Phoenix Dynamix One Stop Gun Shop
The Phoenix Milita
26-06-2006, 11:17
Phoenix Dynamix Firearms
Arming the World Since 2003
Welcome to the Phoenix Dynamix One Stop Gun Shop, featuring dozens of custom firearms and many exclusive weapons.
AR-22 Series of High-Powered Assault Weapons (
AR-22 Heavy Assault Rifle
AR-22A2 Battle Rifle
AR-22A3 Battle Rifle
AR-22A1 Carbine
CAR-22 Combat Assault Rifle
SR-22 Sniper Rifle
MG-22 Squad Automatic Weapon/Light Machine-Gun
Carbines, Battle/Combat/Assault and Designated Marksman Rifles (
M-4 Bullpup Compact Assault Rifle
CAR-24 Combat Assault Rifle/Carbine
AR-28 Assault Rifle/DMR
AR-29 Battle Rifle
AR-47 Assault Rifle
AR-50 Heavy Battle Rifle
AR-56 Assault Weapons
AR-20 Assault Weapons
FC-57A3/B Assault Rifle
AR-66/A1 "Silent" Assault Rifle
AR-67 Assault Rifle
AR-67A1 Carbine
Pistols and Sub-Machine Guns (
PHX Medusa Multi-Caliber Revolver
PHX Hi-Power 10mm Pistol
PHX Desert Fox Pistol
PHX AutoMag Pistol
PHX MP-1 Fearless SMG
PHX MP-2 Eviscerator SMG
PHX MP-3 Sub-Machinegun
PHX MP-4 Talon SMG
Shotguns (
M12 MasterKey Shotgun
M100 Starburst Combat Shotgun
M101 Super-Nova Shotgun
M102 Street Cleaner Auto-Shotgun
Grenade Launchers and Weapon Addons (
M-8 Lightweight Shotgun
M203X Belt-Fed 40mm Grenade Launcher
M30 20mm, 25mm, 30mm Grenade Launchers
M31 30mm and 40mm Grenade Launchers
M-49 Grenade Machine Gun
M50 .50 caliber Underbarrel Weapons System
M-69 Schwarzenegger Grenader 40mm Grenade Launcher
M-69A1 Grenade Launcher
Sniper Rifles (
SR-23 Sniper Rifle
SR-48 Sniper Rifle System
SR-40 AHS Heavy Sniper Rifle
SR-67 Sniper Rifle
SR-82A3 Sniper Rifle
SR-20/15/14 Sniper Rifle
SR-70 25mm Sniper Rifle
Machine Guns (
MG-68 Intermediate Machine Gun
MG-214 5.56mm Microgun
MG-134 7.62mm Minigun
MG-135 .50 Cal Minigun
MG-15 15.5mm Machinegun
MG-115 15.5mm Heavy Machinegun
MG-45 Eliminator Machinegun
MG-46 Rampage Machinegun
MG-109 Heavy Machinegun
MG-109C Coaxial Machinegun
MG-245 Dualie Double Barreled MachineGun
Rocket Launchers and Flamethrowers (
AT-5 Vazooka Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher
AT-7 Light Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher
SA-29 MANPADS Anti-Aircraft Missile
AT-30 HellStrike ATGM
M103 LightWeight Self-Contained FlameThrower
M103A1 FlameThrower
TPM Special "Waterproof" Ammunition (
See List of Ammo^
Warning: do not post OOC replies here, use the Phoenix Dynamix OOC Thread
Notice: This post is considered a RP thread and is only semi-open
Members of ACTO, The Sovereign League and CoS please do not post in this thread.
The Phoenix Milita
26-06-2006, 11:18
Introducing the AR-22 Series of High-Powered Assault Weapons. Designed to take on the class of armored soldier found on today's battle field, all AR-22's are built around the Standard TPM round, ".450 Phoenix" aka ".45 Caliber Rifle" aka "11mm".
Both cased and caseless versions of the round have been in use since the original AR-22 was adopted years ago and it is a well proven round. Ammo types include incendiary, hollow point, full metal jacket or teflon coated armor piercing.
AR-22 Heavy Assault Rifle
Standard Version
Name: AR-22
Designed by: Johnified American DARPA
Made by: Phoenix Dynamix on contract from JSA
Ammo Types:..450 Phoenix(11.45x75mm) Hollow Point or AP rounds, .8 Gauge HE,AP and Buckshot shells/slugs
Action: Select fire (full/burst/semi-auto)
Total Weight: 12lbs
Holders of Prod Rights: JSA,Phoenix Dynamix
.45 caliber Range: 1000 meters
.8 gauge Range: 200 meters
.45 caliber ROF: 520 rounds per minute
.8 gauge ROF: 240 rounds per minute
Capacity .45 cal, 32 round clip or 60 shot drum; .8 gauge 10 round belt or 8 shot box.
The AR-22 is a dual use polymer composite main infantry weapon
The assault rifle uses .45 caliber automatic rifle hollow point, full metal jacket or teflon coated armor piercing rounds in a 32 shot clip (+1 in chamber)
The .8 gauge auto shotgun fires either AP(armor piercing) or soft point slugs ; HE(High Explosive)shells or tungsten buckshot from a 10-shot belt. The belt can be substituted with an 8-shot plastic or metal box if you are not using TPM special .8 gauge waterproof shells. A sling can be added, and a 0-4x scope, laser dot, and TAC light are standard on the rifles.
We realize that this is a specialty ammunition so the rights, plans and tooling to make .45 rounds and .8 gauge shells are included with any purchase over 500. Of course if you want waterproof TPM special ammo u still need to by it from us.
The included 7.4 inch extra-long M-9 bayonet is available in chromed or blued steel
AR-22A2 Battle Rifle
Name: AR-22A2
Designed by: Phoenix Milita DARPA
Made by: Phoenix Dynamix
Ammo Types:..450 Phoenix(11.45x75mm) Hollow Point or AP rounds, 40/30mm HE, AP, smoke, flash,signal or HEAT-type rounds
Action: PD Select Fire (full/burst/semi-auto)
Total Weight: 12lbs
.45 caliber Range: 800 meters
.40mm Range: 300 meters
.45 caliber ROF: 520 rounds per minute
Capacity .45 cal, 32 round clip or 60 shot drum; 40/30mm single shot or double clip
The AR-22A2 is an updated AR-22 with an integral 30mm or 40mm single shot grenade launcher, laser dot and TAC light built in. It has a rail system as well as bayonet lugs and sling attachments.
AR-22A3 Battle Rifle
Name: AR-22A3
Designed by: Phoenix Milita DARPA and Phoenix Dynamix Advanced Projects
Ammo Types:.450 Phoenix(11.45x75mm) Hollow Point or AP rounds, full line of 40mm grenades
Action: Select Fire (auto/burst/semi-auto) [GORB]
Total Weight: 9.3lbs
.450 caliber Range: 800 meters
40mm Range: 300 meters
Rate Of Fire: 690 rounds per minute
Capacity: .450 = 32 round clip or 48 shot drum; 40mm = 4-8 round belt (or single shot)
The AR-22A3 Battle Rifle is the latest all polymer composite carbine/assault rifle designed for for TPM special forces and elite infantry units and was requested by the KOP. The standard AR-22 32 shot clip fits well as does the new 48 round offset drum which is more comfortable and weighs less than the 60 round dual drum system. The AR-22A3 steals features from both the CAR-22, AR-22A1 and original AR-22. Also, despite some totally redesigned inner workings and other parts, it maintains at least 60% parts commonality with its bigger brothers.
M203X 40mm belt-fed pump action grenade launcher is a standard accessory. As with most Phoenix Dynamix Weapons, a sling can be added, as can 0-4x scope, ACOG reflex sight, M68 aimpoint sight, IR or red laser dot, and TAC light. Also available is a bipod, forward grip and 7.4 inch extra-long M-9 bayonet.
Note: The configuration shown has the M203X attached ,M68 aimpoint sight, red laser dot, and TAC light installed .
Name: AR-22A1
Designed by: Phoenix Milita DARPA
Ammo Types:..450 Phoenix(11.45x75mm) Hollow Point or AP rounds, 40mm HE grenades
Action: Select fire (auto/burst/semi-auto)
Total Weight: 8.9lbs
.45 caliber Range: 750 meters
Rate Of Fire: 690 rounds per minute
Capacity 32 round clip
The AR-22A1 Carbine is essentially a "shorty" AR-22, sans shotgun. TPM
special forces and elite infantry units requested this as a supplement to the
CAR-22.It uses the same .45 caliber hollow point, full metal jacket or teflon
coated armor piercing rounds and 32 shot clip as all of the AR-22 series. The
rate of fire has been increased to 720 rounds per minute using design
elements from the MG-22.If desired, a M203X 40mm belt fed grenade
launcher and a sling can be added, and a removable muzzle suppressor
(silencer), 0-4x scope, laser dot, and TAC light are standard. Also available
are a number of sights and scopes as well as the standard 7.4 inch extra-long
M-9 bayonet.
CAR-22 Combat Assault Rifle
Name: CAR-22
Designed by: Phoenix Milita DARPA
Ammo Types:..450 Phoenix(11.45x75mm) Hollow Point or AP rounds, 40mm HE grenades
Action: Select fire (auto/burst/semi-auto)
Total Weight: 9lbs
.45 caliber Range: 800 meters
40mm Range: 300 meters
Rate Of Fire: 620 rounds per minute
Capacity .45 cal, 32 round clip or 60 shot drum; 40mm 6 round belt (or single shot)
The CAR-22 is an all new polymer composite carbine/assault rifle built for TPM
special forces and elite infantry units.It uses the same .45 caliber hollow
point, full metal jacket or teflon coated armor piercing rounds and 32 shot clip
as the AR-22. The rate of fire has been increased with the addition of a totally
new action and many main parts are of a new design. Even with the new
inner workings and other parts, the CAR-22 maintains parts commonality with
its bigger brothers. The collapsible butt stock can be removed, and a new
M203 40mm grenade launcher is an option. This GL uses a belt for ease of
reloading, but is still pump action like the other M203s. A sling can be added,
and a removable muzzle suppressor (silencer), 0-4x scope, laser dot, and
TAC light are standard on the CAR-22. Also available are a number of sights
and scopes as well as a bipod in place of the forward grip.
A 7.4 inch extra-long M-9 bayonet is also standard.
