Civil War in Ostia(Open Rp)
28-06-2006, 02:56
**Special News Report**
We interupt your current programming from this special news report, This is reporter Ted Davis joining you from out front of the Emperors palace in Apollo Ostia where hundreds of protestors have gathered here today to share veiws on how our goverment is currently being ran. Protestors are extremely upset by recent decisions made by his greatness and how he seems to ignore needs our nations people require guards have locked down perimiter around his greatness's palace in fear that the protestors may try and enter with force. A regiment of the emperors armed forces have been put on alert due to reports of a certian movement that has recently made it's self known calling themselves "The Peoples Army", the strength of this group is unknown but they threaten to act if the matters are not resolved by 5pm this afternoon, this is Ted Davis keeping you informed
Emperor Antonio Acosta watched from a large window in the palace at the massed crowd going wild just outside of the gates, secret service men in black suits were present in the room along with other members of goverment.
"Your greatness, a repersentive of the peoples army is on the line.."
The Emperor strolled over to the phone on his desk,
"What is it now? i cannot be bothered with this non-sence any longer.."
The voice on the other end was low and deep,
"Ahh, your greatness good to speak with you again..have you decided to re-think certian decisions you have made yet?"
The Emperors facial expression turned to an outraged expression,
"Who are you to talk to me like this you ignorant lowly swine! you will be hunted down and i will have the pleasure myself of putting a bullet in each one of your skulls publicly to teach others to make a stand against me!"
The voice on the other end chuckled,
"As you wish, our first action will be at 5pm as we have previously stated before, you fail to listen to reason..therefore the peoples army will act for the people..."
The Emperor shouted,
"I control the people! the people bow before me! they are my people, peoples army..aha LIKE HELL! i do not fear your threats of terror...this conversation is over!"
With that he slammed down the receiver, the other members of the senete along with the minister of defence stood there speachless,
"I want all bases in the country on high alert, have the national guard on stand by..extra police detail aswell..riot gear..the works.."
A secretary left the room followed by a secret service agent...
"Minister of defence Carter, prepare to go public...the world must know"
28-06-2006, 03:12
**Ostian News Report**
Minister of defence Carter stepped onto the set within the palace, behind him was the flag of the nation of Ostia. The camera crew had just finished setting up and gave him the go ahead, he glanced at the clock and it said 5 to 5 in the afternoon,
People of the Ostia, People of the world, some of you have have received reports that the Empire of Ostia is being threatened by terroists, these reports are false, threatening our goverment and it's Ruler. The matter is simply somthing that can be resolved from within, peaceful protests are taking place as we speak and a resolve is not far from being reached by his highness who is carefully reveiwing the peoples requests that they claim have been ignored for quite some time, those claims are also false, we have the situation under complete control
Minister of defence Carter nodded then the camera was then shut off, he glanced at the clock once more it read 10 after five and there was no report of any terror attacks as of yet, he looked around at the others in the room and smirked,
"False statements..obviously..."
All of a sudden the door swung open and there stood a secret service man,
"Sirs, a report has just came in...multiple terrorists have attacked a supply depot in Padova...they are well armed, reports saying Ak-47's and other small assorted arms...grenades..aswell as a light armored troops transport.."
The minister of defences jaw dropped and he said to the others in the room,
"Well gentleman, looks as if we have a civil war on our hands..."
28-06-2006, 03:29
Imperial Palace of the Empress, New Reichsburg, Tinsuvilia
Kari Looj sat tranquilly before her television, her hands steepled in comtemplative restlessness. The tin voice of Ostian Defense Minister Carter emitted from the speakers, anxious but resolute:
"People of the Ostia, People of the world, some of you have have received reports that the Empire of Ostia is being threatened by terroists, these reports are false, threatening our goverment and it's Ruler. The matter is simply somthing that can be resolved from within, peaceful protests are taking place as we speak and a resolve is not far from being reached by his highness who is carefully reveiwing the peoples requests that they claim have been ignored for quite some time, those claims are also false, we have the situation under complete control."
Looj's lips curled to bear her teeth as the message sunk in. This, Emperor Acosta was actually negotiating with terrorists? Was he so spineless as to give away his throne? Pen went to paper, and Tinsuvilia's view was set.
Emperor Acosta,
Your willingness to negotiate with these common rabble shines a horrible light on us all. If you negotiate with the People, the People will dethrone you. Will you require assistance in assuring the furtherment of the Empire of Ostia?
