled from their carriers at sea. 60 fighters flew high in the clouds, then, as they came over the Leopard position, all dropped two 500 pound bombs, then turned and zipped out of the area. Hopefully, they were higher than the max range on the Gepards. Should any tanks survive, 4 more SS-N-12 Sandbox missiles were fired at the formation.
As this was happening, the mercenaries continued to move towards the Gepards, unhindered by the explosions ahead of them. The Mercury's readied their AP shells, and the infantry loaded rockets into their weapons, and kept on rolling.
30-06-2006, 19:42
As the Wanderjarian tanks advanced, Gnats were scrambled from their carriers at sea. 60 fighters flew high in the clouds, then, as they came over the Leopard position, all dropped two 500 pound bombs, then turned and zipped out of the area. Hopefully, they were higher than the max range on the Gepards. Should any tanks survive, 4 more SS-N-12 Sandbox missiles were fired at the formation.
As this was happening, the mercenaries continued to move towards the Gepards, unhindered by the explosions ahead of them. The Mercury's readied their AP shells, and the infantry loaded rockets into their weapons, and kept on rolling.
OOC: The Gepard's 30mm Cannons only have a range of 4km straight up, and with the Gnats service ceiling of 14-15km, they can be well out of range.
The Gnat can break Mach 1 in a dive and the Stinger isn't exactly the best 'medium-range' weapon with the ability to be fooled by pyrotechnic countermeasures.
Actually the wiki article says the Stinger has a similar range as the autocannons.
"The FIM-92B can attack aircraft at a range of up to 15,700 feet (4,800 m) and at altitudes between 600 and 12,500 feet (180 and 3,800 m)." So once again the Gnat at high altitude can defeat short-range systems.
30-06-2006, 19:48
OOC: The Gepard's 30mm Cannons only have a range of 4km straight up, and with the Gnats service ceiling of 14-15km, they can be well out of range.
Yes, but they also have Stinger missles which have a 15km range. Read the wiki article i posted ;)
30-06-2006, 19:57
As the Wanderjarian tanks advanced, Gnats were scrambled from their carriers at sea. 60 fighters flew high in the clouds, then, as they came over the Leopard position, all dropped two 500 pound bombs, then turned and zipped out of the area. Hopefully, they were higher than the max range on the Gepards. Should any tanks survive, 4 more SS-N-12 Sandbox missiles were fired at the formation.
As this was happening, the mercenaries continued to move towards the Gepards, unhindered by the explosions ahead of them. The Mercury's readied their AP shells, and the infantry loaded rockets into their weapons, and kept on rolling.
Gepard Stinger missles tore into the sky, hunting the enemy aircraft, the only way they could escape would be to fly through the twelve Km aircraft maximum limit, and risk their craft falling apart. The missles which managed to be launched killed a couple Leopards, but mostly failed.
In addition, the returning F/A-18s intercepted the enemy ships, and launched ATA missles from BVR (Beyond Visual Range).
Casulties: (I'll be generous) 83 Leopard 2.
(My Dads a pilot, he says, "There is no way in hell they're going to avoid getting blown apart. If they pull higher, the aircraft will stall, or just rip itself apart. That sortie was suicide.")
(By now, I'll say I have about 450 F/A-18s, 50 being killed for stupidly getting to close to the enemy fleet)
30-06-2006, 20:04
Yes, but they also have Stinger missles which have a 15km range. Read the wiki article i posted ;)
OOC: The RADAR on the Gepard in any band has a range of 15km, which doesn't do anything for the passive infrared seeking Stinger which even in the most advanced form only has a range of 7.6km well below the Gnats service ceiling. You should be deploying not only the Gepard which is useful against light vehicles and helicopters, but a long range missile such as the HAWK or SA-4.
A software upgrade in 2001 was designated F. Block II development began in 1996 using a new focal plane array sensor to improve the missile's effectiveness in "high clutter" environments and increase the engagement range to about 25,000 feet (7,600 m). Production was scheduled for 2004, but Janes reports that this may be on hold.
VVV With the amount of missiles you've fired and the cost it takes to get those F/A-18s into the air you've spent the equivalent of a whole new airforce full of Gnats.
Leopards don't cost as much as they used to, if anything I'll find a way to supply the Griffencrest corporation with something better.
30-06-2006, 20:08
OOC: The RADAR on the Gepard in any band has a range of 15km, which doesn't do anything for the passive infrared seeking Stinger which even in the most advanced form only has a range of 7.6km well below the Gnats service ceiling. You should be deploying not only the Gepard which is useful against light vehicles and helicopters, but a long range missile such as the HAWK or SA-4.
