Prussian Diplomacy
The Prussia
27-06-2006, 17:26
Salutations to nations of world! We are Prussian Commonwealth, The Second Reich after Imperial Germany. Our nation is not yet recognized my many, or any foreign states, but it's sovereiginity in the unclaimed areas of Antarctis is obvious.
We are willing to open diplomatic relations with foregin nations, what includes embassy exchange, recognization of each other and cultural exchange.
Live Long and Prosper,
Emperor Adolf Treuder
Louisiane Imperiale
27-06-2006, 17:29
Being a young and growing nation ourselves, we see it as a mutual benifit to possibly exchange embassies and possibly hold talks of trade between our two great nations.
Emporer DuFour
Free shepmagans
27-06-2006, 17:41
From: The Confederacy of Free Shepmagans
To: The Prussia
We officially recognize you as a sovereign nation, and wish to know more about your governmental system and beliefs before we consider further diplomatic involvement.
The Prussia
27-06-2006, 17:48
Being a young and growing nation ourselves, we see it as a mutual benifit to possibly exchange embassies and possibly hold talks of trade between our two great nations.
Emporer DuFour
Trade is allways for benefit, so we accept your generous offer. Can you give some economical information about your capabilities of foreign trade? We are traders of arms, ships and fish. Ambadassor Vilhelm Bauer, 61 year old liberal capitalist from East City will leave Commonwealth for Louisiane Imperiale's capital with 10 armed Prussian Guards immediately after we receive your response.
The Prussia
27-06-2006, 17:57
From: The Confederacy of Free Shepmagans
To: The Prussia
We officially recognize you as a sovereign nation, and wish to know more about your governmental system and beliefs before we consider further diplomatic involvement.
Our nation is absolute monarchy, led by Kaiser, emperor. Government is formed mainly from right-wing radicals. Anyway, power of government stops at South Border, where begins corporate power of Prussians in form of corporate-run colony, The South Prussia.
Our nation believes to christian values, capitalism, emperor, Germany and order, and is looking to make them all true in our nation. This was only small, small piece for Prussian Oneness. Feel free to ask more questions that pop your mind.
Louisiane Imperiale
27-06-2006, 18:31
Louisiane Imperiale has capibilities to export oil, natural gas, numerous agricultural products (both temperate (corn, soybean, etc.) and tropical (sugarcane, etc.) crops), lumber, seafoods, textiles, and chemicals.
We are currently under going a rather large industrial investment made by AMJSOC of Ottoman Khaif in our oil and natural gas industry as well as our own investments in ethanol (E-85) and Bio-diesels.
Louisiane Imperiale's government is headed by the Imperial DuFour family and is centered in the city of Alexandria. The nations state sanctioned religion is Roman Catholicism and the government leans center right to right on a majority of policies. We shall send Dr. Courville to represent the Imperial Empire & Family along with 10 Zouave Guards to your nations capital.
The Prussia
27-06-2006, 19:14
Louisiane Imperiale has capibilities to export oil, natural gas, numerous agricultural products (both temperate (corn, soybean, etc.) and tropical (sugarcane, etc.) crops), lumber, seafoods, textiles, and chemicals.
We are currently under going a rather large industrial investment made by AMJSOC of Ottoman Khaif in our oil and natural gas industry as well as our own investments in ethanol (E-85) and Bio-diesels.
Louisiane Imperiale's government is headed by the Imperial DuFour family and is centered in the city of Alexandria. The nations state sanctioned religion is Roman Catholicism and the government leans center right to right on a majority of policies. We shall send Dr. Courville to represent the Imperial Empire & Family along with 10 Zouave Guards to your nations capital.
We are more than interested from agricultural products, seeing our location in Antarctica, where agriculture is limited, as we are from oil. We also welcome Dr. Courville to Capital City.