NationStates Jolt Archive

The True Prophets

The Aeson
22-06-2006, 19:49
Drexel Hillsville

As the large man stepped up to the podium, Gavril showed his press pass to the man outside the door. Everything was authentic except the picture of him, which had been added after the pass was obtained by someone who didn't really need it anymore anyways.

In any case, it was merely a distraction. Gavril drew the pistol from it's holster beneath his coat and shot the guard in the stomach. He burst through the doors, and raised his pistol, firing three shots at the man on the podium before placing the gun to his own temple and firing.


At the same time that Gavril was shooting the guard, an unremarkable minivan was driving down a road near a Toopixian factory. The destruction of one factory wouldn't be a great blow, but for the fact that information said Lucian Brave, the leader of the accursed company, was in it at the time. The attractive blond woman driving the minivan swerved suddenly, and as the car hit the factory, she pressed down on a detonator. Five hundred grams of C12 ignited, creating an explosion large enough to bring down a fourteen story building.
22-06-2006, 20:05
Just minutes before Lucian had been scanning the contents of the Widescreen in his office, he had found TV to be an excellent repository of information, he flicked through a news bulliten on a war in some nearby country, a cartoon popped up with a small guy in an Orange jumpsuit and lastly the TV remained on an Economic channel, best see how wealthy he would be today.
Indent"Sir!" A worker walked in, he was leant over a child and Lucian immediatly sat up and switched the screen off.
Indent"What is the meaning of this Leonovic, no children in my office!" Lucian roared as the child looked up at the worker, there were tears coming from the childs face as if he was desperatly nervous.
Indent"Sir, I know, I found him sneaking about in the restricted access, I wanted to know what to do with him." Lucian gave the worker a look of utter contempt as if he was saying that it was stupid asking the CEO of a large corporation to consider what to do with a child.
Indent"Rip out his voice box and send him out on the street-" Lucian pulled away from the convorsation and looked down at the road below, there was a minivan swerving at increddible speed towards the building.

**** **** ****

The explosion ripped out the glass frame of the modern looking office structure, the first wave of debris swept out scattering glass and molten iron across the roads and causing citizens to run for cover.
IndentNext came a wave of dust which confounded the populous and caused them to run in little circles trying to find their way back into houses, the last was about to tear through Volitaia.
IndentThe Sun blacked out and the Dust cleared a little, citizens ventured out to view the damage, a few coughs from the dust gave a little warning as to the terror that approached, one man had made it to the building, he was followed by his two children.
IndentThey were watched from afar by the concerned citizens, the group suddenly fell and were jolting about the dusted debris strewn road, the screaming began again and the citizens ran out as the deadly gas made its way out of sealed tanks and into the lungs of the various people.
The Aeson
22-06-2006, 21:24
Corrius watched the news in amazement. "And the sinner's own weapons will strike against them," he whispered, "And the devices that they fashion to bring about your end will bring about their end."

He stood up, and switched off the television, before picking up a telephone and pressing one of the speed-dial buttons.

"This is Corrius. Continue operations against Toopoxia at your own discretion. Over."
23-06-2006, 02:36
(OOC: I just ate my post so this has gone from being a really long detailled kikass story piece about Du'Font making odds with the new CEO of Toopoxican Organisation and the Bounty Hunters being mobolised to a simple meager BUMP)
Drexel Hillsville
24-06-2006, 21:48
Drexel Hillsville

As the large man stepped up to the podium, Gavril showed his press pass to the man outside the door. Everything was authentic except the picture of him, which had been added after the pass was obtained by someone who didn't really need it anymore anyways.

In any case, it was merely a distraction. Gavril drew the pistol from it's holster beneath his coat and shot the guard in the stomach. He burst through the doors, and raised his pistol, firing three shots at the man on the podium before placing the gun to his own temple and firing.

Henderson felt a bullet ram into his stomach. Another one peirced through his shoulder. The last of the three grazed his scalp. His world went dark as the sudden jolts of pain caused him to collapse into unconsiousness.

The Black Berets around him were uncharacteristly caught off guard. One of the was hit and killed by the second bullet. Ballistics reports would show that the bullet went into a metal support eam behind the Vice-Admiral, turned and flew into the man's heart.

