NationStates Jolt Archive

TEF Reaches 6 Billion, and the Death Of Okyto[FT]

The Emperor Fenix
19-06-2006, 15:26
Today my nation has reached 6 billion people, and so to celebrate this I have decided to make some changes….

And here they are.

For countless centuries the worlds of Okyto have lain undisturbed by the rest of the galaxy, though Crassuss had had many dealings with the interplanetary community he had been careful to shield his children from the corrupt seeds that spread through the stars. But no parent can protect its children forever and one day Earth came to Okyto.

When the first explorers arrived at Crassuss’ door he managed to turn them away through obfuscation and trickery but the government of Okyto is an open one and before long one particularly eagle eyed citizen spotted what Crassuss was doing and requested he allow visitors down to the planet, Crassuss was forced to comply.

News of a highly developed socially permissive society some way out of established transport lanes attracted enormous attention among circles that concerned themselves with that kind of thing, and footage of the exotic sentient creatures and delicate and enormous building complexes attracted everyone else. Many governments attempted to suppress news of Okytos discovery, often as its ideals of personal freedom and its entirely mechanized industry were at odds with their principles of oppression and hard work. The fact that the was no system of currency on Okyto and that its inhabitants were wholly provided for by the state without a need to work worried most other governments but their minds would soon be put to rest.

At first it was quite expensive to travel to Okyto, so far off commercial shipping was it that flights had to be specially chartered on ships capable of making the long journey through systems not at gravitationally suited fast passage, but as Terrans arrived they for the most part liked what they saw, some expressed moral outrage at the numerous personal freedoms denied them for one reason or another back home, but faced with the efficacy of the solutions presented on Okyto objections were largely quashed. Scientists marveled at the genetic disparity but physical similarities between Okytons and humans who to the naked eye were all but indistinguishable.

For the most part these first visitors stayed down on the lower levels or under levels with the ‘humans’, Raenerial, Sorrelist and Lizard Xenos. And they welcomed these travelers who had come so far from Earth just to see them, laughed at their funny ways and marveled at the wholly different ways of life they represented. Like living slices of history books they embodied in a way everything Okyto had left behind or rejected even Earth though technically the birthplace of the Xeno Halflings was a place of mild historical disinterest and to see it turn up on their doorstep in all its pomp and circumstance fascinated the more extrovertly sociable of the Okyton races.

Soon greater travel to Okyto became possible and the common man of the galaxy began to drift in. Crime, normally a rather difficult feat to pull of became a real problem as the free nature of ownership got to some visitors who sometimes horded items against the will of its current holder, theft, a crime many Okytons had had trouble understanding given the abundant nature of produce of all kinds, punishment became a thorny issue and largely it was deemed appropriate simply to ban the offender from the planet and leave them to their home government. Visitors kept coming though, in greater numbers, and everyone one making full use of the luxuries of Crassuss’ generosity and before suddenly Crassuss was forced to impose rationing. The people of Okyto considered this measure and decided that they did not want to be rationed, so Crassuss mooted capping the number of visitors a month, and the people again considered and rejected this restriction. So faced with this paradox Crassuss began to sell of the stock of unused precious metals and materials collected previous to the building of Okyto but as yet unwanted. However again some hawk eyed member of the populace spotted his activity and it became the general feeling that Okyto should not be squandering its stockpiles, which were there solely for their enjoyment. Faced with the paradox for the first time Crassuss was forced to admit to his people that he was unable to supply them with resources enough to support them and that they would have to make changes to their lifestyles. This caused great unease among the citizens who were unused to negative assessments of either their own behavior or their consumption. They decided somewhat grudgingly to re-allow the trade of Okytos stockpile, and from then on looked with some greater distrust toward Crassuss, after all the governing bodies of their visitors never told them such things, surely.

As visitor numbers grew many more people began to move up into the higher levels, into the eerie Newman Zones, where the “Slightly Psychic Net” as Okytons called it filled the buildings with whispers and the fleeting images of presences. This tended to put Terrans unused to such things on edge, and for the first time there were cases of violence toward Okytons by Terrans, though much of Okyto was outraged none more so than the Newman, the whole atmosphere of their levels became hostile toward visitors of any kind and visitors largely skipped their levels and moved up even higher. Here the encountered Urriellic Xeno and they reacted very badly to the intrusion, as the really had no way to move higher up to avoid the Terrans they joined the Newman voices demanding Terrans be removed from Okyto altogether. Outnumbered greatly by the other species of Okyto their requests were shot down and a new and even stranger thing began to be seen in the streets. Increased tensions between those who lived among the high levels and though living lower down meant that a sort of turf war was beginning, those people living higher up that the Newman and Urriellic considered to be lower level species were moved down and violence between Okytons erupted. Crassuss found himself unable to wholly stop this because of the diametrically opposed nature of the demands on each side and the absolute refusal of both side to accept any kind of compromise.