SR-22 Sniper Rifle
Name: SR-22
Designed by: Johnified American DARPA
Made by: Phoenix Dynamix on contract from JSA
Ammo Types:.45 caliber(11mm) Hollow Point or AP rounds,
Action: gas operated, roatating bolt, semi-auto
Total Weight: 10lbs
Holders of Prod Rights: JSA,Phoenix Dynamix
.45 caliber Range: 1100 meters
ROF: 70 rounds per minute
Capacity10, 20 or 32 round clip
Basically, an accurized AR-22, the SR-22 is a semi automatic sniper rifle now
entering service in TPM and JSA. The shotgun has been removed, but an
M203X Belt fed Grenade launcher or .8 gauge shotgun can be added if
desired. The standard sight is Leopould Refractive Day/Night Sight
w/ 0-600x zoom
MG-22 Squad Automatic Weapon/Light Machine-Gun
Name: MG-22
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Made by: Phoenix Dynamix
Ammo Types:.45 caliber(11mm) Hollow Point or AP rounds
Action: Select fire (5 round combat burst/full-auto)
Total Weight: 16lbs
Range:point target 660m, area trgt 800 meters
ROF: 800 rounds per minute
Capacity 100 or 200 round box,60 shot drum(in emergency 32 shot clip can be used, jams frequently)
The MG-22 was made recently on request from TPM infantry units, who found it cumbersome to carry different ammo for their assault rifles, m249 saws, m60 machine guns and other weapons. Well the MG-22 uses the same round as the AR-22, and in fact it can take the AR-22's 32 shot clip, (not recommended tho). The MG-22 has almost double the ROF of the AR-22, this allows it to provide cover fire much more effectively. A longer, heavier barrel, which can be quick changed in 1 minute w/o tools, has been added and the action has been reloacated. Standard accessories include, movable handgrip, foldable bipod, TAC light, laser sight and aimpoint sight. The butt stock can be removed or replaced with a folding stock if needed.
See Also:
AR-22 @ NsWiki (
The Phoenix Milita
26-06-2006, 11:20
M-4 Bullpup
Name: M-4 Bullpup
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix redesign of Armalite\Colt(USA)
Ammo Types:5.56mm NATO(.223 Rem) or .224 BOZ
Action: gas operated, rotating bolt, auto/burst/semi-auto
Total Weight: 8.5lbs
Range: 900+ meters
ROF: 900 rounds per minute
Capacity: 30 round clip or 60 round drum
The M-4 bullpup is the perfect weapon to replace the aging M-16\M-4 series
in your military especially if you are set on using 5.56mm rounds and would
like a weapon similar to but better than the M-16/M-4.
The bullpup solves some of the jamming problems associated with the
M-16\M-4 due to the polymer enclosed action and carbon coated moving parts.
It is also much more accurate due to a barrel which is about twice as
long. The standard rail system can accept the mounting of scopes, sights,
laser aiming modules, tac lights, a bayonet, forward grip, bipod, M203X,
Remington 870, M-8 shotgun, a sling and etc. basically anything that can be mounted
on an M-4 and then some.
CAR-24 Combat Assault Rifle\Carbine
Name: CAR-24\CAR-24A1 Carbine
Designed by: Phoenix Milita DARPA
Ammo Types:6.62mm or 6.66mm caseless
Action: [GORB]Select fire (auto/burst/semi-auto)
Total Weight: 9lbs(reg) 7.8lbs(carbine)
Range: 900 meters(reg) 720 meters (carbine)
Rate Of Fire: 800 rounds per minute
Capacity 30 round clip or 60 shot drum
The CAR-24 is an all new carbine/assault rifle built to use the old 6.62mm ammunition which was designed for the the FC-57 or the all new cased and caseless 6.66mm rounds. The hollow
point, full metal jacket or teflon coated armor piercing rounds are more powerful and accurate than a NATO 5.56mm or Russian 5.45mm round but smaller than the NATO 7.62mm and the TPM 11mm. This means each soldier can carry more ammunition at less weight. The carbine version is shorter and can use a folding or collapsible butt stock, and a new
M203X 40mm grenade launcher is an option for both versions. Of course a sling, a removable muzzle suppressor (silencer), 0-4x scope, laser dot, and
TAC light, a number of sights can be added
and scopes, as well as a bipod and a forward grip.
A 7.4 inch extra-long M-9 bayonet is free w/ purchase.
$1000 CLOSEOUT!!! Only 500 CAR-24A1 Carbine and 200 CAR-24 remaining
AR-28 Assault Rifle
Name: AR-28/AR-28 DMR
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber:.450 Phoenix
Action: gas operated, rotating bolt, auto/semi-auto
Total Weight: 8lbs
.45 caliber Range: 920-1050 meters
ROF: 600 rounds per minute
Capacity10, 20 or 32 round clip
Designed to use the AR-22's 32 round magazines, the AR-28 was originally built for civillian use but has now found its way into the mititary. Highly accurate and powerful, the AR-28 comes in two versions, standard, and DMR(designated marksman rifle) Both work well as a supplement to AR-22s and are ideal for militias/nat'nl guard due to the relatively low cost and the fact that it uses the same clip as the AR-22. It has a small rail system for mounting of scopes, sights laser and tac lights, and can fit a bayonet, forward grip or bipod and a sling.
AR-29 Assault Rifle
Name: AR-29
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber:.450 Phoenix
Action: gas operated, rotating bolt, auto/burst/semi-auto
Total Weight: 8.5lbs
.45 caliber Range: 1100 meters
ROF: 520 rounds per minute
Capacity10, 20 or 32 round clip
The AR-29 is a pure militarized alternative to the AR-28 and is more rugged, though a bit more expensive than the AR-28. It is used as a DMR(designated marksman rifle) by some unit in TPM's military. It has a small rail system on the top of the integrated iron sight and at the bottom front behind the bayonet lug.
AR-47 Assault Rifle
Name: AR-47
Designed by: Phoenix Milita DARPA
Caliber 7.62x39mm or 5.45mm
Action: Select fire (auto/burst/semi-auto)
Total Weight: 8lbs
Range: 800 meters
Rate Of Fire: 900 rounds per minute
Capacity 30 round clip or 60 shot drum
The AR-47 is a typical polymer composite assault rifle which closely resembles the colt M-16 series. The similarities are only skin deep however, the AR-47 was built to chamber and fire popular Russian assault rifle ammunition. (7.62mm or 5.45mm) A spring system reduces recoil and improves accuracy over the Kalishnakov series. The fact that the Russian rounds are usually easy to find on most battlefields makes logistics a whole lot easier. Able to accept most 5.45mm or 7.62mm magazines, the AR-47 are perfect for SOF who would rather make "battle field pickups" from dead enemy forces than carry large amounts of spare ammo. The AR-47 features a full Piccatinny rail interface system allowing it to accept the M203X belt fed 40mm grenade launcher, sling, removable muzzle suppressor (silencer), 0-4x scope, laser dot, and
TAC light, sights, scopes, a bipod, forward grip and a M-9 bayonet. This weapons system is perfect to use for special or covert operations or it can be used to augment or serve as the primary weapon in armies which use the AK-47/74 usually.
AR-50 Heavy Battle Rifle
Name: AR-50 Heavy Battle Rifle
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: .50 BMG (12.7x99mm)
Weight: 22lbs (10kg)
Action: semi-automatic
Capacity: 24 round drum or 36 round pouch
Effective Range: 1,640feet (500 meters) (2,624+ feet 800+ meters with bipod)
The AR-50 is a powerful support weapon which can replace shotguns and underbarrel breaching weapons. Far more capable at penetrating armor than 12 ga. slug, and much more accurate than the 40mm buckshot rounds of the M203, it can easily breach almost any building door and even can penetrate some armored vehicle doors It features a 10 inch integral bayonet and multi-function IR/red-light laser aiming module. The integral iron sight can accept aimpoint or reflex style sights. The entire forward section contains a sheathed rail system which can mount a forward grip, tac light, 30mm GL MP7 PDW or MAC-10/11 sub machine gun.
AR-56 Assault Rifle
Name: AR-56/ AR-56A1 Carbine and SR-56 DMR
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Ammo Types:5.56mm NATO(.223 Rem) or .224 BOZ
Action: gas operated, rotating bolt, auto/burst/semi-auto
Total Weight: 7.3lbs empty 9 lbs loaded
Range: 800 meters (660 meters carbine, 980 meters DMR)
ROF: 900 rounds per minute (600 rpm DMR)
Capacity30 round clip or 60 round drum
The AR-56 was built to replace the aging M-16\M-4 series in our Marine Corps and other units which use it. The AR-56 solves some of the jamming problems associated with the venerable M-16\M-4 line of weapons thanks to the short-stroke gas piston system (akin to the G-36). It is also more accurate due to a longer heavier barrel. The stock can be replaced with a collapsible or folding one and it can accept almost any accessory out there.
The AR-56's rail system can accept the mounting of scopes, sights, laser aiming modules, tac lights, a bayonet, forward grip, bipod and a sling etc. There are three variants but they all cost the same, the AR-56 is the standard version, the AR-56A1 a carbine version, and the SR-56 a Designated Marksman Rifle
Name: AR-20 Nemesis
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix Labs
Caliber:5.45mmm 5.56mm, 6.5mm, 6.66mm or 6.8mm
Action: short-stroke piston system Select fire (auto/burst/semi-auto)
Total Weight: 7-9 lbs
Range: 800 meters
Rate Of Fire: 800 rounds per minute cyclic
Capacity 10,20,25,30,32 round magazine or 30,36,60,64,90 shot drum or 100-120 round box
$1550 Carbine variant
$1600 Standard
$1650 DMR/SPR variant
$1700 LMG/SAW variant
See also AR-20 Mod 1 (
The Phoenix Milita
26-06-2006, 11:22
AR-66 Silent Assault Rifle
Name: AR-66
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber:6.62mm/6.66mm, 6.5mm, or 6.8mm
Action: [GORB](auto/semi-auto)
Total Weight: 7.6lbs
Range: ~700 meters
Rate Of Fire: 650-800 rounds per minute
Capacity 30 round clip or 60 shot drum
The AR-66 is an all new assault rifle designed to replace the old 9x39mm russian AS-VAL silent rifle which was used in TPM special operations units for a time. It was built around the new 6.66mm round and the standard 6.66 version can also accept the 6.62mm rounds. Also it will be manufactured in 6.8SPC and 6.5mm versions for those militaries which already use, or prefer those rounds. Features a full length integral silencer and has coated components designed to soften the noise of operation. Of course, suppression has it's advantages but it also has some drawbacks. This is why with the flick of a lever, the integral silencer will "open" into 4 pieces, which remain attached to the rifle. This decreases the rate of fire to improve controllability on full auto, increases muzzle velocity, and, as a side effect, muzzle flash and sound is amplified.
A full accessory package can be added due to the extensive rail system and other hardpoints.
Although there is a collapsable buttstock on the AR-66, our paratroopers found the suppressed version was still too long, so a slightly shorter AR-66 A1 Carbine version was developed.
It can accept a regular supperssor which is not as good as the intergral one, but it is shorter and an M203X can be attached easily. It is the same specs as the AR-66 but it slightly cheaper.
Introducing the AR-67 Line of assault weapons!
These weapons come standard in 6.5mm, 6.62mm/6.66mm, 6.8mm(.270), 6.993mm(aka 7mm Minuteman), 7mm (.276 Pedersen) or 7.62mm (Soviet). Modified weapons chambered in .30-06 and 7.62mm NATO will be made available for small custom orders only and will not share all design aspects.(clip size smaller, ROF lower, range slightly better)
And here they are.