With in minutes the Vice-Admiral was en-route to a nearby hospital and his doctors from the Kremlit were flying to it by helicopter. Military Dectecives confiscated the weapon used by the assailent. They took it to the Kremlit Labs to get finger prints and try match them to other crimes. Only one came up, the recent murder of press reporter Anthony Shea.

Several doctors attempted to reconstruct the dead terrorist's face. They were getting close. They based much of it off what was caught on the security cammeras at the press confrence. Some frames were taken from that footage by direct order of the Supreme Admiral. These frames were enlarged inorder to get a better look at the man's face. The frames were then taken by Col. Matthew Crowley, son of the Supreme Admiral, to the INAL headquarters.

Many people thought that the INAL was just another Irish liberation group. These people were wrong. The INAL was a government run para-military organization.

Crowley met with his cousin, Dennis Crowley, the leader of the INAL. "The Admiral wants you to see if you or anybody you deal with knows this man," He told Dennis as he handed him the photos. "He shot the Vice-Admiral this morning." Dennis looked over the pictures, "I'll see what I can do."

OOC: Damn, I was counting on something more original... No offense...
The Aeson
24-06-2006, 21:51
OOC: Well, I considered an explosive, but I wanted to make sure he could survive if you wanted him to. If it helps, it was a metal detector-proof gun. Don't worry, I'll make things interesting soon.
The Black Agents
24-06-2006, 21:59
OOC: could I join in....?

Drexel Hillsville your soldiers will be returning to you soon the graduation will be soon
The Aeson
24-06-2006, 22:14
OOC: could I join in....?

Drexel Hillsville your soldiers will be returning to you soon the graduation will be soon

OOC: Feel free. And now, as promised...

IC: Drexel Hillsville

A toy airplane was soaring above a crowded city square. Before anyone had time to wonder just what kind of idiot would fly a toy airplane with all these buildings around anyways, it dove towards a crowd of people, emitting a stream Anthrax directly towards them. It crashed into the ground, emmiting more anthrax.
24-06-2006, 23:52
(You did say you we're going to launch attacks on my religious organizations in my nation didn't you Aeson? I'm ready when you are. But please do scan over this wiki article on my nations major religion

It was a bueatiful Sunday Morning in Kanami. The sun had risenm the sky was blue.

Good Morning Everyone, Welcome to Sunday News, the focast is expected to be a hot sunny 85 degres today, with clear skies, enjoy it because there is rain in the forecast.

The churches we're preparing for services especially the biggest church, the Christao church.

The TV's also bustled with news or Sunday Programing or other show.

Across the marque of the capital city scrolled various things

Terror Alert Level: >>Blue<< Guarded Condition, DEFCON Status: 4
The Aeson
24-06-2006, 23:57
(You did say you we're going to launch attacks on my religious organizations in my nation didn't you Aeson? I'm ready when you are. But please do scan over this wiki article on my nations major religion

OOC: Sure, just one question. What are the buildings of worship called?
24-06-2006, 23:59
Shrines or just churches
The Aeson
25-06-2006, 00:11
OOC: Now to come up with an inventive way to attack it... Hey, haven't I got some Kraven armor floating around? Ah, yes.

IC: The motel where they had stayed hadn't been much to talk about. But it was right down the street from the church, and given their current atire, the two True Aesonics couldn't exactly afford to wander about town.

Both of them, you see, where in full Kraven battle gear, complete with GPMGs with SmartLink. They also carried Molotov Cocktails. One of the men threw a Molotov Cocktail at the church, and both opened up with their guns.
25-06-2006, 00:13
A sermon was interupted by the noise. And all hell was breaking lose, as people scrambled.
The Aeson
25-06-2006, 00:25
"In the name of Ehzno, and in the service of the True Gods, you are all hereby sentenced to death!" Shouted one of the men, striding through the doors into the church and randomly shooting at the worshippers, "Your crimes are failing to honor the True Gods, and worshiping a False God. May you burn in the hell you deserve!"

The other, not speaking at all, followed, also randomly shooitng at the worshippers. Suddenly, both of them stopped shooting.

"However, you may yet survive. If Elenore Romney delivers herself to us within three hours, you will all be let go. For now," he pointed with his gun at an elderly man, "You go, and bring our demands."
25-06-2006, 01:03
OOC-I am interested in joining.

