thefall of the light ft (semi open)
18-06-2006, 03:30
the jediwarriors had stolen some clasfied plans and the sente debated a responce
peaceful sentor said ''surely we should demand them back?''
The high lord of the armed forces too the floor his eyes burining with repressed rage
''no'' he yelled we should send the armed forces in and destroy them. I am Authorising the deployment of two sub fleets to get them back and give them a taste of imperial fury
fleets compison
500 imperial star destroyers
2 super star destroyers
soon the empires fury would be felt
18-06-2006, 03:42
damn jedi master cloud said i have hacked into the empire millitry coms it looks like they found out about our little operation be ready to to expect an empire warfleet
deploy the fleet and load the evac ships aye sir said the soldier
ooc tag
Renart blinked in surprise as the JW evac Request came on the Comms. Why the hells would they need to evacuate this system? The JW's had fortified the outer astroids and hidden dummy warships throughout the sector. The fake signatures hid several real Mon Fleets... Even the Melii weren't entirely sure how much the JW had hidden.
The production rights for the SWverses ships had been exchanged for some of the Melii's older production and subterfuge techs. The Fox smiled showing several pointed and rending teeths. Only problem was that sometimes the trickster can be tricked. In this case, it was a funny joke.
In the case of what the Infinite Hells has the Squids spooked... That was less funny. He informed the Fleet Admiral and prepared the World Tree's empty hangers for an evacutation of Personnel and Materiel. The JW were a bit too "Let the Force be with You!" for Melii tastes but were not to bad in a fight.
A message was composed.
Evac Request Received. Stand By For Translation of Melii Taskforce "Exodus."
18-06-2006, 09:12
the empire warfleet droped out of transwarp coms to this is fleet comander zax on the fate you know your duty to the empire to day is a good day to die lets show these boys imperial fire power for the glory of the empire
end coms
fleet one spliting up into combat tallons of 50 fleet 2 cloaking and waiting in standby
18-06-2006, 09:24
star destroys sire said his apperentice at least 250 and one ssd
he said as he monneteried the senors shit he swore thiey are using the combat tallon formation
"Bear you see what I am seeing," asked Renart?
"Err, I donna know mon frere. You be see'in a whole passel of big flying cheese wedges?" Responded Bear in his usually bored and dejected melancholy voice.
"Aye thems whatta I be see'in.
They look might ugly they do.
You reckon they just lost?"
"You reckon the Doombringer class and 'em is visiting for a spot of tea?"
Renart's Flicker fields extended to cover the shuttles and closest container frieghters. The golden egg that surrounded the Melli vesel ceased to be translucent and began shading into a deeper gold. The Melii tended to be rather distrustful... most especially when they were outnumbered. It made winning[surviving] less certain.
"Dunno can't hardly pick 'em out 'cept them is big'uns with big guns!" Jibed Bear.
Renart blinked in surprise for several picoseconds. Wonder of Wonders! Bear had made a joke. The Shuttles and smaller frieghters loaded into the bays and the Wings were prepped. The entire taskforce cloaked save for one Cricket Class Survey Varient. A small chat could always be a possibility. They sent a note to the JW.
Seems you have company. Have you prepared a proper reception?
18-06-2006, 14:08
5 cruisers inbound to take on an entire combat tallon
Renart glanced at his internal schematics... ayup he was full and really just would rather not have to eat any more ships.
"Bear, you full yet?"
"Ayup. That I am." replied the Asgard class World Tree.
"So you think the squids will be able to handle how many was it 50 or something with their 5 shiny New/old Cruisers?" asked Renart in a tone that betrayed his agitation. Them Sephii were damn dangerous if you pissed on them, he thought to himself.
The Transponders frequencies shifted and the Squadron of Five became mirror "ghosts echoes" of several thousand ships. Each would appear and disappear *just* before target lock could be acquired by the big ole Star Destroyers. The JW were sneaky little bastards, thought Renart.
"Thems JW is sneaky bastards aint they Bear?" asked Renart in a hushed tone of approval. This way the Melii would likely be able to save the convoy in the static clutter. And best of all his shiny new armor wouldn't need to be regrown and repaired. Repairs were *itchy*
"Ayup them is clever mice but thems is alot of cats." replied Bear in an unusual display of verbousity.
Those new Commonii personalty matrixes seem to be turning Bear into quite the talker! He even had a sense and appreciation for time and a welll turned phrase. Wonder of wonders observe the Wit. Renart shrugged and grinned. In the Bubble the golden skin of the Flickerfields rippled with mirth.
Today was turning out alright after all.
18-06-2006, 18:42
tallon one engaging firing turbolasers
Shit fuckers! Them Sephi bastards just iced 3 of the Transports! Them was Civies that just kissed space. Suprisinlgy the Turbolasers did not vaporize the Transports as would be expected... the JW had obviously modified these "transprts" What the hell?!? Military grade armor and shielding on a fuckin Civie transport?
