Clone Wars Alt. history Remake (Signup & OOC Open)
Waldenburg 2
21-06-2006, 17:17
Clone Wars Alternate history
Shortly before the battle on Geonosis can take place, Count Dooku, with the hope of becoming the sole Sith Lord in the galaxy, betrays Darth Sidious on Coruscant and attempts to kill him. The Jedi initially come to the aid of the Chancellor, but quickly find out his true identity when he fires Sith lightning at the treacherous Dooku. Dooku and Sidious, both assaulted by Jedi, escape Coruscant and go their separate ways. The Count and his Jedi-hunting general Sevrance Tann retain control of the massive Droid armies.
The Senate, alarmed by Sidious’ corruption, worried by Dooku’s army, and looking for a strong leader, elects Padme to the Chancellorship. None of the Jedi know of Kamino, and before Dooku can add the clones to his already growing army, Sidious removes them from the known Galaxy, but only after bombing Kamino.
Anakin, startled by his mentor’s treachery, is nonetheless overjoyed at Padme’s election to the chancellorship… though the power of the dark side still gnaws at him. The Jedi Council looking for more fighting Jedi, and with prompting from Padme, Anakin is given his test for Knight without Obi Wan’s approval. The Republic without it’s clone army took to an old and great tradition of conscripting anyone who could hold a blaster. Now Billions of heavily armed conscripts will face the might of the Droid armies, and Sidious’ Clone army.
Sidious meanwhile, embittered that his plans could not come to fruition, seeks a new apprentice… and revenge on both the Jedi and on Dooku.
As for Grievous he saw threw the CIS’ plan to turn him against the Republic by faking his shuttle crash. He ran to the Republic and with Sifo Dyas’ lightsaber tried to explain what happened. The Jedi in their infinite wisdom attacked the cyborg and sent him scurrying away from Courascant. Now without a battle to fight Grievous heads for Korriban to meditate and gather what used to be (when he had a proper body) his dark forces. On Korriban Grievous meets Darth Sidious and pledges loyalty to the Dark Lord of the Sith.
So with all that explained choose a character on any side and fight it out. Any other people you’d like to introduce such as lesser Jedi or Sith please do. You may also bring in other factions if you like, I suggest Yuuzhan Vong or something of the sort.
Note (Battles without two or more human players will be rp'ed out by a moderator. if you want to be a moderator, we need one more so ask. Battles between two humans will be Rp'ed by the combatants.)
Note (Sidious has about 500,000 Clones and 50 Acclamators)
Suggested Characters:
Yoda: DMG
Mace Winduw: Amazonian Beasts
Obi Wan Kenobi: A. Traders
Lesser Jedi:
Padmé Amidala: Azmi
Republic General\Admiral:
Captain Matt Laplante: Spitbreak
Colonel Tyler Speed Thunderbolt Squad: Avantau
Count Dooku: Waldenburg 2
Sevrance Tann:
Nute Gunray:
CIS General\Admiral:
Evani Jelak: Kurilia
Jango Fett: Drexel Hillsville
Darth Sidious: Thrasia
General Grievous: Akkania
ARC 467: Wanderjar
Other Outside any Faction: IC THREAD
21-06-2006, 18:47
I of course will be handling Sidious...Mwuahahahaha!
Waldenburg 2
21-06-2006, 19:20
Spit break
21-06-2006, 22:52
I'll sign back up as my character
Name: Matt Laplante
Height: 6'1
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown
Side: Republic
Stationed: captain of the Acclimator "Great Pheonix"
Bio- a highly skilled tactical commander Matt was trained by the best, by most accounts he is the best the Republic has.
Waldenburg 2
22-06-2006, 01:58
done, and a quick bump before bed.
22-06-2006, 02:05
Could I play as a Clone ARC Officer? Preferably a Lieutenant Colonel/Battalion Commander
Waldenburg 2
22-06-2006, 02:07
Well sure but all the clones are under Sidious so you'd be fighting with him. If you want to post a name and Bio and I'll add you up.
22-06-2006, 02:09
Well sure but all the clones are under Sidious so you'd be fighting with him. If you want to post a name and Bio and I'll add you up.
Thats cool still. I'll think up something then post back
Also, if you want a moderator, i'll do it. I saw it said you need someone to volunteer....
Waldenburg 2
22-06-2006, 02:10
No this is before, sidious carried off all the clones from Kamino and formed a bit of a renegade empire, somewhere in unknown space.
Drexel Hillsville
22-06-2006, 02:11
is Alt. history really appropriate here? It's fiction.
