NationStates Jolt Archive

Election day …

The Fedral Union
27-06-2006, 03:31
Space date 290180 …. Tarren prime convention center….


The noise of thousands of people cheering filled the well lighten chrome walled, convention hall, thousands upon thousands stood up facing the massive spot lights, holographic cameras, the white and blue bright lights peered on the stage, the glimmering metal stage reflected the light.

Suddenly a door whooshed open,, a tall skinny shimmering man walked out in to the bright light, his black suit glimmering as he taped his black shoes on the chrome metal floor, his hair was salt and pepper his face was toned and rather wrinkled, he looked in his late forties early fifties. He stood looking forth the thousands of lights, people and holographic cameras looking him in the face and eyes, his eyes panned around taking in the entirety of the scenery, he smiled, his lips slightly quivering in to the up right position, he put his mouth to the holo microphone , he started to speak in a course, but deep loud voice.

“Greetings United Republics!!!….”

The crowd went wild, cheering like never before flailing hands in the air, casting huge shadows on the white peering light..

He spoke again..

“This is a fantastic day for the UNION!.. Today we will elect a new party, for the people and by the people!, I am proud to announce that the CoDominuim has pronounced me, timothy albrun, the new party leader! And if we are elected they will vote me in as the speaker of the house!, but now we focus on winning…”

He took a sip of water from a glass that was put on the metal stand beside him, the crowd cheered him on

“Our country needs new leader ship, leader ship for the people!, and to keep us safe from enemies, it is time for change, it is time for freedoms to be upheld in this country, the federalist party though good on some points, is an archaic system that must be replaced with fresh blood , it is imperative that this election shows that the union is ready for many things ahead…”

The crowd cheered once again, rising there hands once again, the speaker looked around his eyes panning the crowd he sighed a little looking around yet again.

He started to speak once more “In closing I would like to say that, this has opened up a new chapter in life for all of us, this election will mean either change, or continuity … safety or danger … I implore you to make the right Decision… thank you and good night!!!”

He turned his head and body and started walking off stage, the crowd cheering behind him, the stage was set.. The CoDominuim will win by a land slide

Next day …

A reporter popped up in the holographic TV her hair was blonde, and body was skinny, her eyes looked strait ahead like a lifeless droid.. Her voice spoke clearly but sweetly reporting

“In election news, polls closed Last night with a staggering run off for the CoD
, in an amazing turn around the federalist were ran out of the senate and house, the Federalist party leader has no comment at this point, but it looks like the end of the federalist age in this country, mean while I don’t see how the presdient is going to rebound or work wit these numbers, half the seante lost to the CD party, the traders union was supposed to be strong in this election but they were dwarfed by the CD”

The screen shut off and a show raced towards the holoscreen hitting the chrome wall by it, and falling to the ground the president looked at the screen, his hands to his face, his pale face.. … he was stunned very stunned the election should have went well for his party, but it clearly did not, how he would fair this out in the political firestorm and shift in policy, would be a miracle….. He just waited his eyes panning the blank screen as he though and pondered how this would affect power projection aboard.

(OOC: this will be the beginning of a new era in foreign affairs and governance of my nation, more level headed, more reasonable , more professional)
The Fedral Union
28-06-2006, 05:22
Party goals…..

A young rather tanned skinned senator walked up to the podium in front of the entire senate, his feet taped on the wood like floor, over looking the marble, white walls, and pillars, the UPR flag was behind him, it laid pointing down, the man smiled, he was in his late twenties, a junior senator … his tall skinny form shimmered in the bright lights of the white hall, the noise was rather loud, as senators shuffled in, they taped there feet on the ground slowly but surely the room filled up, the senator looked around his eyes panning in a rather glorious gaze upon the power he had, he grinned a little, his teen bearing slightly and glossing upon the bright white light , he started to speak in a loud dynamic, but professional tone.

“The Union has embarked on a new path as of yesterday the federalist are no longer a majority in the house, or senate, that dose not mean we don’t have to share control, this is a democracy and we will treat it as such, There are many things on my agenda, first I would like to address foreign affairs, aggressive nations such as Mini Miehm , The GFFA, and so called untouchables in there alliances, it is evident that nations in large alliances think they are invulnerable and with out consequence, they think they may run over non aligned nations and force those free nations to give them selves up to huge military industrial complexes, the United stellar republics is at a cross roads, do we join them? Or do we fight them …. I do not want this nation to go in to conflict, but we must in the interest of security and the interest of the future stay away from huge military machines, we have few allies, but they are good allies, the galactic empire while our friends have been quite, they are not fighting any of these dangerous on alliance one universe pipe dreams, that must change.. we must united with our allies, we must stop these arrogant fist shakers in there track, we must clear away from imperialistic dreams…” his hands moved as he spoke, they fluidly waved through the air in short swift motions, conveying his emotions to the crowd his eyes panned them, looking forth like a sentry guarding the democratic ideals of the country …