Ok, thank you for the info. No matter, 450 F/A-18s launching ATA missles out to be able to take care of 60 gnats anyway ;)
thanks again.
30-06-2006, 20:11
OOC: The RADAR on the Gepard in any band has a range of 15km, which doesn't do anything for the passive infrared seeking Stinger which even in the most advanced form only has a range of 7.6km well below the Gnats service ceiling. You should be deploying not only the Gepard which is useful against light vehicles and helicopters, but a long range missile such as the HAWK or SA-4.
VVV With the amount of missiles you've fired and the cost it takes to get those F/A-18s into the air you've spent the equivalent of a whole new airforce full of Gnats.
Yes, but the cost of losing 1,000 Leopards is far greater
The General had managed to push his forces halfway up the beach. He had taken heavy losses, but the men were not affected. They fought ferociously, whooping at every kill.
General Thompson loved the sounds and smells of battles. Gunshots, explosions, motors, sweat, and blood came together; a utopia. Only in battle was a man complete. Only in battle was a man perfect.
Ten Zenith X-20 flew above the battlefield, firing MG rounds and Hydra-70s into the ranks of the enemy soldiers. A few went to work firing Hellfire missiles at enemy armor on the beach.
Blackhelm Confederacy
01-07-2006, 02:33
OOC: You only lost 20 tanks to 120 500lb. bombs and 4 cruise missiles?
01-07-2006, 03:15
OOC: You only lost 20 tanks to 120 500lb. bombs and 4 cruise missiles?
Sorry, I miss read....I'll change it. eek
83 acceptable? But were the bombs dumb iron or Smart? (not joking)
also, cruise missles won't hit a tank. A ship or a building deffinatley, but not a moving tank.
Blackhelm Confederacy
01-07-2006, 03:21
OOC: They are dumb. Yea, 83 is good.
01-07-2006, 03:23
OOC: They are dumb. Yea, 83 is good.
Ok cool. If they were smart bombs, i'd up the casulties to 105. But dumb bombs...83 is generous, but for putting up with some of my border line god-mod things before, and proving yourself to be cool, i'll say your pilots are kick ass bombadiers ;)
Blackhelm Confederacy
01-07-2006, 03:31
Ok cool. If they were smart bombs, i'd up the casulties to 105. But dumb bombs...83 is generous, but for putting up with some of my border line god-mod things before, and proving yourself to be cool, i'll say your pilots are kick ass bombadiers ;)
OOC: lol, alright nice
The infantry on shore began setting up Metal Storm systems to defend the beach head, and began sending out scouts to find nearby villages to use as operations centers.
On the road to Glin, the soldiers on the ground cheered as they watched the bombs and missiles smack into the armor and the explosions that ensued. In the skies above the road, however, the mercenary Gnats did not really have a chance against the ATA missiles that were fired at them. They deployed countermeasures, but only two made it out by the grace of god. Just their survival was a bit of a miracle. The benefit of the Gnat was that they were cheap, so the loss of 58 jets was not to bad for the Corporation.
05-07-2006, 02:16
(OOC:Bump, no dyee this thread peoplee.)
05-07-2006, 03:00
(OOC:Bump, no dyee this thread peoplee.)
OOC: Nope, ain't gonna happen.
Also Toop? I launched a large number of cruise missles at your fleet. Rp those if you would be so kind :)
Wanderjarian B-3 bombers, newly arrived from home, began bombing the beaches as well, adding to the hell of explosions and death which the Wanderjarian Army was already giving to the Toopaxian and Ftgan troops.
Blackhelm Confederacy
05-07-2006, 16:22
OOC: There is still a mercenary army barreling on to Glin
05-07-2006, 16:26
OOC: There is still a mercenary army barreling on to Glin
Gathering more of his tanks, the Wanderjarian commander sent out four hundred Leopard 2s, and 200 BMP3s. The rest remained guarding the city, and killing the few survivors who would manage to slip past the beaches defenders.
Covering the force countering the Mercenary assault, Wanderjarian Eurocopters soared behind the tanks.
Blackhelm Confederacy
05-07-2006, 16:31
The mercenary commander had the Leopards badly outnumbered. He ordered 800 Mercury's to engage the Leopards, supported by 200 T-55's. Although the MErcury was light and the T-55 ancient, it was assumed that the truly massive amount of shells qould overwhelm the Wanderjarian force. 800 Mercury's, 10 RPM, lots and lots of AP shells. Infantry men, equiped with stingers, opened up as the Eurocopters were reported to them.