AR-67 Assault Rifle
Name: AR-67
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix for Geneticon-Joint
Caliber: 6.5mm, 6.62mm/6.66mm, 6.8mm, 6.993mm, 7mm or 7.62mm
Action: PD Select Fire (auto/burst/semi-auto) (gas operated rotating bolt)
Total Weight: 9lbs
Maximum Range: 800 meters
Rate Of Fire: 666 rounds per minute
Capacity 36 round mag
The AR-67 is an all new weapon designed to fire the "intermediate" class of ammuntion which has become popular as of late. More powerfull than 5.56mm and lighter than 7.62mm NATO, the rounds that the AR-67 can be chambered in range from 6.5mm Tyradorian to 7.62mm Soviet. The rifle is a classic bullpup design which allows for accuracy a M203X 40mm belt fed grenade
launcher or standard M203 can be added easily and it seamlessly fits into the housing of thegun.A number of sights and scopes as well as the standard 7.4 inch extra-long M-9 bayonet is availble. This version comes with a permanently attached iron sight topped with a rail system for mounting ACOG or aimpont sights. tac lights, lasers and other scopes. Side rails are also included for night vision accessories such as infa red lasers.
AR-67A1 Carbine
Name: AR-67A1
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix for Geneticon-Joint
Caliber: 6.5mm, 6.62mm/6.66mm, 6.8mm, 6.993mm, 7mm or 7.62mm
Action: PD Select Fire (auto/semi-auto) (gas operated rotating bolt)
Total Weight: 7.5lbs
Maximum Range: 690 meters
Rate Of Fire: 666 rounds per minute
Capacity 36 round mag or 42 round side mounted drum mag
The AR-67A1 is simply a shortend version of the Assault rifle but with more attachment points for accessories. This version comes with a foward grip, full rail system with detachable iron sights and mouting lugs for a bayonet, tac light and lasers as well as almost any type of optical device out there.
The Phoenix Milita
26-06-2006, 11:24
Pistols and Sub-Machine Guns
1.. :!: PHX Mk 47 Medusa Multi-Caliber Revolver $700 Mk48 (large caliber) = $800
2.. :!: PHX Hi-Power 10mm Pistol $700
3.. :!: PHX Desert Fox Pistol $780
4.. :!: PHX AutoMag Pistol $700
5.. :!: PHX MP-1 Fearless SMG $1,100
6.. :!: PHX MP-2 Eviscerator SMG $1000
7.. :!: PHX MP-3 Hacksaw Sub-Machine Gun $820
8.. :!: PHX MP-4 Talon Sub-Machine Gun $1000
9.. :!: PHX USMG-XSub-Machine Gun $850\900
10 :!: MP-7A2 SMG/PDW $1,000
11 :!: MP-90A1 SMG/PDW $1200
12 :!: PHX MP-57 SMG/PDW $900
14 :!: M100 Starburst Combat Shotgun $1000
14 :!: M101 Super-Nova Shotgun $1000
15 :!: M102 Street Cleaner Auto-ShotGun $1600
16 :!: M12 MasterKey II Shotgun $600
PHX Mk47A1 Medusa 8 shot Multi-Caliber Revolver
Name: PHX Medusa Mark 47A1
Designed by: PD redesign of Phillips and Rogers (USA)
Caliber: .38, 9mm, .357 magnum (25 other rounds all can be used at once)
Action: Double action revolver
Barrel 5.6 inches
Capacity 8 rounds
The PHX Mark 47A1 Medusa 8 shot Multi-Caliber Revolver fires 9mm, .38 special, or .357 Magnum ammo w/o modification perfect sidearm for your military(load it with .357 ammo and if you run out you can use 9mm "battlefield pickups" to reload or u can use cheap .38 rounds for target practice)
*works with 25 other similar sized rounds in the 9mm range
Mk48 Medusa II
The Mk48 fires larger caliber rounds and only hold 6 shots. It costs $100 more but can chamber and fire most rounds in the .45 caliber range)
These is a perfect weapon for aircrews, spies or special forces because of its compact size since it can take many foreign pistol rounds.
PHX Hi-Power 10mm Pistol
Name: Phoenix Hi-Power 10mm
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix (TPM)
Caliber: 10mm
Action: Short recoil operated semi-automatic
Capacity 14 rounds(including 1 in chamber), (21+1 with extended mag)
This is a PD original, inspired by the frame of the classic FN/Browning Hi-Power 9mm pistol. It features a removable flash suppressor/compensator(shown at left) tac light and laser aiming module, and can accept a full size sound suppressor (silencer). The standard magazine holds 13 rounds and a 21 shot magazine is available. The powerful 10mm round offers more knock down and penetrating power than a 9mm or .40 pistol, while having less recoil than .45 ACP
$750(1,000 or more, 700 ea.)
PHX Desert Fox Pistol
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix redesign of Magnum Research(USA/Israel)
Calibers: .500 S&W Magnum, 50 AE, .50 Alaskan .48 ASG, .45 Long Colt, .45 ACP, .454 Casul, .44 Magnum, .41 Magnum, .357 Magnum (also available in .440 Cor-bon for 50$ extra)
Action: Semi-automatic
Capacity 7\12\14 rounds (50\.45\.357)
This is a Phoenix Dynamix take on the famous Magnum Research Desert Eagle pistol. It can accept everything from a removable flash suppressor, tac light or laser aimpoint or even a bayonet under the barrel. The standard clip holds between 7 and 14 rounds depending on the round its chambered in. It is available in tactical black, black and chrome and gold plated(add 20$ for 24kt gold plating) The Desert Fox is capable of firing powerful revolver cartridges like the .500 S&W and the .454 Casul, but is also available in a number of popular military rounds.
$780(1,000 or more $750)
Auto Mag Pistol
Name: Auto Mag
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Calibers: .41 , .44 or ,357 Magnum
Action: Double-Action\Burst
Capacity 28\22 rounds (.357 + .41\.44)
This is a an all new high capacity pistol built as a candidate for the offensive handgun system. With its burst fire mode and high capacity magazines, yes you read right, 2 magazines feed the chamber at once, alternating per hot fired. It can fire without the front clip or without the smaller handle magazine, it only needs one. It can also accept a knife\silencer\TAC Light\LAM etc. Available in the powerful .44 magnum or the venerable .357 magnum, it is now also available in .41 magnum.
MP-1 PHX "Fearless" Sub-Machine Gun
MP-1 Fearless Image (
Name: MP-1 Fearless
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: .45 ACP, .45 LC, .454 Casul .455 WeblyAuto
Action: semi/full auto
Magazine capacity: 26-32 round mag, or 60 round drum
Rate of fire: 600-900 rounds per minute
Effective range: 300+ meters
The MP-1 Fearless was originally designed in .45 ACP on a special contract but now has been adopted by TPM in the powerful .454 casul round as well as others in the 11mm range.
It features a sleek design and uses high strength composite materials. It comes with a hollow stock (which can be removed by simply turning it clockwise 6 times) and can accept a silencer, forward grip laser aiming module. TAC light and a variety of sights.
MP-2 PHX "Eviscerator" Sub-Machine Gun
Name: MP-2 Eviscerator Sub-Machine Gun
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: .50 AE, .500 S&W or .454 Casul
Action: semiauto/burst/fullauto
Capacity: 30 round clip
RateOf Fire 500-800 rpm
Range: 400 meters
The MP-2 is the most powerful sub machine gun on the market, utilizing powerful .454 casul, .500 S&W or .50 caliber rounds, the MP-2 can knockdown just about anybody. Even if it doesn't penetrate a bullet proof vest (but it probably will penetrate most non-ballistic vests) the powerful .500 round will knock the wind out of the target, if not breaking ribs and causing the subject to pass out from shock. With a telescoping stock, optional muzzle suppressor and a variety of sights, LAMs, TAC lights bayonets, a sling and other options, the MP-2 is a perfect weapon for Close-Quarters-Combat.
MP-3 PHX "Hacksaw" Sub-Machine Gun
Name: MP-3
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: 9mm or 10mm
Action: semi/burst/full auto
Magazine capacity: 20 30 or 40 round clip
Rate of fire: 1,000/980 rounds per minute
Effective range: 300+ meters
The MP-3 was designed to replace/supplement the MP-5 series of sub-machine guns, specifically it will replace the MP-5N and the MP-5K. It features a folding buttstock which can be removed, rail system, bayonet mount and sling brackets. As with almost all PD weapons, it can accept a silencer, forward grip, laser aiming module. TAC light and a variety of sights.
MP-4 "Talon" SMG
Name: MP-4 Talon Sub-Machine Gun
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: 9mmLuger , 10mm Auto, .40 S&W, .41 Mag, or.42
Action: gas operated rotating bolt (semiauto/burst/fullauto)
Capacity: 30 to 40 round mag or 60rd drum (.42 variant takes up to 36 round mag and 52 round drum)
RateOf Fire 900 rpm
Range: 300+ meters
The MP-4 is the latest sub machine gun to hit the market, and comes in four popular pistol calibers. It features an extensive recoil buffering system, fully encased action for operation in dusty or wet environments, ambidextrous charging handle, magazine catch, and selector switch for left or right handed soldiers and there is an optional muzzle suppressor and a variety of sights available. It also features a built in red light laser and TAC lights. A bayonet or sling can be attached and it even can accept a 20 or 25mm grenade launcher. The MP-4 is an excellent Close-Quarters-Combat weapon which has been used by TPM special forces for a number of years and is now for sale to the general international community.
USMG-X PHX Universal Sub-Machine Gun
Name: USMG-9,10,40,44,45,50
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: 9mm, .40cal, .44cal, 10mm, .45 cal\.454 cal, .50 cal\ .500 cal
Action: semi/full auto
Magazine capacity: 20, 30 or 40 round mag, or 40-60 round drum (depending on caliber
Rate of fire: 900 rounds per minute (780 for .454 and up)
Effective range: 300+ meters
The USMG series or Universal Submachine Gun series was built to minimize cross training between various types of sub-machineguns in our regular military. The USMG can use 8 different rounds with its 6 different barrel and chamber configurations. This allows for simplicity when training and allows you to match it to your standard sidearm pistol cartridge. The USMG is a top of the line SMG with many of the latest features. The buttstock can be fully collapsed into the weapon for close combat and storage, but there are fixed and folding stocks available. The rail system and threaded barrel allow it to accept a silencer, scope, laser aiming module, close combat optic, reflex sight and many other attachments. There is a front hub which can accept a forward grip, TAC light or bayonet
$850(USMG-9 through 10) $900 (USMG- 45 and 50)
MP-7A2 Personal Defense Weapon/SMG
Name: MP-7A2
Designed by: PD variant of Heckler & Koch Design
Caliber: 4.6x30mm, 4.9mm SAC, 5.7x28mm, 5.7x30mm, .221 Fireball
Action: semi/full auto
Magazine capacity: 15-40 depending on round (also, different sized mags are available for same caliber)
Rate of fire: 950 rounds per minute
Effective range: 200+ meters
This is the cutest little gun :-) It accepts a reflex 2d sight, silencer, tac light, lam etc and comes with a folding forward grip. Phoenix Dynamix has made this popular H&K product available in a number of popular PDW calibers for convenience.
MP-90A1 Sub-Machine Gun/PDW (FN-P90 Mk2)
MP-90A1 Image (
Name: MP-90A1 (FN-P90 Mk2)
Designed by:Phoenix Dynamix modification of Fabrique Nationale
Caliber: 4.6x30mm, 5.7x28mm, 5.7x30mm, .221 Fireball
Action: semi/full auto
Total Weight: Light
Magazine capacity: 50
Rate of fire:cyclic ~900 rounds per minute
Effective range: 300 meters
One of the most rapid firing weapons on the market, the p90 is perfect for personal defense and close quarters combat. It accepts a variety of attachments and comes with a reflex 2d sight. Major PHX modifications include the multi-round compatibility and FN-FiveseveN pistol attachment.
