A Political Explosion (Open MT)
Aran Defo, President of the Democratic Republic of Londim, sat in his office with his head in his hands. The television was relaying the days news but the President wasn't paying attention. Instead his mind was focused on a problem that was gaining momentum.
Earlier that day
"Fred I want you to update me on the situation to do with the object in zone 51", said President Aran.
"Well sir as you know the object has hit neutral territory simply known as zone 51. We have sent a team of military and research personnel to examine the object but other nations have sent team. We believe-."
At this point a knock on the door had interrupted Fred Phelps, Minister of Science.
"Come in", called the President. At the call a man in his early thirties entered the room carrying an envelope.He was quite tall with long brown hair. His name was Damien Salt, an advisor to the President. He looked anxious and agitated.
"Mr President we have just received this letter. I think you better read it."
Damien passed the letter towards the President who started reading.
To the President,
We the, Free Red, are a group who believe in communism and feel it is time you and your government step down to let us take over. These demands are simple but if not met will result in heavy costs. You have 24 hours or we will act swiftly and cause a terror this nation has never seen. The choice is yours Comrade.
The President stared at the letter in shock.
"We can't let this happen!", he exclaimed,"Londim has been a democracy since its beginnings. I want security in all towns and cities increased. Who knows what these people are capable of. I have heard of the Free Red. They were a communist group 50 years ago who carried out some bombings to gain power. If they have returned then we must crush them but they will be hard to find. I want to know if other nations have received this threat and we also must ask for assitance from other democratic nations."
To the Nations of the World,
Today Londim received a threat form a group called the Free Red.They are communist and have demanded our government steps down for them to rule. If we do not then they will cause great damage to our nation. They are a group that wish to change the whole world to communism. If you have received a similar threat please respond then we can work together to eliminate this threat. Help Fight for Democracy.
President Aran
The Democratic Republic of Londim.
21-06-2006, 18:03
The empirer of Sochatopia Williom Is sitting in the chair and reading his mail when he opens a letter
Dear empirer of Sochatopia
We the, Free Red, are a group who believe in communism and feel it is time you and your government step down to let us take over. These demands are simple but if not met will result in heavy costs. You have 24 hours or we will act swiftly and cause a terror this nation has never seen. The choice is yours Comrade.
He gets his aids It the commies damn those basterds their at it again. I thought banning the communiest party would stop this i dont have to remind you what happen last time.
Sir should i close the border? Yes but i fear its to late.
Sir i was reading the rest of your mail and i feel you should read this.
I dont have time i have to prep the army the police the navy and the airforce.
Sir you really need to read this.
Out of my way enough of your nonsence.
* Steps in the path of Williom*
Willion says out of my way. No sir read this
*hands him the letter*
To the Nations of the World,
Today Londim received a threat form a group called the Free Red.They are communist and have demanded our government steps down for them to rule. If we do not then they will cause great damage to our nation. They are a group that wish to change the whole world to communism. If you have received a similar threat please respond then we can work together to eliminate this threat. Help Fight for Democracy.
President Aran
The Democratic Republic of Londim
This changes everything we may have a allie.
As Kitru read the letter, he smiled. "Another Communist group. Only one thing to do." He grabbed his pen and began writing.
--- Message
To the Free Red,
We wish to aid you in your quest for freedom. We are a Communist State, and we wish to aid you in freedom. Please, contact us. Our borders are open to you.
Leader of Hayord
--- Orders
"Go to the capital city. In the sewer maintenance, secotr 3B, there is a hidden room, behind some kind of pillar. Wait there. At midnight, a man will come. I used to be a member, Trust me."
OOC: To the nation above me: Please use correct grammer and spelling. I understood it, but please, make it easier to read. More people will join you if you can be understood.
Comrade Vito, Leader of th Free Red, looked at the letter from Hayord.
"So it seems we have a nation who is willing to help for our cause. I will meet this man and see what they offer. Comrade Gret send them a message to say we will meet them."
"Yes Comrade."
To Kitru, Leader of Hayord,
We, the Free Red are delighted by your support so we will meet with your 'man'. I hope our group and your nation can topple this corrupt capatalist nation.
Comrade Vito
The Free Red
President Aran had so far received one reply from the world. The Empire of Sochatopia also had received this message. They seemed like a potential ally against this threat.
21-06-2006, 18:57
Dear President Aran we have to unite to defeat this commie group do you have any plans my nations opinion polls are in 64% of my country supports me against the commies 8% dont care 28% are pro commie. however our inteligance agents reported a estimate of over 12 million people have crossed the border in the past year. We are at a loss over what to do we are requsting your help.
To the Emperor of Sochatopia,
National opinions show that the voting public are in 92% favour of our democracy due to referendums being held on many issues. 5% are not bothered and 3% are Pro Communist. Plans are currently being discussed by Londims Military Heads. We must act in a way that upholds democracy but sends a message to this group who want to take over.
The World Soviet Party
21-06-2006, 19:10
Chairman Alexander of the World Soviet Party read the news with increasing grief, some deranged lunatics calling themselves communists were threatining other nations.
To the FREE RED Movement leaders,
As the leader of a communist country, Im obliged to ask you to put down your hostile tactis, this is not the way to obtain whatever you want. Its democracy, in its perfection that makes our nations great.
Chairman Alexander of the World Soviet Party Council
21-06-2006, 19:25
OOC: Your Minister of Science is named Fred Phelps?
You should have just called him Bill Hitler.
Comrade Vito read the letter with disdain.
"So they do not recognise our goals to be in the best interest of communism everywhere", he thought to himself," fine but they shall not stop us."
To Chairman Alexander of the World Soviet Party Council,
We of the Free Red have noticed your concerns but Comrade if you are not with us then you are against us. We will ignore you and your excuse for a Communist state. Leave us to do what we must.
Comrade Vito
Free Red
OOC: Your Minister of Science is named Fred Phelps?
You should have just called him Bill Hitler.
OOC: Any names of persons in this RP are purely coincidential to people with same names in real life. The poster of this name does not represent any ideas of the real Fred Phelps who is a complete idiot. :D
The World Soviet Party
21-06-2006, 19:46
Comrade Vito read the letter with disdain.
"So they do not recognise our goals to be in the best interest of communism everywhere", he thought to himself," fine but they shall not stop us."
To Chairman Alexander of the World Soviet Party Council,
We of the Free Red have noticed your concerns but Comrade if you are not with us then you are against us. We will ignore you and your excuse for a Communist state. Leave us to do what we must.
Comrade Vito
Free Red
To Comrade Vito,
Then you leave no choice, I will help these capitalist to show the world that communism isnt only about war, kidnaps and threats.
Chairman Alexander
World Soviet Party
Chairman Alex sighed and started writing
to Aran Defo,
Hail, we are willing to support you with Medical Staff in this action of yours, however, we ask that all prisioners are sent to us, including the leader, as we wish to set an example to all that Communism isnt only about war.
Chairman Alexander
World Soviet Party
The man was there, waiting. He was hidden in the shadows. He had back-up, one squad of elite soldiers on and aroudn the catwalks. He had a squad of snipers on the roof of the station. Anyone coming would be reported. They clearly had the communist hammer and sickle sign, awaiting commands.
Holy Paradise
21-06-2006, 20:00
Aran Defo, President of the Democratic Republic of Londim, sat in his office with his head in his hands. The television was relaying the days news but the President wasn't paying attention. Instead his mind was focused on a problem that was gaining momentum.
Earlier that day
"Fred I want you to update me on the situation to do with the object in zone 51", said President Aran.
"Well sir as you know the object has hit neutral territory simply known as zone 51. We have sent a team of military and research personnel to examine the object but other nations have sent team. We believe-."
At this point a knock on the door had interrupted Fred Phelps, Minister of Science.
"Come in", called the President. At the call a man in his early thirties entered the room carrying an envelope.He was quite tall with long brown hair. His name was Damien Salt, an advisor to the President. He looked anxious and agitated.
"Mr President we have just received this letter. I think you better read it."
Damien passed the letter towards the President who started reading.
To the President,
We the, Free Red, are a group who believe in communism and feel it is time you and your government step down to let us take over. These demands are simple but if not met will result in heavy costs. You have 24 hours or we will act swiftly and cause a terror this nation has never seen. The choice is yours Comrade.
The President stared at the letter in shock.
"We can't let this happen!", he exclaimed,"Londim has been a democracy since its beginnings. I want security in all towns and cities increased. Who knows what these people are capable of. I have heard of the Free Red. They were a communist group 50 years ago who carried out some bombings to gain power. If they have returned then we must crush them but they will be hard to find. I want to know if other nations have received this threat and we also must ask for assitance from other democratic nations."
To the Nations of the World,
Today Londim received a threat form a group called the Free Red.They are communist and have demanded our government steps down for them to rule. If we do not then they will cause great damage to our nation. They are a group that wish to change the whole world to communism. If you have received a similar threat please respond then we can work together to eliminate this threat. Help Fight for Democracy.
President Aran
The Democratic Republic of Londim.
President John Holtz quietly read the letter forwarded to him from the nation of Londim. When he finished, he quietly put down the letter and massaged his temple, pondering what action should be taken. He pushed a button on his intercom. "Attention, all secretaries of the Cabinet and General Washington are to meet in the situation room as soon as possible." Holtz spoke into the intercom. He released the button, got out of his chair, and ran to the situation room.
Within a few minutes, the entire Cabinet and Gen. Washington were seated in the situation room. President Holtz began to speak. "Mr. Secretaries, Gen. Washington, we have a major situation taking place in the nation of Londim. According to intelligence, a Communist group called the Free Red has threatened the democratic Londimian government. I will read word for word the letter to you now." President Holtz cleared his throat.
To the President,
We the, Free Red, are a group who believe in communism and feel it is time you and your government step down to let us take over. These demands are simple but if not met will result in heavy costs. You have 24 hours or we will act swiftly and cause a terror this nation has never seen. The choice is yours Comrade.
The entire room filled with whispers and gasps. "I also have a letter from the Londimian government asking for help." President Holtz continued.
To the Nations of the World,
Today Londim received a threat form a group called the Free Red.They are communist and have demanded our government steps down for them to rule. If we do not then they will cause great damage to our nation. They are a group that wish to change the whole world to communism. If you have received a similar threat please respond then we can work together to eliminate this threat. Help Fight for Democracy.
President Aran
The Democratic Republic of Londim.
President Holtz allowed for a moment of discussion amongst the members and then continued to speak. "Gentlemen, the question here is whether or not we ask Congress for the right to aid Londim, militaristically or otherwise. Or, although I hope you will not decide this, do we aid the Free Red in their terroristic rebellion?" President Holtz explained.
"Mr. President, you already know our decision. Tell Congress that the government of Londim has our full support on this matter." Secretary of State Samuel Botelli replied after a brief conversation with the other cabinet members and Gen. Washington. "Excellent. I shall deliver a request to Congress to send military forces to Londim to prevent the Free Red's wishes from being carried out." Holtz said.
About 2 hours later, the vote came back from Congress: 456 ayes, 44 nays.
From: President John Holtz of the Conservative United States of Holy Paradise
To: President Aran of the Democratic Republic of Londim
Subj: Permission to send military forces
We of the Conservative United States of Holy Paradise request permission from you, Mr. President, to send military forces to your nation of the Democratic Republic of Londim in order to help you fight and destroy the Communist terrorist organization the Free Red. God bless you, and God bless Holy Paradise and Londim.
The President read the letter from the World Soviet Party. This was unexpected but the President greatly appreciated the help. The security in all major public sites had been stepped up. The Military had decided to mobolise he army incase this group got support from other nations. The Presdient didn't like it but this group could start an all out war.
To Chairman Alexander of the World Soviet Party
This is a very unexpected but welcome surprise. We of Londim galdy accept your medical help and we will send you prisoners caught in any conflict regarding this situation but we may need to extract information first. We share the same goal so lets work together depite our differences.
President Aran Defo
The Democratic Republic Of Londim
Comrade Vito read the letter with anger boiling up in him. He smashed the cup he held in his hand against the wall. In his eye that cup represented capitalism.
To Chairman Alexander of the World Soviet Party,
We of Free Red are digusted with your decision. You do not represent our communist goals and so you are also our enemy. We will do all we can to bring you down just like these capitalist fools.
Signed Comrade Vito
Free Red
The World Soviet Party
21-06-2006, 20:07
Chairman Alexander read both letters, one with great happiness, the other with increasing sadness.
To President Aran Defo from The Democratic Republic Of Londim,
I will send you the 2nd and 3rd Medical Units, both are composed of several, well-trained doctors, nurses, and campaing medical installations fully equiped for combat situations, I must add however, that none of my men will be carrying weapons, except for their self-defense handguns (M1911A1 Colt .45's) so I ask you for an armed guard.
Chairman Alexander
Soviet World Party
21-06-2006, 20:08
dear president of Londim and Holy Paradise we are at a loss as what to do if we attack this terror group first public opinion will turn on us and if we weight for them to attack us many will die. So we want to know whats your corse of action how will you deal with this situation.
Sincerly empirer of Sochatopia.
Holy Paradise
21-06-2006, 20:12
To: Chairman Alexander of the World Soviet Party
From: President John Holtz of the Conservative United States of Holy Paradise
Subj: Thank you
Although usually our ideologies, economic and otherwise, would be on odds with each other, we are happy that you are going to help us protect Londim from terrorists. Although you may be Communist, you are a good man, and your nation should be a model for all Communist nations.
The World Soviet Party
21-06-2006, 20:17
To: Chairman Alexander of the World Soviet Party
From: President John Holtz of the Conservative United States of Holy Paradise
Subj: Thank you
Although usually our ideologies, economic and otherwise, would be on odds with each other, we are happy that you are going to help us protect Londim from terrorists. Although you may be Communist, you are a good man, and your nation should be a model for all Communist nations.
Chairman Alexnder smiled, it was a rough time, but things like this made it worth it.
To President John Holtz of the Conservative United States of Holy Paradise,
In the name of my country and my people, I thank for your generous thanks (=p).
This matter concerns us all, as this threatens world freedom, and democracy as a whole, so its nice to know there are people out there who will support you in times of danger (like we are doing with Londim now).
Chairman Alexander Aszenmil of The United Socialist States of The World Soviet Party
The following message was sent to Londim, through diplomatic channels
TO: Aran Defo, President of the Democratic Republic of Londim
FROM: Thomas II, High King of Atruria
Mr. President,
I am Thomas Lothar, the ruler of the High Kingdom of Atruria. It has come to my attention that there is a communist group in your borders, attempting to forcibly gain control of the government. The High Kingdom has just recently survived through its own communist insurrection. As such, we feel the pain of your nation and are willing to aid you. If you would like, we will send components of the 13th Special Service Brigade, as well as the 8th Paratroop Brigade and the Army Intelligence Brigade.
HRM, Thomas II, By the Grace of God, High King of Atruria
Holy Paradise
21-06-2006, 20:34
To: Chairman Alexander of the World Soviet Party
From: President Holtz of the Conservative United States of Holy Paradise.
Subj: You're welcome.
You're welcome. It doesn't matter who supports the cause or is against it, its what the cause is and whether or not you support it.
Meanwhile, soldiers were getting ready to go to Londim. At one base, a group of soldiers were singing. "Back in black! I hit the sack! I bet you know I'm glad to be back! Yes I'm let loose from noose that's kept me hanging about. Looking at the sky cause its getting me high, forgot the hearse' cause I never die. I got 9 lives, cat's eyes, abusing everyone of them and running wild!
Cause I'm back!
Yes I'm back!
Well I'm back!
Yes I'm back!
Well I'm baaaaaaa...baaaaaaack
Well I'm back in black, yes I'm back in black!
Back in the back of a Cadillac! Number one with a bullet, I'm a powerpack Yes I'm in a bang, with a gang, they got to catch me if they want me to hang, cause I'm back on the track and I'm beating the flack! Nobodys gonna get me on another rap, so look at me now I'm just a makin my play. Don't try to push your luck just get outta the way!
Cause I'm back!
Yes I'm back!
Well I'm back!
Yes I'm back!
Well I'm baaaaaa....baaaaaack!
Well I'm back in black, yes I'm back in black!
(Music only)
Well I'm back!
Yes I'm back!
Well I'm back!
Yes I'm back!
Well I'm baaaaaa....baaaaaack!
Well I'm back in black, yes I'm back in black!
Ahh yeah!
Aw yeah!
Hell yeah!
Aww yeah!
Well I'm baaaaaa....baaaaaa....baaaaaaa...baaaaaaa....baaaaaaack!
Well I'm back in black, yes I'm back in black....outta the sack!"
(Lyrics from Back in Black, copyright 1980...ish, AC/DC, album Back in Black)
From: President John Holtz of the Conservative United States of Holy Paradise
To: President Aran of the Democratic Republic of Londim
Subj: Permission to send military forces
We of the Conservative United States of Holy Paradise request permission from you, Mr. President, to send military forces to your nation of the Democratic Republic of Londim in order to help you fight and destroy the Communist terrorist organization the Free Red. God bless you, and God bless Holy Paradise and Londim.
To President John Holtz of the Conservative United States of Holy Paradise,
We the government of Londim allow some miltary presence here in Londim. Only engage if absolutely necessary.We thank you for your support. May we together eliminate this threat.
President Aran
The Democratic Republic of Londim
To The Emperor of Sochatopia,
We suggest covert operations against this group if it is infiltrating your nation. Once caught find evidence to show connections to revolution and their involvement in Free Red. Once evidence is found announce your findings to your people. This sound send a message to Free Red that they will be caught. I wish you good luck.