The analysis of the Group was shared with High Command...
Yes they concured. The SW Turbolasers ought to have vaporized the undefended Civie Freighters. Instead they were merely broken like so many eggshells. The simplest and obvious solution was that the JW were converting frieghters and Civie shipping into an effective strike force... well a POTENTIALLY EFECTIVE strike force.
The Sephii Fleet was breaking into smaller Hunting Parties... It would be a tight squeeze and some legalistic acrobatics but "technically" Melii would not be violating her treaties with either the JW or the Sephii if she "helped" save some Civie Transports... They agreed to the small fig leaf.
One Twig would assist in the subterfuge as the major Melii elements tried to gather the JW fleet into their holds and detatchments. Then they would jump sideways and randomly before seperating. Two rendevous primary sites were picked.
The Cricket 001, a Cruiser Class: Survey Variant of the basic Cricket of the HHS Silver Fox, was given the honours of the Joke.
It was tasked with providing an active irratant, removing Melii technology in the area and providing a suitable cover for the Retreating Armada.
Three conflicting imperatives. Three necessary missions and one Cruiser and her Dragonfly Escorts. It was well beyond Hairy.
18-06-2006, 19:10
heh the tallon leader said this is too easy tallonns 2-5 deploy to engage enemy cruisers
18-06-2006, 19:18
damn this is not going well thought the captain of the uss defender the empire have come in force five or more combat tallons it is obvious they wanted them very dead sir said the young ensein we have lost 3 evac ships
Six more Civies died in soundless beauty. One had actually had somehow been able to get close enough to ram one of the Sephii Star Destroyers causing massive backlash as it was nearly vaporaized by the resultin explosion. The Death Wave propagated outwards faster than Light and began hitting the remaining Civies and Star Destoyers.
Twenty of the Cargo Haulers made it to the Melii formations and jumped out with Bear. Eleven had made it to the Silver Fox and were also able to escape the quickly closing trap. The remaining JW ships were cut off as the Interdictors activated their distortion devices. They made the first jump successfully. First Jump (
Renart of Cricket 001 watched in fascination... so what was it that the JW bastards stole? Must have been quite a goose to have goosed the Sephii so.
ooc: JW, Hope you don't mind my RPing some of your ships.
18-06-2006, 19:32
ooc nah i dont swiped the plans for the empires new flag ship
ic they have suffered minimal dammage shit a new force inbound
18-06-2006, 19:36
dammage minimal said talllon lead one requsting reserve tallons join the hunt
5 more tallons decloaked
The remaining Ten Civies fled into the Asteroid Belts and weaved in and out of the densest of the shifting mass trying desperately to evade the Approaching hordes of TIE Fighters.
Cricket 001 of Silver Fox activated the JW "Tick" limpet mines... they were an adaptation of a Melii concept with SWverse designs. In the JW versions, the materials and tech were of the SWverse and could not be traced back to the Melii. This was fortuitious. Essentially, the unmanned droids would "jump" and burrow into Non Allied signatures. They were cloaked and hidden... this limited their effective ranges, but vastly improved their survivrability.
Small Hordes *jumped* onto passing enemy vessels borrowed and waited.
The Cricket translated and formed onto the Squids cruisers.
It activated it's mimic device morphing its superficial features to resemble a Calamari cruiser. Then it suggested a concetrated attack against one of the smaller groups... if the JW didn't want this system... to lead the Sephii on a good chance. They could always Nova the sun or at least set up a devestating flare.
ooc: Ok JW fight! I will watch for a little bit.
by my count you have lost about 10 of the Civies and 10 are still stuck in this system.
The 6 Cruisers formed on an isolated TIE wing that was attacking the "ghosts." The Cricket and Squids lauched a flurry of FTL missiles. As the blink dogs bit into the TIEs, the JW taskforce melted into the background... almost exactly like the Echoes.
The Renart activated two of the "puppet fleets" They manuevered onto the postion of the Vanguard Tallon... and disappeared before the stunned gunners could respond there was a flash of EMP...that temperoraly blinded the TIEs of the Sephiis. Another swarm of blink dogs were released and blinked beside the Tiny crafts...
Suddenly, the Squid's Transpoders frequencies were modulated, the Melii mimic activated, and the JW cruisers became Imperial Star Destroyers of the Greater Sephii Imperium. It was a classic tactic... just so long as you knew who was who. Friendly fire would kill you just as good as an enemy.
They joined the Hunt for them damn Lightside Scunbags.
They were successful in about 7 cases at isolating a lone Star Destroyer group and overwhelming the outgunned and out numbered Imperial ships. The JW modified weapons ate through the shielding and quick targeting eliminated the generators... at this point another flock of Ticks were left to burrow into the Hull and AI systems before detonating the Self-Destruct.