MP-57 Personal Defense Weapon/SMG
Name: MP-57
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix (on contract from Zumorito)
Caliber: 5.7x28mm or 5.7x30mm
Action: semi/full auto
Magazine capacity: 36
Rate of fire: ~1000 rounds per minute
Effective range: ~300 meters
The MP-57 was designed on contract from Zumorito as a lighter, slightly cheaper alternative to the MP-90A1, while being more accurate and durable than the MP-7. The standard rail system accepts a variety of attachments.
The Phoenix Milita
26-06-2006, 11:25
Grenade Launchers and Weapon Addons
M-8 Lightweight Shotgun
Name: M-8
Designed by:Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: 8 Gauge
Action: Bolt-Action
Total Weight: 4 pounds
Magazine capacity: 6 round box mag +1 in chamber
Effective range: 100 meters
The M-8 is a lightweight, modular, manually operated, straight pull bolt action shotgun
designed to be used under an assault rifle ( or as a stand alone weapon.
The bolt handle can be mounted on either side of the bolt for ambidextrous operation.
The M-8 is fed using detachable box magazines which hold (6)six rounds of 8 gauge ammo.
When used in standalone mode, it is equipped with detachable pistol grip and
M4-style collapsible buttstock, and small hand guards around the barrel.
A Picatinny rail on the top of the receiver can be used to mount a number of different sights, lasers or aiming lights.
M30 Grenade Launcher
Name: M30 (M30A1/M30A2)
Designed by:Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: 30mm, 25mm or 20mm
Action: Self-Loading Pump-Action
Total Weight: 3.5 pounds
Magazine capacity: 6 round tube magazine or 4-8 round belt
Effective range: ~400 meters
The M30 was adopted along with the 30mm grenade almost a year ago by TPM forces, however it has only just recently been made available to the public. A 20mm variant, the M30A2 was created after the M30A1, which was actually the original caliber that the M30 was designed in. the M30, in 30mm was integrated into the AR-22A2 and production of the ad-on ceased. When the AR-22A3 was developed, underbarrel addons went back into production and the 25 and 20mm variants are now for sale along with the 30mm. The M30 can attach under almost any Phoenix Dynamix assault rifle and most foreign assault rifles and some sub-machine guns as well due to its split Picatinny rail/bracket clamp interface system.
M-31 Grenade Launcher
Name: M-31 Grenade Launcher
Designed by:Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: 40x46mm NATO, 30x55mm
Action: Self-Loading Pump-Action
Total Weight: 3 pounds
Magazine capacity: 1 in chamber
Effective range: ~400 meters (area target)
The M-31 is a lightweight, side loaded single shot 40mm grenade launcher designed to be attached to almost any modern assault rifle in existence.
The M-31 was designed after Aurum Domus requested a simple, lightweight alternative to self-loading and semi-automatic grenade launchers. The M31 can attach under almost any Phoenix Dynamix assault rifle or squad automatic weapon as well as most foreign assault rifles and some sub-machine guns due to its full length rail interface system. The weapon can be loaded from the right or left side and eject the spent shell downward, automatically after firing. No special assembly is required to configure for left or right side loading, the user simply twists the feeding well to the right or left depending on preference.
M203X 40mm Belt-Fed Grenade Launcher
Name: M203X
Designed by:Phoenix Dynamix, based on Colt/Knight's Arms M203(USA)
Caliber: 40mm
Action: Self-Loading Pump-Action or Semi-Auto
Total Weight: 3.7 pounds
Magazine capacity: 6 round belt
Effective range: 400 meters
The M203X is obviously based on Colt's M203 grenade launcher.The M203X GL
uses a belt feeding system for ease of reloading, but is still single
action/pump like other M203s. There are 3 variants, an addon version and 2 stand alone systems.
One uses an M-4 style pistol grip and collapsible buttstock is battery powered self-loading semi automatic, the other is more like the traditional stand-alone system with a retractable tube stock with rubber butt plate, it fires pump action only. Both stand alone systems have a RIS and can accept many accessories.
M-49 40mm Grenade Machine Gun
Name: M-49
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Action: blowback
Total Weight: 55.2lbs
ROF: 300 rounds per minute
Maximum Effective Range: 1,000 meters (point target) 1,500 meters (area target)
Maximum Range: 2000+ meters
Caliber: 40x99mm
Capacity 8-500 shot belt/100, 200 or 500 round box
This gun, loosely based on the M-69's action and one of its barrels, is a completely new weapon built around a completely new 40x99mm round. Previously a reserved weapons system not offered for sale internationally, the M-49 and it's ammunition is now for sale worldwide.
$6,500(both versions)
M-50 Under Barrel Weapons System
Name: M-50 Under Barrel Weapons System
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: .50 BMG (12.7x99mm)
Weight: 6lbs
Action: semi-automatic
Capacity: 24 round drum or 8-16 round belt
Effective Range: 500 meters
The M-50, based on the concept of the AR-50 is a powerful underbarrel support weapon which can be used as an alternative to shotguns and grenade launchers. Far more capable at penetrating armor than shotguns, and much more accurate at range than grenades, it can easily breach almost any building door and even can penetrate some armored vehicle doors. With a full range of rounds available, from good old fashioned FMJ, Incendiary and soft-point, to modern teflon coated, hollow point and explosive rounds, the M-50 Underbarrel Weapons System is highly versatile. The M50 also allows for mounting of a forward grip, tac light, or bipod when using the loose belt of ammunition instead of the 24 round drum.
M-69 Schwarzenegger Grenader, 40mm auto GL (
Name: M-69
Caliber: 40mm
Action: Auto/Quad Burst
Total Weight: 9 pounds
Magazine capacity:50 round backpack, 20, 12 or 10 round belt, 12 round drum
Muzzle velocity: 800 feet per second
ROF: Cyclic: 375 rounds per minute, Sustained: 250 rpm
Maximum range: 1800 yards
Maximum effective range: 900 yards (area trgt) 500 yd (point trgt)
The Schwarzenegger Grenader, 40mm automatic grenade launcher is a 4 barrel rotary grenade launcher meant for support and fire suppression. It has 2 fire modes, it can fire one at time rapidly, or all 4 barrels can be loaded and fired at once. Movable forward grip included, available with sling, a number of sights and folding stock
M-69A1 Grenade Launcher
The M-69A1 is a Schwarzenegger Grenader designed around the 30x55mm grenade. Versions chambered in 30, 35 and 40mm are available however. Ergonomic improvements and new manufacturing techniques offer an improved version at only a slightly higher price.
The Phoenix Milita
26-06-2006, 11:25
Anti-Material and Sniper Rifles
SR-23 Sniper Rifle
Name: SR-23 Sniper Rifle/ SR-23A1 Tactical Sniper System
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix Original
Caliber: 8.69mm X 116mm (.342 Longbolt)
Action: straight pull bolt action, single shot(SR-23); self-loading semi-automatic(Smooth Action)(SR-23A1)
Barrel aprox. 0.9 meters (3 feet) long
Capacity: 1 round(SR-23); 10 round detachable box(SR-23A1
Effective Range: 1500+ meters
MOA: 0.5
Maximum Range 2500 meters
The all new SR-23 Sniper Rifle promises to challenge the current world record for most accurate, and longest ranged sniper rifle. Using a special made 8.69 by 116 mm round and with a barrel well over 30 inches long, the SR-23 is a huge rifle. This rifle can accept a variety of scopes and sights, as well as a muzzle suppressor. Standard accessories include a removable, folding bipod and universal sight post which can mount the scope and/or IR, nightvision, and video scopes. The tactical version features a fully adjustable skeleton butt stock.
SR-48 Sniper Rifle System
Name: SR-48 Match Rifle / SR-48A1 Tactical Rifle
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: .408 CheyTac, .450 Phoenix
Action: manually operated bolt action single shot(match); self-loading bolt-action(tactical)
Barrel 27.8 inches
Capacity: 1 round(match); 7 round detachable box(Tactical)
Effective Range: 1200 meters
MOA: 0.8
Maximum Range 1600 meters
The latest sniper rifle from Phoenix Dynamix utilizes the powerful and accurate .408 CheyTac round. This rifle is ideal for anti-personnel and can be used in a limited anti-material role. Standard accessories include a removable, folding bipod and small rail which can mount a scope and/or IR, nightvision, and/or video scopes. The tactical version features a pistol grip, fully adjustable butt stock and a full length rail system and accepts a silencer.
$3500(both versions)
SR-40 AHS 40mm Rifle
SR-40 with rocket system
SR-40 AHS Bolt-Action (
SR-40 AHS Tactical (
Field Stripped to Major Components (
Name: SR-40 Advanced Heavy Sniper-Rifle
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: Modified 40mm AAA DU round
Action: straight pullbolt action, single shot/ self-loading semi-automatic(Smooth Action)(tactical)
Wieght: 16+ lbs
Barrel: 37 inches long
Capacity: 1 round(bolt); 10 round belt(tactical)
Effective Range: 1000+ meters
MOA: 1.2
Maximum Range 2500 meters
The SR-40 Sniper Rifle is one of the most powerful sniper rifles ever made, able to destroy the engine block of an APC, armored truck or even some main battle tanks at 1,000 meters, in one hit.
With the muzzle break removed, it can even fire anti-tank or anti-personnel rockets which are inserted through the barrel to defeat the heavy armor of modern main battle tanks. The tactical version can fire standard AAA belts in an emergency, or match grade or DU AP belts otherwise. The bolt action version fires singe AAA rounds, match grade, APFSDS rounds or DU armor piercing rounds.
$9900 (SR-40 bolt)
$10,000 (SR-40A1 tactical/rocket system)
SR-67 Sniper Rifle
Name: SR-67
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix for Geneticon-Joint
Caliber: 6.5mm, 6.62mm/6.66mm, 6.8mm, 6.993mm, 7mm or 7.62mm
Action: PD Smooth Action Semi-Auto
Total Weight: 9.4lbs
Maximum Range: 999 meters
Capacity 12 round magazine or in an emergency 36 round mag(its uncomfortable to use bipod with the 36 rd mag)
SR-67 Sniper Rifle is an fully accurized AR-67 with a PD Smooth Action© self-loading, semi-automatic firing mechanism, bipod and a longer, heavier barrel with a muzzle break. The basic iron sight is integral but there is a rail system with backup old-style clasp and threads for mounting of every type of sniper scope out there.
SR-82A3 Sniper Rifle
Name:Barret M82A3 / PD SR-82A3
Designed by: PD rechamber of Barret (USA)
Caliber: .50 BMG or .450 Rifle
Action: Short Recoil, Semi-Automatic
Total Weight: 13kg
Magazine capacity: 10 Round Detachable Box mag.
Effective range: 1800 meters
The Barret model M82A3 is the latest version of the "Light Fifty" semi-automatic .50 caliber sniper rifle. It can be used for; counter-sniper operations, destroying lightly armored vehicles and as long range anti-personnel rifle. It features a Piccatiny rail interface system , carry handle, 10x Scope and a 10 round magazine.
