NationStates Jolt Archive

A New England but not in the New World

Nova England
21-06-2006, 18:52
''I found this land and I claimed it for the English people. It will be an English land, under English rulers''- John Holmes, founder of Nova England.

Nova England is a Christian state founded by English people from old times. It is known for the Religion of Elishabath which will be explained soon. In fact, let's explain it now, to save time:

Elizabeth was a girl from an English colony in Nova England. When she was 12 (this is disputed by some), she was seized by native people who did not seem to like the English. She was brought before the chief who is said to have thought she was a Goddess. He ''knew'' her during their first meeting and he had her marry him. She bore a daughter, named Kampala (disputed by some). Her husband was known to have incestous relations with her, even at a young age, he ''knew'' her, it is said at 10 years of age. Elizabeth or Elishabath was made to have incestous intercourse with her own daughter, it is said that shamans ''spilt their seed onto them, that one or both may bare more Divine Children''., this is also disputed.

Elishabath soon bore other children, all ''known'' by their own father and later made to with their mother. Elishabath died before her husband did, he died in a battle with another group who took the Children of Elishabath as booty. These children were later recieved by the English and the English raised them, possibly learning of the Religion of Elishabath which is still practiced today among people. It is disputed whether she accepted the worship, or the incest with her daughters, though it is said that she did not want to.

The Tomb of Elishabath is located in the city of Port Elizabeth. The tombs of her children are there as well. Her husband's tomb is not there, he is somewhere else. Elishabathists have composed things like:

''Glory be to Her, to Elishabath, who as a foreigner revealed Herself to Us as the Incarnation of the Goddess.'' The native group she was made much art of her, including a picture of her as a child, holding the Earth in one hand and her other hand in a blessing mode.

As for her children, it is disputed what status they hold. Some say angels, others say ''Simply residents of Heaven''.

The UK form of Parliament is practised here, the absolute monarchy became constitutional. The current monarch is King Oliver XI of Nova England.

This ends my introduction for my nation, for now, I suppose. I am a newbie to NS. How did I do so far? Sorry if I stole any ideas from anyone in my intro.