The Warmaster
20-06-2006, 02:45
Burn. Kill. Torture. Deceive. Betray. Or, alternatively, educate. Inform. Heal. Assist. Rebuild. Whatever you want.
Interested? Excellent!
The Sacred Imperial Dominion of the Warmaster (full title) is currently undergoing, at my direction, a massive upheaval called the Succession Wars. Possibly you saw the thread and scoffed. “It’s just another war thread, probably inhabited by n00bs.” Well, sir, if you thought that you were tragically wrong. Firstly, Camel Eaters, the Generic Empire, Freudotopia, Borman Empire, and Nation of Fortune, for example, are all involved; hardly n00b-land then. And what if you scoff again, saying, “Goddammit, it’s that same band of CAD anti-democracy arrogant bastards! Fuck them AND their thread!”? Wrong again. I am hardly the cookie-cutter, shallow imperialist stereotype, as anyone who knows me and my country will tell you. More on this below. Point two: This is NOT just another war thread. To begin with, I’m letting you loose on my country. That’s right. I am inviting you to cause untold mayhem; panic in the streets, brother against brother, that kind of thing. Secondly, I am determined to make this the BEST THREAD EVER. Cocky? Perhaps. Unrealistic? I resent that. I will accept anyone who’s not a gross etiquette offender, but what I am seeking out actively as opposed to passively accepting are the talented RPers, and that can be anyone. That’s you. If you consider yourself decent or better at roleplaying and telling an awesome story in an awesome way, then PLEASE sign up!
Although I do have a rough, ROUGH plan for this thread (by the way, I plan three volumes; Volume One is already over), it’s up to you what you do, with some limits. As long as you don’t do something that trashes what plans for the future I have, obey etiquette, and RP well, it’s almost certainly acceptable. My plan for judging what is fair and foul? “Open-minded and reasonable.” Want to march into a village, divide men, women, and children, and force them to dig their own graves before gassing them? Fine with me. Want to fly in medical aid to the millions of those displaced by the epic conflict? Sure. More on this below. Here are some examples of rules I imposed during Volume One.
1. No WMD’s. Despite the carnage, I want to rebuild and reform after the dust settles, which is tough when dust is all that remains. I may give special permission to, say, use bio-weapons on an isolated group, but it would feel cheap if anyone could wipe out anyone else’s army with a single missile.
2. SEND AN ARMY. While you do have the option of sending just a company of elite warriors or a single assassin (I will be offering contracts on characters), the thread will be terrible if everyone only sends such things. My vision for this thread is MAINLY a picture of foreign armies, allied to various local factions that they will fight alongside, moving across the Empire, not a bunch of oh-so-clever/invincible/stealthy assassins in the shadows. This rule is only necessary as long as people have to be told to follow it; if people send large forces anyway, I may waive this, cause it won’t be needed. By ‘large forces’, I mean a fleet, an air armada, or, best of all, a large force of ground troops. But then, if you’re an uberpower, don’t send 20 million elites, okay? Because that ruins the thread for everyone else. That’s really no different than WMDs.
3. SUPPORT DIFFERENT FACTIONS. There are five factions in the Succession Wars, each headed by a High Lord. More on this below. You can choose who you want to support, but if everybody supports one or two factions, it’ll be completely stacked and the thread will lose much of the chaos potential that I want to create.
The theme of these rules, if you didn’t pick up on it, is “Freedom to roleplay, unless it hurts the big picture.” I want you to roleplay freely...but I won’t stick to individual rights at the expense of the entire thread. The thread and its story comes first. I hope it doesn’t deter you to see rules right from the start; if so I apologize.
The Succession Wars, Volume One: If You Want Blood-
Volume One OOC Thread-
Map of Kregaia-
Here is where I discuss the “More on this below” parts.
1. My country has a VERY deep national psyche/mindset, a unique governmental structure, and so on. The Info sections on the first pages of the IC thread and OOC thread contain examples of this, but believe me, the Warmaster is deep, and very different from the other CAD members. The downside of our deepness is that you should read the information contained in both those threads, on the front pages of each, I believe.