The RFF section of the beach was a sea of crismon and gold. For every man that fell, two more replaced him on the battlefield. Seeing the merc tanks in trouble, General Thompson gave the order to assist their allies. One thousand of the Tiger Main Battle Tanks on the beach were to assist their allies armor, concentrating their firepower on the Leopards.
((OOC: Are the mercs at Gilin? If they aren't disregard that post... It's not just Ftgan and Toopoxia at Gilin btw, I have the majority of my forces landing there aswell.))
05-07-2006, 16:48
"Missiles incoming!" The fleert cried out as they span to maneuvere against the attack, showing the smal front end of the fleet and moving forward to confuse the missiles.
IndentIt didn't work, it reduced the damage but stil the missiles hit and smashed unto the fleet, the Aircraft Carrier Lunin nearly sank but survived crippled, the fleet moved on to take down the enemy source of the missiles.
05-07-2006, 17:21
The BMPs released their missle attachment at the enemy tigers, while pouring fire on them. Mean while, the leopards fired away, trying to take out as many of the T-55s and Mercurys as possible.
The Eurocopters deployed all ordinance at the Mercs incoming force, almost 1000 light missles and 160 Hellfires directed at the T-55s. They pulled away instantly, though eight were regretably killed by the Stingers.
T-55s did little damage to the Leopards, though after multiple hits, twelve exploded. The Mercurys had similar luck, while making six kills.
But the Leopards bounded forward, firing all the way.
(Each of the 20 choppers held 50 light missles and 8 Hellfires) (No that isn't a godmod for the T-55s to do little damage to a Leopard. T-55s are almost incapable of doing any damage at all to anything with armor heavier than an M-60)
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-07-2006, 00:10
(Each of the 20 choppers held 50 light missles and 8 Hellfires) (No that isn't a godmod for the T-55s to do little damage to a Leopard. T-55s are almost incapable of doing any damage at all to anything with armor heavier than an M-60)
OOC: not when they are using armor piercing rounds, which both of my vehicles are using. And yea, we are like just outside Glin
The T-55's were exploding left and right because of the mixture of weaponry. Only 25 survived. The Mercury's were only taking light casualties because they were positioned behind the T-55's, which took the brunt of the fire.
06-07-2006, 02:07
OOC: not when they are using armor piercing rounds, which both of my vehicles are using. And yea, we are like just outside Glin
The T-55's were exploding left and right because of the mixture of weaponry. Only 25 survived. The Mercury's were only taking light casualties because they were positioned behind the T-55's, which took the brunt of the fire.
OOC: A T-55? If it was a T-72, T-80, T-90, or any of their Chinese TYPE counter parts, i'd understand, and I'd be fragged, but a T-55? Hell, an RPG-2 can destroy that with one shot!
Any way, because again, you're cool with me, and you've been quite generous with casulties etc, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Fifty Leopards now smoldered in the landscape. Twenty BMPs joined them. However, still the thundered forward, Company A moving to their left flank, Company B to the right. Six Hundred and fifty tanks rolled against them, continiously firing HEAT rounds.
(I am momentarily forgetting the numbers I threw against you. If those numbers of 350 Leopards and 200 BMP3s are wrong, do let me know)
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-07-2006, 04:06
OOC: Yea, those tanks really do suck, I dont know why I am using them lol, but thank you, now I can feel special, considering you kicked my ass on Four Corners.
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-07-2006, 04:13
The Mercury's pulled back as the tanks advanced. Behind the tanks, mortar fire from the infantrys 80mm mortars opened. (Ill put here what my infantry has to avoid confusion later. Either a G36E, or AR-550 is standard weapon, then their is Javelins, Stingers, and 80mm mortarmen.) The Mercury's made a sort of U shape, hoping to lure the enemy into the center.
06-07-2006, 04:39
OOC: Yea, those tanks really do suck, I dont know why I am using them lol, but thank you, now I can feel special, considering you kicked my ass on Four Corners.
(I'd up my army to T-80s when you get the chance. I see your population isn't very large, so I understand now why you're using what you do. Try to get Leopards, Abrams, or T series tanks. They are far better.)
The PeoplesFreedom
06-07-2006, 04:44
OCC: May I join this thread?
06-07-2006, 06:33
They were just landed in from Wanderjar. Purchased from Colorado and Texas, they were a Penal Legion, sentenced to serve as soldiers for other countries so their homeland could make a profit. Commander of the 27th Legion, the Outlanders, Colonel Jeff Bridges actually liked Wanderjar, and their Emperor. He had met him, and he seemed alright. They were treated like men here. Their past was forgotten. The fact that they were a Penal Legion was only known by officers, and they were apparently under orders to treat them as any other soldier, and did a fine job of it. The Emperor had even promised them to give them full citizenship and allow them to stay, their past wiped clean, if they survived. He accepted this.
