NationStates Jolt Archive

Hamptonian Elections 2006 - Polls and International Opinions

16-06-2006, 05:19
There are less than four weeks to go until Hamptonians go to the polls to elect their representatives and Chancellor. Now it's time to see what the international community and Hamptonian themselves think of the five major parties. Please vote and feel free to leave a comment (OOC or IC). If you have a question for the parties, you can submit it and it will be answered.

--All international polls used with permission--

The principal election thread can be found here (

Federal Parties (in alphabetical order)

Independent Progressives
Leader: Dr Wolfgang Hayek
Expected to win 90-110 seats in the Royal Senate. Expected to win 620-650 seats in the Chamber of Representatives.
Additional Information: IP wiki article (

Labor-Democratic Reformists
Leader: Miguel Luis Cipriani
Expected to win 60-70 seats in the Royal Senate. Expected to win 90-130 seats in the Chamber of Representatives.
Additional Information: LDR wiki article (

Liberal Democratic Alliance
Leader: Cristiano Arikan
Expected to win 20-25 seats in the Royal Senate. No candidates running for the Chamber of Representatives.
Additional Information: LDA wiki article (

New Federalist Union
Leader: Luis Santiago
Expected to win 80-105 seats in the Royal Senate. Expected to win 575-625 seats in the Chamber of Representatives.
Additional Information: NFU wiki article (

Sandrin National Party
Leader: Abetje de Vries
Expected to win 2-5 seats in the Royal Senate. Expected to win 10-15 seats in the Chamber of Representatives.
Additional Information: SNP wiki article (

International Polls

ABM/Capax straw poll^
1,769 participants (Hamptonian - 100.00%)
Margin of error @ +/- 1.6146% [19/20]

Chamber of Representatives (20th June 2006)
Independent Progressives [Progressivanti Independenti] = 44,3%
New Federalist Union [Il Unione Federalista Nuova] = 35,1%
Labour-Democratic Reformists [Reconstituccionisti Laborodemocratico] = 10,9%
Liberal Democratic Alliance [Allianza Democraticaliberale] = n/a n/e n/p
Sandrin National Party [Partito Nazionale di Sandrini] = 3,5%
Other = 6,2%

ABM/Capax straw poll^
1,844 participants (Hamptonian - 100.00%)
Margin of error @ +/- 1.6146% [19/20]

Royal Senate (20th June 2006)
Independent Progressives [Progressivanti Independenti] = 36,8%
New Federalist Union [Il Unione Federalista Nuova] = 36,0%
Labour-Democratic Reformists [Reconstituccionisti Laborodemocratico] = 13,4%
Liberal Democratic Alliance [Allianza Democraticaliberale] = 9,1%
Sandrin National Party [Partito Nazionale di Sandrini] = 2,3%
Other = 2,4%

BM/Capax straw poll^
3,016 participants (Hamptonian - 100.00%)
Margin of error @ +/- 2.0401% [18.79/20]

Federal Chancellery (20th June 2006)
Hayek, Wolfgang Dr = 42,9%
Santiago, Luis = 32,0%
Cipriani, Miguel = 20,2%
Arikan, Cristiano = 3,8%
de Vries, Abetje = 1,1%

ABM/Capax straw poll^
2,589 participants (Pacitalian - 95.00%; Oceanian - 5.00%)
Margin of error @ +/- 1.7783% [18.42/20]

Federal Chancellery - foreign poll (20th June 2006)
Hayek, Wolfgang Dr = 41,2%
Santiago, Luis = 38,8%
Cipriani, Miguel = 7,8%
Arikan, Cristiano = 5,7%
de Vries, Abetje = n/s =
Other / no selection = 6,5% =

ABM/Capax straw poll^
1,000 participants (Pacitalian - 100.00%)
Margin of error @ +/- 1.0653% [19.86/20]

Sovereign - foreign poll (20th June 2006)
Princess Anne = 63,6%
Lord Philip Rosecrans = 20,5%
Prince Timothy = 11,6%
Princess Fiorenza = 3,9%
Other / no selection = 0,4%

Domestic Polls

Federal Chancellery polls:

9 July, 2006 (SSE/MORI - HBC)
Dr Wolfgang Hayek: 43%
Luis Santiago: 38%
Miguel Cipriani: 14%
Cristiano Arikan: 3%
Abetje de Vries: 2%

9 July, 2006 (University of Portshire)
Dr Wolfgang Hayek: 44%
Luis Santiago: 28%
Miguel Cipriani: 14%
Cristiano Arikan: 12%
Abetje de Vries: 2%

