NationStates Jolt Archive

The Queen is dead... [Open RP]

25-06-2006, 12:02
The limousine was heavily scented with a mixture of fine perfume, new leather and a gentle whiff of cigar smoke, the purple-velvet curls of which licked the roof.

Semi-lit, shadows danced off the walls as Queen Helena Bacchus XIV, Empress of Rotovia, rolled her wrist, allowing the brilliant refraction of light to glimmer off her jewellery laden fingers.

In her other hand sat a cigar, which from time to time she would tap into an empty champagne glass -the contents of which had finished off before an annoying aid could dissuade the aging monarch from consuming before a diplomatic briefing.

Despite her growing age, she was not an unattractive woman. Though, in her day, she had courted many a young man's heart and to this day, her face bore the distinctive structure and poise of a woman whom nature had endowed the gift of gentile beauty.

Brushing a snow white feature from her starched white blouse, she stopped, looked towards the roof and gasped.

Casting the cigar to the ground, her fingers danced in the air, the corners of her mouth covered in froth, her body violently pulsating and retching... and just like that, without order or grandiose befitting a Queen, she was dead.

It was not until the car reached the Diplomatic Offices that anyone was to know, the Queen invoking ancient tradition and never riding with a commoner. The press, gathered to question her on the report she was about to receive on a Rotovian colony who's name was no doubt longer than the land mass, watched on, as the door was opened and body of the single most powerful woman in the Commonwealth rolled to floor, her tongue rolled from the corner of her mouth and onto the pavement.

Aides quickly rushed to cover the embarrassment of the regal corpse, and in the first time plebeian hands would ever press royal flesh they attempted to check her pulse.

"The Queen is dead!" came a cry from the crowd.

Gasps were soon to follow.


A young, black robed, noble-lady ran across the street, to perform the solemn duty of her house. Summoning two Praetorian Guardsmen she ordered the doors to the Senate House splintered open.

Without question her orders to destroy the three hundred year old doors was followed, she rushed in.

"This House is dissolved! The Queen is dead! Long live the King!"

In a tradition not observed for a hundred years, the Queen having reigned for over a century, the Senate was ordered from chamber and elite military force, The Praetorian Guard assuming command of the nation.
Free shepmagans
25-06-2006, 14:36
((OOC: Who killed her? Will there be a coup?))
25-06-2006, 14:58
((OOC: Who killed her? Will there be a coup?))
OOC: That's why it's open. Essentially I want to stir things up, as the Heir Apparent is the current President and this will obviously create a constitutional crises. The chief goal of this RP -on my end- will be to reveal as much of the inner workings and back-rooming of Rotovia, as is possible and reasonable.
Northern Colonies
26-06-2006, 11:41
TO: Constitutional Republic of Rotovia-
FROM: Office of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Northern Colonies
RE: The Death of Her Majesty Helena Bacchus XIV

We wish to extend our deepest sympathies on the death of the Queen. The Supreme Governor of the Colonies wishes to attend the funeral and to be able to pay his last respects on behalf of the nation. If it possible for us to set a date in regards to this.

Yours Sincerely,
Jane Nguyen MP
Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs
Northern Colonies
26-06-2006, 11:44
OOC: You scared the crap out of me with the headline. Thought the real Queen had died.
26-06-2006, 12:24
To: the Constitutional Republic of Rotovia
From: Minister P. Sweetwater
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Grand Duchy of Tarlag

I wish to offer my Governments deepest condolences on the Death of Queen Helena. In Rotovia's time of sorrow the Grand Duchy of Tarlag wishes to extend our hand in friendship.
Grand Duke Ozgood wishes to send an official delegation to the funeral of your beloved Queen. When the Rotovian Government has announced the date of the state funeral please inform my Government so the appropriate arrangements can be made.
26-06-2006, 14:32
General Grimm sat at his desk watching the TV report on the Queen's death."Finaly Thought the hug was never going to die after..." he grabed the wine bottle and drank out of it. He then pushed a button and his aide came out. She bowed "Yes sir". he tapped the empty bottle on his desk"I want a letter sent out tonight to the Constitutional Republic of Rotovia saying were so sorry about the death of their beloved Queen." She bowed again"Yes sir" then took her leave. General Grimm looked at the bottle and saw it was from Rotovia. He smiled" your contry is like this bottle looking nice and pretty on the outside but empty on the inside."

He pushed another button and his eldst daughter Lieutenant General Michelle Grimms came in"Yes Father" He looked at her"I want you to be ready to go to the Constitutional Republic of Rotovia just in case something turns up" she nodded her head and left.

Dear:the Constitutional Republic of Rotovia
We're sorry to here about the death of you Queen.As your friend I'm sending my daughter down to Repansent Bloodbank at her funeral.

You friend,
General Norman Grimm
27-06-2006, 07:03
TO: Constitutional Republic of Rotovia-
FROM: Office of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Northern Colonies
RE: The Death of Her Majesty Helena Bacchus XIV

We wish to extend our deepest sympathies on the death of the Queen. The Supreme Governor of the Colonies wishes to attend the funeral and to be able to pay his last respects on behalf of the nation. If it possible for us to set a date in regards to this.

Yours Sincerely,
Jane Nguyen
Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs
Northern Colonies

His Imperial Majesty, Dionysus Bacchus, thanks you for you message and the Office will inform your diplomatic ministry of the date of the state funeral.

Lady Nicoletta Bacchus
Acting Secretary to the
Office of the Crown Prince
Little India
27-06-2006, 10:33
La Gouvernement du
Son Plus Souverain Petit Indien Majesté
Second du ça Nom
Por la Grace de Dieu, Roi du Aladhron, Grande Duc du Vis, Magnifique Prince du Ihayel, Haut Prêtre de la Basilique du San Pierre et San Paul, Defenseur de la Foi
Plus Remarquable Senior Grande de L'Ordre du San Pierre et San Paul; Souverain de L'Ordre du Merit; Commandre-Roi de L'Ordre du Le Royaume de Aladhron; Plus Senior Grande de L'Ordre de la Cuculle Blanc; Souverain de L'Ordre de L'Innocent; Commandre, Roi et Senior Grande de L'Ordre du Ithilanor
Haut Roi du Petit Indiens et Saint Empereur du Huit Petit Indes

The Government of Little India wishes to extend its' deepest sympathies at the death of Queen Helena. It is indeed a sad day that this Matriarch of Rotovia, who shaped the politics of the nation, has passed away.

With the greatest respect for the deceased Queen, we wish to pay our respects. My daughter, Her Most Excellent Sovereign Highness, Crown Princess Donna of the Little Indians, will attend the funeral of Her Majesty the Queen, as representative for Little India. Crown Princess Donna will also attend the coronation of the new King.

And now, with deep hope for the future of Rotovia,

Vive le Roi!

Ithilanor ER II

Ithilanor II, By the Grace of God, High King of Little India