Wilhelmsborough Aims to Expand its Territory
19-06-2006, 05:24
The Principality of Wilhelmsborough was quite safe due to its location in the Black Sea. But with the advantage of safety came the disadvantage of inaccessibility. There was only a single water route that led to the nation. And air travel to the country was quite difficult, what with be surrounded by nations whose feelings towards the Principality were murky at best.
Such a situation left the Principality isolated and unknown in this great dynamic world, left alone with nobody except West Corinthia for company. For Prince William, being cut off was a scenario that he would not accept.
And so, he decided that Wilhelmsborough was going to expand its territory into the more active regions of the world. They were not going to take large pieces of land, but rather, small islands out in the middle of oceans. Islands that were in the heart of the shipping lanes. Islands that had ports for the docking of ships, and could be used for the stationing of naval vessels.
To this end, Prince William tapped Admiral Howard Davis of the 1st Carrier Group to find this new territory for the Principality. He would be provided with fighter aircraft, battleships, and even an Army Corps to use if he found an island suitable for annexation.
But there would have to be some very important rules that had to be followed if they were to minimize casualties and prevent other nations from declaring war. When the fighters were scouting out a potential target, they had to leave their radios on at all times. If there were rulers on the island, they would probably send a message ordering them to identify themselves or be destroyed.
If that happened, then the fighters would immediately withdraw and the search would shift to another target. The way Prince William considered it; there was no point in starting a war with another country over a small piece of land. And besides, there were plenty of other potential island targets to choose from.
The 1st Carrier Group, under the command of Admiral Howard Davis, sailed past the Strait of Gibraltar into the open expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. Prior to the mission, Davis had assembled an extensive list of islands and archipelagoes that the Principality might be interested in annexing.
And at the top of that list were the Azores, and the largest island of Sao Miguel. If the Principality had this island in its possession, then it would open up trade and commerce, as well as providing an international port for the nation's growing Navy.
The Carrier Group sailed due west towards the Azores.
The Lieutenant at the navigation station spoke. "We are now within 300 kilometers of the Azores island chain, Admiral."
Admiral Davis nodded, and turned to his second in command, Vice Admiral Brian O’Connell
"Launch the Fighters," he ordered.
"Aye sir," replied the Vice Admiral
Three minutes later, two Su-47 fighters took off from the deck of the flagship Salvador and shot onward towards Sao Miguel.
The Admiral watched the fighters fly towards the large island. With any luck, he thought, we can get this done within the day, and not have to travel all around the world looking for a decent island to conquer.
The 1st Carrier Group (Admiral Howard Davis Commanding)
3 Nimitz-class Carriers
6 Ontario-class Mk. II Battleships
10 Oliver Hazard Perry-class Anti-Sub Escort Frigates
15 Seawolf-class Submarines
216 Su-47s
30 S-3 Vikings
9 UH-60 Blackhawks
United Earthlings
19-06-2006, 09:47
The Principality of Wilhelmsborough was quite safe due to its location in the Black Sea. But with the advantage of safety came the disadvantage of inaccessibility. There was only a single water route that led to the nation. And air travel to the country was quite difficult, what with be surrounded by nations whose feelings towards the Principality were murky at best.
Such a situation left the Principality isolated and unknown in this great dynamic world, left alone with nobody except West Corinthia for company. For Prince William, being cut off was a scenario that he would not accept.
And so, he decided that Wilhelmsborough was going to expand its territory into the more active regions of the world. They were not going to take large pieces of land, but rather, small islands out in the middle of oceans. Islands that were in the heart of the shipping lanes. Islands that had ports for the docking of ships, and could be used for the stationing of naval vessels.
To this end, Prince William tapped Admiral Howard Davis of the 1st Carrier Group to find this new territory for the Principality. He would be provided with fighter aircraft, battleships, and even an Army Corps to use if he found an island suitable for annexation.
But there would have to be some very important rules that had to be followed if they were to minimize casualties and prevent other nations from declaring war. When the fighters were scouting out a potential target, they had to leave their radios on at all times. If there were rulers on the island, they would probably send a message ordering them to identify themselves or be destroyed.
If that happened, then the fighters would immediately withdraw and the search would shift to another target. The way Prince William considered it; there was no point in starting a war with another country over a small piece of land. And besides, there were plenty of other potential island targets to choose from.