1 July, 2006 (SSE/MORI - HBC)
Dr Wolfgang Hayek: 41%
Luis Santiago: 37%
Miguel Cipriani: 19%
Cristiano Arikan: 2%
Abetje de Vries: 1%

1 July, 2006 (University of Portshire)
Dr Wolfgang Hayek: 44%
Luis Santiago: 29%
Miguel Cipriani: 20%
Cristiano Arikan: 6%
Abetje de Vries: 1%

22 June, 2006 (University of Portshire)
Dr Wolfgang Hayek: 46%
Luis Santiago: 24%
Miguel Cipriani: 23%
Cristiano Arikan: 5%
Abetje de Vries: 2%

19 June, 2006 (University of Portshire)
Dr Wolfgang Hayek: 48%
Luis Santiago: 26%
Miguel Cipriani: 21%
Cristiano Arikan: 4%
Abetje de Vries: 1%

15 June, 2006 (University of Portshire)
Dr Wolfgang Hayek: 45%
Luis Santiago: 31%
Miguel Cipriani: 19%
Cristiano Arikan: 4%
Abetje de Vries: <1%

Royal Senate polls:

9 July, 2006 (University of Portshire)
NFU: 37%
IP: 36%
LDR: 13%
LDA: 10%
SNP: 2%

9 July, 2006 (SSE/MORI - HBC)
IP: 36%
NFU: 34%
LDA: 12%
LDR: 11%
SNP: 3%

1 July, 2006 (University of Portshire)
IP: 36%
NFU: 34%
LDR: 18%
LDA: 9%
SNP: 1%

1 July, 2006 (SSE/MORI - HBC)
NFU: 35%
IP: 34%
LDR: 15%
LDA: 10%
SNP: 2%

22 June, 2006 (SSE/MORI - HBC)
IP: 37%
NFU: 33%
LDR: 16%
LDA: 9%
SNP: 2%

19 June, 2006 (SSE/MORI - HBC)
IP: 37%
NFU: 37%
LDR: 13%
LDA: 8%
SNP: 2%

15 June, 2006 (SSE/MORI - HBC)
IP: 38%
NFU: 36%
LDR: 12%
LDA: 8%
SNP: 2%

Chamber of Representatives polls:

9 July, 2006 (University of Portshire)
IP: 50%
NFU: 38%
LDR: 10%
SNP: 1%

9 July, 2006 (SSE/MORI - HBC)
IP: 48%
NFU: 31%
LDR: 9%
SNP: 3%

1 July, 2006 (University of Portshire)
IP: 44%
NFU: 35%
LDR: 16%
SNP: 2%

1 July, 2006 (SSE/MORI - HBC)
IP: 46%
NFU: 36%
LDR: 12%
SNP: 4%

22 June, 2006 (SSE/MORI - HBC)
IP: 47%
NFU: 34%
LDR: 11%
SNP: 3%

19 June, 2006 (SSE/MORI - HBC)
IP: 46%
NFU: 34%
LDR: 12%
SNP: 3%

15 June, 2006 (SSE/MORI - HBC)
IP: 44%
NFU: 32%
LDR: 16%
SNP: 4%

Regional/Dominion Polls:

Federal Chancellery polls:

1 July, 2006 (Merticean Polling Institute)
Miguel Cipriani: 52%
Abetje de Vries: 19%
Cristiano Arikan: 17%
Luis Santiago: 8%
Dr Wolfgang Hayek: 4%

22 June, 2006 (Sandrin SAR Polling)
Abetje de Vries: 24%
Dr Wolfgang Hayek: 24%
Cristiano Arikan: 22%
Luis Santiago: 17%
Miguel Cipriani: 13%

22 June, 2006 (OIIS Polling)
Luis Santiago: 31%
Cristiano Arikan: 23%
Dr Wolfgang Hayek: 21%
Abetje de Vries: 17%
Miguel Cipriani: 8%

19 June, 2006 (Dominion of McClellen Polling Institute)
Dr Wolfgang Hayek: 41%
Cristiano Arikan: 38%
Luis Santiago: 17%
Abetje de Vries: 2%
Miguel Cipriani: 2%

15 June, 2006 (Sandrin SAR Polling)
Dr Wolfgang Hayek: 27%
Abetje de Vries: 25%
Cristiano Arikan: 20%
Luis Santiago: 16%
Miguel Cipriani: 12%

15 June, 2006 (Nova Excelsior News Service)
Cristiano Arikan: 49%
Dr Wolfgang Hayek: 28%
Miguel Cipriani: 17%
Luis Santiago: 5%
Abetje de Vries: <1%

