Warhammer RP intrest thread
The Dylanites
24-06-2006, 18:51
Just a thread to see who would be interested in a Warhammer Roleplay. Im not quite sure how to do it, whether just to control an individual character and go roaming around, or whether to control an individual character, that's a General of an army? any preferences, or other ideas? Of course, all races in warhammer would be open and almost anything possible, as long as no god-modding.
So what do people think?
24-06-2006, 19:12
Guessing its Fantasy based, ya?
Nah, I'll probably go Vampire Counts, or Chaos :D
25-06-2006, 00:06
Just a thread to see who would be interested in a Warhammer Roleplay. Im not quite sure how to do it, whether just to control an individual character and go roaming around, or whether to control an individual character, that's a General of an army? any preferences, or other ideas? Of course, all races in warhammer would be open and almost anything possible, as long as no god-modding.
So what do people think?
I say we allow people to RP individual characters, but some people need to RP commanders so it is organized. I'm interested in Chaos.....
The Dylanites
25-06-2006, 01:28
So you're thinking like RP the commanders of an army, or a raiding force or something, but have other people RP the sub-commanders, or the cavalry commanders or the like ...?
Personally i'd go for a Dark Elf commander. Like a raiding force or something.
How much knowladge of Warhammer are you looking for in the people who participate?
25-06-2006, 02:32
So you're thinking like RP the commanders of an army, or a raiding force or something, but have other people RP the sub-commanders, or the cavalry commanders or the like ...?
Basically. And i'd like to play as chaos because their badass ;)
Hey, I'm a 40k Iron Warriors fan, and a Warhammer Chaos fan.
25-06-2006, 02:33
I love Chaos; and I have Liber Chaotica :D
Liberated New Ireland
25-06-2006, 02:42
I always thought the Skaven were cool (although I never played Warhammer).
I think I'd like to RP them.
I'd be interested in being the Bretonnians. I love those guys.
If you wouldn't mind putting me down as The Dogs of War, I'd be much obliged.
25-06-2006, 03:23
How much knowladge of Warhammer are you looking for in the people who participate?
Some Wiki articles which may help:
General Information:
The Empire [Human, mainly]
Marienburg [Human, mainly]
Bretonnia [Human, excepting Athel Loren]
Tilea [Human, mainly, mixed]
Estalia [Human, mainly, mixed]
Ulthuan [High Elf]
Naggaroth [Dark Elf]
Athel Loren [Wood Elf]
Note: Forest in Bretonnia.
Khemri [Undead, Egypt-esque]
Sylvania [Vampire]
Note: Vampires rule peasants.
Lustria [Jungle, extreme climate]
Albion [Magical Island]
The Different Races/Race based Empires:
High Elves
Dark Elves
Wood Elves
Vampire Counts
Dwarf Gods:
Elven Gods:
Human Gods:
Lady of the Lake
Note: Patron figure who shows Knights Holy Grail, giving them the benefit of longer life, strengh, etc. [Bretonnian mainly]
Note: God of Winter and Wolves, values honour and independance more than protection. [Religious center is in the city of Middenheim, in the Province/State of Middenland, Empire]
Orc And Goblin Gods:
Gork and Mork
Chaos Gods [Important]:
Minions of Chaos/Chaotic Info.:
Army Force/s
Beasts of Chaos
Note: I apologise for any inaccuracies, and would like to thank Wikipedia for being so awesome.
Also- sorry this isn't in more depth. ¬¬
25-06-2006, 03:26
If this happens, I'm interested. I'll be lizardmen. Being a general or whatever would be cool.
The Dylanites
25-06-2006, 04:41
How much knowladge of Warhammer are you looking for in the people who participate?
Well, not too indepth, but a basic knowledge. Like for instance if i say my character grabs his sword and mounts his cold one, then you should know what it means. It's not going to be stats based or anything so you dont need to know everthing about every race. And also enough knowledge not to have like a Dark Elf commander and High Elf sub-commander. That just plain wouldn't work :gundge:
And yeah, based on the fantasy world of Warhammer, not the 40K version.