2. This thread is not just for the more malevolent nations. It’s for the nice people too. You’re welcome to help out. But remember that I ask you to help isolated areas first, and accept that you can’t help everyone. As time goes on, I’ll let you help more and more people. The reason for the limits on goodness, as well as the encouragement of badness, is that I need the Succession Wars to be unadulterated misery. The Imperium, for better or worse, will come out of them changed, and to do that I’m turning up the heat and applying maximum pressure. It’s what forms gems, my friend, and drill sergeants will tell you that you need to break a recruit before rebuilding them into a hero. So I’m breaking my country. The reason I’ll let you help more and more is so that people can see the goodness that it brings, letting them envision a better way, which may make the whole country less evil. I’m not saying that WILL happen, I’m just giving you the chance to help it.
3. “High Lord? What is this guy talking about?” On the front page of the IC thread is a list of terms, and in that is a description of what a High Lord is, the difference between the Imperium and the Empire, and a list of the seven major Imperial gods, among other things. But if you’re too impatient to learn what a High Lord’s an office awarded, by the Sacred Emperor, to those five of the social elite judged most capable in military and political matters, as well as all those arts considered a necessity in rulers. They then contend over the throne until one of them is clearly the victor.
Background info.
Sacred Emperor Lucifer of Domain Halcyon took control of the Imperium and the throne during a massive rebellion against his inept and weak predecessor. Assassinating him, the new monarch consolidated his power and overhauled the sluggish bureaucracy that the Imperium had become, making it the disciplined, faith-driven, cold machine it is today. However, in the wake of the glorious triumph of the Czardaian War, those few who had secretly hated Lucifer began to voice their discontent. Terrorism rose steadily, and assassination attempts were made on even the highest officials. Wanting to get the nascent civil war over with, cement his power, and move on, Lucifer named the five High Lords: Rahvin, Asmodeus, Avaru, Jahvan, and Ishamael. An attempt was soon made on Crown Prince Antiochus’s life, as Imperial law dictates that the Crown Prince has default succession, thus forcing all five High Lords to kill him quickly, and the family of High Lord Jahvan was gunned down in their mansion. A peace conference was called, hosted by the Imperium, making it look very suspicious when a bomb killed all the delegates. Using this as an excuse, all the High Lords except Rahvin seized control of the lands friendly to them and declared war. Lucifer then officially requested international aid.
High Lord Ishamael began the Succession Wars. Coincidentally, Asmodeus’s terrorists had bombed Korronis extensively the day of his raid on the Palace. Ishamael’s men kidnapped Crown Prince Antiochus and delivered him to their master. Simultaneously, Ishamael launched cruise missiles at High Lord Avaru’s forces, and began moving his sizable ground forces to invade Avaru’s territory. Also, elite soldiers from an unidentified nation (Mer des Ennuis) perpetrated a series of attacks against the International, a worldwide crime syndicate; Antiochus had gotten them to agree to support the Imperium before his kidnapping. Finally, the mayor of the city of Seleucia led his city in a passive rebellion against Lucifer; forces from the Borman Empire moved to put down the rebellion and restore Imperial power.
Asmodeus sent a delegate to negotiate the transfer of Antiochus to him, agreeing to attack targets loyal to Avaru that Ishamael had selected. Meanwhile, Avaru personally led an invasion of Ishamael’s territory, and the two armies met in the city of Mazellian, which over the next day was reduced to rubble, and hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties inflicted. Avaru did withdraw after the Battle of Mazellian, but took 400,000 civilians with him as prisoners. Asmodeus, around that time, tortured Crown Prince Antiochus to death on live TV, challenging Lucifer to take revenge for his son’s murder. And finally, in faraway Korronis, the combined Imperial-Jipleastani armada prepared to weigh anchor.
