NationStates Jolt Archive

Department of Commerce

22-06-2006, 02:04
Royal Ministry for Commerce


Royal Treasury

High Kingdom of Atruria


To ensure and maintain a steady growth in the economy of the nation
22-06-2006, 02:14
Message From The Minister

Hello Visitor,

Both of us are extremely excited to welcome you to the joint-page for the Royal Department for Commerce and the Royal Treasury. The Department for Commerce is responsible for census and vital statistics aspects, as well as patents and trademarking, economic development, and the nation’s official weather service. The Royal Treasury, on the other hand, is tasked with minting money, collecting taxes, and maintaining the government’s funds.

Yours truly,

Alain J. Sullivain
Alain Sullivain,
Royal Ministry for Commerce


G. Arawn
Gadyern Arawn,
Third Chancellor,
Royal Treasury
22-06-2006, 02:27
Domestic Statistics

Government Category: Civil Rights Lovefest

Government Category: New York Times Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Strong
Civil Rights Rating: Excellent
Political Freedoms: Superb
Income Tax Rate: 94%
Major Industry: Uranium Mining
National Animal: Atrurian Red Lion
National Currency: Atrurian Credit
Total Population: 2,181,000,000
22-06-2006, 02:34
Economic Details

Exchange Rate: 2.0290 Atrurian Credits = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $21,402,772,788,868.84
GDP Per Capita: $9,813.28
Unemployment Rate: 8.43%
Consumption: $1,184,021,280,000.00
Government Budget: $20,610,554,426,280.00
Government Expenditures: $20,198,343,337,754.40
Goverment Waste: $412,211,088,525.60
Exports: $2,590,403,918,440.69
Imports: $2,569,995,747,326.25
Trade Surplus: $20,408,171,114.44
22-06-2006, 02:37
Government Budget Information

Administration: $1,413,884,033,642.81 7%
Social Welfare: $1,413,884,033,642.81 7%
Healthcare: $2,625,784,633,908.07 13%
Education: $4,847,602,401,061.06 24%
Religion & Spirituality: $0.00 0%
Defence: $3,231,734,934,040.70 16%
Law & Order: $3,231,734,934,040.70 16%
Commerce: $403,966,866,755.09 2%
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $0.00 0%
Social Equality: $3,029,751,500,663.16 15%
22-06-2006, 02:43
Top Ten Most Profitable Companies In Atruria

1. Durenhall-Locksley Mineral Corporation
2. CeltoPower
3. Royal Bank of Locksley
4. Sienar Nuclear Systems
5. McLovin Rifles and Arms
6. Atrurio-Archen Sea Oil Corporation
7. Hawthorne Auto Parts
8. MechanoCelt
9. Atrurian Mining Company
10. CerdiCar
Van Luxemburg
30-08-2007, 12:28
(OOC: Yes, I know, this is a sort of gravedig, but my search for automobile companies brings me everywhere. :p )

From: Kristin Becker, Board of Managers, VLT Automotive Group N.V.
To: Atrurian Royal Ministry for Commerce
CC: Atrurian Automotive Enterprises, Cerdica Car Production Inc.
Subject: Discussion about possible sale

Dear Sirs/Ma'ams,

Maybe we should introduce ourselves first: VLT Automotive is one of the largest, if not the largest, worldwide automobile manufacturer. We aim to build quality automobiles, which can compete with the world's top brands.

With our increasing sales, we are always looking for expansion, worldwide. This has led to the sale of several respectable names in automobile manufacturing to us in the last few years. At this point, we would like to discuss the possibility of buying Atrurian Automotive Enterprises and Cerdica Car Production Inc, and take them under the wings of VLT Automotive.

We can guarantee that these companies will receive a dignified treatment, and that their names will continue to feature on their cars. The takeover by VLT can only bring more employment to your nation: you have our promise that the production of these brands will not be moved overseas. Another advantage is that both brands can use the extensive technical databases of VLT, to develop their automobiles even further.

We are curious to hear your answer,


Kristin Becker,
Board of Managers,
VLT Automotive Group N.V.
30-08-2007, 12:31
OOC: Crap, sorry I was in the middle of redoing the companies thing so I didn't see your post, but if you want CerdiCar and Hawthorne Auto Parts then thats cool.
Van Luxemburg
30-08-2007, 12:37
(OOC: Ok, perfect! How much would that cost me? Basically, I'm interested in buying any automobile company, even the ones that don't actually sell cars (but manufacture engines or so)
The Vuhifellian States
02-09-2007, 01:27
[OOC: Atruria, do you live in Jersey?]

The Federation cannot help but ask if open investment by Vuhifellian corporations is permitted in your nation.
02-09-2007, 10:01
Alfegos Rare Earth Metal Co.

Our company is interested in starting a relationship with the Durenhall-Locksley Mineral Corporation, as well as the Atrurian Mining Company.

We would find it in both our interests if we were able to trade resourfces we have a surplus of, such as Coal, Silver, Indium and Arsenic, and trade for our deficit, such as Tin, Manganese and Phospurous.

We hope that we can establish amicable trade relations.