Under normal circumstances these battles would have resulted in about a Talon's worth of "new" ships for the JW. Unfortunately it was not under normal circumstances. They left the Hulks drifting in space... along with 1 of the Squid's. Eventually, the enemy would move closer for the coup de grace... the only thing was that the JW and Melii intended to be the Matador...
19-06-2006, 15:06
this is the defender closing in on tallon ten
avenger zeroing in on a ssd
the justice backing you up defender
ravgerger here backing up the avvenger
what in the forces name is the ikruscus doing
the icrusus opened fire on a tazallon
19-06-2006, 16:57
tallon 9 all opened fire with thier phasers on theicrukus
Renart sighed... this was quickly becoming hopeless... no matter how hard they fought the Squids could not win with the limited stocks they had... They could either surrender or make this a Masada... He Commed the small Taskforce
Situation Bleak. Suggest Retreat and activation of Ragnarok Protocols Must eliminate all evidence of JW/Melii connections.
Upon confirmation... The Ticks detonated together even as the hidden bases and minefields exploded... Anything short of a Capital Cruiser would likely be vapourised. Any Capital ship unlucky enough to be caught to close would likely be hulled. And the Ticks... well they would be troublesome irritants for the SDs.
The Cricket Cloaked and waited amongst the debris... The JW were not complet fools were they?
The damage to the Enemy Fleets was unknown...
The explosions were designed in part to interfere with sensor readings...
They affected even the Melii Cricket Class:Survey Varient Cricket 001 of the HHS Silver Fox. The explosions across the system could not, however, hide a rather large wormhole that appeared in the outer systems. A Large, uncloaked, and depowered Melii Taskforce jumped sideways and entered JW space.
Uncloaked Transition Wormhole (
Melii Taskforce Jump (
Even as the energy arched along their crystaline hulls, their shielding and weapon systems powered down, the Melii ships radiated menace... The Taskforce was a Shrew in comparison the the Sephii Armada. Yet, everyone knows that the Shrew, pound for pound was a dangerous and lethal predator.
They hailed the Sephii Taskforce:
Be advised Not Enemies of the Imperium, We come in Peace.
We are concerned.
What is the situtation in this sector that would merit so great a Sephii Fleet presence?
To the Cricket 001 several of the Melii ships wandered in his general direction... the sensor scramblers would make it a bit easier to rejoin the Fleet. The Squids however would stand out like sore thumbs. Thus, another message was sent to the Squids.
Your transports have safely made the rendevous... Surely whatever it was that you stole is not worth losing this Battle and thus the War? Verily, if you lose this Battle, you shall kill the Rebellion before it is even truly born. As of now, the Sephii merely think you are clever Pirates and lesser Sentients. Husband and Hide your strength JW. We of the Melii cannot and will not fight your battles for you.
We aid you this time because of our Vows. Do not abuse our Allaince. It is a defensive pact and great Confederation of Sentients. It is not meant to fight your Bears. You have stolen a cub? The Sephii appear to be VERY VERY ANGRY MOTHER BEARS. Give us what you stole so that we may return it, and you may live to fight another day.
Liberated Vortigaunts
19-06-2006, 20:22
OOC: Seph and JW... are you the same person? It's just that your distinctive writing styles are very similar to each other, is all.
Well, It looks like there are sleepers! Must invest more in [mumbles]...
Hope you like the reading and will consder joining in. TG Seph or JW if you are interested.
This is essentially the opening phases of a Big Ole Civil War... you will notice the similarities in the main plot hook? Stolen Secret Plans. Why the JW did not just publish the info and spread it far and wide I don't know. The Melii saved a few ships of the JW a while back from the Seph. We are at a small crossroads as we are friendly with both factions.
Me Li is officially Neutral Gray in the coming conflict between Light and Dark.
We favor the JW, but the Darkside is ever so nice and shady. :p
20-06-2006, 14:11
ooc read jws sig
coms to melli task force they stole some highly classfied plans and the empire has moblized to retreive said plans and bring doom to the eenmey
20-06-2006, 14:29
ic coms we stole some classfied plans and the empire is not to happy about it we will run
The Exodus Taskforce drifted silently and save for the running lights the Void was quiet. They need too buy the JW a few seconds to make the jump. This was going to be difficult.
Sephii Armada
Acknowledged. Stealing is not very nice. May we suggest that you are overeacting to a minor Pirate Raid? Anyway would you mind turning off your warp interdictors so that our Fleet may depart here?
[note: Melii does not normally use Hyperspace... this is a ruse and disinformation]
At the same time a high burst was sent to the JW.
Acknowledged. Jump in 10 seconds.
20-06-2006, 15:27
will do in 10 minute e.s.t (empire standard time)