SR-20 Sniper Rifle
Name: SR-20/SR-15/SR-14 (Mechem NTW-20 modified)
Designed by: South Africa/PD rebuild
Caliber: 20mm or 14.5mm or 15.5mm
Action: Bolt action, rotating bolt w/ 6 lugs
Total Weight: 26kg
Magazine capacity : 3 or 5 rounds in detachable box
Effective range: 1600 meters or 2300 meters
This huge rifle is perfect for destroying trucks, APCs, armored cars and even aircraft or helicopters. It comes in 3 calibers, 20x83.5mm and 14.5x114mm or 15.5x115mm. Both barrels are included and the rifle can be converted to fire either type of ammunition within 1 minute on the field. Also available in 15.5mm alone
SR-70 Sniper Rifle
Name: SR-70 Sniper Rifle\ODS
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix Original
Caliber: 25x110mm or 15.5x115mm
Action: straight pull, (single shot self-loading "Smooth Action") bolt action
Barrel exactly 1 meter long
Capacity: 6-1,000 round adjustable belt or single shot
Effective Range: 1500+ meters
MOA: 0.7(25mm) 0.6(15.5mm)
Maximum Range 2300 meters(25mm) 2500 meters (15.5mm)
The SR-70 is the ultimate 25mm Sniper rifle and was designed for TPM's army after the Barret M82 .50 caliber proved ineffective on certain targets such as light APC's and some up armored vehicles. The rifle features an 8 tube recoil dampening system and a full length 3-spring buffer system hooked on the main free floating barrel. Gel inserts in key areas also help keep the recoil of the large caliber 25mm or 15.5mm round down to manageable levels. The SR-70 can be switched to 15.5mm from 25mm with a simple barrel/action swap which can be done in about 1 minute. The barrel also easily removes and attaches to a lower lug for easier transport. Minimal rail system and clasp mounts allow any known optic to be attached with ease. The integral bipod can fold easily or slip into two legs of a tripod system for advanced stabilization.
The Phoenix Milita
26-06-2006, 11:26
MG-68 Intermediate Machine Gun
Name: MG-68
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix for Geneticon-Joint
Caliber: 6.5mm, 6.62mm/6.66mm, 6.8mm, 6.993mm, 7mm or 7.62mm
Action: Safe/Fully Automatic (gas operated rotating bolt)
Total Weight: 16.8lbs
Maximum Range: 660 meters (point target); 800 meters (area target w/bipod)
Rate Of Fire: 666 rounds per minute
Capacity: 32 round mag, 120 round drum, 150 round box mag, 500 round box, 1,000 round belt.
Featuring quick change barrel and integral bipod, the MG-68 was built to serve alongside the AR-67 line of weapons and can be ordered in any of the AR-67 calibers
MG-214 Microgun
Looks the same as MG-134 except smaller and lighter
Name: M-214 Microgun
Designed by: PD rebuild of Vulcan (USA)
Caliber: 4.7mm,.22 Auto .221 fireball, 5.56mm, 5.7mm, .32ACP, 9mm Parabellum, .357 SIG, 10mm Auto
Action: electrically driven, rotary action, percussion fired
Total Weight: feels like less than 30lbs w/ sling and 550 rd backpack
Magazine capacity: 100, 200 or 300 round belt/box (or 550 round backpack)
Rate of fire: 2000-5500 rounds per minute (selectable)
Effective range: 600-3000 meters depending on round
This is a Phoenix Dynamix modification of the 5.56mm microgun. It is available in a number of pistol rounds as well as the NATO stndrd 5.56mm. In the pistol ammo using version the microgun's recoil is low enough to provide accuracy at medium range. Overall the M214 is good for close in support fire or when used with a tripod or on a vehicle mount it is effective at ranges of 800 meters or more (5.56mm variant)
MG-134 Minigun
Name:MG134 Vulcan Minigun
Designed by: Vulcan (USA) (PD Rebuild)
Caliber: 6.5mm, 6.62mm, 6.66mm Dante, 6.8mm SPC, 7.62mm NATO
Action: electrically driven, rotary action, percussion fired
Total Weight: well, its heavy
Magazine capacity: 100, 200 or 300 round belt (or 550 round backpack)
Rate of fire: 2000-5500 rounds per minute (selectable)
Effective range: 4000 meters
Um, its a freaking minigun!!!, Jesse Ventura says: "Buy this big f**king gun or I will choke slam you!~ rawr!!"
MG-135 Minigun
Name:MG-135 Minigun
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix INC.
Caliber: .50 or .450 Phoenix(11X75mm)
Action: electrically driven, rotary action, percussion fired
Total Weight: 200 pounds
Magazine capacity: 100, 200 or 300 round belt, 200 or 500 round box
Rate of fire: 2,000-4000 rounds per minute (selectable)
Effective range: 3,000 meters (area target)
The 8-barrel M135 was issued in replacement of all single barrel M-2 .50 Machine Guns to TPM forces, the M135 is currently only available in pintile and tripod mount versions.
MG-15 15.5mm Heavy Machine Gun
Name: MG-15 (BRG-15)
Designed by: Fabrique Nationale (bought out by PD)
Made by: Phoenix Dynamix
Action: gas operated, rotating bolt
Total Weight: 128lbs
ROF: 600 rpm
Range: 1350 meters
Caliber: 15.5x115 mm
Capacity 2 x 200 round box (dual feeding system)
The MG-15 is powerful enough to penetrate most modern APCs at 1,000 meters. We find the 15.5mm round to be superior to the .50 cal BMG and as such, have replaced the M-2 "Ma Duece" with the MG-15 on most of our tanks. This also works well as a crew served machine gun, as it can be broken down and split among 3 men( forward, rear and tripod)
MG-115 15.5mm Heavy Machine Gun
Name: MG-115
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Action: gas operated rotating bolt
Total Weight: 83.5lbs
ROF: 615 rounds per minute
Maximum Effective Range: 1,200 meters (point target)
Maximum Range: 3000+ meters
Caliber: 15.5x115mm
Capacity Two 32 round drums, two 100, 128, 200, 500, or 1,000 round boxes
The MG-115 is an advanced 15.5mm heavy machine gun designed to replace the MG-15. The dual feeding system of the MG-115 is based upon the system in our MG-15 which was in turn based upon the BRG-15.There are two variants, the MG-115 which is ideal as a commander's or emplaced weapon and MG-115B which is optimized for coaxial mounting.
$6,250(both versions)
MG-45 .450 cal General Purpose Machine Gun
Name: MG-45 Eliminator
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Action: gas operated, open bolt (safe/semi/full auto 1/full auto2)
Total Weight: 28.5lbs
ROF: 20-400-800 rpm selective
Range: 1000 meters
Caliber: .450 Phoenix (11.4x75mm)
Capacity 60 round drum, 100,120,200, 500 or 1000 round box
The MG-45 is a general purpose machine gun chambered in the powerful .450 Phoenix round.While heavier than the MG-22 SAW, the MG-45 is more accurate and has a selectable rate of fire. A carrying handle/rail system is included, and a side mounted forward grip that attaches to the barrel to aid in easy, quick, tool-less barrel changes is standard as is the integral bipod.
MG-45 (infantry)
MG-45A (tripod/pintile mount)
MG-45B(coaxial vehicle mount)
$3,500(all versions)
MG-46 Rampage General Purpose Machine Gun
Name: MG-46 Rampage
Action: gas operated, open bolt
Total Weight: 17.5lbs
ROF: 700 rpm
Range: 800 meters
Caliber: 6.66mm Dante, 6.8mm Remington SPC, 6.5mm Grendel
Capacity 60 round drum, 100,120,200, 500 or 1000 round box
The is a general purpose machine gun chambered in the accurate 6.66mm Dante round, but also available in other intermediate calibers. tool-less quick change barrel is standard as is the integral bipod and light weight stock.
MG-46 (standard)
MG-46B(coaxial vehicle mount)
$2,000(all versions)
MG-109 .450 cal Heavy Machine Gun
Name: MG-109/B
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Action: gas operated, rotating bolt (safe/ full auto 1/full auto2)
Total Weight: 40.5lbs
ROF: 666-900 rpm selective
Maximum Effective Range: 1,000 meters (point target)
Maximum Range: 3000 meters
Caliber: .450 Phoenix (11.4x75mm)
Capacity 100,120,200, 500 or 1000 round box
The standard .450 Phoenix round. Much heavier than the MG-22 and MG-45, the MG-109 is more rugged and capable of a higher rate of fire, as well as longer ranges than the other .450 machine guns. Like the MG-45, the MG-109 features an integral iron -sight/rail system/carrying handle. A quick change barrel is also standard as is the integral lug for bipod, tripod or tetra-pod mounting. The B model has dual handles/triggers, and can be used mounted on a vehicle, tripod, or in a vehicle coaxially.
MG-109 (infantry/bipod, tripod mount)
MG-109B(/pintile/skate vehicle mount)
$4,600(both versions)
MG-109C .450 cal Heavy Machine Gun [Coaxial]
Name: MG-109C
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Action: gas operated, rotating bolt (safe/ full auto 1/full auto2)
Total Weight: 50.5lbs
ROF: 666-900 rpm selective
Maximum Effective Range: 1,050 meters (point target)
Maximum Range: 3200 meters
Caliber: .450 Phoenix (11.4x75mm)
Capacity 100,120,200, 500 or 1000 round box
The MG-109C is a MG-109 optimized for coaxial or other vehicle/fixed installations. It features a longer barrel than any previous model and is capable of effectively engaging targets at longer ranges than other .450 machine guns.
MG-245 Dual .450 cal Machine Gun
Name: MG-245 "Dualie"
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Action: gas operated, open bolt (safe/ full auto)
Total Weight: 82.2lbs
ROF: 666 rpm (each barrel, for a combined cyclic ROF of 1,332 rpm
Maximum Effective Range: 1,100 meters (point target)
Maximum Range: 3200 meters
Caliber: .450 Phoenix (11.4x75mm)
Capacity 2 x 100,120,200, 500 or 1000 round boxes
The MG-245 "Dualie" double barreled, tripod/pintile/skate mounted machine gun was designed for defensive emplacements, guard towers, vehicles and limited infantry use(in the tripod variant) it has dual ported barrels which can be changed without tools in under a minute, and features dual feeding systems and dual triggers. The MG-245 is loosely based on a pair of MG-45 Eliminators, with one flipped left and right. The rounds are ejected downward and may bound back so saftey goggles are suggested when operating this weapon(although a ricochet shield for the ejection port is available to deflect the rounds away) The 245 has a central sight post and rail system for adding optics, nightvision and thermal sights or laser accessories.
$5,450(both versions)
The Phoenix Milita
26-06-2006, 11:26
Rocket and Missile Launchers
AT-5 Vazooka
The much more advanced cousin of the Bazooka, the Vazooka out preforms the U.S. AT-4 and the Russian RPG series in every way, making it one of the top anti-tank rockets on the market. It includes an adjustable sight and a sling. It is Reloadable, HEAT cartridges cost $900 each
////////Length:..................... 40 inches
////////Weight: (Complete System) .. 15 pounds
////////Optical Sight:................. Gyroscopic Range indicator, 0-4x zoom
////////Caliber .................... 90 mm
////////Length .................... 2 feet
////////Weight..................... 4.1 pounds
////////Min Arming Range.................. 30 feet
////////Maximum Range ............. 7,000 feet
////////Maximum Effective Range ... 1,000 feet
////////Penetration: 530 mm of rolled homogeneous armor
////////Time of Flight (to 250 meters): less than 1 second
////////Operating temperature: -104 to +140° F (-40 to +60°C)
////////Ammunition: Rocket with 90mm HEAT shaped charge warhead
AT-7 Anti-Tank Rocket (
A lightweight alternative to the AT-5 Vazooka the AT-7 is fired under rather than over the shoulder.