I'm messing with you. I wouldn't mind being a small planet that is nuetral...
Waldenburg 2
22-06-2006, 02:12
Neutral planets hard to find but if you can think of something feel free.
Drexel Hillsville
22-06-2006, 02:13
Neutral planets hard to find but if you can think of something feel free.
Actually how about a small fleet of pirates?
Waldenburg 2
22-06-2006, 02:16
Well there's black sun pirates and that's all I know. i must be off now so i shall look into it in the morning.
My character
Name: Lt. Colonel Tyler Speer
Height: 6'0
Eyes: blue
Hair: blonde
Side: Republic
Rank: CO of the 141st "Thunderbolt" Brigade
Thunderbolt Brigade (Tactical Flight/ Air Support)
Station: Acclimator "Great Pheonix"
141st "Thunderbolt" Division
Companies: 6
Personnel: 1200 (total)
Personnel w/ flight capability: 850
ARC - 170's - 600
V-Wing Starfighters - 150
Republic Attack Gunships - 200
Seeing as I was and am in another Clone Wars Alt. History, I thought I would join this one. I will take up the lightsaber of Yoda (as I am Yoda in the other one also). However, I must mention before you allow me to sign up that I will be away starting tomorrow until July 2nd. I could easily make a post saying Yoda was away on a diplomatic mission or something when I return, but I will understand if you would rather have someone who is here for the next week and a half (though I am not expecting this to start in the next day or so, so I would only be missing a few days).
Spit break
22-06-2006, 03:26
My character
Name: Lt. Colonel Tyler Speer
Height: 6'0
Eyes: blue
Hair: blonde
Side: Republic
Rank: CO of the 141st "Thunderbolt" Brigade
Thunderbolt Brigade (Tactical Flight/ Air Support)
Station: Acclimator "Great Pheonix"
141st "Thunderbolt" Division
Companies: 6
Personnel: 1200 (total)
Personnel w/ flight capability: 850
ARC - 170's - 600
V-Wing Starfighters - 150
Republic Attack Gunships - 200
Thanks for joining my ship, dont worry your men will see lots of fighting
As I would hope.. side note ...dont order me/us directly due to the frequency which we both log on lol
Spit break
22-06-2006, 03:36
As I would hope.. side note ...dont order me/us directly due to the frequency which we both log on lol
dont worry it will be simple if i give a order to launch fights then fighters not under your command will launch. once you come online you can RP your launch
Name: Evani Jelak
Height: 6'3
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black
Side: Mercenary leader of "The Raging Pheonixs" who are currently with the CIS
Stationed: Captain of the battlecruiser [I]Agincourt
Spit break
22-06-2006, 03:38
i think pheonix is making a come back
understood... however i may operate my flight independantly in some scenarios leaving a campaign open to you
Spit break
22-06-2006, 03:43
roger that
i should use the style of acclimator your see in the Republic Commando game, Torpedo tubes along the out hull in the trenchs on both sides
basicly its this
12 quad turbolaser turrets, 24 laser cannons, 4 missile/torpedo tubes
The Republic assault ship can carry four dozen AT-TEs, three dozen SPHA-Ts, 320 speeder bikes, 80 Republic gunships, and 16,000 clone troopers.
crap doesnt cover the whole brigade... i assume my flight will be spread amongst the battle cruisers accompanying the flag ship?
Spit break
22-06-2006, 03:54
crap doesnt cover the whole brigade... i assume my flight will be spread amongst the battle cruisers accompanying the flag ship?
of course or we could always carry less vehicles and more ships
lol whatever works... i think we are fine if we spread our assets arround our battle cluster
Spit break
22-06-2006, 03:59
ya now we should get a list of targets that we should attack and place's we must hold
Must hold:
Core worlds
outter rim
hmm im unfamiliar with the 2 after bespin... i assume much of the fighting on bespin will involve me lol
hmm im unfamiliar with the 2 after bespin... i assume much of the fighting on bespin will involve me lol
Bestine is the capital of Tatooine
Fondor has massive shipyards (only Corellia and Kuat's are larger).
Waldenburg 2
22-06-2006, 14:19
All three added, and DMG that's fine we'll just assume...something.
Spit break
22-06-2006, 14:41
Bestine is the capital of Tatooine
Fondor has massive shipyards (only Corellia and Kuat's are larger).
WTF you smoking??? Bestine is a planet near bespin
WTF you smoking??? Bestine is a planet near bespin
No, I believe you are wrong.
"Bestine" is the capital of Tatooine. It is the only major settlement on the planet.