The 1st Carrier Group, under the command of Admiral Howard Davis, sailed past the Strait of Gibraltar into the open expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. Prior to the mission, Davis had assembled an extensive list of islands and archipelagoes that the Principality might be interested in annexing.
And at the top of that list were the Azores, and the largest island of Sao Miguel. If the Principality had this island in its possession, then it would open up trade and commerce, as well as providing an international port for the nation's growing Navy.
The Carrier Group sailed due west towards the Azores.
The Lieutenant at the navigation station spoke. "We are now within 300 kilometers of the Azores island chain, Admiral."
Admiral Davis nodded, and turned to his second in command, Vice Admiral Brian O’Connell
"Launch the Fighters," he ordered.
"Aye sir," replied the Vice Admiral
Three minutes later, two Su-47 fighters took off from the deck of the flagship Salvador and shot onward towards Sao Miguel.
The Admiral watched the fighters fly towards the large island. With any luck, he thought, we can get this done within the day, and not have to travel all around the world looking for a decent island to conquer.
The 1st Carrier Group (Admiral Howard Davis Commanding)
3 Nimitz-class Carriers
6 Ontario-class Mk. II Battleships
10 Oliver Hazard Perry-class Anti-Sub Escort Frigates
15 Seawolf-class Submarines
216 Su-47s
30 S-3 Vikings
9 UH-60 Blackhawks
As the UES Quiet continued her patrol of the southern Altanic- recording all traffic coming in and out of the Med- though mostly just Biologicals and commerence traffic. Today would be different.
Sonar- Bridge, I got a faint contact bearing south-by-southwest, Sir.
Bridge- Sonar, can you make out a heading?
Sonar-Bridge, No- Sir, the contact is to faint to get a exact bearing, only general sir.
Bridge-Sonar, Aye Sonar- when you get a exact bearing, let me know.
Sonar, Aye Sir, will do.
On the bridge, Captain Jack order his helm officer to plot a course south-by-south west. Silent speed if you will.
After over an hour of heading towards the faint contact, the ship and crew of UES Quiet finally got a direct bearing towards the unknown target.
Sonar-Bridge, The target is heading north-by-northeast. From its heading it looks like its heading towards the Azores, sounds like a small fleet sir, from the sound of the high speed screws, it sounds like 3 Nitimz carriers, 6 unknown ships sirs (massive ships from the sound of their screws), and 10 Perry Class frigates. Its confirmed sir, their Wilhemsborough ships.
Bridge, Aye sonar... keep tracking and record the 6 unknown ships, looks like Naval intelligence is going to have some work to do. Helm, keep us a good distance from the target so where not detected and maintain Silent Speed. Aye, captain replied the helm officer.
After finally getting a break to him self, Captain Jack, thought- what in the hell are Wilhemsborough ships doing all the way out here?
19-06-2006, 21:41
The pilots of the Su-47s flew towards their destination. Their mission: scout out the Azores for possible annexation into Principality control. And if somebody wasn't willing to part with their dear island chain, then they would prompty fall back and return to the Salvador.
Pretty stupid idea in my opinion, thought Major John Harkin. Running like a bunch of fools instead of holding firm and fighting for what we want.
Passing through the cloud cover, the two pilot saw the outlines of several small islands and one large island in the distance. The second pilot, Captain Tom Springfield, sent a message back to Admiral Davis.
"We are now within 100 kilometers of Sao Miguel, Admiral."
"Very good." replied the Admiral. "Continue on course, report any and all unusual occurances should they happen."
"Aye sir." replied the two pilots in unison.
20,000 feet in the air, the two fighters continued to fly towards the Azores. And as they got closer, the Major's heart began to race with anticipation. What would they find out there on Sao Miguel?
20-06-2006, 06:01
The two Su-47s came up on Sao Miguel island.
Major John Harkin relayed information back to the fleet.
"It's a decent-sized island, that's for sure," he said as his jet flew by the target. "I can see meadows, forests, lakes and mountains. No, scratch that. They're actually volcanoes."
The fighters continued to fly along the southern coast of the island.
Captain Tom Springfield spoke up. "We're coming up on Ponta Delgada, Admiral. It's a decent-sized city. Plenty of room for shipping and naval ports too."
The Admiral took all of this in. "Major Harkin, has anyone from the island attempted to make contact with you?"