////////Length:..................... 38 inches (extended)
////////Weight: (Complete System) .. 13.3 pounds
////////Optical Sight:................. Reflex 1x zoom
////////Caliber .................... 81 mm
////////Length .................... 2 feet
////////Weight..................... 3.7 pounds
////////Min Arming Range.................. 30 feet
////////Maximum Range ............. 6,000 feet
////////Maximum Effective Range ... 1,000 feet
////////Penetration: 400 mm of rolled homogeneous armor
////////Time of Flight (to 250 meters): less than 1 second
////////Operating temperature: -100 to +140° F (-40 to +60°C)
////////Ammunition: Rocket with 81mm HEAT shaped charge warhead
SA-29 MANPADS "MAN Portable Air Defense System"
Name: SA-29 "Streak" MANPADS
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: 5 inches (128mm)
Length 50 inches (complete system)
Weight 33lbs (complete system)
Capacity: 1 round, re-usable launcher
Maximum Range 6,000 meters (~19,685 feet)
Guidance Heat Seeking Infa-Red
The SA-29 is a fire and forget heat seeking man portable anti-aircraft missile with integral thermal sight linked to a forward looking infra-red sensor and is re-usable. The missile has a range of almost 20,000 feet and uses fragmentary explosives to destroy its target. At only 33lbs, a single soldier can easily carry it into battle.
AT-30 HellStrike Anti-Tank Guided Missile"
Name: AT-30 "HellStrike" ATGM
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: 5.5 inches (140mm)
Capacity: 1 round, re-usable launcher/ sealed round 1 shot disposable
Maximum Range 2,000 meters
Guidance Multi-Type
The AT-30 is a fire and forget anti-tank missile which can be fired over the shoulder or launched from a tripod by remote. The target can be designated from a screen, which links to the missile's onboard radar. Alternatively, a combined LOS Laser/ LADAR system can be used to select the target, without activating the on board radar. Once the missile is launched towards the target, the onboard radar switches on and takes over. The warhead, although based on the T-1's 140mm HEAT round, is much more capable of piercing both ERA and standard plates than regular HEAT rounds due to its triple detonation sequence and reinforced nose cone. There are two types of launchers. One is a convertible launcher, which can be used on the tripod, on the tripod with remote, or over the shoulder. There is also a less expensive one-time use launcher which has a 4x plastic scope and can only guided by the active radar system. With the disposable launcher, targets can be designated by a separate laser targeting device( good for picking a specific target, while in rich environment) but the convertible launcher has its own infa-red laser target designator built in.
$95,000 Convertible Launcher w/ 1 missile
$55,000 Missile
$69,000 Disposable Launcher Version w/ 1 missile
M-103 LightWeight Self-Contained Flame Thrower
Name: M-103 LWSCFT
Designed by:Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: .68
Action: Compressed Air Assisted Pump-Action
Total Weight: 8.6 pounds loaded
Capacity: 2 liter bottle, or 6 gallon backpack tank w/ hose
Effective range: about 50 meters
The M-103 is a light, compact and totally self-contained flamethrower perfect for hosing down infantry in tight spaces, clearing bunkers and other defenses or for "creative crowd control". The M-103 features a collapsible butt-stock back up co2 canister for increased range, but it does not require Co2 to function due to the pump activated piston which can recharge the air canister for continued operation. The M-103 also is able to fire after being completely submerged in water because of the one way valve in the barrel and the fact that the combustion chamber and pilot light are in air tight compartments. Other fluids can be fired with slight modification such as lethal or non-lethal chemical agents and certain types of acid.
$660 (+ $140 for backpack)
M-103A1 Flame Thrower
Name: M-103A1
Designed by:Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: .68
Action: Compressed Air Propelled
Total Weight: 7 pounds loaded
Capacity: 2 liter bottle, or 6 gallon backpack tank w/ hose
Effective range: 50+ meters
The M-103A1 is lighter than the M-103 because it does not have backup pump action. But it still features a collapsible butt-stock, is capable of firing even after being soaked, and reatures an ergonomic grip. Like the M-103, other fluids can be fired with slight modification such as lethal or non-lethal chemical agents and certain types of acid.
$800 (+ $140 for backpack)
The Phoenix Milita
26-06-2006, 11:27
1.. :!: TPM Special Ammunition *see price list below, all prices are already at discounted wholesale lows!!!!*
:!: TPM "Special" Ammuniton
[11-15-2003]> PD chemists have developed a new type of ammunition/gunpowder at Piccatiny Arsenal, an army installation in Eastern Tyrador.
It uses a powdered oxidizer of nitrous tetra-oxide instead of relying sodium nitrate to oxidize the combustion reaction that causes the bullet to fire. This allows complete uninterrupted ability to fire even when completely submerged in water or in the vacuum of space.
While the compound is secret, it is similar to the oxidizer in solid rocket fuel in some ways. (Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate and Nitrous Tetra-Oxide are main custom chemicals)
Various types of bullets can be used with these new cartridges.
Buyers tips:
Best for Piercing Armor would be Telfon Coated or Depleted Uranium rounds.
Best for Man-Stopping Power would be Hollow Point or Soft Point Magnum rounds
We offer the following calibers. [ However if you would like to request special rounds to be made, that can be done for a simmilar price.]
Rifle/MG Ammo
5.45mm Full Metal Jacket (AK-74) 1,000 round box =$190
5.56mm (.223 Rem) NATO Standard 62gr. 1,000 round crate =$180
5.56mm Teflon Coated 77gr. 1,000 round crate =$200
5.56mm Hollow Point. 1,000 round crate =$210
5.56mm 77gr. Explosive Tip 1,000 round crate = $210
5.56mm BioAgent Insertion 1,000 round crate = $200
5.56mm AP 1,000 round crate =$208
6.5mm Grendel, Full Metal Jacket 1,000 round box =$198
6.5mm Carcano, Full Metal Jacket 1,000 round box =$196
6.5mm Tyradorian, Full Metal Jacket 1,000 round box =$200
6.5mm Tyradorian, Teflon Coated 1,000 round box =$225
6.62mm Caseless, Hollow Point 1,000 round crate =$350
6.62mm Caseless, Teflon Coated 1,000 round crate =$380
6.66mm FMJ 1,000 round crate =$370
6.66mm Hollow Point 1,000 round crate =$380
6.66mm Teflon Coated 1,000 round crate =$390
6.66mm Caseless, FMJ 1,000 round crate =$380
6.66mm Caseless, Teflon Coated 1,000 round crate =$385
6.66mm Longneck, Teflon Coated 1,000 round crate =$380
6.8mm SPC, Hollow Point 1,000 round crate =$380
6.8mm SPC, FMJ 1,000 round crate =$388
6.8mm SPC Teflon Coated 1,000 round crate =$398
6.993mm Phoenix Special 1,000 round crate =$400
7mm (.276 Pedersen) 1,000 round crate =$410
7.62mm Full Metal Jacket (AK-47) 1,000 round crate=$340
7.62mm Teflon Coated(AK-47) 1,000 round crate=$440
7.62mm NATO Standard 1,000 round crate=$320
7.62mm Teflon Coated 1,000 round crate=$400
7.62mm TRACER Linked belt of 100=$100
7.62mm Incendiary Linked belt of 100=$120
.30-06 FMJ 1,000 round crate=$400
.308 (Match Grade) Full Metal Jacket 100 round box=$100
.308 Hollow Point 100 round box =$110
.308 Explosive Tip 100 round box =$120
9mm Rifle,Teflon Coated(subsonic +10$) 1,000 round crate =$420
9mm Rifle, Full Metal Jacket 1,000 round crate =$400
9mm Rifle, Hollow Point 1,000 round crate =$410
.42 Caliber Rifle,Teflon Coated 1,000 round crate =$445
.42 Caliber Rifle, Full Metal Jacket 1,000 round crate =$415
.42 Caliber Rifle, Hollow Point 1,000 round crate =$435
.450 Phoenix(11.45X75mm) Rifle,Teflon Coated 1,000 round crate =$450
.450 Phoenix, Full Metal Jacket 1,000 round crate =$420
.450 Phoenix, Hollow Point 1,000 round crate =$440
.450 Phoenix, Armor Piercing 1,000 round crate =$444
.450 Phoenix, Caseless Armor Piercing 1,000 round crate =$440
.450 Phoenix, Caseless Hollow point 1,000 round crate =$440
Pistol/SMG Ammo
4.6mm Teflon Coated 20 round box=$12
4.6mm Hollow Point 20 round box=$12
4.6mm Caseless(ball) 20 round box=$15
4.9mm Teflon Coated 20 round box=$15
4.9mm Hollow Point 20 round box=$15
5.56mm PDW (.221 Fireball) 20 round box=$12
5.56mm PDW (.224 BOZ) 20 round box=$12
5.7mm Armor Piercing 20 round box=$12
6x35mm KAC ball 20 round box=$13
6mm KAC AP20 round box=$15
7.65mm Luger Soft Point 20 round box=$12
7.65mm Luger Armor Piercing 20 round box=$12
.32 ACP Soft Point 20 round box=$12
.32 ACP Armor Piercing 20 round box=$12
.357 Magnum Full Metal-Jacket 20 round box=$12
.357 Magnum Hollow Point 20 round box=$13
.357 Magnum Teflon Coated 20 round box=$14
.38 Special Soft Point 20 round box =$10
.38 Special Hollow Point 20 round box =$10
.380 ACP 20 round box =$10
.380 ACP Hollow Point 20 round box =$11
9mm Luger Hollow Point 20 round box =$10
9mm Luger Teflon Coated 20 round box =$12
9mm Luger Explosive Tip 20 round box=$20
9mm Makarov Hollow Point 20 round box =$10
9mm Makarov Teflon Coated 20 round box =$12
9mm IMI Hollow Point 20 round box =$10
9mm IMI Teflon Coated 20 round box =$12
.40 S&W Hollow Point 20 round box =$10
.40 S&W Teflon Coated 20 round box =$10
10mm Hollow Point 20 round box =$12
10mm Teflon Coated 20 round box =$14
.44 Magnum Soft Point 20 round box=$15
.44 Magnum Hollow Point 20 round box=$14
.45 GAP Hollow Point 20 round box=$15
.45 GAP Teflon Coated 20 round box=$15
.45 ACP Soft Point 20 round box=$14
.45 ACP Hollow Point 20 round box=$14
.45 ACP Teflon Coated 20 round box=$15
.454 Casull Soft Point 20 round box=$16
.454 Casull Hollow Point 20 round box=$16
.454 Casull Teflon Coated 20 round box=$17