And now we just have to come up with some feasable story for forces around the warhammer world to be collieding in one place. Any ideas? Wow, i really should have thought this through more before makeing it up. :p
Hmmm...An Old World exploring expedition to Lustinia goes horribly wrong? It allows for various Old World characters to meet up with Lizard Men, Choas, Dark Elves, etc.
The Dylanites
25-06-2006, 05:22
Ok, so this RP is to be set in the land of Lustinia and Naggaroth. You character/race can be there for whatever reason, but try not to contradict other people. Only one force from each race is gonna be involved, so if two or more people wanna rp Chaos then some people are gonna have to be sub-commanders. For the person that wanted to rp as Dogs-Of-War, then yeah, that sounds cool. But keep it reasonable. So, now for sign up, and i'll create the IC thread later.
Ok, so here goes. i want ...
Character Name: - self explainitory
Race: - see above
Age: - Meh, why not?
Mode of Transport: - Please, no dragons or the like
Weapons/Fighting Style: - Armaments or magician? Again, be reasonable
Reason to be involved: - Why is s/he here? A little background info.
I'll go first
Character Name: Kaleth Giant Slayer
Race: Of the Druchii (Dark Elf)
Age: 225
Mode of Transport: Rides atop a Cold One named skaaleth
Weapons/Fighting Style: Is Armoured and fights in the style of Cold One Knights with full heavy armour, a lance, two swords for closer combat, and an array of Daggers. However, also has his 'Heartseeker' repeater crossbow with him.
Reason to be involved: Kaleth is a son of Cland Karond and has comand of a slave raiding force. He is a veteran of many raids to the old world, as well as into the Empire. In the Noth Malekith is getting unruely again and is demanding more and more slaves for the workshops and his army, as he prepares to launch another assault on his home world. Kaleth and his force have set off on another raid to accuire more slaves.
So just put the info for the main character(s) of the warband, while the info on the warband is left out for now?
Character Name: Jean Dracon
Race: Human (Bretonnian)
Age: 21
Mode of Transport: Warhorse
Armament: Longsword, shield, two lances, and plate armor. The longsword is a family heirloom and is in fact magical. It is enchanted against Chaos and demons and this serves as a rather useful weapon against those creatures.
Reason to be Involved: Out adventuring.
25-06-2006, 06:20
Name: Argorne the Bloody
Race: Beastmen
Age: Unknown
Mode of Transportation: Walks
Weapons: Great Sword, infused with the essence of Chaos, Avatar of Khorne armor (Massive Brown and Red Heavy Plate Armor, presented to those deemed worthy by the Blood God).
Reason to be involved:
Argorne was born Erik Hals, a peasant from the city of Altdorf. However, he was conscripted into the Empire's army as a swordsmen. Soon after he was trained, he was sent into battle in the Middle mountains, where a Chaos raiding force had staged an incursion into the local hamlets. After intense battle, his army was wiped out, and he was labled dead. However, he was not killed. It is here where his story branches out into differing stories. One has him wander into the waste lands, the other having him find his way into the Chaos Wastes. Regardless, in Norsca, he decended into madness, desiring revenge at first upon the Beastmen, but later upon the Empire for sending him to die. Impressed with the immense hate which Erik held for the Empire, Khorne elevated him to become an Avatar of Khorne, and now leads an Army of Beastmen, himself mutated with rotting flesh, and jagged, needle shaped teeth. He now craves the blood of men, and with his Demonicly possessed Long Sword, he wishes to carve a path of death and carnage into the heart of the Empire, his home-city: Altdorf.
The Dylanites
25-06-2006, 06:55
So just put the info for the main character(s) of the warband, while the info on the warband is left out for now?
ermmm .... yeah, good point. ooops :p
we'll add that in either later on or when we start the IC thread
Oh I am so in for this!!! Chaos all the way!
Character Name: Caracas, Destroyer of Worlds
Race: Human (Chaos)
Age: 133
Mode of Transport: Rides the Daemonic Steed Rurhkar
Weapons: Carries the Chaos Runesword, Navaruin, wears Chaos armour and carries a shield
Fighting Style: As is typical of the forces of Chaos, Caracas favours hand to hand combat a the means to victory, slaughtering enemies face to face, but he also possesses great sorcerer abilities.