"Men," He said, as the 2,500 infantry men stood in formation on the pavement. "We are moving to the front line immediatley to reinforce Wanderjarian and Allied lines. We move out immediatley." Trucks awaited them to take them to the fronts. He was nervous, as he had little officer training past what the Emperor ordered him given in a matter of eight weeks. He was selected to be their leader because the others in the Legion elected him. He was the most respected, and was chosen to lead them.
They were a motley bunch before arriving at Wanderjar. Beards, long hair, tattered uniforms. That was changed however. Discipline was forced upon them. They shaved their heads and beards, were forced to dress sharp and keep their green fatigues (They wore different uniforms from Wanderjarian ones) clean.
He shouted as they made their way for the trucks, lifting high their weapons, "Lets go kick some ass!"
I would like to be involved in this conflict. Blackhelm is now an enemy of Dephire, and as such must be taken care of with a storm. We have evidence against Blackhelm, and thus action must take place. Please grant us a chance to destroy them once and for all.
The PeoplesFreedom
06-07-2006, 07:14
The Peoples Freedom is Deploying the following Forces
1st Army
2nd Army
8th Armoured Army
2,000 Tanks
4th Air Wing
200 F-29's
50 B-52's
with various other aircraft
5th Air Wing
200 F-29's
50 B-52's
31st Marine Army
100,000 men with supporting arms
4th Army
6th Army
7th Armoured Army
2,000 tanks
9th Army
2 Victory-class fleet carriers (CVN)
2 Swiftsure-class light carriers (CVL)
2 Trinity-class nuclear powered battleships (BBGN)
4 General Dent-class large cruisers (CB)
5 Agrippa-class heavy cruisers (CA)
10 Shield Bearer-class light cruisers (CL)
15 Samuel B. Roberts-class AA destroyers (DD)
20 McDonough-class ASW frigates (FF)
25 Pickering-class corvettes (FL)
10 Navarre-class nuclear powered attack submarines (SSN)
4 Relentless-class nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBN)
2 Atlantis Class Hyper Carriers
4 Freedom superdreadnoughts
1 Conquerer Super Carrier
10 Octopus class Countermeasures submarines
2 Victory-class fleet carriers (CVN)
2 Swiftsure-class light carriers (CVL)
2 Trinity-class nuclear powered battleships (BBGN)
4 General Dent-class large cruisers (CB)
5 Agrippa-class heavy cruisers (CA)
10 Shield Bearer-class light cruisers (CL)
15 Samuel B. Roberts-class AA destroyers (DD)
20 McDonough-class ASW frigates (FF)
25 Pickering-class corvettes (FL)
10 Navarre-class nuclear powered attack submarines (SSN)
4 Relentless-class nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBN)
2 Atlantis Class Hyper Carriers
4 Freedom superdreadnoughts
1 Conquerer Super Carrier
10 Octopus class Countermeasures submarines
(not including Logistics Persons or Transports)
20 Million Foot Soldiers-
(8 Million actually in Combat)
These are divided, of course, between the several different kinds of foot soldiers that there currently are in the United States.
Fifty Thousand Tanks-
Crews of five men per tank.
(250,000 Men Total)
Eight Hundred Artillery Cannons (Mobile)-
Crews of Three.
(24,000 Men Total)
Five Hundred Apache Hellicopters-
Crews of Two.
(1,000 Men Total)
Two Hundred And Fifty F-35's-
One Man Each
(250 Total)
Sixteen Hundred SAM's (Mobile)-
Two Man Maintenance Crew Per Fifty Sites
(64 Men Total)
Stonehenge Crews-
(500 Men Total)
Dominator Cannon Defense System-
(750 Men Total)
Seventeen Thousand Humvees-*
Crews of Up to Seven Men Each
(Up To 119,000 Men Total)
Fourteen Hundred Missle Launcher Truck Units-
Crews of Two Men Each
(2,800 Men Total)
Fifteen Hundred Comanche Helicopters-
(1,500 Men Total)
Fourteen Hundred Capital-Ranked Battleships-
Crews of Two Thousand Each
(2,800,000 Total Sailors)
Sixteen Capital-Ranked Aircraft Carriers-
Crews of Ten Thousand Each [Includes Pilots]
(160,000 Sailors/Pilots Total)
Five Thousand Capital-Ranked Destroyers-
Crews of Five Hundred Each
(2,500,000 Sailors Total)
Fifty Nuclear Submarines-
Crews of Eight Hundred Each
(40,000 Sailors Total)
One Capital-Ranked Flagship Carrier-
(30,000 Sailors/Pilots)
Sixteen Hundred F-18E's-**
Crews of Two Each
(3,200 Pilots Total)
One Thousand Su-47's-**
(1,000 Pilots Total)
Eighteen Hundred Aegis Cruisers-
Crews of Four Hundred Each
(720,000 Sailors Total)
Air Force:
Two Thousand Su-47's-
(2,000 Pilots Total)
One Hundred B-52 StratoFortresses-
Crews of Twenty
(20,000 Pilots Total)
One Thousand F-18E's-
(2,000 Pilots Total)
One Hundred B-1 Bombers-
Crews of Two Each
(200 Pilots)
Two Hundred B-2 Bombers-
Crews of Two Each
(400 Pilots)
Four Hundred F-35's-
(400 Pilots Total)
OOC2: This is as detailed as I can get it. The total forces would be, 26,553,864.