He continued to speak.. His voice thunderously confident and strong “Aggressive nations such as Mini Miehm are a dangerous to us all , heh as proven time and time again that he will not listen to words, or advice, so I have no choice but to ask this senate for full sanctions on Mini miehmish goods, trade, and to freeze all assets of his people in our nation, that nation cannot be allowed to continue its imperialistic campaigns against innocent nations who have done nothing wrong. It is imperative that we put an end to this and quickly… it cannot be overstated that this nation is a threat to our security and a threat to our galaxy, simply put we cant stand by and do nothing….

In closing I would like to address all foreign nations , our borders are open for peace talks, trade negotiations or what ever else you need, we welcome any nation willing to participate in any form of diplomacy with us, and hopes for the best, our military is strong, but we can make it stronger, but do not be afraid because we will not use it unjustly.. Thank you and good night ...”

The senator smiled and stepped back from the podium his body shimmering In the white spot light the black suit slightly gleaming, he started to walk off stage as the entire senate filled with applause and cheers, the federalist leader s shivered and turned in there seats, there eyes looking dim and rather power loss, words had failed them, they merely applauded because it was polite , but every one of them was filled with soreness over losing them majority, there political agenda would no longer rule, at least not for a while, this political party seemed to be strong with the people behind them. The senate minority leader, O’biran mally grumbled under his breath as he stepped out of the chamber, the rest of the senate following, his words were uttered “Our policy is all but doomed”, his feet tapped on the carpeted floor as he walked to his office, several other federalist leaders inside.

He stepped in his min rather dim with prospects of the future, his old body seemingly floated in like he had just been struck by lighting; he looked over to a younger member of the senate and said “What do we do? The people are behind them and we are all but at a loss ...”

The younger senator responded “we need a new game plan; we need to adapt our politics…”

O’Brian said with a hint of contempt and anger” those politics is what made us who we are! We can’t start changing our ways”

The younger senator stepped back and said in frustrated voice “we have no choice, our people dislike imperialistic nations, and they don’t like use because we catered to them and aggressive nations!”

O’Brian sighed and walked to a window taking a cup of scotch he had placed on his desk before the meeting and downing it, he looked back and said “we need to do some thing, do what ever it takes, our country is still a democracy though we need to adhere to those rules…”

The other senators smiled and nodded, the officer was quiet then they all looked out of the window peering at the glorious view that was Terran prime, the city sky scrape and sky scrapers all gleaming in to view towards there smaller now back office . The light was bouncing off of them, O’Brian him self sighed as he looked out … his eyes panning the blue sky, the blue sky that turned yellow then dark orange, and the red the sun going down lights flickering on, in the countless sky scrapers, traffic getting heavier as rush hour started. His eyes looked upon the city… just looked … and peered his mind flowing away as he thought of a plan.
28-06-2006, 17:32
The Fedral Union
29-06-2006, 05:04
CoDominium headquarters….

Tom stood in a rather shady area under picture of a former president, he sighed and looked around, the room was walled with wood like materials and marble tiles on the floor, his black suit shimmered in the shadowy light as he watched around the room, looking at younger , and older party members around the officer. He started to speak

“Well, we have the feddies on the rebound, there popularity is extremely low, and we have a plus of controlling the senate and house, the only thing holding out is the executive branches..”

One of the others responded “Yes, it seems we have became rather powerful my friend, but our job is not yet done, we must transform our population in to even brighter more successful beings. “
Tom chuckled a little opening a small cabinet in a metal chrome desk, his smooth toned hand fluidly reaching in and taking out a long slender bottle the neck turning in to a some what smoothed square, he took it out, the light slightly shining off its glossy clear surface, he held it in his hand, his fingers moving down the bottle to the middle of it, the bottle slightly gliding down, his other hand move to the cap fluidly grasping it and feeling the rough ridges on the side, it was a black cap it was smooth and metallic rather plain as well. He uncapped it the cap falling upon the table as he put the glossy bottle on the side, the taping noise emanating as the bottle went down.

He spoke again “I want to congratulate all of us on a job well done, getting the party to a forefront of political power, all thanks to us…”

The others laughed slightly, tom took a couple of glasses out of another drawer , he lifted them up and started pouring the liquid in.

He gave the glasses to the others and smiled, grasping his on in his hand.

“To the union, to the CoDominium party, and to the future, now we need a plan to extend our nations power and influence, and extend our economy to the best of the best.., here here..”

they lifted there glasses, and made a toast, then started sipping the clear liquid down…