Reason to be involved: With the failure of Archaon to seize the mortal world and make it an outpost of Chaos, the favour of the Dark Gods has now fallen to Caracas (one of Archaon’s former Lieutenants), and even now he rallies what’s left of the dark horde to bring death and destruction to the mortal world.
I’m In. Prepared to be your sub-commander Dylanites or if you consider the cult a separate entity I’m more than prepared to go it alone.
Dark Elf sub-commander how lowly can you get. Eh guess it better than being a High Elf!
Character Name: Chroesh (Druchii Anointed)
Race: Dark Elf (Cult of Slaanesh)
Age: 127
Mode of Transport: Rides the Cold One Kharaidon
Weapons: Carries the two handed blade, the Draich of Dark Power, and wears Chaos armour.
Fighting Style: Chroesh is always found in the front line of battle within his prized Cold One unit. His mighty sword has been the death of many a foe but he is also skilled in the dark arts.
Reason to be involved: As one of the first warriors to embrace the cult of Slaanesh, Chroesh has benefited greatly from demonic powers and now serves as their will within the Dark Elf force.
The Dylanites
25-06-2006, 08:11
I’m In. Prepared to be your sub-commander Dylanites or if you consider the cult a separate entity I’m more than prepared to go it alone.
Cool. You'll do :cool: . So mainly we seem to have Dark Elves and chaos. Anyone interested in the high Elf scum? But yeah, this is looking good. a few more people and ill get this thing going
Cool. You'll do :cool: . So mainly we seem to have Dark Elves and chaos. Anyone interested in the high Elf scum? But yeah, this is looking good. a few more people and ill get this thing going
Looks like it's up to the Bretonnians to defend all that is good and right.
Looks like it's up to the Bretonnians to defend all that is good and right.
Bretonnians? I guess all that is good and right is doomed then!
I'm good to start from, well now.
Bretonnians? I guess all that is good and right is doomed then!
I'm good to start from, well now.
Not like the Empire does much better =p
25-06-2006, 13:38
won't be able to post right now, so save me a spot as lizardmen.
Not like the Empire does much better =p
Hmm thats so true
Well I guess that means there are two "good" armies then lizardmen and the brits.
Character Name: Karna
Race: Human
Age: 25
Mode of Transport: Foot
Weapons/Fighting Style: Mage, Staff, short sword, cloak
Physical Description: Average height, graceful build, mid-length blond hair, pale grey eyes, beautiful.
Reason to be involved: Dog of War, Aka Money
History: Born to simple farmers, she lived in peace till one day an goblin raiding party razed her simple village. Returning to find her friends and family slaughtered under the greenskin blades, she turned to flee but was persued by a group of the creatures. Tripping she fell, spraining her ankle and wept as she expected to be cut down. As one of the beasts prepared her to cut her down, something shifted in her mind and with a blast of arcane magicks surged forth destroying the goblins. A travelling wizard took her as an apprentice and began to teach her magick.
Character Name: Garriano
Race: Human
Age: 23
Mode of Transport: Foot
Weapons/Fighting Style: Warrior
Armour:Bladesinger Chain, Gloves of Snaring
Weapons: Ras, Adjatha the Drinker, Blade of Roses
Physical Description: Average height, lithe but muscular build, short pure white hair, glacial blue eyes, clean-shaven.
Reason to be involved: Dog of War, Aka Money
History: Garriano's earliest memories were of scrounging for food in the slums of a city in the Empire. He was taken into a group of thieves and acrobats were he spent the next few years of his life before the group got caught and most members arrested and subsequently hung.
Joint History: Both joined a group of sell-swords in close order, serving for a few months before the group was nigh obliterated due to a Beasts of Chaos attack. Both fled, often saving each other by the skin of thier teeth as they tried to escape the Beasts. Falling into a underground cavern, they explored as they prepared to make a last stand. Finding artefacts that enabled them to drive off the slavering beastmen.
ooc: If you'd like I'll edit in the info on the weapons/armour/spells.
25-06-2006, 18:25
Race- Lizardman
Age- Unknown, a few hundred
Mode of Transportation- Rides a young Carnosaur(it's about the size of a Cold One)
Weapons/Fightning Style- A Great Sword, a shield, and a club. He is a hand to hand warrior, not ranged or magic based one.