President Aran
The Democratic Republic of Londim
To Chairman Alexander of the World Soviet Party,
We will be happy to provide a Guard for your medical staff. They will be guarded 24 hours a day. My soldiers will not let anything happen to them. If it does then I will do all in my ability to hunt down those who committed the crime against your people. We thank you again.
President Aran
The Democratic Republic of Londim
The World Soviet Party
21-06-2006, 20:52
Alexander wrote:
To President Aran,
Our medical staff should be arriving your country in two or three days, they will land at any place you designate and from then on will be under your command until they are called back.
Chairman Alexander
Holy Paradise
21-06-2006, 20:53
To President John Holtz of the Conservative United States of Holy Paradise,
We the government of Londim allow some miltary presence here in Londim. Only engage if absolutely necessary.We thank you for your support. May we together eliminate this threat.
President Aran
The Democratic Republic of Londim
Understood, we shall send a force of 3,000 men for now, all armed with various weapons, 50 humvees, 15 Comanche helicopters, 20 Chinook helicopters, 20 M1A1 Abrams tanks, along with supplies and such. God bless.
President John Holtz of Holy Paradise.
To Chairman Alexander,
Tell you teams to travel to Linb Airport. It is a small airport and their arrival will not be picked up. From here they will be picked up at different times by white sedans. Tell them to arrive in civilian clothing. All white sednas wil have a small mark on them, a monkey on the hood. This is all for their protection. They will then be transported to the nearest military base where they will stay until needed.
President Aran
The Democratic Republic of Londim.
To Thomas II, High King of Arturia,
We welcome your support. However I feel it my duty to inform you that this group could restart a Communist uprising in your nation. If you decide to redraw your previuos statement we will understand.
Comrade Vito had sent messages to branches of the Free Red telling them of the situation. They were all ready for combat.
He saw this man he was to meet about the support for Free Red. He had a gun concealed on him if this turned out to be a trick.
OOC: Free Red may commit terrorist attacks on your nation. If you deny permission for this to occur then post here.
Holy Paradise
22-06-2006, 00:14
Go ahead, let the free red attempt something.
The man stepped fro mthe shadows. "My name does not matter. All the matters is where and how we may strike. Where your bases lie, what oyur strength is, and how many weapons you have."
The man stepped fro mthe shadows. "My name does not matter. All the matters is where and how we may strike. Where your bases lie, what oyur strength is, and how many weapons you have."
"Ah Comrade, a man of mystery. Well lets get down to the facts. Our bases lie all over the world hidden from those in power. The places we must strike first are public places within the nations that are planning to fight us. Hit big areas to cause an environment of fear. The way we strike are bombs. Now the strengths you ask of the Free Red. Many of us have been in the military and a few of us held high positions. Others are normal people who have become disillusioned by capitalism. The weapons we have vary from place to place. Some areas have MK-47's others have Revolvers. Some of our troops carry RPGs which can be used for many purposes. Now Comrade, may I ask how you will help us?"
The man pulled out a walkie-talkie. "Come," he said simply into it. The two squads were at his side in a minute. "A sniper squad, and an elite squad. Pick one. Use it. See their power."
The man then pulled out some C4. "This is a sewer maintenacnce place... right? A big place." He smiled. "It will stink here and for miles around, and also i nthe hoem of the civilians. Let us wire it. Unless you say so."
Comrade Vito was mezmerised at the power this one man held.
" I see Comrade you are serious. A demonstration will not be necessary. Why waste ammunition when it can be used for much bigger purposes. Well the plans I have are to attack the following nations: Conservative United States of Holy Paradise, The World Soviet Party and Sochatopia as well as Londim. These nations must be struck. I see you are confused about the World Soviet Party as a target but they have decided to side with the others to crush us. Bombs must be simultaneously exploded to send messages to all the nations that we are serious. The targets I will let you decide..."
"Yes, but this is also connected to the main governement building. If this is destroyed, the building will stink." He went to wiring it up. "We will also handle Sochatopia, but you must handle the other two. Comrade, Communists will handle their own problems sometimes. I am helping you."
The two squads left, the snipers going tos et up around the main government building. The other quickly changed into tourist clothes, and they went to visit the main government building.
The one man had the whole building wired. "Let us leave."
Holy Paradise
22-06-2006, 18:23
To: President Aran Defo of Londim
From: President John Holtz of Holy Paradise
Subj: Troop deployment
The forces I mentioned earlier are on their way. They will stop at a base we own not far from your nation where they will wait until you give us permission to land.
The World Soviet Party
22-06-2006, 18:29
To President Aran,
My medical staff has arrived at the designed location, they are eager to begin their duties.
Chairman Alexander
22-06-2006, 18:49
SCENE: Office of George A. Loak, Supreme Emperor
George was looking over the news for the day. A skirmish in the outer territories of a Shazbotdom Colony, riots in some no named country that no one gives a damn about, earthquakes, volcano's and other shit that was useless in the eyes of George. He the turned on his state of the art computer, it had a 1.9 Terrahertz Pentium 8 processor, and went to the only International News web site that he trusted. He noticed an E-Mail in his inbox from a nation that he never heard of. George was about to delete it when he noticed that, according to the feature in Google Mail, the message was about a Communist Freedom Fighters organization wanting a nation to switch their political system to Communism. He sighed and and typed up a quick memo that he would E-mail to the nations involved as well as the general public in those nations so that it filters down to this Communist group.
May it be known that Communism doesn't work in practicality. May we suggest that if you do chose to fight for a change in your political system, to chose something more realistic such as a Democratic Socialist system or a version of a Theorcracy. We, The Empire, do not support terrorism in any way and will stand in the way to hinder it. We may be a Marxist/Socialist nation but we will not stand idly by and watch innocent people die for a cause that, to us, seems ignorant.
To President John Holtz of Holy Paradise,
I give permission for your troops to land immediatly. I fear that it will not be too long until the nations involved in this come under attack. We thank you again for your support.
President Aran
The Democratic Republic of Londim
To Chairman Alexander,
We have picked up your medical staff. We have set the combat status to Active and so they will begin their duties as soon as the first assault begins. Again I promise we will protect them to the best of our abilities.
President Aran
The Democratic Republic of Londim
A few blocks away from the Sewage Maintenance building
Comrade Vito was impressed by this mans actions. It was good to know someone like this was helping Free Red.
"Comrade this shall indeed produce interesting results. I already have plans for the other nations and have sent messages to the other Free Red cells in those nations." At this point Vitos mobile phone rang. "Hello...Ahh Comrade what is it? A message you say? From who? Shazbotdom? Hah they know nothing. Ignore them. If they decide to get involved then they will also feel the wrath of Free Red. Goodbye Comrade."
Free Red base, The Soviet World Party
Comrade Hannah had received the message from Comrade Vito. She smiled as she read the message. A communist group attacking a communist nation. This truly was interesting.
"Right Comrades", she said to all the others in the group, " it seems we are going to stop sitting here waiting for the world to come to us so we will introduce ourselves to the world. We must attack this very nation we are in. A large public spot will be ideal to send a message to non-believers throughout the world. Let us plan."
Free Red Base, Holy Paradise
Comrade Herz read the letter. Finally action was going to be taken. For too long he had been working under this capitalist system and he hated it.
"So Comrades our time has come. It is time to unleash ourselves upon this world and bring Communism into power. We must according to the note attack a large public area so we will. It is time these capitalist pigs got a wake up call."
(OOC: All nations that are about to be attacked. RP the attack through news media. The attack type and place is totally upto you as long it is in your nation and a large public area.)
The World Soviet Party
22-06-2006, 19:46
Today at 8:30 AM the local cell of a terrorist group only known as Free Red attack Milsbury's Middle School, reports indicate that they have hostages and are planning to kill one by the hour unless the Soviet World Party ceases to assist Londim on its fight against them.
So far, only 3 gunshots have been heard, the police estimate that they were probably warning shots to get the students and teachers to move.
As always, we'll give you the details as we get them. This is Dana Lohrne for WSP NEWS, back to studios.
22-06-2006, 19:57
SCENE: Office of George A. Loak, Supreme Emperor
There was a lot of people walking in and out of the room, handing George data on the latest from the nations that the Free Red are attacking. George was reading through the information as it was comming in. He then picked up the red phone to talk to everyone in the building.
George: "I want everyone in the my office to get me up to speed with what is going on."
The meeting then starts...
SCENE: International Airspace
Several AC-01's were in midflight being refueled as they were on their way toward Londim. Satelites were a buzz in the area of Lontim, trying to find any information about the wearabouts of the terrorist organization and their hideout.
22-06-2006, 20:11
The desk was hand-polished, foreign red maple with chrome bumbers and real gold flecks embedded in the finish. It may not have been the most tasteful desk but it was damn expensive. Which is why Vitalinus San Saxos, President, Speaker of the Dumah, Commander-in-Cheif and Father of the People of Parsenna winced when Field Marshal Turmus slammed the thick dossier down on top of it with enough force to knock one of his pens into the waste-paper basket.
"Calm down, Igor, just calm down," the President removed a pack of thin black cirgarettes from his jacket pocket, lit one and offered the pack to his military commander "smoke?"
"Have you even READ these reports on the Londim situation? We've got to do something!" The much-bemedalled officer snarled and gesticulated wildly with the thick manilla envelope.
"We do?" President San Saxos was always wary of 'doing things', he hadn't gotten to be the longest-lived leader of Parsenna sinse the Revolution by doing things. "What seems to be their prob..."
"COMMUNISTS! Its the Goddamn Commies!" And the folder, on the desk, again. "They're trying to take over..."
"Take over Londim? Then, wait, wait, don't tell me, then 'World Revolution', right?"
"Exactly, we didn't overthrow their kind fifteen years ago just to watch them..."
"Yes, yes, principles of freedom and all that, don't start quoting the Declaration of Revolution to me. I helped ghost write it. So, the communists are trying to take over Londim..."
"Yessir. Just like they did here in the '50's, we can't just stand by and let this happen to another nation!"
"I don't know" the President took a long draw off his cigarette and looked off dreamily "You forget Igor, it wasn't all bad times under the old regime..."
"I don't forget, sir," the marshal muttered under his breath, "that you were head of the black market..."
"Yeah..." Vitalinus smiled a secret little smile then shook himself out of it, "anyway, Londim is a long way from here."
"Damn it, sir, this isn't just about Londim anymore, Holy Paradise, Sochatopia, even the damn World Soviet are getting involved, Parsenna can't be seen to be standing still, I can have cells of my old partisans up and armed by..."
"Now, hold it there, Igor" The president put up one manicured hand to stop him. "If this is becoming an international incident, we must consider our options carefully, those are big, powerful nations and we are but a small country. We must be cautious" He knitted his brows in thought, then nodded to himself, having come to a decision. "Vilnius..."
"Yes, Mr. President?" The small, well-dressed head of the secret police, who'd been silent up until now, rose from the couch and smoothed down the legs of his expensive trousers.
"Dig some of the old regime's people up out of the prisons, use them to make contact with this, what'd you call them again, Igor?"
"The Free Red, sir?" The Field Marshal looked genuinely puzzled.
"Right, right, with these Free Red. Terrorists need guns, even better, terrorists with guns mean that everyone else needs more guns to fight them. We're a nation of smugglers and goat thieves, we have to play to our strengths. The thing I think you never really got, Igor," Vitalinus smiled his lop-sided, evil grin to his horrified field commander as he leaned back in his chair "is that communism can be good for business...."
OOC: This is my first post on the forums here, if I'm doing something wrong here, fer the lovamike, tell me...
OOC: That is a great first post. Keep it up.
IC: The Presidents eyes were bloodshot from staying up all night going over the situation. He switched on the television to be greeted with very sombre news.
The Londim News Network has just learnt of an attack on a middle school in the World Soviet Party. Reports are sketchy but it appears a group calling themselves the Free Red are the suspects. They have hostages of students and teachers. Accordin o official reports three shots have been heard.....
The voice of the newsreader was cut off as a large explosion was heard from downtown Resa. This woke the President right up. Officials came running into the office to see what was happening through the Presidents window. They could see a large pillar of smoke rising in the distance.
"Sir", said one of the advisors, "that looks like it is coming from the Sewage Treatment Facility. If thata the case the sewage system in the surrounding area for at least 2 miles will be affected."
"Get emergency teams down there now! There are people manning that place 24 hours a day and there will be injuries. Call in all avaliable medical teams to respond including any foreign ones. At least 500 people will be affected in the immediate area. I want surrounding areas evacuated and cordoned off." The President shouted these orders while concerned greatly about the other nations involved.
"Sir I think it is time you addressed the nation", said Peter Chong, one of the advisors.
"Very well Peter. I will."
10 minutes later
After the attack that occured barely a quarter of an hour ago we now cut to Resa House to hear an addrese from our President:
"People of Londim. We have entered a dark era. Yesterday evening we received a letter from a group calling themselves the Free Red who told us to step down to allow a communist government to take over. We obviously declined this and now it appears they have resulted to force to get what they want. As I speak our military is mobilising and other nations who have been attacked, like the World Soviet Party as we saw on the news this morning, are preparing to hunt out this group and wipe them out. We have found allies in many nations and we are prepared to fight. An attack on our nation whether by a foreign power or a terrorist group is an act of war. So if its a war they want it is a war we will give them. May we all pull through together on this.
A speech from our President who has declared War on these terrorists. May God bless us all.
As the President left the podium the crowd was cheering. He heard them but did not share their enthusiasm. There was work to be done.....
Holy Paradise
22-06-2006, 21:51
TV screens across Holy Paradise cut to the infamous "special report" background. A deep, ominous voice says, "This is a HPBC special report. Here is Bill O'Really."
"Ladies and gentlemen, at approximately 3:32 PM CST, multiple explosions rocked the cities of Holy Paradise City and Darumba. In Holy Paradise City, authorities say 7 bombs, each the equivalent of the truck bomb used in the Oklahoma City bombing, went off in 7 separate areas. One bomb virtually demolished the city center, 2 others destroyed 15 buildings downtown. Deaths in Holy Paradise City are estimated to be at...(gets choked up)...20,000, of that group, 7,500 were children and teens.(Composes himself) Meanwhile, in Darumba, 5 bombs of the same type went off simultaneously in different areas, one bomb destroying the tallest building in Darumba, which was 1,102 feet tall. Deaths in Darumba are estimated to be at 19,000, of which...(gets choked up again) 4,500 were children and teens. This brings the total current death toll to 39,000, with 12,000 of those deaths being that of children. We are told that President Holtz is going to speak now. (Tears roll down Bill's cheek before they cut to the President).
President Holtz silently ascends the stage to the podium. The entire press room is quiet except for the constant clicks of the many cameras. "At 3:32 PM CST, terrorist scum detonated 12 bombs, 7 in Holy Paradise City, 5 in Darumba. Current death tolls estimate that 39,000 people died in these attacks, many of them children. The cowardly vermin that did this are now hidden throughout Holy Paradise, laughing and cheering as innocent people suffer, but I promise you this, Holy Paradise: We will find them, and when we do, they will wish they had never been born. But they aren't the only ones. Intelligence reports have stated that the Free Red, the terroristic communist group from Londim, and an unknown supporter from another nation were behind these despicable and horrible attacks. They will be brought to justice swiftly and without any mercy. What I am about to say is directed right to the head of the Free Red, "Comrade" Vito, and the head of the cell here, whatever his/her name is: We will not rest, we will not waiver, we will not slow down until both of you are dead and thrown away like trash." President Holtz said emotionally.
Independent Hitmen
22-06-2006, 21:56
The Johnson Building, IH State Department Main Facility
The Diplomatic Square, J City
Secretary of State Thomas Adler was a man accustomed to receiving numerous messages and communiqués from foreign governments everyday. Mostly his staff handled them, but this one was apparently different. It was with a cynical mind that he picked up the piece of paper in his in tray, obviously a computer print out but on thick paper that he often printed diplomatic messages on, and began to read. When he had finished and re read it once he picked up the Intelligence report that was also on his desk.
Democratically ruled population of 120million, 92% approval of democracy. Yet influential communist terror group.
He knew that under usual circumstances they would automatically qualify for financial aid under Section Fourteen Five of the anti-terrorism bill. But all expenditures of significant funds had been paused with the ongoing War of Golden Succession that was sucking in so many governmental, but principally military, assets. Well he had no place in that at the moment, diplomacy was taking a back seat while the jocks in the military blew up some nice shiny enemy ships and tanks. When they got bored of it or started losing then the SecState would be called back in, however until that he had to look for other potential hot spots or items of interest.
And he knew that this just might be one.
“Jenna, can you ask John and Mike to step up here for a minute, shouldn’t take more than a few minutes” was all he spoke into the intercom before turning and looking out the large armoured window behind him.
No less than a minute later the big wooden door to his office swung open and the two visitors were conducted in by a Diplomatic Security Agent who promptly withdrew. SecState started the conversation.
“Tom, can we get away with applying Fourteen Five to this incident?”
He handed the briefing file over, careful to have removed the page entitled military ramifications. The executive assistant read it quickly and his eyes narrowed.
“With a senior administration officials endorsement it would sail through the spending committee. Audit may be slightly tricky, but the President is always interested in countering terror not to mention threats to democracy.”
“But with the Russian Forces leaders due to visit town its probably best to keep the bit about communist freedom fighters under wraps for now” This from the other executive, a senior diplomat with ambassadorships already under his belt.
Secretary Adler’s deep green eyes flicked between his two guests as his trained mind considered the proposal briefly.