28-06-2006, 03:42
At the gates of the palace the crowd had grown extremely wild throwing stones and other objects at palace guards who were not sure of what to make of the situation, automatic gunfire echoed through the air and the crowd started to take off running in all directions in panic, two more assualt rifles opened fire from within the crowd and a secret service agent was hit by three bullets starting at the top of his chest reaching his neck, A guard sergent spoke over his 2 way,
"Pick out the targets, pick out the targets...lay em down!"
Three G36 rifles on the other side of the mob opened fire at one of the shooters, the others had managed to blend into the crowd in an attempt to escape,
"Get the palace on the horn!" Yelled the sergent..
Emperor Acosta heard the automatic fire from outside the gates,
"Things are falling apart out there your greatness, a sergent from the gate has called up..we lost a man.."
The Emperor was about to reply when a uniformed man entered the room, he wore the rank of general,
"Your greatness, we have lost a supply depot in Padova, one in Bellomo and are currently fighting against rebel soldiers in St.Marie...the garrison don't know how long they can hold...also General Stratford and Colonel Dawson cannot be reached..."
The Emperor replyed calmly,
"What do you mean cannot be reached...inform one of their clerks to make them reachable.."
The General replyed,
"They have deflected your highness, so have the majority of their forces..."
The Emperor sank into his chair slowly,
"Civil war...." he said quietly
"This is a matter we can deal with quickly, have the national guard stand by for posting.."
The General frowned,
"The 20th regiment of the national guard has also joined the rebel forces...also the 12th and the 7th cannot be reached..."
The Emperor looked up at him and flew out of his chair,
"Yes your greatness!" The general bowed and left the room....
Emperor Acosta looked at Minister of defence Carter who recently entered the room,
"I want all embassies alerted to our present situation, Ostia is officaly in a state of civil war...."
Carter didn't say a word, simply bowed and left the room. Your highness, a message has come through from the Empress of Tinsuvilia asking if we require assistance, Emperor Acosta read over the message,
"Tell her i only wished to come to a peaceful resolve with the rabble, avoid hostillities by any means but it came down to war...inform the Empress any assistance she wishes to give will be accepted with my personal thanks of course....send her my regards aswell.."
Emperor Acosta sat back down in his chair gazing off in space then more reports came in,
"Your greatness we have lost St.Marie..the enemy has tanks and gunships, General Stratfords to be exact ..."
Acosta shook his head,
"My soldiers who remain loyal are useless!! USELESS! im surrounded by idiots!"
"Have the 10th Infantry division dispatched to St.Marie, i want the Royal 74th Artillary sent to Bellomo supported by the 3rd it, NOW!"
28-06-2006, 03:56
Imperial Palace of the Empress, New Reichsburg, Tinsuvilia
"And so on the weakness of fools and cowards shall ride forth the Stormtroopers, their loyalty absolute, their ferocity unrivaled."
Empress Looj read the letter impatiently, for her mind knew it's contents the minute it was handed to her. The coward needed help, and it was only out of fury that she would help him.
A rally was called quickly, Looj's iron form rose high above Reich Street from the balcony of her palace, her voice rang clear through the square, inciting patriotism and a killing fire in her citizens.
"The people of Ostia dare to challenge their loving Emperor! He seeks peace, and yet they seek war. He seeks justice, and they would have him dethroned! It is our duty to insure the safety of the dwindling empires of the world, it is our destiny to usher the empires through hatred and terrorism! The Stormtroopers will be the harbingers of a tide, a swift tide of justice eliminating the enemies of the Throne of Ostia!"
Kavaro Military Base, Ankaro, Tinsuvilia
With the speech of the Empress the masses were ignited in war. The Stormtroopers, the fists of the Empire, bringers of justice, would embark shortly for Ostia. This was the scene now, at Kavaro Military Base, where the Eighty-Seventh, Sixty-Ninth, and Thirty-Third Stormtrooper divisions loaded quickly into their troop transports, each division comprised of men, logistics and support. Fourty-five thousand was their total number, more than enough to bring stability to Ostia. They would arrive soon enough.
28-06-2006, 04:33
Rebel General Stratfords Command:Southern Ostia
General Stratford stood before a large table with maps and charts covering it, other officers stood at his side reveiwing the plans,
"They have lost key supply depots due to troops deflecting, the loyal ones that have simply surrendered have been left behind in those installations...there was minimal resistance, our troops will be moving on the air base at Leown..the emperor has also ordered full strength regiments to respond to our attacks.."