*: The Humvees are controlled by troops within the Fifty Million Soldiers.
**: The pilots are included as the pilots for the Air Craft Carriers, Etc.
OOC2: This is as detailed as I can get it. The total forces would be, 26,553,864.
*: The Humvees are controlled by troops within the Fifty Million Soldiers.
**: The pilots are included as the pilots for the Air Craft Carriers, Etc.
OOC- Why don't you just save everyone the trouble of ignoring you and leave?
06-07-2006, 15:35
OOC- Why don't you just save everyone the trouble of ignoring you and leave?
OOC: I'll vouch for him to stay.
The Aeson
06-07-2006, 16:37
An e-mail was bounced off of several satellites and arrived in the inbox of Griffencrest's CEO.
It read as follows, "You might remember us. We recently wreaked a little havoc on your corporate island. We also destroyed your little playhouse, to show you just how vulnerable you are. Now, we would like to advise you to withdraw your forces from Liberated New Irish territory. It would be a shame for you our your family to meet with a tragic accident. Think about it.
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-07-2006, 17:17
OOC: I am ignoring Dephires massive army. If he decreases it by a lot ill allow it.
A message was sent back to the Shadowmen.
That will never happen again. You were lucky that time, but currently the bodies of the last group of shadowmen are laying bloated on my beach, or up on sticks near one of the oil refineries.
06-07-2006, 17:26
The Leopard tanks held back as the Mercurys retreated.
"HQ, this is Captain Goernig, could I relay arty onto this position...."
(That means i'm dropping artillery onto your HQ)
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-07-2006, 17:28
OOC: I dont have an HQ set up yet, Im waiting to take Glin
06-07-2006, 17:34
OOC: I dont have an HQ set up yet, Im waiting to take Glin
(OOC: Oh my mistake, I thought you had a gathering area on the beach. That is what I intended to bombard)
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-07-2006, 17:36
OOC: I was attempting to make a full drive to the city, I gots plans once im there
06-07-2006, 17:37
OOC: I was attempting to make a full drive to the city, I gots plans once im there
I thought your forces were driven back by the tank attack...
At least you said the mercurys retreated.
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-07-2006, 17:47
Key word is we are like reforming, and trying to get around you by going in country
06-07-2006, 17:53
Ah, gotcha, but we didn't fall for it! Ha! ;)
Oh well, that bombardment means nothing then.
I'll post something else.
06-07-2006, 17:55
The tank unit turned, now preparing to engage any other enemies who were attacking, and had made it past Wanderjarian and New Irish defenses.
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-07-2006, 17:57
Alrity. Im hoping that soeone takes over Glin soon, then i can bring in real tanks, and artillery too, yay!:D (first smiley ever)
06-07-2006, 18:00
We can't take Gilin, cos LNI aint here to respond losses, we're in a difficult position dudes.
The Aeson
06-07-2006, 18:04
OOC: If there's a problem with this post Blackhelm (The CEO doesn't favor blonds, he's gay and I should be killing a man-whore, whatever, just let me know and I'll edit it to fit)
IC: Shadow-One watched the door open and the figure emerge from the grocer's. She set down the high powered binoculars and picked up a radio. "This is Shadow-One, target is leaving the grocer's."
"Shadow-Two, here, I have a positive ID on target. It's her."
"Shadow-Three here, maintain radio silence from now on."
Shadow-one nodded and lifted her sniper rifle, following the blond as she sauntered to her car. The bomb Shadow-Two had planted on the bottom of the car should kick in as soon as she started it. Then it was just a matter of leaving a message.
OOC-If this guys 26 million man army is accepted, I'm going to send about twice that many ><
The Aeson
06-07-2006, 18:37
OOC-If this guys 26 million man army is accepted, I'm going to send about twice that many ><
OOC: You know, there's this dandy OOC thread, for OOC comments.