“Ok, lets proceed. Call the boys at Treasury and get them to quietly put together a package. Lets say five hundred big ones, and put it down in our expenses columns. They will know what that means. I’ll get on the phone to OK it with the man in the big house. Mike, draw up a quick note to send to their embassy or consulate if they have one here…you’d better find that out. If not we had better make sure they can keep their mouth closed about the funding before we give hints as to it.”
The two men took their cue to go about their tasks and left, closing the door behind them. Secretary Adler picked up his phone and hit his speed-dial. Only two rings were necessary before the person on the other end picked up.
“Johnathon, Tom here........yeah I'm fine...how are you and the kids?........Excellent. I have something that might be of interest to you, referring to Fourteen Five………”
Five minutes later when his telephone call was done he placed another call, this time to the New White House and the President.
Fifteen and a half hours later a hand written letter was presented to the representative of the Londim government who had come to greet the lone DS Agent who had just flown from J City to the capital of the small flourishing democracy.
Dear Esteemed Leaders of The Democratic Republic of Londim,
The United States of Independent Hitmen has had a proud history of democracy since its founding many years ago and we wish to help pass this on to others. You have sent a plea to the world for assistance against threats to your own sacredly held democracy and we intend to answer those calls.
We have specific agreements for this, principally our Anti-Terrorism Bill’s section Fourteen Five dealing with assistance we can lend to democratically elected governments who are facing overt hardships for any number of reasons related to threats to democracy.
We note with approval that a significant proportion of your nation supports the democratic way of life and as such you indeed qualify under Section Fourteen Five for financial and other assistance from the USIH.
To that end we wish to transfer funds to your nation to help combat this threat, specifically the one posed by the Free Red movement. However due to sensitive political conditions within the USIH we must ask that this agreement remains covert for the immediate future.
The money is free to be spent on whatever you desire; the only condition attached is secrecy as to who gave the aid to you. If you agree to this we are prepared to transfer $500 Million USD within 24hrs, with more aid at our discretion depending upon your circumstances upon a review of the situation.
The messenger who brought you this will convey your reply to us.
-UnderSecretary of State Jack Wilkins.
OOC: The other phone call will become apparent in my next post, gotta hit the sack for a bit now, exam tomorrow!
To UnderSecretary of State Jack Wilkins,
We gladly accept your offer $500USD and also thank you for your support to help tackle this threat. We will keep your secret. The money will not be wasted and will be used to tackle Free Red.
Peter Chong
Presidential Advisor
The Democratic Republic Of Londim
The President kept his eye on the International news. Holy Paradise had been hit worst with a death toll of 39000. This was total anarchy. Free Red must be stopped at all costs before more innocents died. Reports wer coming in that at least 300 people had been killed at the bombing site in Resa. The nation was officially at War.....
Comrade Vito was watching the news. This was going better than expected.
"Such a shame so many had to die but it was all for a noble cause", he thought.
This was the only way these stupid governmnts would listen to their demands. The school siege was excellent. The young being threatened always brought out weakness.
"So Comrade, what is our next move?", he said to the mysterious gentleman.
Holy Paradise
22-06-2006, 23:22
With smoke still floating into the sky, police forces began to get search warrants so they could search the homes of any members of the Communist party to see if they could find anyone or some evidence of someone participating in the attacks. One such search took them to the suburbs of Holy Paradise City. These were beautiful homes, although quite expensive, nestled in the mountains overlooking the city. Police Sgt. Mike Whalfer and Lt. Kyle Ruskburger were baffled by this: Why would a Communist be living a home that would have taken years of work in the capitalist economy Holy Paradise had to afford? They arrived at the house, which was one of the nicest in the neighborhood. Checking their guns to make sure they were loaded, the officers walked up the the front door and rang the doorbell. The door opened slowly to see a tall, young man with black hair dressed in Abercrombie and Fitch clothes. He was probably only 25 years old. "He must be visiting his parents," the police officers thought. "Hello, son, may I speak to the owners of this house?" Kyle asked kindly.
"You're looking at him," the man replied. Even more baffled, Kyle began to speak again, "Mr. Jeremiah Maxford, we have a warrant to search your home in connection with the bombings of Holy Paradise City and Darumba earlier today."
"I had nothing to do with this, there is no need for you to come in to my house to search." Jeremy replied defensively.
"We have orders from the court saying we can, would you please let us in?" Kyle responded calmly.
"Mr. Maxford, refusing to obey a police officer's orders is a crime, I'm giving you one more chance, would you please let us in?" Kyle explained, agitated.
"No!" Jeremy then pulled out a gun and aimed it at Kyle. But Kyle was faster. Kyle shot Jeremy with a taser and calmly told him, "Mr. Maxford, you have been shot with a 50,000 volt taser because you refused to obey an officer's orders. You are being placed under arrest for refusing to obey an officer's orders, obstruction of justice, using a weapon to threaten a police officer, and threatening to commit murder of an officer. You have the right to remain silent, however anything you say can and will be used against you in court of law, you have the right to an attorney, you have the right to a public, speedy trial by an impartial jury..." as Jeremy twitched on the floor. Mike stepped over him and began looking through the house. In Jeremy's bedroom he found a map of the city with pins in it, the pins being directly on the spots where the bombs went off, photos of buildings, photos of people who were known Communists, a packet filled with information on how to make a bomb like the ones used that day, and messages from a group called the Free Red. Mike handed it all to Kyle as Jeremy was placed in the car. "Hoho, man, Mr. Maxford, you are in a heap of trouble. We are now also placing you under arrest for carrying out at least one of the terrorist attacks that took place today. I don't need to say your rights again, you already know them." Kyle said. They then drove back to the station.
The World Soviet Party
23-06-2006, 00:35
Latest News
The camera zooms out a crying couple, Dana is standing some meters away from them.
According ot official sources, the three shots we heard earlier were not warning shots, just as the Negotiator arrived, a body was dumped from the window (We see a video of it), apparently, it belongs to Tony Gracia, age 10.
His parents were shocked by the news, and we give them our deepest and sincerest apologies.
So far, the Free Red movement has asked for a clear runway on the International Airport, as well as 2 buses to transport the hostages. We presume the goverment wont follow the instructions.
More as it comes in.
Holy Paradise
23-06-2006, 01:12
Latest News
The camera zooms out a crying couple, Dana is standing some meters away from them.
According ot official sources, the three shots we heard earlier were not warning shots, just as the Negotiator arrived, a body was dumped from the window (We see a video of it), apparently, it belongs to Tony Gracia, age 10.
His parents were shocked by the news, and we give them our deepest and sincerest apologies.
So far, the Free Red movement has asked for a clear runway on the International Airport, as well as 2 buses to transport the hostages. We presume the goverment wont follow the instructions.
More as it comes in.
Official Statement from President John Holtz of Holy Paradise:
Attention to all members of the Free Red, for every child you kill at that school, we will kill one of your members and place their body in a dump.
From: President John Holtz of Holy Paradise:
To: Mr. and Mrs. Garcia of The World Soviet Party
I know this will never be able to change what the Free Red did to Tony, but I want you to know we will find the people responsible for your son's death, and they shall be brought to justice. May God bless you and keep your son safely in His hands.
Holy Paradise
23-06-2006, 02:14
Interrogation Room
HPIA(Holy Paradise Intelligence Agency) Headquarters
Holy Paradise City, Holy Paradise(State), Holy Paradise(Nation)
Jeremiah Maxford nervously sat in the colorless interrogation room, illuminated by one fluorescent lamp. He was attached to a lie detector in the room. One man in a uniform, named Jeff Billings watched the machine, while a man in a suit, named George Walfordson paced back and forth in front of him. After about 10 minutes of this, George sat down in a chair on the other side of the table. Jeremy slightly moved around in his chair, beads of sweat dripping down his face. "Stop being so antsy, son, and pay attention!" George barked. Jeremy immediately stopped. "Thank you," George said. "Now, I want to know who is the head of the Free Red cell here in Holy Paradise. Do you know who it is?"
"No, I don't." Jeremy replied. George looked at Jeff. "He's lying, George." George nodded and then promptly slapped Jeremy across the face. "Hey, that's abuse!" Jeremy exclaimed. George slapped Jeremy again. "Oh, I'm sorry, I should better respect a man who killed thousands of people. Do you think anyone on God's green earth right now cares if I slapped you? Now cooperate with us and we might ask the judge for a lighter sentence. If you don't, we will suggest you receive the death penalty." George explained.
"I thought you banned the death penalty." Jeremy said, confused.
"It was reinstated about 4 months ago. Didn't you watch the news? Oh, wait, that's right, you were being told how evil we are by Comrade Vito." George replied. "Now tell me, who is the head of the Free Red cell here?"
"I'll never talk." Jeremy replied. George belted Jeremy right across the face. Jeremy got up from the floor, blood dripping from his nose. He sat back down in the chair. "We can continue to do this, each time getting worse until I'm forced to frickin' castrate you. Or you can tell us now." George said.
"You wouldn't castrate me." Jeremy scoffed.
"You want to bet?" George asked with a smile. He snapped his fingers and the door opened. A man rolled a cart in showing many menacing instruments. "Do you really want to lose everything you have that makes you a man?" George smiled. Faced with the prospect of losing his manhood, Jeremy sighed and began to speak. "Okay, okay, I'll tell you. The head of the Free Red cell in Holy Paradise is...is...Comrade Herz."
"Do you know his first name or where he is?" George asked.
"No, I don't." Jeremy replied. George looked at Jeff. "He's telling the truth," replied Jeff.
"Very well. Alright, take Jeremy away, I'll see if the judge will only give him life without parole." George ordered. Two guards came in, handcuffed Jeremy, and began to lead him out of the room. Just before Jeremy left, George yelled out, "Jeremy!"
"What?" Jeremy asked as the guards stopped.
"Those instruments I showed you? You know, the ones I was going to "castrate" you with? Well, they're plastic." George smiled. Jeremy uttered a string of profanities at George as the guards led him away. "Jeff?" George asked.
"What, George?" Jeff wondered.
"I love my job." George replied and the two men burst out laughing.
Holy Paradise
23-06-2006, 02:27
Pics of the attacks
After the building was cleared, the man exited. He took Comrade Vito with him to the other side of the street. The building exploded, the stink arising all over the city. The man disappeared with Vito before anyone knew what had happened.
"Our next move, Comrade, is the very leader of Londim." He smiled.
OOC: Sochatpio, just do the same thing with the media in your country.
Emporer Pudu
23-06-2006, 04:07
OOC: hope this is still open
Prefecture One, District One, Commune One, Compound AC-0001, Office of Foreign Affairs
Mr. White had what would be normally considered a rather boring job. He was the head foreign affairs officer of the Dominion of Emperor Pudu XLII, yes, but that didn't mean excitement. In fact, hardly anything ever happened. Diplomatic communiqués; most ignored and recycled, diplomatic personnel; none, nobody ever entered the Dominion, foreign intervention in international incidents; rarely. Fortunately, today was a day of activity.
It appeared to him, through intelligence reports coming through military satellites and the reports of the subsequently deployed OPARR fleet that there was some sort of terrorist activity in the nation of Londim. Usually nothing like this would make it this far up the ladder to his desk, but these attacks were different. The intelligence available all pointed to the involvement of a domestic political group, the Free Red. A communist terrorist organization. Mr. White looked through the rest of the document, some tactical maps, some assumed military strengths, recent activities, the usual factbook compiled, and decided what he had to do.
Minutes later he was four floors up, on his way to the office of his Emperor. This decision required his express permission. On his way he began to think, This campaign could cost us, there are already some prominent nations involved, the air force is undergoing refits, the army is taxed by the occupation, maybe this... but then he was there. There was no ornamentation, no special attention was paid, it was a simple metal door. White turned the cold metal knob and entered into the office of the head of his nation. It was a simple room, fifteen by fifteen feet, white walls, white wall-to-wall carpeting, and a simple mahogany desk and black padded office chair, in which sat Emperor Pudu XLII.
He addressed his foreign affairs officer in a calm, diplomatic voice, “Yes, White, what is it you see fit to trouble me with?” His voice remained perfectly even, in an almost friendly tone of voice.
Mr. White responded in kind, “Sir, It has come to my attention that a communist terrorist organization calling itself Free Red have struck civilian targets in the nation of Londim. They mean to take the government under their own control.”
The Emperor set his chin in his hands and leaned forward. “Well, White, this is indeed an incident worthy of my own attention. I thank you for brining it to my attention. What action do you suggest?”
Mr. White stepped forward and set the manila folder containing the situation report and factbook on the Emperor’s clean desk as he spoke, “Well, sir, I would suggest a military intervention. At least two OPARR fleets can be on shore in five hours time, and we could get a proper task force there in twenty-four…”
The Emperor cut him off, well, you have your go ahead. Consult Black and Red on the exact details of the operation, I have little time for such things, but I do expect results before this time tomorrow. Go.” As he finished speaking Pudu began to leaf through the folder, taking only skimming glances at each page before dropping the whole thing into a desk drawer.
Mr. White left immediately, bound for the offices of Chancellor Black and Commander-in-Chief of the Military Red. Time was of the essence, they had twenty four hours to get boots on that ground.
At sea, twelve nautical miles outside of Londim territorial sea zone
Admiral Panslovak had just received the call, his fleet, combined with those of the 3rd and 5th OPARR fleets, were to conduct marine landing operations along the shoreline of the nation of Londim, conduct a base of operations, and begin offensive action two days after that. He was to command this missions.
Panslovak and his new auxiliary fleets were going to land in four hours, their combined troop strength numbering three marine infantry battalions of 1,000 men, an aviation squadron of 500 men, and a combat engineer company of 250 men. All to land along the most hospitible, deserted stretch of coastline. Offshore they would be guarded by three Roydia class battleships, three Athios class light cruisers, nine Helina class battlecruisers, twelve Triara class light cruisers, eighteen Swiftsure class trimaran destroyers, and fifteen Lionfish class trimaran missile frigates. Soon this nation would feel the force of the Imperial Army...
OOC: Giving you (Londim) a chance to respond, you do not yet know for what side I fight, nor have I contacted you in any way ICly
Independent Hitmen
23-06-2006, 11:22
OOC: With reference to my last post, sorry im a moron. I forgot to put the million next to the figure! That was a $500million donation, that mustve seemd very stingy!! I'll edit it now.
Emporer Pudu
23-06-2006, 14:25
OOC: I'm sorry about this, but due to an unexpected absence I will be, well, absent, until next Tuesday. I am not doing this on purpose, and I would really appreciate it if you could at least slow the RP down a little for me. I am very interested in continuing it.
OOC: Thats not a problem.
Presidential Office
The President stared in too space. He was tired. Whatever sllep he had had was fitful and short. He turned to Peter.
"Peter can you please give me an update on this situation?", he said drearily.
Peter looked at his President and long time friend.
"Well Aran, there have been killings in the school hostage situation in the World Soviet Party. One of the casualties was a 10 year old boy. We have received funding of $500million from the United States of Independent Hitmen which has already started to be used to capture these bastards. Also this morning we received word from DRLS Resa, which is patrolling our waters and they have picked up signals from various ships 12 miles outside our territorial waters. They seemed to be stationary aand at this point we do not know their agenda. Finally the casualties of the attack is 376."
"Damn those Free Red bastards we'll get them. Hmm these ships could be a threat or friendly but I don't want to take any chances. Put our navy on full alert so they are ready in case of attack. The death of the child is indeed unfortunate and I hope those hostage takers are killed. They deserve it."
"Err Aran. I need to say something. I believe it is time that you went into hiding. Your life is in great danger and if you get killed the nation will descend into anarchy."
Aran looked at Peter. His friend always had his best interests at heartbut there was only thing that he could say..
"No. I don't hide while my people suffer. What kind of person would that make me? We'll step up security in the immediate area and start to mobilise the SA (OOC: Secret Army). They'll be able to protect everyone in the area around here and take on all threats. They can then spread through the city to back up the Londim Guard at areas on conflict. And I want Comrade Vito found."
Comrade Vito looked at the man in surprise.
"The President? Do you know hw hard it is near to get near him during peaceful times. Now this has begun it will be almost impossible to attack him. How do you suggest we can attack him?"
The World Soviet Party
23-06-2006, 16:52
Latest News
*We see the camera navigate in what looks like a school hallway, we hear the muffled voices of some Spec. Ops.*
-"Open the door at three"
-"Aye sir"
-"One, two, three!"
*A foot kicks the door open, inside, there are three men with AK-47's and a woman with a Beretta 9mm*
*One of the terrorist goes for his gun, but is promptly shot*
*The terrorists raise their hands above their heads, except the women*
-"Like hell!"- she answers before detonationg the bomb hidden in their clothes*
Outside the school
-"It seems special forces have been sucdcesful in securing the school, we no..."-
An explosion shakes the ground, propeling half the school into the air
We hear a distant voice-"OH MY GOD, THEY BLEW IT UP!"
Then the camera goes black.
OOC: I wish I were newb so I could claim ownership of Peter... but, oh, well.
"Comrade, Comrade, Comrade. The President was to die anyway." He took Vito to a park, and then he looked around. Seeing no one but Vito, he opened a sewer grate. "Hold your breath." He led him a few feet down the sewers, then into a side passageway with a door. They opened it, went through, and closed it. They were in a room. People.
"Comrade, our base." Then he went over to a crate, and opened it. C4. Pounds and pounds of it. "And this night, we shall prepare. Understand?" he said slyly.