The Old Religion believed faith and virtue were equal in importance but they believed in One God only. Now, there was a nobleman named Armin who with his family went to an Old Religion temple service:

''Glory be to the All in All, Our Lord. His left hand safeguards the rightous.....''

What Armin did not know was that Ezhnoists could attack the service.
The Aeson
25-06-2006, 01:05
OOC-I am interested in joining.

The Old Religion believed faith and virtue were equal in importance but they believed in One God only. Now, there was a nobleman named Armin who with his family went to an Old Religion temple service:

''Glory be to the All in All, Our Lord. His left hand safeguards the rightous, his right hand destroys the wicked.''

What Armin did not know was that Ezhnoists could attack the service.

OOC: Sorry, but I believe I have enough people that I'm going to attack. If you want to help out some of the people that got attacked, that's fine.
Israel And Palestine
25-06-2006, 01:07
OOC: Sorry, but I believe I have enough people that I'm going to attack. If you want to help out some of the people that got attacked, that's fine.

OOC-I could leave so that he/she can join in. I don't mind. Perhaps the Israeli Mossad could help Kanami and others? If you don't mind, I could leave but if not, I will stay.
The Aeson
25-06-2006, 01:08
OOC-I could leave so that he/she can join in. I don't mind. Perhaps the Israeli Mossad could help Kanami and others? If you don't mind, I could leave but if not, I will stay.

OOC: Either way is fine. If you want to pull out, that's fine.
Israel And Palestine
25-06-2006, 01:09
OOC: Either way is fine. If you want to pull out, that's fine.

I am going out, you can reply to Thanetaria's post.
The Aeson
25-06-2006, 01:15
OOC-I am interested in joining.

The Old Religion believed faith and virtue were equal in importance but they believed in One God only. Now, there was a nobleman named Armin who with his family went to an Old Religion temple service:

''Glory be to the All in All, Our Lord. His left hand safeguards the rightous, his right hand destroys the wicked.''

What Armin did not know was that Ezhnoists could attack the service.

A sniper crouched on the roof of a building across the street. He took careful aim at the man standing at the head of the service. After all, it was safe to assume that he was the religious leader.

The sniper pulled the trigger, shouting "In the name of Ehzno, and the service of the True Gods!" He fired once more, at a random member of the service, before rolling away to seek a different vantage point.
25-06-2006, 01:18
A sniper crouched on the roof of a building across the street. He took careful aim at the man standing at the head of the service. After all, it was safe to assume that he was the religious leader.

The sniper pulled the trigger, shouting "In the name of Ehzno, and the service of the True Gods!" He fired once more, at a random member of the service, before rolling away to seek a different vantage point.

Armin looked up and saw a man shouting. ''There goes the Peace we had.'' a old man muttered. People ducked for cover, the first man to be fired at was forced back from the shot.

The random member shot at was a child. A girl fell to the ground, her arm bleeding. People helped her out as she was in need of help.

The service was being turned upside down or something, thanks to this sniper who was of the Ezhnoists.

OOC-Is this an ok post?
The Aeson
25-06-2006, 01:34
OOC: It's all right. Try to work more on individual reactions, and put a bit more meat into the post.

IC: Calonius lifted the rifle again, his hands steady, "Artemis, goddess of hunting, guide my bullets," he prayed, carefully lining up another of the worshippers in his sites.

Though the first two bullets had been normal bullets, the rest of the ammunition he carried was poison tipped. "Death, and hellfire to the unbelievers, that the righteous may inhereit the earth," murmurred Calonius, firing.
25-06-2006, 04:38
The preacher fell quickly. Many we're wondering if it was heart attack.

"He's been shot!"

Panick set in.

A off-duty cop shouted: "EVERYONE! LISTEN!! STAY DOWN!"

A passing camera crew started capture video of the attacks. They would need it later for the trial. They felt like reall heels for not doing much to help, but they we're unarmed. They did call the cops though, and SWAT Was on their way.

Meanwhile Elenore was in her own services. Right in the middle of a hymn, a secret service officer whisperd to her. She dropped the book, and was escorted out, to her bullet proof limo.

"What on earth is going on, a terrorist attack on our soil?"

"That's right ma'am. We still aren't sure whom the assailents are, we don't know if they are Anti-Princstable sympatheizers, or Al Qedea or what."