Reason to Be Involved- General in lizardman army, to defend Lustria against all who threaten it
Physical Description- about 6'5ft, with bright blue scales
History- Teptlax is an Oldblood, a lizardman bred for one purpose. That purpose is war. He grew to become one of the finest warriors the lizardmen have ever known. With cunning and power, he defends his homeland and the treasures within against all. He has recently begun riding a young Carnosaur as his mount.
25-06-2006, 18:31
Oh nice, a Warhammer Fantasy RP, I love Warhammer Fantasy.
Character Name: Te'Pex'Yia
Race: Chaos Dwarf
Age: Unknown
Mode of Transport: Feet (lol, 3" movement!)
Weapons/Fighting Style: Battle-Axe (maybe blunderbuss if you'll allow it)
Reason to be involved: Khorne (sif you need a better reason?)
Hope ye don't mind a Chaos Dwarf, they were kinda phased out in the 4th (are we on 4 or 6, ah well the most recent one) Edit rulebook
Liberated New Ireland
25-06-2006, 19:51
(Howdy, Toops)
Skaven General:
Character Name: Helkost the Vile
Race: - White. I mean, Skaven (sub-clan of Clans Moulder and Pestilens)
Age: 15
Mode of Transport: The sewers, his own two feet
Weapons/Fighting Style: Uses a masterwork battle-axe, Vicious, leads from the front
Reason to be involved:
Hatred of all things not Skaven, rallied his clanrats to destroy whatever city we're fighting over. Good enough reason for you?
Hmmm no High Elf yet.... Gess it appropreate they are pritty cowardly.
26-06-2006, 22:08
Yeah good point ..Where is everyone??
The Dylanites
27-06-2006, 09:07
Ok, just a quick note before i have to leave for college.
Thanks for everyone signing up and ill make the IC thread as soon as i get home, or if i get a share 10 mins at a computer in college.
Excellent- Let the carnage begin
Its a pitty there isn't anyone playing Empire though (they are my main enemies).
Don't worry if no one is playing your mortal enermy then you can slaughter them easily.... Death to the High Elves
27-06-2006, 14:30
Its a pitty there isn't anyone playing Empire though (they are my main enemies).
Indeed it is....my blade desires blood for Khorne!
27-06-2006, 15:55
Character Name: Lord Remiel De Drakan
Race: - Human
Age: - Unknown
Mode of Transport: - Walks, or uses a horse
Weapons/Fighting Style: - Longsword and Whip
Reason to be involved: Seeking out powerful new artifacts and new realms of sensation for his Master, this disciple of Slaanesh walks the path of the Lord of Pleasure; determined to claim souls and power for his infernal master. And enjoy every moment of it...
28-06-2006, 02:28
Is this ever going to start?
Hopefully there seems to be enough interest.
I figure ill add more info while waiting
Mount: Kharaidon unlike other Cold Ones does not suffer from stupidity. The numerous demonic powers which reside within Chroesh also leap periodically to Kharaidon and exert full control over the unruly beast.
28-06-2006, 17:49
Character Name: Alhovar Amiriath
Race: High Elf
Age: Several hundred years
Mode of Transport: Would a Great Eagle be allowed? I'd rather not just have him on a regular Elven Steed...
Weapons/Fighting Style: Alhovar carries the Bow of the Seafarer, passed down into the Seaguard from Ulanor who recieved it from Finubar himself. This mighty weapon has potent magic, giving it the strength of a bolt thrower. Obviously due to this gift, Alhovar is experienced in ranged combat, but he also carries a sword and a lance for those times when he must join the fray.
Reason to be involved: Alhovar came to Lustria on the behest of the Seaguard of Eataine. Leaving his beloved Lothern behind, Alhovar has traveled to the Citadel of Dusk, and is expected to soon recieve the mission that will send him north into Lustria.
That's it for now, though I may add another character or two if needed...
Excellent Caladonn. I look forward to the prospect of meeting you on the field of battle.
29-06-2006, 01:31
Yep. Good to see there are some of the spawn of Naggaroth here :)
Yep. Good to see there are some of the spawn of Naggaroth here
You sound suprised. Surely you would know that if there is a battle to be fought we are not ones to shy away. Nor do we believe ourselves safe when our enermies aren't beating down our gates.