Holy Paradise
23-06-2006, 17:44
Latest News
*We see the camera navigate in what looks like a school hallway, we hear the muffled voices of some Spec. Ops.*
-"Open the door at three"
-"Aye sir"
-"One, two, three!"
*A foot kicks the door open, inside, there are three men with AK-47's and a woman with a Beretta 9mm*
*One of the terrorist goes for his gun, but is promptly shot*
*The terrorists raise their hands above their heads, except the women*
-"Like hell!"- she answers before detonationg the bomb hidden in their clothes*
Outside the school
-"It seems special forces have been sucdcesful in securing the school, we no..."-
An explosion shakes the ground, propeling half the school into the air
We hear a distant voice-"OH MY GOD, THEY BLEW IT UP!"
Then the camera goes black.
Official Statement of President John Holtz of Holy Paradise:
"Terrorist scum: We are ever closer to finding you and your disgusting friends. We're bringing you some gifts as well."
To: The families of the children killed in the World Soviet Party attack
From: President John Holtz of Holy Paradise
I want each and everyone of you to know that my nation, Londim, and your nation are doing their best to find the evil people who murdered the children of your nation, of your families. We will treat the terrorists the same way they treated your children, with no mercy.
Holy Paradise
23-06-2006, 17:55
Comrade Herz smiled as he watched the news. He was so proud of his troops for the attacks. They had went without a hitch. Just as he got up off the couch, the door of his house flew off its hinges and fell to the floor. "HANDS UP!" a voice yelled. Herz was taken aback by the shock of what just happened. A man in uniform marched in. He had in his hands an M16, and it was aimed directly at Herz. "I said 'HANDS UP!'" the soldier repeated. Herz slowly placed his hands in the air. 3 other soldiers marched in and placed handcuffs on Herz. "You are under arrest for conspiring to commit terrorist attacks, participating in terrorist activities, the first-degree murder of 39,129 people, using a weapon to commit a felony, the destruction of property, and training terrorists. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. You have the right to a speedy, public trial by an impartial jury..." the soldier explained. Herz yelled out, "The Free Red shall prevail!" as he was led to a paddy wagon.
23-06-2006, 18:26
Parsenna News Network "Authorities have confirmed today that several prisoners did indeed escape today from Hinthial Prison today. The prisoners, which included Sergei Lucumo, formerly a member of the Parsenna Soviet's Politbureau before the Liberation, are all former members of the Soviet's regime. As some of you may remember, before the Revolution, Hinthial Prison also served as the headquarters of the dreaded People's Bureau of Internal Security, a fact that authorities said allowed them to use previous knowledge of the building in their escape. Commissoner of Public Safety, Vilnius Medraut, spoke to PNN earlier today and wanted to assure the public that the prisoners will be recaptured soon and that all other former members of the Soviet are being moved to the newly-built Leinth prison to prevent a replay of this week's events.
In sports news, there was rioting in the streets of the capital today following Parsenna's humiliating elimination from the World Cup last night by...."
Secret IC: A communique, channelled through members of the Parsennan mob, from the newly-reformed PACReC (Parsennan Anti-Counter-Revolutionary Committee), directed at members of the Free Red organization: "Comrades, you have struck the first blows in the struggle for workers of the world. Too long as the proletariat sat under the yoke of the capitalist oppressors while the bourgousie smugly congradulated themselves on their 'Victory' over communism, never realizing the Worker's Revolution is an inevitable result of historical forces. We are eager to aid you in your struggle to free the workers of the world, in any way we can." The message is attributed to Sergei Lucumo.
Public IC:
From: The desk of Vitalinus San Saxos, President of the Empire of Parsenna, Speaker of the Dumah, Father of his People, etc.
To: President Aran Defo, DRL; HRM Emperor Williom of Sochatopia; President John Holtz, USHP; Chairman Alexander, WSP and all other world leaders engaged in the defense of Freedom.
"First off, know that Parsenna mourns with you and with your people this day. All too well do we know the damage that fanatics, blinded to their own lust for power by radical dogmas, can inflict both on this, a physical level, and on an ideological one. This government was founded on the principle of free men standing up to communist oppression and we have never wavered in that committment. We are a small nation , and have little in way of money or troops that we can send, but what we have to give is yours, fifteen years of intelligence experience, tracking communists and other enemies of peace, and all the data gathered in that pursuit will be shared with those brother nations who share our love of peace, and also, Parsenna's air space and land, shall be made open to your troops and supplies, to help get them where they are most needed. I am not a religious man, gentlemen, and yet, today, I find myself praying, for you, for your peoples and for the future of democracy."
"Sir reports are coming in that one of the cell leaders has been captured in the Holy Paradise, said Jill Kuyt, leader LIS (Londim Intelligence Service). She had her team working through the night to find any sign of Free Red in Londim but so far nothing. She looked at the President on the telescreen.
"Excellent at least one of the cells is falling but one cell dying does not kill the body. To kill the body you need to kill the head but the head needs to be found."
What really frustrated the President is that the Head was probably right under his nose.
"Right I'm coming down to LIS headquarters. I feel useless sitting here. I don't want any objections. Any other news?"
"Yes sir but I'm afraid its bad. The school in World Free Party was blown up which probably killed everyone inside."
"Shit. Right I'm on my way. It's time we caught these bastards."
With that the President put on his jacket and left the room. He went outside. The day was bright and birds were chirping.
"Such a beautiful day for a terrible disaster", he thought to himself. he got into his Presidential car and was away to the LIS.
Comrade Vito understood.
"So we will blow up the Presidents home? From underneath? I say we act. The quicker he is out of the way the quicker we can take over Comrade."
Comrade Vito rubbed his hands in glee.
Holy Paradise
23-06-2006, 20:26
(During continuing coverage of the attack on Holy Paradise)
Blue and Red background comes up with the letters "HPBC" on them. Screen then goes to Bill O'Really.
Bill: Hello, Holy Paradise, we continue our coverage on the terrorist attacks here with this important news: Our law enforcement, God bless them, has arrested 20 people believed to be behind the terrorist attacks that took place in Holy Paradise City and Darumba today. Authorities say that they believe one of the 20 accused people is the head of the Free Red cell in Holy Paradise. We have no further details as of yet but we will announce any information as soon as we get it.
23-06-2006, 20:39
"OCC" i have to step out of this RP i have to much on my plate right now.
"Under it?" The man smiled. "It is timed you learned my name. John. Comrade John." John smiled again, and said, "Who told you we would blow it up from underneath?" Seing the confusion of Vitos face, he laughed lightly. "I like the way you think. From underneath, the foundation will crumble. The cornerstoens need to be destyoed, the building falling apart. Tonight, at 1:15 AM, we will arm the building. It may take up to an hour, but with enough cooperation and help, only fifteen minutes."
Holy Paradise
23-06-2006, 23:23
Comrade Henz sat in his maximum security cell, amazed at the speed and effectiveness of the enemy, but angry and hateful at what he considered his "captors". His door slowly opened to show about 5 soldiers aiming guns at him. "Come with us, Mr. Henz." one said. He begrudgingly got up from his smelly bed and was placed in shackles on his legs and arms. One soldier led him down the cell block while the 4 others kep their guns aimed at him. They opened a door and led Henz outside. Several reporters began running towards them. The soldiers told them to go away and placed Henz in a armored paddy wagon. The paddy wagon was then drove to the HPIA, where Henz was to be interrogated.
Holy Paradise
24-06-2006, 02:59
Comrade Henz was lead into a dull room with one floruescent lamp, one table, two chairs, and a machine of some sort on a desk. Two men, one in a suit, named George Walfordson, and a man in a uniform, named Jeff Billings. Henz was led over to a chair and unshackled. Henz decided it would be best to keep still, anything he could try would get him killed. Jeff went over to the machine and hooked some electrodes to Henz. "A lie detector." Henz realized. Jeff returned to the machine as George sat down in the other chair. "Hello, Mr. Henz." George said.
"My name is Comrade Henz, capitalist pig." Henz said as he spat at George's face. George wiped the saliva off of his face and that belted Henz across the face. "That's abuse!" Henz said, thinking how he could use that against the man. "That's what the last guy said, and he ended up ratting you out." George chuckled.
"Traitor...what is his name? I'll take care of him for you." Henz growled.
"Oh, we won't tell you because he's a valuable source of information. He's actually defected to our side and is now fighting for our cause." George smiled.
"That son of a bitch! I'll kill him!" Henz yelled, a vein in his neck almost popping. George smacked Henz upside the head. "Shut up. You don't even know his name." George commanded.
"Hrmph." Henz grumbled.
"Anyways, back to business, Mr. Henz." George continued.
"Comrade Henz." Henz interrupted.
"Do you want to get a taser in the back or will you just cooperate?" George asked. Henz said nothing. "Now, Mr. Henz, are you the mastermind behind the attacks?" George inqueried.
"Yes, and I'm proud of my actions because it furthered the socialist revolution." Henz said with a smile. George got out of his chair, turned Henz towards him and punched him twice, once in the face and once in the stomach. He then turned Henz back around and sat down in his chair. "39,000 people died in those attacks, 12,000 of them children, you piece of shit!" George bellowed. "Now, tell me, who gave you the orders to attack us?"
"Comrade Vito, you know that." Henz replied.
"Just making sure. Now, Mr. Henz. Do you know if anyone else gave you the supplies to commit these attacks?" George asked.
"No, I don't." Henz answered. George looked at Jeff. Jeff sighed and said, "He's telling the truth, George."
"Damnit!" George yelled. He slammed his fist down on the table. "Take Henz away, he is of now further use."
The President looked at the screens in LIS HQ. Satellites had taken photos of all desolate regions of Londim to see if Free Red were operating from there. So far nothing.
"Right people", he said as he stood in front of the Agents, " I belive that Free Red are getting outside help. We know from documents 50 years ago that is how they operated but the nations they used to operate with are now democratic societies or no longer exist. There must be a new nation involved in this plot. I want information on all nations that have recently become Communist or have been Communist for a while but have ben overlooked. I realise if we find this nation a war will erupt between them and us. It is not something I want but it seems they will not listen to diplomatic reason."
With this speech the Agents started sending out calls to all spies in communist nations to find anything linked to Free Red. The process would take a long time something they didn't have but it was the only way.
Comrade Vito followed Comrade John through the sewers to the area directly underneath the Presidential House. When they got there Comrade Vito started to gently lift out the C4 out of the crates.
"So Comrade, let us send a message to all the Capitalist pigs."
Independent Hitmen
24-06-2006, 16:20
The James Building, International Headquarters of The James Corporation
The Financial District, J City.
Johnathon Hamilton looked at the ringing telephone, noticing that the call was coming through on his direct line. Only ten people had access to that number and each was worth listening to, so it only took two rings for him to hit the speakerphone button.
As soon as he hit the kill button five minutes later his personal fax machine started working. Fax was an old medium, but it was so much more secure for those whom he didn’t want to have the new J Corp ciphers but who still sent him particularly good information.
J Corp had been along as long as the country had, which guaranteed it pride of place among everything from defence contracts to medicine requirements for the homeless but also ensured that officials treated it as an extension of the government, an informal one at that. On several occasions in the past J Corp had intervened when it was to politically sensitive for the government to do so, they had resources roughly equivalent to a small state just without the one solid land mass. With facilities in over thirty countries world wide it did give them considerable flexibility of deployment, added to that they had very friendly agreements with some airlines that would look the other way to having an aircraft chartered for unusual flightplans.
And it was all thanks to Johnathon Hamilton. Upon the death of J Corp’s founder the corporation had been floundering in the midst of domestic economic slowdown and the period of isolation from most of the rest of the world. Defence contracts had dried up during that period, so J Corp’s had had to diversify to survive. This diversification was paying large dividends now that the Hitmen again played a part in world affairs, the affair in Teslia had been very profitable and the Abrams connection was finally yielding large benefits. Perhaps this communist group would also yield profit. Of course they wouldn’t supply communists, dictator’s yes, but communists no. The government would benefit from J Corps intervention and then if things went to plan they would be very grateful of it, awarding contracts and such liberally.
J Corp had numerous former Special Forces, regular army and police in its employment. Equipped well these men guarded J Corp sites in potentially hostile areas but also were contracted out to train troops and anti-terrorist groups across the world as well as conducting close personal security in . They even took demonstration weapons with them, along with some PR men to try and sell as many as possible to them.
Mirroring the conversation that was going on at the New White House, he invited several of his advisors in to the huge office to discuss the possibilities. After an hour of discussion he dismissed them and turned to the window and looked out over the city below him. Being nearly 300 floors up he had a magnificent view over the sprawling metropolis, home to over 500million people which was significantly more than the population of many countries. Including the one that he had decided to make his next business target. To that end his principle subordinates had ordered three men to fly to the region on normal commercial airliner to conduct an advanced reconnaissance of the country, gaining vital intel that could be used later. At the same time a two man Public Relations team and four man assessment team had been dispatched from the nearer Holy Empire of Abrams where they were based at the sizeable J Corp site at Sumton. Their job was to contact the Londim government to offer training and security assistance as well as an injection of manpower to guard any important sites or personnel during the crisis. The men took a J Corp private jet, adorned with the large yellow J on the tail which would promptly take them to the capitals international airport.
With the increasing spread of the apparent threat of the Free Red group and cells appearing in multiple nations they would face little opposition from the Hitman government. Special terms for the Londim contracts would also hopefully aid them in establishing a J Corp force against this group without the country being directly implicated.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We at J Corp have been made aware of your plight in the war against terrorism by elements of our government and our own monitoring service.
At J Corp we have years of dealing with such threats both domestically and at our sites around the world, not to mention our numerous contracts for protecting foreign officials and VIP’s from the ever present threat of attack.
Today our officials offer you the opportunity to benefit from this experience and expertise in the security area. The government of the USIH has (covertly) paid for your nation to receive our assistance for one month, however if you desire any longer we must ask that you fund the service yourselves.
J Corp is always looking to invest in countries that hold the Multi-national company and the benefits that it can bring above protectionism and we hope that together we can help your people through this trying time.
If you accept our service, which you do not have to, our team will begin a threat analysis immediately in order to bring in the correct level of human and physical resources to meet your needs.
-Kind regards, The J Corp Management Team.
OOC: Basically a professional mercenary force so I can get involved, but indirectly as most of my military is commited to another RP.
There were troops on the top-side, a car full of bombs. The car, coupled with two other civilians who volunteered, were driving toward an embassey. The Holy Paradise Embassy to be speific. The car crashed through the defenses, heading straight for the door. It hit the door, skidding into the lobby, then exploded.
John hoped that many troops would go to the crash site, leaving the prsidents residence almost unguarded. They almost finished with the C4, and John stopped. He turned to Vito. "For the short time I have known you, I have appreciated working with you. Our Comrades shall carry on with our work shall we fail or die." He held put his hand.
Holy Paradise
24-06-2006, 20:22
There were troops on the top-side, a car full of bombs. The car, couple with two other civilians who volunteered, were driving toward an embassey. The Hopy Paradise Embassy to be speific. The car crashed through the defenses, heading straight for the door. It hit the door, skidding into the lobby, then exploded.
President John Holtz was in his office when the phone rang. He picked it up and said into the mouthpiece, "Hello?"
"Lt. Kraig Nielson, Mr. President!" A voice replied. "A car-bomb has hit our embassy in Londim!"
"Damnit!" John yelled. "Any casualities thus far?"
"None that have been confirmed yet sir, but there are bound to be some." Kraig explained.
"Are the Holy Paradisian troops I sent near Londim yet?" John asked.
"They are about 250 miles off the coast." Kraig answered.
"Tell them to be on full alert when they arrive. There are bound to be a lot of terrorists in the area." John ordered.
"Yes, sir." Kraig replied.
"Goodbye, Lieutenent." John said.
"Goodbye, Mr. President." Kraig responded. John put the phone down and sighed.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We at J Corp have been made aware of your plight in the war against terrorism by elements of our government and our own monitoring service.
At J Corp we have years of dealing with such threats both domestically and at our sites around the world, not to mention our numerous contracts for protecting foreign officials and VIP’s from the ever present threat of attack.
Today our officials offer you the opportunity to benefit from this experience and expertise in the security area. The government of the USIH has (covertly) paid for your nation to receive our assistance for one month, however if you desire any longer we must ask that you fund the service yourselves.
J Corp is always looking to invest in countries that hold the Multi-national company and the benefits that it can bring above protectionism and we hope that together we can help your people through this trying time.
If you accept our service, which you do not have to, our team will begin a threat analysis immediately in order to bring in the correct level of human and physical resources to meet your needs.
-Kind regards, The J Corp Management Team.
The President read the letter in his office at the LIS HQ. This could indeed be helpful. The military was in disaaray trying to find the Free Red base. If a private mercenary group was brought in then the military could spend more effort fighting on the frontline and helping victims.
To the The J Corp Management Team,
We here in Londim are willing to pay for your services. The human cost of this war outweighs any financial costs so we see it as a necessary step. We would appreciate the help as soon as possible.
President Aran
The Democratic Republic of Londim
As the President finished typing up the letter Jil Kuyt burst into the office.
"Sir we have reports coming in that the Holy Paradise embasy was blown up by a car bomb", she said with a look of anxiety.
"What? How many casualties? I want local police forces and some military personnel down there now. See if we can find any clues leading us back to Free Red."
"Yes Mr President", she said. Jill then hurriedly ran out of the office to relay the orders.
Comrade Vito shook the hand of this valuable ally. They walked away from the bomb site. When they got away by a few hundred yards Comrrade Vito pulled out a remote charge.