General Stratford replyed,
"Request the air support we have managed to gain from General Burton to hold, no point of them being shot out of the sky needlessly...our ground forces are capible of taking the air base then they will be liberated.."
The officer nodded and headed for the comms room immeaditly. Things were going well for the Rebel forces so far, three supply depots along with two smaller bases were under rebel control.
Leown Airbase
A clerk rushed into General Burtons office in panic,
"Sir, multiple armored vehicles approach our position with infantry support, General Stratfords men sir?"
The General turned around in his chair with a calm expression,
"Order the men to take up defence positions, all aircraft will remain grounded and members of the sixth squadron are to remain at the plane leaves the ground.."
The clerk looked confused but left the room after a salute. The sixth squadron was formed of pilots who had deflected to the rebel side, they were all placed into a special unit. General Burton sighed, he knew what he was doing was wrong but it was for the better.
The Rebel armor approached the walls of the compound opening fire on the defenders, mortors from inside fired one after another zeroing in on the enemy postion. Soldiers on the walls and in towers fired their assualt rifles at the approaching enemy soldiers who once stood for the same thing as they did, multiple tank cannons fired hitting the walls exploding killing or wounding anyone around them.
The resistance was thinning out rapidly and things were not looking well for the defenders already, the gate came down and the first tank rolled in to be struck by an LAW, then another and another, it exploded in flames and oily smoke rose into the air. Assualt rifle fire echoed through the air in single shot and bursts, the gate access was blocked by the knocked out tank and infantry streamed in only to be gunned down by 50.Cal and 30.Cal machine guns scattered about the compound, General Burton watched out his window as the attack by the Rebels was slowing down and the airbase was actully holding against the large attack.
He walked back over to his desk where he pressed a button on the intercom, contacting the office outside of his own,
"We surrender immeaditly, make it public.."
The door swung open and in strolled three marines holding C7-A2's,
"General you are under arrest for deflecting.."
The general laughed,
"What do you mean Captian..i havn't you can see we are losing! this is spare lives!"
The marines stood there stone faced, the general opened a drawer on his desk and replyed,
"One moment.." he pulled a glock.21 out...
The marine captian yelled,
The soldiers opened fire on the general and he fell backwards crashing through the large window in his office falling to the ground. The soldiers at the Leown airbase managed to turn the tide of the attack, the marine captain got on the intercom,
"This is captian Braun, General Burton was a deflector and has been shot, the same fate will follow to any others who choose to follow in that action...pilots to their aircraft, i repeat all pilots to their aircraft!!"
The pilots rushed to the hangers to prep their planes for combat, the rebel armored coloum had started to turn the other way in retreat. The 6th squadron had also been arrested, a defector who had turned back to the emperors service had informed the loyal troops of what was going on.
The first F-22 sped down the runway and lifted off....
The pilots conversation with command was made public over the intercom,
"This is 6-5 im airborne and making my first run, im hot i repeat going in hot!"
The troops cheered as the aircraft flew a pass over the base headed for the retreating coloum.
28-06-2006, 04:55
Apollo:Capital of Ostia
To the Nations of the world, Ostia would like to declare a state of emergency. Our nation has entered into Civil war, Rebels have seized several smaller military installations and attepmted an attack on an airbase which would have resulted in disaster for our nation, luckly the attack failed due to the heroic efforts of the garrison there. Emperor Acosta has taken action against these rebels with the intent to restore order, let it be known we have the situation under control and are expecting minor allied support that is not far off from arriving. We ask only for your prayers this conflict will come to an end soon, this is Ted Davis signing off.
Emperor Acosta sat in his office listening to the report that had just been made, the city of Bellomo had been sized by the rebels and preperations to take it back were being planned by General Cyr, Bellomo was a key city and major stratigic point for troop movement because it had four ways in and out of the city branching off to other large citys around the country.
28-06-2006, 04:57
Imperial Troop Transport Raven, just off Ostian shores
The men of the 33rd Stormtrooper Division wondered in awe at the explosions before them, and considered the hell that they were stepping into. Rebels had attacked the Emperor, threatened his life.
There was no greater heresy than to challenge the supreme ruler.
These rebels would pay for their sins. Their blood would spill until the Emperor's soul was free from any foolish harm.
[OOC: Just consider them docked if you'd wish, and initiate relations between the Tinsuvilian brass and your people.]
28-06-2006, 05:09
Naval Base: Padova, Ostia
The Imperial Troop Transport from Tinsuvilia was seen incomming, Admiral Winfred Press watched from his command tower over looking the harbour,
"Admiral, "Raven" wishes to dock sir.."
