Undershi Embassies
28-06-2006, 18:29
This thread is to deal with Embassies in Undershi, and The Undershi Empire's Embassies in other countries.
Here's a list of current embassies and their status:
- "Embassy" to Saint Rynald - Currently running the country.
- Embassy to 23Eris - Open
- Embassy to The Aeson - No longer being constructed
- Embassy to Usea-Jason - Open
- Embassy to the Blackhelm Confederacy - Open
- Embassy to the Ftagn - Open
- Embassy to Emporer Pudu - Open
- Embassy to Magic Sorcery - Open
- Embassy to Kanami - Open
- Embassy to Jaredcohenia - Open
- Embassy to Zukariaa - Open
- Embassy to Shazbotdom - Open
- Embassy to Auralinia - Under Construction
- Embassy to Icovir - Under Construction
- Embassy to Clandonia Prime - Under Construction
- Embassy to Maldorians - Under Construction
Blackhelm Confederacy
28-06-2006, 18:34
We would like to establish an embassy in Undershi
The Aeson
28-06-2006, 18:59
- Embassy to The Aeson - Construction behind schedual due to resistance on the part of the Aesonic military.
OOC: You better believe it.
-Secure transmission to Undershi-
An embassy in Undershi would serve our interests. We share certain... outlooks, and the Emperor has much to offer a potential ally.
The Imperial Minister of Foreign Relations/War
Emporer Pudu
28-06-2006, 19:48
To: Undershi Governmental Leaders
From: Mr. White, foreign affairs officer
Subject: An Embassy
Message: Our Dominion has been observing your young nation for some time now, and it has been decided that it would be beneficial to create a beneficial contact with your government. Your nation shares with ours certain ideologies uncommon to the majority of the international community, and to protect and ensure the victory of our two great nations, formal contact and development is required. I am instructed to inquire as to the possibility of an embassy exchange between ourselves. You would be given an office complex in the AC-0001 compound, and we would dispatch to you a Mr. Grey, our ambassador, along with his retinue. Rapid contact upon your decision would be favorable.
Good day,
Mr. White
28-06-2006, 20:58
(ooc-Wait,when is there a Undershi emassy in Usea?I'm not opposed to the idea,just let me know before something like this happeneds!)
28-06-2006, 23:29
Undershi Response to the Blackhelm Confederacy:
We would welcome a friendly exchange of ambassadors. As such, at your choice, either an empty lot or a pre-built fortified compound in our capital will be made available to you. If you choose the empty lot, some one million USDs worth of development funds would be made available - not enough to cover high end security, but enough to make the offer more friendly. We await your reply.
Undershi Response to the Ftagn:
We would welcome a new ally at a time like this. We are always eager to find potential "friends", and look forward to working together much more closely - perhaps an alliance might soon be in order? After all, as that anarchist norm said, "we must all hang together, or most assuredly, we will all hang seperatly." We await your response to our acceptance of your offer of an exchange of ambassadors.
Undershi Response to Emporer Pudu:
We would be glad to accept your Mr. Grey and his staff. In exchange, we would send a team of True Undershi diplomats, who we are sure would meet with your approval. In reciprocation for your offer of an embassy building, we would offer you a fortified compound in Undershi City itself - we are sure you will be satisfied with such a site when you see what we mean.
OOC: Usea-Jason, the embassy there was a bit of a misnomer - it's currently a team of diplomats waiting for official permission to set up an embassy.
29-06-2006, 01:45
(oh sure,ok.I'll allow you to have one of the vacant business builings in New Farbanti,San Salvacian,Nejia,November city,or Jasonsgrad.We have A lot of Vacant Buisness buildings...)
Magic Sorcery
29-06-2006, 02:08
We would be happy to exchange an embassy
To Undershi:
The Emperor is pleased at your acceptance. A team of diplomats, and their escorts, will be on their way as soon as you are ready. A complex in the Hive City has been made available to you for an embassy. Just present proof of identity to the City Guard, and they will show you to your building. Finding your way around the city can be very difficult for newcomers.
The Emperor has expressed a desire to negotiate terms of an alliance as soon as possible. Please reply.
we too would like to start an embassy
30-06-2006, 07:38
Response to Magic Sorcery:
We would be glad to exchange ambassadors. We look forward to a long and successful relationship between our two peoples. Perhaps someday, we might even be allies. As for the building you will be using, would you prefer a pre-constructed one, or to build your own? On these issues, we await your replies.
Response to Kanami:
We would be glad to begin a diplomatic exchange. If you are willing, we already have a team of Undershi diplomats ready to exchange with your diplomats - we only hope that the relations between our two nations might improve until, perhaps, an alliance might eventually come to exist. We await your replies.
30-06-2006, 07:40
The Undershi Empire has a great need for allies. We are eager to see how such a desireable state of affairs might be reached between our two people's. Perhaps a traditional mutual-support alliance would be the best sort to suggest? If you are threatened, we will attack your enemies, and if we are attacked or threatened, you will fight alongside us? We await your reply.