"Bestine IV" on the other hand, is a planet. Though it is not close to Bespin (Bespin is in the outer rim, while Bestine IV is on the border between the inner rim and colony area).
22-06-2006, 15:36
Name: ARC-467
Rank: Lieutenant
History: Born of the Clone Labs on Kamino, -467 was appointed an Officer's position, and given ARC training. He leads a platoon of Marines, which have just come off the facility training area as well. (Some one claim my platoon for your ship please).
Waldenburg 2
22-06-2006, 16:59
Added on. And If anyone likes they can Rp to charachters although I'd perfer them to be on the same side and not two major ones.
Drexel Hillsville
22-06-2006, 17:21
If I read the opening post correctly, Jango Fett didn't die yet right?
If so would it be possible for me to paly him?
22-06-2006, 19:33
Name: ARC-467
Rank: Lieutenant
History: Born of the Clone Labs on Kamino, -467 was appointed an Officer's position, and given ARC training. He leads a platoon of Marines, which have just come off the facility training area as well. (Some one claim my platoon for your ship please).
You have done well commander.[/sidious voice]
You're now apart of the Sith Clone Army. Welcome into the fold. ^^
Waldenburg 2
23-06-2006, 02:06
jango Fett is still alive along with his "son." they are formally with the CIS but as bounty hunters can change to any side, good choice. I'll add you up as him.
The Rp will officially commence tommorow at noon (Whatever happens to be your noon anywhere it dosen't really matter to me.) You can either begin a official post or wait until I start one.
Rp'ers will be excepted even in the middle of the Rp so do not hesitate to join.
23-06-2006, 02:45
You have done well commander.[/sidious voice]
You're now apart of the Sith Clone Army. Welcome into the fold. ^^
I guess it's appropriate...applying for the Galactic Empire, and RPing as their predecessor ;)
Waldenburg 2
23-06-2006, 14:10
bump for interest.
Waldenburg 2
23-06-2006, 19:05 here's the start, begin anytime. And one last thing I still need another moderator perferably a Sith (As they will have probably the least battles.)
Amazonian Beasts
23-06-2006, 19:49
Ooh, Since I didn't like being Obi-Wan in the last one, could I prechance hop on as Mace Windu here...
Waldenburg 2
25-06-2006, 01:18
OOC Yes of course added, and as you will be the ranking Republican you may hand out orders or leave it to spit break. You can start Rping.
26-06-2006, 20:24
I guess it's appropriate...applying for the Galactic Empire, and RPing as their predecessor ;)
Good, nice to have you aboard. As of right now I wont be able to reply much online for a few days, so I am leaving some basic instructions for you. As of right now Sidious has occupied Nirauan and taken all he has there. You have been assigned by Sidious to pacify the planet it and start using any locals for slave labour and with advice from Commander Thrawn to send small expiditions out to other nearby planets that can be slated for annexation. Get what I mean? I give ya free reign to command a division of clone troopers as well (about 30,000) and all their equipment. Have fun and be on later.
Spit break
26-06-2006, 22:01
interesting my fleet will take care of them after we are done we Bespin
This doesn't seem to have gotten far since I left (in the OOC or IC thread)... is it dead?
03-07-2006, 02:27
This doesn't seem to have gotten far since I left (in the OOC or IC thread)... is it dead?
I'm looking for the IC, i'd planned to post some, but I couldn't find it.
*sees link to IC thread above*
now I feel truly stupid.
Spit break
03-07-2006, 03:28
its not dead just no ones been around
its not dead just no ones been around
Alright then. I will make a post, most likely tomorrow.
06-07-2006, 03:09
Sidious will be poking his hidious head out 2moro.
06-07-2006, 03:13
Sidious will be poking his hidious head out 2moro.
I have been executing your orders sir!
06-07-2006, 03:15
I have been executing your orders sir!
I noticed. Good work so far. Now I just have to bring in a grand scheme...mwuahaha. One that will conquer the galaxy. *rubs hands together*
If the listing on the first post is correct, I feel we need more Jedi being RPed (like Mace and Kenobi).
Spit break
07-07-2006, 01:27
ya but what ya going to do? am about to take bespin
ya but what ya going to do? am about to take bespin
Get Wald to get some more people?
Spit break
07-07-2006, 01:56
ya ya shut up:cool:
07-07-2006, 02:02
I noticed. Good work so far. Now I just have to bring in a grand scheme...mwuahaha. One that will conquer the galaxy. *rubs hands together*
Too bad it isn't warhammer. I always like summoning Bloodthirsters....MUAHAHAHAHA!!!...err...wait. Sorry Thrasia, that's your job.