And there you have it. At that point in the story, I declared Volume One to be over. I hope all of you will join my thread; the more there are, the more chance we can make this thread perfect.
Interested? Excellent!
The Sacred Imperial Dominion of the Warmaster (full title) is currently undergoing, at my direction, a massive upheaval called the Succession Wars. Possibly you saw the thread and scoffed. “It’s just another war thread, probably inhabited by n00bs.” Well, sir, if you thought that you were tragically wrong. Firstly, Camel Eaters, the Generic Empire, Freudotopia, Borman Empire, and Nation of Fortune, for example, are all involved; hardly n00b-land then. And what if you scoff again, saying, “Goddammit, it’s that same band of CAD anti-democracy arrogant bastards! Fuck them AND their thread!”? Wrong again. I am hardly the cookie-cutter, shallow imperialist stereotype, as anyone who knows me and my country will tell you. More on this below. Point two: This is NOT just another war thread. To begin with, I’m letting you loose on my country. That’s right. I am inviting you to cause untold mayhem; panic in the streets, brother against brother, that kind of thing. Secondly, I am determined to make this the BEST THREAD EVER. Cocky? Perhaps. Unrealistic? I resent that. I will accept anyone who’s not a gross etiquette offender, but what I am seeking out actively as opposed to passively accepting are the talented RPers, and that can be anyone. That’s you. If you consider yourself decent or better at roleplaying and telling an awesome story in an awesome way, then PLEASE sign up!
Although I do have a rough, ROUGH plan for this thread (by the way, I plan three volumes; Volume One is already over), it’s up to you what you do, with some limits. As long as you don’t do something that trashes what plans for the future I have, obey etiquette, and RP well, it’s almost certainly acceptable. My plan for judging what is fair and foul? “Open-minded and reasonable.” Want to march into a village, divide men, women, and children, and force them to dig their own graves before gassing them? Fine with me. Want to fly in medical aid to the millions of those displaced by the epic conflict? Sure. More on this below. Here are some examples of rules I imposed during Volume One.
1. No WMD’s. Despite the carnage, I want to rebuild and reform after the dust settles, which is tough when dust is all that remains. I may give special permission to, say, use bio-weapons on an isolated group, but it would feel cheap if anyone could wipe out anyone else’s army with a single missile.
2. SEND AN ARMY. While you do have the option of sending just a company of elite warriors or a single assassin (I will be offering contracts on characters), the thread will be terrible if everyone only sends such things. My vision for this thread is MAINLY a picture of foreign armies, allied to various local factions that they will fight alongside, moving across the Empire, not a bunch of oh-so-clever/invincible/stealthy assassins in the shadows. This rule is only necessary as long as people have to be told to follow it; if people send large forces anyway, I may waive this, cause it won’t be needed. By ‘large forces’, I mean a fleet, an air armada, or, best of all, a large force of ground troops. But then, if you’re an uberpower, don’t send 20 million elites, okay? Because that ruins the thread for everyone else. That’s really no different than WMDs.
3. SUPPORT DIFFERENT FACTIONS. There are five factions in the Succession Wars, each headed by a High Lord. More on this below. You can choose who you want to support, but if everybody supports one or two factions, it’ll be completely stacked and the thread will lose much of the chaos potential that I want to create.
The theme of these rules, if you didn’t pick up on it, is “Freedom to roleplay, unless it hurts the big picture.” I want you to roleplay freely...but I won’t stick to individual rights at the expense of the entire thread. The thread and its story comes first. I hope it doesn’t deter you to see rules right from the start; if so I apologize.
The Succession Wars, Volume One: If You Want Blood-
Volume One OOC Thread-
Map of Kregaia-
Here is where I discuss the “More on this below” parts.
1. My country has a VERY deep national psyche/mindset, a unique governmental structure, and so on. The Info sections on the first pages of the IC thread and OOC thread contain examples of this, but believe me, the Warmaster is deep, and very different from the other CAD members. The downside of our deepness is that you should read the information contained in both those threads, on the front pages of each, I believe.