30-06-2006, 07:43
Jaredcohenia requests an embassy.
30-06-2006, 07:43
Yes, you certainly would have a lot of empty buissness buildings, wouldn't you? We would be happy to move into any one of them, if the traditional embassy rules were to take effect.
We would like to move a full diplomatic staff into the embassy as soon as possible, as well as an embassy guard of True Undershis. We assume that we could find cooks and cleaning staff amoungst your populace? We will, of course, bring our own secretaries and so on.
30-06-2006, 07:45
Response to Jaredcohenia:
We would be glad to gain a new friend. As such, an embassy will be made available to you as soon as possible, while we will dispatch a diplomatic team to an embassy in your nation as quickly as is possible. We await your replies.
30-06-2006, 07:53
There are three "levels" of Embassies, and here are what sort of staff they would have:
Minor embassy: For a nation that is just a minor "acquaintance" of the Empire, this level of Embassy will be sent:
- 1 Ambassador
- 1 other high ranking diplomat (usually the military attaché )
- 1 - 2 True Undershi low rank diplomats
- 10 True Undershi secretaries
- 5 True Undershi guards
Mid-level Embassy: For a strategic ally or vital trading partner.
- 1 Ambassador
- 5 other high ranking diplomats
- 10 True Undershi low rank diplomats
- 20 True Undershi secretaries
- 25 True Undershi guards
Major Embassy: This would be for a major ally or a restive occupied territory.
- 1 Ambassador
- 10 high ranking diplomats
- 20 low rank diplomats
- 35 secretaries
- 50 True Undershi guards
- 10 Imperial Internal Security guards
30-06-2006, 07:54
Official Response
We will soon be sending our diplomats, perhaps to stay at a hotel until the embassy is done. The embassy for your diplomats is already finished (prefabricated :D).
30-06-2006, 20:06
We thank you for your building, and will make accomadations available for your diplomats in one of the better hotels while your embassy is built. We are glad that our friendship is progressing so quickly, and look forward to further growth of friendship between our two great nations.
10-07-2006, 14:15
Imperial Internal Security, or "the IIS", as it is often known, is tightly conected with the Undershi Diplomatic Core. The IIS is a security organization, obviously, and it fulfills role similar to the CIA, with some FBI-esque roles thrown in, and with near-Gestapo powers. It also provides some "elite" combat troops - the IIS divisions are quite elite, and therefore much feared.
In its connection to the Undershi Diplomatic Core, and through that to Undershi Embassies, it functions as an intellignece gathering agency - its agents in the various embassies are spies, who try to gather information on, depending on their branch, the military capabilities of an ally or potential ally, or cultural information, to allow better understanding of that nations culture. Those in charge of cultural inteligence gathering are reffered to as Cultural Operatives, whereas those in charge of "other" operations are refferd to simply as Operatives.
19-07-2006, 16:11
The Undershi Empire needs help - NSAA and the GASN are both "up to no good", so all nations with which we currently have embassies are recieving requests for military alliances - Undershi needs help!
The Aeson
19-07-2006, 16:12
The Undershi Empire needs help - NSAA and the GASN are both "up to no good", so all nations with which we currently have embassies are recieving requests for military alliances - Undershi needs help!
Up to no good? How exactly is the GASN 'up to no good?'
24-07-2006, 14:42
OOC: Well, they're shooting at my guys right now, so... by my definition, that's "no good"...
30-07-2006, 08:37
The Undershi embassies that were under construction are now open. While this event is truly impressive, one is left to wonder how diplomatic relations will be affected by the recent conservative coup...
17-08-2006, 04:25
The Undershi Embassy to The Aeson is no longer being constructed - if peaceful relations are achieved, then perhaps a new embassy might be built, but until then, that embassy if off the list.
17-08-2006, 04:49
OOC-Hey Undershi. :p
To:The Undershi
From:The High Commander, Henry Corrol
I wish to establish relations with your nation. Our people have met once before, in the still ongoing Danteri Conflict, while we were still part of the Kraven War Machine. We wish to now build up a friendship. Embassies seem the logical way of beginning, so we request an embassy within Undershi. In exchange, the Undershi will be given an embassy in Zukariaa.
Signed, The High Commander
17-08-2006, 17:27
The Undershi Empire accepts, as we are always eager to acquire strong allies who might help us to overcome those who would oppose our expansion - as we will aid you against any who oppose you.
We welcome an exchange of embassies, and would like to propose a permanent strategic alliance between our two nations. We await your reply.
17-08-2006, 22:19
To:The Undershi
From:The High Commander, Henry Corrol
I agree with this, however, I must say that I cannot aid you if you are ever at war with another ally of mine. Other than that, you have my full support.
