The trade of Herrengan Thorium
The thorium discovered recently will be readily available in its refined form withina few short hours. Any nations wishing to purchase unrefined Thorianite may do so here, at this thread.
28-06-2006, 20:39
The Federation of Azraelonia
Azraelonia Shall Prevail!
The Federation wishes to purchase 500 tons of unrefined Thorianite from Herreng, and would like to inquire as to the price.
David Robinson
Ministry for Foreign State Trade
I apologize as for not posting the price. The cost of thorium (pure) is $50/kilogram, so 500 tons of thorianite would be $11,400,000. If you wish to purchase pure thorium it is available.
28-06-2006, 20:56
The Federation of Azraelonia
Azraelonia Shall Prevail!
I apologize as for not posting the price. The cost of thorium (pure) is $50/kilogram, so 500 tons of thorianite would be $11,400,000. If you wish to purchase pure thorium it is available.
We thankyou for your assistance, and would like to purchase 500 tons of pure thorium.
Thorium is priced at $50/kilogram. We also offer services for the installation of nuclear power facilities, the cleanliness of which is currently being researched, so as to create as little waste as possible. Bare nuclear reactor cores are also available, although dangerous to transport.
Power plant equipped with One (1) core: $3,500,000,000
Bare nuclear Core: $1,000,000,000
Large purchases (3 or more for facilities, or in excess of 100 kilos of thorium)of the material or facilities will be discounted at 2%.
The price for 500 tons of refined thorium is 22,800,000 USD. For a rushed delivery (one month) add $100,000. Please allow time for re-calculation so as I don't overcharge or undercharge you.
28-06-2006, 21:06
The Federation of Azraelonia
Azraelonia Shall Prevail!
The price for 500 tons of refined thorium is 22,800,000 USD. For a rushed delivery (one month) add $100,000. Please allow time for re-calculation so as I don't overcharge or undercharge you.
We thankyou for this, and would like to pay the rush delivery charge.
That comes to a total of 22,900,000 USD. Please allow 30 days for delivery. We thank you for your business.
In case anybody who read this is wondering, yes, this material is suitable for nuclear weapons. The thorium bomb (T-Bomb) is currently available for purchase, and research is being done in the field of warheads, capable of being attatched to almost any missile of bomb.
Free Tulsa
28-06-2006, 21:33
TO:Herreng Gov't
FROM:Laura Conway, Proletarian Republic of Free Tulsa Minister of Energy
SUBJECT:More information
Before considering purchase, we require more information on this new mineral. How is it different from uranium or any of the other radioactives used in energy production? Is it safe? Can it be found in sufficient quantities to ensure a steady supply? Can it be used in nuclear fusion as well as fission? Furthermore, we would like to purchase a small amount of this substance for research purposes - namely, twenty kilograms of it. The required $1000 will be wired to your national coffers upon delivery of the substance.
If it is to be a rush delivery (within a month) there is an added charge of 500 dollars for this size of purchase. I do need to know whether or not this is to be a rush delivery.
Free Tulsa
29-06-2006, 03:24
Yes, rush delivery would be preferred.
Alright then, $1000 worth of refined thorium will be shipped immediately. Expect it within 30 days.
TO: Herreng
FROM: Maraque
SUBJECT: Nuclear Power Plants
I would like to purchase 20 nuclear power plant facilities at a cost of $70 billion USD.
I'd also like to know the transport and installation methods of these facilities, and the reliability and chance of failure.
Temporary-Emperor Jovan Norris
The parts for the facilities are shipped on our single barge, and as such 20 facilities would take perhaps 3 years to construct. So far there has been no failure or major injuries in the design of our plants ( a few lost limb, nothing more...) The only necesary part to replace is occasionally replacing the lead core casing, as sometimes it absorbs radiating electrons and becomes gold. Radioactive gold, mind you, but gold nonetheless (OOC: actually happened at a reactor in Siberia!). We thank you for your business.
Each of our reactors has an output of about 923 megawatts, so twenty gives you a total output of 18,460 megawatts.