"No sir. I've haven't heard a thing." Harkin replied.
The Admiral closed his eyes in contemplation. He didn't speak. He didn't acknowlege anyone's presence. He just stood there, his eyes screwed tightly shut, considering his next move.
Finally, he spoke.
"Full speed ahead. We're headed for that Island."
"Aye sir!" replied the Lieutenant at the helm.
Admiral Davis turned to Vice Admiral Brian O’Connell.
"I want the S-3 Vikings up in the air, and flying low altitude patrols around the fleet.
"And get the captains of the frigates and submarines of the line! Tell them to establish a defense perimeter around the larger ships!
"I want all soldiers, divers, and fighter pilots on standby! We're may be taking this island, so I want everybody to be prepared! Let's get moving on the double!"
The CIC scrambled to accommedate the Admiral's orders.
The Admiral leaned in close to his second-in-command. "If they don't notice this coming towards them, I'm gonna assume that there's no significant authority on that island."
"And then, sir?"
"Then?" repeated Davis. "Then? Then we move to annex this island under the authority of the Principality of Wilhelmsborough. It's as simple as that!"
The 1st Carrier Group sailed onward, full speed ahead, towards Sao Miguel.
OOC: Is this open to, say, government responses to this search for island annexation?
20-06-2006, 06:19
OOC: government responses are just fine.
OOC: Alrighty then.
TO: Principality of Wilhelmsborough
FROM: Secular Empire of Maraque
Dear Prince William,
I'd just like to remind you that the two islands disclosed in this message are a part of, and inhabited by, Maraquean citizens. We don't want any problems, but when we heard you were annexing islands in the Atlantic, where our islands are located, we thought we'd just inform you of this.
[picture: http://img108.imageshack.us/img108/2177/atlanticislands8hk.jpg]
Empress Siv P. Norris
20-06-2006, 07:01
OOC: I don't see anything. It just goes right to the imageshack homepage.
OOC: Bah, it worked for me before. Basicially it's a copy-paste of a portion of my empires map showing two islands in the middle of water.
20-06-2006, 07:17
But Sao Miguel isn't one of them I'm guessing.
OOC: The two aren't actual islands in real life. My whole empire is pretty much based on four continents in the middle of a largely expanded Atlantic to fit it between Europe and the Americas.
20-06-2006, 18:59
OOC: I can see you image now. You just put a bracket in the wrong place.
TO: Secular Empire of Maraque
FROM: Principality of Wilhelmsborough
Dear Empress Siv P. Norris,
I have received your letter, and I will acknowledge your request that we leave your territories in peace. If I may say so, the thought never once crossed my mind to go after those islands. But now that I know they belong to the Secular Empire of Maraque, I'll be sure to keep my military away from it.
Perhaps after the Principality annexes an island, we could open up trade relations between our two countries.
Prince William I, Sovereign
Dear Prince William,
That would be great. Contact my office when you are ready to talk.
Empress Siv P. Norris
20-06-2006, 22:34
The ships of the 1st Carrier Group came up upon the island of Sao Miguel. From the three Nimitz aircraft carriers flew three wings of Su-47s, which flew high over the island, while a couple dozen S-3 Vikings circled low around the ships.
The army Corps that was sent to assist was placed into amphibious vehicles and lowered into the waters
Blackhawk helicopters carrying soldiers flew in towards the island. The pilot of lead helicopter reached for his megaphone which was connected to a large speaker system, and began to speak.
The Blackhawk helicopters flew in low upon the shores of Ponta Delgada. The people on the shore stood there in shock, looking out at the large military force.
The Blackhawks began landing.
The amphibious vehicles began to land and unload soldiers onto the ground.
A group of soldiers climbed out of a landing vehicle carrying a long flagpole. Carrying this flagpole over their heads they walked inland.
The soldiers raised the flagpole and jammed it straight into the ground.
Two soldiers came up to the flagpole, each carrying two folded up flags. The soldier on the left came up to the pole and unfolded the flag.
It was the banner of the Azores Islands.
That soldier attached the flag to the pole and raised it up a bit.
The soldier on the right came up the the pole and unfolded his flag.
It was the banner of the Principality. The Arm and Sword.
That soldier attached the flag to the pole, right under the flag of the Azores Islands. Then he hoisted the flags up until they were at full mast.