The Admiral took his eyes from his bonoculars for two seconds long enough to reply,
"Give them the go ahead Lt"
The fighting in Padova had been intense sence the beginning of the Rebellion, the national guard were paired up with the 12th infantry. The opposing forces consisted of 14 APC's from the 10th mountain division, 6 tanks from the 29th armored and 300 infantry from many different units. The naval forces could not assist in the land fighting so to save the lives of civilians and structures throughout the city, there was one aircraft carrier and two battle ships in the harbour powerless to aid their commrades.
28-06-2006, 05:24
Padova, Ostia
As troops were unloading quickly off the transports, Field Marshal Ulbrecht Wonson surveyed their formations, looking confidently over their wonderful ranks, ceremonial armor gleaming in the Ostian sun. These men were the finest Tinsuvilia had to offer. The Empress would be proud.
Approached by a man wearing a uniform bearing the Ostian flag, Wonson left his spectacles with his aid and followed, eager to begin the operation. After several minutes of trekking through Stormtroopers who were being supplied, Wonson and his guide arrived at a makeshift command post, standing as unremarkable as possible. Spotters and artillery were always a danger, even with commoner scum.
"I bring greetings from the Empress Looj and her countrymen. You would be... Admiral Press, I presume? I hope that you are... satisfied... with our contribution to your war?"
28-06-2006, 05:36
Admiral Press wore his navy whites, behind him stood four more officers also in navy whites with six marines in full battle fatigue standing behind them at attention,
"I am Admiral Winifred Press, welcome to Ostia gentleman the Emperor is glad you responded so quickly..impressive troops you have brought Field Marshall, satisfyed aswell was greatful"
Ground troops in cadpat camoflage jogged by in large coloums lead by sergenents and leiutennets yelling out the step,
"Left, right, left, right, left, right, left!"
Their gortex boots pounded loudly on the pavement all in step with the count. Admiral Press spoke once more,
"If you will join me in our breifing room we can prepare yes?"
The noise of explosions was heard in the distance along with assualt rifle fire, as the party headed towards the Admirals command building four blackhawk helicoptors flew by in formation headed for the battle, their cargo, air cavelry troops.
28-06-2006, 05:46
Padova, Ostia
Field Marshal Wonson followed the man before him slowly, his watchful eyes taking in the Ostian troops as they jogged past, and the helicopters as they flew overhead.
"Your men seem to be well organized, Admiral. I wonder what it is that you will have the Stormtroopers do. We are well prepared to fight your demons, and I am most confident in our abilities."
With that, they walked into the briefing room, and the outside world, with all it's military bustle, was shut out.
28-06-2006, 06:08
Padova: Ostia
Press replyed,
"Well, i am not quite sure yet Field Marshall that will be determined when we reach the breifing room"
They entered the command building and two infantry guards presented arms when the Admiral passed, he returned the salute. The four officers with the Admiral along with the Field Marshall and his own staff entered the briefing room where they all were seated, the Admiral removed his cap setting it on the table before him, there was a large screen with a projector on the ceiling in the room,
"Gentleman, welcome on behalf of his highness Emperor Acosta, without further adue.."
The Admiral pressed a button on a remote turning on the screen showing masked soldiers holding various small arms,
"These gentleman are our enemy, "The Peoples Army" forged out of hatred for our beloved Emperor, they have taken several military installations and attacked an airbase which was defended by the garrison who would have faught to the last man, General Burton who was formally in command there was with the Rebels but was told on by a member who had deflected but turned back at the last minute..."
He paused allowing his words to sink in..
"An F-22 Raptor intercepted the attacking armored coloum making them retreat to a point to which the aircraft could no longer persue them due to ground to air weaponry...a massed force is being formed and they will attack the airbase once more...they must be stopped!"
He took a sip of water then continued,
"An infantry regiment will be dispatched from Padova heading the 15 miles to Leown where they will reinforce the garrison there, that Field Marshall is where i hope you will come in...the 3rd armored will be moving with the assigned infantry unit to that location, the Rebel activity in the area is heavy...they have been reinforcing the attack on Padova in hopes to take this base, which they will not of course because we can simply bring in support from the sea"
"If those men are not rescued they will be crushed in this attempt made by the Rebels, from our position now our troops will have to break through the enemy forces that are spread out though the city...we are lucky they are not concentraited in any one spot..but it is really hot out there.."
"Any questions?"
28-06-2006, 18:27
[OOC: Quick rundown on a standard Stormtrooper division:
1 Division = 15,000 Men
5 x 3,000 man brigade per division (one armored brigade, one artillery brigade, 3 infantry)
3 x 1,000 man battalion per brigade (1st, 2nd and 3rd Infantry Battalions)
4 x 250 company per battalion (Andrew, Bobby, Charlie and David Companies)
5 x 50 man platoon per company (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Platoons)
5 x 10 man sqaud per platoon (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th squads)
2 x 5 man fireteam per squad (Andrew and Bobby Fireteams)
Fireteam Makeup:
1 x Fireteam Leader *Sergeant* (Armed with an G36 [with 5 clips], SIG Sauer P245, Squad Radio, 2 fragmentation grenades)
2 x Riflemen *Private* (Armed with an G36 [with 6 clips], SIG Sauer P245, 1 fragmentation grenade)
1 x Grenadier *Private* (Armed with an G36 [with 3 clips], SIG Sauer P245, 2 fragmentation grenades, 1 flashbang STUN grenade, 1 smoke grenade)
1 x Squad Automatic Gunner *Private* (Armed with an M-249 SAW [with 2 boxs of 200 rounds], SIG Sauer P245)
Armored Brigade:
3 x 1,000 man squadron per brigade (1st, 2nd and 3rd Armored Squadrons)
4 x 250 man company per squadron (Andrew, Bobby, Charlie and David Armored Companies)
5 x 50 man platoon per company (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Armored Platoons)
Armored Platoon Makeup:
4 x Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank (16 men)
4 x M41A3 Walker Bulldog Light Tank (16 men)
5 x VAB APC (10 men)
4 x Dardo IFV (8 men)
Artillery Brigade:
3 x 1,000 man batteries per brigade (Andrew, Bobby and Charlie Batteries)
2 x 250 man emplacement group per battery (1st and 2nd Emplacement Groups)
5 x 50 man artillery group per emplacement group (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Artillery Groups)
Artillery Group Makeup:
3 x M109 self-propelled howitzer (24 men)
4 x M120 120mm Mortar (20 men)
2 x M224 60mm Mortar (6 men)
If that made sense, good. Heh. It's stolen from my puppet since I don't like to do this over and over, but yeah. Also, any maps you have would be nice.]
Padova Command Center, Padova, Ostia
Wonson listened intently as the Admiral laid the groundwork for the current situation in his briefing, and sighed quietly.
"How many men will you require to defend Leown? I believe that 1st Infantry, 33rd Stormtrooper Division along with Charlie and David Armored Squadrons from the 1st Armored Brigade should be sufficient. This leaves the majority of our forces open to reinforce other areas if need be."
28-06-2006, 18:29
Apollo: Capital of Ostia
Emperor Acosta sat in his throne room with a group of high ranking military officials standing before him,
"Your greatness, soldiers from Tinsuvilia have arrived in Padova and are discussing plans with our military officials there, they are planning to break through and reinforce the air base at Leown"
The Emperor looked pleased at this report then said,
"Continue General Knox.."
The general hesitated then spoke,
"The Rebel forces are on the outskirts of our capital your highness, organized forces attack from the south aswell as the west...they have artillary support in the south"
The Emperor sat forward staring into the face of his officers,
"And our status in these positions?"
The general replyed rather quickly,
"We are holding but i need more men to the south...the artillary seems to be taking quite the toll on our forces in the area.."
The Emperor stood up and shouted,
"Can you not make due with what you have General! we fight our own men! with the same equipment and tactics! why is it that i am losing this war when i out number these forces!"
The general spoke timidly lowering his head,
"I don't know..your highness, it seems their will.."
Acosta cut him off,
"Their will! RUBBISH! start winning me some battles General, this is obserd! for the love of god, do your sworn duty in a manner to which suits me! your emperor!"
The general bowed, Emperor Acosta waved him out of the room,
"Incompitant fools!"
28-06-2006, 18:43
[OOC: Quick rundown on a standard Stormtrooper division:
1 Division = 15,000 Men
5 x 3,000 man brigade per division (one armored brigade, one artillery brigade, 3 infantry)
3 x 1,000 man battalion per brigade (1st, 2nd and 3rd Infantry Battalions)
4 x 250 company per battalion (Andrew, Bobby, Charlie and David Companies)
5 x 50 man platoon per company (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Platoons)
5 x 10 man sqaud per platoon (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th squads)
2 x 5 man fireteam per squad (Andrew and Bobby Fireteams)
Fireteam Makeup:
1 x Fireteam Leader *Sergeant* (Armed with an G36 [with 5 clips], SIG Sauer P245, Squad Radio, 2 fragmentation grenades)
2 x Riflemen *Private* (Armed with an G36 [with 6 clips], SIG Sauer P245, 1 fragmentation grenade)
1 x Grenadier *Private* (Armed with an G36 [with 3 clips], SIG Sauer P245, 2 fragmentation grenades, 1 flashbang STUN grenade, 1 smoke grenade)
1 x Squad Automatic Gunner *Private* (Armed with an M-249 SAW [with 2 boxs of 200 rounds], SIG Sauer P245)
Armored Brigade:
3 x 1,000 man squadron per brigade (1st, 2nd and 3rd Armored Squadrons)
4 x 250 man company per squadron (Andrew, Bobby, Charlie and David Armored Companies)
5 x 50 man platoon per company (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Armored Platoons)
Armored Platoon Makeup:
4 x Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank (16 men)
4 x M41A3 Walker Bulldog Light Tank (16 men)
5 x VAB APC (10 men)
4 x Dardo IFV (8 men)
Artillery Brigade:
3 x 1,000 man batteries per brigade (Andrew, Bobby and Charlie Batteries)
2 x 250 man emplacement group per battery (1st and 2nd Emplacement Groups)
5 x 50 man artillery group per emplacement group (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Artillery Groups)
Artillery Group Makeup:
3 x M109 self-propelled howitzer (24 men)
4 x M120 120mm Mortar (20 men)
2 x M224 60mm Mortar (6 men)
If that made sense, good. Heh. It's stolen from my puppet since I don't like to do this over and over, but yeah. Also, any maps you have would be nice.]
Padova Command Center, Padova, Ostia
Wonson listened intently as the Admiral laid the groundwork for the current situation in his briefing, and sighed quietly.
"How many men will you require to defend Leown? I believe that 1st Infantry, 33rd Stormtrooper Division along with Charlie and David Armored Squadrons from the 1st Armored Brigade should be sufficient. This leaves the majority of our forces open to reinforce other areas if need be."
Admiral Press nodded looking down at the document that had just been handed to him showing what the allied forces consisted of,
"Well, we are unsure of rebel strength..therefore i cannot be exactly sure of what we will need to hold them off or even make our own attack, it seems they are concentrating around Leown..Field Marshall we have six F-22 Raptors, four Hornets, and eight tornados based there along with four blackhawks...we cannot let these fall into enemy hands..
He continued,
"Those forces you have stated seem sufficent for the time being, our third armored along with..."
He looked at a major sitting across the table,
"Ahh sir, the uhh...29th infantry division will be briefed on the situation at Leown, i will have them prepared immeaditly.."
The Admiral smiled,
"There we have it, any more questions?"
28-06-2006, 18:50
Padova Command Center, Padova, Ostia
Wonson tapped his fingers excitedly. This was going to happen. His men would be unleashed on the commoners, and the world would know their true power.
"I have no more questions. I believe I should relay your orders to my men, so if there is nothing else..."
28-06-2006, 19:07
Padova Command Center, Padova, Ostia
Wonson tapped his fingers excitedly. This was going to happen. His men would be unleashed on the commoners, and the world would know their true power.
"I have no more questions. I believe I should relay your orders to my men, so if there is nothing else..."
Admiral Press shook his head after a short hesitation,
"No, no Field Marshall..that is everything, we thank you for your assistance"
Admiral Press stood up along with the other officers and saluted the allied commander. Outside the 29th infantry division prepared to leave, they climbed into the three ton transport trucks and APC's that awaited them, from the rear of the base six leopard C2 tanks rumbled by followed by two more APC's. The sound of 105 howitzers in the distance echoed through the air, four artillary shells hit the other side of the naval base somwhere then a fifth struck down in the same general area. An F-16 launched off the aircraft carrier, "Victory II", and screamed through the air manovering with skill, the attack on rebel forces in Leown was going to take place soon.
OOC: I have a map but it's crappy...soo uhh i will be making a better one :)
28-06-2006, 19:18
[OOC: Sounds good, no hurry.]
33rd Stormtrooper Division HQ, Padova, Ostia
The 33rd Stormtroopers had set up division in a wide street near to the docks, and now many officers milled about it, anxious for the impending battle. Orders were sent down the line swiftly and efficiently, and men loaded into their transports, their faces solumn with anticipation. They were the greatest soldiers in the world! These rebel scum would soon learn that.
28-06-2006, 19:36
Naval Base: Padova
The commander of the Ostian coloum, Major Riker, climed into his command APC and said over the radio,
"All troops loaded, all vehicles in the convoy acounted for after radio cheak, over"
There was more chatter over the radio's then Riker came back on,
"All units, all units, Major Riker here, this operation has a go i repeat this operation has the green light..move out"
All the miltary vehicles moved foward allowing some tactical distance between them, the smell of diesil filled the air, exaust fumes from the vehicles came out in black smoke as one by one the convoy pulled through the gates of the naval base. Major Riker got on the radio to the Tinsuvilian forces,
"Major Riker here, Tinsuvilian forces cheak your communication with our coloum, over"
He awaited the reply, the major glanced at the monitor in the back of the APC to see the streets were a mess in some parts, Civil wars were horrible.
OOC: The troops we will be fighting, the majority of them were once imperial soldiers, there are also many insurgents who are not military trained but well armed, Ak-47's, assorted small arms, RPG's,
28-06-2006, 21:12
[OOC: Check your TGs when you get a bit, please.]
33rd Tinsuvilian Stormtrooper Column, near Padova, Ostia
Colonel Hinrich Newman acknowledged the Ostian radio check and called to his men on all channels.
"Men, today you march forth for the empire. Your actions here will show the common scum that they should think twice before challenging the sumpreme ruler! Make your country proud, make your Empress proud! Fry some rebel scum!"
Cheers went up inside each APC as they rumbled forward behind the Ostian column. Each man looked around at his comrades and smiled. There was no better way than the Stormtroopers to serve the empire.
The killing wasn't bad either.
29-06-2006, 18:45
Padova:The Breakthrough
The Coloum moved at a steady speed through the streets, cracks of machine gun fire was heard from almost every direction,
"This is Delta-1, We have a burning roadblock ahead, over"
Major Riker got on the the radio,
"Roger Delta-1, Bravo-2 run right through it..over"
One of the C2 tank commanders replyed to the Majors order,
"Roger that, Bravo-2 going right on through.."
The tank accelerated then crashed into the roadblock and started pushing it's way through the debris with ease, when it came out the other side an RPG was seen comming right at them through an obeservation veiwing slot,
"RPG!" the crew yelled..
The rocket didn't even damage the tank just richoched off the turret, the C2 sprang into action with the 7.62mm machine gun chattering it drove quickly foward then the cannon fired,
**BOOM** smoke and fire errupted from the barrel
"That should teach em'" Said the tank commander
The rest of the coloum was making it's way past the roadblock when rebels appeared on the roofs of the buildings opening fire with everything they had,
"Holy shit, we have stirred up a hornets nest here boys! don't slow they are just trying to split us up, MOVE , MOVE ,MOVE"
Riker watched the monitor as multiple enemys lined the roof tops shooting at the convoy, grenades were lobbed down and exploded on top or near some of the troop transports. A three ton transport exploded in flames after a grenade had landed on it's canvas,
"Major this is bad! they knew we were comming!"
Riker cursed then replyed,
"Ok Lt, remain calm...we keep going they can't cut us off only beat the hell out of us while we break through...lets pick it up! i want all APC's that have visible targets to open fire with machine guns, no one gets off here understood, we push the fuck on!"
30-06-2006, 02:06
Padova, Ostia
The Stormtrooper column ground steadily on, the men inside their armored carriers silent, listening intently to the screaming of shrapnel and of men. Eyes were dark and brooding, the skulls that they inhabited full with thought. This country was like all the rest. Foolish commoner scum fought "for the good of the people," while their true destiny lied with the Emperor.
The occasional RPG rocked the thick skinned APCs, causing groans from the men inside who attempted to rest while they could. Colonel Newman, far to the front of the column, was one such person. His APC was shaking violently with blows from RPGs, and several of his men looked rather sick.
"Tighten up, men. We haven't even started yet!"
His order was acknowledged only with silence, and the occasional chatter of machine gun fire broke the silence.
The column pushed forward. These scum would be the targets of another detachment. This group had work to do.
30-06-2006, 18:43
The vehicles moved on through the streets and they managed to make it to the outskirts of town, before them were about twelve knocked out enemy tanks, six hummers and several APC's,
"They attacked the wrong airbase boys.." Some random officer said over the radio
The base came into veiw as the first few vehicles came over the large hill down into the valley below, thick oily black smoke rose high in the air from the knocked out vehicles. Some of their crews lay scattered about on the ground burned badly, a tank commander in unit C2-33 said over the radio,
Major Riker got on the radio,
"Ok boys, Major Riker here, lets lay off the chatter over.."