2. This thread is not just for the more malevolent nations. It’s for the nice people too. You’re welcome to help out. But remember that I ask you to help isolated areas first, and accept that you can’t help everyone. As time goes on, I’ll let you help more and more people. The reason for the limits on goodness, as well as the encouragement of badness, is that I need the Succession Wars to be unadulterated misery. The Imperium, for better or worse, will come out of them changed, and to do that I’m turning up the heat and applying maximum pressure. It’s what forms gems, my friend, and drill sergeants will tell you that you need to break a recruit before rebuilding them into a hero. So I’m breaking my country. The reason I’ll let you help more and more is so that people can see the goodness that it brings, letting them envision a better way, which may make the whole country less evil. I’m not saying that WILL happen, I’m just giving you the chance to help it.
3. “High Lord? What is this guy talking about?” On the front page of the IC thread is a list of terms, and in that is a description of what a High Lord is, the difference between the Imperium and the Empire, and a list of the seven major Imperial gods, among other things. But if you’re too impatient to learn what a High Lord’s an office awarded, by the Sacred Emperor, to those five of the social elite judged most capable in military and political matters, as well as all those arts considered a necessity in rulers. They then contend over the throne until one of them is clearly the victor.
Background info.
Sacred Emperor Lucifer of Domain Halcyon took control of the Imperium and the throne during a massive rebellion against his inept and weak predecessor. Assassinating him, the new monarch consolidated his power and overhauled the sluggish bureaucracy that the Imperium had become, making it the disciplined, faith-driven, cold machine it is today. However, in the wake of the glorious triumph of the Czardaian War, those few who had secretly hated Lucifer began to voice their discontent. Terrorism rose steadily, and assassination attempts were made on even the highest officials. Wanting to get the nascent civil war over with, cement his power, and move on, Lucifer named the five High Lords: Rahvin, Asmodeus, Avaru, Jahvan, and Ishamael. An attempt was soon made on Crown Prince Antiochus’s life, as Imperial law dictates that the Crown Prince has default succession, thus forcing all five High Lords to kill him quickly, and the family of High Lord Jahvan was gunned down in their mansion. A peace conference was called, hosted by the Imperium, making it look very suspicious when a bomb killed all the delegates. Using this as an excuse, all the High Lords except Rahvin seized control of the lands friendly to them and declared war. Lucifer then officially requested international aid.
High Lord Ishamael began the Succession Wars. Coincidentally, Asmodeus’s terrorists had bombed Korronis extensively the day of his raid on the Palace. Ishamael’s men kidnapped Crown Prince Antiochus and delivered him to their master. Simultaneously, Ishamael launched cruise missiles at High Lord Avaru’s forces, and began moving his sizable ground forces to invade Avaru’s territory. Also, elite soldiers from an unidentified nation (Mer des Ennuis) perpetrated a series of attacks against the International, a worldwide crime syndicate; Antiochus had gotten them to agree to support the Imperium before his kidnapping. Finally, the mayor of the city of Seleucia led his city in a passive rebellion against Lucifer; forces from the Borman Empire moved to put down the rebellion and restore Imperial power.
Asmodeus sent a delegate to negotiate the transfer of Antiochus to him, agreeing to attack targets loyal to Avaru that Ishamael had selected. Meanwhile, Avaru personally led an invasion of Ishamael’s territory, and the two armies met in the city of Mazellian, which over the next day was reduced to rubble, and hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties inflicted. Avaru did withdraw after the Battle of Mazellian, but took 400,000 civilians with him as prisoners. Asmodeus, around that time, tortured Crown Prince Antiochus to death on live TV, challenging Lucifer to take revenge for his son’s murder. And finally, in faraway Korronis, the combined Imperial-Jipleastani armada prepared to weigh anchor.
And there you have it. At that point in the story, I declared Volume One to be over. I hope all of you will join my thread; the more there are, the more chance we can make this thread perfect.