E20 Hellenic Republic News page
Eska Aria
16-06-2006, 17:30
Greek flag (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5c/Flag_of_Greece.svg/800px-Flag_of_Greece.svg.png)
Eska Aria
16-06-2006, 17:32
Income: Athens 2, Adrianopole 2, Constantinople 2, 17 shipping units, 1 national airline, 1 International =33 points
Eska Aria
16-06-2006, 17:33
3 Light Infantry divisions, 1 airborne brigade (well trained)
15 Destroyers, 40 corvettes, 80 torpedo boats
3 expert pilots, 2 Mig 15 fighters
1st Light Infantry Division - Athens
2nd Light Infantry Division - Constantinople
3rd Light Infantry Division - Skopje
73rd Airborne Brigade - Crete
Hellenic Airforce:
1st Fighter Air Group - Constantinople
2nd Fighter Air Group - Athens
Hellenic Navy:
Coast Defense Fleet - 5 Destroyers, 30 Corvettes
Crete Defense Fleet - 4 Destroyers, 5 Corvettes, 30 Torpedo Boats
Alexander Battle Fleet - 6 Destroyers, 5 Corvettes, 50 Torpedo Boats - Thessaloniki
16-06-2006, 20:06
6 Infantry Corps is extremly excessive for a population of 11 million The limit is 1 corps per 5 million change it to divisions and you're good.
Your ships are by 5's or 2's for destroyers
Your aircraft are ancient, but if you need some I can provide.
Other than that, good thread
16-06-2006, 20:14
OOC: Wait so he can have 2 Corps of regular infantry, but is he not able to get mechanized units as well? I mean that's all seperate, as in if he gets the max corp he can still get other units like parachute or marine.
Oak Cliff
16-06-2006, 20:20
Eska Aria
16-06-2006, 20:29
The Hellenistic Government has decided to implement a Defense reform, downsizing the military from 5 Corps to 3 Light Infantry Divisions, with one Mechanized Division slated for implementation. Also the Navy is to recieve a full make over with scraping of many of the ships and refiting of the Air Force with newer aircraft.
The nation plans to procure G3 Assault Rifles, Leopard MBTs, as well as other undecided equipment, and is currently accepting proposals for Military aircraft and ship classes.
16-06-2006, 20:35
Japan can provide Greece with Mirage Aircraft if you wish
Sukiaida: you can have the maximum that it allows. Greece can have 2 Corps and 1 extra division, but no air units or ships
16-06-2006, 20:50
OOC: You can also have two reserve units for every active duty unit.
You can go over the limit but it has a neative effect on economic growth.
16-06-2006, 20:51
Gotcha. Soooo have a handful of corps and mostly add to my navy. Gotcha.
16-06-2006, 22:48
Russian Sukhoi and Yakolev designs are available for the Hellenic Air Force, and Russian land designs are also available to Greece. In addition, Russia would invite Greece to join Belarus and Armenia in Russia's Discount Fuel Program. Any necessary coal and natural gas would be provided for free, and oil would be offered at a reduced price (.5 economic points/oil point).
Eska Aria
17-06-2006, 00:58
Greece would be very interested in the suggested energy plan, and would like to have a planned procurement of the promising SU-24 ground attack plane once a new defense budget has been drafted to come in line with the new reform. Though we would rather not purchase a fighter aircraft from Russia and would rather pursue a Mirage type aircraft from Japan for this application.
17-06-2006, 11:51
The Republic of France contacts the Greek government in hopes of addressing and calming down the fears of Neighboring Yugoslavia and Albania-Kosovo, as recent Greek Propaganda has been worrying. We feel that if some sort of agreement can be made, that of mutual non-aggression, it can be of mutual benefit.
17-06-2006, 13:30
Greece would be very interested in the suggested energy plan, and would like to have a planned procurement of the promising SU-24 ground attack plane once a new defense budget has been drafted to come in line with the new reform. Though we would rather not purchase a fighter aircraft from Russia and would rather pursue a Mirage type aircraft from Japan for this application.
Japan can currently offer the folowing types:
Mirage III, either variant
Mirage V
OOC: I don't think the Su-24 has come out yet, it's only 1962, and aircraft and other weapons are moved forward 7 years because of all the fighting, so an aircraft made in RL in 1977 is made in E20 in 1970
Eska Aria
17-06-2006, 20:33
The production Su-24 (NATO reporting name 'Fencer-A') first flew in December 1971 entered service in 1974.