"Long live the President", said Comrade Vito with a chuckle. He pressed the button. In the distance they heard the explosion. "Haha Comrade I think it is time we took over."
The President was in the control room of the LIS when the news came through.
"This is Agent Dell. Does anyone copy. Over."
The President picked up the radio.
"Agent this is the President. What has happened?Over"
"The President?", said Agent Dell with shock, " Well Sir an attempt on your life has been made.Over"
The President was slightly confused by this statement. "What do you mean an attempt on my life? I am perfectly fine"
"Well Sir at 11:29 the Presidential Residence was blown up. It seems the Free Red wanted you out the way so they could take over. We are thankful you are okay.Over"
"Thank you Agent. Over." The President put down the radio and stood in silence. na attempt had been made on his life. This was overwheling news for anybody.
"If anyone needs me I'll be in my office." He went into his office and closed the door behind him.
OOC:What, so where is the President?
"Long live the President indeed."
John smiled as they walked away, but he feared that they may not have succeded. "Comrade... I think we should go after some of the most powerful men. Generals, riches, influental. Religious or not, we should take out some of the more powerful men. We may lose support of the citizens, but we will win in the long-run."
OOC: The President had left earlier to go to the Londim Intelligence Service Headquarters.
Independent Hitmen
25-06-2006, 21:43
J Corp Facility in Sumton
The go ahead message took some minutes to be relayed to the actual men who would for the most part be carrying out the nitty gritty tasks over the next few weeks, months or perhaps even years. Most were former military men, not all from the USIH, and it was with practised skill that they loaded their equipment onto three civilian J-5 Galaxy aircraft that sat on the ramp of their private air strip.
Their command lorry was already onboard one aircraft, as were two armoured Chevy Suburbans in each of the others. The equipment being loaded on now was mainly pallets of weapons and ammunition, each man carried his own gear separately in their own kit bags and they would put it on separately before they landed.
Even before loading had finished the men began boarding and the pilots began to start the huge engines that would take the aircraft on its mid range journey. The planes quickly taxied to the end of the single large runway, fire walling their engines then backing off to check for flameout before letting off the brakes and eventually taking to the skies.
Small military airfield, Londim.
6 hours later
The last of the aircraft rolled to a halt and the whine of engines began to fade as they were each turned off. When it was safe the rear ramps were lowered and the first of the men walked out.
Now sporting urban combat fatigues of the white-grey pattern and black Kevlar vests the figures looked suspiciously like IH Special Forces, in fact they had most of the same equipment and not dissimilar attitudes. Each man had his own customised weapon and sidearm, in many cases two, along with full communications gear all linked up to the central array in the command lorry.
In all there were now some fifty J Corp employees in Londim, all from the Security Division. Twelve of these loaded a few crates of stores and weapons into three of the Suburbans and then mounted up, all making sure that they had their sunglasses properly adjusted.
This first trip was merely to locate a suitable area of ground to set up their advanced base. They had aerial photos from a J Corp recon satellite of some likely sites and they would conduct an on scene check to get the most suitable. For now the lorry was driven to a quiet part of the airport with good all round visibility and the six man staff went to work with another six guarding them. The rest of the men began unloading the equipment as two of them left to hire a truck to transport it in.
Within two days J Corp would have another hundred men on the ground preparing a small compound, whilst most of the original security team moved to their first assignment, now with two KH-60 Knighthawk helicopters and a full set of armoured Chevy’s for transport.
OOC: I would assume you wouldn’t want foreign merc’s guarding the President, maybe a couple of advisors with them. Not sure who or what you want them on? Maybe to supplement the bodyguards of those important personalities that have been OOCly mentioned for assassination. Its not unreasonable to assume that they would be given extra protection.
The President sat in his office at LIS HQ wih a glass of brandy in his hand. He stared at the glass in his hand before setting it down on the desk. Just then Jill entered the office.
"What is it Jill?", said the President tiredly.
"Well Sir I thought I would inform you that the mercenaries are here."
The President looked up. This was some of the best news he had received recently.
"Excellent.", he said, "Send some Agents to help them set up operations. Then give them some instructions."
"Yes Sir."
Secret IC:
The President stood in front of the Agents once again.
"People as you are all well aware an attempt on my life was made. Luckily for me I wasn't at my home when the terrorists struck. But due to the immensity of this attack I firmly believe that this is the work not of a terrorist group but another nation. What nation you ask? To that I have no answer. I want all imports checked and history of the movement of military supplies like the C4 that was used to blow up the Presidential Residence. There must be somewhere were its movements were registered. From there we can find the nation. Also I firmly believe that as the terrorists hink I am dead they will stroll into the Senate and forcefully take power. Me being alive must be kept hidden from the whole nation so the next plan can work. I ask you when the Free red go to the senate you put up little resistance. However once they are inside they will be trapped. Once inside we can attack. More details later. Jill could you come to my office please."
The President left the centre of the room as whisperes followed him and Agents started furiously typing on their keyboards. The President and Jill entered the office.
"Well Jill. I want you to send a message to the senators and the mercenaries from USIH. You know what to do."
"Yes sir."
To all Senators
Secret letter:In Light of recent events we here at the Londim Intelligence Service to go into hiding. We belive your lives are at risk and we do not wish for any of your deaths. Please comply so we may capture the Free Red
Jill Kuyt
To J-Corp employees,
We here at the Londim Intelligence Service have a plan. As you are well aware the Presidential Residence was blown up. We now believe the Free Red will go to the senate and forcibly take control. All senators have been told to go into hiding. We would like you to set up for action in the main Senate Hall. Once the Free Red enter the you must bring them under control. Our Army will come in from behind to trap the Free Red and take anyone who tries to run as prisoner. Arrive in suits so it seems you are senators incase anyone of the Free Red is watching.
Jill Kuyt
Free Red base
Comrade Vito paced the room like a caged tiger. He was ready and so were he rest of the Free Red army who had assembled overnight.
"Comrades it is tine we took power. The nation is without a ruler. The government without a leader. It is time we marched up to Senate Hill and took power of this nation. We expect little opposition due to the death of the President but we will be very well armed. Comrades it is time. Let us move out."
With that the Free Red Army cheered as they picked up their guns and stepped out of the base. War was in the air.
John stepped in front of Vito. "No. Yes, we may have won. But we need to keep the majority of the troops hidden. If they think we have very little troops, they'll know we have more. They'll be in fear. We have bombs. We are not afraid. We have disguises. Let us use them. Only 50 troops with us, the rest hide. Trust me. Look where we are, because you trusted me."
"Hmm this could be interesting. Okay. Instead we must hit somewhere big. In my opinion it should be the airport. If that is attcaked it will be much harder for the government to bring in troops. If we attack this we will weaken Londim."
John smiled. "I was right to trust you." He lead the way with twenty troops, hidden in the shadows, single-hand arms hidden. Bombs, tucked away, ready for their duty. The men, ready to die. John was to hang back soon, and to watch it all happen. He had called for cars with bombs. Three. They were coming.
Emporer Pudu
27-06-2006, 16:52
OOC: Do we have a map of Londim I could see, it would make my work much easier...
Athios class Light Cruiser Prometheus, Pudite OPARR landing site 01, dawn
Panslovak, the man in charge of Pudite operations in Londim, was meeting with the battalion commanders of the three Orthae formations, discussing what was to be done.
One of them, a Lieutenant Colonel by the name of Radik, who was the overall ground forces commander, spoke. "My men are competent and well trained, I don't think we'll have to worry too much about their boys on the ground. Hell, how many could they even have! Most of it 'ill be off fighten them other guys."
Another man interrupted, another battalion commander called Vlezloi, "Yes, we can handle their ground troops, but we know next to nothing about their naval, airborne, or international support. What else will we have to contemplate? I agree however, to have maximum effect we must act quickly. It won’t matter after that."
Panslovak spoke now, "Then we will, send a communique to the Londim commanders, and begin mobalizing the men. Show them what our presence means. Put a contingent in the nearest city, move the engineer squadron foreward, begin securing train stations and track, the last twp battalions move inland, station them in the biggest city we can find. After that we'll sit tight and wait for reinforcements."
There was a chorus of "Yessir" echoing from everyone present, before they all left the room, moving back to their respective commands.
Shoreline of Londim, Pudite OPARR landing site 01, dawn
The mobilization had begun, made up of the three-thousand, seven-hundred and fifty elite Orthae infantrymen, twenty-eight HVC-03 medium transport helicopters, twenty-six HVC-01 marine gunships, six 'Mekhev' main battle tanks, four GMA-5 155mm self-propelled medium howitzers, forty Strakhen Sokol fighter aircraft, and forty-six LV-08 light infantry vehicles.
This force was moving very quickly, not stopping along the shore to establish a beachhead or base camp of any sort. They would move along the main roadways, observing and recording the terrain as they went, for future reference. Heading north, to the capital city of Londim, was a contingent of two-thousand Orthae, four Mekhev main battle tanks, two GMA-5 howitzers, and fifteen LV-08 LIVs, a light wheeled vehicle capable of transporting up to four men in basic configuration, with roof mounted remote-controlled TOW missile launcher, 12.6mm machine gun, or 40mm grenade launcher. It would be the backbone of Pudite operations in this country. This force was to garrison the city, serve as a guard and as advisors. Although they were authorized to take military action, they were advised to keep a low profile.
The last battalion, moving to capture the nearby small city was made up of one-thousand Orthae, the other two Mekhev tanks and GMA-5 howitzers, as well as another fifteen LV-08s.
The final force were the two-hundred and fifty Orthae engineers, along with the remaining sixteen LV-08s. These men were moving through the Londim countryside, capturing rail junctions and leaving a platoon of fifty where ever they found one. This would be an important resource later.
To: The Leader of Londim
From: Admiral Panslovak, commander of Pudite the expeditionary force
Subject: Assistance
Message: My troops, ships, and aircraft are here to aid you in your just and noble battle against these usurper terrorists. We assure you, we will do everything in our power to rid your nation of these invaders. A unit of our men is bound for your capital city to aid, quietly, in garrison and security duties, and reinforcements will be called for from the home country shortly, as the situation dictates. We apologize for the clandestine arrival, we could not run the risk of communication interception before we had a presence on the ground.
Good day,
Admiral Panslovak
Independent Hitmen
27-06-2006, 19:27
J Corps Communication Centre, Londim Airport.
The commander of J Corp Operations in Londim, known for now as ‘Department L’ was a former Special Forces Colonel and he read the dispatch from the government with interest. Hope they don’t mind a few bullet holes in that building.
One of his men already had the schematics for the senate building displayed on a screen, which the Colonel briefly looked at before coming to a decision.
“Inform teams 7 and 8 to meet me at the Senate building. I’ll take team 3 from the airport and meet them there, formal wear for all over the top but I want normal weapon loadouts for all.”
The Colonel left the building to change into his suit, a quick promotion to Senator later and he was ready.
One block from The Senate Building
Three of the big armoured Chevy Suburbans came to a brief stop at the rear of a tall building that would overlook the senate meeting place and principally the front entrance. Eight armed men alighted from the vehicles which then sped away. Three carried long cases whilst the other five all carried assault rifles of various origins and configurations and were dressed in the black body armour over their fatigues.
One man quickly picked the lock and the group moved into the building, two minutes and one broken door later emerging on the flat roof. Two of those armed with assault rifles took position on the floor below guarding the only way up the stairs.
On the roof the three with the cases lay them down gently and opened it to reveal their custom made sniper rifles, in two cases these were based on 7.62mm Remington’s and the third was a .50cal Barret, because you never knew when the power might be needed. The three men were former Marine Snipers, J Corp was always trying to lure Secret Service Snipers to its lucrative private service but had not quite managed to get the best that the Hitmen had to offer. But nonetheless they were better shots that 99.999% of the worlds population and all unrolled shooting mats onto the roof and took up positions near the edge, flat on their stomachs. Two of the others joined them as spotters, putting their weapons down for the high power binoculars that they would use to sweep the approach to the building, whilst the last man set up a satellite communications link and then moved back to the door.
One of the spotters locked onto movement below as he saw the first of three Chevy’s with the J Corp logo on the side pull into the building. From the small convoy alighted nine men, all dressed in suits, who quickly made their way inside. A minute later a second similar convoy pulled up, dropping off another ten men before pulling off.
At the rear of the building a delivery van reversed into its allocated slot against a sliding metal door. When the engine was cut the two deliverymen walked around their vehicle to the back, opening the door and then climbing inside as the first man in a suit rounded the corner.
The suited men climbed aboard the truck as well, barely fitting on as it was crammed with crates of supplies. They stripped off their suit jackets and loosened the top buttons and ties from their shirts as they put on the armoured vests and knee pads followed by the light Kevlar helmets and then their weapons. Drop holsters were checked as they split into two teams and moved through back areas of the building to their ambush positions.
In the main entrance hall four of their number remained in their suits along with the usual collection of locals. The four in suits had small vests on underneath their shirts and each had a shoulder and belt holster along with the tactical radios and earpieces that all of the men had.
Sitting their with three of his men the Colonel thought it wasn’t such a bad operations, considering it had been put together on the spur of the moment. He just hoped that the electronic displays his two assault teams had worked so that they would be able to navigate their way through the building to their staging points to await his go signal. For that matter he hoped he would live long enough to give the go signal.
OOC: No map as of yet but Londim is flat with a large forest. The main city of Resa is in the centre and this is surrounded by smaller towns. There are few settlements on the coasts wih one large port town.
The President read the letter from the Admiral. He reread a few times then called in Jill.
"Jill I don't trust these guys. They send us no communications until after they land on our shores. They have a large battalion. It's almost like an invasion. I want intel on this nation and send word to the other assisting nations. And keep an eye on these guys. I want to know all movements of their soldiers."
"Yes Mr President. But why don't you trust them?"
"All I'm going to say is that I have seen this kind of thing from my time in the military and after one has been in the military one is much more suspicious."
To The World Soviet Party, Holy Paradise, USIH,
In the early hours of this morning the nation of Pudu entered Londim territory without the governments permission. They send us a message of peace but I am suspicious of this. We would like any information you have on this nation. Our Londim Guard has mobilised in case of attack from this nation. If they do wish o help then we welcome it but they may come in here wanting to take power while our nation fights another war. We ask you to alert your troops within our nation to this and be ready in case of attack.
Jill Kuyt
Londim Intelligence Service.
To Admiral Panslovak,
We in Londim are happy for your help but we ask your troops to search the coast for the Free Red. We do not want anymore soldiers in our main city due to the high risk of civilians. We wish you luck.
President Aran
The Democratic Republic of Londim.
Comrade Vito knew how big of a statement this would send to Londim and indeed the world. Taking out the main airport would greatly help the cause. He turned to Comrade John.
"Remember due to recent events the airport will be well guarded. I hear there are security checks every mile for 5 miles on the way to the airport. We must be aware of this."
He looked at Comrade John before picking up his rifle and a few grenades.
The World Soviet Party
27-06-2006, 20:45
To Jill Kuyt,
We will send you any information we get as soon as we get it.
Chairman Alexander
Emporer Pudu
28-06-2006, 02:04
The large port city in Londim, Pudite 3rd Battalion Orthae Londim deployment, early afternoon
As the third battalion of Pudite infantry operating in Londim were nearing their target area, a large port complex along the coast their orders were being transmitted through the force. They were under orders to search out and secure any strategic buildings and junctures, most important were the port facilities themselves and any airports and large subway or traditional train stations inside the city limits. Transportation would be of the essence if this war was to be fought to its maximum effect. Any terrorists or suspected terrorists were to be captured alive and held until the war has ended. Casualties of any sort were to be held to an absolute minimum.
The other large forces, the 1st and 2nd battalions, were setting their sights on the large city of Resa. Expected time of arrival was somewhere in tomorrow’s late afternoon. Once there a similar strategy was to be enacted, with control of surviving government buildings and transportation nodes as a priority, and large civilian concentrations as a secondary objective. There was to be full cooperation with domestic military forces, and integrated formations and operations were the hope of commanders.
Port Facility PC-1743, Noble's Tower, late afternoon
The port compound of PC-1743 was bustling with activity. Worker caste men loaded supplies, the Artisan caste checked over the vehicles before deployment, with officers of Warrior and Noble castes shouting orders over the din of the heavy cranes and loading craft. There were hundreds of thousands of men assembled on the docks today, all working towards he quick launch of the fleet designated Task Force 04.
Outside his window on the observation deck of the Noble’s tower on compound PC-2133 Admiral Leslav surveyed his charges. This was his first campaign as a force commander, but he carried with him the confidence gained from his successful command of a cruiser squadron in the recent Chitzelandian campaign. His men were similarly experienced, although they had little read action, they were heavily drilled and indoctrinated in their duties. They were ready.
Sitting out almost a mile offshore sat the admirals flagship, the Roydia class Battleship, the Faith in Service, surrounded by the other capital ships of Task Force 02. There was the Roydia class Battleship Virtuous Conquest, and the three Tye Verna class Fleet Carriers Invulnerable, Indomitable, and Dauntless.
Surrounding these heavy capital ships were thirteen Carthage class air defense cruisers, nine Helina class battlecruisers, and fifteen Portlandia class guided missile cruisers. Beyond the larger ships sat the hosts of escorts. Most of the smaller ships were still in port, loading supplies for the journey, later to be distributed to the other ships of the fleet, or on picket duty two or three miles outside of the docks. These escorts numbered twenty-four Swiftsure class destroyers, twenty-two Adari class air defense destroyers, and seventeen Lionfish class missile frigates.
