NationStates Jolt Archive

V3 The Ryukyu Conflict

22-06-2006, 19:17
This is a promotional RP for Veni Vedi Vici, an 1850's based Earth RP.

In this particular scenario, France has siezed the Ryukyu Islands south of Japan from the sick man of Asia, the Chinese Empire.
Japan, of course, is moderatly worried about this and steps in to take the islands for themselves, not wishing to have an expansionist neighbor of great power to their south.
The Japanese military, using Russian-bought arms, promptly departs for the Ryukyus to oust the French and set up a proper Japanese claim on the islands.
The French have an advantage in technology, being in possession of modern rifled muskets, but are outnumbered by the Japanese, not to mention the Japanese knowledge of the area.

If you wish to participate in V3, sign up on the forums. Later on, you can join in the promotional RPs.
22-06-2006, 19:19
And my strong Japanese knowledge has volunteered me to be a slave...

<-- Japan, we are discussing the scenario. So hold onto your panties, kiddies!
22-06-2006, 19:21
Vive le Roi! Vive le France!

France is here. As stated, we're working out the kinks.