OOC: Thats what wiki says anyway so I guess it will be 2 years and not 1 more year like i thought, the contract will be canceled though...sorry Russia
IC: Greece would be interested in the Mirage V's replacing the two Fighter groups in our airforce. Also contracts for licensing of missles or importation of said missles would be appreciated.
17-06-2006, 20:38
The Republic of France contacts the Greek government in hopes of addressing and calming down the fears of Neighboring Yugoslavia and Albania-Kosovo, as recent Greek Propaganda has been worrying. We feel that if some sort of agreement can be made, that of mutual non-aggression, it can be of mutual benefit.
Germany echoes the calls of the French, more quietly saying that EEC membership will be much easier if Greece tones down its aggressiveness.
Eska Aria
17-06-2006, 21:52
Greece assures the international community that despite previous warmongering nature concerning Yugoslavia and Turkey, that is well behind us. We are fully committed to integrating into a peaceful and economically growing Europe free from fear of their neighbors.
17-06-2006, 22:09
Germany applauds the new Greek stance. However, Germany feels that the rest of the world would be much more relieved if Greece persued a non-agression pact with Yugoslavia, Albania and Turkey.
Eska Aria
18-06-2006, 02:32
Greece would gladly accept such terms and suggests that a meeting between all involved parties be held in Vienna. This would solidify the craving for peace that the Hellenic people have and we hope that our neighbors share that desire.
18-06-2006, 08:41
We are very pleased to hear this and welcome a meeting to be held in Vienna with Greek, Yugoslavian, Albanian-Kosovan Representatives under the supervision of the EEC.
Galveston Bay
25-06-2006, 07:38
found the Greek thread finally
The Greek government, angered by construction of the CSPS base in Turkish Cyprus, which it claims as Greek territory (ooc and does in real life, sigh), immediately asks for a formal military alliance with Russia (ooc fellow coreligionist) and asks for military aid for next year.
It would like to add 4 light infantry divisions, 2 garrison units, 2 flak units and 1 mechanized division to its order of battle, add 3 pilot units, 1 Su24 for maritime strike missions, 1 C130 transport unit (which the US will sell), 2 Su17 fighter units, and Mirage F1 fighter interceptor (it approaches France for this).
In addition, the Greeks approach the FNS concerning the purchase 10 missile boat units and plans to scrap its older corvettes and torpedo boats. It also seeks to purchase 16 modern destroyers from the FNS, and 10 modern SSKs from the Dutch. (ooc the Dutch make excellent SSKs)
In short term, an emergency appropriation is made (IE national effort for the remainder of the year) to create 6 militia units (paramilitary Fascist type militias) to garrison its territory, including 1 on Greek Cyprus. Loud protests are also made at the UN, and to the EEC and directly to the CSPS
the player was playing it as a Fascist nation, and this is well within the spirit of that
25-06-2006, 11:08
The French take an understanding but moderating position; France will provide the Mirage F1 unit but with French Pilots and urges the Greek government to reduce its buildup for the time being so as to try the diplomatic approach first. Once the situation is over the Mirage F1 shall remain in Greece but the French pilots shall be recalled.
OOC: Isn't Eska Aria still around?
Galveston Bay
25-06-2006, 17:36
found the Greek thread finally
The Greek government, angered by construction of the CSPS base in Turkish Cyprus, which it claims as Greek territory (ooc and does in real life, sigh), immediately asks for a formal military alliance with Russia (ooc fellow coreligionist) and asks for military aid for next year.
It would like to add 4 light infantry divisions, 2 garrison units, 2 flak units and 1 mechanized division to its order of battle, add 3 pilot units, 1 Su24 for maritime strike missions, 1 C130 transport unit (which the US will sell), 2 Su17 fighter units, and Mirage F1 fighter interceptor (it approaches France for this).
