NationStates Jolt Archive

Breaking news from 1010102(Ft open)

26-06-2006, 06:09
OCC: this is for nations to help defeat the rbels and kill the prisioners or help the rebels andfree the prisoners.

"This is 1NN news reporting that a roit has broken out on the planet Hath, which is an ice planet on the edge of our territorry. There are seven million prisoners mainly made up of old toophian slaves that killed their masters trying to escape. They killed the guards, and took the entire prision ealier today. It will be hard to take the prision back due to a sieres of defencive batteries that can hit orbiting ships thatwere installed all around the planet and are remote controlled fro a command center in the prision. The system was installed to defend the prison from rebels trying to free the toophian prisoners. The sytem has over fifty heavy turbolasers in quad batteries, and well over five-hundred quad laser turrets on the prison itself. This is Jimmy Tucker signing off."

In orbit around 1010102

"How could this have happened? Our own weapons are going o be used against us." The Dictator asked to his aid.

"Well my lord, It would have been marter to have placed the fire control away from the prision."She said.

"A very good point." He said.

"Yes but what are we going to do about this?" She said.

The Dictator replied," We shall kill everything on the planet to make up for this outrage! Thats what we are going to do my firend."

A small force of 4 Devastation class SDs, 16 Dragon class heavy cruisers, and 36 CC-1200 class friagtes entered the system only to be greeted by the largest rebel battle group seen ever, 8 Imperial Mrk 1s, 30 heavy cruisers, 76 friagtes.

On the bridge of the lead SD Admiral Baker was in shock.

"This must be their whole fleet!"

"Kill them now!"

The fleet fired a massive amout of ion cannons at the rbels isabling most of the frigates.