From the deck of the Flagship Salvador, Admiral Howard Davis looked at the sight through a pair of binoculars.
"I specifically requested that the Wilhelmsborough flag be placed below the Azores flag, so it wouldn't look like a symbolization of our domination over them," he said to Vice Admiral Brian Brian O’Connell.
The Vice Admiral nodded. "A good idea. They don't want to think we've come to turn them into slaves for our nation."
Admiral Davis gave a brief laugh. "Oh, there'll no doubt be people who believe that very thing. We'll just have to deal with them. We have no other choice."
"Aye sir," replied Vice Admiral O'Connell.
The two stood there and watched as the military force continued to pour onto the island of Sao Miguel.
21-06-2006, 19:57
Six months had passed. A lot had taken place between now and when the 1st Carrier Group had originally arrived to the Azores Island Chain.
As Admiral Davis had predicted, there were indeed protests against the new regime. Acts of terror had been carried out against the soldiers that had caused several dozen causualties. Fortunately, these attacks were few and far in between.
As time went on, the attacks grew fewer and fewer, not just because people were growing weary of seeing so much fighting and dying, but also due to the fact that Wilhelmsborough kept its promises to the islands.
Under the control of the Principality, the Azores economy grew a bit. It could have had something to do with the stationing of naval ships in Ponta Delgada providing an explosion of business for the local merchants.
Or, it could have been that farmers started growing Hemp, legalized under Principality Law. The cultivation of Hemp was significant because it led to the development of several hemp-based industries, including textiles, paper-production, and building materials.
In fact, a facility for the refinement of Hempseed-Oil is currently under constuction and should be completed in the next two years.
As for the Azores people themselves, they were initially very angry and upset that Wilhelmsborough came and took them over. But they have been pacified by the incredible developments over the past six months. Many of them are getting used to living under Prince William's reign.
Their pride however, will not allow them to ever admit such a thing. To Admiral Davis, whose 1st Carrier group has been permenently stationed in the Azores, the matter of their pride is but a small price to pay, even if it means the daily scorn and ridicule of his forces.
The Azores are strong, and they will continue to grow stronger over the coming years.
22-06-2006, 19:22
Nine months after the annexation of the Azores
Admiral of the Navy Vittorio Augustine walked into the office of Prince William. The Prince was sitting at his desk.
"You wanted to see me, your majesty?"
Prince William smiled and stood up. "Yes indeed, Admiral. I ordered you here because I wish to speak of something that is of great...significance to me."
Augustine nodded. "I see. And what is that, your Majesty?"
"I want to annex another island."
Admiral Augustine's jaw dropped in shock. "Another island? Prince, are you mad?"
The Prince furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. "No, Augustine, I'm not. And this time, it's going to be a Pacific island."
"We already have two Pacific Islands!" cried the Admiral. "Tubuai and the Jaluit Atoll! And we already have the Azores in our pocket!"
The Admiral stopped to breathe. "Besides sir, we've been very lucky that there hasn't been any reprocussions for us taking all these lands. Do you really want to blow that now?"
The Prince crossed his arms. "I only want one more piece of territory, and that will be it. After that, I will seek no more lands for the nation."
"Really now," said the Admiral who sounded not totally convinced. "And what island were you thinking on taking?"
The Prince smiled. "I'm glad you asked." He turned and picked up a folder from his desk and handed it to Augustine. Augustine opened up the folder.
And his eyes opened wide.
There, is the folder, was a picture of the target. This wasn't some tiny dot on a map. This was a decent-sized little island. It was located in the South Pacific,several hundred miles east of Queensland, Australia. As a man of the sea, Admiral Augustine knew this island all too well.
"New Caledonia, sir?" the Admiral asked in shock.
The Prince smiled at the Admiral's expression. "Yes, New Caledonia. And the Loyalty Islands too, if you can handle it."
The Admiral didn't speak.
"Well Admiral? Can it be done?"
Finally the Admiral spoke. "And this will be the last time we acquire territory by force?"
The Prince nodded. "Yes Admiral. We will stop taking lands by force after this one. Alright? Now then: "What can we spare for this mission?"
The Admiral thought for a moment. "Well, we do have the 2nd Carrier Group available for service. I know that Admiral McCloud has been asking for something to do ever since he assumed command."
The Prince nodded. "Very well then. Contact the 2nd Carrier Group and have them set course for the South Pacific immediately!"