Posted in the wrong thread by accident and didn't feel like deleting, so I edited to include OOC marks.
Just outside of the border of southern LNI, DMG Mercenaries and RFF troops were becoming acclimated. While the mercs wore Imperial Battle-Armor, and carried the banners of the Premier, the more patriotic of the Imperial forces did not take to them well. They were given their orders however, and would follow them into the pits of hell itself if they were ordered, mostly because the punishment for deserting was much worse than eternity in a flaming pit. Hours before, their forces had been divided, each assigned a target. Three Black Berret platoons had been sent in to often the enemy up in each city, while the main force waited for it’s orders. Two mercenary divisions, 20,000 soldiers in total waited for each city, aided by the same number of Imperial troops. Along with this, each force had a tank division behind them, numbering in 8,000 M1A1 Abrams, and 2,000 Bull Fighting Vehicles each. Above all this, numerous Eurofights, F-15s, F-16s, and F-22s would fly, showering down hell from above, and helping to take out air threats. Before the invasion was to begin though, the Black Berrets were to be extracted, allowing the multiple Imperial PzH 2000s to rain fire down upon the cities. The commanding officer in this operation gave the order to extract the special forces and begin the bombardments with a smile. After the bombardments, the armored forces would go in, clearing way for the Imperial footsoldiers.
OOC: Did you by chance look at TPF's stats? His are well above mine. I'm even using 2% of my total population, well inside allowed numbers. My tactics are about the same as the U.S.S.R. Brute Force being my favorite skill. If you don't like the fact that maybe I can destroy you easily, then tough. Hell, I can even dock down to one percent of my total population and you will still whine. You should of thought about that, Blackhelm, before you decided to attack my allies! Wanderjar has vouched for me to stay, But if it seems fair for you whining wannabes, then I will reduce my forces to one percent of total population. Which is far less that what the maximum is. Keep in mind that TPF's army is far larger than mine.
OOC-If this guys 26 million man army is accepted, I'm going to send about twice that many ><
OOC: You obviously didn't read the whole post, now did you? IT was a twenty million man army, and the six million or so are distributed in the other branches.
The twenty million men are divided amongst the several different classes.
The Aeson
06-07-2006, 19:06
OOC: Did you by chance look at TPF's stats? His are well above mine. I'm even using 2% of my total population, well inside allowed numbers. My tactics are about the same as the U.S.S.R. Brute Force being my favorite skill. If you don't like the fact that maybe I can destroy you easily, then tough. Hell, I can even dock down to one percent of my total population and you will still whine. You should of thought about that, Blackhelm, before you decided to attack my allies! Wanderjar has vouched for me to stay, But if it seems fair for you whining wannabes, then I will reduce my forces to one percent of total population. Which is far less that what the maximum is. Keep in mind that TPF's army is far larger than mine.
OOC: Well, the USSR was less Brute Force than it was drowning their enemies in blood, which is not quite the same thing.
06-07-2006, 19:08
OOC: Well, the USSR was less Brute Force than it was drowning their enemies in blood, which is not quite the same thing. matter, Dephire can do both I am sure. (Drowning the enemy in their own blood :eek: )
I personally have no problem with you being here, of course that is biased, since you are an ally of mine.
06-07-2006, 19:08
(OOC: regardless of how many you could field you would not be able to send 26,000,000 men overseas, supply them with logistics and organise them tactically without a complete nightmare, you'd need to build the amount upwards supplying a small division at a time and securing the location before sending in more, brute force is fine if you attack via land or over such a short distance, if this is the case then you'd still have the difficulties of logistics and organisation.)
OOC: The USSR put in more ground troops than many of the other countries during the War. I have a strong Ground Troops force, and thus my friends have deemed me a USSR reflection.
The Aeson
06-07-2006, 19:09
OOC: You obviously didn't read the whole post, now did you? IT was a twenty million man army, and the six million or so are distributed in the other branches.
The twenty million men are divided amongst the several different classes.
OOC: Keep in mind that RFF is considerably larger than you, and probably can send that many.
(OOC: regardless of how many you could field you would not be able to send 26,000,000 men overseas, supply them with logistics and organise them tactically without a complete nightmare, you'd need to build the amount upwards supplying a small division at a time and securing the location before sending in more, brute force is fine if you attack via land or over such a short distance, if this is the case then you'd still have the difficulties of logistics and organisation.)
Why don't people read the "These soldiers are DIVIDED into several different divisions"? That means that there are soldiers that work the supply lines. Usually it means that there are really about Six to Eight million actual fighting soldiers. The rest work with everything else.