Specific Issue Polls:

9 July, 2006 - Election Fraud (SSE/MORI - HBC)
"Should candidates and parties that have broken election laws be disqualified from running and prosecuted?"
Yes: 81%
No: 7%
No Opinion / Don't Know: 12%

9 July, 2006 - Voter Attitude (SSE/MORI - HBC)
"Which party do you believe acts in the best interests of the United Realms of the Hamptonian Empire?"
IP: 37%
LDA: 29%
NFU: 20%
LDR: 4%
SNP: 2%
No Opinion / Don't Know: 8%

1 July, 2006 - Integrity (SSE/MORI - HBC)
"Do you believe the candidate has personal integrity and positive morals?"
Dr Wolfgang Hayek
Has Integrity/Positive Morals: 81%
Lacks Integrity/Positive Morals: 13%
Don't Know/No Opinion: 6%
Miguel Cipriani
Has Integrity/Positive Morals: 73%
Lacks Integrity/Positive Morals: 9%
Don't Know/No Opinion: 18%
Cristiano Arikan
Has Integrity/Positive Morals: 63%
Lacks Integrity/Positive Morals: 15%
Don't Know/No Opinion: 22%
Luis Santiago
Has Integrity/Positive Morals: 59%
Lacks Integrity/Positive Morals: 27%
Don't Know/No Opinion: 14%
Abetje de Vries
Has Integrity/Positive Morals: 24%
Lacks Integrity/Positive Morals: 58%
Don't Know/No Opinion: 18%

22 June, 2006 - Voter Attitude (SSE/MORI - HBC)
"Do you believe the Hamptonian Empire is headed in the right or wrong direction?" (All Hamptonshire)
Right: 54%
Wrong: 36%
No Opinion/Don't Know: 10%

22 June, 2006 - Dominion Status (SSE/MORI - HBC)
"Do you believe the Sandrin SAR should become a self-governing Dominion within the Hamptonian Empire?" (All Hamptonshire)
Yes: 17%
No: 68%
No Opinion/Don't Know: 15%

20 June, 2006 - Constitutional Act (SSE/MORI - HBC)
"What is your opinion of the Constitutional Act, 2006 and the Act of Succession, 2006?"
Favorable: 61%
Unfavorable: 18%
No Opinion/Don't Know: 21%

19 June, 2006 - Royal Conclave (SSE/MORI - HBC)
"Of the following people, who would you prefer the Royal Senate elect as Sovereign in the August Royal Conclave?"
Lord Philip Rosecrans: 46%
Princess Anne: 42%
Prince Timothy Ell: 7%
Other/No Opinion/Don't Know: 5%

19 June, 2006 - New Candidate (SSE/MORI - HBC)
"If Lord Philip Rosecrans were to enter the Chancellery election as an independent candidate, would you vote for him?"
Yes: 76%
No: 21%
No Opinion/Don't Know: 3%

16 June, 2006 - The Economy (SSE/MORI - HBC)
"Which political party do you think would best handle economic issues?"
IP: 27%
LDR: 24%
NFU: 19%
LDA: 18%
SNP: 2%
Other: 3%
No Opinion / Don't Know: 7%

15 June, 2006 - Dominion Status (SSE/MORI - HBC)
"Do you believe the Sandrin SAR should become a self-governing Dominion within the Hamptonian Empire?" (Only Sandrin SAR potential voters polled)
Yes: 32%
No: 29%
No Opinion/Don't Know: 39%

^ - Pacitalian poll

IP - Independent Progressives
LDR - Labor-Democratic Reformists
LDA - Liberal Democratic Alliance
NFU - New Federalist Union
SNP - Sandrin National Party

SAR- Semi-Autonomous Region
OIIS- Oltremare Institute of International Studies
17-06-2006, 01:48
Bump and updated poll data
17-06-2006, 07:51
19-06-2006, 23:22
Updates with new polling data
20-06-2006, 09:10
New polls.

A special thanks to Pacitalia for his polls. If you have international polls you'd like included, you can post them here or TG them to me.
23-06-2006, 09:18
Bump for New polls
02-07-2006, 10:45
New polls
02-07-2006, 17:13
From the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs

After reviewing the various political parties in Hamptonshire, the positions of the Sandrin National Party are closest to those which Edvardus supports. We are not, nor will we ever be, endorsing this party so long as it believes in the disestablishment of the Roman Catholic Church. This statement merely says that we agree more on the SNP positions regarding the economy and society than other parties.


Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Holy Empire of Edvardus
10-07-2006, 05:35
New polls