OOC: Earth 2050---New Members Welcome
18-06-2006, 04:46
Greetings to All!!!
Are you looking for an alternative place to RolePlay--perhaps, in a smaller, more close-knit group of RP'ers? Are you a newer RPer, who has yet to achieve international recognition on this vast international community we call the Jolt Forums? Are you tired of having to scroll through pages and pages of Jolt Forums just to find your last post?
Then look no further my friends, for you have found Earth 2050. We have been around since April, and have just recently restarted. We have massive tracts of land available, and we are friendly and welcoming to all. Come by and check us out:
Here is a map of the current land holdings:
World Map (http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b186/aangkai/1d766502.png)
Earth 2050 (http://s9.invisionfree.com/Earth_2050/index.php)
What do you have to lose??? Perhaps a few minutes of your time while you check us out? You do not have to be this massive NS nation with a population of 3 billion: Just sign up, stay for a while, and if we are not exactly your "cup of tea," then bid us a fond farewell, and we will hold nothing against you.
Earth 2050 (http://s9.invisionfree.com/Earth_2050/index.php)
I look forward to the blossoming of a beautiful friendship.
18-06-2006, 04:55
may i join and make a claim
18-06-2006, 05:27
i joined the E2050 forums and posted my claims in the appropriate section
18-06-2006, 07:05
may i join and make a claim
By all means.....join and claim....We always can use new faces
18-06-2006, 12:34
I'd like to join and claim Brazil
18-06-2006, 14:42
This is probably better placed somwhee like the general forum
The Mexicon Republic
18-06-2006, 15:15
I would like to claim The Republic of Ireland please.
The tokera
18-06-2006, 21:44
Ive been in Earth 2050 for a while now, it is really fun. You guys will like it.
18-06-2006, 22:25
Can I get my membership and claim verified please
19-06-2006, 02:49
I would like to claim The Republic of Ireland please.
Well, just sign up at http://s9.invisionfree.com/Earth_2050/index.php and stake your claims.
Ireland is currently open, so go ahead.
Kormanthor, PM Me on the site: As far as I know, all member claims have been approved.
The New Market Order
19-06-2006, 03:41
Membership is verified as soon as you join, and your claim can be verified shortly after you post.
I hope to see a few of you on Earth 2050
20-06-2006, 02:59
We still have plenty of land available....
No Taxes
22-06-2006, 23:19
Bump, yeah I just joined Earth 2050 and it is a good RP with active RPers, we only need more people to come and claim land, there's plenty of it.
H-Town Tejas
23-06-2006, 14:27
C'mon, people, there's still a crapload of land...
No Taxes
24-06-2006, 02:38
H-Town Tejas, we should see if anyone from E2015 wants to join E2050, since E2015 is pretty much dying.
H-Town Tejas
24-06-2006, 03:01
Yeah, bro, that sounds like a good idea.
No Taxes
24-06-2006, 14:41
I posted a link on the OOC thread, so hopefully that will bring some more people.
No Taxes
27-06-2006, 17:40
29-06-2006, 05:21
Bumpity Bump Bump Bump
We still have plenty of land available :p
29-06-2006, 17:58
I'm already signed up as New Grenada, but I can't link to the site now and when I use my Address bar it still doesnt work. ???
29-06-2006, 17:59
Also, ...bump...
01-07-2006, 07:00
I'm already signed up as New Grenada, but I can't link to the site now and when I use my Address bar it still doesnt work. ???
here is the link in text form, so you can cut and paste it into your address bar
01-07-2006, 07:23
Posted my claim. :)
could i join and take somalia
or some were nere there
wow i didnt think it would be that good people you have got to join
07-07-2006, 21:18
I would like to claim Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen and Oman.
H-Town Tejas
07-07-2006, 22:03
Emiristan']I would like to claim Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen and Oman.
Join the forum and claim that stuff there then, although I don't think you have the population to. I think you could get the either the UAE, Oman, or Yemen.
08-07-2006, 00:07
Ok I'm just going to start posting as Brazil. I asked for verification and never saw an answer.
H-Town Tejas
08-07-2006, 00:09
Ok I'm just going to start posting as Brazil. I asked for verification and never saw an answer.
If you're talking about Earth 2015, you never wrote a history thread, therefore we never had to give you Brasil in the first place. If you're talking about Earth 2050, I don't think you're a member.
08-07-2006, 00:12
If you're talking about Earth 2015, you never wrote a history thread, therefore we never had to give you Brasil in the first place. If you're talking about Earth 2050, I don't think you're a member.
I'm talking about 2050, and I asked to be a member a long time ago
H-Town Tejas
08-07-2006, 01:07
I'm talking about 2050, and I asked to be a member a long time ago
Well, then, why didn't you just follow the link Gyatso-Kai posted and JOIN! Now, Brasil is already taken, although there's still land.
No Taxes
08-07-2006, 01:18
Well, then, why didn't you just follow the link Gyatso-Kai posted and JOIN! Now, Brasil is already taken, although there's still land.
Actually there's plenty of glass to claim, seeing as me and SRoR launched all those heat bombs.
H-Town Tejas
08-07-2006, 01:40
Let's not talk about that thread...
No Taxes
08-07-2006, 01:47
:p Lol, okay I won't scare away new people.
08-07-2006, 16:06
Well, then, why didn't you just follow the link Gyatso-Kai posted and JOIN! Now, Brasil is already taken, although there's still land.