The fleet was ready to move, the last of the cargo was being stocked, and the cranes were pulling their booms back. Admiral Leslav strode back across his room to the elevator waiting for him, and pressed the ‘one’ button.
Half an hour later, Pudite Task Force 04 was launched, moving at a steady thirty-two knots in the direction of Londim, to be joined ten miles off shore by the 16th Imperial Transport Flotilla, containing ten divisions of Guardian infantrymen and required logistical support. Also joining was the 5th Light Cruiser Squadron, containing the ten Triara class Light Cruisers of that formation.
OOC: Elite Orthae Infantry (http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/7046/orthae5jh.jpg) and Standard Guardian Infantry (http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/5317/guardians3np.jpg)
28-06-2006, 16:23
It was between shifts and the lights had gone down at the exclusive strip-club on the ground floor of one of Parsenna's finest brothels except for the single lamp at the curtained booth in the far corner. President San Saxos took another swallow of the imported brandy and leaned in to look at the intelligence report, squinting his bloodshot eyes a little in the dim light, his face creased with concern. After a few moments he looked up and squinted at his immaculately-dressed intelligence chief across the table from him.
"Things, they are moving rather faster then we thought, aren't they, Vilnius?"
"Yes, they are, Mr. President." Vilnius smiled blandly and primly waved away the thin blue tail of smoke wafting up from the ashtray.
"Free Red's a little beyond taking recruits now, aren't they?"
"I would think so, Mr. President. This is the second act of the opera and all the major characters have already been introduced."
The President paused for a moment to look quizzically at his intelligence chief, "If you say so... At any rate, I don't think this gives us much choice. I was hoping to avoid this, but there's only one thing to do at this point, don't you think?"
"Surely you aren't suggesting we abort the operation, are you Mr. President?" Vilnius' usually expressionless face fell just a little at the thought.
"Abort? Just because the water's up above our heads?" The President gave a short bark of laughter and shot down the rest of his brandy. "Ahh... No, that wouldn't be the, what's Igor call it, the 'Parsennan Way'. No, I meant we need to accelerate our plans." He lit another thin, black cigarette and pulled his bony frame up to his full, presidential posture, to better underline the official nature of his words. "Director Medraut, enact Claudius Protocol."
"Yes, Mr. President." Vilnius Medraut inclined his head in obeisence, hiding the gleam in his eyes that was almost too anticipatory to by called sane. "Right away, Mr. President."
"Good. That's done with, now get out of here..." He slumped back in his chair tiredly and massaged the bridge of his nose.
By the time he looked up, Vilnius was already gone.
Independent Hitmen
28-06-2006, 20:35
J Corp Command Vehicle
Whilst Jackson, the former Special Forces Colonel, was away commanding his ambush command of the operations centre had fallen to Emile Mathers. He had been a Captain in the Royal Abrams Marines before emigrating to the Hitmen when he had been recruited by J Corp some two years before.
One of the controllers had called him over to his work station in the large air conditioned vehicle, so he had torn himself away from the realtime feed from the ambush team and quickly gone for a look.
“What’s so important Jenny?”
“Well we got a request from the LIS to check out the presence of this Pudu lot who have put some amphibious troops ashore. I tasked a camera from the Keyhole to have a look at the area where they have apparently landed and it’s reporting that we’ve got military units crawling over a multitude of strategic and infrastructure sites. Troops and armoured vehicles at these stations, minor government buildings and here they are arriving at the port. Those last shots are only two minutes old.”
“Hmmm well that’s interesting. You know back in the RAM’s that was the kinda thing we did when invading, rather odd for them to do with a government that they are apparently friendly towards……Put a request up on the boards for more information on this lot, find out some background on whether they are as friendly as they claim. Oh and try and get some info on the ships they have off the coast, from what I can see on that message it was sent to J City as well and the blokes there don’t look to kindly on people invading nice little countries like this one.”
Mathers wasn’t too concerned with them for the moment. If they moved towards the capital or this airport then they would be more of a concern. For now he just needed to hope their little ambush went well.
The Senate Building
Inside the building the two teams of men stopped briefly to screw silencers onto the thread attachments to the barrels of their weapons. The red dot sights were already turned on and all that was left was for the men to go to their assigned places. The seven man team took the second floor whilst the eight man team remained on the ground floor, moving so that they were ready to pounce into the main meeting room where they assumed the free red would make their move.
Outside the Sniper Team continued to sweep the area through their telescopic sights and high power binoculars. Rounds were already chambered with safety’s on. They were as ready as they ever would be.
The LIS control room was a hive on activity. Satellite photos were being streamed across the large screen in the centre of the main room. These pictures showed the locations of all friendly miltary bases. The most recent ones had caused great concern. The President looked on with great concern.
"Sir", one of the Agents approached the President," the Pudu forces seem to be moving further than they should be. It could be a mistake on their part or they know exactly what they're doing. What shall we do?"
The President looked at the Agent. He seemed young and nervous.
"Look son. Thanks for the information. I'll take it from here. I want you to take break and relax."
The young Agent looked up at the President with respect and took his leave.
"Right I'm going to contact the Pudu troops and see what they're playing at."
[QUOTE]To Admiral Panslovak,
Your troops seem to have advanced too much into our nation. We ask you to order them to turn back to the coast. If you are here to help us you will listen to us.
President Aran Suddi
The Democratic Republic of Londim [QUOTE]
Comrade Vito was packing his combat supplies when he heard the news. Apparently a new nation had entered this war and were looking for Free Red hide outs. He contacted the Pudu Free Red underground cell.
"Comrade Vito here. Your time has come to stand up for our values. Do what ever you believe necessary."
With that he put the phone down. On the other end of the line stood a man in his late 30's. He was Comrade Xavier. Once he got the message he smiled and alerted his Free Red troops of their mission.
OOC@ Parsenna: You decide the form of attack within your nation and report it through the media.
Emporer Pudu
29-06-2006, 05:49
Road on way to Resa, Pudite 1st and 2nd Battalions, late afternoon
The order was being passed through the ranks, it was time. The entire formation came to a halt along the roadway as the message was received, coming directly from Admiral Panslovak. "They suspect us, show them why they should."
It was a short message, but everyone knew what it meant. They had rehearsed this situation countless times in the lower decks of their transporting craft on the way here. There was no hesitation. All two-thousand Orthae broke into a slow jog, in perfect unison, escorted on the left and right sides by LV-08 vehicles and lead by the four Mekhev tanks proceeding methodically down the road at the head of the infantry column. In the rear of the formation both GMA-5 self-propelled 155mm howitzers opened fire, each lobbing their ninety-five pound shells of High Explosive the last few dozen miles into the center of the Londimian capital many dozens of times a minute, for the next fifteen minutes. After that time they would break off, just in time for the air assault to begin.
Currently located on the decks of the two Athios class light carriers off shore of the original Orthae landing zone were fifty Strakhen Sokol air superiority fighters, who were at the present moment making rapid preparations to take off. In minutes they would be in the air, and thirty-five of them would be well on their way to the city of Resa, where they would proceed to engage any and all Londim or otherwise communist-opposing forces made obvious to them with their nose-mounted 30mm cannons and twelve hundred pounds high explosive contained in the warheads of six air-to-ground attack missiles mounted on the wing pylons of the fighter. These aircraft would be attacking the armored support and vehicle transport capabilities of the army in Londim. All military vehicles, bridges, train stations, and runways were targets. Any air defenses would be dealt with as encountered, with the Dominion's pilots relying mostly on their genetically enhanced reflexes and vision, as well as the lighting-fast reflexes of the plane itself, to save them in the event of a concentrated anti-aircraft defense.
Quickly following this wave would be twenty HVC-01 helicopter gunships flying in over the city of Resa at four-thousand meters, unloading their 37mm cannons and their own eleven air-to-ground attack missiles and fifty smaller rockets fired from the pods mounted on each wing. Total payload weight exceeded four-thousand pounds of high explosive missiles. These helicopters would be targeting any obvious supply and ammunition storage areas as well as the barracks of troops and food stores as a priority. The hope was to rapidly demoralize enemy troops and limit the ability of Londim to support their own army. Actual military targets were not a top priority, and the standing order given at launch time instructed the helicopters only to fire when fired upon in relation to these assaults.
All throughout Londim, Dominion troops were reacting in similar ways; the battalion destined for the large coastal city too began to quicken its pace, as well as supplementing it with artillery bombardment. It would take these soldiers only the next four hours before they would arrive in the suburbs of their target. Once arrived, they would begin the annexation proper of that area as per standard mission directives. All living foreigners were to be made dead. The Orthae would advance at a walking pace down the city streets and alleyways, opening fire in short, deadly accurate bursts if any targets were encountered. All buildings encountered were also to be destroyed, with each squad of ten containing a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, this process would be made quite easy. If the RPG could not destroy it sufficiently, then shaped explosive charges would be employed. This city would be flattened by whatever means necessary. If hostile resistance was met it would be dispatched quickly and effectively by the powerful ST-373K1 'Mekhev' main battle tanks, who were to advance as a reserve force behind the main battalion advance, aiding in the destruction of any building not already laid flat by infantry heavy weapons. There too an airborne assault would begin shortly, with fifteen Strakhen Sokol fighters and six HVC-01 gunships participating. These craft would follow the same protocols as given to their more numerous companions destined for Resa.
Off shore one of the two large Roydia class battleships, the Cleansing Flame, escorted by two Helina class battlecruisers and ten Swiftsure class destroyers, was given new orders, which outlined their new purpose. They were to be deployed from the landing zone to the waters outside the targeted port city to support an infantry assault and cleansing. Once arrived at the city, these ships would begin shore bombardment of the most concentrated urban areas, targeting the largest buildings first and moving outward, eventually targeting residential areas and other such locales.
The shift of this war had drastically changed, aid to Londim, had become complete and utter annexation of the nation by the Dominion.
A communiqué was forwarded to Comrade Vito of the Free Red;
To: Comrade Vito, leader of the Free Red
From: Mr. White, foreign affairs officer
Subject: Londim
Message: Your purpose is noble and your intentions pure, and as such you have gained the attention and support of my nation. If you choose to cooperate, then you will be gifted with the resources of a nation greater than any you have seen before. If you decline, you and your group will be dismissed and destroyed just as any other Londim resident. The process has begun, it cannot be aborted. Londim will be annexed, whether you or we will lead it when it is finished is now up to you.
Good day,
Mr. White
The World Soviet Party
29-06-2006, 14:32
To Mr. White, foreign affairs officer
Cease your attack on the sovereign nation of Londim now!, this act of war you have commited, aside from bombarding civilian targets (which is a war crime), will be condemned by all. And, while we might not attack, other probably will!
Chairman Alexander of the World Soviet Party Council
Emporer Pudu
29-06-2006, 15:02
To: Chairman Alexander of the World Soviet Party Council
From: Mr. White, foreign affairs officer
Subject: War
Message: You have turned your back on your communist comrade, and even gone so far as to pledge your forces alongside the capitalist enemy! You are in no position to lecture us. You too will become a target if you do not remove yourself from all matters to do with this nation. It is ours now, you have no buisness here.
Good day,
Mr. White
Independent Hitmen
29-06-2006, 16:33
It is with great sadness that we note the aggressive actions currently being undertaken by military units belonging to your country in the Democratic Republic of Londim. The Government of the United States of Independent Hitmen looks unfavourably on ALL acts of aggression, but those upon small, relatively helpless, democracies are looked on with more of anger than disappointment.
We whole heartedly condemn the offensive actions being undertaken by troops loyal to the flag of Pudu. The government urges the government of your country to halt your advance immediately and to remove ALL soldiers and equipment from the Londim shores with the utmost speed.
Failure to comply with these advisements will result in an unfavourable outcome for you and your people. The Independent Hitmen will NOT stand by and idly watch as another democracy is overcome by waves of terror and oppression that comes from annexation.
Furthermore, if any single Hitman present in the Democratic Republic is harmed in any way, shape or form you will feel the full wrath that you will have envoked.
You have two hours to signal your compliance with our advisements.
“Think it’ll work?
“Not a chance” replied the Secretary of Defence. “I’ve just finished reading the file on these guys, they seem to have an underground nation surrounded by a huge wall, government type is….confused…but effectively ruled by an Emperor. Stated military policy is to annihilate the population of an area they wish to conquer and then grow their own population. I see no reason why that isn’t going to happen here.”
“Well then. What are our options?”
“The Resolution Group is exercising with the RRN about five days away. We can cut them loose and order them there at max speed. In addition there are two subs in transit to Stevid about four days away, they have already been ordered to come closer so we just need to modify that when they next transmit. Other than that we have a Surface Action Group centred around the two battleships Ronin and Samurai that could be there within a week, but their underway replenishment group will be stretching to make it that far to support them. Air wise they are in range of SB-22’s flying out of Epsom AFB and we can stage further assets out to their for support purposes.”
“All right, lets get things started. I’ve gotta go and brief those who matter.” with that President James Anderson stood and left the large briefing room for the short walk to his limo which would take him to the IH Senate building.
IHS Resolution, Illustrious Class Heavy Fleet Carrier
Operating with the Redge Royal Navy in Exercise Internal Glory
Things were going well for Fleet Admiral John McHavers. The first RRN air attack on his five carrier group had been chewed up 300km out from his outer pickets whilst the RRN fleet had been theoretically hit by a squadron of low flying Hornets that had “killed” a pair of missile cruisers. The only part that was frustrating was waiting for his submarines to circle round the enemy formation to hit them from behind, something that was taking the three 688 Class subs nearly five hours. His concentration was distracted by a young lieutenant holding a message form.
“Yes” he growled
“Admiral Sir, we just received this message from Gillen. It had Priority X attached to it.”
That got McHavers attention. Priority X was a method of communication that cut through most of the beaurocracy of normal transmission and had to be in the recipients hands within two minutes of being sent.
“Ok Son, hand it over.”
He quickly scanned it before handing it to the vessels Captain who had just been summoned from the CIC. As the Captain was reading it, McHavers began to give orders.
“Officer of the Watch, signal all vessels that at 1230 they will commence a turn to course one-nine-four, fleet speed will be thirty knots. Get an affirmative response from all and report to me. Communications Officer, send my apologies to the RRN task force but we are required elsewhere. Exercise Internal Glory is now over, recall the Air Wings I want them on intensive maintenance stand down for two days and get the crews rested. That’s all for now.”
“Looks like we might be getting some action…not in the Golden Throne, but I s’pose it’ll have to do. I’ll have a standard two plane element of Shindens up with a radar bird whilst we are sprinting, four more ready to go on the catapults at plus five. The rest below decks getting sorted out.”
Through the thick bridge windows the two men watched as an F-30 Shinden returned to the carrier, the graceful aircraft touching down almost perfectly on the deck and rolling to a stop with the help of the arrestor cable. Deck crew quickly detached it and the aircraft taxied to its indicated slot, the pilot wondering why he had been recalled so quickly, a feeling that was increased when he looked past his aircraft to the imposing shape of the second Illustrious carrier Uriel some eight miles away also conducting recovery operations.
It would take nearly half an hour for the two huge carriers to recover all of their Air Wings, the 520 strong complement of aircraft on each carrier were one by one taken below decks for intensive maintenance as the ships learnt of their new task.
Illustrious Class Carriers Resolution, Uriel, Ocean Class Carrier Pacific, Nicholas Kerensky Class Carriers Waypoint, Scholar
Force Total Air Wing: 1580 fixed wing aircraft.
Toryu Class Battleships Kariu, Mauri, Element Class Battleship Fire
The movement is precautionary.
Emporer Pudu
29-06-2006, 17:06
To: IH State Department
From: Mr. White, foreign affairs officer
Subject: War
Message: Our government will continue along its chosen path, regardless of the thoughts or concerns of the international community. Any attack you make will be met and returned. We warn you, do not get involved. If your personnel and equipment remove themselves from Londim immediately they will not be harmed. Otherwise, we cannot be held responsible for their own death.
Good day,
Mr. White
At sea, three days outside Londim, Pudite Taskforce 04
The Taskforce was moving steadily forward through a calm, open sea. They were making good time toward Londim, and expected to make it to shore sometime in the next three days. Before then, however, they were to be joined by two Submarine flotillas who were coming in off normal patrol routes under the North Sea ice. These flottilas, the 22nd and the 34th, respectivly, was each organized differently. The 22nd was an attack flotilla, containing fifteen Forthar class quiet attack submarines and five Haenulf class fast patrol submarines. The 34th, however, was a missile flotilla which contained ten Port cruise missile submarines, five Pechtas class heavy cruise missile submarines, and five Forthar attack submarines. These formations would join the 4th Task Force on their way to Londim, and remain there through the campaign to support their surface bound counterparts under the waves.
The World Soviet Party
29-06-2006, 21:11
To: Chairman Alexander of the World Soviet Party Council
From: Mr. White, foreign affairs officer
Subject: War
Message: You have turned your back on your communist comrade, and even gone so far as to pledge your forces alongside the capitalist enemy! You are in no position to lecture us. You too will become a target if you do not remove yourself from all matters to do with this nation. It is ours now, you have no buisness here.
Good day,
Mr. White
To Mr. White, foreign affairs officer aka "Facist Pig",
That coming from someone who calls himself emperor?
We are not supporting the so called "Free Red" movement because they hae proved not to be real communists, only facist, terrorist bastards.
We will, under no circumstances, withdraw our Medical Forces stationed at Londim, they will continue their humanitarian work helping people, not killing them like you.
Chairman Alexander of the World Soviet Party Council
29-06-2006, 23:47
As much as it was possible in a veteran of the intelligence services from a nation like Parsenna, Vassily was a fairly apolitical creature, he had, in his days, killed for the Parsenna Soviet, the short-lived Black Hat fascists, the Liberation, the Revolution, the Counter-Revolution and most lately, for the Parsennan mob. If anything, his varied history emphasized the one unifying theme of his long and disguished career. He was a killer. He enjoyed the challenge of finding the perfect short, the clean, zen-like clarity with which his Berret sniper rifle fired, the solid, silent recoil that assured him of a shot, and the definite finality that a round as large as he used brought to the target below. In any other line of work, his detached, almost certainly sociopathic views of the subject would have had him locked up for a long, long time, but in this, his chosen profession, they were actually a job skill.
He had long ago decided not to ask questions about his targets and his jobs. Not because such information could be dangerous but because he discovered he really didn't care, especially on foreign jobs like this one.
Jobe Kinsey had worked in the same building for the Party's diplomatic wing, specializing in communication with other fellow worker's parties around the world, in the central city of the World Soviet Party for nearly fourteen years and had taken the same route home for nearly that long. He was entirely justified in his feeling of security as he clocked out and headed back to his residence. He was also, it turned out, entirely wrong.
Vassily followed Mr. Kinsey through the scope for the while. There was a beauty to the purity of Kinsey's ignorence. Kinsey was entirely unaware of the scope following him, and, if Vassily did his job, always would up, up until the point he ceased to be. Vassily smiled, he savored these moments like most men savored a fine wine or a sunset, then, at the last possible moment, he led his target just the proper amount and pulled the fatal trigger....
OOC: I've never killed anyone in an RP before, hope I left enough 'wiggle room' at the end there...
The World Soviet Party
30-06-2006, 01:07
Jobe fell to the ground, blood pouring from a hole in his back, people rushed to the site, someone called ambulance, panic ensued.
Hours Later...
To: Everyone who may Concern
Today, at exactly 16:30 pm, Jobe Kinsey, a goverment official, was shot while he returned home after a hard day's work.
We are deeply sad and offer our condolences to his family, however, this cant just stay there.
This... Terrorist act has opened our eyes to the evils of this world, and we shall not, I say, surrender to cowards, traitors and the so-called "conquerors"!.
From today ownards, this country is in state of emergency, Martial Law has been passed, we will find and try Mr. Jobe's killer, and thats why, fellow people, we ask you for help. If you have any information concerning this murder, head to your nearest Police Station and tell them, you wont be harmed, and you'll also be given Witness Protection should you ask for it.
Chairman Alexander of the World Soviet Party Council
Chairman Alex shook his head, things were getting worse, first the school and now... this, something would need to be done, and soon...
Three cars were taking separate tourists to the airport. They were just like any others, but their car wasn't. Hidden in the sides and engine of the car, bombs. C4. An armored van, money. After the armored van and the tourists were let through, they all grouped together and drove. One car drove toward the control tower, over grass and throguh roads, it suddenly turned away. It went down a hill. Seconds later, it came flying up, hitting almost the top of the tower. It exploded.
The second car drove toward a series of hangers, driving through them, crashing, wrecking, until it stopped. Seconds later, boom. It was stuck between two hangers with airplanes in them, with three other hangers that had support on or in the two hangers.
The last car, seeing the successes off the two, drove toward the entrance of the civilian airport. It barged through, tires, metal riddled with bullets, but it did nothing. The car drove and drove, slipping to hit people, sliding to hit stands. FInally, a lobby with the train system [Foot note] nearby, it blew up in between. People died, the train system suddenly ruined, as the supports were destroyed. That cause thetrai nsystem in the nearby area to fall, spreading, landing on the road [Again, foot note] to cause mass destruction and choas.
The armored car was drivng, looking innocent, when suddenly in took off. It went into another entrance, and, after it was inside, the back doors opened. Troops. Ten troops. The van took off after they were all out and went straight for the security center. It blew up close to it, cameras knocked out.
OOC: Foot note: At the local (major) airport, DFW, we have a train system for faster transportation. To save room, it goes by the roads and into the airport it self (you cannot get out outside, it just goes as the crow flies), so yeah.
OOC @ Londim: You can control the ten men.
In little over a week the Presidents life had been turned upside down. First terrorists now a full scale war and invasion. The President knew one thing and that thing was that he was extremely pissed off. He sent messages to the naval and air bases around Londim. If Pudu wanted a war he was going to get one.
Londim Naval Base Area 45
General Paul Kilf received the message from LIS. His nation was at war and General Kilf did not like this at all. He knew a direct visivble atack would be catastrophic for Londim so instead h edecided for something more subtle. He issued the order to dispatch two of their submarines to take out as much as the enemy fleet tht was anchored off shore. If they were lucky the subs would lay undetected until it was too late for the enemy.
LMS Libt
Admiral Trenton looked at the charts. The enemy were strong but even the most powerful could be toppled using stealth. The submarine he was in charge of had those capabilities. It could stay undetected in an enemy fleets area for days. But this was serious. The submarine was moving at a speed of 20 knots, fast enough to get to the enemy, slow enough to not be detected to early.
"Finally some action", Trenton though to himself, time to wipe away the Pudu fleet.
The other submarine LMS Gabriel was going to attck the ships from behind and take out the engines making the the fleet a siting duck which could be finished off from the front. This attack had worked countless times before.
Londim Air Base # 3
Lieutenant General Higgs also got the message for attack. For this attack a squadron of A-10 Thunderbolt IIs would be used. They were quick and deadly able to spring surprise attacks on many armies. The planes would be used to attack ground forces of the Pudu Army and cause significant damage. Higgs had already formulated such a plan as soon as war had been declared. The attack would take less than 5 minutes but would be catastrophic for the enemy. 30 minutes after the intial message the planes were in the air on their way towards the target...
Independent Hitmen
30-06-2006, 19:08
It is with sadness that we note your reply. No Hitman citizen will be bullied into leaving Londim, in fact many more will be there shortly.
With the support and approval of the Londim government USIH Peacekeeping forces will be deployed to Londim to prevent the ethnic cleansing that we fear will result from a Pudu occupation of that nation. These peacekeeping forces are to be placed in areas that are currently occupied by Pudu forces and any attack on them will be viewed as an attack on the USIH herself. The Resolution Carrier Task Force will be arriving on station to further police the situation. A safe exclusion zone of 200km should be observed for the safety of your vessels in the area.
We do not want war with you, but if we have to we are prepared to expel you from Londim with force.
End Transmission.
J Corp Communication Centre
“Ok, its pretty safe to assume that those guys will come here pretty soon. They are quite good at nailing down the infrastructure and strategic hubs. I want this truck moving soon, im keeping all the equipment here for now. Lets teach these blokes a lesson if they come for us.”
He left the lorry along with another pair of men and they walked briskly over to where the rented truck was parked. With the two guards on look out he opened the back of the door and climbed in, looking for two specific crates.
Two minutes later he emerged with one and handed it to one of the men, returning a minute later with the second. They took them into a small building being used by J Corp and unpacked them, carefully removing the contents from the foam interior. The larger of the two held a J Corp Type 7 shoulder launched Surface to Air Missile whilst the other held five of the rockets used in the launcher. He checked the system briefly, powering it up and ensuring the tracker mode worked, as a brand new launcher should do.
With that done he replaced it into the case and went back to the truck and checked on some larger crates that contained Hyn Anti-Tank Missiles and the launcher systems. They expected the ambush team back soon and they would position themselves in defence positions around the airport in accordance with local Londim Guard troops. The advanced weapons would mainly be held by J Corp personnel who would be assigned to aid the locals as there was insufficient time to give them all a briefing on how the weapons worked.
IHS Golden Pier, Los Angeles Class 688I Attack Submarine (SSN)
“God dammit, we are an hour and a half behind them. And they were closer than us in the first place!”
It wasn’t really the communication officers fault, but the Captain of the Golden Pier, known affectionately to her crew as the luckiest and also unluckiest submarine in the IHN force, had to vent his anger at someone. She had had two reactor faults in her time and survived both without any casualties, in fact she had been considered so unlucky that there had been talk of scrapping the vessel. But the War in the Golden Throne had put pay to that thought, at least for the while, and now with an updated reactor system she had been in transit to Stevid along with her sister ship Human Endeavour that had finished a spate of patrols on the IH coast.
The angered Captain strode away from the communications room and into the attack centre and his usual seat. He knew the answer to his first question but asked it anyway.
“Sonar report contacts.”
“Only one, Sierra-One. A Mitosk class supertanker, eastbound at twenty one knots.” replied the Chief in charge of the sonar room.
“Very well. Officer of the watch, lets make our speed twenty five knots course one-eight-zero. XO has the conn.” The Captain went to leave, but decided to convey his instructions to the exec so that his sleep would not be interrupted. “Keep deep and sprint and drift for the next thirty nine hours. I’ll be awake long before then but I’m going for a nap now. Wake me at six if I’m not already up.”
The sub’s were heading south, to the seas off Londim.
Epsom Air Force Base, The Oil Lanes
Epsom Air Force Base had been established years ago to provide a base for the aircraft used to patrol the vital Oil Lanes that ferried hundreds of large supertankers to the Hitman mainland every year. She had four runways that virtually dominated the Island she was on, the crew facilities and living quarters making up most of the rest of the islands surface.
Based off of the runways on a normal rotation were two E-3F Sentry AWAC’s aircraft, nine P-3C Orions, a squadron of old F-14D Super Tomcats and one of F-15’s. However now there were twenty eight of the large stealth painted B-6 bombers and fourteen of the SB-22 Sariel low detection bombers as well as a dozen KC-135 tankers present on the base, relegating the fighter aircraft to the tarmac whilst the big bombers took pride of place in the hangars.
The round trip to the seas near Londim, or at least to the necessary launching distance, was close to 10,500km meaning that both types of aircraft would need to be fuelled once going out and once coming back. They could make it with only one refuelling but it would be very tricky to fuel them so close to the enemy fleet, if indeed they did receive the attack orders.
For now they sat in the hangars undergoing routine maintenance whilst the AS-2B missiles that would be placed in the bomb bays were also undergoing tests in the base armoury. The big missiles would be loaded into their cylindrical shaped launchers and then fitted into the bomb bays once the order for the mission had been given. From that time to take off would be about fifty minutes.
If the Pudu troops continued, their colleagues in the navy were in for a serious headache.
Demon 666
30-06-2006, 20:36
OOC: Hope it's not too late.
IC: "Good day , fellow Marshalls."
The Five Marshalls had taken their spots at the mahogany table. The result was dangerous. They had all heard reports of a Communist rebellion in some country called Londim. While the Emperor had left the Empire some time ago, and did not say when he would return, the Presiding Marshall, Andrei Yerellkov, had for the time taken control.
Yerellkov, a brawny man who covered his right eye with an eyepatch lost from previous wars opened his map book.
"As we now know today, Londim has undergone a full-scale invasion from foreigners who claim to be Communist. Moreover, a terrorist group known as the Free Red or something like that has launched attakcs on various other countries. The situation is grave.
As we know, Londim is a weakling democracy, and we do not expect that it could survive on its own. However, it is also backed up by many more of its weakling democratic brothers who lack true steel and grit."
"On the other hand, we all know that there is no pestillence in this world greater than Communism. Gentleman, what shall we do?"
The first to stand up was the youngest and probably most hot-blooded out of all them, Kazuke Morihume. Pounding his fist in the table, he shouted,
"There is nothing worse than Communism! We must stop it immeadiately. Who knows what they would do if they succeeded! At any rate, it looks as if they will lose, so why should we support them?!"
The result was for Marshall Montgardieu
"Morihume, your thinking is too simplistic. I hate Communism as much as you do; if anything even more, for I grew under the Emperor Ronarca, who was a true Socialist scumbag who decreased the power of the army. But our goal ultimately is the benefit of the Empire, not the defeat of Communism.
I say we must do all we can to prolong the war. I propose that we send 50 million dinari to this group known as the Free Red. It doesn't take much money to fund a terrorist group, and they'll use the moeny well."
Three hours later:
From: The Imperial Empire of Demon 666
TO:The Free Red
We will support your revolt and we will supply 50 million dinari in cash for your work.
1 dollar = 1.5 dinari
Emporer Pudu
01-07-2006, 06:10
The attack would take less than 5 minutes but would be catastrophic for the enemy. 30 minutes after the initial message the planes were in the air on their way towards the target...
OOC: What exactly is the target, what are they doing, how many are there? Also, everyone, refer to my stuff and people as "Pudite"
Off the shore of Londim, Main Pudite Fleet, early evening
Surrounding the Pudite fleet was a blanket of protection, the first wall consisted of the fifteen Lionfish class frigates deployed on picket duty eight miles off shore. Each was fitted with the GN-20 bow-mounted sonar system, and between them, formed a net encompassing the entire perimeter of the fleet zone. Behind them were the remaining fourteen Swiftsure class destroyers equipped similarly. Beyond that began the larger ships, each with their own GN-20 systems, but such systems were not engaged constantly, relying on the other, escort ships to do their duty, which they did.
In the sensory office of the Lionfish class frigate Torchbearer, a large dot on a sonar screen was drawing attention. The sailor stationed there addressed his superior, "Sir, I have a large, unidentified blot on my screen, moving in our direction at roughly twenty knots."
The naval officer jogged over to the screen, "That look like a submarine?"
The sailor peered at the screen for a second before responding, "Yes sir, I suppose it might, orders?"
The officer stood up and turned and began to walk away, shouting back his response, "Remain at your station, continue monitoring the object."
The officer was headed for the phone at the end of the room, linked directly to the bridge, it was how he intended to get the message out that there was a large, unidentified object, presumably a submarine, moving forward at twenty knots. He did this, and was rewarded when, before two minutes had passed, four smaller, tube-like objects he knew to be VA-111 Shkval torpedoes. However, he barely had time to see them, as they shot across his screen at an amazing two-hundred knots, destined for the assumed enemy submarine.
Across the fleet, a similar encounter was met by another Lionfish frigate, and it too was dealt with through the rapid launch of a few tubes of a few hundred pounds of High Explosive moving extremely fast.
Mainland of Londim, Pudite Orthae Battalions, early evening
The 3rd Battalion was not encountering very much resistance as they continued to move through the city. Some civilians owned and operated firearms, but they were quickly silenced. So far no casualties were reported, and the annexation was continuing nicely. When darkness set in the battalion would halt, eat, rest for four hours, and then begin again. During the rest of the night operations would continue as usual, courtesy of ocular modification allowing sight in the infrared spectrum. Once this city was subdued, the 3rd would make a temporary camp and wait for reinforcing armies from the Dominion.
As for the 1st and 2nd Battalions, they were making good time, encountering, again, no resistance on the ground as they continued toward Resa. In fact, the only encounter along the road at all was a small foray by a flight of enemy ground attack aircraft, which worried theatre commanders very little. The primitive A-10 was detected at long range by air-search radar employed by one of the four Mekhev tanks, stored in the side-turret weapon mount, and dealt with by the SAM systems installed in the 'Integrated Modular Side-Turret Weaponry Mount System' of the Mekhev tanks. From each tank two 9M331 Tor anti-aircraft missiles were launched, each containing a fourteen and a half kilogram high-explosive fragmentation warhead. The tanks themselves were protected, for the most part, by their highly advanced armor system and the ARENA-FG IV system, which would use focused microwaves to fry the electronics of any missiles attacking the column, most probably causing them to detonate prematurely potentially igniting its fuel or damaging its avionics, rendering it useless. Coupled into this is an anti-laser rangefinder/weapons guidance tool which uses a beam of controlled ultraviolet rays to change the frequency of an incoming laser, forcing its electronics, before these themselves are fried, or as a backup strategy, to determine that the point where the UV rays intercept the laser is the distance to target, again causing the missile to detonate prematurely at a harmless distance. The attackers were not expected to even make it back to their base, let along force the Pudites back to theirs.
To: IH State Department
From: Mr. White, foreign affairs officer
Subject: Re: Re: War
Message: Our forces will not be scared off by your so-called task force. Any approach made against the Pudite fleets in the region, by land, air, or sea, will be met as though an attack had been made. Your presence will not be tolerated, and any attempts to interfere with Pudite operations will be met with extreme force. You've been warned.
Good day,
Mr. White
OOC: I am again going away, this time for the 4th of July weekend. I will again me up in the mountians, with loads of explosives and no internet access. I should be back sometime early next week, Monday or something...
Demon 666
01-07-2006, 06:59
"Field Marshall Yerellkov, sir!"
"Telegram. It's from the Emperor himself."
Yerellkov snapped the folded piece of paper from the courier and started reading.
From: Imperial Emperor Arthur Tenarius
To: Field Marshall and Presiding Emperor Andrei George Yerellkov.
I have heard of your plans to secretly fund this Communist group. I must remind you that if these news are ever leaked to the general public, the resulting outrage would be tremendous.
Given I am away for the time, I will let you continue with your plans. But remember, Yerellkov, if the news ever gets out, well, you know fully well what I will do to you.
Signed, Arthur Tenarius
Note: The Empire of Demon 666 populace is rabidly anti-Communist. Yerellkov is supporting the Free Red not because he is a Communist, but he intends to weaken Londim as much as he can.
The air force was going for a pincer attack. This was so the ground forces would be confused. Squadron Leader Jones looked at the view from his cockpit as the plane flew forward like a bird of death. It was time to show these Pudite forces the might of Londim.
"This is Squadron Leader. We are approaching the target get ready for flak and remember if your going down parachute out and get away from the area. If you are caught do not give information. We will find you and rescue you. Lets get ready to rumble!"
With this the squadron split and went round the Pudite forces. Jones opened fire on the forces along with the rest of his half of the squadron. The Pudite forces were ready and started firing back.
"Evasive action. Evasive action"He screamed as the ground forces returned fire.
As they evaded the other half of the squadron came from behind and fried upon the Pudite forces. Jones looked to his left and noticed a couple of the planes had been hit and were going down. He watched them fall and then noticed the pilots had ejected safely. This was getting dangerous.
Pull out. Pull out!!! With this command the remainder of the squadronurned tail and flew off to base. A bigger attack was needed Jones thought to himself. But an attack of a large scale could not be down by the small miltary Londim currently had.
Londim Seas
The submarines were slowly closing on to their targets. Admiral Trenton carefully went over tactics. He knew the plan was to make the ships sitting ducks so they could be finished off by the airforce but it wouldn't hurt to take a a couple of ships out. As he going over this one of the one of the crew called Trenton over.
"Sir we have four torpedos approaching us. What do we do?"
"Fire back and hit these torpedos." Trenton had used this tactic many times before and had always worked. The torpedos were launched and a few seconds later the submarine was rocked as a midwater explosion occured.
"Right reload torpedos and fire at the ships engines. Lets stop them from doing anything."
Emporer Pudu
04-07-2006, 19:14
1st and 2nd Battalion, road to Resa, seconds after airborne attack
The small attack served mostly to slow the advance of the battalions along the road, accomplishing little else. Although seventeen men were dead, and thirteen more were wounded and subsequently executed for allowing themselves to be hit. Total casualties from attack, thirty Orthae infantry.
As soon as it was noticed that some of the damaged planes pilots bailed out, a platoon from each battalion was ordered to move into the forest to either side to recover any crash survivors. They would be questioned, in an attempt to learn any more detailed information on the strengths of the Londimian military.
Off shore, Pudite fleet, response to survival of enemy submarines
The officer watched in amazement as his ships torpedoes vanished from the screen and the larger blot continued foreword. He stepped back a few feet, still stunned, before sprinting over to the phone. The bridge's sonar display had already relayed this information to them, and the sensors officer was informed of a recently initiated counterattack.
First, the frigates deployed their own GNAT anti-torpedo systems in response to the enemies attack. This system had been tested in countless battles, and was effective as it could be. It easily swept aside the enemies torpedoes, save for one, which impacted the Lionfish class frigate, Torchbearer at the waterline. However, this ships main armor belt was thick enough to absorb the majority of the damage. The only impact was a large dent, a small hole, and a ruined paintjob. No damage projected further from that impact.
Secondly, another wave of VA-111 Shkval torpedoes was released, this time however, the volley contained sixteen of the torpedoes, from two ships, for a combined total of thirty-two weapons per submarine. No problems were expected this time.
The World Soviet Party
05-07-2006, 00:32
and thirteen more were wounded and subsequently executed for allowing themselves to be hit. Total casualties from attack, thirty Orthae infantry.
OOC: Well, sucks to be them...
Independent Hitmen
05-07-2006, 14:05
The New White House, J City
Central Highlands of Independent Hitmen
Real time satellite telemetary and pictures was now being fed directly into one of three situation rooms in the New White House. Currently the orbiting KH-15 satellite had camera’s pinpointing the positions of both Pudite land and naval forces and was then transmitting this information via three communication satellites back to its control base beneath the Henches Mountain Range. From there secure broadband fibre optic cables took the signal to several places, including NMCC at Perry and the New White House.
Military analysts at both had watched with interest the Pudite reaction to the attacks made on their ground and sea forces. Obviously they were quite technologically advanced, the tanks appeared multi-role vehicles that were far bigger than any IH vehicle of similar designation and their sensors seemed up to scratch. On the naval front the cameras had nearly missed the high speed torpedo’s being fired, however frame by frame analysis revealed them as they were launched. The lack of damage done to the frigate that had been sent to leap out of the water with a large explosion beneath or on it was curious. Unless these Pudite frigates were armoured beyond belief, therefore being slow, there was no way that it could have survived a direct torpedo hit. Years of IHN naval experience against many different adversaries showed that when a frigate was hit by a torpedo at the very least it was out of action and usually sank to the bottom of the sea pretty quickly.
President Anderson had watched the footage quietly, receiving the response from the Pudite foreign office as it did so. Quite calmly he put it aside and continued watching the footage until the action was over and the cameras returned to scanning for unit designation and equipment types.
“General, give the go ahead for Operation Admonition. You have my authority.”
Air Marshal Beckworth, known as General, nodded and picked up his phone. In a minute the go order would be flashed to those who needed it. Meanwhile the President prepared a response to the Pudites.
Epsom Air Force Base, The Oil Lanes
Hangar doors were opened and the aircraft rolled out slowly under their own power. The first SB-22 taxied to the end of runway four and turned the nose to face down it. Upon confirmation from the tower the pilot released the brakes and went to full power, the aircraft rolling down the concrete with every increasing speed until finally it clawed its way up into the air with its heavy payload and begun to trace the course that the KC-135’s had started on twenty minutes before. The other 13 SB-22’s also followed, all of their bomb bays full of AS-2B Air to Ship missiles.
An hour later the B-6B’s emerged from their hangars and proceeded down both runway four and seven, all twenty eight pushing themselves up into the air with ease with the eight huge engines that they all pushed to cruise at Mach 3.4.
The SB-22’s rendezvoused with the tankers first, topping up their tanks when they were 2500km from Epsom, the B-6’s topping up at 2550km. The KC-135s then returned to Epsom to refuel themselves, before heading back to station to refuel the returning bombers.
Those bombers continued on their way, the SB-22’s staying infront of the B-6’s which now throttled back to keep pace with their stealthier strike cousins. When they were at 1000km from launch points, or 1540km from their targets, the two groups split up and turned off all navigation lights. The B-6’s turned slightly east and climbed to approach from a different direction and hit their afterburners for a brief run at their top speed of Mach 5 before again slowing and spreading out into attack formation so they approached in a semicircle to their launch points.
For the B-6’s there was limited danger now as they passed the 900km mark, their passive systems were detecting fringe radar readings, still well over the horizon from them. All the active systems were off with the crews monitoring their various dials and gauges that signalled their aircraft was still flying well at its height, 69,000feet and cruising at Mach 3.4. As they neared the launch point they dropped speed to Mach 2.9, their reinforced bomb bay doors opened inwards and three AS-2B missiles dropped from each bomber as they came to their launch points.
The missiles dropped a hundred feet and then their own RAMJET’s fired, keeping them to the cruising speed of Mach 2.9 that they would maintain until they reached their terminal phase.
Due to the difference in approach for the B-6’s they launched at the same time as the SB-22’s that had taken a direct route. From each of these fell ten of the AS-2B missiles and the aircraft promptly turned around. The SB-22’s were a lot stealthier than the B-6’s so they would not be detected, the B-6’s however may have been but just incase they ran at Mach 5 until they were 900km from the enemy, riding their own shockwave as the aircraft did.
The missiles however were not stealthy. The one hundred and forty inbound from the SB-22’s and the 56 from the B-6’s would be detected pretty soon. Only when they were 300km from their targets would they begin their descent to sea skimming and then at 10km the nitrous injection would combine with the hydrogen injection system to boost speed to Mach 4.9 terminal velocity.
It wasn’t war, it was a warning.
OOC: Fully details on the missile can be found in Post 6 on this thread http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=11071852#post11071852
A diplomatic message will be posted here soon!
05-07-2006, 14:26
[OOC: IH, telegram.]
Londim Waters
The first submarine took all the torpedos that were fired at it. Within minutes the submarine sank to the bottom of the ocean taking with it many brave naval officers. The LMS Libt was facing nose towards the ships so much harder to hit but cintact was made when 5 of the torpedos hit the submarine. Luckily it wasn 't breached but the torpedos had knocked out the engine.
"Sir we have back up power in 5...4...3...2...1." With this back up power came up allowing radar and radio contact but the back up power didn't mean anything if the motors had gone. Trenton gathered his crew around him.
"Right people. We won't be able to move. We are open to all attacks by the enemy. It is highly unlikly we will be picked up by our military as it could result in unneccessary losses which could be devasting for our nation. But we're not going to sit here doing nothing. We're going to go with a bang. Fire all the torpedoes we have. That should cause some damage to these invading bastards. Also fire the M2 Driller torpedo."
With that last sentence the crew let out a collective gasp. 'Mr Drill' as the military called the torpedo was a weapon that would neverfail. It was a torpedo but on the end had a large drill bit made of titanium. The torpedo did not explode on contact but instead attached itself to a ships hull. After it attached itself the drill bit started drilling thorugh the hull. The drill wouldn't take long to get through the hull. As soon as the drill was through the torpedo would explode totally breaching the hull. Any attempts to destroy it would just result in the torpedo exploding earlier causin a hull breach.
"But Sir the torpedo is very unstable."
"Dont worry. In all other battles it has always sent a message to opposing troops that we won't let them walk all over us. No more questions. Just fire damnit.!!!!"
With that the torpedos were launched. Travelling at 175 knots.
Emporer Pudu
06-07-2006, 19:38
Off shore, Pudite fleet, response to survival of enemy submarines
Once again these damnable enemy craft had survived the Emperor's blessed ammunition. Not again. This time, there would be nothing left of them. By now nearby Lionfish frigates had joined the fray, and again each launched a volly of sixteen further torpedoes. Over a two-thousand pounds of high explosive was aimed and guided by on-board computers towards the enemy submarine. It would not survive.
Unfortunatly, neither would the Torchbearer. Its torpedo defense systems were overwhelmed by the number of weapons going both ways and such, it was hit by the drill-tipped torpedo, which did it's duty and blew a massive hole in the side of the hull. Evacuation was begun immidiatly, and only thirty-two men were brought down with it.
Once the submarines were gone the patrol routes were re-organized and began again.
The President and LIS headquarters had been moved to a secret location that would be practically impossible for the enemy to find. He had been getting reports of the battle at sea which had ended. He sighed as two of Londims submarines had been sunk killing all the crew but at least they had brought down one of the enemy patrol ships.
"Right Agents this is our new home for a while. We will control all battles from here and hold all we can until backup from ally nations arrives. We have taken out one ship but lost two of our subs and four of our planes. But there have been reports that some citizens have formed a resistance and are using guerrilla tactics against the opposing forces. As we speak I have personally ordered some tanks to hide in the forests that lines the road to Resa. It will give them cover as enemies approach and a squadron of Bombers will fly over the opposing ground troops and drop their loads on the enemy. This should disable them for some time so we can get backup soon. We need it."
Airbase 1
The Sukhoi Su 25s were some of the most advanced bomber aircrafts. It could travel at 975km/h making it hard to hit by anti- aircraft guns. It contained cluster bombs and laser guided missiles for air to ground attack and AA Aphid 8 air to air missiles and GSh-30-2 30mm cannon.
The 10 planes all rolled out towards the runway and one by one took off to take out the enemy.
Emporer Pudu
08-07-2006, 22:09
OOC: Posted, as you may see...
Pudite Operations across Londim
Pudite forces all across the new Pudite province of Londim were progressing favorably. Engineers had secured most major train junctions along the Pudite-occupied coast, the 3rd Battalion has consolidated their gains in the large port city south of the landing zone, and 1st and 2nd Battalions were going to arrive in Resa the very next day. As for Londim resistance, very little was encountered, and that that was had been dealt with very efficiently. No problems were foreseen in the continued annexation. Now, Londim was resisting again. Long-range radar had picked up ten enemy fighter-bomber aircraft in-bound on the troops to Resa...
Immediately a force was scrambled from the decks of the Athios class light carrier Prometheus. Twelve Straken Sokol fighter aircraft were up in under a minute, and were bound for the enemy aircraft at Mach Three. They would be there in seconds.
As soon as they arrived each of the twelve would fire both a single R-27 air-to-air missile, and a first volley of chaff from one of the twenty-two chambers designed as such. As soon as the R-27 radar-guided missiles impacted the Straken Sokol fighters would fire another weapon. Their own AFFC/SIRR-12 active radar cancellation systems. It would utterly confuse any incoming missiles into thinking that they had already reached the target, and they would explode prematurely, possibly even damaging the plane that fired them. As soon as this was accomplished they would each open fire with their CFA-760D III 30mm electro-thermal nose-mounted autocannons. Each shot could down an aircraft by itself.
These pilots were elite, the best of the best. Each was augmented by a number of genetic modifications, most importantly improved reflexes achieved by neural and adrenaline stimulators are added at important places in body to improve reflex time and improves rapid data processing. They also receive sight augmentation, which allow them to see clearer than usual, they allow sight in the infrared spectrum, and they allow the pilot to see in up to twenty 'levels' of magnification. They would have a slight advantage...
Independent Hitmen
09-07-2006, 12:52
OOC: Im off on holiday for two weeks...so I'll see what the state of the RP is when I return!
Emporer Pudu
19-07-2006, 02:48
OOC: Londim, is this RP still alive, and if so, could you fashion a map of some sort so as to facilitate my invasion...
Pudite Occupied Londim, Eighth Day, Arrival of Reinforcements
Early in the morning of the first day of the second week of the Pudite invasion of the formerly sovereign nation of Londim the first reinforcements arrived. These took the form of a large fleet, assembled nearly hours after the initial attacks, but they were delayed many times by adverse weather and were just now arriving. This fleet consisted of the Roydia class Battleship, the Faith in Service, the Roydia class Battleship Virtuous Conquest, and the three Tye Verna class Fleet Carriers Invulnerable, Indomitable, and Dauntless. Surrounding these ships as they slid into formation among those already here were thirteen Carthage class air defense cruisers, nine Helina class battlecruisers, and fifteen Portlandia class guided missile cruisers. Further out were the hosts of smaller ships, also integrating with the earlier fleets. Here there were twenty-four Swiftsure class destroyers, twenty-two Adari class air defense destroyers, and seventeen Lionfish class missile frigates. For three hours this force would remain stationary, before the entire integrated fleet would sail directly south to anchor off the remains of the old port city recently captured by the 3rd Battalion and begin offloading their compliment there. It would take a full week to establish a sufficient base of operations in the region. After that, more than two hundred thousand soldiers could commence operations.
In light of the new arrivals, the 1st and 2nd Orthae Battalions were ordered, in contradiction to their previous standing orders, to cease the movement against Resa, and turn and move directly for the Pudite port city, which was given the operational title FPC-0013. There they would join their 3rd Battalion and finally begin operations as they were intended, as isolated special operations men, not as city-takers. The war was taking shape, it was only a matter of time now...
The LSI was busy. Reports were coming in that the Pudite forces were turning away from Resa. It seemed they were heading back to the Port City where they were setting up operations. There was only one thing to do....The President picked up the phone.
"General, this is the President. Port City is now our target and there only one way we can really take it away from the enemy and that is destroy it. I'm calling an airstrike on the city. They won't be expecting us to destroy one of our towns and their forces inside. Its the only way."
"Yes Mr President"
General Brint put down the receiver and gave the order. 200 Typhoons (Plane Details (http://www.fighter-planes.com/)) had been ordered to fire on Port City. This one of the biggest air missions Londim had ever taken. At each of the airbases Typhoons took to the skies to unleash hell from above...
Emporer Pudu
19-07-2006, 17:09
OOC: Map?
Pudite Occupied Port City, During Air Raid
Soldiers were scrambling all over the docks, a siren was going off somewhere, and people were hearing the whoosh of missiles leaving pods and the heavy crunch of large armored vehicles lurching over the rubble and gravel that Pudite forces had reduced this city too. Right now there were nearly one-hundred thousand soldiers unloaded, while most of the vehicles the fleet was bringing were still aboard ships. Luckily, however, it was made priority to unload anti-aircraft vehicles first, for Pudite planners did indeed expect, based on all other previous encounters with Londimian forces, an air strike. Currently only four hundred GMA-3 Bear anti-aircraft systems were unloaded, and many of these were still going about taking up their positions. They were armed with twin 88mm cannons and eight anti-air missiles each. Also unloaded were nearly two hundred and fifty GA-4 88mm anti-aircraft artillery pieces, but they were all still waiting along the docks and their crews were nowhere to be seen. Also just being unloaded were the GA-7 128mm anti-aircraft guns, but fortunately their crews and munitions were all in one place, and these pieces were ready to fire before any other guns were. The only other vehicles capable of shooting down aircraft were the roughly fifty Mekhev tanks and two-hundred SIV-25 armored personnel carriers who mounted anti-air missiles. As soon as the alarm sounded, these vehicles capable of doing so turned their attention to the sky and made ready to fire. Many hundreds of barrels were ready and waiting to fire.
However, these ground vehicles were not the only things capable of defending the city, in fact, the Dominion's reinforcements had brought with them exactly one-hundred F-78K Straken Sokol air superiority aircraft who were now flying above the fleet off the shore of the city, speeding ahead to engage the enemy aircraft over the ruins. Supporting them from the ocean were the many dozens of ships and the many thousands of accurate anti-aircraft missiles that would be fired as soon as possible.
Chaos remained as the first enemy missiles arrived, many striking depots of supplies and ammunition along the docks, and still others finding their way to the beginnings of the small tent-city further in-land where the troops were garrisoning. Casualties were relatively low, as most people had taken cover sensibly, but deaths could not be avoided. As combat was joined for the first time, twelve Guardians already lay dead or executed in the mangled heaps of rubble.