.457 Magnum Soft Point 20 round box=$20
.50 AE Soft Point 20 round box=$16
.50 AE Teflon Coated 20 round box=$17
.500 S&W Soft Point 20 round box=$18
.500 S&W Hollow Point 20 round box=$19
.500 S&W FMJ 20 round box=$19
Shotgun Shells
.410 Slugs 20 shell box =$22
.410 buckshot 20 shell box =$20
12 Gauge Explosive Slugs 20 shell box =$50
12 Gauge Tungsten Buckshot 20 shell box =$30
12 Gauge Slugs 20 shell box =$38
12 Gauge 00 Buck Tungsten Buckshot 20 shell box =$33
10 Gauge Tungsten Buckshot 20 shell box =$31
10 Gauge Slugs 20 shell box =$39
10 Gauge Explosive Slugs 20 shell box =$51
08 Gauge Tungsten Buckshot Shells 20 shell box =$36
08 Gauge Slugs 20 shell box =$40
08 Gauge Armor Piercing Slugs 20 shell box =$48
08 Gauge High Explosive Slugs 20 shell box =$50
40mm HE 10 round box =$30
40mm HEDP 10 round box =$50
40mm HEAT-MKII 10 round box =$60
40mm Buckshot 10 round box =$20
40mm Tear Gas 10 round box =$30
40mm Signal/Concealing Smoke( specify white, blk, red, grn, blu, prpl or assorted) 10 round box =$20
40mm Parachute Flare 10 round box =$25
40mm Signal Flare 10 round box =$25
40x99mm HE 10 round box =$50
40x99mm HEDP 10 round box =$65
38\37mm HE 10 round box =$25
38mm HEDP 10 round box =$25
38mm Tear Gas 10 round box =$25
38mm Smoke 10 round box =$20
30x55mm HE 10 round box =$30
30mm HEAT-MkIII 10 round box =$45
30mm HEDP 10 round box =$50
30mm Buckshot 10 round box =$20
30mm Tear Gas 10 round box =$30
30mm Flare 10 round box =$20
30mm Signal/Concealing Smoke 10 round box =$20
25mm Air-Burst 10 round box =$23
25mm HE 10 round box =$12
25mm HEDP 10 round box =$15
25mm Buckshot 10 round box =$18
20mm HE 10 round box =$12
20mm Buckshot 10 round box =$10
Machine Gun/Sniper Rifle Ammo
.300 Winchester Magnum 1,000 round crate=$430
.338 Lapua Magnum FMJ 100 round box=$200
.338 Lapua Magnum Teflon Coated 100 round box=$210
.338 Lapua Teflon Coated 100 round box =$122
.342 Longbolt(8.69mmx116mm) FMJ 100 round box=$450
.342 LongboltTeflon coated 100 round box=$500
.342 Longbot Depleted Uranium 100 round box=$550[/
.408 Chey Tac FMJ 100 round box=[u]$220
.408 Chey Tac Incendiary 100 round box=$230
.408 Chey Tac Teflon coated 100 round box=$240
.450 Phoenix Incendiary 100 round box =$250
.50 caliber BMG 100 round box =$240
.50 caliber BMG Teflon Coated 100 round box =$250
.50 caliber BMG Incendiary 100 round box =$280
12.7mm Russian 100 round box =$240
14.5mm Teflon coated 100 round box=$900
14.5mm Incendiary 100 round box=$950
14.5mm Depleted Uranium 100 round box=$1,100
15.5mm FMJ 100 round box=$960
15.5mm Teflon coated 100 round box=$1000
15.5mm Incendiary 100 round box=$1150
15.5mm Depleted Uranium 100 round box=$1,400
20mm Teflon Coated 100 round box=$1,000
20mm Incendiary 100 round box=$1,500
20mm Depleted Uranium 100 round box=$2,000
23mm FMJ 100 round box=$1,500
25mm FMJ Tracer 100 round box=$1,700
25mm Depleted Uranium 100 round box=$2,000
30mm Depleted Uranium 100 round box=$2,700
30mm Incendiary/Explosive 100 round box=$2,400
40mm FMJ Every 5th round TRACER 100 round box=$5,000
40mm Incendiary Every 5th round TRACER 100 round box=$5,500
40mm Fragmenting Anti-Aircraft Shell 100 round box=$6,000
56mm FMJ Every 5th round TRACER 100 round box=$5,200
56mm Teflon coated 100 round box=$5,400
56mm Incendiary Every 5th round TRACER 100 round box=$5,600
56mm High Explosive 100 round box=$5,700
56mm Fragmenting Anti-Aircraft Shell 100 round box=$6,200
10% off bulk orders over 1 million dollars
The Phoenix Milita
26-06-2006, 11:29
MG-46 Rampage General Purpose Machine Gun
Name: MG-46 Rampage
Action: gas operated, open bolt
Total Weight: 17.5lbs
ROF: 700 rpm
Range: 800 meters
Caliber: 6.66mm Dante, 6.8mm Remington SPC, 6.5mm Grendel
Capacity 60 round drum, 100,120,200, 500 or 1000 round box
The is a general purpose machine gun chambered in the accurate 6.66mm Dante round, but also available in other intermediate calibers. tool-less quick change barrel is standard as is the integral bipod and light weight stock.
MG-46 (standard)
MG-46B(coaxial vehicle mount)
$2,000(all versions)
The Phoenix Milita
26-06-2006, 11:46
M-12 MasterKey Double Barreled Shotgun
Name: M-12
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Made by: Phoenix Dynamix
Action: Single
Total Weight: 6lbs
Range: 100 meters
Gauge 08
Capacity 2 rounds, 6 to 10 can be held externally
The MasterKey 08 gauge shotgun fires either AP(armor piercing) or soft point slugs. It can fire one barrel at a time or both at once. It is a perfect secondary weapon to be issued to your forces who require the knockdown power of a shotgun, and don't want to carry a lot of weight.
M-100 Starburst Combat Shotgun
Name: M100 Starburst
Designed by: Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: 08 Gauge
Action: Semi-Auto
Total Weight: 7.8 lbs
Magazine capacity: 8 round drum magazine
Rate of fire: aprox. 250 rounds per minute
Effective range: 25-80 meters
The M100 is the standard 08 gauge semi-automatic shotgun of The Phoenix Milita. Its drum magazine is easy to change and its construction is simple, yet elegant. The M-100 Starburst is capable of firing muzzle loaded white phosphorus rockets, as well as smoke, tear gas and flare rockets It of course accepts many different scopes, lasers, strap and other attachments.
M101 Super-Nova Shotgun
Name: M101 Super-Nova
Designed by: Benelli/PD joint project (Italy,Tyrador,TPM)
Caliber: 08 Gauge
Action: Pump-Action
Total Weight: 3.2kg
Magazine capacity: 8 round tube magazine
Rate of fire: aprox. 65 rounds per minute
Effective range: 70 meters
This the most powerful pump-action shotgun on the market, borrowing design aspects from the Benelli Nova, this is an entirely new weapon. It accepts a variety of attachments and comes with an aimpoint red-dot sight.(reflex 2d sight)
M102 Street Cleaner Shotgun
Name: M102 Street Cleaner
Shotgun Caliber: 08 Gauge or 12 Gauge
SMG Caliber: .45 ACP or 9mm Parabellum
Action: Automatic
Total Weight: 10 pounds
Magazine capacity: 12/8 gauge = 12/10 round drum | SMGs = 30 round clip
Rate of fire: Shotgun=240 RPM SMG=900 RPM
Effective range: 100 meters
The Street Cleaner Auto-Shotgun/SMG combines the Protecta/StreetSweeper auto-shotgun with the MAC-10/11 Sub-Machine gun. This weapon is invaluable in CQ combat. We recommend these for Spec Ops, SWAT teams, and Elite Infantry. It comes with a reflex 2d sight, folding stock. and can mount a bayonet and sling.
The Phoenix Milita
26-06-2006, 12:04
The Phoenix Milita
27-06-2006, 04:41
The bulk of it is up, you can now order
Louisiane Imperiale
27-06-2006, 05:02
Louisiane Imperiale would like to make the following purchase for its growing military:
15,000 AR-22 Heavy Assault Rifle's
We believe that the total comes out to $27,000,000.
The Phoenix Milita
27-06-2006, 05:06
Your order is confirmed and we will include 3 extra magazines full of ammo for each rifle since you are a new nation :)
The Phoenix Milita
27-06-2006, 11:10
Almost done updating.
Louisiane Imperiale
27-06-2006, 16:01
Thank you very much. Your a very gracious nation.
The Phoenix Milita
28-06-2006, 00:08
The Phoenix Milita
28-06-2006, 21:06
One more big update to come and then it will be 100%
The Phoenix Milita
30-06-2006, 02:22
tomorrow ;)
Ummmm...... I would like to note that Man-Portable miniguns are a big no-no. Recoil is to great.
The Phoenix Milita
30-06-2006, 03:12
Don't buy it then. Or just use a bipod. And at 200lbs, I'd say its more like a Crew-Served Weapon, rather than an Individual one. :p
The Phoenix Milita
07-07-2006, 18:32
bump/ recently updated, one more big update to come by the weekend, :D
The Phoenix Milita
08-07-2006, 23:51
bullpup talon SMG, 5.7mm SMG, and a guided anti-tank missile coming very soon
The Phoenix Milita
14-07-2006, 02:56
i meant this weekend
The Phoenix Milita
21-07-2006, 05:00
holding off on the update until i flesh out 2 other, organic designs.
The Phoenix Milita
01-08-2006, 06:18
minor update
The Phoenix Milita
07-08-2006, 00:02
The AR-22 "B" series is coming soon.
Also stay tuned for many more all new weapons concepts, including a combined grenade launcher, sub-machine and battle rifle, and a combined light machine gun, assault rifle and sniper rifle.
07-08-2006, 00:21
ill have 20000 high powerd rifles, 10000 missile launchers, of the highest and 10000 boxes of ammo of each, 20k in total, also 5000 snipers with 500 boxes of ammo, dont suppose you can lay your hands on some SAM launchers aswell? , for the total price i am sure we can come to some sort of deal?
The Phoenix Milita
07-08-2006, 00:30
Cogsy']ill have 20000 high powerd rifles, 10000 missile launchers, of the highest and 10000 boxes of ammo of each, 20k in total, also 5000 snipers with 500 boxes of ammo, dont suppose you can lay your hands on some SAM launchers aswell? , for the total price i am sure we can come to some sort of deal?
The SA-29 MANPADS is a SAM Launcher, how many would you like?
Since you did not specify I have put you down for:
20,000 AR-22 Heavy Assault Rifles
10,000 AT-5 Rocket Launchers
5,000 SR-22 Sniper Rifles
20,500 boxes of .450 Phoenix FMJ Ammuniton
If that is satisfactory, your order is confirmed. You can work out a payment plan with 0% financing until 2007 and you can take 5% off the total as part of our Summer Sale. You also qualify for free upgrade to air-freight shipping.
07-08-2006, 00:49
500 sam launchers please. exelent, when can we have these for ? wil will pay in full one the order has been recieved, our bank has been told to issue payment once the shipment hase been recived in full
Thank you
The people of cogsy
The Phoenix Milita
09-08-2006, 19:14
The order has been confirmed, and shipment has been completed. Thank you for shopping Phoenix Dynamix.
We would like two samples of each gun for the President's collection.