In addition, the Greeks approach the FNS concerning the purchase 10 missile boat units and plans to scrap its older corvettes and torpedo boats. It also seeks to purchase 16 modern destroyers from the FNS, and 10 modern SSKs from the Dutch. (ooc the Dutch make excellent SSKs)
In short term, an emergency appropriation is made (IE national effort for the remainder of the year) to create 6 militia units (paramilitary Fascist type militias) to garrison its territory, including 1 on Greek Cyprus. Loud protests are also made at the UN, and to the EEC and directly to the CSPS
the player was playing it as a Fascist nation, and this is well within the spirit of that
incidently, a lot of these units will be reserve units once built
Galveston Bay
25-06-2006, 17:37
The French take an understanding but moderating position; France will provide the Mirage F1 unit but with French Pilots and urges the Greek government to reduce its buildup for the time being so as to try the diplomatic approach first. Once the situation is over the Mirage F1 shall remain in Greece but the French pilots shall be recalled.
OOC: Isn't Eska Aria still around?
don't know, but this effects Greece directly and we have to have input from Greece on this. If so, he needs to show up soon.
Eska Aria
25-06-2006, 20:36
OOC: I was waiting for the whole non-aggression pact to be set up but i guess that is in the trash now...
IC: The Greek Government demands closing of the bases and removal of troops from Cyprus, otherwise Greece will be forced to protect the Greek population of Cyprus. The government feels that the belligerent forces should not jostle a volatile situation further.
25-06-2006, 21:21
OOC: A hurried Treaty can be signed, while a more formal one can be made later
26-06-2006, 00:03
If Greece asks for Russian protection, we will offer it. Even if the calls for protection are dropped, we will provide Greece with all it needs to be able to defend itself.
Eska Aria
26-06-2006, 01:04
Greece will of course pursue a defensive treaty, these are hard times we are in, and if worse comes to worse it is good to know you have a friend at your back.
26-06-2006, 01:25
Russia provided Greece with 15 points in 1963, and will provide 12 points to Greece in 1964. In addition, any Hellenic energy requirements will be provided for .5 economic points/1 energy (oil or natural gas) point.
The FNS will cheerfully create 10 new Missile Boats and 16 New Modern Destroyers, built to the specifications designated for Greek Needs.
26-06-2006, 06:09
Greece is quietly informed that Germany will promise to ensure the independance of Greece and Greek Cyprus as long as Greece promises to continue to persue peaceful programs with the other Balkans nations.
26-06-2006, 07:06
OOC: Just thought you would like to know if you haven't already:
A plan to expand Turkey's military to match the large Greek expansion is put together, although it would have to wait untill 1965. The plan is kept a secret, but it is made sure that Greece finds out about it.
Of course nobody else knows about this other than you and CSPS.
Lesser Ribena
26-06-2006, 19:15
The British MoD informs their Greek counterparts of an opportunity to purchase vessels from the RN's Mothball Fleet. Many vessels are modern varieties discarded simply due to the transfer over to nuclear propulsion and would stand up well to any vessel of the same class in any modern navy. The fleet contains:
1 18" battleship
20 conventional destroyers (tech 7.5)
60 corvettes
7 1st generation nuclear attack subs
9 conventional light missile cruisers
6 conventional heavy missile cruisers
1 conventional heavy carrier
2 conventional fleet carriers
1 conventional ASW carrier unit
Prices negotiable upon application (say 25-33% of new prices), but a heavy discount will be made available alongside ability to pay in installments.
Eska Aria
26-06-2006, 20:27
OOC: can't really do anything until i get important information from the mods like exactly what my OOB is and things of that nature so i can figure up my economic spending and revenue.
IC: Greece would be interested in some smaller vessels, with maybe the light missle cruiser as a flagship, we will be in touch soon.
Greece already contacted the FNS for modern naval vessels... but if you wish to reneg, well what harm could it possibly do except alienate several thousand workers in South America right?
Galveston Bay
26-06-2006, 22:18
OOC: can't really do anything until i get important information from the mods like exactly what my OOB is and things of that nature so i can figure up my economic spending and revenue.
IC: Greece would be interested in some smaller vessels, with maybe the light missle cruiser as a flagship, we will be in touch soon.
that OB I posted earlier as a suggested buildup is within the rules.
Incidently, your military staff are convinced a large number of missile boats would serve better then larger ships due to the confined waters of the Aegean, the most likely arena of conflict, and the confined waters of the Dardenelles.
Eska Aria
27-06-2006, 00:28
OOC: very well i will follow the advice of the commanders and pursue the military build up. Also can someone complete my builds for the year I feel that I could more effeciently learn all the changes to the economic system if all i have to do is make changes to an already existing format instead of make one from scratch.