Signed, The High Commander
OOC-I'll be your ally, as long as who you are attacking isn't an ally of mine. I also wont be giving any total guarantees, since the GASN might get on my ass if I get out of hand. :\
20-08-2006, 23:33
Undershi Response to the Zukariaan Reply:
We gladly accept the counter-offer presented by our Zukariaan friends. From here on out, let us be known as allies. We look forward to a long, peaceful, reationship between our two states, yet one that also strikes fear into the hearts of any who would dare to oppose our united interests. Long live this new alliance! Long live Zukariaa!
08-10-2006, 02:59
The Undershi Embassy in The Blackhelm Confederacy is being "upgraded" - defenses are being constructed, and it's basically being turned into a fortress - which will be manned by members of the IIS units that have been dispatched to Grifencrest's Corporate Island.
(About four companies, in addition to Regular Army soldiers who were originally providing embassy security).
08-10-2006, 03:01
The Undershi Embassy to Zukariaa is now open for "buissness" - the Undershi and Zukariaan peoples will henceforth be strong allies forever more! (Although, considering what Zukariaa has been doing on Undershis behalf, they already were.)
22-10-2006, 06:14
(And because I'm hoping for more interest...)
OOC: What kind of tech are we talking here, can I use any kind of tech?
22-10-2006, 07:57
TO: Forein Relations Office of The Empire of Undershi
FROM: Mr. Larry William, Miniser of Foreign Relations
We offer you an Embasy within our nation. Although you ill be classified in the GREY Category because of your affiliaton with the Corporate Alliance. This entails you to very strict rules. Please see the Shazbotdom Embasy Exchange Thread (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=466717) for more information. We expect some sort of anser soon, either a Yay or a Nay.
22-10-2006, 08:03
Greetings from Auralinia!
The Emperor has requested that the August nation of Undershi grant the Empire of Xeraph an embassy in their great land. In exchange, we have an ambassadorial residence available for you in our Royal City of Ravennei. Please let me know your decision.
Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor.
22-10-2006, 15:39
To The Dark Empire of Shazbotdom: We accept your conditions. In return, we offer you either an already consructed building or the use of an empty lot (which would therefore be guarenteed to have no bugs built into it) in our capital city.
To Auralinia: We gladly accept your offer. An exchange of ambassadors would be in the best interests of both our nations.
Icovir would like to know if it is possible to create an alliance with Undershi and to build an embassy there. We would also have you build an embassy with us.
Prime Minister Najmun Al-Bakr
23-10-2006, 23:38
From: The Undershi Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To: The Government of Icovir
Re: Embassy
We gladly agree to an exchange of ambassadors. May the relationship between our two peoples be long, peaceful and productive.
The World Soviet Party
23-10-2006, 23:42
Official Diplomatic Communique
To: Undershi
From: TWSP
We are interested in setting up and embassy in your nation, we are also interested in you setting up an embassy in our nation.
What do you say?
Clandonia Prime
23-10-2006, 23:45
To: Undershi Government
From: Clandonian Ministry for Foreign Affairs
We would like to set up an embassy exchange to encourage co-operation between our two nations in terms of economical transactions. We admire your empire and your nations military, it has been an inspiration to the great Clandonian armed forces.
24-10-2006, 17:11
The Undershi Empire welcomes improved relations with Clandonia Prime. We hope that these exchanges will lead to improved interactions between our two great nations, and that the relationship that develops between our two nations will be one of peaceful prosperity and also of true friendship.
The World Soviet Party
24-10-2006, 20:15
*Cough* Bump
26-10-2006, 00:52
OOC: Sorry - that was the point where I had to leave last time...
The Undershi Empire would like to accept an exchange of ambassadors, however, they also feel it would be a good idea to first point out that Undershi medical and artillery units are still active in the CA efforts against TWSP. We hope that peace might soon be achieved, and that when it is our two nations achieve a mutually beneficial relationship. Until then, we feel that we cannot in good conscience assent to an exchange of ambassadors. We appologise for this inconvenience.
26-10-2006, 00:58
Jaredcohenia wishes to strengthen its bonds with Undershi, and we feel that by exchanging embassies with Undershi would be beneficial.
We are certain we have an embassy in your nation, but do you have one in ours?
26-10-2006, 01:00
We would like to have an embassy in Undershi, since Undershi is a fellow CA member.
26-10-2006, 17:10
To the government of Jaredcohenia, we currently have an embassy in Jaredcohenia - when we allow an embassy to be opened in our nation, we always ensure that we have one in the capital city of that nation as well. When a nation is marked as having "Embassy - Open", that means that there are two embassies - one in that nation, one in our own.
To the government of Maldorians, we welcome an exchange of ambassadors with a fellow member of the Corporate Alliance. Hopefully this exchange will come to strengthen the ties that already exist between us as fellow members of that glorious organisation.
06-11-2006, 18:19
The Undershi Ministry of Foreign Affairs is proud to announce the opening of a new Undershi Embassy, this one in the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom.