NationStates Jolt Archive

Russian History (E2015)

Socialist Freemen
28-06-2006, 02:30
Timeline of Events to 2015
2006: In the wake the Avian bird flu, Russia closes its Asian borders and ceases trade to reduce infection. Lack of adequate medical supplies in poorer regions leads to many deaths.

2006-2007: Without Chinese trade, the Russian economy nosedives. Thousands die of starvation.

2007: Facing rising poverty rates and widespread protests, Vladimir Putin declares a state of emergency and outlaws all political parties except United Russia.

2008: Vladimir Putin dies. Mikhial Teltsin is elected president. First act as president is to send ethnic cleansing squads to Chechnya.

Early 2009: Yuri Sidorov, a Stalinist ex-general, leads a bloodless coup. Teltsin is arrested and tried at the ICC. Chechnya is put under UN administration.

2009: Yuri Sidorov authorizes a new Constitution, establishing the Socialist Federation of Russia, a "Communist democracy". Oil firms are nationalized, small businesses left intact.

2010: Russia redenominates its currency to equal the Euro and begins negotiations for EU membership.

2011-2012: No sunlight in Russia leads to decline in oil production in order to preserve the environment. Protests flare as the economy suffers.

2013: Russia remains officially neutral in the Iran War, but sells desperately needed oil to American and European forces, boosting the GDP by 76%.

2013: Yuri Sidorov retires due to failing health. Andrei Vasiliev, a Neo-Marxist, is elected General Secretary.

2014: Russia is one of the first nations to recognize the new Palestinian state.

2014: Russia and China sign EAFTA (Euro-Asian Free Trade Agreement), creating a massive free trade zone.

Late 2014: UN Peacekeeping Forces begin to withdraw from Chechnya.

2015: Begin game.

General Facts

Российская Социалисти́ческая Федерация
(Rossiskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Federatsiya)
Russian Socialist Federation

Population: 135,676,000

Government Type: Constitutional Republic

Current Head of Governmnet:
General Secretary Andrei Vasiliev

Official Language:

Major religions:
Atheist/Agnostic/Non-Religious 64%
Russian Orthodox 28%
Islam 8%

Please list any complaints or suggestions so that I can get a better idea of what to come up with.
H-Town Tejas
28-06-2006, 02:35
Looks okay to me. Just wait for NT's verdict.
No Taxes
28-06-2006, 20:13
OOC: It looks good except for a few small things. Add some info about your military. Also as soon as we get a China, than you'll need their approval for the EAFTA, which they'll probably give. That's all that needs to be changed, though I am curious as to why a communist country would want a free trade agreement.
Socialist Freemen
28-06-2006, 20:26
Technically, Communists are supposed to want free trade, but only with other Communist states.

Plus it's "Neo-Marxism", Communism for the 21st Century.
No Taxes
28-06-2006, 20:28
Technically, Communists are supposed to want free trade, but only with other Communist states.

Plus it's "Neo-Marxism", Communism for the 21st Century.
OOC: I was just curious.
06-07-2006, 20:41
OOC: Mad props for this one, you've made one of the first factbooks that didn't constitute the nation miraculously getting it's shit together and building a state of the art military and having a great economy all in fifteen years.
22-07-2006, 21:39
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea wishes to extend our best wishes to our comrades in Moscow. We continue to hope that your return to communism will be an inspiration to the people and to the further the cause of the Glorious Revolution.
07-08-2006, 20:47
Turkey would like to purchase 120 Tu-160 "Blackjack" bombers