Spit break
07-07-2006, 02:13
no his job is to let the republic kick his ass
07-07-2006, 06:56
no his job is to let the republic kick his ass
Oh yeah? Well, The Dark Side is better'er!
Waldenburg 2
07-07-2006, 14:37
OOC Ah good, I apologize for my absence it's just I got a part time job and a new computer (G5) and have been waiting for the thread to turn up. I still may be off occasionally but I can start Rping again.
As for more people I can get one off hand and after that the best we can do is hope for more.
07-07-2006, 17:59
no his job is to let the republic kick his ass
I think you'll have to get in line, Dooku might want to first. :P
Spit break
07-07-2006, 18:55
fine but i want whats left of sidious. My dogs are hungry:p
07-07-2006, 18:58
I think you'll have to get in line, Dooku might want to first. :P
But they'll have to get through me! Grr! :p
We all know Yoda would waste you all :p
09-07-2006, 02:55
We all know Yoda would waste you all :p
*coughs and mentions something about a duel in the Senate chambers*
*coughs and mentions something about a duel in the Senate chambers*
Hey! He was using the pods... that was not fair game.
If Yoda were a little younger, he would wipe the floor with anybody :p
Spit break
09-07-2006, 05:00
If anny wasn't f'ed in the head sidious would be dead
09-07-2006, 05:01
If anny wasn't f'ed in the head sidious would be dead
Are you sure.....
Are you sure.....
Yeah, we don't know if that is true or not. Sidious could have been playing them all the entire time. Purposely looking like he was defeated by Mace so that he could woo Anny.
It isn't that farfetched either... he manipulated the entire galaxy to do exactly what he wanted for decades.
09-07-2006, 05:05
Yeah, we don't know if that is true or not. Sidious could have been playing them all the entire time. Purposely looking like he was defeated by Mace so that he could woo Anny.
It isn't that farfetched either... he manipulated the entire galaxy to do exactly what he wanted for decades.
Damn. You had to ruin my smart assed remark with a serious answer!
Damn. You had to ruin my smart assed remark with a serious answer!
Heh, I couldn't tell if you were just being 'like that' or if you were being serious in the SW debate.
Waldenburg 2
09-07-2006, 13:20
Padme please?
Granted, you may begin Rping at any time.
Yay! :D I'll try to recruit other people to this.
09-07-2006, 13:40
Name: Dart Kage
Height: 6'6
Eyes: brown
Hair: dark brown(almost black)
Side: Republic
Rank: Jedi Knight (Jedi Sentinel)
Lightsaber style: Two Sabers
Colors: One Blue and one Green
Stationed: Jedi Temple
Bio- A young Jedi Knight who recently passed the trials. He has not yet been involved in the war. He recently found out about the death of his master on Korriban. His master had been sent there to find an ancient holocron only to be struck down by General Grievous. In a rage he almost fell to the dark side but fellow Jedi helped him through it.
Alagaesian Traders
09-07-2006, 13:40
Is Obi Wan Kenobi Taken?
Oh, an error. In your first post, the timeline, it says that Skywalker was overcome at the loss of his mentor, and that stuff. They really weren't so close during the whole 2nd movie, and he didn't know about his true personality until the 3rd. He would be shocked and angry that the Chancellor had been the Sith Lord and no one knew, but no more.
Alagaesian Traders
09-07-2006, 13:50
Is Obi Wan Kenobi taken??
No, but sadly I can't authorise you to take him. You'll have to wait for the owner of this to come on.
You just missed him to - Wald was just on. However, I am willing to bet that you can have Kenobi.
Alagaesian Traders
09-07-2006, 14:10
KK I'll check later
Yeah I'd say if you really want its probably fine to start RPing, as theres almost no way he would turn you down.
09-07-2006, 14:30
I need some units to command
Waldenburg 2
09-07-2006, 14:33
I'm never off... Anyway yes Obi Wan Kenobi is open and your to free to have him. And we'll take on anyone as long as they can show a continued interest in the Rp.
I need some units to command
So make some up.
09-07-2006, 14:44
I prefer real people. ;_; But I was going to do that anyway
I prefer real people. ;_; But I was going to do that anyway
Well you won't have any Jedi under your command, so there isn't anyone that is real that you would have. Just pick a few of the soldiers...
Alagaesian Traders
09-07-2006, 19:24
Okay So Can I Start Rping now or have you got to add me to the page thingy
Spit break
09-07-2006, 19:28
ok any geez i just through in a nice jam into my own plans lol
Which characters are still available?