Multiple soldiers near a radio in the convoy replyed,
The situation was strange, they had not faced any enemy forces comming in on the airbase. The reports clearly stated there was alot of enemy activity in the area, the hatches on the vehicles were ordered open so the crews could get a real good look at the surrounding area. The only sound that could be heard was far off gun fire, then all of a sudden a loud screaching sound was heard comming in,
The 105mm Howitzer shells slammed into the earth in front of the convoy aswell as close by,
"Negitive, they are shooting too far ahead..everything goes in reverse! REVERSE NOW! over!!"
Yelled Riker over the radio,
"They don't know we are here, they are shooting at the base! we prepare for the attack that will follow over!"
The Ostian vehicles all withdrew towards the hill in reverse while others attempted to turn around, an APC was struck dead on by a 105 shell
**BOOM** it exploded in smoke and flames..
A C2 commander commented,
"Jesus Christ..."
"Move it, Move it , Move it! NOW!" Yelled Riker..
The Royal Code
30-06-2006, 22:51
Official Message from the Royal Chancellor,
My informants have told me of the outbreak of war in Ostia. We here have formed our opinion on the matter and have decided to offer our light assistance to this conflict, in support of the Loyalist faction. Though if you shoud chose to accept assistance, we cannot promise grand field armies, but rather division sized units operating independantly in coordination with your loyal forces. This war should be ended before any more innocent lives are destroyed.
Supreme Royal Chancellor Alexander
30-06-2006, 23:11
Apollo: Capital of Ostia
The message from the nation of The Royal Code was brought foward to Emperor Acosta, he read over it quicky then responded,
"Umm, yes, international assistance could be in our best should end this conflict quicker than we could hope to do ourselves, inform their goverment we will accept their help..send my personal graditude"
With the emperor's instructions the communications officer bowed, took three steps back and left the throne room. Once he arrived back at his post he drafted up a reply and prepared to send it,
Supreme Royal Chancellor Alexander,
Emperor Acosta has accepted your request to help our nation in this time of darkness. Our situation is very touchy, spys, informants and traitors are everywhere in our nation at this time. We are defending our capital against some of our own armys that have deflected in great numbers, it is a disgrace and these traitors will be delt with accoringly without mercy. The Emperor has a love for his people and is just aswell as kind, they act without reason when they defy him. Emperor Acosta sends his personal regards to your ruler.
The communications officer sent the message then looked at his assistant,
"More help from The Royal Code, we should finish these rebels off in no time"
The sound of gunfire seemed to be getting closer and closer by the day. An entire battalion was stationed in Apollo but were spread throughout the city fighting from all sides, professional soldiers on the outskirts, civilian well armed rebels on the inside.
03-07-2006, 18:57
The Royal Code
03-07-2006, 19:37
After spending all this time preparing, the troops were ready. Colonel Tom Powers had been pulled from the Artereus islands to lead this campaign. He was personnaly selected by General Hayden himself.
Colonel Powers would be the commanding officer of the 12th Expeditionary Heavy Arms Division. He was in command of 50,000 combat troops, 400 Behemoth II tanks, 2,000 APCs, 2,000 AFV,s 12 Combat Helicopters, and 200 various artillery guns supplied by the RAE (stats on guns in sig).
Thanks to the 612th Merchant Marine Fleet, the entire task force arrived on time, escorted by Battle Group Sierra.
With the troops unloading and forming up to move on the capital, Colonel Powers was recieving reccomendations for the approach on the capital.
Some Major's suggested he try to draw them out, and try to suck them into ground he wanted to fight on. Others suggested he attack the supply lines and try to box them in. But Tom listened to his XO. His plan was to simply attack from two directions, from the West and the South, and try to pincer move the rebel forces. With the colossal Behemoth II tanks at point, with their massive 220mm guns (Behemoth II is a tank developed by the DMG, it usually takes several tanks shooting it at once, or 1 or 2 well placed artillery rounds to knock it out), and wealth of armor, the rebels would hopefully be overwhelmed.
It took all but two days to get all the troops ashore. By then Battle Group Sierra had set up patrol zones, and it's carrier was launching sorties against rebel radar installations.
At the end of the second day, as the columns were just moving inland, as a finishing touch, Tom mounted up on his command tank, and put on his sunglasses. "Here we go." were his final words for the evening.