The real trouble came only when Terrans began to find their way up to the very highest levels normally inaccessible to anyone, and there they disturbed the Post-Humans. With great force and ferocity the Post-Humans demanded the Terrans removed and any their level of Okyto completely sealed off to anyone. Crassuss had always felt he was responsible for the Post-Humans incarceration within robotic bodies and accepted their request. Such inequality outraged every other faction within Okyto and they again looked to the governments of the Terran nations.

To them these nations did not try to impose limits on their lifestyles, did not support such blatant inequality. The people became worried that their voices were not really being heard by Crassuss. Without elected officials they felt that they had no direct involvement in government, for all they new Crassuss could even be controlling them. They demanded the establishment of a government, but no one faction could decide on its proper enaction. What resulted was an enormous structure incapable of really coming to any firm decision on any subject. Beurocracy ran rampant and the people largely blamed for Crassuss for their governments failure. They believed that Crassuss must in some way be inhibiting its running. As handled the bulk of the data they believed he must be manipulating it in some way, especially as very few Okytons were well versed in the complexity of the planets day to day running. And so soon they demanded the establishment of a second computer system to handle their data and the running of the planet, relegating Crassuss to no particular position, leaving him merely to clean up the mess they made. But still things did not work out as the Okytons wanted, and a wave of anti-Crassussian feelings grew based on the belief that any problems must in some way be Crassuss’ interference. After all previous to Crassussian objection all their endeavors had gone well, and now that they tried to do things he did not approve of they found themselves unable. Within a year it grew to the extent that they demanded Crassuss out of the running of Okyto entirely. At this point he was met with a deep problem with his basic programming. To protect and secure the Empire awaiting the return of the Emperor and to follow and carry out the wishes of its people. Given the technical impossibility of a return of any Okyton Emperor, Crassuss was forced to relinquish control. Facing the overwhelming rejection of those he had cared for completely for his entire existence Crassuss collected together all things still under his care, the catatonic Post-Humans, the Palaces on New-Okyto built to for the Missing Emperor and the Preserved remains of Old Okyto, dragged with him across the galaxy, and revealed his intention to leave Okyto all together. Some made it clear they wished to follow Crassuss to this new planet, including most of the Newman, all of the rare Shriven and a most of the conscious Post-Human. In a matter of hours Crassuss packed up everything and everyone he needed into the Gigantic World Eater: Xaxoss and had sped off into deep space, bound for the most distant reaches of the Galaxy, to a place where he felt he would never be disturbed.

Okyto was now left defenseless and the outcast Post-Human Lord Shirassi, who had long held a grudge against Crassuss and all that he had produced, saw his chance. He brought his flotilla of pirate vessels down to bear on the planet. The people had no recourse, the few armed Terran ships were quickly overwhelmed and Shirassi began to systematically destroy every structure on the surface. Some of the enigmatic and hugely psychically powerful Nautiloid Xeno attempted to defend Okyto simply by smashing through the invading ships. But the bulk of them left, and with the left Crassuss right hand man Lord Daraasi, taking with him a scant thousand or so, using the departing Nautiloid as protection for the pirates.

Lord Daraasi settled on a planet mostly covered with water and set up a small self sufficient community free he hoped from interference. However back at Okyto Lord Shirassi did not let up his assault, and for a month he continued to bombard the surface, until long after every scrap of life had been eradicated from it, finally satisfied he employed gigantic weaponry and blew the planet apart, leaving the sun with a new ring of uninhabitable rocks, before sailing back out into the void.

So what remains of Okyto ?

Lord Shirassi continues his aimless rampage through the galaxy, torturing and destroying whatever he can find that offers him no threat.

Lord Daraasi has founded an academy of sorts where he tries to live in piece to teach and nurture a small number of Okytons.

Crassuss has removed himself to some distant fastness which is likely heavily guarded from any kind of intrusion.

Several of the more enterprising of Post-Humans who lived in a time before mechanized industry had long since left to seek their business fortunes in the wider galaxy, founding several powerful Houses, hiding their origins and their true robotic nature.

And the Emperor Fenix ?

A long time ago he left Old Okyto his existence unknown by all, and founded he own civilization on a far distant planet, but once again after a few thousand years his people began to war with each other until they had utterly destroyed each other. Alone on a dead planet practically devoid of even plant life he despaired and slipped into a sleep close to death undisturbed through the centuries.
The Emperor Fenix
19-06-2006, 22:42
20-06-2006, 10:26
Near the Imperial borders:

The Fallen Grace was on patrol. Nothing happened this close to the border but the crew was still on high alert because of the recent skirmish with TCG. It never paid to let your guard down.

The frigate was patrolling the northern border of the Lyoren system. They had rendezvoused with The Diametrically Opposed several hours ago and had separated in order to complete this leg of the patrol run.

“Captain, I am picking a warning from System Defense. Their sensors are detecting incoming bogeys from vectors Zero Three Niner. They want us to investigate. The Diametrically Opposed will be moving into position as back up if needed.”

“You heard System Command, take us in.”