06-07-2006, 19:12
Why don't people read the "These soldiers are DIVIDED into several different divisions"? That means that there are soldiers that work the supply lines. Usually it means that there are really about Six to Eight million actual fighting soldiers. The rest work with everything else.
That is feasible.
OOC- If you really want to play it that way, I could send in 52,000,000 soldiers, and still have 78,000,000 to defend my nation if it came to war on RFF soil. That is not including my allies who could front anywhere from 25,000,000 to 50,000,000 each, if playing with strictly numbers. I wouldn't suggest invading someone for an OOC comment though, if I was you.
Also keep in mind that I did not say that I was sending EVERYONE over at the same time. I was just stating the statistics of my military power and would-be presence if I did decide to go to war. Which I have, and I am strongly against Blackhelm forces.
06-07-2006, 19:13
Why don't people read the "These soldiers are DIVIDED into several different divisions"? That means that there are soldiers that work the supply lines. Usually it means that there are really about Six to Eight million actual fighting soldiers. The rest work with everything else.
(OOC: 6-8mill i'm fine with, you can still destroy the crap out of me, a loss to me is as good as a win, I was just a little annoyed at someone fielding so many men wheras I'm fielding less than 1% of my total military and it's killing me)
OOC- If you really want to play it that way, I could send in 52,000,000 soldiers, and still have 78,000,000 to defend my nation if it came to war on RFF soil. That is not including my allies who could front anywhere from 25,000,000 to 50,000,000 each, if playing with strictly numbers. I wouldn't suggest invading someone for an OOC comment though, if I was you.
So wait, your total pop is 1.3 billion?
06-07-2006, 19:15
(OOC: 6-8mill i'm fine with, you can still destroy the crap out of me, a loss to me is as good as a win, I was just a little annoyed at someone fielding so many men wheras I'm fielding less than 1% of my total military and it's killing me)
How many of your men have I killed so far? With the hell i put on that beach i figured it would be astronomical!
OOC- My total population is somewhere around 2.6 billion.
(OOC: 6-8mill i'm fine with, you can still destroy the crap out of me, a loss to me is as good as a win, I was just a little annoyed at someone fielding so many men wheras I'm fielding less than 1% of my total military and it's killing me)
OOC: I was really just in this war to decimate Blackhelm. They broke an international law of Dephire and have to be put to justice.
The Aeson
06-07-2006, 19:17
OOC: Incidentally, Blackhelm Confederacy is probably going to A) pull out or B) become even more dedicated to this operation. It could really go either way.
OOC- My total population is somewhere around 2.6 billion.
OOC: Okay, so who are your allies and your enemies?
I am a sworn enemy of Blackhelm. That's straight up. I am allies with anyone who wants me to be an ally.
OOC: Ftgan and I both have roughly the same populations. Please don't turn this into how many troops you can send. You will loose.
Edit: I am on the side of Toopoxia.
OOC: Incidentally, Blackhelm Confederacy is probably going to A) pull out or B) become even more dedicated to this operation. It could really go either way.
OOC: That would of been a coward's tactic anyway.
I mean. It's like the Soch and Los Mexican war all over again.
Whenever I came in, they pulled out.
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-07-2006, 19:19
OOC: If there's a problem with this post Blackhelm (The CEO doesn't favor blonds, he's gay and I should be killing a man-whore, whatever, just let me know and I'll edit it to fit)
OOC: Lmao hahaha
IC: The car exploded into a massive fireball. Police were quick to surround the area. In his office, Claudius Griffincrest recieved word his most favored mistress, Julia Hornsword, was killed. He became enraged. "Send in the rest of the troops, to hell with the base in Glin!" he screamed. Soon, the 80,000 troops fresh from Four corners, along with 800 more Mercury's, 100 Behemoth II's, 500 M2A2 tanks, and 100 165mm Mongoose artillery guns were about to land at LNI shores. They were defended by 3 Iowa class battleships, and 14 Daring anti-air destroyers. That was the almost the entire Griffincrest Navy.
OOC: does anyone object to a troop increase?
06-07-2006, 19:20
(OOC: STOP!!! let's move all this to the OOC thread people!)
OOC: Ftgan and I both have roughly the same populations. Please don't turn this into how many troops you can send. You will loose.
Edit: I am on the side of Toopoxia.
I wouldn't dream of that.
I was just seeing who was on who's side.
If Blackhelm is on your side, then I must sincerely apologize to you and any other of his allies.
Blackhelm, to me, must be put to justice for invading/attacking three of my allies. Blackhelm was an ally of mine, but committing that action rendered it null and void. He broke the law by attacking. So, like I said. I'm sorry for attacking him, and I hope you understand why I am attacking him.