"What ever it is gentalment, people are likely dying, and we can't afford more. Deploy the National Guard, call in Homeland Security, raise the Terror Threat Level to RED and we go to DEFCON 1. I don't care if it is sunday, if no one is organized with in the next 45 minutes, heads will role."

SWAT was already racing to the sceen.
The Aeson
25-06-2006, 12:19
The preacher fell quickly. Many we're wondering if it was heart attack.

"He's been shot!"

Panick set in.

A off-duty cop shouted: "EVERYONE! LISTEN!! STAY DOWN!"

A passing camera crew started capture video of the attacks. They would need it later for the trial. They felt like reall heels for not doing much to help, but they we're unarmed. They did call the cops though, and SWAT Was on their way.

Meanwhile Elenore was in her own services. Right in the middle of a hymn, a secret service officer whisperd to her. She dropped the book, and was escorted out, to her bullet proof limo.

"What on earth is going on, a terrorist attack on our soil?"

"That's right ma'am. We still aren't sure whom the assailents are, we don't know if they are Anti-Princstable sympatheizers, or Al Qedea or what."

"What ever it is gentalment, people are likely dying, and we can't afford more. Deploy the National Guard, call in Homeland Security, raise the Terror Threat Level to RED and we go to DEFCON 1. I don't care if it is sunday, if no one is organized with in the next 45 minutes, heads will role."

SWAT was already racing to the sceen.
"I'm not bluffing!" Shouted one of the men, "I'll kill everybody in here if Romney doesn't arrive in the next hour!" To demonstrate his point, he snapped a young boy's neck and through him out the window.

"It's on your heads if they all die!" He quickly stood away from the shattered window. Time to see how they took his demands. He turned on a small radio to a news station.
25-06-2006, 13:11
(OOC: cos my post got eaten I'll introduce the character of Sergei Solov in OOC, he's the Vice president of the Toopoxican Organisation, a middle aged man, not as Charasmatic as Lucian and a little less willing to commit crimes to complete goals, though he's a great leader)

"I suspect there are still Cells within Toopoxia, I could find them for you." Sergei lept out of his skin when Akre suddenly appeared out from the shadows.
Indent"Thank you for the offer Mr Toops, but I'd rather trust in the usefulness of the Toopoxican Military Police." Sergei could see he was annoying Akre, he didn't really care because Akre wouldn't dare kill Sergei for fear of the Organisation going bust and him being tossed out onto the streets.
IndentAkre paused and walked back and forth across the pavement, "I can see that even if I do not kill you this corporation will go downhill, you lack the charisma and the balls to do his job." Now Sergei was scared, as much as he knew his death would be suicidal to the Organisation it didn't seem to matter to this psychopath.
Indent"Look, alright fine, just try to stay above the law." The compromise was met and Akre grinned a sort of expression which suggested that he was considering ignoring the request, he shook hands and flew off into the shadows.
The Aeson
25-06-2006, 13:47
OOC: Just for general knowledge, Kologk is a puppet of mine. They're more or less in a permanent state of civil strife, so the government isn't really going to be paying attention here.

"Sir, we have a situation."

"What?" Asked Keene, tiredly. He had been up most of the night with the Holy Council, talking about this Undershi situation that was developing. He had been looking forward to sleep, but now this... Still, the good of the people took precedence over his own health.

"Sir, it's the Ehznoists again. It was decided, since you're the only member of the Council that's dealt with them before..."

"Yes, I understand. What are we dealing with here?"

The aide handed him a sheet of paper. Keene swore as only a Holy Man can. "Drexel Hillsville? Toopoxia? Kanami? They're not fooling around this time."

"Do they ever, sir?"

"No. No they don't. I don't see what recourse we have left. We need to deploy the Shadowmen. We had some intelligence before The Cleansing... a warehouse in Kologk..."

"Yes, sir."
Four Shadowmen were to be deployed to the warehouse. An unremarkable cargo ship carried a MXX-Stiletto to within range of Kologk, and it was launched. Once it was within range, it in turn launched several UAVs and a landing boat. The Shadowmen dragged the wooden boat into a cave. Then they set off towards the port city where the warehouse was located.
25-06-2006, 16:49
The limo arrived at an undisclosed location. She was quickly led down to a nerve center bunker.

"Where are the others?"


"Never mind, get them, and their famlies. Well I mean bring them here, get their famlies to a safe house."

Cops cars spead off, like bats out of hell.

it was now 12:45.

Molly Anderson from homeland security was sitting at home reading. Her daughter played the piano, her husband sat next to the little girl as she played.

Cops pulled up.

"What's going on?"

The police opend the door. "Lady Minister, we have an emergency. We need you to come with us."

Alex Lang of Defense was still in church. He taught Sunday School to young kids. "So when Jesus healed the Lepords."

All the kids reacted to the cops.

"Alex Lang, you're needed by the Prime Minister, let's go."

Karou as at a shrine.

"Ms. Kamiah, emegencey, now."


Emmy was her self in church, in a private confession booth.

"I just don't know what to do father." She turned to see a police officer sitting there. "Madam, Wilent, your needed."

Akiko was up late at a bachlorett party. She was still asleep. The shades were open. "Let's go."

"What are you guys doing, am I under aresst?"

"No, you need to come with us."

Finally Jason was at a family BBQ.

"Mr. Izen, party's over."

They all assembled into the bunker.

"We have a situation. We are under attacks." Elenore plainly said.

Molly quickly interjected to the others "Raise to RED LEVEL."

"Done, and we are at DEFCON 1"

"Any hostages any demands." Alex asked.

"None yet."

"Exuse me Prime Minister, I think you'll want to see this."

A video came up.

"I'm not bluffing! I'll kill everybody in here if Romney doesn't arrive in the next hour!" To demonstrate his point, he snapped a young boy's neck and through him out the window.

"It's on your heads if they all die!" He quickly stood away from the shattered window. Time to see how they took his demands. He turned on a small radio to a news station.

"Oh Dear God they want me? Have we pinned them to any group yet?"

"Non yet ma'am."

"I'm going."

"Prime Minister!"

"I can't let people die because I'm too cowerdly to leave. They want to mess with a bull, let them get the horns, tell them I'm on my way, and just in case, get the Cheif Justice in here, if I don't make it back, Akiko will have to be sworn in."

SWAT and the National Guard set up a permiter. "You're kidding me! All right. Attention, assailents, this is SgtMjr. Robert Townsend, Prime Minister Romeny is on her way, I repeat Prime Minister Romeny is on her way. However if you kill anymore people before she arrives, she may not be so inclined to speak with you."
25-06-2006, 17:21
OOC: It's all right. Try to work more on individual reactions, and put a bit more meat into the post.

IC: Calonius lifted the rifle again, his hands steady, "Artemis, goddess of hunting, guide my bullets," he prayed, carefully lining up another of the worshippers in his sites.

Though the first two bullets had been normal bullets, the rest of the ammunition he carried was poison tipped. "Death, and hellfire to the unbelievers, that the righteous may inhereit the earth," murmurred Calonius, firing.

OOC-Sorry for late reply. I am burdened by personal things.

Some of the worshippers were hit with bullets, they being attended to by others. As Calonius was shooting, one old man was muttering as well:

''Forgive those who hearts are of stone, and who are of the wicked.''

Finally, as the firing stopped, everyone looked at Calonius, the minister (still thinking of how Old Religion clergy goes) was on the ground, attended to by others.

Armin held his family to him, he hoped he and/or them would not be attacked by this man. Perhaps Calonius had more men with him, who knows?

OOC-The Old Religion is similar to yours in a way. Your religion has virtue more than faith. The Old Religion places them in equal standing.
25-06-2006, 17:24
OOC-I would have liked to do something like this, I mean we never did our first RP. However, I'll only watch as you have enough people.
25-06-2006, 17:30
OOC-I would have liked to do something like this, I mean we never did our first RP. However, I'll only watch as you have enough people.

I would have liked to do it too, I suppose. I have the Norse Religion (Odin, Thor, Freyja, etc...) and Christianity and some others, I think as my people's faiths, I'm still planning out the nation.
The Black Agents
25-06-2006, 19:30
OOC: what happened to the sniper...?
The Aeson
25-06-2006, 19:33
OOC: what happened to the sniper...?

OOC: My sniper? In Thanetaria? He's still there. I'm thinking at this point that he'll probably wait until emergency services get there and shoot at them.
The Black Agents
25-06-2006, 19:35
OOC: Would you mind If I kill him? I was think of taking him out by shooting himthrough his scope lens.
The Aeson
25-06-2006, 19:36
OOC: Would you mind If I kill him? I was think of taking him out by shooting himthrough his scope lens.

OOC: Show off. :p. Yeah, you can do that, though I imagine he'd have to be what? On the roof of the temple?
The Black Agents
25-06-2006, 19:45
OOC: in the crowd...the best way to hide is in the open....


This blood shed had lasted its time. And the contract for the killers was able to become active. Once the Prime minister arrived the agent was is his place to excute his contract. The agent in all the confusion moved to a new location out of sight. And by removing his civilians cloths he revealed his black armor. And melted into the shadows. moving swiftly and silently the agent made his way the a spot he could reach the sniper. Once he got to where is felt comfortable, the agent quickly assembled his sniper rifle. Once made the agent loaded a single black jade bullet into the chamber. The scope activated and quickly scanned for body and weapon heat. Within seconds the sniper was found. But the agent didn't shot him yet, he waited for him to shot again. Once he killed another person his contract became active.

The agent waited his trigger finger ready and waiting. The sniper barrel built to make no sound or flash, and no shine from light, while in the shadow the rifle and the agent never existed......
The Aeson
25-06-2006, 19:59
OOC: in the crowd...the best way to hide is in the open....


This blood shed had lasted its time. And the contract for the killers was able to become active. Once the Prime minister arrived the agent was is his place to excute his contract. The agent in all the confusion moved to a new location out of sight. And by removing his civilians cloths he revealed his black armor. And melted into the shadows. moving swiftly and silently the agent made his way the a spot he could reach the sniper. Once he got to where is felt comfortable, the agent quickly assembled his sniper rifle. Once made the agent loaded a single black jade bullet into the chamber. The scope activated and quickly scanned for body and weapon heat. Within seconds the sniper was found. But the agent didn't shot him yet, he waited for him to shot again. Once he killed another person his contract became active.

The agent waited his trigger finger ready and waiting. The sniper barrel built to make no sound or flash, and no shine from light, while in the shadow the rifle and the agent never existed......

OOC: Wait... the Prime Minister? Um?

IC: The scope on the sniper rifle exploded. Calonius's reflexes were incredibly fast. They had to be for him to have survived so long as a military sniper before joining the Ehznoists. As a result, when most men would have died unaware of what had happened, Calonius was able to think Oh shit.

Then he died.
28-06-2006, 02:07
Back in the bunker the defense ministers we're on the phone with the nations top assasin. "Get here ASAP, just in case Romeny is targeted."

Elenore arrived, took the Megaphone with out asking "This is Romney, what do you want?"
The Aeson
28-06-2006, 02:15
"Romney! You are an enemy of the True Gods! You are hereby sentenced to death!" The man's voice was bordering on hysteria. He knew he wouldn't make it out of that church alive. But then, that had been the situation from the begining. His announcement was immediately followed by two streams of of GPMG fire aimed in the direction that Romney had been speaking from, and sweeping back and forth to create the greatest probability of a hit.

After the bullets had fired towards the Prime Minister for a while, they abruptly stopped.
28-06-2006, 02:24
her life flashed before her eyes, she was all right, partially wounded and on the ground but all right. Two people one cop, one marine took protected to her. The cop was fatally wounded.


"NO! There are innocent people in that church. We can't fire yet."

"Are you all right Prime Minister?"

"I'm lucky I'll tell you that. Officer (She looked at the tag) Phillmen, you are a brave soule, and a person I won't forget. Go with God. Sgt. Michales, thank you are you all right."

"I'm bleeding but fine."

The Police cheif took the megaphone. "Do NOT I repeat DO NOT Fire again. any other acts will be considered acts of agression against us. (to Elenore) Maybe I should bluff." She nodded.

"You may have killed our Prime Minister, and won this battle, but you will not win this war."
The Aeson
28-06-2006, 02:26
OOC: Taking a church full of hostages and shooting your prime minister wasn't considered an act of agression? Geeze, you guys are easygoing... IC post coming soon.
The Black Agents
28-06-2006, 03:02
The Black agent stationed at the church continued to look over the contract. It stated that once the prime minister was hit, that he was to protect her, but only use kenetic weapons is 100% nessesary. This got the agent thinking. The contract only says he couldn't use his guns it never said he couldn't use his swords. The agent quickly made his way to the Prime minister and to tell her his plan....
29-06-2006, 01:38
(OOC: no I mean acts of further acts of agression against the police)