Would two million dollars suffice?
The Phoenix Milita
09-08-2006, 20:36
Yes that will cover it... :D
Order confirmed.
The Phoenix Milita
27-08-2006, 03:53
:/ this new forum layout makes it hard to bump!
The Phoenix Milita
30-08-2006, 07:37
The Phoenix Milita
05-09-2006, 21:36
new products
The Phoenix Milita
09-09-2006, 16:06
The Phoenix Milita
28-09-2006, 04:51
The Phoenix Milita
08-10-2006, 19:13
08-10-2006, 19:21
We would like 1,000 MG-22
for 2000 each
The Phoenix Milita
08-10-2006, 19:38
Order Confirmed.
The Phoenix Milita
22-10-2006, 01:03
22-10-2006, 02:59
Office 21
1217 Government Way
Balkan City, 85546
Druid Province, United Democratic Empire of Asgarnieu
To: The Phoenix Dynamix One Stop Gun Shop
From: The Office of Joint-Land Warfare Operations, Asgarnieu
Subject: Custom Purchase
Greetings. It has been quite a while since we have purchased at your storefront. We have a new custom order that we dearly hope you can fill. All Asgarnian Light-Armored vehicles tow a 37mm or 57mm Anti-Personnel/Aircraft/Vehicle cannon. We need specialized ammunition that will reliably fire everytime. Here are our specs.
1,000,000,000 37mm Fragmenting Anti-Aircraft Shells
1,000,000,000 37mm Fragmenting Anti-Personnel Airburst Shells
1,000,000,000 37mm High-Explosive Anti-Tank Shells
1,000,000,000 57mm Fragmenting Anti-Aircraft Shells
1,000,000,000 57mm Fragmenting Anti-Personnel Airburst Shells
1,000,000,000 57mm High-Explosive Anti-Tank Shells
We do not know the exact cost, but we are willing to pay any price. We thank you for considering our order.
Gordon N. Fackts
Secretary of Joint-Land Warfare Operations
United Democratic Empire of Asgarnieu
The Phoenix Milita
22-10-2006, 04:41
Your order has been confirmed.
The Phoenix Milita
22-10-2006, 04:48
*8 months later*
37mm Fragmenting Anti-Personnel Air-Burst Shell 100 round box=$5,500
37mm High Explosive Armor Piercing 100 round box=$6,000
37mm Fragmenting Anti-Aircraft Shell 100 round box=$6,250
57mm Fragmenting Anti-Personnel Air-Burst Shell 100 round box=$5,750
57mm High Explosive Armor Piercing 100 round box=$6,250
57mm Fragmenting Anti-Aircraft Shell 100 round box=$6,500
The Phoenix Milita
24-10-2006, 01:29
The Phoenix Milita
18-11-2006, 19:53
The Phoenix Milita
27-12-2006, 22:08
The Phoenix Milita
06-02-2007, 13:38
06-02-2007, 13:51
06-02-2007, 13:52
:D ...sorry, just wanted to add some activity to this thread... :p
The Phoenix Milita
06-02-2007, 22:20
you can have 3 free bullets for that :D
The Phoenix Milita
14-03-2007, 22:30
The Phoenix Milita
05-04-2007, 06:38
The Phoenix Milita
06-04-2007, 23:03
bump for updates
The Phoenix Milita
20-04-2007, 05:35
The Phoenix Milita
03-05-2007, 23:47
big update/facelift soon
The Armed Republic of the Toori would like to place a request that the following list of inventory be placed under hold under our name from being sold. We wish to purchase these in the near future, however, cannot afford them at the moment. We are in the process of cunjuring goods to exchange for this, that the Pheonix Militia might find very interesting.
-250- SR-20
-200-SR-40 AHS bolt-action
-250- MG-109c .450mm coax.
-100- M-69A1 40mm
-50- PHX Desert Fox .500mag.
-375- AR-20 Nemesis 6.5mm (standard varient)
The Phoenix Milita
04-05-2007, 17:06
We just want money!
We don't have much!!! Most of our boons are going toward upping our defence budgets, and building more ships. We have tried numerous times to trade with other MT/FT countries, but we just can't get any business, except for a hand-full. Most of them won't accept trade. And on top of that, one of our main manufacturing planets: Rhen Var, is under siege by the Gracians. We are doing the best we can to produce better goods. If you wish, I have a sneak peak at something that is almost done testing.
sneak peak:
The Phoenix Milita
05-05-2007, 01:54
Isnt' that a Doomingsland rifle?
It is a modified Doomingsland rifle. The Toori had domestic production rights, so we are free to produce and sell as we wish. This is far more powerful however, than most Doomingsland high output marksman riffles, and is far more addaptable to the most diverse species, and situations. It will enter production stage soon, and will be de-classified soon after. We also have a whole other lot of weapons that shall be roling out, with related results. If so, will the Pheonix Militia then be willing to trade?
The Phoenix Milita
05-05-2007, 06:47
It is a modified Doomingsland rifle. The Toori had domestic production rights, so we are free to produce and sell as we wish. This is far more powerful however, than most Doomingsland high output marksman riffles, and is far more addaptable to the most diverse species, and situations. It will enter production stage soon, and will be de-classified soon after. We also have a whole other lot of weapons that shall be roling out, with related results. If so, will the Pheonix Militia then be willing to trade?
We obviously have the ability to make our own firearms and weapons, so we are generally NOT interested in acquiring new designs through trade. Raw materials and precious metals are always an option though.
The Phoenix Milita
29-05-2007, 01:38
updating images
29-05-2007, 01:53
I need landmines can you get me those?
29-05-2007, 01:56
We wish to purchase the following:
Machine Guns
1. MG-68 Intermediate Machine Gunx2000
2. MG-214 5.56mm Microgunx2000
3. MG-134 7.62mm Minigunx2000
4. MG-135 .50 Cal Minigunx3000
5. MG-15 15.5mm Machinegunx53000
6. MG-115 15.5mm Heavy Machinegunx3000
7. MG-45 Eliminator Machinegunx3000
8. MG-109 Heavy Machinegunx3000
9. MG-109C Coaxial Machinegunx2500
10. MG-245 Dualie Double Barreled MachineGunx1000
Rocket Launchers and Flamethrowers
1. AT-5 Vazooka Anti-Tank Rocket Launcherx8000
2. AT-7 Light Anti-Tank Rocket Launcherx7000
3. SA-29 MANPADS Anti-Aircraft Missilex5000
4. AT-30 HellStrike ATGMx5000
5. M103 LightWeight Self-Contained FlameThrowerx15000
Thank you
The Phoenix Milita
29-05-2007, 02:18
I need landmines can you get me those?
We don't manufacture land mines for export, but if you wish we could sell you some surplus M18 claymore anti-personnel land mines.
The rest of your order is confirmed.
29-05-2007, 02:21
We don't manufacture land mines for export, but if you wish we could sell you some surplus M18 claymore anti-personnel land mines.
The rest of your order is confirmed.
Yes how many mines do you have?Il buy the entire surplus
The Phoenix Milita
29-05-2007, 02:24
We can sell you 40,032 of them for a price of about $20 million.
29-05-2007, 02:27
Money has been wired
Aurum Domus
29-05-2007, 02:37
Aurum Domus High Command
We would like to inquire on whether you would like to create an underbarrel grenade launcher system for our DR weapons systems. There would have to be a long and short variant for the DR 83 and DR 87 and it would have to be able to fire the standard 40mm grenade. We are currently using surplus American M203s and we are not satisfied with their performance.
The Phoenix Milita
29-05-2007, 02:57
We are eager to design or adapt such a weapons system for you, but we have a few questions first.
Does it have to be semi-automatic, or can it be manually operated?
Does it have to be multi-shot, have a specific round capacity or can it be single shot?
Does it have to be self-loading or can it be hand loaded?
Does it have to be a completely new design or can we modify an existing one?
We can begin the design immediately after you answer our questions, and by standard 40mm grenade we are assuming you mean 40x46mm NATO.
Aurum Domus
29-05-2007, 03:07
It can be manually loaded. Basically we are going for an improved M203. Compactness is important, the overall size of the DDI grenade launcher made us decide against it. Whatever features you can put into a good sized launcher is fine with us.
The Phoenix Milita
29-05-2007, 15:02
M-31 Grenade Launcher
Name: M-31 Grenade Launcher
Designed by:Phoenix Dynamix
Caliber: 40x46mm NATO, 30x55mm
Action: Self-Loading Pump-Action
Total Weight: 3 pounds
Magazine capacity: 1 in chamber
Effective range: ~400 meters (area target)
The M-31 is a lightweight, side loaded single shot 40mm grenade launcher designed to be attached to almost any modern assault rifle in existence.
The M-31 was designed after Aurum Domus requested a simple, lightweight alternative to self-loading and semi-automatic grenade launchers. The M31 can attach under almost any Phoenix Dynamix assault rifle or squad automatic weapon as well as most foreign assault rifles and some sub-machine guns due to its full length rail interface system. The weapon can be loaded from the right or left side and eject the spent shell downward, automatically after firing. No special assembly is required to configure for left or right side loading, the user simply twists the feeding well to the right or left depending on preference.
The Phoenix Milita
29-05-2007, 15:08
I am afraid I must announce that the CAR-24 Assault rifle and CAR-24A1 Carbine will be discontinued this June, so get them while they last.
The Phoenix Milita
29-05-2007, 21:54
Bump for Aurum Domus
Aurum Domus
29-05-2007, 22:12
Very good, I'll take 1,000,000 of them for now. Total comes to 420,000,00, Money will be wired upon order confirmation.
The Phoenix Milita
29-05-2007, 22:18
The Phoenix Milita
30-05-2007, 03:23
new flamethrower
The Phoenix Milita
04-06-2007, 05:54
The Phoenix Milita
04-06-2007, 19:48
The Phoenix Milita
05-06-2007, 11:51
updated index
The Phoenix Milita
09-08-2008, 22:55
Are U Kidding Me? The Word Bump Is Now Too Short??? Wtf
The Phoenix Milita
09-08-2008, 23:10
Once the AR-22A4 is released to the general public(very soon), the original AR-22 line will no longer be available to order. So act now and save!
The Sovereignty of Kenavt would like to order the following items:
Five million M4-Bullpups at $800 equals exactly four billion USD, or դր8948400000 Navts
OOC: Here's my NSeconomy figure for defense with law and order: $2,151,821,902,810. That's 2 trillion, if you're having problems reading it like me.
How much would it cost extra for each Bullpup to have a 0-4x scope that can be implemented on the gun?
The Phoenix Milita
09-08-2008, 23:23
Order confirmed. We can offer scopes for $60 a piece.
OOC: Thanks. Plus, I just noticed that M-31 Grenade Launcher...
The Sovereignty of Kenavt would like to purchase the previously named scopes in a return letter at $60 per item. One million are requested, for a total price of $60 million. The money will be wired on confirmation of order.
The Sovereignty also asks if the M-31 Grenade Launcher by the Phoenix Militia can work with the M-4 Bullpup battle rifle. If it can, expect some more orders.
The Phoenix Milita
10-08-2008, 00:14
Order confirmed.
The M-31 was specifically designed to fit under the barrel of weapons such as the M-4 Bullpup and is fully compatibile.