"Aye Sir." The Admiral bowed. Then he turned and walked, stiffly, out the door.
Ten hours, later, a group of seventy-seven ships passed through the Strait of Gibraltar and headed on a southward course towards the Indian Ocean.
2nd Carrier Group (Admiral Draven McCloud commanding)
1 Intrepid-class Supercarrier
4 Nimitz-class Aircraft carriers
12 Dauntless-class Heavy Battleships
24 Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigates
36 Seawolf-class Submarines
432 Su-47 Flankers
68 S-3 Vikings
10 EB-180 Stargazers
40 UH-60 Blackhawks
48 AH-1Z Super Cobras
24 RAH-66 Comanches
24-06-2006, 01:07
Location: Timor Sea
The seventy-seven ships of the 2nd Carrier Group cut through the tropical water on their path to New Caledonia and the associated islands.
Admiral Draven McCloud could not have been more excited at what was happening. For so very long he had been waiting for a mission to prove his worth as an Admiral, and now he had gotten it.
He felt so alive, like he was on top of the world.
At that moment, Admiral McCloud was in the CIC of the carrier group's flagship Bathory, going over the annexation plans with his senior officers, captains from other ships, and Air Force colonials who were in charge of the fighter wings.
"When we enter the Coral Sea, we're going to head south, bypassing a few intended territories, and strike at the main island first, at the regional capital of Noumea." McCloud stated.
One of his colonials pipped up. "Why bypass so much land? Why not establish a foothold early on in one of the smaller, weaker islands, and attack the rest from there?"
The Admiral frowned. "Because then, the rest of the islands, including New Caledonia, will know about us and attempt to defend themselves. That is why we have to take the main island first. Afterwards, the smaller islands will quickly fall."
The officers in the room nodded in affirmation to Draven's plan.
He continued. "Ok, after we take New Caledonia, we'll take the Loyalty Islands next, followed by the Belep Islands, and finally, the Huon Islands, which are furthest north."
A captain spoke up. "What of the Isle of Pines off their southern coast?"
The Admiral answered. "That I was planning to take that in the initial attack..."
The Admiral's strategy meeting went long into the night.
At around 11:00 PM, just as the Carrier Group was passing through Arafura Sea, an EB-180 Stargazer lifted off from the deck of the Bathory. It soared high into the sky and out of sight.
The jet's mission: To assertain the defenses, if any, of the island chain.
24-06-2006, 23:22
Day 12
5:00 AM
It was early in the morning. The sun was slowly rising. On the beaches near the city of Noumea. A man was going for an early swim to start the day. He changed into his swim trunks and began running towards the water, eager to dive in.
Then, he abruptly came to a stop.
Out there, upon the ocean, sat the massive ships of the 2nd Carrier Group. And streaming towards the shore were dozens and dozens of amphibious landing craft carrying an entire Army, a total of 115,200 men under the command of General Adam Herat.
Flying overhead were forty UH-60 Blackhawks, forty-eight AH-1Z Super Cobras, and two wings of Su-47 Flankers.
The Wilhelmsborough forces moved rapidly. By 8:00 that morning, the city of Noumea was under military control. By 12:00 in the afternoon, all of New Caledonia had been taken. The island had been taken completely off guard, and because of that, there was very little resistance.
By 3:30 that same afternoon, the Loyalty Islands were captured, again with little resistance with the exception of some fighting on the island of Ouvea, but that was quickly put down by the superior power of the Principality.
Thirty-five minutes later at 4:05 PM, a Regiment (2,400 men) of soldiers captured the Belep Islands, located off the northern coast of New Caledonia. There was no resistance, considering it was just a simple commune.
Finally, at approximately 5:17 PM, the tiny Huon Islands fell to the Wilhelmsborough force.
It was done. The 2nd Carrier Fleet had completed what it had set out to do. Now it was time to get these people on Wilhelmsborough's side. Hopefully it would go over as well as it did for the Azores.
OOC:Firstly good RP, I'd like to get involved but can you slow down a bit like you have just conquered although islands without waiting for anyone else to respond, could you possibly, sort of rewind time a bit?
25-06-2006, 15:14
OOC: Thanks for showing an interest in the thread, but unfortunately, I have no time to continue at the moment. Today I'm going to France for 15 days and I won't be near a computer. Perhaps we can continue when I get back.