Brazil wasn't taken when asked for it, I made the sixth post in this thread, so I should have it not someone else. But I couldn't get anyone to respond until yesterday. Also the world map is gone in your first post.
09-07-2006, 00:53
So what countries are left?
H-Town Tejas
09-07-2006, 01:23
Thread on E2050 forums w/world map. (http://s9.invisionfree.com/Earth_2050/index.php?showtopic=8)
I think the guy who's supposed to have Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay dropped his claims. Also, you take land based on your population, so you can have a lot more than one country with your population. Join the forums and check the thread "Claim Points Maps" to see what you can get.
09-07-2006, 02:26
Ok I made my claims
10-07-2006, 08:05
Could you please verify my claims, so I can start posting.
10-07-2006, 14:54
Membership is verified as soon as you join, and your claim can be verified shortly after you post.
I hope to see a few of you on Earth 2050
Great! I won't ask you to verify anymore then. I will just start posting as
Nunavut, the West Coast of US, 1 & 2 of Central America, 3 & 4 of South America, & South Africa.
16-07-2006, 14:50
Excuse me but I see you have given some of my claims to other people, why are you ignoring me? Is this thread dead or what?
H-Town Tejas
16-07-2006, 19:11
Excuse me but I see you have given some of my claims to other people, why are you ignoring me? Is this thread dead or what?
Okay, I'm going to show you another map (http://s9.invisionfree.com/Earth_2050/index.php?showtopic=18).
Everything in green and pink can't be taken.
Now, I'm going to show you the thread (http://s9.invisionfree.com/Earth_2050/index.php?showtopic=99) you need to post in to claim.
Get it? Good.
18-07-2006, 17:10
Okay, I'm going to show you another map (http://s9.invisionfree.com/Earth_2050/index.php?showtopic=18).
Everything in green and pink can't be taken.
Now, I'm going to show you the thread (http://s9.invisionfree.com/Earth_2050/index.php?showtopic=99) you need to post in to claim.
Get it? Good.
The map is blank so it isn't much use. Also I don't need your attitute ... Get it? Good.
This (http://z9.invisionfree.com/Earth_2050/index.php?showtopic=8) is the current map, as you can see there are massive amounts of land left unclaimed and ripe for the taking. So at least just drop on in and take a look, if it doesn't look like it's your style, don't worry about it. But maybe you'll like it, so why not give it a try?
14-12-2006, 04:29
Hello again everyone.
We just restarted our Earth, and we are looking for new blood to infuse! Pretty much, the entire world is open, so just come on by and start up!
Greetings to All!!!
Earth 2050 (http://s9.invisionfree.com/Earth_2050/index.php)
In case you haven't read about us before, we are a close knit group of RP'er's, who enjoy nothing more than a friendly game of "I'm in Charge of China!" or "I am Fried France and I freely frolic for flowers!" or "We be the US! TEX-ASSS!!!!!" :D
Come on by: Like I said, we just restarted less than 30 minutes ago, and most of the world is still up for grabs?
What do you have to lose? If you find that we are not exactly your cup of tea, then by all means you may leave, with nothing but experience as your baggage, and perhaps a few new NSFriends.
I look forward to the blossoming of a beautiful friendship.
14-12-2006, 05:28
Looks interesting. I put up a claim in the claims thread. One question: What exactly are points for, as you're already using our NS economies and RL populations?
14-12-2006, 07:25
Looks interesting. I put up a claim in the claims thread. One question: What exactly are points for, as you're already using our NS economies and RL populations?
The points correlate with your NS population and allows you to claim land. However, once we begin RP, we use RL populations as the population of your nation.
Ah. Just found the part explaining it. Luckily, I'm an '04 player. :D Thanks for the answer.
14-12-2006, 11:08
This sounds like it has great potential, count me in!
14-12-2006, 23:37
hurry and sign up before it's too late!
if you're reading this, it is not too late.
so come!
14-12-2006, 23:46
And it is never too late!
15-12-2006, 03:59
Come on folks there's stilll massive amounts of land open for grabs.
Here's a picture of the current world map, as you can see there's still plenty of land open for the taking.
The tokera
22-03-2007, 22:50
Come join us at Earth 2050. We still have plenty of unclaimed space and are looking for some more players. Feel free to come check us out and stake your claims here (http://z9.invisionfree.com/Earth_2050/index.php?showtopic=352). We look forward to seeing you.
The tokera
25-03-2007, 03:48
Come join
The tokera
25-03-2007, 15:57
We are now restarting as of March 26th, so come and join us.
The tokera
27-03-2007, 02:18
Come join while theres still room.
27-03-2007, 02:38
I would like to claim Kazhakstan, if it is still available.
If not, I would like to claim Spain.
The tokera
19-08-2007, 03:28
Come check us out at Earth 2050
31-08-2007, 01:21
Come cheks us out: We just recently cleared up the map,opening up a whole bunch of land. It is currently in 2056, a new frontier, and we would love to have you
Spit break
31-08-2007, 03:07
LAdie and gentlemen may I introduce one of are biggest free areas..... The united states of america feturing lush land scapes, factories, and home of NASA which means your space program will get one hell of a jump start...
So just go to the site sign up, post your claim and jump in the action space exploration and militarization and the heightning of world tentions...Join today and get a free cook book 101 ways to destroy your enemy.
The tokera
02-09-2007, 23:35
The tokera
04-09-2007, 05:17
Come check us out.
Spit break
24-09-2007, 00:08
New members wanted come join us today!