OOC- Lets take this to the OOC thread.
"In the Darkness we came on ships. Silently we creeped along the shores. Swiftly we came upon your doorstep. Suddenly you were in our sights. This is the creed of the Dephirian way of life. We do not pull strength in just numbers but from our hearts as well. Dephire has thought that change is needed. A drastic change indeed. Thus we came knocking on your doorstep. Blackhelm is an enemy of the People, but this doesn't necessarily make You and enemy of my people. The clock is ticking before we strike, and when it runs out...well, I'll leave you to fill in the blanks."
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-07-2006, 20:59
The Behemoths began to roll out of their ships into the same location the first army landed. The new force sped up to reinforce the beleagered army up ahead. From the transports, 5 KA-52's took off to attack the Wanderjarian tanks that were causing so many problems.
The PeoplesFreedom
06-07-2006, 22:51
The Peoples Freedom's Fleet soon arrived.
" Petty Officer, hit the beaches where GC is landing."
" Yes sir"
40 Tomahawk II Missles and 1,200 aircraft swarmed to the beach.
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-07-2006, 22:53
Tat would work if we were on the beach...
06-07-2006, 22:58
Blackhelm is inland a bit, just outside of Giln.
"Admiral Jane. Attack them from afar. Fire upon them with our cannons!"
06-07-2006, 23:23
Ostian Imperial Fleet:
Admiral Winifred Press was assigned to a new mission, assistance to the members of the GASN defending New Liberated Ireland. Five million Imperial soldiers would be dispatched to this posting untill more could be prepared, the numbers were two million sailors and airforce aswell as three million ground troops.
4-Nimitz class carriers
12-SuperDreadnaughts(Iowa Class)
8-Los Angeles Class submarines
10-Delaware class battleships
6-Montana class battleships
8-C-17 Globemasters
6-C-130 Hercules
12-F-22 Raptors
10-CF-18 Hornets
16/ addional/ F-16 Tomcats
4-Stealth fighter
4-Stealth B2 bombers
10-UH60 Blackhawks
10-CH47 Chinook Cargo helicoptors
12-AH-1 Cobra Attack helicoptors
8-OH-58D Kiowa Warrior Armed scout helicoptors
10-AH-64A Apache attack helicoptors
8-AH64D Apache Longbow helicoptors
100-M1 Abrams
100-C2 leopards
100-Bradley M2A2
100-Bison Armored infantry APC's
Ostian Weapons:
Standard assult rifle:
Standard issue pistol:
H&K P3000
Support weapons:
Sniper Rifles:
OOC: I hope this will help, isn't alot to start but expect more..arrival time will be in 2 days, i need a rendevous we have a map?
-Jane replied to the new ally.-
"You can rendevous with us."
-She winked at him over the video communicator.-
"Just keep your men ready for anything."
06-07-2006, 23:29
-Jane replied to the new ally.-
"You can rendevous with us."
-She winked at him over the video communicator.-
"Just keep your men ready for anything."
This is Victory II, we roger that, we need co-ordinates for landings over
Admiral Press sat in the OPS room going over charts of the area aswell as reading over recent enemy movement,
"Get me, ThePeoplesFreedom, and Wanderjar on the comms, i am familiar with them and maybe they will remember me"
07-07-2006, 00:00
TO: All Involved
FROM: Shazbotdom Government
The Government of the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom will dispatch monitary aide to the Coalition against the Blackhelm Confederacy. This aide will be in the sum of 500 Million USD and will be split to the nations of the Coalition. Expect the money iin 2 to 3 business days.
The PeoplesFreedom
07-07-2006, 01:23
Oh, well Im attacking his forces inland.
"Someone, pull up a map for me please."
-Jane's command was soon met.-
"Alright. Hmm. Allied forces, if you would like to help set up a ground attack. This would be the best location."
-A blimp appeared on the communicator's map.-
07-07-2006, 06:58
"Someone, pull up a map for me please."
-Jane's command was soon met.-
"Alright. Hmm. Allied forces, if you would like to help set up a ground attack. This would be the best location."
-A blimp appeared on the communicator's map.-
OOC:Mate, this thread is dead dude. It's been canceled :(
It's going to be restarted though, soon.
The PeoplesFreedom
07-07-2006, 20:25
OCC: Why has it been cancelled?
The Xeno
07-07-2006, 20:27
OCC: Why has it been cancelled?
Generalized stupidity.
The PeoplesFreedom
07-07-2006, 20:29
OCC: Oh?
Grr. So now what am I to do with this???
-Points to the overly large missle behind him.-