29-06-2006, 16:04
You sound suprised. Surely you would know that if there is a battle to be fought we are not ones to shy away. Nor do we believe ourselves safe when our enermies aren't beating down our gates.
Heh. I'm not that surprised, many people like Dark Elves. Still, it is you who deserted Ulthuan during the Fall.
29-06-2006, 16:10
don't forget mr pointy we have Dwarves, Chaos Dwarves! Why must your nation be hated by so many?
The Dylanites
29-06-2006, 16:33
Yep. Good to see there are some of the spawn of Naggaroth here :)
Finally!! Some high Elf scum!! Traitors who follow a false king!! And, to be honest, i'm thinking that a Great Eagle may be a little overkill. after all, i passed on a black Dragon :rolleyes:
Ok guys, IC thread can be found here - http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=11264174#post11264174 - looking forward to meeting you on the battle field :cool:
happy posting
29-06-2006, 16:42
Finally!! Some high Elf scum!! Traitors who follow a false king!! And, to be honest, i'm thinking that a Great Eagle may be a little overkill. after all, i passed on a black Dragon :rolleyes:
Ok guys, IC thread can be found here - http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=11264174#post11264174 - looking forward to meeting you on the battle field :cool:
happy posting
False king? Pfft. You're the ones who worship Slaanesh and all those wierd gods.
Hmm... I'd kinda like the Great Eagle personally, it's not actually that great... I mean, in the tabletop game it's only like 60 pts, far less than a dragon's 200. Still, if a lot of people think it's too much then that's ok.
The Dylanites
29-06-2006, 18:15
False king? Pfft. You're the ones who worship Slaanesh and all those wierd gods.
Hmm... I'd kinda like the Great Eagle personally, it's not actually that great... I mean, in the tabletop game it's only like 60 pts, far less than a dragon's 200. Still, if a lot of people think it's too much then that's ok.
Ah, weird gods prehaps, but at least Malekith was the actual true King! You traiters and your false kings! Malekith was the next in line to the throne, personal pleasures aside. And yeah, if you really want a great Eagle, and no one else has any problems about it, then go for it.
30-06-2006, 01:08
It's pretty reasonable to get rid of the heir when he starts acting like Malekith did...
And anyway, thanks about the Great Eagle thing. I think it'd be cool to fly, but it really won't confer any untoward advantages, since this is based in Lustria.
30-06-2006, 01:13
You all shall bow before the might of Khorne! The God of Blood!
Bow before his mighty throne of bones and skulls!
In addition, i'd like to add another character.
Name: Derjeth
Race: Human
Age: Centuries unknown
Mode of Transport: Any concievable
Fighting/Weaponstyle: He uses his Magics and Blood staff.
Reason to be involved: He wishes to serve the Chaos gods, and bring eternal damnation to all followers of the false king!
30-06-2006, 04:41
I would like to apologize if anyone here was overly appauled by my post, and if someone is angry at me for it. Yes, though I said children were taken away to be sacrificed to the Blood God, I was just being in character, and acting out in such a way that Chaos would.
(If I just made an ass of myself....oh well. I thought maybe i'd over done it, but if you all thought it was a good post, then yay me! *Eats a cookie*)
Meh - your chaos - its expected you do cruel and brutal things.
I've changed my character around a bit and made him a local lord so I can actually have a warband to fight the chaos nutters with. :p
03-07-2006, 03:29
Unfortunately I'm going away till Friday... just assume that my character is going from Lothern to Bretonnia during that time.
Hmmm it would be nice to have another race or two out there....anyone?
Indeed, we need someone to play Empire at the least!!
Bump for more people - especially someone to be Empire
04-07-2006, 16:20
Bump for more people - especially someone to be Empire
Ok, then could I make another character for the Empire? I realize that its a god mod waiting to happen, but I'll be careful. (My other characters are Chaos).
At least we'll have an Empire character then. I'll think up something as soon as I get a reply.
Well yeah I gess it could work but you would have to establish goals that are even and not as you say god modding. It will take more work but if your up for it I say why not??? But then that just me what everyone else think?
The PeoplesFreedom
06-07-2006, 08:49
if you all like warhammer roleplaying
Warseer has a whole section
hay. Why is no one posting?