09-07-2006, 19:48
Heh, I couldn't tell if you were just being 'like that' or if you were being serious in the SW debate.
Sorry bout that. I like SW a lot, but I'm mostly a WH40k guy.
Spit break
09-07-2006, 19:52
lol for me its
1. Gundam
2. Gundam
3. Gundam
4. Star wars
5. Star wars
6. Battle star galactica (new one)
Which characters are still available?
The ones not listed as taken (minus Kenobi).
Spit break
09-07-2006, 19:58
and you can make your own character
Waldenburg 2
09-07-2006, 21:41
Okay So Can I Start Rping now or have you got to add me to the page thingy
Oh yes thought I added you, you can start.
OOC Dooku's trying to bait yoda there so he Yoda either kills sevrance before she challenges Dooku, or Yoda is killed by Sevrance and the CIS fleet. A trap within a trap if I got it right...
Ah... I thought it was something like that.
I will be either: CDA-017, a CIS droid general with semi-self awareness(but still loyal to Dooku), or General Grievous.
We can't decide for you...
10-07-2006, 00:02
I think he means that he will be either one, so long as they are available. And also, if anyone wants to be a clone commander, a chiss soldier, or a servant to Sidious...dont be afraid to ask. hehe.
I will be whichever one is needed most.
I will be whichever one is needed most.
I am not familiar with CDA-017, but with the other two, they are needed about equally.
Waldenburg 2
10-07-2006, 00:23
OOC Well the CIS has one less (Active Player) so numerically it's with them. But personally I like grevious, and his rather poor voice acting....For entertainments sake I suggest grevious, for neccesity CIS.
After much thought, I will be Grievous.
Waldenburg 2
10-07-2006, 00:52
After much thought, I will be Grievous.
Added, you may begin Rping immediately.
Spit break
10-07-2006, 00:57
to much ooc talk:mad:
to much ooc talk:mad:
Umm... okay...
OOC: Grr I need a droid army (likely what padme would do as chancellor without clones. she hates real killing :D )
Come on people, join and start playing :cool:
OOC: Grr I need a droid army (likely what padme would do as chancellor without clones. she hates real killing :D )
Come on people, join and start playing :cool:
Well attempt to have the republic start building/buying droids or clones.
OOC: Im almost entirely sure this is a godmod, but...
SIC: "Your exellency, it is done", said Derk Tyotha, the "defense technolegy" expert in Padme's group of aides. For quite a long time scientists had been setting up a "defence infrustructure" on Naboo, which utilized a network of Ion cannons, underground heavily protected "war shelters", and best of all, a planetary deflector shield, that not only would not let laser blasts pass through, but would deactivate any ships that tried to come through permanently. Scientists had said they were ready to do this, and Padme decided on the planet. She chose Naboo for all the obvious reasons. The shield has been proven effective, and one exactly like it is being constructed on Courascant.
Note: Small portions of it can be disabled for a short period of time, thus allowing legalised air traffic thru and not illegal traffic.
Yeah... it probably is.
actually ive been on wookieepedia and it really isnt much of one. the only problem would be i havnt rpd construction at all
actually ive been on wookieepedia and it really isnt much of one. the only problem would be i havnt rpd construction at all
That is what I meant the GM was. It just so happens the defense system is up and running right as they are about to attack Naboo.
Besides, you stated that for the obvious reasons Naboo was shielded first... but Coruscant would be the obvious first choice... Naboo isn't that important other than being the Chancellor’s home.
Meh, you might be right. So can we say ones up on couruscant and they may construct it elsewhere soon? (a place of Padme's choosing mabye?)
Meh, you might be right. So can we say ones up on couruscant and they may construct it elsewhere soon? (a place of Padme's choosing mabye?)
I guess so, but that is really up to Wald.
Guys... this really isn't going anywhere. It has been over three weeks since the beginning of the RP and we have only had forty posts (less than two a day). I may drop out because of the lack of interest and RP quality.
Okay, I am dropping out - this went/is going nowhere. If this actually gets under way, feel free to TG me (I will not be checking and I am removing it from my subscriptions).
28-07-2006, 00:52
It would seem more prudent to start this rp up at another time. While it may seem that summer time allows for a person to have more free time...access to the internet seems to be severely limited. As I have become due to moving from one side of the Atlantic to the other. Internet access aside, some NSers are just more online due to being in school and having a 8-9 hour window for access and wasting time.
'Nuff said, it was a good try but we'll come back to it later.